Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1908, p. 8

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“if M When Buying Footwear remember to get a pair of Imperial Shoes. A nice line in patents tan. Something extra in the Rain-coat line, Brown, Grey, Check or Plain. A large assorted stock of Dress Goods for spring just arrived. Cashmeres Lustres and Serges in blue, brown and green shades. A fine assort- ment of Ginghams and Lawns. Regent tailoring giV es that perfection of fit and tailoring which assures a perfectl3 satisfactory and stylish suit, No matter what your age, or. your taste 11133 beâ€"no matter ho“ much or he“ little 30u desire to pay, you are sure to fin 1 smuething in the Re0 ent” ° Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. We haw «lwi‘ltlml to quit the Hardware lmsiness and mther than give one man zlw emiw Hull: 21": u Szllfl‘lfilff? price. We have cut the retail price down to a, figure that will mnlw :1 great saving for our customers and give. thmu the benefit of the lmv wires on H\'t31’.\'.tlll11f_’j in the llm'i‘lwm'u line. Mr. Farmer, it’s you that should profit by this cleaning out sale. Remem- hm', we have :1 ('(‘mmletn stuck. and you (an get: anything you want or need for this Season Of the yezuflJn' any 50113011 ()f the van". All kinds Of Forks Hoes Rakes Shovels Spades Scythes Axes and all necessary articles for your needs at less than any other hardware in town or surrounding towns. It will be greatly to your advantage to consult us about what you will need for any building or repairing which you have prospects forâ€"come and get our quotations on orders which you may have to fill Whether they are large or small. We say that this sale means money saved to you, and we mean it. Now it’s up to you to save money. vv A1ticles in a ha1d11 are store ale so numerous that we can t mention them or quote prices, but we are here, and 111111n0' to give you all the best attention, and 11111 give you hard“ are at prices that 11 ill surprise 3 on. Our stock in every other line will be as Well assorted as any, and as reasonable in price as any, and we will give you as good service as anv. ALEX. RUSSELL, DURHAM large stock “REGENT” BRAN D SUITS Highest Prices for Produce â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ock of fresh Groceries always on hand HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Must go! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Division Court was held here on! Wednesday of last week, Judge Wid difivld presiding. A jury case in which much interest centered and; which occupied the forenoon in hear 1 ing was that of Boyd and Cook. stockJ dealers. vs. C. P. R. Company. Action was brought for $60 damages for loss sustained by plaintifls through neglect of defendants in not delivering a car load of stock in reasonable time which was shipped to Toronto from Flesherton Station on February 25th last. The stock was shipped on Tuesdav and did not reach I‘tronto till Friday. It was during'one of the snow blockades of winter, and the defendant’s plea was that all in their power had been done to hasten delivery. The Judge’s charge was strongly in favor of the plaintifis and the verdict of jury was $50 and cosrs in their behalf. The jurymen were Fred Brown, Andrew Bentham, Wes Breen. Frank Chard and J. J. Brown. In the afternoon the following cases were neardzâ€"Mchllough and Young, vs. Holding Bragâ€"Action coat-t. W J Lever. vs. C. Thompsonâ€" Actnon for damages for sheep kined hy dOg Defendant paid mun court $9.50 and coats. accepted by plaiuufl. Morgan vs. Smithâ€"Action on promi~ory note. Judgement for plaintifi. $42 86. Gardener vs. Smithâ€"Action on ac- I i count. Judgement for plaintifi‘.