Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Sep 1906, p. 8

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DURHA M CHRONICLE -â€"-â€"..- "d â€"'"__"_"â€"â€""-‘â€"‘_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"m___-â€"â€"vâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" “ Wu _ . _. . -.,. - wwmwwâ€"wâ€" . ‘ l “313°C. toilet set; Miss Maggie .Hoop- er. pair of pillow covers with lace ..__ . _, -_.__-»â€"_ NW DRESS 60098 The (‘konsfzint i‘ll'l'lVitlS from the -. n ‘ ° . . . .â€"~°l . worlds lrbillOll centres .ne (lair) tulliazr new 'riterest to the line . ' . l v . .. _ ' > ' .1 r ,< v . a-- ... _ i. - g. < - c J ‘3 . e. .f -.3~ . .u. . 1. < _ «. .- r s. -. . « ~ 3“. 4 . c r a -p w .- . w; ,\. \. 3 1‘3.’ - x w . ‘. nu. _-. a it . .5 1 - ,- .' 1' 4r.- . .- .-.- .3“ \ . ..,.; ,1, * 1.! -.9o‘.;’1.5-,',3.3H‘ _.-.r.; . ..._E:' _‘r. -‘-'.5;_ ‘ , .s‘ s? g.-_ r 5}: .79' 'u ““‘-'9’.“"’¢ 3" 'H‘ -‘ i: g . I, .. .. Hg. - [1 , ._ A g .. ., .,,, 7; _ y r v . . _ . *, 'I." '~'. .- 3} -_.v._, 3 .’-"r.‘. ._ r.-9:-"- u ' ' " ' ~ » '.v-"-> ‘. ' . 4 . - dismay t new full dress goods livi't,’ for your insch’tion. .zr't. \ *Zu- w-ww new things for fall wear that are attracting attention. those ~33? 3‘ i «no fonts are among the. most prominent. a ¢ ‘I‘ V t..+.~,: s (fi‘llll‘ll‘lt‘ll with the splendid finish that perfection in tailoring IL (.3 we. 5:1;i7;«:;~s these "mrlnents especially favored. 13,331,”, 3: you 313; thinking about a new coat it will pay you to come here. 19'; I l l l l l l l l I l . , , . . , .- r _ ' .7 ,a. 2‘ ,. it ‘ »:.-gZ-t:;g}*%;:pu ., » ~- :1 - ;' .9 .. .3 . ..- . l T be delighted to show them to viii; r'.‘ r“ ._,-.”A. ,.‘ . .____..- +_..â€".â€".‘- â€"â€" COMING o. t 'L:.fi‘gb.ww‘fiogi '7’ ; i a}: . .5 43" l , ) ; It ,1 . fit \I I â€" ‘ I ~' ,4 '1 t a 71 i ‘ of Toronto will be m. the Middaugh House. Durham Wednesday, October 10 \VITH HAIR GOODS Ladies’ Switches, Wigs, Pompadour Bangs, ° - .. Mme. s; Transformations, Ftc. w,m,,,, LadEQSi Pall all-(l 8““ how quickly he can provide you L . With man ‘. "Tithe and a \c'zrzcer :2; peararce to 88V ”will“; of the Await. Gentlem en who are Ba_l_d_shoultl see b]? famous gazes: 'l‘I,.)l‘l’Z‘Il£S and Wins ~over ioJMO in use; worlu receive-.1 for ti‘niz‘ Lzrili'j: and durability. They protect the head. aw: l,r“alii; as! give a. your; and pleASiDB‘ 89989331399 ID tllr“ iii". . , fr 215?: T. all N” 0 ‘ J Iii-edit Mb x. .. lne i! ' I i. 1”“ ”my viruygifim‘i‘iéflrv ' L . E _' , . - , g: of Toronto, limited 3-«£:\\\:/ 103 AND 105 YONGE ST. 1345:: Cz-nsulta'i 3n Frec- Come Early. . -. . a . a... 1‘ u", 4,}. L, . 9‘ wit-+31 monuments we" .é .‘5‘51 ' " B W works S/Ia//y9 “ know Z‘fiem” On the merit of their performances alone are we willing to have them fudged. Simplicity of construction, comb-2:20 ’ with a skill in manu- facture. which is the inheritance of genera- tions, make Percy G. A. WebSter, Jeweller . v. .t " 'u ' ~' . ..,‘_ i --l~‘.'.u€ Jr.- â€". -~ 3 s» titers-Hr suit» Afiifi’ahh‘“ I ..... | l : rrhce. Jap'd-"Sfi China sugar bowl? and Cit-film pitcher; lll's .l “I Jt-éilk-l .3 g l i l i l I l i The New Fall Furs are now in and we shall Protllurenwend leuce. gut’eoged fruit dim and serv ; ers; Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Fleming“! of Philadelphia, large parlor rug; Mia; and Mrs. W. Porter, rocking chair;l A. L 7’ ‘i l) U I) S l) E L I V E l E D I) R O M P T L Y I N T O W N lilies Alice Lawrence. parlor lamp; Miss Susan Lawrence, pair lace Pil' low shame; Mr and Mrs A. HOOPeril pair blankets; Mr. and Mrs.JameS} Hooper. pair blankets; Mr. and Mrs.l james Brown, counterpane; Mr. and3 o ,.. