Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 3

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L For transient advert)“. I cents per line for the M h: . tion: 3 cents per fine each ~ minion measure. W I b in; one inch $4.00 per without specific directmm Morbid and charged (gsâ€""Lt st. " ‘ Wound." “For m; E: first insertion, f5 cents for u rtion. "\ IS PUBLISHED ’ THURSDAY NORM)“; icle Prjnting House gm, charged if not no pud‘ . subscription is pend 131 the address label. No 111 arrears are paid, ex‘ roprietor. 3m. AND PROPRIETOR tton. II. D., C. I. 5ND RESIDENCE-COR or urst maeruon 15 can 1. “I. ertion. ' ta iments ordered b dvance. y Stranger. ~ 93 for year. when; mm lcation to theyofice. so h‘ Dementia. to ensure km 3! should be bron ht in n In” 6113- 8 0t a. aval and Massey-Harris raters are the Best. construction and 8351 }' combine lightness “ and are the strongest mmers on the market- ate their merits and 893 ese statements. {of Eye. Ear Nose and Throut. Fnapp Hume. Durham; them :each mnnrh. Hoursâ€"lâ€"s M and George S rootsâ€"North of lUTCh Office hours-941m p. m. Telephone No.10. stance east of Kna ’3 B ‘- :reet. Lower TOWEPDmm 'rom 12 to '2 o’clock [I and Coal Oil always in Street. hur Gun, M. D. AN AND SURGEON, OP. 2e New Hunter Block. 0609 )a. m. to4p. m. and'ltos a1 attention givgn to discuss R. BROWN ‘ com lately stocked m §Ew 'IPYPE. thus aflordhg 'n ilitiea for turning out M work. W. C. Pickering Dentist. SPECIALIST : R, THROAT NOSE [cal Directofv. ieson Maclaurin. AND RESIDENCE A S PCBLI SSSS DR. BURT. W. J. McFadden, P_ Telfard. LONDON. ENG. of London, 1‘" Jackson. Director!) ndon Ophthalmic Hon. Throat and N080 Ha. ive that you rch. Uflfl Order Owen Sound. J. Hunter’s. xcle )‘ZIS . Residence ob- 7W a'fi'cial busi- 1 nsu \V n Money ETC Office have )yaJ Tablu ()ilcloth, 45in. wide, 250 yard Flum‘ ()ilclJth, l and 2 yards wide 25x: sq. yard. Sm vrna smnnncflmmm Canada. $13.33 8 an newsdczgexz fificflfiifio.3swm.flew§ork Branch Utfice. 625 F St. Washington. C. SAVE MONEY '9 lien (in business with H. H. MILLER tlw l-Iunuver Conveyancer He offers: 0‘1”“. (ileuelg, Frame Dwelling. Bank Barn. (luud Farm, ought, to bring we Will sell (Of $30“). :0 acres, (Henelg, splendid location, extra gmul Buildings, cheap at. $7500, W111 take M ble Linen. 15c vzu‘d. See our The Big Pumps. ,oleum, AND PROVISION STORE 5.x GARDEN SEEDS 3C He Sells Cheap W a V 123655‘umt'm3fim * * ' W at. .u of 'any actemmc journal. Terms for s, $3.79 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by 1908 W. H. BEAN 3.15 Ll!) “ have worked odgos except 25c one: s taker; through Mann 5. once, thpgut. chame. inthe m want to make money and British Canadian Business College Toronto â€" ‘0‘ “cal WV-vv ’2'"- . Toronto sea. By maul. $10.00 ‘hru‘ “Mutlxs. Shuuld start to day. ‘3“?- 3:01:49 x 8100: Sta. R. A. Farqnhal" 1011, L. A.. Principal. sehding a aketqfignd descrl km may wermm our optmon free w ether an is probably pntentable. ommuntcm 11y mmfldentiaLAHAfiDBo_ Aon Fagin. New Prints and Ginghams. m Durham Road. Bentinck. good sank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap white counterpane, l.' 23115. wide, 37.1w SQ- yd- fvople’s Grocer) ilding lot in Dprhxm. for sale trade for anytfimg a. man can ', or throw a suck at ought and sold on Commission and. Debts collected. C.P.R. 1 Ocean Tickets for 3316. 33m Dunham Cement 00., placed 1!) in‘ sale cheap. Prompt. N ever Negligent m GUARANI‘EED at “Live am“ '9" PRICES. 2yds. long. at 25c pair 2 u 500 u 1;;' 51in. wide, unbleached giâ€"EEéEE'waéFéecunn ' """ pat. ants. ' ntbrou;_.h Mann gC0o receive 68in. wide, unbleached RAVE TO Ixrmm an: 31in. wide, bleached {E-CURBIXG AND rstscuwmu ( )ement concrete. .ORDERS taken at the old ”no owan‘s Mill will be promptly 8' The Hanover GEORGE WHITMORE- 60x30, 3.00 each. md you'll find right. LVD LU IL‘SVLUI .- and the public in genera.) $1.18}? 