Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Nov 1906, p. 3

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ion .\»"-. Pen {10) Grenelg lding a Second Class 09" f;en ale), tor 190'. D115” 5 first week in January Bis required. Statesalal'? plications received up” 1506, by any of the an” :HcDOXALD Sac. Irma. Pricevillo.‘ 30x32; 2%"; 3’1" Cement fl 3 in the 0the stone Stable ient to a. Lot For JAIG. Chairman an > Clifi', Ontagio. er Wanted. r W'anted. for Sale. Secv-‘r rea EDWA S. BEI C, SEW \V Ebordale ECTION e. holding cor}- malice ‘cen‘ed to “.7 RING DOD: renew ONLY A cup OF TEA "MW“ ‘ WFW FM» at a] ---the chimney must fit the rang PERCY G. A. WEBSTER Our Large Stock of Riggf eadquarters d as we keep nothing but the best 5 1 to have a look before buying. .1 ore “it’s no trouble to Show goon XOVEM BER 8, 1906 eased 1016C USUUn ‘15 Aanv , for miles. and our Watch and Jewelry rade has more than doubled this last six months. 530.5 300, 400, 50c and 60c Per Lb XIBER THIS IS THE MONTH FOR HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. 1y The Chronicle .00 Cash. CEYLON TEA. the teapot results will be unequalled. MIXED ‘ Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM meanest chimney that was ever constructed. 11 vered from the misfortune of a. few days ago by robbers, we to announce to the public that we are fully stocked up once more complete Stock of high class Jewelry than ever. if such could be possible. 1V Chlmnev. COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT B at if it’s from a Sealed Lead Packet of Wedding Presents of a range is very impor- - tant. Some ranges will iii-Zr draw all right if the chim- ' I "’3" ney Hue is built in a certain ' way; if not, it will not draw at all, or very imperfectly r must lit the range. A Price from $65.00 up. DIAMOND HALL_ \AIQI REFS. 8 C118 been empnamca Bank Manager Shaw goods." frienis at any time 35; make: JEWELRY It will draw freely and perfectlyl oor in a ns the .J . 1. u‘Afin UUML’AA 1 a DLLL, ml opportunity for the small investor r in a. prOposition of almost unbound- petty subdividad into residental lots is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged .bacically endorsed by the Mayor magers. and leading business and HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE TALK are selling fast 3 on application. J. 1. CASE COMPANY’S SITE, To the premises cf the undersigned Lot 18. Con. 1 S. D. R., near Bones sen. on or about the 16th of October, a. gentleman pig, about. a year old. Owner may have same by proving preperty and paying expenses. Oct. 27â€"3c. Standard Silver in stock it will pay And as we have said many a time 'Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. fifiE l R 5.1% I’m. . k - mm. b 5.00 per Month. At Your Grocer’s. So come along with your Strayed. D. A. BROWN. Call or write GREEN ‘x\ V. k 31% s’ .v» e)? 'v‘ (/3? A Children’s Aid Society has been organized at Niagara Falls, Out. The Cataract Pawer Co. has given the work of creating it’s Hamilton terminal station t.) the White Co. VIngersoll polviEeâ€"Haive startedâ€"Fat to enforce the anti-Spitting by-law. There are now 100 cases of small pox in \\ estmoreland county. X. B. Last month’s cuscoms colleczions at Montreal were $1,325,511. the largest in the biscory of the port. Nine. horses and two cows were burned with Rosuer Brownsmne’s stable at Plum Coulee, Mun. Ottawa boarding house keepers have increased their weekly rate by $1. An attempt. will be made to organ ize a newsboys’ association in Wind sor. It is reported that the municipal elections at Kingsmn will be run .on strict party lines. \Vhile duck hunting on Georgian Bay, Rev. A. .I. Fowlie, of Cold- water. was shot in the leg. R. M. Creme Montreal for {m heir of half a m The residence of C. A. Case. St. Catharines, was seriously damaged by fire. Woodstock Public school teachers have petitioned for an increase in salaries. Work on the enlargement of the Parliament Buildings at Ottawg. will begin this week. 4â€".