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Sarah Booger, table clath; Mr. andf Mrs A. Bell. Allan and Sa-dy, silver 9 sugar bowl with .. dozen silver spoons; l Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawrence, parlorl lamp; Misses Clara. Lou and Bertha. llo‘Cper, china l'ruit dish and dozen. servers; David HoOper, pair china cups and saucers; Air. George Hoope', collar and end bcx; J. and W. Brown picture paper rack; Misses May and Emma Brown. China fruit dish; Mr. and Mrs W. Aljoe, table cloth; Robt. LawrenCe pepper and salt stand; Miss Ka'e Firth, fancy cushion and jardinier; James and Lizzzu llargrave, l China salad dish; Robert and Maggiel lMt‘Faddi-n. nickle teapot; Arthuhl May and Emma Aljoe. silver butteri dish; Kate whitmore. fruit dish and' picke dish; Turn and Bell 3L)0!8.l China sugar lmwl and cream pitcher; .lllll. Mill and Myrtle Crutchley, pair lace curtains; Laura and Annie whit- xnore, china sugar bovvl and cream pitche'; (1'80ng -lld May EI'JEJRlllS.‘ Silwr butter knifv- and sugar Sp“0.; And? and E11 th Watson, or} still cake: .â€"_â€"â€"-. ._â€"...._.___ dish and \lllPunY’ bittle; Nellie Luv- ins, SUUVQIIH' Spoon; Rita Lawrence, pepper and salt «and. Mr. Wesley \IliO'l amlA Mthald. siivszi'sugar bowl and a doznn silver spoons. Charlat'e Porter. china cream pitch er: James whitmore, silver butter ' héalfg‘ The attractiveness ol _____..____ All sizes and prices. THE ORIGINAL CORN CURE No substitute has ever been devis- ed tha’ gives the quick painless re- sults of Putnam’s Corn ExtraC'or. For fit v years its sucress has been unequalled Forsafetyandthorouzh 7‘9, cure use "Putnam s only. __-_.._ -___ .._-__.___._- -7---.-_._-.- . .- .. c_..‘____.n-._~... -- .___,._, ..._, _-___=~.....______.._ you any time. AYTON MIDI; â€"~â€"â€"-â€"~â€" --~~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" ~â€" - ---â€"» ~~-~~- -~--â€"~~ Are now being Operated by Hialll ,‘s'r rittcns PAID FOR 13 TTTER AND nous WENGER MILLING 00- W'ho by using only best wheat and mode in Canada. ENCORE A blend of be3t Ontario Fall and No T careful grinding are producing flour ROBER BU RN E I I 0‘ superior quality, second to none “OH 3 Spring Bank. 1 Manitoba wheat is a striCtly Mr. “’m. “'2 ight leavvs this week Superior Family Flour --...â€"â€"..- - for his home in Philadelphia. Miss Mar A'joe intends leaving E~l~ortlv for the Queen City. where she ‘ w ill rum in for sometime. PURE MANITOBA . Moet 0‘ film people Of 'hls DGigh- Made of best Manitoba wheat obtain- ’bnrhood attended the Durham ball able is in every respect afiour of if‘agr 0. 'l'hursday last. On previous ”Hr-z iv was a dry afiair, but on the Superior Quality ;:.r~.