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'. ,_ I- . h ~â€"â€"â€"- .._â€"~_ _ ._~.__-â€"$ Changed Hands. HAVE PURCHASE the laundr} ' business of Char.ie Lee. and dis}.- to announce the: the business will be :arried’ on in the high class manner followed by my predecessors ilav-Q lng hail .‘arge experience in i..undr_. Work. Spending: the lass four in \Vichita. Kansas. I guarantm . satisfaction. All hand Milkâ€"“NO machinery.3 Washing done ca Monday, We;- .. nesday and Friday. Ironing l 'iA Pay; U L. Jilt‘ on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 3 COPYRIGHT. 1905. Family Washing, plain . . . . .bfic or 2.; Family \Vashing. starched. 300 dcz ? EVERYTHING WELL lemma; LEE GET J The Laundrymaa. Durham, Ontario 5 CHAPTER III. ARNETT'S ranch, -e. --uâ€"â€"â€" liachine Oil, Harness Oil, ‘ Axle Grease and Hunt. Ointment, (to to ' S. P. SA UNDER-S The HarneSsmaktr. ; lows, gave w“ .â€" _ u... â€"Wâ€"â€".~. V mental ï¬sh. 414W g hat and spurs. I . “Hello, Perry!†he said quietly. ' : “You made good time.†I\ ~ T Perry, a young Mexican, showed a ,3: :Q P score of his white teeth in a grin. $ 1 .. . “Here is letter. Some people coming 3' \‘Sl... ‘ in f to rancho tonight.†upwarc . reg-5k,“ , / ' The young man tore the end from the s..\ “5-1. . / 3; Al long envelope and read the letter in “Neg.“ ., {/1 ‘23:: silence. His face darkened. “Well, “5‘ ' “‘* . that’s a nice case 0’ beans. So they’re SOL!) py- ' on the road. are they?†‘ . “Yes; ’bout 10’ miles back.†Percy (.l. A. Webster‘ .' The young foreman turned toward ,; 1.; w gum; ; the house, from which the faint strains 9 of “Annie Laurie†came. *â€" w“ â€" _____,____..â€"-â€"-..â€". T0 COHSUMPTIVES. The null. "cizriml his ring been restored to be m. . by simple means. after sutIering for several year» ‘ table. playing :1 1110113] organ. vith a screw “lug: affection, and that dread ' “Hello, Rob!†he called. iseas . Consum tion. is anxious to make known ' , †p Raymond was in bad humor. 0 his fellow sufferers the means of cure. T( .hose will. 'll'SEi‘t‘ it. he will cheerfully send. tire if charge. .: copy of the prescription used. whirl - key will and a sure cure for Consumption , Asthma, Chatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat an: I lung maladies. lie harms-l allsutferers will fr} ? his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring l listen to me a moment.†“What’s up?" Raymond pointed at the letter. the prescripllnil. “'llll'll “ill ("0": them nothing. tly‘at. xice thing the old man works on and may prov» a blessing, will please atlvlr'w- _ ,, . . . . . Rev.EDWARDA. WILSONBrooklvoNuw var; us. His indignation and disgust deep- I'm going to pull out.†$.32.“ch 2L:_~.’ .. 34' 51¢ .:..° 5‘, â€All '33 To the Public f l l l l l encd into a growl. ‘; the letter. “What‘s he done now?†7i l announce to the people of Dur~ '6 ': ham and vicinity, that it will be ' my aim to make the business, . '3 so successfully carried on by my e predecessor for the past. two " years, more successful than ever. HAVE PURCHASED THE '1 - ~ - . dav. ’Bus and Dray busmess from g - Mr. John Vollet. and wish to l “ ‘to get the lad settled.’ " c l lengthened. “Not comin’ today?†l "That's what!†l "And us without no woman round.†1 Raymond broke forth again: to. ’Phone No. 13. f it. now. I l I l at least read my letters. I told him . were going up to Skytown.†W. J. WAlPDlE Lower Town, ' “Well. we’re in for it. We can’t turn a woman out on the plain. Jack, you Durham, Ont. E Away WW : slovenly whelp, set to work and clean â€weâ€"W; up the mess you’ve made. Perry. 