Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 6

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17.. {919' ihutomobiles. gent for Percival Ayr, American, Persian and Listowell plows“ 80 Toronto \Vindmills. denote Sharpless Cream Separators Harness, Rugs, \Vhips, Oils, Greases, Stoves, Furnaces, Singers Sewing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos , McLaughlin's Famous Buggies E Repairs for all makes of Plows. Repairs for all makes of Sewing Ma- , chines. Automobiles, Ties, Poles, bought per ‘3 if Ell-inn Malachlan j PRINCIPALS I ' G s~~mmss~c i MANUFACTURERS OF 3 Cutting. Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. AGENT FOR “ hxte 3’ Son Thlesbing Ma- amines. '3 Pumps of all Kinds. A. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... is the leading business traunng school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough practical training on Commercial Subjects. Isaac Pitman’s Shorthaud. Touch Tvpewritimz and in Commerrial and Railmad Opera- ting. Each department is in the hands of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. 0111' graduates alwsn's succeed. for our courses are «he best Get our free -.-o-.‘nnnao u1.(‘ IDHTI\ more about US. IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER 1 Engines and Boiler Repairs 1 1 p1 omptly executed. 1 RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK 1 UU UUI crush-v v--- catalogue add learn more about You ma} enter now Special attention to Gaso-‘ line Engine repairs. i And all the ETRATFORD. ONT- Frost 6’ Wood SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. erly attended to. MW. [1. BMW“! Highest prices paid for Eggs FRESH STOQE All Kinds of Royal Giant Sugar Beet Evans’ Saw-Log Mange] Giant White Mangel Rape Seed Garden and Flower Seed Lawn Grass Seed in abundance Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" 98 training . Hunter OF We have just returned from Toronto, after mak- inn :1 1111101111511 01' s11111111e1' 111il1i11el1. The 5111135 for summer 1121113 3 1 er1 differ- ent effect 11' 0111 those 01 the 41111111111113. We b1 011111113 home e1er1' 11e11 idea that 11 as possible for 11s to get. go The “)Ie1'1'1 \\ 1dow ' is still 2reatl1 110111 but there is another style that. is ifast taking its place, which we will Show at our summer millinery open- ings. We solicit a call. Parisian Millinery Parlors. And don’t miss this Men’s Heavy Plow Bouts . . . . . $1.50 Good looking fine Sunday Shoes, blucher cut. at ................... $1.75 The celebrated “Boston” shoe, for men. in patent. coltskin and Russian calf. in Oxford. Button and Blucher styles. \Vnmen’s lnnts, Dnngola and Box (11” frmu ................ $1.25 to $3.00 \anen's Dongola and Box Calf hents in patent. coltskin, baltnoral blucher and oxford styles. A full range of boys" children’s and misses" shoes in all styles. cuts and prices. The latest in rubbers, 111 all styles. These goods were. bought at a job sale. which explains how they can be sold so cheaply. Call for yourself and be convinced. millinerv When we say Cost. we \Ve have decided to reduce our stock of Dry Goods during the next two weeks as we need the shelf room for our spring orders. To clear out quickly we are offering our entire stock at cost. Some of our selections are 75 Men’s Ready-made Pants and Overalls. 75 Men’s, Boys’ and Girls’ Caps. A few Ready-made Suits and Overcoats. A quantity of Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear. Heavy Tweeds. Prints, Flannel- ettes, Gloves, Sox etc., and other articles too numerous tomention. All goods marked in plain figures. DURHAM. â€" â€" ONTARIO Entricken Sewell and Grain. S. SCOTT ' AT COST SALE Prop. “William, my son,” said an economical mmher to her boy. "for meroy’s sake. don’t keep on tramp- ing up and down the floor in the: manner. You’ll wear out. your new boots.” (He sits down.) "There you go sitting down! Now you’ll wear out. your new trousers. 1 de- clare I never saw such a. boy!”â€"Lon- don Tit-Bits. dashed ofi the following,â€" “The wind bloweth the water floweth the sub- scriber oweth, and the Lord knoweth we have need of our dues. Some come running ere we go gunningâ€" the thoughts of dunning give us the blues.” A woman who had been a victim at indigestion and is kept to. a dys. peptic’s diet most of the time was in- vited to a. dinner which she was anxious to attend. She went to her telephone. and, trusting to her somewhat. unreliable memory. she asked to be connected by the ever obliging ‘°cen:ral” with telephone number 2394. When the connectton had been made she began her plaintive query without. any pre- lactory, "Is that you, doctor?” “I want very much to go to alittle dinner to morrow night,” she began rapidly, “and do you think it would hurt me if I ate just a taste of soup and perhaps a little fish or the least trifle of game and a bit of salad or ice? I really think my Stomach”â€" Here she was interrupted by a voice from the other end of the wire. “Madam,’ it said softly. “eat: whatever you choose and as much as “Madam,” it said softly, whatever you choose and as mac you choose. The more you eat: better it. will please me. I am your docnor, but I’m Burriam undertaker.”