-:.sio:; we got soaked to the very hide. Give these flours a trial you will be “Ramaday‘ September the 19th, delighted and will Want no other. was 'll" scene of one of those pretty .and intwles‘tiua events in the home -â€"FORSALE BYâ€" loi Mr and Mrs ‘A. L-uWerencr- when; l’llo-ii‘ daughter, Miss Annie, our-9 of 3-)!” highly esh-Hmed maidens. “aslMATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER iuilito-d in the holy bonds of umtri ‘ ngU: to the mâ€"n of her choice, Mr {Angus Hooper. The ceremony, which i ' Was witnessed by a large number of market Report. invited guests, was performed by the 0 Rev. A. A. Bice at five o’clock in the DURHAM, Sep. ~6' 1906' evening, to the strains of the wed- Fall Wheat .......... 3 75 to s 75 ding March played by Miss Clara Spring Wheat...... .. 75 to 75 Hooper, cousin of the groom. The : Oats ........ . . . . . .. . 35 to 35 bride entered the room leaning oaneaS.,,. . 75 to 75 1hr arm of her brother James, while Barley. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 45 to 50 the links that made them man and Hay.... 8 00 t1... 9 00 wife were firmly and securely woven. Butter. , , , , , , , , , , , , .. 18 to 18 The bride was assiSted by Miss Mag- Eggs.... ,, , , ,, 18 to 18 gie Hooper, sister of the groom, while Potatoes per bag. . . . . . 75 to 75 Mr. William Lawrence, brother 0‘ Apples 3 00 to 3 00 the bride acted as groomsman and Flour per cwt...... .. 2 20 to 2 60 ably 885i$t9d the groom, who is b0!"h Oatmeal per sack. . . .. 2 40 to 2 4O POPUlal‘ and W911 '50 d0. Aft!” the Chop per cwt.... 1 40 to 1 4O ceremony was over and showers OflLive HogS...... . 7 35 to 7 35 congratumtions and good wishes ex :DressedHogs per CW6. 8 50 to 8 50 tended. the happy CPOWd 833 down to : Hides per lb ........ 9 to 9 Ean elaborate wedding dinner- The l Sheepskins. . . .. ..... . 90 to 1 00 bride’s cake was five storeys and, Wool . 29 to 31 . handsomely decorated. After dinner '! Tallow . . . . . . . .. . . .. 5 to 5 l twas over. the floor 0f the SQMCWUS I Lard .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. 13 to 13 l kitchen was cleared and the evening until the wee sma’ hours was spent in dancing and various Other ways. The bride’s suit. was light gray tr1m-: med with cream silk and hat to match l and a waist of allover lace trimmed; with valencienues lace and insertion l over cream silk and carried in her! hand a bouquet of white eaters. The ; bridesmaid was dressed in light any : cloth with organdie muslin Waist ; trimmed wuh insertion and lace landf carried a ban net of in an W 1162 ‘ . ' , asters. The gappy yopung couple left: . Then your blOOd muSt be in on Friday morning foreshorth006y-9 a very bad condition. You moon trip to Toronto and other places. I . . On their return they will settle down i . certainly know What m take: to travel life’s journey in their now: then take ltâ€"AYGP’S Sarsa. and comfortable home near Top Clii. parilla. If you doubt, then “To join with the community 1n wis . consult your doctor We know ' d ha life t -: , ’ mg themuong m ppy 0 what he wrll say about this gather, and hope they may be gifted' . . with all the blessings that naturc canl grand Old faintly medicare. I manomtquuuoayonr doctor-would bestow upon them. The following” list of valuable and W611 selected“ uk:“m 7°" 5?.“ ’" 39km". ° . l dall action 1th. 18 Presents gives evidence of the hlgh; M ’ u esseem in which the young couple; are bold: Grooms present to bride, gold locket , and chain; Mr. and Mre.A Lawrence; china dinner set and bedroom suite;- Mrs. Joseph Hooper. half dozen silver! knives and forks; Mrs. Wm. Wright, lcountomaue; Mr. and Mrs. P. ‘Lawo. t i as. are sseeseesess i *7 Mrs J McKelvie. counterpane; Missl *- n % %A$¢W**W$*% ¥‘%%sssssgxgg%%% SEPTEMBER 27-. 