Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Nov 1906, p. 3

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#acher Wanted kstrav S in Glenelg. near Durham. ‘ improved farm. will 3011,7917 Ltrade. LOT near Durham Furnitnfl W LJ ”BER 1, 1906 SE TIME Ly: Prompt-Never Negligent. 8 near Durham. 3 good fun. [3" improved. was askxng 37.“. take great deal less. .NOVER CON VEYANCEB ’9 his advertisements but 00' NE“? BARGAINS: Bentixx‘ck. near Crawford. W dwelhng. very large 53" Lbles and via: stables. wsfl‘ and. good bush. Price 919.9% um of money tolend at loves: .BTS COLLECTED. INSUR; seed. Dxfficulties arts . 0 . Ocean Stpunship Tic ots 50" . H. Miller Will sell cheap or trade. 'A_BLE Blacksmith shop stud. wthing pri'vate; NDS 0F HARDWARE . SIEGNER 2 BUSY DURHAM for Sale H. H. MILLER. and l «t 66‘ Wanted Wanted. 100 ". “ 5, COD, 2‘ E. G. Ltaining: m) 3c house In good at 110 acres (:181 bet S malFOTCh: d W'ill PRICE of30 1’ less than is the prices. ettinz have JR TE M 'V xbndg tion of mg the vale? of under. nuary, salary ale AS )re 1id xe- Same flavor as Japan, only perfectly free from adul- terations of any kind. It is to the Japan tea drinker what “SALADA” Black is to the }ack tea drinker. . .vavava g. .vavavavavavavavava .vavavavavavavavavava JAPAE‘»! TEA DRINKER§ Our Large Stock of Rings HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE TABK ~â€"~â€"â€"â€" for miles. md our Watch and Jewelry trade has more than doubled this 133:: six months. Added to its compact- ness, is every advantage to be found in any Having recovered from the misfortune of a. few days ago by robbers, we :xI‘r: pleased to announce to the public that. we are fully stocked up once mere with a. more complete snock of high class Jewelry than ever. if such could be possible. REMEMBER THIS IS THE MONTH FOR And as we keep nothing out the best Standard Silver in stock it will pay you to have a look before buying. And as we have said many a tune oefore "it’s no trouble to show goods.” 80 come along thh your friends at any time. Headquarters for PERCY G. A. WEBSTER Try An Ad. lts Aerated Oven, changing the air therein completely, without lessening the heat a degree, gives it an immense ad- vantage over all other ranges.‘ lts deep fire-box holds the fire easily over nightâ€"no ashes can accumulate to choke the draft. %§*%%¢%%¢%%Ké%¢%%%%%fi= HIGH is the oniy property subdivided into residental lots W that actually adjoins the J. 1. CASE COMPANY’S SITE, offers an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a proposition of almost unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. PrOperty in this district is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged investment. and basbeen emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. Do no: delay. These lots are selling fast. Call or write to-day. Map and full paticulars on application. $15.00 Cash. John KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. NOVEMBER 1, 1906 Lead Packets Only. The Chronicle THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO., Limited Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM grates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. ry desirable improvement for effecting a saving in labor, fuel is found in the Souvenir. HAMIL ’KI)’, WiNNIPEG. MONTREAL. VANCOUVER YOU REALLY MUST TRY chry Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. Wedding Presents 34 McGill St., Toronto. Price from $65.00 up. DIAMOND HALL CEYLON GREEN TEA. JEWELRY 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c and 600 Per Lb All parties owing the estate of Dan Campbell, deceased, must pay me or A. H. Jackson at once, or claims will be placed in Court. xperlence in stove building is con- centrated in the Souvenir Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern cooking stoves. $5.00 per Month. