Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Dec 1906, p. 11

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p submit to law, but men nd Denver Dan and Brock fight or flee, and they pre. 1 But what they do doesn’t lWe are going right along til way. Our men are an 3 for eight hours’ pay. To t b a strike.” ie all springs from a small nior spOKe ’a' se [\ w '01) are not afraid d steep trails. It table than a wag- :ed an hour ortwo tum. Jack Munro, stood in the door. my 01 the silken praise of Ann to livined his love). herâ€"working ev- xis torenoon, Rob- .OI'SGS‘ upliment me too nn. “Maids are too much kind. , near? We need us comfortable- can I get them?" ‘I will take you row, if you care better there and complied. 'k Munro.” 1rd and held out . and Ann could cold and reserv- his trauma. fly that no ham her wort. He and Vievv earl! home ere this.” rd. but I’ve al- md to see 1101'i “'lth me up 1" . I don’t often ad I wanted to :9 were of like added. with 8 Imitation. “In- loldly. “Hello, ch." said Ann, 'I'd like to go a drive? How 91 \ l “Are you ~ SHE m1 "-7 {Rim .3333! Drs. lamieson 8:. Hacaaurin. ( FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, :‘HE .108 : : OEPAR'I‘HENT HO l. P. Telford. Ofices tording facilities er, Conveyancer. Agent. Money to L0: riage Licenses. A 201 ness transacted. 3228M} ’J - tignegr for the County of Grey. June 06 DURHAM. ONT. tanda :‘FICE d - gelleer for theâ€"County of Grey. Sales Promptly attended to. Orders may be left at his Implement Warerooms, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofliee. OHN KINNEE, LICENSED AUG ' tioneer for the County of Grey . J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. mtma.‘ dxflwmouk 5022.10 u HEB.» trash 33$. .32?!» “3mm U . tioneer for the County of Grey. Tents moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of snles can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- hce. Residenee and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone eonneohon. mone rpertv DECEMBER ‘20, 1906 UA‘ UL. VAC..- vâ€" _.__, ty of Toronto. Grahnafie Royal age Dental Surgeons of Ontano. Dentistry in all its Branches. '_ veyancers. meanâ€"In the Lndatd Bank. G. TSIACKAY. K. C. warps éduéocao’m {senses of Eye. re.â€"Calder Block, over Post EDITOR as!) PROPRIETHK OHN CLARK. LICENSED AU_C- DURHAM. ONT. . Hutton, M. D., C. M. (3E AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR Medical Dire-3510(1). Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. :2 distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Street, Lower Town, Durham rs from 12:0 2 o’clock. on F‘s-{.23.}, om MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the County of Grey. Ran Dental Directorv. DR. BROWN rt NU! MacKay 8:. Dunn. W. IR‘VIN 3X3. MS ord' A. H. Jackson. 59 ccn \N’ AN D 81 Miscellaneous. if! :21 .6. Ch a and Ofiice Ks :cmpktciy flocked with as} TEL-AV TYPE. thus- a. for turninz out Finnélao; reler at. eniscmcnu h; Ear Nose and Throat. [FRED LONDON. ENG. "MEIER: iiiih George (Lower Town.) m URT. 9-11 a No.10 crs must be“ ,.:. ten (5‘ n (OW man Iva-w ‘tior. .CIOY \V. F. DUNN. ON, OF ck. Ofl'iC! let all ancar treats-at 1 CC (1 1883598 the 2nd N9w Peculiar Accident to an Engineer Edward Spencer. chief engineer of the S. S. " Glide,” of Montreal was working around his engine when a hot bolt flew out and burned his arm terribly. It was as if a red-hot epi= had been thrust into it! A supply of Zam-Buk balm nae Speedily obtained and first aid rendered. The famous herbal balm alleviaxed‘the pain. and to the surprise of Spencer and all his friends, at the end of a Week the wound Was completelv healed. This is only one of several cases reputed recently in which Zam-Buk has been proved a wonderful healer of