{ 87.80. E Gardener vs. Capemanâ€"Action on accounc. Juugemenc for plaintiff, $7.42. Gardener vs. Aitkinsâ€"Action on account. Judgement for plaintifi. $7.94. Bets vs. Hayâ€"Action on account $l0.00. Acuutra account was pre Seated for $13.75. Judgement for the plaintifi, $5 00. Phillips vs. Hoppsâ€"Action on re plevin, Judgement for plaintifi for return of articles and costs. McCannel vs. Osborneâ€"Accfion on store account. Judgemenc for plain- m3. 311 :25. Smith v-s. Fernaneâ€"Actinn for damages. Adjournrd to nexc court. Russel vs Napierâ€"Action on re pleviu. judgement reserved. After an illness of several months Mr. Andrew Rutledge, of Ceylon. passed away on Tuesday evening of last week, aged 57 years. The fun- eral took place to the public cemetery here on Thursdav afternoon and was largely attended. Mr. Rutledge was a member of the Methodist church and his raster. Rev. Dr. Caldwell. conduCted the religious serVices at the house and grave, aiter which the remains were interred with Orange honors. there being a large turnout of the mrmbers of the Orange lodges, at Pronou Station, Eugenia and Cey. lon. The deceased was also a mem- ber of the Chosen Friends. Mr. Rut- ledge. who was the third son of the late William Rutledge, was born in 'Mulmur Township, but when quite‘ young came with his parents to Art-l Iemesia and lived on the wesc back l line till about twenty years ago when he settled at Ceylon in the employ of l the C. P. R. About '25 years ago Mr. T Rutledge was married to Miss .‘Jary 'Jane Kennedy, daughter of Mr. Mal colm Kenn. dy, Who survives him Iwith nine children as follows:â€"Wm.. iLeslie. Margaret, .Edward. Ida, Mel- l ville, Forbus. RJY and Boris. All 3are at home at present but Leslie, iwho is at Nanton, Alta. At. a meeting of those interesned in Sports held in the' Band room on Thursday evening last a Oaseball club; was organized for the season with officers as followszâ€"Presidenc. J. A. Boyd; ManagerfiGeo. Mitchell; Captain. F. A. Tucker; Sec-tree... C H. MunshaW; Committee, Mark Wil- son, W, J. Boyd and Herb Smith. Barn-At Toronto on the 22nd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. Barron (nee Miss Minnie Joy) 5. daughter. The Elder prOperty on Collingwood street has changed hands, the present occupant, Mr. John Runscadler, being the purchaser. The residence is one of the most nicely eicuued in the village. promisory note. settled out. of At the close of the prayer meeting in the MethodiSt church on Thursday evening IaSt the annual election cf Society representatives on the Of- ficial Quarferly Board (031: place as followszâ€"R. J. Spronle, J. A. Heard, F. G. Karstedt. Isaac Sinclain, Robt Richardson. At the Spring Stallion Show held here on Saturday only four animals were exhibited. These were all Im- ported Clydesdales and were fine specimens. No prizes were awarded but Mr. Aldcorn of Priceville. point- ed out the points of. merit in the dif- ferent animals and advised the class of mare to breed from to obtain the best results. There Was a fair turn- out of representative farmers present, An auction sale of stock, etc., at Mr. F. Gr, Cole’s on Saturday evening was omewhac interfered with by the rain which came on during its pro- gress. ‘ MISS Vera, the youngest daughter of Mr. P. Loucks, had a narrow es~ cape from very severe injury last week. With some other children she was pulling fancy bark from a tree when the limb supporting her gave way and falling on the jagged end of a snag she was injured in the body dangerously near an artery. Dr. ,Carter was called and inserted five stitches in dressing the wound, which we are pleased to learn is doing well. > Mr, and Mrs. John Thistlethwaite Flesherton. former to undergo an Operation in the hOSpital fnr an internal trouble from which recently. Tbat which at firsz was believed to be a tarantula caused some excite- ment, in the Sproule grocery on Mon- day