-â€"Exchange. Two Irishman while driving {through the country observed that l many of the barns bad weather wanes in the shape of huge roosters. , ;“Dennis.” said one to the other, “can We tell me why they always have a ‘ rooster and never a bin on the top of thin barns?” "Sure” replied the Other. ”It’s because of the difiiculty they’d have in collecting the eggs!" Small Elmer was deeply interested in an illustrated beak of anatomy. "Mamma.’ he said, pointing to one of the colon-d places. “this shows where a man’s liver is, but. where’s bis bacon?” it. A LITTLE HUMOR. Lawyerâ€""I‘be defendant in this,1 case is a lazy, worthless fellow, isn’t be?’ “fitnessâ€"'Well, sir. I don’t. want to do the man any injustice. I won’t go so far as to say he’s lazy, but if it required anv voluntary work on his part. to digest. his victuals he ‘would have died of a lack of nourish- ment fifteen years ago.’-â€"Chicago ‘Tribune’. \Vaving a bomb, the Anarchist sought the Sage. ‘Sir,’ said he, ‘11 have but one bomb, and I wish to make it go as far as possible. How may I destroy the largest number of the Enemies of Labor at one explo- sion?’ The Sage needed no time to ponder. ‘Drop it on the floor.’ he said. ‘at the next meeting of your ‘ association.’â€"Cleveland 'Leader’. 'Hello!’ said the corn. ‘was that you whispering?’ ‘Yes,’ replied the wind. I’ve been trying to catch your ear for some time.’â€"From the May ‘Bohemian’. “And when,” said Mrs. Nuvoreesh, “those French pheasants came by singing the Mayonnaise. it: was too deeply touching for words."â€"Success Magazine. Flipperâ€"If you are dissatisfied with existing conditions. Why don’t you take to the woods? Flapperâ€"It’s getting hard to find any not owned by the millionaires. If you’re waking call (no early, call me early, mother dear. To morrow’ll be the gladdest day of of all the glad New Year; My ”Merry Widow’s” ready, and I know I’ll cut a swath When they see me in the village strolling down the little path. Proud Mowerâ€"“And now, Profes- sor. What do you think of my daughter’s execuuon?” Great. Musicianâ€"“I think it would be a most. excellent idea..”â€"â€"Success Magazine. "I hear yer freein’ Tamson’s mar- riet again.” - - 1-! g_ L-__ _ J--- .OV' “aw-â€"- “Aye. so he is. He’s been a. dear freen’ me me. He’s cost me three waddiu’ presents an’ twa wreaths.” â€"London Tit-Bits. “I reckon you ain’t much like your me.” said the old fashioned woman as they met. on the street corner. “Oh: yes I am,” protested the over- dressed young lady. “Ma’s at home piecmg a quilt and I’m out making a spread.” The preacher was making his an. nual call. In the midst of the con versation the small son of the family came running in, His clothes were torn and one of his eyes blackened. “Bobby.” said the preacher, “you’ve been fighting again. Your clothes are all torn and you have a. black eye. Fighting is very wicked. Come here and let me pray for you.” “Aw g’wan,” was the prompt re- tort, “go home and pray for your own kid, he’s got two black eyes.” To Be Expected. Baltimore Sun the not the a. dear Dmggists MacFarlane Co. are H mg Splend (1 Reports from Hy- omei Users. BREATHE HELP FUR CATARBH. of Hyomei air kills all datarrhal poison. 5' This makes the air you are breath- ing inward helpful, it goes on its way through the air passages, bronchial tubes and lungs charged with germ destroying power that cannot be resisted it soovshes and heals the wounded and mnamej. membrane. That is why Hyomei is so instant- ly helpful for any distress of the breathing organs, colds. croup. brou chitis, asthma or dreaded pneumonia, they are the germ life that Hyomei Complete guaranteed outfit $1.00. Sold by MacFarlane Co. talk to them about. it. Owen Sound, April 30.â€"The polit- l i O O O 0 O O 3 mal situation 1n North Grey is 1n-1 teresting indeed so far as the Con-; servative party is concerned For the legislature two candidates: seek the task of opposing Hon. A. G. MacKay George M. Boyd. ex M. L. A.. is ready to enter the contest. but- a large element in the party do not 1 want to place their money on at thrice beaten horse. and are looking; with confidence to George Carnahau. 