Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Sep 1906, p. 5

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lrnisher KERY be over to next genuine cut in 1d $1.25 goods-â€" solute. Dongola ste. Plenty of nonnble prices. UUQHHI 0f uugunuw; I n S Strap Slippers he Like Suitings Custom Work AS L'SUAL. ITH lawrence’s Old Stand. tore. UNDERWEAR fin )CSY. )NT L1 seasor 513:“ \V EST SOUND. ’4 SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 Lt Orchard on the well satisfied wit] were entertained. feed, but we got left. “’6 don’t; 3 think the horse enjoyed the trip very well, as he didn’t look like it. E The people or \ away WWW "‘"V' All on re warneu . 0 . bars 8 ‘ . geolded to hold :hexEAnmversary andion the following lots Wit] e-opemng on Oct. :th and 8th, when otherwise, for the nrp08£ a grand time is expected. On Sunday prosecutions will fol ow :â€" there will be two services. at 10:30 Abraham Crutchley. No. G. R; No. 3. 3rd Con.. S. D a. m. and 7 p. m.. and on the follow- Wm. Wall. No. 3. 4th Cox ing Monday evening there will be a . ' supper in the Orange Hall, and a good GTE“. “cm". 1‘0- 61 5“ program will be rendered in the ' ' ‘ church, all for 25c for adults and 15c. 3 $02338 355 fk§7b§rfioc° for children. This will be one of the Chris. Firth. No. 5. let G grandest events of the season. so Wm. Young. No. 3‘ Con. on I miss it. 6, Con. l, N. D. R. ESE are 3k 3: the horses speedmg around 8 ring on Show Day as the rain was an: much needed. The Power of Money Saved Grej _-\ week ago rtue of a WARRANT issued lime. Warden of the County of.Grey tna unwan- ' the seal of the said County. ring date the Eleventh day of July. One and tn me directed for the c)llection of the Nine Hundred and Six (A. D. 1906) . . :' taxes giue for. THREE YEARS and 0‘ ER upon the lands hereinafter men- 1 described being in the County of Grey. ‘ ' - - - - n. .ma mxes together with all 23:: Sovereign Bank 01 Canada J. C. TELFORD, Manager, DURHAM. IN ABBEARS FOR )ll TWO O'C owing Hunter 5.“ JV- -â€"â€"â€"â€" ibe‘é being iri the County therefore; to give XQT‘IC‘ :ago Saturday morning U. L and Alf. McCabe left Var- end aweek in fishing and up above Owen Sound, but Varney. Owen Sound TIMES. July g are fac-similes of 'ewellers. of Toron less than six varie rer’s Ofice, Owen Sound, J uly 19 quite a. number from .ok in the Tea Meeting a the 17th, and were with the way they Ryrie Bros. Medals estate 17 )9 $00!: First I‘OWXSHIP OF GLE SOUTH DURHAM R 5 6363;; of Grey. 3 NOTICE that unless the or paid. I shall on t TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY :‘hé afternoon at the COU R1 :y, ptoqeed to sell bi public at to dxscha'ge sac arrea. t of Day fish stones FRONT V I E W ‘b‘ SACK VIE\V the bronze medal awarded to Scarf 6: Sons 0. as second special for collection of grain inc ”hats are exact size of medals. Acres Patente )th, 1%. 2‘ , I Cuts are ex The Iouowmg ust guus out, ........ w- tl of Entries made in the different classes . ‘ , and totals up about two hundred more m Max Allan had a thrilling experi- 'l than “St year. Th? gate PCCBiPtS were ence Show night. On returning from about 5330-00, consulerably below re- Dnrham he saw a man lying on the turns Of 1905. road. who gave his name as Pinker- Ex'rmns. , o o ’ 1‘9: “6: W321 maria; s: Vsssss ' ‘ ax to y 180° Fruit 127; Butter, 14; Ladies’ 9 t ’ t slow rate When he ‘ , , re urning '5 - a work. 111; Fine arts. 53; Misc" 83: gate. The Stranger sprang into the House plants. 33? CM flOWB ., 71: n Poultry, 201 ; Horsesâ€"Heavy Draught. buggy. and in answer to a questio said he was going East. When Max 22; Staples’ special, 6; Agricultural, ‘ told him he was going north now he 28: Roadster, 17; Carriage, 3;. Farm- lsaid he didn’t care and that he would er’s Race, 4 entries; Open Race, called "have a YBSC- . When they 90" t°.A‘° off: 2:35 Race, 3 entries. Owners, .len’s gate he wasted on being driren Gladstone (1), Gray (2), Miller (3), all (to Dromore and made some daring of Coll’d Uattleâ€"-Durh- m 27. Her _ ° Allan if he didn’t - y c . . â€" e ford, 10 :Ayrshlre, 2 ; J ersev, 2; Grade, ‘9. Sheepâ€"Oxford, l2; Shropshire. - Allan and made agrah at him. but - Allan ran round the buggy and was 18; Leicester, 30; Cotswold. 10. Swine, ; followed by the rascal, who began to Berkshire. 8; York, 15; Tamworth. 