1906 m M ' x \ ‘ Our Fall Stock is now almost complete, we have neglected nothing that will make our Ines, Goods Department ahead of all competitors; * 9- $ 8 e s % 5% % =3: e is". 3% 934. $6 ‘3‘ . . ._.\ x. __ 2,. 9 1 " . 0 0 sp‘ egg ANY NE NES AND SHADES LOCAL ITEMS THE latest fur rails :11 S. i”. ll- A GOODLY iiiiizilici' tr . ed the. Holstein fair Tin-via} fl_ _ .. .. \VEAR Peel's lirtntl 111ml.- m; drv CODIfOi‘talilp 1'99: . 'l‘iit‘fi.” cheap. HOUSE TU Iii-:\"1‘~~â€"(in. ti {rum ling 011 ‘~_‘l.lilt‘gt' >il't‘l‘l. gwwii 51:1 garden. .- pply It.) Join: . . NOTICEâ€"Tn member-s .w,‘ s, :; The Official score will lit- 1319...; 300, 500 and. m” xx-mic . w $"I4. Instead of the few ends of dress goods that iii Membersshould:ittcutl. Q'e 0“ ’ ‘ _ ‘ - C . ‘ ? . . _______,,. _-- a; used to be thought sufficient for the OlClllldl} 9% Hm 1W“ lixli ,3 ‘ ‘ . ‘ " . ‘ ~i+ - - i . . era‘- General StOIe our shelves ale Ciammed with egg graphs. gnvn 3,33,, S’é‘. . ' ,-1 I» i i " '1" lac/”ll ‘.'".llil"ll"_ "ll“ ~. .4». Hundreds of pieces of brand new Fall Fatty” ‘lt ever} i. . , . 5‘» Q I'elsov. l’liolugim'w. ‘ >. g , . . ° ' ' '4‘ I .{XLifill'ht‘l‘ liiix'l‘fl ill 114"“ are Crepe de Chmes Poplms a. depmmm _ $.- ° ‘ A .¢. \‘ . 1"'lll'l "“"s" .f Cord de Chimes {"Ierliflletta3 $36. 1. fu1(1:1:l ilk ‘,1...;it , . #4 sonaiiiv.â€"-~.\i,ss i“. v\. QQO . gm. _‘_ so Armures Satin Cloths «g» .O' éb . ‘ m o o 0 A ‘Q‘o {Iliifii l. ‘ 7%- Crispines Venetians 3;, 3“, PM , ,. . sfi . . . . . " , “9. Etlmlnes SlCllians 5‘2: “mtwi- t i. x. v $3? a? fig-3 z-tililnxi's 9 $% . i and ‘ lit‘ll' l“ th'v .Q. . o ‘ ~ ’ .5? l L m are Our Leaders In all these weaves in me hewest “9' S3" ()\' 'l"'v\~““' A? Autumn Shadesâ€"60c. per yard. e?- w, m 3,, :,,,.,-. .3, $2 ~ . . V 'V‘ ‘ I . ‘ 7‘9. 4 people \x'iil uzi'w : :9 etchings“. A girl? r: 1 “ prepare-ll and all ~i.~- ‘ ‘\ t‘efresiiinunts ‘ " ‘ o . '. ‘\ 1". ‘ ‘\‘ Then we have the new effects in Tweeds and sum 1” W»- ,1 , . 3 ‘ Lhiffon Venetians also full range of Blacks v. Ealluiuzml“1....3'. and I’lcslivi'te an. ‘ ‘ them illll~ll up \'\i'll s. . .- 111011) ‘.'.".'l'<' t‘w 9‘91» ' A CO C an al ansa ’ an E Dal y l 01' rutvtlyism «i any . ' place, train which \vw :11“ ll , COticlutlv tlinl liiulintw". llii’f'. . ‘ ' - Villages are :.vl:.~wi'\‘.:i;." ‘ This year we have added some newlines of ..nMâ€"tg mm» ° - o ’ : lu’ All, "i" Silks and dress trimmings. No longer need . -~-- f id. (1. . - . - Ix the. gxwmn Hf asr ious ieSsers send to the City for these “2,“, k 3 __ i, " ‘,“;3‘ . lo(t1'. - AL u A‘l."' scarce QOOdS. ’l'yle \k':l>:r;i:lll'1l;f.' :i‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ gérable. attention. mitt; fut,"- ' 3 ' ‘”()ne of )ll‘. “th3 Allan \\ :w'z {M'elve your» Jill-l ’ ‘ recently. Th:- i::¢.-i M-Iflu, x We Have Attained an Acknowledged Place a" "‘4‘ r .. ,. b-ifs‘ "The Buy :iim " l.:» ' ‘ _ As The Leading Dress Goods House ,3, _. 3:; _.., : sic: , . . l .. endanger yum- llt‘ilili‘. ii: 5".)