1 the brilliant young orator from Mead ford. Mr. Carnahan certainly has: some elements of strength which fl makes his nomination desirable. He 1 could carry M eaford and St. Vincent": in all probability by a su'bsranrial1 majority. This would ofli-set Mr.‘ 1MacKay’s strength in Sydeubam andl Owen Sound With Sarawak. 3.1 Strong Tory township, balancing1 Derby. Sullivan and Keppel, ist wouldl look like a neck and neck race be-1 tween Carna‘nan and MacKty. 1 also a peculiar situation. T 1.1 Thomson ex M. P . of Owen Sound.1 has suflered one defeat. but by many: has been regarded as the logical1 choice of the convention. A strong1 element of the party have, ho-wever,,1 ' determined to dispose cf their String‘ of “selling platers.” and rake on new 1 blood. Hence ex-Mayor W. 8. Mid» dlebro of Owen Sound has announced his candidacy for the nomination, and his following is growing. He is ayonng barrister. a splendiid‘ plat- form Speaker, and no doubt would That '1‘ 1. Thomson. fears Mr. Mid-- dlebro’s success at the convention is indicated by the {wt that the former threatens to run as an independent if: not regularly nominated. Mr. Thom son’s strength. stripped of! the party nomination is however, problematic The threat, too. some Conservatives regard as a sort of party repudiation, land it may act as a boomerang. How to Know Disease and How Cure It. Cause.â€"The disease is caused by a. mite which picks the skin of the sheep, causing a scab to form under which the mine lives. Symptoms.â€"The animal is reatless. They scratch and bite themselves and rub against fences, etc. .The fleece looks tufted or matted and portions of it are pulled out by the sheep with its mouth. If the hand is held to the sheep’s nose while it is being scratched the animal will com- manse nibbling.‘ This is one sure symptom of the disease. Effects â€"â€"Tbe fleece falls out, us- ually beginning an the ‘houlders and working backward and downward. Ewes may abort or if lambs are car- ried to full time they are likely to be weak and untbrifty. A G. MacKay’s Opponent May Be George Carnahan. Dips.-â€"â€"Any good stock dip should qe effective, but the lime and sulphur dip is the surest and best. To make lime and sulphur dip, take eig ht pounds of unslacked lime. put in a. mortar box or tub and slake with water so as to form a lime paste, add twenty-four pounds of flowers of sulphur and stir well. Put this mixture in about 25 gallons of water and boil for two hours, Stir- ring constantly. ’When boiled strain the mixture through sacks and add enough water to bring the tocal amount of dip up to 100 gallOns. Use the dip at a temperature of 100 to 111 degrees F. For stomach troubles, biliousnees, and constipation try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures have been efiected by them. . Price. 25 cents. Samples free. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. . vvnv. wounded and inflame '1 SHEEP SCAB. are Hav- May to SPRING NECESSITIES! Tri-Phenol Time to put up fresh new Curtains Sinecure Powder The house-cleaners’ friend. And 11 9 prepared for it months ag 0 ought a. large stock of lace curtains from a 11 Cholesale dealer 11 ho was going out of the cu1ta-i11 business 111d “as 11 1111110“ to Dsell this stock at a sacrifice. That is .11 11y 11' e are 110 ing special 1 alues 111 Felsâ€"Naptha Soap . Moth Balls, Gillett’ a Lye, and Caustic Soda, for Soapmakers Furniture Polish Chloride Lime In pounds and half-pounds. Nottingham lace curtains, pretny floral patterns. 35c to .. .S1 pr. Nottingham lace curtains, large sizes. beautiful designs in heavy and light effect, $1 to ............................... r . . . . . . . . .83 pr. Nottingham lace curtains, beautiful fine nets, with the very daint- ‘iest of patterns, $3.25 to ....................................... S4 pr. Lace Curtains Fish net curtains, with Battenburg design in border. a substantial curtain. .. ........... .. .............. . .................. 39‘" Irish pomt curtains, cream, very handsome patterns. a rich looking curtain . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . ....................... $6.75 pr. DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE, 0 You know from daily expe- Wmdow Bonne Fem me mimomorimhebarbcr op, that the question isâ€" .Why doesn’t-a razor hold edge uniformly from heel head without honing an ' ding?" Whether it is a ety, with the certain tax of blades, or the ordinary n-bladed razor does no: ter the question. You want ecomfort and satisfaction of ' clean, smooth shave every orning with the confident owledge that your razor '1 be ready for instant use e next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razor is e only razor uncondition- y guaranteed to do this. irty years of study on the or Situation has perfccmd -new secret process of Solves the problem of trimming the large Window,â€"the easiest to put. up and the most effective when it is up. DOOR BONNE FEMME, the prettiest door curtain. 