Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1908, p. 6

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ii. We beg to announce to our many ‘3" beastomers that we are preparing to I"imam: a grand display of Summer 1311111111817 We will spend three £4.17 days 1n the Queen City looking 11p i the latest in summer millinery. 4 There 15 always something new in ‘ 1 the summer millinery, and that is :5 what we will be able to show when 1.1:“ we return fiom the city. We will also get a large supply of the new Maud dainty materials. and also see how these 111aterials are used, and procure some of the latest style of . -..: shapes. \\ e will have our summer 5‘ models on display about the first or - ~ cond week 1n May. We have as usual any amount of dressy and - , suit hats in black, and a very large élé' display of childxen’s hats. Singei Sewing Machines. "AELOTTE CH E -\.\1 SEP \R \TORS. . “h ; . ', Shexlmh 1K Manning Oxgans. Heintzmnn Pianos. tkOIth Axum-3k :1n Life ."~\ss11111n1e Co. '3!!! :Silmplemcnts. ‘5‘ FARM MACI-HNERY millincrv illwrights, Machinists, ; ron and Brass Founders. nd Steam Fitters ..... .‘udd’s =30. W'hite 8.: Son Threshing Ma chines. Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept, on hand. DURHAH FOUNDRY F MANUFACTURERS OF yutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, hock raisers’ Feed Boilers. .ds HarneSs Spreads and Harness Repairs. Oil’s and Grease 5. ~_-.‘.. >2 STOCK 0R MADE TO ORDER Engines and Boiler Repairs Special attention to Gaso- ine Engine repairs. promptly executed. [GET PRICES AND GOOD WORK S'TOVES FURNACES. Pumps from $2 upwam. {OP Open every afternoon. [1 REPAIRING promptly and prop. orly attended to. umps of all Kinds. Galvanized an_d Iron_ Pipâ€" . SMITH 6: SONS Parisian Millinery 00.. ing; Brass, Brass Linéd and Iran Cylinders. Frost 5’ Wood . D. CONNOR Tammi) \Viudmills. . Smith Sons AGEN T FOR. All Kinds of PROPRIETORS Manufacturer of And Dealer in -â€" MISS DICK 5 \Iiddaugh House Block .W. [L BONNER Prop. Farmers We have a large supply of bolts, washers etc., for repairing your machinery gates, etc., in all sizes. High Carbon Coil spring Galvanized Fence Wire, and Black Wire. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Grain. We are still selling the famous Supplies Poultry Netting (‘mn‘uining comfort and style is the desiw of tht‘ 110; wt of ev Pry man and \\'0!Han. Hardware, Grain Seed Merchant. Shoes bought bore give fit, style. appeamnce and gracefullines. no mat- tc-r “hat size shoe you may rvquixe. A (-omfortabie shoe is also :1 dependâ€" able piece of f Jotwear. It gives thoro astisfaction as far as wear is concerned for it always wears long enough to return full mom-y value. \\'e have just. received some fine Pasto Polishes for all kinds of shoes. Call and get above. 0m- repairing and new work always gives satisfaction. Give us a trial. Also Heavy Galvanized Ideal Fence When we say Cost. we mean it. “e hme decided to reduce our stock of Dry Goods during the next two weeks as we need 6the shelf room for our spring orders. To clear out quickly we are offering our entire stock at cost. Some of our selections are 75 Men's Ready-made Pants and Overalls. ".3 Men’s. Boys’ and Girls‘ Gaps. A few Ready-made Suits and Overcoats. A quantity of Ladies' and Men’s Underwear. Heavy Tweeds. Prints, Flannel- ettes. Gloves, Sox etc., and other articles too numerous tomention. All goods marked in plain figures. DURHAM. â€" â€" ONTARIO . S. Hunter ENTRICKEN 82 SEWELL S. SCOTT AT COST i i g Burlington, N. J.. April ‘23.â€"Sev- zeral local churches propose a ban Eupon ‘ Merry Widow" hats in the . congregation during servxce Pastors declare that men are becoming fewer Eat the services as the number of big §hats increase, and that the pOpular Lgetyle threatens to make many back- ?sliders. Ushers in some of the more icrowded churches were at their wits’ Eends to seat their Easter congrega- itions. Pews which have comfortabby faccommodated six persons would ‘hold no more than four. Mr. F. Astridze. of 3. St. Paul Street, St. Catherines. Ont., says: “For five years I sufiered untold agony with protruding piles. No one knows the sufiering one has to en- dure only those who are so unfortun- ate to have them. The pain .was so great at times I would almost scream. I went down in weight and bad no appetite. I tried everything I heard of for piles, but got no relief. I went to several doctors, but they would give me little hope of ever getting rid of them and I finally gave up in deSpair. One day a friend gave me a sample of Zam-Buk salve and told me of someone who had been cured I decided to try it. and the relief I got was encouraging. I bought a box and the piles kept on diminishing and the pain was getting less. I used three boxes and am now com- pletelv cured, I wish 1 could have got Ztm Buk years ago, it would have saved me a great deal of misery. One thousand dollars would be none too small an amount to give for such Zam Buk cures cuts. «burns, chap ped hands, cold sores. itch, ulce.