burns. cuts. bruises and abrasions. It is equally efiecrive for ulcers. sores. open wounds scalp sores and blood poisoning. no matter how long these have persiSted Mrs W. H. Taylor, of North Bav, (On' ). enya: "I had a seal}? spot about as big as a women! piece on my fee». I bad if for font ypars. und ha'dly anizh' during that time wvnt b\ but what I applied coid cranm or some ointment or other. but ~t would alwanv.a be there. and :be warmer tha wpmhpr 'be worse it um, I recent” appli9d Zom Bat, and in about a wnek’s time the spot had dis- appeared completelv ” OIIP of the, wor‘d’s greatest fin‘ alysts says the healing power of Zam Bnk i-e due to the rare herbal r-RSHIWCr-S of which it 3- entirely com po-ed. For rheumatism and sciatica i' is also a sptwdv cure. Its healing lflfillellCH on the skin is unequalled. and it is so pure that the delicate skinof babes benefits from its appli- cation. It cures rashes and erup- tions as well as more serious ail ments. such as blood poison. ring- worm. abscesses, etc. Indeed. as a household balm itis working wonder. ful cures all over the Dominion. Druggists and stores sell it at fifty cents a box. A sample will be sent by the Zam-Buk 00., Toronto. to all our readers who mail this article with a one cent stamp to pay return post- l Hyomei contains Nature’s healingl inmfl soils and balsams, the germ-killing lproperties of the pine-toreSts, and corn, goes with the air you breathe to the i E. E. remote cells of the respiratory g A- G organs, searching out and killing all r Ryde catarrhal germs and soothing. and? WGS‘ healing any irritation there may bet P11 in the mucous membrane. It is easy ing t and pleasant to use Hyomei, pleas. Febm anter than most of the stomach dos Soun ing, as its healing air is breathed prop. through a neat pocket inhaler, which for 1 can be carried in the purse or vest- Earl; pocket, and carries medication to just prize the Spot where relief is needed. ,ex-re age. Write the mime and this paper across the attic! mailing. If you have catarrh, with offensive breath, burning pains in the throat, coughing. raising of mvcous, diffi- culty in breathing, sneezing, huski- ness, discharge from the nose. tick- ling and dropping at the back of the throat, especially at night; coughing Spasms. etc.. begin the use of Hyomei at once. «+- At the Annual meeting of the Grey Old Boys’ and Girls’ Ass’n. held on HAVE Y0“ CATARRH? Dec, 13th. the. followmg officers were . . a ointed. Hon. President Jackson Breathe Hyomel and Get Rellef and LgpLittle; Hon. Vice-Presidents Dr. R â€"vv-_â€"‘ Its healing medication will give re- stituencies on the lief in alew days and its continued Boddy Wm Walms use will completely drive all catarrh- Harvey walmrley, ‘ al germs from the system. James. Wm. Forwa anmei contains Nature’s healinzl ing, Geo. Gunn_.AI. O The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, extra bottles. if needed, 50 cents. We do not want anyone’s money unless Hyomei gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that the money will be refunded un- less the remedy gives satisfaction. To the small investor who is tempt- ed to buy Cobalt stock the only ad vice isâ€"don’t. If the mine is no good you lose your money. If the mine is good the big men will squeeze you out and you lose your money 'just as surely. Get around in the (morning and: attend to your own lbusinese and let mining stocks alone. I â€"-Listowel Banner. All druggists should be able to supply you with Hyomei or we will send it by mail on receipt of price, and every package is sold with understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Write to-day for a symptom blank. which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symp- tom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention and write you a letter of advise without charge. Booth’s Hy- Omei Company. Bufialo, N. Y. STRUCK BY A HOT BOLT. Cost of living. as shown by R. G. . Dunn 00.. has increased very large. 