81.;5 and $1.35 MADRAS CURTAINS, white and colors, decidedly new, 9;): tofi-chd. FRILLED BOBBINETS, spot and floral muslins, in great variety. New Linoleums Does your dining room floor need a new covering? Linoleum is the best. \Vill save you lots of work if you put it on the floor. We have laid in an extra supply of the 12 ft. Width, block and floral patterns. Have also plenty of it 6 ft. Wide. Does your dining room floor need a new covering? Linoleum is the best. \Vill save you lots of work if you put it on the floor. We have laid in an extra supply of the 12 ft. width, block and floral patterns. Have also plenty of it 6 ft. Wide. Our shoe department is full to overflowing with the host 5 you can buy. VVhether you want an expensive, dwssy shoe moderate priced shOe, or a cheap shoe, well mzuie and of ; appearance, WE are ready to supply you, always with the very at the price. New Shoes for Spring School shdes fox boys and girls. We got in :1 gm at lot the other dagâ€"solid, honest; good looking shoes that oil satisfaction. See them. ° ' Have you seen our line of ‘ FlShlng TaCkle is worth examining. You thing suitable for the greatest sport. JAMES IRELAND ' Do not forget that: we are still selling the LH"‘t~ Palnt mixed paint manufacturedâ€"the. Sherwin-\\ 1111:“)...4 some of our S.-VV. furniture polish, also S.-\V. gold paint. 101‘ 1 frames, etc. Have. You tried our 1’hex1()-(,r11l('.1't‘? the " DlSlnfeCtant ' spring disinfectant and de-odm-izex'. 357’ P” N. 9 (nlletb s Lye, household ammonia. and Slick Klenzor in almmlancco S d The sale Of seeds has grecttly exceeded om-v ee 5 can still supply you with anything in the line garden purpose. WEE” unWs a bi I B Whips, etc. .2 Bicycles per bottle. The spring disinfectant and deodizer, £150 7c fier cake. 250 bottles. Sole agent in Durham for Mechanic King OW: W. BLACK m1” 7" Gro-Carts and express wagons in fence and fence wire in stock. We have just received a large \‘a {and buggy rugs, suitable for every McIntyre Block. of fisbin abundance- “'11 vax'iet.) FY pers 1118 very best shoes Wire Four ounces Cogpoi‘jgtorg: tSrUP a! '0 I. 188.8 amalgam! apt bedtime, drmirggbafter entv M“, wâ€" - and“ bedtime, drinking plenty r. The abOVO prescription has been found invaluable 1n the treatment of bladder and urinal-v troubles~ and dim arising therefrom, such “ rheumatism, sciatica, lame back d lumbago, and we feel that the. blic are .entitled to particulars minent physicxan states that lent results that have been obtained from bhe use of the mixture “8 due to its {1th action upon the kidnefl assisting them in their work of am all ponsonous waste matter “(1 ocida mm the blood and expelling ”mo in the urine, and at the 53m time restoring the kidneys to a healthj ling of Catholic Robes, and 1 and White Caps for aged pcuph.‘ and uneral Directorx caudition. OOBHWVEV'" e urthfir Bum th‘ . . t 3.31 mflfiom of 33:02:: 8qu .t bevel? beneficial mt“ I“. “n; g ngen a. trial.’ .m 'z'dure Framing 0 I: notice. A. BELL NDERTAK SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next m Swa‘ Barber Shop. REsuucm '15 7" door South of \V. J ‘ Lawn blacksmith shop. £50er TEMfirmxa that bsitively merges every par- :le ofcarbon (the life of 102‘.) to the metalâ€"giving a dis;- ond-likc hardness uniformly foughout the bladeâ€"«seme- [mg absolutely impossibzs ith' fire tempered steelâ€"used .making all other razors. But test this razor in you: '_â€"â€"' awn-v- 5-. v v -' J m homeâ€"or if you “r: {:1‘ we your barber use it or iVe us your name. â€"â€" {can and see the “ ar LI Embalming a Specialty Iznctic" razor, and we wi‘l Ite our proposition for testâ€" : these razors witho u f 'Hafion on your part to my together with our 9.3300qu “ Hints on Shav- E- . This book illustrates - correct razor position for ““18 every part of the face. ’ every taste. Painting done in the "in Style and best: workmanshi T0 the Residents. Far etc., of Glenelg. Matt hew Cavev, E M) >4; ' Excellent testimonials 3'38k?» and Wagons a speci Sold bvw. BLACK. “11th vavx myw‘ colors made up u. NOTICE Fluid Extract Dande 'l 0 PART [C U LARS 0.0.0006Q0 Pd t3 the abo we you infon compounds to your 5 x-mixed P‘

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