The bunch of bananas contain- ing the dreaded 103cm. was immersed in water for a considerabte time ex- pecting thereby to dislodge and drown it, but upon be‘ng taken out the bug appeared and apparentiy none the worse for its dip It was immediately deapa'ohed and the dis- covery made that the scare was need- covery less. Mrs. Fisher, widow of the late Mr. Geo. Fisher. died at her home on the Collingwood Road on Monday morn- ing after a very brief illness with pneumonia. The death was-a shock to the numerous friends of the de- ceased who Was- a very highly re Specred woman. Her remains will be interred at Maxwell beside those of her husband whose death occurred over three years ago. The deceased who Was about. 50 years of age, is survived by one son only Mr. Wal- lace Fisher. \Vord was received here on Mon- day of the dearh a! Singbampton of Mr. Hugh Wilson. grandson of the late Mr John Sharp. Mr. Wm. Sharp aniz Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson left to attend the funeral. Messrs Bohr. and Harry Thisnlecb- waice. Bern Bess, Ed. Jamieson and James Happs left. on Friday last for New Ontario. Mr. Frank Phillips left on Monday as he was at the Convention. to take a position in Toronio. , f Sacrament will he 1 Spensed it Dr. and Mrs Caldwell are at Gaelc in the Presbyterian church Guelph this week in the interests of Priceville, next Sunday. their claim for damages from the C. On Wednesday of 133‘. Wpek Cha: R R" . son of Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Geo. Alton of Markdale, was townline met withapainful accident the guest of Mrs. Will Moore on Sat- by getting his r1ght arm badly tcm urday. up while working in Harrisong Miss Grace Graham, of the V alley, . shingle 113111 35 Orchard ‘ mills E re- is visiting Miss Florrie Richardson. lmont He “735 taken t0 PriceVille limmediatelv after the acciien: and 1 Dr Dixon dressed the wound putting ‘some ten Stitches in it. Tne young man is getting on as well as. can be expecred. but will take some time lhefore he can use the arm. Rev. G. 0 Little commenced a serwce of sermons on Sunday laSt on our Lord’s temptation in the Wilder- ness. l Mrs. V anDasen has returned from °-l_ L-...J.--.._L.-A- Rev. G. 0. Little commenced a. service of sermons on Sunday lass on our Lord’s temptation in the Wilder- DBSS. Mrs. VanDasen has returned from a month’s visit with her daughtel at Collingwood Mrs. Flynn and daughter Miss Annie visited with relatives at Berke- ley. Mrs Charlie Armstrong. of Mark- dale is Spen ding a few days with Mrs. W A Armstrong Mr. Howard Armstrong, of Owen Saund, paid Mr. W. A. Armstrong a brief visit on Siturday. Spring has made its appearance- once more, and people are busy ploughing and seeding. Mr. Godfrey McTaggart who has been under the weather. we are pleased to say is able to be around again. Miss Efifie Black has returned from the city, and looks as if Toronto agreed with her. Miss Jessie McKechnie visited Mr. Ed. and Miss Maggie Sullivan last Week a. few days. Things looking up eh. Ed Misses Mary and Annie McMilien visited Pomona Saturday and Sun- day. Welcome back again, girls. Miss McTaggart, of Pomona. called on Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Sunday last. Miss Cassie Black has returned home after a few weeks visiting her broxher John and Frauk, of Coleman, Mich. Mr and Mrs A. McMillan called on friends in Pomona last Sunday. John McVicar and his daughter. Miss Annie, visitei friends in Bramp ton and called in Toronto on their way back. Mr. J. J. Welsh Spent Sunday af- ternoon at. the post office. Mr. John A. McMillan, our worthy councilman, we are sorry to hear, is on the sick list, but how to hear of his speedy recovery. I wonder where Capt. R. was last Sunday evening. He was seen" going to the ease. The fourth con, must be agreeing