1y during the past month. Cost of living is on the average higher than it has been since 1884. In discussing the subject of trade this authority says the rise in prices is fairly re- presentative of the greater demand that has followed increased prosperity throughout the na'iuns and because of the advance in wages which has lifted the purchasing power of the people above all precious records in this and other nations. ure. Sold Under Guarantee date of e before Sr. IVâ€"J. McIlvridP, H. Barbar. Sr IIIâ€"M. Hoy. A. Perrierew. 0. “orrisnn. B Barber. F'. Clark. E. Tmcter. C. Petrigrew, A. Morn-ism. Jr. IIIâ€"3.71. Kerr. W. Blyth. E. Barber, E. Morrison. H. Buber, W. Eagle. Sr. IIâ€"F. Kerr. and A. Pettigmw Sr. IIâ€"F. Kerr. and A. Pettigmw equal. \V. Hutton. S. Grant. Jr. [1â€"3 Morrison. A. Lauder. L. Jr. II~E Petcigrew. Sr. IIâ€"Sadin Lawrence Bertha. Aylinc, Eila Cufi. Berbert Noble, Grace Petty, Jas. Langrill, Clara. Mc- Caslin. Sr. Pt. II â€"-Annie Smith. Maxwell Grierson. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"X’Villie Vollett, Lorne Mountain. Sr. Iâ€"Alice Picken, Theo. Ayling, *Cecil Mountain, Rueben Noble. Hi1- ; yard Armstrong. Richardson. Mrs Albert E. Milloy and \V. A. Ellis; Treamrer Jas Mc- Bride; Recording Secretary C. \V. iCbedwick; Financial Secretary T. A. Kirven: Director of Ceremonies J. W. Bates; Historian J. F. Whitson; Rep resentatives from the different con- stituencies on the Executive, Wm. Boddy \Vm. \Valmsley, L. E DJViS, Harvey Walmrley, Joe Lee. Wilbur James. Wm. Forward. Wm Flemm- ing. Geo. Gunn. I. O. Spofford. W. N. Spofl'ord, Alf. Thurston. W. G. An. corn, Dr. F. W. Murray. R E Crane. E. E. Rutherford, John Moflat, W. J. Vâ€"Edward Lawrence. IVâ€"Piorenre \‘mnnain. Ohmic-9 Lawrence, Agnes Peuv. “arinn Petty S-\di° L‘ncri‘!_ Earl VgJMtL RAMON Griersnn. Sr [ITâ€"Jeanie Pickén, Maggie Mnumain. Leila Vollett, Victor Noble Fred Cufi. Rubt. CUE. Ir. IIIâ€"Nina Nob‘n. JM McCaslim Maggi» Donnellv, ”Willie Langrilla Willie Bouglass. Annual Meeting of the Grey County Old Boys’ and Girls’ Ass’n. E. Henderson, J. Harrison Miller, W. Seymour Corie and F. S. Mearns; Masson: Vice-Pres Preparations were made for hold ing the “At Home” about the let. of February. and the Excursion to Owen Sound about the middle of July. A proposal was received to ofier prizes for the two best essays on “The Early Life in Grey County.” The prizes will be open to all residents or ex-residents of Grey County. The cash on hand is over $250. Tom Armstrong had many friends at VVoodford and vicinity. and all were shocked last week to learn of his terrible death at Medicine Hat, N. W. T. Engaged in railway con- struction work, he fell from a river bank and four days later was found frozen in the ice. Thomas Arm~ strong was a native of Sydenham township, 4?. years of age, and resid- ed near Woodiord until four years ago. when he went West, and from whence he was destined never to return alive. The remains were brought to Owen Sound on Thursday last and were laid to rest in Annan cemetery. The unfortunate man was foreman of a C. P. R. conStruction tgang at Dunsmcre Junction. and had 'been at a statitn two mile-z from Medicine Hat con-'ulting with some of the railway men He misse‘. the returning train and decided to walk to town. In ablinding snows*orm he evidently lest the path and fell over an embankment. six feet. to the ice below, which had formed on the river. He is supposed to have been stunned by the fall. and when found was em bedded in the ice, with only one shoulder and a portion of one leg ex posed to view. The deceased gentle , lman had 1113‘: secured three months” leave of absence and was prepared to leave for his old home to Spend the winter months. Mr. Armstrong leaves one brother, Robert, of Wood- fod, and three sistersâ€"Mrs Gilbert Best. Woodford; Mrs. Jas. Hood, Iowa. and a sister living in Toronto. He was unmarried, very popular bOlh s in Woodford and in the West. and I his untimely death is sincerely re- 1 gretted by all who know him.