8’0 W. D. CONNOR‘)’; l l l l j Alllol-ders promptly attended t 3 ~14 i:- -ll a l l l Baker began to read the letter aloud in a monotonous, painful way, while Raymond moved about the room, pick- ing up the litter. My Dear Rob-â€"I‘m sending you a. new Bumps of all Kinds. [ hand and a visitor. They are cousins and Gal',',;;_nized and ITOD Pip nice people. The lad is not very strong. . , , and I'm sending him down to you to get 1112' 2 Brass, Brass Llned i an upward turn. He's crazy on the sub- ant; iron Cylinders. A rope some snags for a ï¬re. Hustle. Manufacturer of now ’9’ And Dealer in ject of wild animals and cowboys and is a. : very clever artist. He'll want to have you if pose for him. Raymond came over and seized the ’ stove lid lifter as if to break Baker’s «I head. “We're to cook and purvey like ? boarding house' keepers and doctor like All REPAIRING promptly and prOp- a nurse at a health resort, and in addi- erly attended to, l tion we’re to pose for a delicate youth l who thinks we're ‘material.’ That set- tles me. I‘m going up to Sky and take M Pumas from $2 upward. 330? open every afternoon. a shy at mining.†boy comes?†Raymond throttled him half in ear~ “I’ve a mind to wring your neck,†he said through his teeth. Then, _' . manded him to clear away his dishes. “mg-Sm, E Baker was not yet ï¬nished with the COPVRIGHTS c “Hold on. Don’t be in a rush. Anyone stem-1:614 a sketch and desert b m. . I hain’t got to the girl yet. That’s what 1 l r:: in our 0 inion freew other a l . flail-stir“ perhably paptentable Communion ; interests me. ‘Miss Rupert will only tlons strictly cimndeutlal. Handbookon Potenn . sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patents. taken through Mann C0. vocal» mew" notice. without charge. in the Scientific lineman. l l l Abandsome!y illustrated weekly m a: l station or any scientiï¬c urnal. Terms. 53 ‘ ‘ l , letter. t1 ed., ’9 expression as he read Barnett’s ap- peal. “ ‘Now, don’t be cranky, old man. The Rupem are good stuff, and on MP8. Bartlett’s acmun 9 â€â€" “Ent'A-S up by laying me and: obliga- tion to his Wife. knowing mighty well I’d do anything for her. Well, I’ll do it, but I reckon the atmosphere won’t , bake a cake while she’s here. I’ll leave 1 {you and Dutch to do the talking That’ll chill her cold.†year tour months $1 Rod oval] MUM m farmer-m New lgri onloo- $23 3‘ 8c. WWO!!- HAVE You? ' Any old Worn silver? Ii 80. I am prepared to re- _. l ! while Ihave the time. Raymond’s brow darkened and his eyes threatened. “N 0 you don’t, my aristlan friend and neighbor. you Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. 2 suddenly releasing him, he again com-l “This settles it. The other man composedly took up “ lining to quarter a crazy kid on us, a New York degenerate. who’ll be a confounded nuisance every hour of the And that isn't allâ€"the kid’s sister , is coming down to stay a few daysâ€â€" here his dismay was fairly comicalâ€"- Baker‘s eyes widened. and his fat face ‘That’s You’d suppose Barnett would ‘ last week that old Jonesy and his wife 5 Baker broke forth into a slow drawl. 3' . “Hadn‘t you better strike a few atti-g L tudes 50‘s to be in practice when the} her. l years { ï¬gure digniï¬ed the rough and dust O l l l l . charm of his visitor. l l l BY HAMLIN one of his chief amusements, lay at the been getting guy with me lately and head of a valley surrounding a Spring which was the source . of Wildcat creek. The buildings stood 3 just where the ravine opened out upon 1 a grassy meadow. It was a comforta- ble place, shielded from the desert don‘t you been.†winds by the low hills to the north, while a small artiï¬cial pond, graveled armful of brush, called out, with quiet 5 and rimmed with cottonwood: and wil- it enviable distinction i among the bleak and barren farm- , steads. It was known as the “Goldï¬sh ‘ ranch,†for the reason that at one time Jack the boss. ‘ Barnett had ï¬lled the pond with orna- At about 5 o’clock of a hot and wind- ; less July day a horseman galloped You sabbe?†: swiftly up the valley into the yard and g was met at the door of the house by a If YOU 80. I 80.