Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1908, p. 1

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m or before the first: .(me giving 8. gm» [uplimentary Tick“. fore 4.3) o‘clock of h 6 reduce their check" to n of their exhibitS. be entitled to make eption of live stock. :ble precaution under cles sent to the exhi. isk of exhibiting, and ' stolen. the Directors he recovery but they the Society he preperty' of Bole hair: or rOpe and be class. Evidence (1 ired. ’W a pedal rent year, excepting mm by the exhibitor. 1 animals exhibited n exhibit-ion unti‘ ': umber by Which to ust have their ages I) ODS. 3 be delivered to the )ms at or before ten pectisi'h classes nude: aek.) l‘ WISt made in 1907 )I v.11! their stock whgn‘ d unless so brought )a. wagon. Carriage lst 1 the grounds at , except poultry, .n Tuesday, Sept. handle or interfere must; be considered W 3.11 he judges while will forfeit their r be entitled. which 19 same Show as '1‘ attempting to lium whatever at. his clause will be my class will be in classes of live 150 warding a. first, do not. think the remiums on Mon- Warded them may dishone‘zt prac- f any article or . or any repre' ' affect or may the Board shall .rded, and may ‘ :lass tor one or he Seer $100 30 before making )f the Directors settle the same; K ‘VS on 01' W all any p6 , carry 01? :1ibition gr! L(7) I] requeste [If next. IS an or after 31-}? on THE THE M! US A! News AROUND TOWN {I Grits lry for tau- 3 11163 of the ecdunt :9 Will that n we: Monday last three large plate windows in Keeler’s Jewellery were replaced by new ones. time ago they were broken, no nmvs how, They continued to. orse and Mr. McIntyre saw no use but to spend considerable v an (Matting new ones. He )X‘ Lwdr', u “l on In >1 m0. fixst in accommoda- "N min enforcement of the ‘9’“? Luv and says that proha-NY " "m“ I‘mticre ble feature of the ""3" KShmeiit is the closing of the bad “he dun w t by law. Sharply at he @90th ul [mm the bar doors are Used and the iiqnm traffic is over tin he he“ “Deming time. zMr. Johnstbn Bf’f‘he Opinion that if all licensed ?a%0€iliiplitt1\\xtbthe law as does 3‘93 \. Morrison, propriqtor.of the Queen; Hotelat )Ieaford,~ the agitfi to? the abolishmemt of the bars throughout the country would be Mme'Pssalrv’and useless. Mr. Morrison L n 1h J ane 1mm: W n bli 5 me allowing a umjm-il’y1 )r. Jumieson. That. would .mgh to elect him and pre- mut being a’Sked for. His (v was 210. 42â€"440. 2149. for ll) {grem’ent is announced of; Jane A\ eling, third daugh- nd Mrs. Daniel Edge, to Filth, 91’ Edge Hill”. The ill 1ka place in Jun‘e. ' frequent rains have re- ng, but the meadows are ell and there should be no w next fall. ads in packages and bulk ; 8:. sons. ‘ \Vtts H\Rb0TTLE, sent down o. In the Kingston Peni- fuu- years for embezzling nt' the Toronto Club, has work in the binder twine 1k vendor got two yeax‘g’; ,. :1. fine'of $100 andxhe .ttinn of judgments. He' i the milk and nesisted.‘ W getting l( Preston has signed the i0 Power Commission the supply of Electric instant Falls. 111. the Toronto News frbm' igning himself “Ignor- .~ the nicknames of the mm! is answered as fol-i. Bytownz Kingston, the. y: Peta-borough, the Tux-onto, the Queen 1, the Ambitious City: =. .thé Garden City; . the (‘at tract City: . Telephone City: Lon- nst City: Guelph. the :Itham. the Maple City: Froiitier City; ' Sc. uilwnv City. . 111 Ct :wst interesting conver- z-. \V. Johnston, Sn, D. . F. m-ganizer for Grey 21> return trom Meaford ‘nt Inst. Mr. Johnston :zizvr for this County for it-ty since last February and in travelling from has had ample oppor- Vcstig’ate the merits Of :relries throughout the H the places he has visit- :os the Queen’s Hotel. 0 exercise your power if your name is on the in' be there it is the ' or some one else to removed in time and : a later date. All that 15k or want is fair ploy, 3 of all their rights and ; your name on the list here; if you neglect to u mhlu't blame others n d vmmg woman, n1 to exercxse your' t nmv. Perhaps your have been on the t was left off in: » get it on before their the Lists. No matter tics you may be on or ngs may be towards aspirant, you should DCW' ODBS. The Chroniclé is the People’s Papef,,'5ubstc13ibe for it n0w - VOL! 1‘ E08 SALEâ€"A two-year-old. colt ta ’ ad! a yearling steer, well bred. J.