3 to furnish Asp REPAIRS. Wm.) MK government teste 53‘ 1nd Timothy seeds. . Miller, 66 Calder Block. D l‘ AND PRESSCCRBB‘G on :- pl‘le-‘S ‘0 66 6‘ 5 An Englishman employed by Dr.] J \Valton, V. S. who lived in East Zorra was sent to the mill with a grist on 14th. He took the wrong road At the C. P. R. crossing in Woodstock the man noticed that he was out of his way and in order to' make time he drove down a lane which opens on the railway tracks. ;Severalcars were being shunted on the tracks. The Englishmen drove '. the team up and attempted to cross. :His wagon was struck by the cars and smashed almost to kindling , wood. The bags containing the grain .were thrown out. The Englishman was also thrown 05 the wagon. He ! suffered some painful injuries as the ’ result of the fall, but was not ser- iously hurt. The horses, though a Spirited team escaped uninjuredâ€" Cléfiord Express. A very sad accident occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McGovern on Friday night, in which their in- fant son. onlv siXteen months old, lost its life, During a short absence of the parents the child managed in some way to overturn the lamp used in heating an incubator. and before help could arrive the child was barn- . ed so badly th it it could not recover. ‘ , Dr. Campbell was soon called, but itS‘ ‘life departed about midnight, The? funeral took place to Walkerton E cemetery on Monday. The sympathy" of the community is extended to the: sorrowing parents.â€"Hepworth Jour-l Dale ' l in heating an incubator. and before‘ Ferrozone possesses pOWel' thatl' help could arrive the child was barn- can’t be doubted It will do for you ed so badly th it it could not recover. l what it did for Walter Wood of Dr. Campbell was soon called, but its1 Beaufort Car. Co. N B , ’who life departed about midnight. Thelwrites: 1.1 can say, that Ferrozone funeral ‘0‘)“ Place ‘0 Walkerton I has given me a new lease of life. A. cemetery on Monday. The sympathy year ago I sufiered much from ner-‘ of the community is extended to the: vous weakness. 1 was really ,calce son-owing parents.â€"Hepworth Jour- I 1y able to drag myself around. My nal. _z lappetite was gone. I had no color or . . -"'""_‘."â€""' ' ‘ambition and felt generally used up ‘ Why qumd Catarrh Remedies/Fail-ll‘he first box of Ferrozone smiled l me back to health. I took 8 number They go dire“ ‘0 the stomach, i of boxes, but it was worth while as have very little eflect on the linings! my health was completely restored. ‘ 0 $113,231: “ngnlb'fiit’ciffnsifimffi’;l .G“ be“ We?” “"3“ “mm . ‘ y. '. . g lSlX boxes for 3.2.00, or 00c. per bcxl air passages by rehevxng the 1nflam-* at all dru ri ts l mation and killing the germs is cure gg a ' possxble. No combination of Anti- . ’.""°°."'â€"° septics is so successful as Catarrho- Smolde at Fergu- zone. In breathing it. you send the .richeSt pine balsams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out. hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a per- manent cure for catarrh. nothing equals Catarrhozone, ‘25 cts. and $1.00 at all dealers. Fergus was the scene of a peculiar- ly sad and shocking tragedy Tuesday night of last week. The main char- acter therein was Percy Perry, a 17.year-old bank clerk employed in the Bank of Toronto, Collingwood. son of Peter Perry. a High School . v ___ I: ' ___L- :‘-ml\-l" I'nA ‘n on“. A pork barrel in use for 225 years has been discovered in Torrington. Conn. The relic that has been the burial place of succeeding generations of bogs. belongs to Uri Whiting, to whom it was presenting recently by Lucian Burr. It has been a part of the Burr family furniture for over eighty years. According to the re "'H"'J v cord that goes with the barrel it was 100 years old in 1743. Since then it. has been handled down through the family by succeeding generations. The barrel is nor. only well preserved. but it is said to have acquired a. delic- ious flavor.â€"â€"Hepworth Journal. By the way the first gun in the‘ campaign was tired in town on Tue - day night in the reading room of the Commercial Hotel, when a hard shelled Grit and an equally hard shelled Tory ran amuck of each other. It arose over Mr. Miller’s 'majority laSt election The Grit. of course. had the majority away up among the hundreds. while the Tory had it down among the units. Like the Kilkenny cats that fought till there was nuth- ing but the tails left, the debating politicians bid well to demolish each1 ether. until 2. Ms ander asked one of the Advance stafi, who happened to be amongst the audience, to look up his old files, which he did. and found 258 to the credit of Mr. Miller’s ma They relaxed but demurred. each tending to doubt the figures till they were taken from the infallible record in the Advance office. Then they believed. but. they look askance at each other now, and barely speak as they pass by.