-e. eczema. running sores. catarrh, piles, had 1929, abscesses, face sores, skin eruptions, and all skin diseases. It is good also for rheumatism, sciatica. e'c.. when well robbed in. Of all druggists and Stores, 50c, or from Zam-Buk Co , Toronto. a cure as mine. I wish I could con vince every sufierer of the value of Zam Buk.” Chicago, Ill.. Apr1123 â€"A despateh to The Tribune from Pekin, Ills , says: Governor Deueen had a hand time getting over the country from Quincy to Pekin yesterday. while on »a speech making trip. He had no . take a hog train to get across to Pek- lin. The train took its own time labout making the trip. A few miles out of Havanait stoppe-l Passengers craned their necks to see what the trouble was and found vhe engineer 'sitting on the ties talking to his wife, who had brought the children along for a visit. Household matters were discussed at great length. The wife was going shopping and found that Ishe needed more money. The aSton- ished passengers heard a debate whether it was better to paper or whitewash the kitchen this year. lAfter the passengers began to com lplain the engineer climbed into his lcab and the train proceeded. Chicago, April 23 â€"'l‘he burstingl of a flvwheel at the plant of the \orth Shore Electri: Light Company at \Vaukegan. last midnight, caused the death of two men, and probably fatally injured two others, and brought darkness to a number of north shore suburbs. The dead are J. H. Jansen, manager Waukegan Telephone Company, and an uniden tified man. The in?ured are J. J. Cachin. inepevtor of the Electric Light Company, and F. T. Todd. draughtsman of the naval training schoo. From some unknown cause the belt on the huge flywheel, meas- uring twenty feet in diameter, caught fire. The first electric car of the new W'ndsor, Essex and Lake Shore Electric Railway Company arrived in Leamington. on Wednesday evening. The line is now ready for Operation. A Sarnia boy had his right eye put out by a fish book, while fishing the St, Clair river, on Thursday. Battleford. Sask., April 93,â€"Miss Anna Matthews is the only surmvor of a family of five as a result of prairie tires in the Tramping Lake district. The father went to fight flames which were sweeping down on their little home. and perished in the: attempt. The house took tire and Anna Matthews, )8 years of age. with her clathes also ablaze, carried her five-year-old orather and sister to a place of safety, returned for her i mother but was too late. She found lher way again through tne sea of fire ‘only to find the Other children had g wandered again into the fire zone and had perished. General N ews. Not unfreqaently caused by cheap acid corn salve. Be safe and use Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Purely vegetable. harmless and always cures. Insist on “Putnam’s.” A fouroyear-old son of Mr. John Gondie, of Enniskillen township lost his life by lighting a match and set- ting fire to his clathing. N '79 Pretty Young Ladyâ€""I want a. nice flufiy shirtwaist.” Clerkâ€"“What bust, Miss?” Pretty Young Ladyâ€"”I don’t know; I didn’t. hear anything.”â€" College Widow. AGONIZING FILES. Cured by Zam-Bnk. A CASE OF POISONING. Heard Nothing. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mfi'fii‘ The Sunday School which has been closed during the winter months re. We were proud to read how Rev. Farquharson and the Editors ‘,of our town. proved themselves to be "men” not caring for the cents and dollars but daring to show their colors. in regard to the fight for Local Option. It would be a grand thing for Ontario if we had a few more men like these in public ofice who would dare to stand for the right. no matter what it cost. Hurrah for these gentlemen. We read within the pages of the Chronicle, two articles which were considered remarkable. one, crows being seen the 6th of March, and the other a potato having grown to nor- mal size in Mr. Kinnee’s cellar. Our burg can boast of something more extraordinary than either of these. on the 25th of March frrm this year’s growing, cats 16 inches long. We imagine if they continue to thrive. the farmers will no". he scarce of fodder this winter. We also noticed another item of intereet concerning a certain gentle- man. who evidently h-ae digESted the dirtionary. as he now understands the difierence between a box social and a gambi'ing afiair. Never too old to learn. Rev. Mr. Rice is calling on his flock in this vicinity. The Reverend gentleman is always a welcome guest. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcfllinton and famixby. Varney, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saunders, recently, Mr, Bertram Barnes, Sussex, Eng-- land, is engaged with Mr. Thos. EL Hutton. He came from alsross the-' seas in- February 3906 and‘ was expâ€"E gaged in Toronto at $2.00 a «Bay, but} as be pwefers farmim: he came up to;‘». these parts. His parents are both '4 alive and well-to-do but like manyi’ another young gentleman be left. England, thinking he would be rich ;' in a short. time in our fair Ganadian *i land. r Miss Hannah Lawrence. teacher, daughter of Mrs. lino. Lawrence. is engaged; at Bainfeat. Saw}. Her manv friends will be glad to learn how she‘is dying in financial business She has an average attendance of ten. For this number she receives a salary of $6560 per year. Mrs. Robt. Bratan, Vickars. has; been the guest of Miss M J- Duff and: Mrs. D: Hopkins far this last; month.[ Mr. Robt. \Vebber Sn, visited his daughter Mrs. Sins, Durham, one day not long ago. One 53y lately Mr. and Mrs. D ‘ Donne-Ely Spent. a. dav in Hanover . wnh their cousin, Miss Wall, a!" dreasmaker and milliner there. 3 Sesding is in 51111 swing. A bigger- acreage than usual is being sown. To put in the crop on two farms? reguires wide: barrows. Mr. VFW Jack got a set lasr week. 320m Messrs. McLehan ands McQueen, of town. Easter Sunday brought a ape-gin! Boy to the home of Mr. White Ander- son. To him. and Mrs. Anderson was born a son, their firstborn. Congrat- ulations ! A letter recently received firom Miss Allie Davis in Vancouver speaks in glowing terms 0f the bright. sunny days, the rapid growth of the city, and of the kindness shown her by former residents of Durham and vi- cinity, naming the Kilmex- family Specially. Her brother Jim has gone to Prince Rupert and Dick has agood sit at Abbotsford. Mr. John Greenwood, Sr., is adding to the beauty of his home by getting the exterior of his house painted. Elmo Edwards invested his savings. in a colt a. year ago. The pesky beast kicked the bucket on Saturday without much ado, and Elmo hasn’t much conceit in Stock speculation since. At the bride’s home in Holland, on} Wednesday, April 1:”), Mr. J. \Vesleyi Stoddard was most happily wedded to Miss Lucy Srafiord, the Rev. A. Shepherd, of Markdale, making the glad hearts one. We are not in pos session of the particulars, but we’ve known Wes. for many years. He is a hardworking, thrifty, young farmer in good circumstances, and we wel- come his bright partner to our neigh borhood and wish the young couple much happiness. Joe Luebbers, in the office of the chief clerk, fifth division railway mail service, at the Federal building, dropped into a barber shop at Good- ale and High streets, the Other day, and while he Was waiting for his turn, a German came into the shop “Hello, Jake,” said the barber. "Hello!” replied the German stolid- “Yes; I had to! She died!” was the reply. r Then they both turned around and frowned at. Luebbers who could not help laughing at the remark of the German. “Heard you buried your wife? continued the barber. “And I don’t know yet. whether he was joking or in ernest,” said Leub- bere.â€"Columbus, 0., Dispatch. “A man feels that he is getting very classy,” remarked the occasional philosopher. "when he takes a bath without waiting for Saturday night.” â€"Louisville Co urier-Journal. Hutton Hill. Trauerstong. Had to Bury Her. A Gob of Thought. 9M Time to put up fresh new Curtains And we prepared for it months ago Bought a large stock of lace curtains from a 11 hulesale dealer 11110 was going out of the emtain business and \1 a willing to sell his stock at a sacrifice. That is why we are giving special Values in Tri-Phenol The spring disinfectant and deodizm‘. per bottle. ‘ SPRING NECESSITIES! ’ottinghmn lace curtains, pretty floral patterns, 35c. to. . H81 pr. Nottingham lace curtains, large sizes. beautiful designs in lwavy and light effect, $1 to.......... .83pr. Sinecure Powder The house-cleaners’ friend. Fish net curtains, with Battenburg design in border, a substantial curtain ..... . . . . ............................. . .................. $2.23 Fels-Naptha Soap Nottingham lace curtains, beautiful fine nets, with ' be u rv daint- iest of patterns, $3.