†tall, composed young fellow in broad A plump, light haired young fellow of about thir- ty sat tilted back in his chair, with one leg thrown across the corner of the up your plaything. you monkey, and - l i stay a few days to get the lad set. him, as she stood there calmly looking “She can‘t stay too quick to suit me.†; had read of princesses visiting the huts Baker’s voice took on a little more, of their peasantry. She was of good . helsht. but the proud lift of her head ~ her gloves and hat, told of good taste . fled honorably he would have done so Wrightherelnddoflnhomu“; ‘rmwmchopenedm’seyamul You will passfortbe boss. I’ve“ agatmwm His m‘dldn’tsaythatlady.†.uthokatheccunsbewoteon'hb 1 wherein aka stove sat. He was dressed DU RHAM CHRONICLE ed: An aï¬ectation, I suppose.†in awhile.†seated on the doorstep. of use. I want a hot ï¬re.†just like Walter Owen’s heroes.†you.†of Raymond, interposed: “Oh, see here, you‘re joshin’.†"You won’t ï¬nd it any ‘josh.’ You’ve ' Raymond uttered a cough need discipline. You pass for the fore- made Baker start. man. Understand? You amuse the girl and pose for the boy, while I knock pots. That is settled. Now take the pail and rustle some water. and his horses." Louis sprang up. don’t mind, sis.†Perry. entering at the door with an Once, when he passed out of hearing. HOW TO GET CHEAPER PHONES, ' she turned to Baker suddenly and ask,- “Why does your cook wear spurs - Baker flushed and stammered. “Well, no; he has to help with the cattle once Raymond called to Perry, who was “Perry, jump sonar roe THEM. M I have always been sorry for poor wretches Who were born They have missed half the ° OCTOBER 4. ill ml Will in EVERY THURSD.‘.Y we: fluid-memoir pawns: ECUSE. are: Toronto World, Sept. 19â€"We in Ontario sometimes pride ourselves on being the leaders in progress and re- forms in this country. Ontario have been talking for some time about government ownership of public util- ities, but, while we have been talking, the your horse and round up a dry cotton- Manitoba is acting notably in the born in a shanty and workin being DilihAM. C. i. wood snag. This brush is of no sort . matter of government control of the way up to a palace. It. is final Your " - . ltelephone service. Air. F. 9588913 3 compensation. The man bor Woof wBSBBIPTlON 3“" Louis beamed on Ann. “He’s talking ‘ telephone expert, With twenty-ï¬ve never knows how it feels to .A rich “TF3 a}: _ years’ experience, has been retained ï¬rst $100 of hard earned Enlist your “£13m“ £51.. .7 Ann silenced him. “Hush! He’llhear : by the Manitoba Government in an to the bank and then wall; “8 19' ï¬Zï¬f’t’gfl" R‘" ‘ advisory capacity. and to put into every Sunday afternoon.c..releAA~AA§'A R kwgï¬bedccpttm'i Baker, quite ready to take a fallout aï¬ect the policy of government own- and feel that. it is there. @251“. r...“ - - “He’s a htfle ershlp. born rich knows not the pleasur man ‘DVERllS‘Nu in:- - . hard at ï¬rst, but reel sociable when Mr. Dagger has stated that, “with buying a vacant lot ‘way out inetï¬A “MES V - iii" ._ ._ _, . 3'00 git him started. He’s 313? as a rab- few exceptions, there is no reason suburbs and getting Yourlumber A alumna. filial-2...? ._-. bit when they’s any company Pound-A why every farmer in Manitoba should your bricks and your Shingles and 3.4-0? Pcrh.~ji,=-§§:=l;_ a ' , WhiCh not have a telephone f or one dollar a gether bunch by bunch. He neAOA . 0313.3? ““‘T‘iig. ' ff f“ “1 gums I.“ go out month, but 110 comprny looking for knows the delight of dig ring IZAA ’i EAF°’,§,‘A‘:E'.A.A“5"’5""‘""" 311d 599 what that driver has done With large dividends and an 611011110118 cellar. And we treesâ€" to carry the“ .A. “Ali‘éidxéiiféiiliiif surplus would furnish these at that home from the nursery 0,. the for m hégA’AAAAAfi-A? r . “1’11 80. 1509. 11' you ï¬gure; therefore, it is in the peOple’s and plant them in your own 82-8; appliZQiiszl‘C§}Ai;éA'3.:i:e7. ‘ ' ‘ interest to support the government’s while the girl you love holds theAA wgï¬l‘ï¬â€˜i‘ir“??