â€"â€"Advance. jority. l l laying gang are making! lsatisfaCtory prowess, and with even ! liair to middling weather, they will ;be here this week. On Saturday in ' The track ight they were about e Standish farm. Their ithrongh th '3 a little better than l rate of prLgress 1 ’ mile a day providing the} but a- wet day; The rails are big l rk between Durham in: gang is at wo d it begins to luck 'and Hanover. an ‘ e will be ready for hv July or at the fartheSt, The contract for building n let, and the con- ,tractor was here last week. He made ements with Reinholdt Weise revel for the founda- l f the other material ition, and moat o . will be shipped in l ton Telescope. by trainâ€"Walker- You know you are too eat and eat, but never get fatter Nerves are weak bad. Strength seems exhat not hard to get. fat Xou petite grow I; tvrns a into nutrimen: and buildil fatter Nerves are weak, color is bad. strength seems exhausted. not hardto get fat You must eat‘ more. digest more, exermse more. Try Ferrozone and watch your ap- petite grow It tr-rns all you eat into nutrimen: and building material â€"tills your veins With rich, red tonic, one that restores permanently, there is nothing‘to compare with Feraozone. Try it and see. 50 cts, at all dealers. . A Narrow Escape. The Oldest Cemetery. Burned to Death. How to Gain in Welght. / First Gun at Ayton. are too thinâ€"YO“ Same thing happens every year. At winter’s close the body is weak and run down. - Damp spring weather brings out rheumatic ten. dencies, exhausts vitality, and simp 1y demands everyone to use a bracing, Strengthening tonic. Time won’t help; matters grow worse instead of better if your system isn’t. rid of its poisonous burden. Your blood is not only thin, but is? contaminated with a whole winter’s accumulation of wastes. A Stimulating tonic is required. \Vhat’s it going to be? Not hitters or alcoholic dope. but concentrated cure in the form of "Ferrozone" which is known as the best of all Spring rrjuvenators. It creates teen appetite. Produces prodigious digestion. Converts food into nourishment. Gives richness and vitality to the blood. Makes strong nerves and hardy muscles. Fergus was the scene of a peculiar- ly sad and shocking tragedy Tuesday night of last week. The main char- accer therein was Percy Perry, a 17-year-old bank clerk employed in‘ the Bank of Toronto, Collingwood,‘ son of Peter Perry. a High School teacher, who formerly lived in Fer. gus and who was recently engaged as principal of the Fergus High School, his duties beginning Monday laSt. Tne young man went to Fergus ; from Collingwood that night, taking the bank’s revolver with him. On \Vednesday morning his dead body was found in an out house at the s ation with a bullet through his heart and the revolver lying at his feet, No cause can be given for the awful act. A coroner’s inquest was hellâ€"Mt. Forest Representative. This trouble is deadlyâ€"must be! stopped quickly. Nothing is so sure3 as the Nerviline Treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous power of Nerviline, both as a lini- ment, and in Plaster form, will sur- prise you. For sore thrOat, coughs. colds. and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every dav. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles 25) cts, 1 each. Nerviline Plasters same price. at dealers, or N. C. Polson Co.. I Kingston, Ont. Low Spring Fever. On Monday morning as Dr. John Bracey and Mr. Burns Hamilton were passing Mr J. P. Noonan’s hardware store. early. they noticed an iron bar and screw driver lying in the door- way, and feeling convinced that the tools and surroundings implied a burglary nocified Mr. Noonan. He soon discovued that his store had been broken into, the front door hav- ing been pried open. a chisel with the handle broken OE lying inside the door, showing how entrance had been gained. Further inveStigation re- ; vealed the fact that the night visitors had ransacked the office desk and tills. but were poorly paid for their troubleâ€"only 40c in cash and two or three jackoknives being missed. The work had all the appearances of hav- ing been performed by amateurs. and gyouthful amateurs at that. The ’chisel and screw driver used were afterwards found to be the property ‘ of Mr. Barry Bye. whose tool chest in Leslie Bros.’ factory had been opened and the tools removed. This 3 is taken as evidence that the burglars were acquainted with local surround- ings and arrests may be eXpected.