“1'I‘llliill‘ili'llll"f‘ \Vill‘l; ix , 1' mil 3: Prof. lluivn‘w'vzl'i's 1W“ ‘ ”ll ”5 «easil\‘iiw‘i‘l”-W~ s i a: U~'Cl._ . q SILKS } LACES o ‘. i . o ‘ ' cf}? ail-Ifiil"; l . (5- Beautiful Dresden bilk Dress ‘ lVe haveJuSt passed into StOCK ’fi .3. the H .3, , _ 1 % Lengths per yd. $1.25 or $20 the most complete fall. stool; '73s 3" d“. n t 1 Q for 17; yd. (These goods are l of choice laces. bit: j, i “ , l Z'AS the finest “1 the trade) l The daintiest designs in fine .% 'I‘nr: 'l‘mrr. ‘ 71%: Silk Blouse ends in Dresden e{- l Valenciennes. 3 1,381.: 33, 3.. -- 1 $3, facts, dainty shades and col: 1 New Oriental laces and Inger- 4° 33,335, J, . . 1‘ ‘Q' OrlngS per yd. $1 00 and 31.20 i thDS. L“: 1 7’1:‘\"." \f-t‘l‘rl'i ,1 l 31$ ' 1 .° : . . _ . . .fi; .:... ~. 5““ l as; Dajftzfi gray (1951305 at 900- and : Rich Guipure Laces and [user 73s F. little hum...» .4“. é o. . . . .-- i tions. 9% reading «it rwswin" ~ ‘ “ Fancy Plald Lulsmes at ‘30 Yd' 3 Oriental and Guipure alloover- ,o‘; - Health calming: ‘ fl ' English Tamelines at 75c. and i laces from 65c. to $2.25 per 3: the sanitary pm, 3.; 93%., 60 cents. ii yard. 3; Laccmmt tile-w.» g-fi ‘ .29.; 7': i‘ {,he )())}.l. (‘lllllill‘li.i” l '1‘? '31-?“ 1 . ". . . l 39v:- 7le ’Celllfl‘llt ( «mung. >.,..... I .3. I) T [M gets 9 {ion to .i' ' l“ rile“ K .r 5? [{ESS R IHINGS 9's theiniil Wt v : m x . ‘ In. ”7.132 a ..:,. -â€"â€"-- % Rich Fan 'y Oriental Braid Trimming in suitable shades. 5‘2; Rh 0’ Elli“ ' , i . ‘, 73$ Silk Braids which wrll applique. 3: id‘s: 211”“ I "I 'i ‘-.' ) - 13> wait Va. et an . “'1‘: l . Dainty narrow Silk and Gold Brands. «9- D' , ’ “J x h. \ I } , ,_ ,, ,. - - a»: ‘ mne 'o's 1}“ i 1:3. . 1 H ’ O . -.\ m, . Lancy colored bill; Gimps at lac. and -0c. per yard. 9,1; (3:. when approprm‘m -. Silk Hand Embrmdered Applique Trimming. 4i i: preached at lllzii i l . i in fact every new 6560!: which Will be used this season. ”‘4’? ()0llectinn ,n, U;lt'll "i" . w ‘53-: Eionday th’lllllgr. (l('l. 8' ii. s'l 7):? he S(“l'\'t‘tl ii: illl' t.)r:l'i_’v ll a“ ‘ {sz ‘ to 8, after Willi l1 'lll M: w " I'rér'; if? will he. i-mulei-etl in tin- -'.:'1:-<-‘i ' 4"“ " . ' ~v 33" .< ‘(l N i‘l'-‘i< .' The number of our dress goods patrons 111- -.<{.: .i;‘ng.°tit’“““‘~~-‘""9 - ll ~ re«:it;;ttit)tis. cluh >\‘.'ill- z? ‘! 4} l ~seooeaseesssaeessserssasae creases every season. This year we will a“ eclipse all previous efforts. We have the stock and it is to your advantage to sec what we are showing before buying. We stand behind every sale to substantiate our reputation as HOUSE OF QUALITY... r.” ase- ' .9 l s ‘1 fl 0 j 1 as all \ er H. H. MOCKLER "aiv‘ 3 massaamssa 7 3" Illll5il‘.’ 811‘. .hlllil \g" : t ,’ (than. children 1.”) s. 33 (30315016; A. .--+.ii , i found in that; whirl; g This, you will lintl in mm 01' OV'et‘c();tt<. \Viist'. is lil‘ we lie, man than :t stylish. gen“ v .' 3‘ 1.}; giv'l Y 3 . H... ll(; .‘(l \ ‘ \J ‘4," made garmvnt. rilltl ”3’." Litre: ;._ its shape for }'3 airs. L: ml; izw'j ‘3' interest and SJZVH n: by :2 your tinder only, X» W ‘ :2' ! :gfare ill a hurry, \\"_‘ ,~i;- . git; 71w; 0f 0 '.'t;‘i’(‘0'-LLS tutti «‘ a"ll“; - v - . .' rag; firms in lot-onto. 3- 1.; ’-* ‘1 .“ l ‘ ‘b 3'33" into, and get and look well. Prices away it 103/; 31?}: for . .' "'2 Ami if“. ‘ l‘ wear, ves, :mzl S\b'83.tl~‘.1‘.~i. a; what you want, ranging ‘ ' to $2.50 a garment. “A spiel , fall caps and fancy shirts. d see at: the store of I " .-

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