“) .5 to. ............... . ...................... S4 pr. .9 Irish pomt curtains, cream, very handsome patterns. :1 rich looking curtain. . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . ..................... $6.75 pr. M0”! Balls, Gillett’s Lye, and Caustic Soda, for Soapmakers Furniture Polish Lace Curtains Salves the problem of trimming the [age Window,â€"â€"the ensivst to put up and» the most effective when it: is up. Chloride Lime In pounds and half-pounds. Window Bonne Fem me New Linoleu ms Does your dining mom floor need a new covering? Lin..:1mnn is the best. \Vill save you lots of work if you put it. an 121v than “79 have laid in an extra supply of the 12 ft... width, bluck and floral patterns. Have also plenty of 1:6 ft. Wide. Everything up-to-date and of the best quality is to be {mm-“1 Haxdware Store. VJ e have a large stock of Seeds suitable for the man with the fl also for the farmer. All fresh and of the best quality. Any pelson requiring rubbers for their seeding machine.< ‘ supplied at; 200 each. Our shoe department. is full to overflowing with the best slia-es you can buy. \Vliether you want, an expensive, dressy >l1iw or a moderate priced 81106, or a cheap shoe, well made- and nf and appearance, we are ready to supply you, always with the very best at the price. Have you seen our hand-seeding machines? The." examininm New Shoes for Spring We can show you a good line of Sprayers, garden rakes, lmcs. shovels and Wheel barrows. School shoes for boys and girls. \Ve got; in :1 great 10*. n the other day,â€"solid, honest. good looking shoes, that win ;; satisfaction. See them. House cleaners shouldn’t forges that we keep a stock of «WWII “PS, carpet stretchers, curtain stretchers, ironing beau-us. L horses and step ladders. ‘ Every person With a. thorough knowledge of paints will tell ,\ there is no paint manufactured to equal the Sherwin-\Villiams mixed Paints for all purposes. ' Place your order for coal early. W'e have already distributed cars. Every person that has used our coal knows the qualitY- _ . is as much difference between it and other coal as there is am» between Baswood and Maple in wood. JAMES IRELAND DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE, DOOR BOXNE FEMME, the prettiest; door curtain. $1.25 and $1.3") MADRAS CURTAINS, white and colors, decidedly new. 23:: to «3.32 yd. FRILLEI) BOBBIXETS, spot and floral muslins, in great variety. Hardware 25C bottles. Tc fier cake. Sole agent in Durham for Mechanic King meII~ -_B LAGL/l I I McIntyre Block. YOU that 5‘ Ready 8 real these arden 2m 1563 ° .50 “my «bid! eve umber on the ad to ' Tl "v '-v ry subscript addre be charged if. not do ion is pa sa label. all ayrears are pa 1c DITRL‘ISUED April Up I w" short distance east of firm. Lower TM” 2 to 2 o‘clock I ‘r-Qileen and Georg: Methodist Church ()fih 2-4 o.m., 7-9 p.m. Tele' â€"-vâ€" _ {ice in the New Hunter hours,8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p p. m. Speciat attention g‘n of women and children. ' posits Presbvterian Church. nrs. lamieson Mac EYE,EAR,THROAT j, G. Hutton. RADULATE of L0} York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose a Will be at Knapp House. 1h; Satmdav in each month. 11-». FFICE OFFICE: .Ll ty of Toronto. (it: College Denta! Surgeons Of O Dentistry in all its Br 05w.â€"Calder Block, (we 0f 11101er to loan at wopertv. U Uflice over Gifl’dfl 830“. Lower Town, [My U vexancers Khan} “Loan at L0ue>t 13:” momâ€"McIntvw mu Bank Durham 0an: 1 er, Conve) am er nt.‘10nev t‘) 1J1.(\‘] MLicenses. A gene: less transacted. A. H. lacks: OTARY PUBLIC. d 61'. Convevanver. M. U tioneer for the County prWilmly attended to. or. fit hm Implement \Varm'nc “ohlsmnd‘ Or at the Chroui EDITOR [)0 YOU KEE J. F. GRANT, D. D. S [ONOR GRADUATE. ‘ “We in construvtio turn, they combine mm. and are the cases; Skimmers on th f.80 it IS impex mtix ‘ Cream Sepax gum. The Delaval and M L Separators are .I". P. Telfo: ARRISTEI., some Nov. 9.36;; Medical Diredor: ARRISTER. SOI ’OHN CLARK. LIC 0500: 13, Frost 8L. 0v Arthur Gun, DURHAM. ONT. {1 Dr. 1 Tan CHRONICLE ' 'ny addWBI‘. free ’1 (finer year. Pa}. DR. BROW {Mice for turnix work. is completely stoc- NEW :FYPE. .1 bus esfiigato Lheir me 0f these stateme‘ AND ansm Legal ‘Dz’rad ental D Oil and Coal Oil , IRWIN W. F. Dun AND Pmmmm DR. BURT. Miscellmwc msjpnt - advert in specific dire i and charged at am" ‘:Found." ‘ insertion. ‘16 cen' (111333. free. of at year. paya'nl if not so paid ytion is pgud‘i! ..C Picke Dentist. Over J. 1 ,y stocke ”’66 givsn .d. exd er {a

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