â€"Mea- ford Mirror. 9.83011; IIâ€"W Eden. FROZEN IN THE ICE. HONOR ROLL. BUTTON HILL. J OHN JOHNSTON, Teacher. N01. N AND J. F. \Vhi r. “T. Wu! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE nsle SOD. \Vrigh has.)I K 0y “ The Expansion of Canada.” b) 51". A. Blue. Chit-f Census officer oi the Domiuaou, is the fitting inaugur at article of the Christmas Farmers Advoca'e and Home Magazine. a cup) of which 11.5 reached us The illu- Strations are part1cuiari;.r strlkwg A. rxcb efiect is moduced by the eightl colozed pagws executed in the BFiCOlul 3 E 1 i i i t g process. The beSL artists of Canada have contributei of their choicest works to its pages. Mr. G. A. Reid 1 n r) n A ..... n Ana chon-k ;n rh. P. R. C. A.. higes a fine sketch in the l 1 Home Magazine Department of ”1.? Strange to say, although many attempts lave prOgress 0f C‘mdiar‘ a” n “ddi " been made, no one ever succeeded in combining the oil and iron until, quite recently, a Canadian physi- tlou there are Wash Drawings ant. Photo Engravings, Black and White ‘ Engravings. including; six whole. 1 - page and many half-page pictures i On almos: every page one. comes upon ; some feature, which, though true as! the Gospel, reads like a romance of’ agriCultwrnl progress in Ca. ada. Th: . articles on the Collie D03. the Miliiug' Industry the Harte”. of the “'Oods. Rural England. Tue Habuant Uoun try. Nut. b e Fm {In in Untallo. Que- bec and the u l’itlme Provinces. ant“. tho Uhtnxw Agricultural Cullwgt‘. are paltlcumxu \ut'mable and enter 3 mining. Th» Umm‘io Agricu’tun a: digested emulsion Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phospho- lCF" HU.‘ ".rw: . . . 0‘ ”e 3“” 9 a ‘1‘“‘-“‘ ed bN “' mi. +1.9 nvar‘f mncmnents necessarv to Increase the Coheue article. Ls‘ illUst.1'ated by axfl imposing panoramic vie“. in Colors: of the institution. which stands up deservedly high in the Gave!!!) “1‘. farmers and farmers’ sons. Readm .l your Christmas will not he Cflml h teq unless you see acopy of this great; holiday number. â€"â€"â€"+â€" i a BLOOD. PURE, RICH, RED. l Rosy glow in the face, Sparkling nvvnm vixroninna en‘rifo an all thn hilt-l ms, the exact constituents necessary to Increase the Weight, Enrich the Blood and Build up the No argument is needed to prove the value of such a preparation in the treatment of Bronchitis and Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula, Rickets, Anaemia and wasting diseases of any kind. For Croup, Whooping Cough and Chronic Coughs and Colds Ferrol is an absolute specific. Rosy glow in the face, Sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood. No surer wav exists of purifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. By their gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and liver they filter every impurity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary for the main- tenance of health. To be well, look well, and feel always at your best, use Dr. Hamil. ton’s Pills of Mandrake and L’mm nut a truly, wonderfui medicine for young and old. Prim». 