-- Ottawa puiicc arc iuvesUgating rot)‘ {buries at the storés of Wm. Howe‘ bicycle dealer. and Edouard Gaulin, jeweller. John Lacey. a C. N‘ R. employe injured near Swan River, is in a sari ons state m the General Hospital WinnipEg. i The enscoms receipts as shown at. IOLtawa, for the last. four months, 'have increased $2,176 445 over the same period last year. The gain for October is $670,373. Western University Students, Lon don. refuse to attend lectures be cause they are at Odds with Dr Moorhouse. The Loan Exhibition of the W0. men’s Hi‘szurical Society in the Na- tional Gallery. Ottawa, was opened by Sir \\ ilfrid Laurier. Sister Mary 8:. Felix, of St. Jos- eph’s, died an 5:. Joseph’s HOSpital, numiltou, after an illness of five weeks from typhoid fever. Geo. Holmes. an Amherstburg hotelkeeper, has appealed from a con- viction registered against him by Magistrate Beeman at Essex. Holmes claims that the case should have been tried before Magistrate McGee at Amhe rstbnrg. Matthew Smith, of Hampton, has been appointed to succeed Hon. Geo. Simpson as member of the Prince Edward l’rovincial Executive. During the year ending Sept. 30th there xx ere 236 summary convictions and 37 indictabie oflences disposed of in the \\ indsor Police Court. Bert Andrews has been arrested at Port Huron, Michigan. on a charge of setting tire to a house and barn seven years ago at Port Dover. The Northern Counties Investment Co. is suing met). if. R. at Vancouver for $23 .U‘M damages for the deSLruc- tion.of a be m re orchard by fire. Relatives of Joseph. Renaud, the man who diSappearel {rein Sandwich ten days ago. have given up the search for his body in the Sandwich Baron Von Hagen, a German sports- man. stayed one month in the Cassair country in British Columbia on a hunting trip, and came back with two moose, three caribou, three mountain sheep. a. black bear and a silver fox. The Dominion Li-Jvc'rumen: is suing the 00mm Steamship Co. at Vancouv- er for faiiure to I‘cLul‘u two Japanese who are «fixated wun crachome. The G. ‘1‘. R. has raised an objec- tion, and consideration of the applic- ation of the C. N. R. for an entrance into Otzawa has been deferred by Hon. Mr. Emmerson. Magistrate O’Loane, of Scratford. has been advised that. Samuel P. Chant, an insane immigrant, will 0e returned no Eugiandb} the provinci. 31 authorities. Fred. Holden was fined $50 and costs at Indian Head, Sash, under the Grain Act. He was no: an appli- cant under the act. but obtained cars and then transferred them to friends. An Innerkip man, while in a Wood- stock hotel put a lighted pipe in a pocket which contained 880 in bills. but the fire was put out before the man was injured. The money was destroyed. \V i ll GENERAL NEWS a unmon 1n emer is uude DD 85KB be held at ID nuSlcal crop :turns of the D uterior so far 3' op of 90824.1: \V amieux was t ioninn Society ument DURHAM CHRONICLE sions. Montreal. Colet writ is not d the assiStance lieutenantsgov- competing com- cal and theatri- ‘held at Ozsawa illia 0y pm» 1L1 1'“) 3.11 semion a yard family . 5: at .s the nne's 1n the virgii forests of that won-' derful land, Australia, the ancient natives practised their weird and mysterious ties of healing. Much of their ancient lore will never now be known by modern men Some of it. however, is known in certain quarters. and even modern scientists have been amased at the deep know- ledge of medicinal plants possessed by these ancient natives. When discovered by Capt. Cook, the great explorer, he wrote of them:-â€"‘ I did not observe amongsvi them any Sign of disease. Old men wnthont hair and teeth were full of life and acrivity.” This wonderful health Wis lound to be due to the fact that; they USt‘d enr'aiu herbal essences asi medicine \Vhat stronger proof could be had than this. of the facr. that the herbs of the field and the trees of the forest consti'u:e na-_ ture’s medicine chest for mankind?i In Bileans for Biliousness. the great! Ausrra‘ian hOUS"l‘.O:d :"unwiiy. )0u? have. the finest Known medicinalf essences. From coating to kernel they are purely vegetable The)" are an alisglute-lfi' natural remed v fori iz;«::;-_w.