8: ’ CbOkB him 39 he proceeded ‘0 oren Specials by Darling. Cattle. 1: Sheep, 1 his own gate. Dick Allan happened 2; Pigs, 1; Poultry, 1. 3 to come along just at this time, and - JUDGES. I knocking down the stranger. got him ';into the buzzy and brought him to Grainâ€"Adam Robertson, John Mc- E: Durham. They could find no one to Gowan. 7' take him in charge. and we thmk Roots 6r. Vegetablesâ€"H. D. Davison, , . . . s the have ust reason to feel indi - . . l nan); at theJtown oficials for neglecfi- Alex. Binnie. Fruitâ€"George Binnie, C. Firth. Dairy Products -D. ‘V. Cameron, A. VVenger. . Ladies’ ‘Vork â€" Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Burgman. All persons are warned not to treSpass Fine Artsâ€"IN. W- Campbell, Joseph on the following lots with dogs. guns or Brown. n “berm? “kg? l “:31“ °f “mm“ 0’ Misc.â€"A. Wenger, D. W. Cameron. ' W n ans 0 o ' Plants Cut Flowersâ€"Geo. Binnie, 3 Abraham Crntchley. No. 62. 3rd Con., E. . G. R; No. 3, 3rd Con., S. D. R. C. Flrth. Mrs \V. Dunn went to Toronto on Tuesday to see her daughter. Mrs. Furnell. who is very sick .4 V. g Wm. Wall. No. 3. 4th Con., S. D. R. Poultryâ€"Harry Wright. ,d T1105. MCGifl’, NO. 61 8t 62, 2nd COIL, E. Horsesâ€"Edward McClurg (Govern- G R. 18 ° ‘ B I; ment). . Bio. 619 std con. L. GI. : . tt ‘v . W 6' 3 8: 4, lat Con., N. D. R. 1° Chris. Firth. No. a. lst Con., N. n. R. (Government). Sheepâ€"G. Whitlaw (Government). 3° Wm. Young. No. 3. Con. 1. S. D. R.; No; Swineâ€"XV. Thorn (Government). 6, Con. l. N. D. R. I. Ryries Bronze Medal awarded as 2nd prize to Scarf Sons for Grain in I II (V -__ - l Sheaf. ________ Pat ROAD ADIâ€"Cum V‘u3VuAVJ‘ â€"vv- , . D. R. G. R; No. 3. 3rd Con.. S Wm. Wall. No. 3. 4th 0011., S. D. R. Thos. McGirr, No. 61 8: 62, 2nd Com. E. G. R. John Bell. No. 337. 3rd Con., E. G. R ; No. 3 8: 4. lat Com, '3. D. R. Chris. Firth. No. 5. lst 0011.. N. D. R. Wm. Young. No. 3. Con. 1, S. D. R.; No; 6, Con. l. N. D. R. November) 1996’. th, .. J. PARKER, )U RT HOU SE .ublic auction 1 arrears of taxe aid taxes Treasurer County Grey. are warnqd not to trespass 11;; lots thh (1028, 231118 or the purpose of buntmg or xiGrey qu‘autlggn. 14 3 in the Town of the sand lands or as and costs and and '13) la 13 844 19 a)" ‘11 The Annual Fall Exhibition of the South Grey Agricultural Society was held‘here on \Vednesday and Thursday of last week. YVe cannot report the. results fully as our time was fully oe‘ cupied in our own work till the after- noon of Thursday, when we went over to the grounds to take in the sights‘ and get material for a short write-up. ‘ W'e passed through the newly fitted? hall and think it is quite a. credit to i the Society. A casual glance showed {excellent displays of fruit. vegetables iand flowers, and the upper hall had a ‘goodly number of quilts, rugs, bread, 5 buns, pictures. etc.. and an unusually Egood exhibit. we are told, of ladies’ tfancy work. try when a downpour of rain came on ‘ and spoiled our good intentions of goâ€"‘ ing more minutely over the ground for inspection. \V'e thought from our casual glance at things that the Fair was not so good as in some former years. but the omcials and directors inform us that it was without doubt the best ever held in Durham. There Iwere an unusually large number of ’ entries and the exhibits were also re- ;garded as excellent by the directors ; and judges. There was certainly a good showing of sheep, pigs and farm horses, and the poultry department was well stocked with choice birds in many of the different varieties for which awards were given. There was a great lack in there being no exhibit of agri- cultural implements. agricultural ma- chinery or other agricultural and do- mestic requirements, Nor were there any wheel of fortune men or other fakirs to be seen anywhere on the ground. The absence of these, it is xthought l‘y some, made the show ap- pear tame, but of this there is no rea- . son to complain. In fact we think it fortunate that the Government is sit- ting on some of these gentry, and in many constituencies they are not al- lowed to operate their schemes. On former occasions there were many who came to the fair and went home again without loss from these cursed frauds, but on more than one occasion have we felt an open disgust at the natural born fools who, with gaping mouths, : stood round the slick tongued manipu- l lator exliecting to beat him in his own game. The fools are not all dead yet, , and just as longas games of chance are allowed to go on, just so long will to be operated on. We are truly glad because of their absence from our Fair even though such absence may make ' the place seem dull. n The following list gives the number k of Entries made in the different classes , and totals up about two hundred more Grains. 