250 at all deal- ers. iasc issue, Lerov “as blakesman for the Gran the run between Ailunda the run between Allamiiale and flea- ford. He was either discharged by the Company or left ita services after being relieved from duty on this di- vision. Using his acqtzaintarme amorg the men as a lever, he travel led in a mail car. About three weeks ago he kicked a bag of mail matter out of a car at Mimico and a week or so later repeated the performance by drOppimz a mail bag out of the car near Parkdale station and returned to rifle them of their contents “This isa very serious charge.” said the Magistrate, “ and the lowest term is three years. Parliament has been very severe on this class of crime. I sentence you to six years in the Kingston Penitentiary on each charge, the sentences to run concur- rently." Post Oflice Inspector Henderson prosecuted on behalf of the Govern~ ment. The letters, it will he remem- bered. were found open and thrown into a. water tank at the Iroquois Hotel. Toronto. Sometimes from shock or fright, but usually because the system is weakened and depressed,â€"it lacks power to react .from sudden strain. This condition demands rebuilding demands nonrishment, which is best supplied by Fen-ozone. In every form of debility Ferrozone is a Spec- ific. It fortifies the digestive and assimulative power of the body. pro- motes the elimination of waste ma- terials, builds up tissue. gives energy and resistance. To have rich, red blood, enduring nerves. a strong con- stitution and laStinggood health, use Ferrozone Sold everywhere in 500 waes or six for $2.50. ‘5 All 1023 (with the exception of the iHemlcck) not to be cut over 14 ft. {(12 ft. long preferred.) ary For which we will pay the follow- ing prices :â€" Elm. Ash and Basswood, $10.00 to $15.00. Maple, Beech and Birch. $8 to $14. Spr’uce and Balsam, $12 00. Hemlock, $10.00. An extra high price will be paid for first class Rock Elm. 10000 Ft. Logs Wanted LERO AN ART GALLERY- H H) W WHY DO YOU PAINT? m an DURHAM FURNITURE CO. ; on every W 503- 35¢- Y GETS 8 YEARS \V0 ”.51”. hat in Two Days. u hile on a ated in our formmly a runk on COD * ‘3 Ll MR OIL and IRON 1 A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES Itching. Blind. Bieeding. Protruding Piles Drug gists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 500. Pumps. PERROL is not a patent mystery. The formula 15 treezy puousnea. u the best Physicians. It is endorsed by the most eminent Medical Journals. prominent Hospitals, Sanitarium, etc. raw Pam’s AND Rmmms DRILLING, Rm-Cmmxa AND PE done with Cmumnt. concrete. BEG LEA VF? 'l'O INFURM MY ()7 BOMBER: and the public In zuneml mm an xn'evamd tn 'zzruiah ‘NURK GUARANTEED m A MERRY XMAS TO ALL Christmas comes but once a year, and Why not try and make someone happy. Our store from end to end is full of the Christmas spirit. We have prepared for an immense trade this season, and useful presents of all descriptions may be picked up for father, mother brother, sister, or sweetheart. For many 3221's it has been recognized by physi- cians everywhere that Cod Liver Oil and Iron should be given in combination if possible, as where one is required the other is in all probability needed, too, each enhancing the value of the other. Strange to say, although many attempts have been made, no one ever succeeded in combining the oil and iron until, quite recently, a Canadian physi- cian, after some years of study and experiment, man- aged to solve the problem He then added just a little phosphorus ; the result is ALLORDERS taken at the old stain Mcanau'a Mm wiH he urmnpnna GEO RGE WEI"; MORE RH ea! The formula is freely published. It is prescribed by and 4. 151 Chris I \Vm Y< 1. N D R the 1 W150 UTORE AND DWELLING IN THE W m. Wall Thos. McC Village of Pric NOTICE TO TRESE McGirr, No tCou\ \D L Firth \"0" o, oung N0 3 C W TO RENT - )l 7U ll .. Itisusedfl D R 11 § IE ldalk. r0500 WMM

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