‘ l Brownâ€"572. $ 1 WE are glad. to learn that Mr. Campbell Milligan IS improving at. the Stratford Hospital, where he has been in attendance for a. number of weeks. - we learn from Mt. John Allan, pf Egremont, that the hay crop promis’gs to be an exc6112nt yield. He thinks thexe will be no dear hay this tall. ' EAVETROUGHING required can be attended to at once by L. C. Karstedt. Larger contrabts late: on will prex em. haste in starting such work.â€"l. considerably lower 1 others which ranged ' if to nearly $8000. It. i: n. : u- to less than $51“). " THE Textile workers of the Hoche- laga Mill of the Dominion Textile 00. went on strike Monday and threaten to stay out all summer rather than ac- cept a 10 per cent, reductiou' in theit a ages. THE man who 'writes the Classic City Chronicies is not sticking over the three-fifths clause in the local option. He looks upon drinking as an evil that should receive its quietus by a. nine- tenths vote. GET your calling cards at this oqu. CAMPBELL’ s V arnish Stains are the oxiginal and only teal Varnish Stains ever offered to housekeepers. They work like colored varnish producing beautiful effects Without obscuring the grain of natural woods. Alex. Russell sells this line. AMOS Presbyterian church, Dro- more, are holding an entertainment on Thursday evening next. when Rev. Thos. \Vilson, of \Valkerton, will delivera'lecture on" different topics, illustrated throughout with limelight views. A program of illustrated songs will also be given. THE Council asked for tenders forl the building of Garafraxa street 1 bridge and the retaining walls in con- , nection with the same. 011 Saturday night last they met to consider the the fourteen different applications re- ceived and after some thought and deliberation they decided to aCcept the: offer of Messrs. Crowley and McDon- .ald, of Rostoch who applied at $6.25 ; per cubic yard for the bridge proper and $4.78 per cubic yard for the re- taining walls. This tender figured out considerablyVlower than any of the others which ranged from about will) to nearly $8000. It is' estimated now ”my rhp whole contract will amount IN our last issue}, in referring to the! letting of the contract f )I' the building of the addition to the Registry office herefiwe stated that Mr. Prost, of Hanover, secured the Contract for ‘ “is $2 lower than information furnished us, Mr. MCDonald informs us that his tender ,for the work was $1980. or $30 lower: :than Mr. Prost. .If the. figures; as ' 0 us last week, were correct, it seems very remarkable that Mr. Prost should‘get, the building of the addition; as the Committee’s action in contract to the Hanover the ness of sei‘eral weeksl a a term in the Fergus Hospital, death came on Tuesday morning lzist as a; relief to M r. Samuel Scott, retired farmer of this town. - ‘ a. resident of AFTER an ill ‘ Forthe past! as been living' ening of his tled in the early fifties. ten or twelve yearfle h in town-to spend fie ev SLOPYD [)6 ll?“ UV- n.â€" body made up and cxedited to him. \V ant of time prevents us getting a hich will appear in‘ some friend or neigh- Monday 111' Toronto. V‘ . ! Mr. Howard Tyreman is visiting friends an town and vicinity. - ! Rev. Mr. \ewton spent a few days in Guelph last, week. ' Messrs. Mark and Geo. Armstrong, I of )Iarkdale. \\ cu: in town on If riday ! last. Dr. Maclauri'n is again on duty. Dr. Hutton was in Toronto Monday. Miss Eva Campbell is :visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Campbell. Mr. Arthur Dar-gavel, of Do: nocb was in town‘on Saturday. ’ Mr.’ 'C. L.