â€" Representative. t l ( t 1 t Doctors Report Many Cases. While working in the stable of P. B. Hesse“. Normanby. about noon ion Wednesday of last week, William ICowell, a Home boy who had been with Mr. Hassecs for three years, was kicked in the abdomen by one of ,ihe horse-3. The injury was so severe l that the boy died on Friday morning. i He was 16 years of age.â€"Confederate. Are Your Children Any mother who has had ex- perience with this distressing ail- ment will be pleased to know that a cure may be efiected by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it OE With a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale at Parker's Drug Storm m-â€"A~â€"...â€"”-~ Kicked to Death. Sore Nipples. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Croupy ?” l The most unexcusahle piece of van- ldalism that has been perpetrated in the history of the town showed itself on Tuesday morning on Poulett St. During the night :ome miscreant had used a diamond or glass cutter on the plate glass windows of some of the finest shOp fronts in town, cut- ting great sashes in the glass that will weaken. if it does not ultimately result in the deatruction of nearly two thousand dollars worth of pro- perty. The one perpetrator apparâ€" ently did the whole dastardly piece of vandalism and passed up one side of the street and down the other. The work on the west side of Poulett Street commenced at Mr. T. I. Thom son’s hardware and scarcely a window escaped southwards as far. as Mr. W. ‘vvvâ€"r v.â€" J. Ward’s grccery. where a most vicious jab was given the glass. At the G. T. R ticket office window a variation was made and instead of a long scratch reaching nearly across the full width of the glass, eleven or twelve cuts are made in curves as though the hand had been swinging low while the damage was being done. On the east side the disfiguro iug marks do n0t continue in succes- sion but starting at the C P R ticket ofiice almost every alternateo glass north to Christie Bros. are scratched deep The police moade anl early inspection and came to the. Conclusion that. the work was not that of a small boy or by some ring wearer but bv some one who carried 'aglazier’s glass cutter and deliber- ately slashed the glass. The clue to the perpetrator is hard to pick up, abut it is probable that the council 1W1“ be asked to ofier 11 subs antial lrewatd for his apprehension. Fifteen lyears ago a similarly fiendish act [was perpetrated. but nOt so extensit e as that of Tuesday night. ---0. S. ETimes 9 Years Bad Leg Healed by Zam Buk. Mr. C. Johnson. of Boplar Hill Creek, Athabasca Landing, Alta., says: “About nine years ago a run- ning sore commenced on my right leg caused by aruptured blood vessel. As time went on it got worse and my sufieriugs were intense. I had a very sore leg indeed, and had very small hopes of ever seeing it healed. in fact I was told by several who had I known such sores that I would suffer with it for life. When I was almosc‘ in despair I heard of Zam Buk and commenced using it. Other Salves I had used caused me great suflering. but Zam-Buk soothed the pain and, although it appeared for a time to be doing no good yet I perservered and as soon as the wound became clean, it was only a matter of three or four Zam Buk cures cuss. burns, pimples. ulcers, ringworm. itch, piles, running sores. blood poison, and all skin diseaSas. All stores and drug. gists, 500. box, or from Zam Buk 00.. Toronto. Dougald McDonald. a young: man of 13 years. son of Alex. McDonald. 11th concession. Brant, me: with a fatal. The young man had some traps set for muskrats on a creek running through his father’s farm, and when making: his customary evening round 0'. inepeccion he put vvvâ€"â€"â€"â€"O . a large shoemaker’s knife into his vest pocket for the purpose of skin ning the rats which might be found in the traps. While st00ping over the knife ran into his right side just under the arm pit and severed several of the muscles and cords. Medical attention was at once procured, and While the victim is doing nicely it "I suEered with rheumatism for over two years,” says Mr. Rolland _ Curry. 