‘l’g , A8 Ann 100de round the low celled policy. 61'er as you tramp in the soil arou'nzg â€omits-5.3““ 0‘- ~’-~-~..--- - 1. room in which the ï¬les buzzed her eyes What is applicable or practicable in the I‘OOtS- And naming them~whu ' /,___.__--... "Aâ€" “I fell upon a little case of books in the . this regard in Manitoba should be ap- fun! This is Gertrude, AAA joy, “The senora has come!†Raymond seized him by the arm. “Listen here, Perry. The old man has written down to say that be has made I'm going to cook a few days, and then I leave. You tell the other boys that Jack Baker is made foreman, and they‘ve got to obey him. corner. Perry grew solemn of face. "I sabbe. “Never mind that. Get out there and help take care of the team, and, Jack, you go too.†He laid a hand on his back and pushed him through the door- way just as the two seated hack round- ed the corral and drew up to the door. “0h, isn‘t this ï¬ne!†called a clear, boyish voice, and a moment later the cool, deliberate voice of a girl replied: “Oh, what a blessed relief after the hot sun of the plain!†Then Baker was heard to say, with elaborate courtesy: “Shall I help you out, miss? I reckon you are the friends of the old manâ€"I mean Barnett.†And a moment later the young girl stood in the doorway looking out at the plain. Raymond gave her but one glance from the corner of his eyes, but her ï¬rm, l well balanced body and calm. high l bred face touched him with admiration. His resolution to be disagreeable weak- ened, though he kept about his work. “I never knew how grateful the shade of a tree could be.†Ann said partly to Louis and partly to Baker. Is it al- ways so tiercely bright here?" “Oh, no: this is an unusual spell. I mean it is ratherâ€â€" She was now aware of Raymond moving sullenly about in the gloom in a a," nicely ï¬tting shirt and went at his work, deft and absorbed. Louis was instantly delighted with the room. “Isn’t this ripping!" he ex- claimed as he studied its furnishings. “Won’t this make a strong background for an illustration? Only that stove~ isn’t it too bad?â€"~that’s all out of key. Why don’t you have a ï¬replace, Mr. he asked, little, she said: you had a woman to cook for you ?†Raymond shifted a stove lid. did.†“Where is she?†“Goneâ€"a week ago.†Raymond?†Baker. Raymond gave Baker a glance, and o the plump one waded in: “Too little wood in this country. Cook. draw up dl a chair for the lady.†Raymond’s eyes flashed with a silent h menace. but he did as he was told, and as he put the chair down for Ann he dusted it with his hat. ago, Louis was husky voiced with joy. freigh “Did you see that, Ann? I’ll have to work that in somewhere.†Baker continued, in the same tone, “Can’t you rustle a little grub for the m company, Jack?†turning to place?†no but you.†or somberly. that Jonesy was pullin’ t.†He returned to his cooking. Ann composedly went on, “Was Jones the name of the foreman?†“No, he was assistant; but he was arried, and his wife was our dough “ , twister. He’s gone to Skytown gold I 11 try camp. The whole country is full 0’ the fever.†Baker. who was gaining self control. Ann, with a note of sympathy in her turned to Ann. “We have ’60 humor voice, said: “I don’t like to see a big, our cooks out here. Therm scarce and strong man cook. Do you get extra mighty uncertain in their mindsâ€"stop pay for it?†and shy at nothin’, like a locoed steer.†- “Not a cent. We all take turns at l Louis clapped his hands. “0h. isn’t it, to tell the honest truth.†the talk 800d, Ann? And those chairs “I hope you’re the best cook ?†-â€"aren’t they ï¬ne?†l “That wouldn't be saying much, lady. “Cook made ’em.†said Baker. “He’s I cook in self defense.†handy as a bootjack with tools.†= Ann opened her eyes at the signiï¬- Ann ignored the chairs, but studied cance of this phrase. “Then you don’t the cook, whose curiously absorbed, do it as 11â€"81 business.