Wish Joseph Martin. as we can see his shadow around the Sullivan farm. The saw mill gang of r‘omona in tends Winding up in a week or' two and will be greatly missed. Mr. Joe Martin said Jessie Mc- Kechnie Was telling him that Capt. B. said he heard Maggie Sullivan telling Joe Black that Annie McVicar said Ed. Sullivan was saying Effie Black was telling Tommy McGrath that Annie McMillan said she heard Lockey Dunbar telling Cassie Black that there was going to be a dance in Sectch Town next week. The grass is getting green. The old snow banks are nearly all gone. The sweet notes of the birds fill the air with their morning, noon and evening song. The little lambs are skipping from one hillook to another. The animal race are rejoicing to be privileged of the prOSpects of feeding on pasmre green soon. The plough- man follows his plow from morn till eve. The sower is scattering the seed, not as in olden times, but with his seeder. The small boy will soon be casting aside his leather shoes and wearing his birthday boots going to school. All these things summed up shows that the promise never‘ fails, for seed time and harvest time shall be as long as the world exists. The heavy rain on Saturday night He has been sufiering Pomona. Top Cliff last causes a delay in the seedsn‘ process. and low land will take at“ days before it is fit to work, we are pleased to notice that on, late citizen. Mr. Neil McCannel. was honored by receiving the unanimous choice at she Liberal Convention on Tuesday, 215: Aptii. We hepe he will be as successful at the election as he was at the Convention. 0m- teac‘ 91'. Miss Binnie. resumed her work again this Manday mormnz after Spending ten days of we“ earned holidays at her homeâ€" a: Gienelg Gen. tre Mr. and Mrs. Davié McKechnie, oi Wiarton. are visiting at their uncles'. the McKechnies, of this piace. but will return this week. Yes. it sounds 111-} right, Mr Editor. Neil McCannel, M.P.P. Sticktoit and you will make no mistake D068 You; Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each my. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You lanoxmor good blood is good health; bad blood, had health. And you know precisely wha ma take for bad bloodâ€"4w“,s Sarsaparilla. Doctorshm endorsed it for 60 years. David McNicbol, Beqq ex-M.PP.. visized friends as Priceville a few davs ago, and attended service in the Presbyterian church, Priceville on Sunday lasn. The Corner Gander must have let his imaginary faculties expand to an enormous extent when he was pre- dicting that the snow came on Mon- day, the 20th April. for the purpose of freezing out the few Grits left in South Grey to attend the Liberal Convention to be held on the 215: April. It would be like an electric shock to him if he accidentally hap- pened to be in Durham on Tuesdfl afternoon to see the large assembly of Liberals assembled in the town hall for the purpose of c’ncosinz 8 candidate. and if he made an attempi 3 to get inside doors it would puzzle him to find a hideous corner for the ' purpose of jotting down voncerns. These belittling attacks made bf 10w correspondents are no good. be the? Conservative or Liberal. for itonls creates a feeling of stirring up those the Strong arm of rebellion. not p303" the time to defend their cause. The wheels of our political chariOIS are isometimes of a reverSa‘nle nature. land they may turn the other W83 1 next election. One frequent came of bad blood in g I liver. Thu produces constipation. m: substances are then ebeorbed into m. blag Keepthe bowels open with Ayers Pm; Beautiful spring wea'hi‘r. k seeding {-3 progressing rapiiiy’. The morning broke beautiful clear, . And having ran acros sthe made, We hurried to the cre eek ' But. to our dismay. the other fe.’ “'33 there all night . And had captured all the sucxers Miss Tenn Henderson returned 185‘ week from Uncle Sam‘s domain. where she had bee) attehiing the wedding of her cousin. 3153 Mini Henderson. Barn. to 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam on April 13th, twins, boy an: Mr. Geo. Henderson has Arthur’s farm on shares th He intends putting in a bi: He intends putting in a bi; crop Lennox Bros. spent, 3 WM 1 fencing their farm here. T'he} rented it to Mr. Robinson. of ham, who intends puttincr 9- 1‘ stock on it. Mr. Robb. Lindsay is prepffring‘ the erection of an ouccbuiidmg ‘ fall. It. will be 60x36 in size. Mr, Samuel Ritchie burnedb h kiln of lime lass week. Sam six or eighc hours sleep from Ta till Saturday nig ht, Hard Wot Sam? A, Mr Samuel Patterson bmldmg an addition to his house during the summer. Miss Annie McGirr, teacher 0‘ Fairview. Melanchton. up?“ Easner holidays at the home . Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mchrr- Mr Samuel Patterson . builaino gn nfltfirinn tn hxs dwelllng Mr. \Vm J. Scott, of Toronto, the guest of the Hewitt fam week ago Sunday. Wow. no scorch! W. publish thoformnln anal cum Townsend’s Lake, Darkie’s Corners. hence lat illow WEDNESDAY, of vision correct at the Hahn Ho THE Sacrament of th.- Lug-3; willbeadlninistered at Yum. nezer and Allan Park ()1) 5119;. by Rev. \V. S..J:Lnlicsm;. m' j AFTER an unbroken .~ eighty-five dais, :1, L05 An has just awakened. Sin stand has full contra} faculties, though still “13:2 BUTCHER Phillips has zu'u business a new delivery war the same style as a nmdm: rural mail delivery. It i IOOking affair and quitv hm purpose intended. and interest is increasing rum (1:1 day. Part} leadels an: 1 mm - a; Province and issues afi'w tin; (m electors are being discussed H1l sides The \eWS(Tm ontw i~7< poi very fullyt the events and spm ‘ M the campaign. For thnty-iixv ; ‘The News will be sent to yuz. dui June 13th. THE Saturday night. mail ( rive till nearly twelve {(-h wk suit of a wreck at Mom-meld the Toronto passenger and The air refused to work and senger. not being able to so station, crashed into HIV 1 fmight standing on the >11 which was too long to up; freight cars were ditvhmi passenger engine tom f mm 3 Two trainmen were inim-m‘x man and conductm the fm 1: seriously. A POLITICAL campaign \vi toons is like a book \vithuu‘ The humorous side. of the .~ what appeals to the man Pemril. The Cartounist Hf (Toronto) pictures. the «-\'.- Present Provim-ia‘. (wimp. gl‘aphic manner from any 1‘ wtoons deliver their stark and convincinglx.1$v 1.1L “88 0f the special camp 1 can have The News duih ' u for 25 cents. THE fOHOWing zu‘ftftmm r T' .. Of Mr. John H.111mlw». wt" .\7 , Weclip from the Hunm‘vr ?’ ‘ Hughes Wasa cougin uf 1kg family of this p1:l(?t'. "M: ‘4 Shocked to hear n11 31mm mud! lmuented (10:1111 «.3 H‘mheS, of Normanhy. l: \‘\n that he had not been \vv‘x'; 1'. :1'. but Owing to his prim“ m' . rectyhabits, the best. hwx‘nw \Vvl med Of his rerun-1'}: 1 Saturday hiscondiliun tun-m? x flan-he WOrst, and did lmt :1: ”Sunday night hemuxw mm. N Passed peacefully mm}- morning at eight o'clm-k. 'j‘l‘ “hisdeath was paralysis. :H' Whimand his family \Vi; _ __ prise and mum “sites was of the very bud. manhood and ('iii FWDded to his businv» v â€"â€" '3‘!“ mm with that inhilliggvn WWhlch msmed 5111:1111». Model farmer and an P.\1"1‘11 b0” His charm 1e1 :1111‘1 ‘11 $811611 .hat ft-HV \\ (1141M ulor made mow Lulir Mb 0f quiet and 111111 1 “the won his wav i111 :111>1 allawhonest; h11a11.\'1111.. Yat chm ch. 111 >111: ; , every good (21111511. :11 )NESDAY. May 13111. :11} u“. )0 corrected With prupvl' g Hahn House. ,adies of the Balm“ ; a social on Thursd: Ice cream and «.2 Admission 1.30. 42â€"4“). 2147. in footwwn- : sale Saturday In weak for mer a tide OI‘I'V \V D3 \V l \V

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