‘ Grant; was at Mdgrfield. on Monday. , I . ‘ Mr. George 7D11ncan,;0f Hamilton, visited fox a few days W1tl'1 hismother who has been seriously ill. Mr. G. W. \ch1ll1ams of Milwau- kee, Wis. ., visited his brother, R. H. McVVilliams. the beginning of the week. Mr. David Smith. who has been ill during the pasteight or nine months, went to Toronto last. week to consult a specialist. He was accompanied by his mother. Mrs. Charter Smith. S. L. M. Luke was a caller on Satur- day. From the way he talks politics we imagine he is slightly tainted with Mr. Robert Smith portable saw-mill on Euphrasia, Where be busy sawing during months. Bandmaster Tucker, of Flesherton‘ accompanied by Chas. H. MunshaW» and Stanley Thurston were in town last Thursday night to join in a re- hearsel with the 313t Battalion Band. “7. Johnston, Sr., D.S.‘C.R., 1.0. F. Organizer for Grey County, is at his home here, for the next week or so. For the past three months Mr. John- ston has been located at )leaford, and in that period has enrolled seventy- three into the mysteries of the Order. Sault Ste Marie, May 18.â€"â€"'A fire ' which started at 4.15 this warning in the dynamo room of pulp mill number two of the Lake Superior Qonsolidztted Co. completely gutted the building and damaged the electric power instal- lation plant, The 1053 Will: be heavy, but covered by insurance. The damaged plant supplied power for the Street Railway and the electric A lighting of the towh. . to get a. supply of power from the Steel plant to run the cars and an auxiliary plant will be installed to illumiuctte the streets. l (G. N. \V. Despzttch.) l Sault Ste )Ia.rie,'Ont., May 18.â€"Fire! 'which supposedly started from a. spark l from the dynamo in the power house ' of the Lake Superior power house here i p at 4 a..m., destroyed the Tagona. \Vater" l and Light power house, the Lake -. l Superior Company’s poWer plant, and ; the Soo Pulp and Paper Mill storeroom. The estimated loss is about 3300.000, 1 I fully covered by iqsurance. Two men. A- has been found. Tl\e water. lighting and street car system are affected, but it is expected power will be furnished from the Steel Plant auxiliary to operate the Street railway. “’ater is now being supplied by the Pulp Mill auxiliary steam pumps, It is given out that all departments will be rebuilt at once. â€" v A NUMBER of the youth and beauty of the town went. over to Flesherton’, Tuesday emu}: to attend a. dancing party. \Ve presume they had a’ good time: It’s the “Unclaimed Jewels“ of the sister village that’s giving the blow out. rexnont held a social and auction on Tuesday last in Allan’s school house, when the autograph quilt recently gotten up by them was put up by auction. ,-Auctioneer Clark wielded the hammer and though we have re- ceived. no particulars? up to time of going to press, we imagine that cap- able official rounded up every cent fur the urticle there was any possibil- 3 ity of getting. ' SOO PULP MILLS BURNED DURHAM, out, THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1903.. Fitzkering,‘ dentist; spent PERSONAL. Gray, his assistant, lost he fire. Neithex body h is locating his ’11 LOtACOD.1, he expects to be 32 the summnr E. \Valsb, dynamo of Flesherton H. )Iunshaw were in town join in a. re- ,ttalion Band. 5.0. R., I. O. F. Mr. Justice Teetzel has refusal the application to quash the local option by-law of the town of Durham. was necessary to show that 2 votes were illegally cast. Eight of these were conceded as being illegally cast by the town. It was shown that 18| voters, whose names appeared as hav ing cast their votes, had no qualifica- tion whatex ex and* that 35 others had not sufficient qualification to enable ; them to vote. . . i His Lordship ‘says : ' '5‘ “The evidence shows that these1 : names were put on without any color 01 justification. The only explanation the cle1k :otfers of his extmordihary conduct is that they we1e not placed there with any intention of aidmg either one side or the other 1n the said contest. His Lordship, however, decides that he cannot go behind the voters’ list: to the assessment roll, and that those whose names appear on - the former are entitled to vote. He ('{mclL‘Idesz 1 “ In view of the unjustifiable and extraordinary conduct of respondent’s clerk in preparing the voters’ list, in adding a name to it after it had been certified by the county judge, "and in unlawfully giving certificates, thus enabling many persons to vote without be without costs.”