†yet deft movements interested “Not by a whole row 0’ steers. Do He appeared to be about thirty you like prunes and rice?†he asked of age, and his lean, powerful hastily. Ann looked into the dish which he stained clothes he wore. His proï¬le ° ° ' ‘t 5 (l 1 V ’ was stern and manly, but his chin was plied: “I don’t think I ever ate any. Tllev did some good work on Wed- Que 9159358 Of thinness w 0150.33? GAE}; England! Allie . youthful. His eyes she had not yet You don’t mean they’re cooked to nesday before the ShOW- They children 13 BCYOfUIaS m adultS, Standard Bank- m gather?†thrashed outfour different farmers, consumption. Both have poor LG MAC“, K. c. u; Raymond, on his part, was fairly “That’s what. It sure makes a ï¬ll- Bob Eden. 3111140118. Dick and Max A A abashed by the grace and youthful She reminded out before her. with a humorous intonation. taste it. Perhaps I’ll like it.†As she nibbled a little of the mess from the spoon she glanced up at him with a queer little smile that made the room whirl before his eyes. “It seems a nu tritious mixture.†He recovered himself. “Oh, it’s a hearty mess, all right. My cooking isn’t fawn“ . about the grimy walls, of the stories he made her seem taller than she was, and the cut of her gown, the color of and the service of the best tailors and mllllners. “Great Scott!" he said to himself. “She’s an up to date beauty. Whatwillldotofeedher?†And. in- sank within him, and if he could have I'm sure it’s a very tasty dish.†we’re not running a summer hotel ex- actly. Stifl,’ we’ll make you as com~ fortable as we can while you stay.†«3y which you mean to hint you hope won’t stay long.†amused. He became very sincerely grave. “Ptheflmmwlthagraceandqniet “But you meant it, ,I, know when I am out m flee tomorrow.†KTo be Continued.) “a- 4.0-..â€" f E For lack of something better to do, she rose to inspect them. She was surprised to ï¬nd them mainly es- says, and wondered who of these men read Emerson and Burroughs. One of ' them was a book of verse. name Wilson the fly leaf. Raymond’s those who sit in silence when they wish ’ information, and, lifting her voice a . “I understood Mr. Barnett to say that “We “Isn’t there any woman about the He peered into the cofleepot. “No inpureciation. If you can but ma-ter “I dn’t understand. Mr. Barnett saidâ€â€" Raymond straightened and looked at “If Barnett paid a little his held out toward her and gravely reâ€" grew make a goal threshing gang. ing combination,†said he, dishing some Allen. “I can well believe it,†she replied ’With albag on Sunday on to another “Let me man’s farm to get butternuts. “I beg your pardon,†Ann hastened 'is a. good Workman. to explain, “I didn’t mean to criticise. . . I didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. lllttle brother, all of Grand Valley, “on, I don’t blame you; but, you see, A She was frankly subject. of place. 'I ~ and this is THE JOB : : Mary Ellen. and this is Muriel, 3nd . DEPARTHEVT :T c .: plicable and practicable in Ontario, and there is not. the least reason why this evergreen is Tommy. No man f . .. . Nii‘v > every farmer in Ontario should not born rich ever had fun like that. * 3:33 {ac‘I‘t‘ef 5" twin“ 9'2: lalso have his phone at a cost of one . . fâ€?_::;‘_‘~_1} Q†ldollar a month. We cannot do bet- One bl“ difference between Deorlle “7:43;; .V.. _ Manitoba in this matter. The thing remainda 913:" A raggeed is born to do is for Ontario to engage the ragwee '9‘“ aragwee It must ' live g services of an excert like Mr. Dagger, The ragweed can’t help land to do it now. This is either a itself. A Poor bf»! may bclborn ins good thing to do, or it is not. .t is I hovel. His-parents may De drunk- .either in the interests of the peOple j ards. Or‘ Ill{eves, 91’ ‘poor whites.†lor it is not, and no sane man will say as Old AlW‘hgh‘ 03118 {hell}. But the lie is not in the interest of the people. boy need {’0‘ “ways ““3311 11‘ novels If it is a good thing to do in the in- {not â€1 ‘hls country. 