8. patrolman, of Key VVesL Fla. “Sometimes it settled in mv knees and lamed me so I could hard- ly walk. at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was inoap~ acitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of lChamberlain’s Pain Balm. I wasl rubbed with it and found the pain‘ had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Mr, D. McMillian, a very highly respected resident of Proton Town- ship, succumbed to pneumonia on Tuesday. The funeral took place to- ‘1 day to Bethel cemetery, near this place. and was largely attended. I‘he deceased was well known. a man of kindly diSposition and sterling charaCter. Mr. McMillian. who was 51 years of age was born at Orange- ‘ ville, but spent nearly all his life in ’Proton. Twenty-five years ago he was married to Miss Emma LeOpard, who with one son survives him. He is also survived by his aged mother. three brothers andtwo sistersâ€"Free D E“u.â€"â€"-vâ€" v- winh every battle of Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Use Putnam’s and your lcorns go. Beware of substitutes. Press. Relief from Rheumatic Pains. Strange Accident. Died From Pneumonia. Corns Cured for 25 Cents. The school is tho: ability, in chemical fittings, etc., for £111 ulablon work. The :1 charge : Classics, Moder 8. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begu- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a:‘ health; ‘ . ' 5‘ “ “‘“m‘ nn:-nk34 balnuuuh lmfiUUUUAV Luvvu - â€"â€" .__ ___ __ and acmve town, making it amost. desirable place of residence. C. L. GRANT THOS. ALLAN. let Class Certifiqate. Prin. MISS DOXALDA. _L£CK§I§RAUHER, B.A Do you hear what the people do be saying? sure. and it’s nothing elegy; but about; all the nice boots and shoes Mcllmith‘s do be selling. An. a"; now Michael as the weather is warming up a. hit, you go m and ge'; A; yourself a pair: they say he has them all kinds from $2.00 to $5.00, st 7; it; will be easy to get: a mce pair. Oh yes, and be sure to get- me a me I pair of Tan or Back Hose, Size 9. Now remember where to go, go t i that Mollraith’s, the Down Town Shoe Store. ; 1 a. s. McILRAlTH Better Cooking. You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery â€"Plain and home-made Bread, â€"Buns, â€"â€"-Biscuits, â€"Cakes of â€"â€"CI earn Puffs, â€"-Putfs. Don’ t Worry when you see the minister coming for tea, up, and we will supply your wants on shox test notice. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. (“41“,. ... - Geo. H. STINSON Matt}; ews G Latimef Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed IN FLOUR Every man appreciates good cooking and every woman takes a pride in doing it. “BOVRIL” can be used to advantage with all hot dishes. It greatly improves the flavor of stews, soups, roasts, fish, etc, and also increases is thoroughly equipped in teaching emical and electrscal supplies sit for fuh Junior Leaving and Matric- The following competent stafi an their nourishing value. An economical way to get it is in the 1 lb. bottles. Fees. $1.00 per month. Chairman PFEFFER BROS. It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure White Winter wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes JEWEL FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be- McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses A. MCKERR and Englie h. Terms Cash. ISA BLENDED FLOUR AND IS THAT YOU? C R AMAGE Secret”), s0s0‘0\ ‘.‘.‘.‘ Manulactured by yflM/f/sflc aim/256W a” (WW __ I5 KING $1 54614 Eggs same as Cash. FOR BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPE\VR1T1NG COMMERCIAL LAW ()0 )1 M ERCIAL CORRESPOND ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS VVRITIN‘ ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its gradi: Each student is taught separate his own desk. Trial lessons fo‘ Week free. Visitors welcome. ' wDAY and EVENING classef‘i‘g Business Colleg? Ayton Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba. Royal Household. W. T. CLANCY. comes the housewife favorite. For pastry, biscuits (1 bread it is highly reconj mended, and our mar. years’ experience insurrj uniformity of quality. Ir sist on JEWEL BRAND. You" grocer can get 11:. f,- LEADS IN Mount Forest of Bakery Goods -â€"Buns, â€"Cakes of all kinds.‘ Milverton, 0n 5 and Seedifi PHONE: 3m ., just ring ufir u N5

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