~:il.‘n. lumiache. bi’iox.‘.snoss.i; ecu.- ignition, piles. and all disordersi arising from limit and. st;_.11‘1ach dis-i - “awâ€".q-.- V . It is now well know: that liver “WWW-UL Inedxgmegs lntherro m use mosuy WMJOHXSTON, contam blsmuth. mercury. and Other Chairman harmful mineral produms. These mineral constitutsuts are Very in- jurious if taken {or loug. and pro- duce such effects as that of loosening the teeth, causing the hair to fali out, etc. Bileans are entirely (lib; {erent and superior. They are pure 1 1y vegetable. and contain no trace uf: ! I I 1 S l I l A F ULL I. .113; such harmful ingredients as the above They cure that which they are taken to cure, and do not leave behind them evils worse than the original ones. Bileans are mild in their action, and are thus suitable for the most delicate constitution. They never cause griping or pain. Taken at night, they work while you sleepâ€"- toning up and timulatfng the liver, Strengthening the digestiye organs. removing the causes of headacheâ€" aud when you awaken it is to feel “like another person altogether.” as the saying goes. Bileans cure head- ache, constipation, piles, liver trou- bles. indigeStion and all digestive disorders. female ailments. skin eruptions, biliousness. sick headache. bad taste in the mouth, foul breath. dizziness. fainting, buzzing noises in the head. feelings of uncomfortable lulness even after a light meal. anaemia, debility, etc. They also acc as a general tonic, and by im proving the tone of the whole sys- tem enable it to throw off colds, chills. etc. They improve the gen- eral circulation. and are a boon to pale faced girls and weak women. All druggiSts sell at :30 cents a box, or post free from the Bilean 00.. Toronto. on receipt of price. John Buhlrnann is the caretaker.- oil the Catholic church in Mildmay. One‘ . , , Pumps. _- of his dut1e315 to ring the bell every i morning at G o’clo:k. He is nevvrl BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CU“- . ‘ ' " V i In . a? late, but sometimes he seems to get mlpfiizéiifi‘flér‘fii’ém m m general th I rather too much of a hustle on. It was that way with him on Monday morning or rather on Sunday night of . -. . t 11 ‘1: I .k ”ms lveel,‘ A, , 0°” Sunday "’3‘" Q“ ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand the srx o clock bell began to ring out mm McGowan’a mu will be promptly at its clangingnoces. The pe0ple jump-: tended to. ed out of had and hurried down to the church to find out what had gone wrong. When the venerable Care- taker discovered that he had made a mistake, he consulted his watch, and found that the hands had gut tangled ‘ up in such a way that 11.40 p. :1). looked like 6 a. m.â€"Telescope. .. -.W-A.V. - 7NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS, WELL DRILLING, RE-CURBING axn Peassccaerxe done with Cement concrete. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. GEORGE WHITMORE. .â€"â€".-.â€".~â€"_M4-”-. an Dnnnln’n Ennnmm 3* 2:51-19. min in passing water. pain in M. and over the kidneys. hot. dry and dry and brittle. pain heavy. sleeplessnesa. weight. chilly sensa- -. ory. general debil- ; heart. disorders v, ‘ ' :~.-. 112. has 5: augh t./,-'k trouble with ‘ 1-. waxy ‘ 3 -_ skin. fever. ‘ 3“".L'fmm ‘ " 5-» -', one foot to «finer in -- ‘3 ,2]. standing. , >70p- '33 .' er treat- :/ Lune. ‘dost ~252- 1,‘ 33W ( .‘-’ effect from ~ « diuretics. These kidney physics. 