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. ANNIE S. CAMPBELL, Administratrix Notice. The Hamilton Y. M. C. A. will erecc gloat-storey bui ding. costing $30,000 for the boys’ department. The Green-Meehan mine, near ()0 balc. has been bought by Toronto, Ottawa and New York men. Mrs. Sarah Clark, of Thurlow town- ship. near Bellevihe, died of injuries received a. month ago by falling down Stairs. Renfrcw has an Elk lodge nowâ€" No. 31. The deficic of $347 of the South W’uterloo Agricultural Sociezy on this year’s fair, Will be met. by public subscription. Lev: Claus, an Indian. was sen tenced to six years in the Kxngston Penitentiary for criminal assault. at Brantford. A shirt factory is to be started in Arnprior. An epidemic of diphtheria prevails at La Salle. Man. Col. Edwards is forming a city re. giment in Edmonton. British Columbia mills cut 473,- 713,976 fe t of lumber last year. The 800 power plant will be en- larged to the extent of $1,000,000. The Moose Jaw Board of Trade are asking the C. P. R. to build a $100,000 hotel in that place. The News, T..orold’s first daily. has appeared. A. E Meyer. former- ly of Berlin. is the publisher. The property known as the Wel- land General Hospital, is to be sold under mortgage. A find of uranium and pitchblende. thought to be extensive, has been made in the Laurentian bills in Quebec. Experts called in the murder trial at Portage La Prairie, Mam, were of the opinion that Grobb, the accused, wasinsane. The Ontario Steel 8: Iron 00., W’elland, will build houses for its workmen. The Great Northern Railway has adoyted the Canadian Pacific sched- ule of pay for its engineers and fire- men in Quebâ€"c. A big legal fight is expecned at, Winnipeg bccween the Grain Ex- change and the suspended Grain Growera’ Company. Mrs A. B. Wiley sued the Wabash railway for $10,000 at St. Thomas for the death of but husband and receiv- ed $3,200 and costs. The Prince Albert School Board have secured usite for acollegiute institute, and will 'erect a first-class building next year. It is estimated that the output of the Alberta coal mines this year, not- withStanding labor troubles, will be over 1,250,000 tons. St. Catharines shippers and busi- ness men will ask the Government to build a turning basin in the Welland canal at St. Kits. Saskatoon has given aflonr mill company a fifteen years’ exemption from taxation on condition of estab- lishing a 500 barrel mill. Samuel K. Shaw, of Quebec city, was killed accidentally at his Lake Beauporc summer home by the ex- plosion of a gasoline stove. Goderich citizens gave a farewell banquet. to Major Beck, on the eve of his departure to become a permanent resident of Toronto. Charles A. Sneyder, Mayor of Day- ton. Ohio, is reported to have been drowned in the Whitefish district near Port Arthur while hunting. Premier Whitney, Ben. D. Pyne and Mr. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Education. attended the centenni- al exercises of the Cornwall High school. A party of 11 Swedes arrived in Winnipeg from Minnesota, on the way west. where they will find the homesteads. The colonists came from Enoch. Minnesota, and will lo- cate in the vicinity of Humboldt. ' Not guilty was the verdiCt of the jury in the case of NeWton Stone- nouse.charged with attempted mur der of his child in an outbouse at St. Thomas. In an interview at Winnipeg. Premier Scott. of Saskatchewan. ridi- culed the reasons for which he had been summoned to give evidence at the London election investigation in Toronto. The law firm of Brown, Dawson, McDonald Lyndham have dissolv- ed partnership at Edmonton. Two new firms ’are formed, one being Brown McDonald. the other Daw- son Hyndman. - Six out of eight townships have agreed upon the County Council’s plan and Welland is now assured of great improvements in road-building. By getting his foot. caught in a keg, Brakeman H. Francisco, of the G. ’1‘. R., had his leg crushed at Kingston, and is not. likely to sur- vive the injuries. Detroit capitalists are making ad- vances to the Windsor Council for a franchise for a ferry Hue which will take the place of the Detroit and \Vindsor Ferry Co. Mrs. Louisa. Smith. who pleaded guilty to the concealment of the birth of her daughter’s child at St. Thomas, was let go by Juscice McMahon in the Assize Court on snapended sen- tence. Miss Walls, a nurse of the Victor- ian Order, will become a member of the teaching stati uf the Fort William schools and take charge of the dis- trict work. Chiefs of the Babine Indians are on their way from Vancouver to On. tewa to interview Sir Wilfred Laur- ier on their fishing rights in the Babine and other northern British Columbia rivers. GENERAL NEWS. DURHAM CHRONICLE Ancient Greece will always be re- membered for the fine types