301‘ he need forest of the people, Why postpone not be a drunkard or a thief or a poor doing it? lwhlte. He may be born a ragweed; . '. jne may end up by being a rug-e of ' Premier Whitneycould not pursue , Sharon. He may be born a thorn .a Wiser course in thls matter, nor do . bush but if he wills .r . . . l . 1.. be well some :the public, who have suffered long at day be a giant pine gpmmm tan, lthe hands of the Bell Telephone mon. - , ’ i, g, ‘> .‘y u†' l b tt t th :1 is take a mark towering I“ am†hh’ ft110W. opo y, a e or urn a. 0 Can any man ask a grander career . . . . . . l. G. Hutton. ill. '7Ԡplebrscxte on ails. question Of provm than to start out a brier and attain A AA ‘ oral and municipal ownership and ' A ' v» .v 1. .‘Avi‘AA V‘ {‘- , 'l Imle‘M-T‘ v'\‘I-~ control of lines in Ontario. The time the dignity Of a m1gh.y “Ae' Fair†‘113.\ ‘A ’ ‘ is ripe for action. Everything is to: And YOU foot 05113.â€. A be gained and nothing lost by thisllchoice. You may choose to be a p.m., 7â€"9 pm. course. Strike while the iron of; basswood. a very useful tree indeed, 57;??? r“ public sentiment is hot. lor you may be a hickory. or a “‘82- While on the subject of govern- lnut. If you are a girl, 5'0†Can be A ment ownership of telephones, it i a Vine: or 3 honey 1001155: 01" a peach might be in order to ask where arelor you can be a. sunflower, or a the Liberal journals that: have been Chrysanthemum, m. preference ‘0 .making such a bowl about govern- , lamb 5 quarters or milkweed. ment ownership of public utilities?‘i It is the men who are born poor Now is the time for them to talk out lwho revivify. The man born rich iloud. .Perhaps. theirs was only aminever knows the glory and eXcite- academic campaign; but If they 11168}? ’ ment of taking hold of some rickety, fl ‘3" what they have been saying. HOW IS tumbledown. let-her-siiver business A' “A. lll‘W l X N m . ) .~...». slums AM) .‘lwl ' ' lter than follow the lead set us byAand plants is “133 3 1318“ has to land die. Drs. lamieâ€"sen ° Price .0, .‘ .‘lzlll. .. H15" 1:14. Ofï¬ce hours. lAl‘ulz‘; " ‘ ‘ â€" C) have such a picking _‘_.â€" ..,,_ Arthur Gun. iii. .- »* HYSICIAN .lNl,» Sl'Z-l'nj lice in tire You: I hours, 8 to it} a. no... . p. m. Special ’1:,l'.‘:zii“‘†,~;..« '. of Women and t'izlef“ . ., posue l_’l‘85bvtez‘i:;;. (5'; '~ c Fii“ DR-GEO.$.CU5T .l'l. LL, Late Assistant Eloy. I l ' (j:.'.ll Itbe time for them to urge 851d] 8. ' and straighten it, out, and revivifying 3113.. and iofl‘zoiller. Sq. .. .. . (cam ainaswehavesu esre uonl' "' ' .. . ‘ h 8 e . G $22 P 'Ic till it is the best property in town. Specialist: Eye, Ear. TllI‘OIâ€"il ' gt 8 ntarlo overnmen . [The man born rich does nor know â€A l ___+___ 5 the fun of taking hold of a poor run down farm that breeds nothing but THE SKY GIRL: 1thistles and wild mustard, and malt. 'â€" ing that same farm fat with grain. _ He does no: know the charm of fixing my, up the shattered fences. the disre- figs; DR. BROVVN putable barn, and the forsaken-look 7‘ L. R. C. P., LONDON. ing house. ‘A‘: . RADULATE Oi Londo Too often the rich man’s son comes 3 . if lork and 911163;!“- .( - Will be at 1h? Midi.“.u;2; 3‘ of each mk'lzltiz.::u:~- ‘ '~. ~- (I .._.. _‘. â€"â€"'..__._ . The girl who knows herself to be ltongue tied, though she regrets it, §need not despair of p0pularitv. No- ; body is socially more disagreeable land more dreaded than a woman who .talks too much, monopolizing the lconversalion and giving no one else “no "“3 world 8 full-blown rose l a chance to Speak. People fly from (Roses. Splendife’f’“) . and 8099 0“" i this overgifted and aggressive talker. 0f the world “ P0190n IVJ‘ (Rhos-tor ’ 3 A mere chatter box is equally dislik- “dendmnl' led. A good listner is always sure of Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Will be at Knapp ll-rli‘rtfl Saturday in each mrnltfli. '~ v \‘~r ‘. IAAIII.