45; Roots, 77; Vegetables. ISO; Fruit, 127; Butter, 14; Ladies’ work. 111; Fine arts, 53; Misc.. 83; House plants. 88; Cut flowers, 71; Poultry, 201 ; Horsesâ€"Heavy Draught, Z; Staples’ special, 6; Agricultural, 28; Roadster, 17; Carriage, 3;. Farm- er’s Race, 4 entries; Open Race, called off; 2:35 Race. 3 entries. Owners, [Gladstone (1), Gray (2), Miller (3), all of Coll’d. Cattleâ€"Durham, 27 ; Here- ford, 10 : Ayrshire, 2; J ersev, 2; Grade, .vâ€"â€"â€" _ 32. Sheepâ€"Oxford, 12; Shropshire, 18; Leicester, 30; Cotswold. 10. Swine, Berkshire, 6; York, 15; Tamworth, 8: Specials by Darling. Cattle. 1 : Sheep, THE CONCERT. The concert in the evening brought out an overflowing house over a bun- dred having been refused admittance. The talent provided proved themselves excellent in every number, and every appearance was loudly encored. Master Harold Rich was accompanist and performed his part with great sat- isfaction to entertainers and audience. He’s a lad of perhaps thirteen or four- teen years but he understands the ,piano and seems to know just when to Eddie Pigott in his comic selections brought down the house every time and delighted the audience with every appeuance. DURHAM UHRUN 1L1; la Mabel Manley Pickard appeared in | \ | 1 Durham for the first time and captur ed the music lovers from her first number. She ranks easily amongst I the best vocalists we have ever heard H 3 l l in Durham. Your Fall Jacket Miss Eva Cuthbert is a prodigy in H the line of character impersonation l and all her numbers were heartily fen- : cored. They say she’s only thirteen. l \Ve never saw a girl give as good an exhibition of clog dancing and we doubt if her equal ever before appear- ed in this town. JUST NOW is the time to buy your Fail Jacket, for the assortment was never better. the styles never more catchy nor the price more to your liking for the natty appearance and comfort derived from this sensible assortment. The pipers gave a. few selections which delighted all lovers of the Scottish National music. Special sale. 3 gross Ideal 1: Water, equal to the best. 6 gross Talcum Powder. 5 gross Sovereign Cold Cream. Soap, usual 100 per cake, 3 for 20c. First Class. 3 cakes for 100. Rose Bath, equal to Baby’s Own. 3 for 250. Sweet Pink 50, 6 for 25c. Bring your Prescriptions and Family Receipes to us, and we will convince you that ewe are 20°/° cheaper and better than any other house. WE NEVER DUPLICATE. A gentleman, of course he’s a stranger in town. He 5 Slater Shoe to fit me and I’ll buy them.” The shoe of quahty Our Stock of Clothing 5x The Druggists The People’s Only Drug Store From 8 up to 10 o’clock, there is money for you at the People’s only Drug Store. A 50 cent bottle Florida Water and 15 cent Tal- cum for 50 cents. 25 cent bottle Florida Water and a 10 cent pot Cold Cream for 250. SOAP gross Ideal Florida. of them. They II; willpay yon- We have a lot of these but w« and the result is very few know the See the sets of Side and Back Com‘ and attractive. Hair Brushes am Fine and Coarse Combs. ::â€";f.‘:“fg Ladies’ Kid GlOVeS We can fit; youâ€"The makes are correct-«b overelg; Drauu Fall Underwear is in great demandâ€"We have it. THE BIG S'fi'ORE DID YOU GET ONE YET? Our record is established for these gtods. We keep the best and every pair is guar- anteed. You may need them before long. Buy the bestâ€"â€" they are the cheapest. The Slater Shoe thlng -â€"-MEN AND BOYS. 6031:: Axnim‘zjx-zé youâ€"The makes are correct-Sovereign Brand. }ET ONE YET? We haxe sold 2L number are good value. Come an :1 lock them ave“. â€"_. An Ad. in The Chronicle pays. of these but we overlook them y few know that we have them. and Back Combs. "hey’re new Lil‘ Brushes and Tooth Brushes. says“ V 88115 LL COMERS >EC’1‘ THEM. me a. time.

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