of man- hood supplied by the heroes of her battlefields and the athletes of her arenas. Still more will these heroes and athletes themselves be remem- bered for the cuStom they bequeathed to later ages of healing sore and in- jured places on their bodies by the external application of some secret balm or salve. The Greek charioteers did not emerge from their mad races without some severe bruise or gaping Wound; and to anoint each injury carefully with their favorite balm was an indispensible part of the day’s programme. If we go back in history -â€"-even to Bible timesâ€"we find that this external " rubbing ” has pre- Vailed all along the line, and the only explanation of its survival, amidSt so manv changes in science. seems to lie in the fact that the external use of salves and balms is dictated to us by Nature herself. Our own instincts tell us to rub a part that hurts; and in Zam-Buk the ideal substance to apply to an injured or diseased sur. face is universally believed to have been found at 1am. ANCIENT HEROES AND A MOD. ERN DISCOVERY. Most of the ointments. embroca tions and salves that have had to sutfice in the paSt are of a coarse con- SIStency, and contain quantities of mineral poisons, rancid animal fats, and turpentine. What healing pro- perties they possess are generally counterbalanced by the grave danger of inflaming and contaminating the flesh. Zam-Buk is absolutely free from any such danger. It is a preparation compounded purely from herbal juices, essences and excracts- a "skin food,” which regenerates old and diseased tissues just as food re builds and reconstructs the body. Zaui buk also gives naturally just that assistance which Nature is ask- ing for when pain. swellings, erup- tions, or inflammation occur. Zam- Buk allays all forms of irritation. eXpels disease. stops suppuration. stops fescering and virtually “feeds” the skin. toning it up in Nature’s own way. Zam-Buk should be in every home It has a wide range of usefulness. but is eSpecially recommended for cuts, bruises, burns, scaids, sprains, stiffness, swollen joints, bad leg, blind and bleeding piles, running sores, eczema, ulcers. pimples, boils, rash, raw chapped hands. scalp irrita- tion, sore heads, barber’s rash, raw chin after shaving, sore throat and chest. sore and aching feet, chilblains. cold-sores, festering sores, roisoned wounds, and Other diseased. injured. and inflamed or irritated conditions of the skin. Rubbed well into the parts aflected, Zam-Bub gives great relief from neuraliga. toothache, Sci- atica. lumbago rheumatism and chest and back pains. All druggists sell at 50 cents a box. or post. free from the Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, on receipt. of price. Two Irish farmers who had not seen each other for along time, ac- cording to the London Tribune, met atafair. They had much to tell each other. A reward of $100 is ofiered by the Durham Town Council, and $100 by Percy G. A. Webster for information leading to the conviction of the party or parties who entered Webster’s jewellery store on or' about the night of Friday. Sept. 213$. " Faix, yes,” said Murphy, " and I’ve got. a fine healthy bhoy, which the neighbors say is the very picture “Sure. its married I am.” said Murphy. Moran looked for a moment at Murphy, who was not to say the least, remarkable for his good looks. and then said: “Och, well, What is the harrum so long as the child’s healthy ? of Gentle. Sureâ€"Pleasant to Take -A Tried and True, Genuine. Nature’s Remedy. “ Good Fairy of the Home.” “You don’t tell Moran. It you do not have free. easy and regular movements of the bowels you lack the prime and first essential of good health There's more harm done than mere uncomfortableneSS. slur gishness and billousfl mess-retention or food wastes in the bowels ;‘ pollutes.irritatesand poisons You make ' the circulatory SYS" tern-the bloodâ€"a ‘ scavenger instead or a tountam or 4’“ purest lireandun- tainted Vitality = The ills of con- stlpation a r e ' »; not trifling but nearly always - ‘ are fraught with Vital . significance. Seek your in _ relief in Nature! '- w' Accept the '_. V- aid or Lax-eta! a .3 force and rate organs or zentle. natural . Be sure not to ' crowd the deli- , (a; the stomach! -. zer ot power-{1:1 V A. iCiDCSl Your safety ‘ and your health