(X. V l I l. DOANIALJZ D/A/AtitAlALA'iAlA It is the boy born poor who revis- . . . its his native town when there is an ‘the ï¬ne art. of listening to each per- old boys’ reunion and takes a walk tson with an air of deep interesn. just through the ancient streets and as if there were nobody else at. the views the homes of ,the people who moment in the wide world and as if looked down on him when he was I. you~ greatest wish were to under- boy, and knows now that he could l 1 Dr. W. C. Pickeri S‘and what the other is trying to tell buy the whole shooting match and â€AA DBHIISI. vou, you will have the eï¬ect of talk- never miss the money. A .- » lug well. All that. is really necessary OFFICE Ove. .l. m J. I If ever I have boys of my own I should prefer to have them born 9001' â€"â€"and. by the look of things. I am its not to let your attention wander and at the right. moment in the right places make some brief rejoiner or 1' . . o l .“ afï¬rmation. You need never fear able to have that WISh gratiï¬ed ' that you will be thought too silent if The Khan, in Toronto Star. you listen well and say yes or no at ’3' preper intervals. A good listner is _â€".â€"-_ never a bore, while a great talker frequently gains that unhappy dis- J. F. GRANT. D. D. 8.. L. ONOR GR:A1l)l_~.r‘1Alili. lv N I ty of TOTWllllJ. (Haunt College Dental Surge -:.~ ~: ‘7"..’.:-rl Dentistry i:.:.li E's ; 7 Oï¬cEr-Calder l'lluci-i. A Scotchman in Glasgow at an ,3 evangelistic meeting sat unmoved . “Demon: Girls are , sqmeï¬mes when an urgent invitation Was given A M" tonguecled because of indifference. to “a†who mean ,0 go to heaven Lia/p117,“ A . ' . _ kg, {:- ‘ J . IA ; A bashful manner, up to a certain ’Wlth me, Stand up.†The evangelist .. (at. point. is attractive, but when it has} i lost its root in a hampering self-con- )sciousness which makes one awkward {and clumsy or surly or deï¬ant is a fatal handicap. pointed to him solemnly. and shout- ed: “ Don’t you want to go to " ’m gaugin',†Said the 3,. Scotchman deliberately, “but no’ wi’ la personally conducted pairty.†l. P. Telfcrd. ARRISTER. somcnor- » Oflice over Gordoll‘.s new l Store, Lower Town. Durham. A ‘ MW of monev to loan at 5 per cent l Varney. Drapertv. l (Intended for last week.) FOR BO I H MacKay Dunn \Vill Clark, Jim Hoyand BobPetti- v ARRISTERS. SOLICITO- blood; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean- ness. Fat is the best means oi We overcoming them; cod liver oil .. think they would be better at church. makes the best and healthiest ' The hammer that was connected with fat and - Who can beat that? We hear that some around here go A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, com or, Conveyancer, kc. 1 Agent. Money to Loan. Issue rm Licenses. A general 23:1:in ness transacted. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower To * house with the paint brush, and I tell Miscellaneous. you he is making it look ï¬ne. Bert OHN KINNEE. LICENS o tioneer for the County of Gr. June 06 DURHAM, ONT. Two of the Miss Browns and their is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here’s a natural order of things that shows why Scott’s Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula. and consumption. More are visiting at their aunt’s, Mrs. H. W. Lesson. Mr. Wm. Allen took charge of the Epworth League on Sunday evening. The subject was on Temperance. Mr: Allen is very enthusiastic on this JOEE CLARK, LICENSE Warren 23’ are? 6’ . . e s m It has Implanted: Warerobmg. M There were a lot out to f 13 ° - _ . OHM. Grotthe Chronicle Ola hear him, and I am sure they were Sehgzhrztzeégft, more nourish Nov. 9. ’03. “I well pleased. ’ 37° A Mr. Dickson from the West, has been visiting at. A Mr. Wm. Lender’s Sendfor flee sample. for some itime, and on Sunday Mr. SCOTT . and Mrs. Walter Buchan, of Durham, 6: BOWNE’ Chm“ and a Mr. Briber, from Mt. Forest. Tm Ont. t'were. guests of Mr Lauder. Godunov.†a a u :2 MW