331;, not on the bowels. l‘ucy excite the kid- ‘ 2:3" neys to unusual ac- tion. they cause over- {’ strain. These dinr‘ tic remedies are them selves the frequent cause of serious kidney disease. Don’t try to doctor the kidneys themselves. for you will only harm them. Their only strength is new. newer. Dr. Shoop’a Restorative (Tablets or Li_qu1d)vitalizes the nerves that. operate thc Kaine”. Sensual-mended by the vrnctically‘ 9 “ ling as cathartlcs Use Dr. Sheep’s Restorative to the Cause, If You Suffer Frc "£180wa ‘ JC. 5103‘ 6-4 get. thei: uo‘dies called “e are the s MAC FARLANE CO. are the symptoms of Kidney complains: I; .h-n with sediment. brick dust. in urine. waned urine. greasy froth or blood s1rs;.:}' mucous in urine. unusual_ dg. legs 1e91,,» heavy. s QC . loss of 25‘ .. weight. These Symptoms. amfi Iiabetes "“111m1:)lements,;1 ‘ MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER. First. 0188!: Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queesn’s University, Science, Historyand Geo gravhy-i Iiress... The Undertaker CURTAIN POLES. WINDOW SHADES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, FRAMP» TO URDER,ETC,,ETC. . . . . . UNDERTAKING EMBALM- ING a specialty. and night calls or day calls may be made at our residence and showrooms. next door south of the Post Office. The school is thorouhly equipped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrical supplies 3x13 fittings, etc., for fuli Junior Leaving and Matri c- ulation work. The following competent stat! are in charge : ED. KRESS, Undertaker. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics, Modem:- axd English. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can been talnedat reasonable rates. Durham 15 a health and active town making it a most desirab place of residence. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIS JERS MO WBRS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. DURHAM SCHOOL. Democrats and Buggies GARAFRAXA STREET. DURHAM Manitoba Flours always give_satis- faction. hanBment AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the Cook. The People’s Grocery Five Roses and Reindeer THOS. ALLAN, lst Class Certificate, Prin. Monuments and Tombstones Deering Harvester C035 AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Farm Implements «Q: Machinery. A PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER will be present the first week in each month when refitting of upholstered goods will be proper- ly and promptly atttend to. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . E?“ ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan‘a Mil] will be promptly at tended to. Has a complete Stock of For Flours STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF (Rubber and Steel Tires. We carry,also other well known brands of Flour. John Ciark A FULL LINE 01“ TB 3; Fees. $1.00 per month. (HVEN SOUND. at; and C. R AMA GE, Secrets! Berlin Pianos Auctioneer €O GROCERIES THE TWO HIGHEST GRADES OF MANITOBA FLOUR MATé’fiEWS LAYEMER Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Undertajgigg; arm and Garden Seeds. We still carry on business as formerly and hope to be favored with the continued patronage of our old cus- tomers and as many new Protect Yourself A new Smock, at right, prices. We also have a full range of Smocks at 50c and 750 each. ODBS to give us a trial. Rubbeyhlined Smacks OVERALLS-plain and twilled â€"Biack and Navy Bibs and without Bibs at 850 and $1. DURHAM. NO‘.‘ W ITHSTAN DING the ad- Bring us your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples for which we pay the highest prices. Flour and Feed Railroad Coats and] "“ Overalls: 7'» m3 Carding and Spinning TO ORDER AS USL’AL. Wflfll WANTED C. McArthur BARCLAY BELL Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived, also a. full line of Catholic Robes. ; We have opened up Under- taking in Thomas Swallow’s building, opposite Middaugh House. and are prepared to do business for any person re- quiring Undertaking. Government Standard Timothy and Clover. THEOBALD'S OLD STAND From the fall rains by wearing one of our vauce in price of wool we sell our wool ‘cx at old prices, 250 pair. S. SCOTT as may feel disposed Ggiivie 3 Royal Household Keewatio Five Roses per barrel ONTARIO

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