are always securedâ€"mm: \‘J ta k e Lax-eta. The formula is on every box -show it to your tam- ily physician Lax-ets are put up in a flat metal case in handy tablet formâ€"one tablet taken be- lore meals or on retiring always brings relief. Plasma to takeâ€"the most potent yet gentle or all remediesâ€"a genuine help or Nature s-a bowel laxative which cures consupation. Roo- oommended and for sale by ' Eere’s Just the Right 30ml Laxaiive MAG FARLANE CO. $200 Reward H 1d bmous messâ€"rem A. S. HUNTER, MAYOR. NO HARM. me so,” said The Undertaker CURTAIx POLES. WINDOW SHADES. PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, FRAMM TO ORDER, ETC,, ETC. . ING a Specialty. and night calls or day calls may be made at. our residence and showrooms. next door south of the Post Ofiice. The school is thorouhly equipped in teachim ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent; stafl an in charge: IEress... UNDERTAKING EMBALM- Certificam and third year dnderémdh‘aâ€"te w01 Queesn’s University, Science. History and Geo crabby-S MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics. Moderna at: English. ”Intending students should enter at the begin. ninrr of the term if possible. Beard can be ob talnedat teasonable rates. Durham is a health . and .active town, making it a must desirab 6 place of residence. ED. KRESS, Undertaker. WM. JOHNSTOX, 331135 FLOSSIE MCKE RRAC HER. First Class MANURE SPREADERS HAY LQADERS 311‘ ‘sz MOWERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Implements Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Monuments and Tombstones ,. OWEN SOUND. Manitoba Flours always‘fgivefiatis- faction. Mrs. Alex. Beggs Sons f_. DURHAM, ONT.f AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the Cook. GARAFRAXA STREET. DURHAM Implement Agent: and Auctioneer. The People’s Grocery Five Roses and Reindeer DURHAM SCHOOL.â€" NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS, WELL DRILLusa, RE-CURBIXG AND Panssccnamc done thh Cement concrete. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. Pumps. THOS. ALLAN, 131 Class Certificate, Prin. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Deering Harvester C035 Farm Implements Machinery. listnwel lionel Bread Flo or AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY' CTI“. 'I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish [3” ALL ORDERS taken at the old stand near McGowan’e Mil] will be promptly 3* tended to. A PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER will be present the fii'st' Gage]; in each month when refitting of upholstered goods will be proper- ly and promptly acttend to. For F lours Has a complete Stock of ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 0F STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. We carry also other well known brands of Flour. John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE Fees. $1.00 per month. Chairman GEORGE WHITMORE. C. RAMAGE, Secretary Berlin Pianos GROCERIES GRADES OF; MANITOBA { FLOUR l THE TWO HIGHEST Farm and Garden Seeds. MAT EEEWS LATIMER Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Undertaking. ! C. McArthur We still carry on business as formerly and hope to be favored with the continued patronage of our old cus- tomers and as many new ones as may feel disposed to give us a trial. DURHAM. A new Smock, at right; prices. \Ve also have a full range of Smacks at 500 and 7530 each. OVERALLSâ€" plain and twilled â€"-B'.ack and Navy Bibs and without Bibs at 850 and $1. Rubbewlined Smacks 250 Sox NOTWITHSTANDING the ad- vance in price of wool we sell our wool Sox at old prices, 25c pair. Bring us your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples for which we pay the highest prices. Flour and Feed Carding and Spinning TO ORDER AS USUAL. Railroad Coats and Overalls BARCLAY BELL \Ve have opened up Under- taking in Thomas Swallow’s building, Opposite Middaugh Hausa, and are prepared to do business for any person :9. quiring Undertaking. Our stock of Funeral Supplies have arrived, also a full line of Catholic Robes. Government Standard Timothy and Clover. THEOBALD'S OLD STAND. S. SCOTT From the fall rains by wearing one of our Ugilvie's Royal Household Keewatin Five Roses $5.25 per ha rrel. ONTARIO.

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