â€"Toronto Star. The Semi-annual Meeting of the! Rural Deanery of Grey was held oni Thursday and Friday, May 14th and“ 15th, in Markdale. On Thursday evening at the opening : sex vices, Rev. D. E. Cameron, of Fair- mount, preached it very able sermon, on Col. 1:18, and especiall) on the last: clause, r‘Christ having the pre emin-| encefl’ Friday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion i was administered by the Rector, Rev. . J, A. Robinson, M. A., assisted by? Rev. J. Ardill, R. D. LOCAL OPTION susrglm, At, 2.30 pm. the reguhu‘ husiness meeting of the chapter opened with prayer by the Rural Dean. The minutes 0t the-last meeting held in Owen Sound were read and con- firmed. A very practical address was then given by Rev. J. A. Robinson. M. A., , on “Recruits for the Ministry,” after? which the Rev. J. Ardill, R. D.. con- ducted the Sacred Study in the original, on John xx, “The Resurrec-. tion.” Many beautiful and deep| thoughts were brought out from thei Greek which are not seen when reading} ' the English translation. All present} lappreciated the Rural ‘Dean’s etforts. very inuch. ‘ The subjects for discussion. were “ Christian Unity,” “ Missionaiy e ‘\Vork.” “Immigration.” and “New iHymnal.” All these subjects were : discussed with much care' and critic- tism. considering the importance that ‘I each and all bore on the strength and I unity of the church. . - l Rev. A. A. Bice, B. A... of Durham, :was rte-appointed Sec’y, and Rev. \V. "G. Reilly. of Chatsworth, was re-ap- ' i pointed Treasurer of the Deanery. i In the evening, the Rev. T. R. R. l‘Vestgate, missionary on furlough ;from Equatorial Africa, delivered a. lmost interesting and inspiring illu- istrated lecture on his work in that I country. He stated the Mahommedans lwere putting forthevery effort to E convert n}en to their rites, zmdthat it lbehoved the churchof God to awake ! to a. sense of their responsibility. ’It iis much to be regretted that it is impossible for Rev. Mr. VVestgate to address meetings in every parish in l the Diocese. On Inotion,,it was decided to held the Deanery S. ,8. Convention in connection with the meeting of the Deanery dming the fist, week of Sept. in \V alter 3 Falls. THE social 1n the Baptist church 011 Thiirsday evening last: was a 2mq'St pleasant gathering, when a good» pro, gram consisting of songs $0103 and club swinging was given. Ice crearn and cake was served during the ev en- ing and the, prqceeds amounted, to over ten dollars. A LOOK over. dur advertisements win show that property owner's do not allow«trespasser s for hunting, fish- ing or trapping. We presume they. are quite right in Keeping out intred- “LU \lubvv â€"â€"c___ ‘- ers, but it will go hard with us "real piscatorial artists to be driven away just as we have a big t'rgut about landed. GREY DEANERY. You will find if you buy one of 0111 “Progress” brand suits, you will get better value for your money than buying other makes of clothing. The Reasons are: Our large range of men’ s and boj's suits and raincoats are the finest we have ever shown and we guarantee them to give 3 on satisfaction. Odd Lines of Suits at Cost We have several odd lines of suits that we are clearing~ at costâ€"These are bargains and won’t last long at the price. ’alue For Your Money New Spring Dress Goods ? The New Spring They are made horn the very best of all-11 001 t“ eeds and Worsteds in the new est patterns. by first-class tailors, W ho undei stand peifect fitting, and Garments that will retain their shape till 11 orn out. The price is 25 per cent cheapei than other makes of clothing that are sold. J. J. HUNTER Balance of Winter Stock‘to goat reduced prices. Practically all our New Spring Dress: Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. Raincoats and Suits Waists Clearing: 'o'f MK Winter Goods. . F. MORLOCK Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing. THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUBY CORNER. Have you seen Our range of Cash and one price ' ~ $1.00 PER YEAIL ,2 Japanese Silk Waists Black and Brown at lowest prices. w

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