THE large 12x14 photograph given guy with one dozen cabinets is well worthadollarandahalf. F. W. Kei- ggy, Photographer. --J uly 12th. ti. The planet Ven us has been the queen of the western sky all summer and latterly has been so bright as to at- tract attention all over Canada. Its erratic motion caused the report to b‘ circulated that it was an electric bal loon used at Bay City to advertise their fall exhibition. Prof. lrl R.i Hicks says :~On the evening of Sept. 20th, (to-night). this beautiful planet will be at greatest elongation east, She will not begin to sink toward the sun, but, in reality, she will be coming nearer to us and sinking between us and the sun. From now on she will change from half moon to crescent making the months following the best from us toward the sun. the more dis- tinctiy is her round black orb outlined and the larger she becomes. The last needle points on either side. By all means see her then. and a few weeks later as she appears on the morning side of the sun, in a good telescope. One such look and the heavens will take on a new meaning to you. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal grows better year after Tug of W ,†one of those beautiful subjects that brighten one’s home. To give the Family Herald and W’eekly Star along with such a picture for only one dollar can only be done by a paper rith the Family Herfld’s circulation. NO other tempt it. DURHAM, SEPT. 27, 1906 DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFarlane (f2 00. Dru uggiut and Books eellrs Remnants and broken lines will be sold Without regard to cost, of many patterns we have enough eft to paper one or two rooms. This is without a question the best chance you will have to buy good papers {or so little money as prices are almost certain to be higher next year. Every roll in the store including some of this season’s ï¬nest copy English Patterns will be sold at Wall Paper Sale Now [in . IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Our Regular Prices ONE THIRD OFF Better Than Ever REMNANTS At Any Price Rare Bargains for the Prompt Canadian paper could at The Planet Vemm th- Ont citizens who use electric lights have bed to resort t0 00“ oil since the middle of last week because of the burning out of the transformer, which has been sent to the city for Mr. J . L. McMnllen returned a few dag: egg from viewing his brother a on the shingles. he slipped from near the peak of the roof to the eve and fell about thirty feet to the hard earth below. His feet struck the earth ï¬rst. which. in some measure. saved his body in the heavy impact. He was removed to Mr. Andy Wil son’s. where he boards, and two phy- SiCiQDS called Who fnnnfl thn a‘rhl‘ David Brodie, a young man of 19 Years of age, who lives near Ceylon, and who has been employed on the new hotel stable, hada miraculous escape from instant death on Monday morning, when, owing to the frost A“ A! Mrs. D. Mc’l‘uiah, Mrs. W. White and their mother. Mn. 8: We hope for good weather for East Grey Fair this Thursday and Friday. Everything points to a successful fair. which is to be opened on Friday town hall on Friday evening. For the accommodation of the public the temperance people are preparing to serve meals on Show Pair days in the new hotel, and the stables will also be in readiness for horses. Mr. John Bleckburn. east back line. has repainted the exterior of his resi- dence, and thereby added much to the appearance of his home. Mr. Richard Allen, of the east back line. has much improved his brick residence by having the roof and ex- terior woodwork painted anew. The job was completed last week by Mr. C. E. Tryon, who is painting the Mitchell block, here. and expects to ï¬nish the job this week. Mr. W. J. Stewart, east back line. has, within a few days. had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable cow and hog. The former got entangled in a tree in Mr. Teeter’s swamp and when found was so injured she had to be killed. The latter got into a shallow Well and was drowned. Rev. Lu. P. and Mrs. Kipp arrived here from Strathavon last week, and on Sunday morning Mr. Kipp preach- red his inaugural sermon to a deeply interested congregation in the Bap- tist church. Mr and Mrs. Kipp re- ceived a hearty welcome from their congregation, and we believe our citi zens generally most cordially wel- come them to the village. Mrs. W. J. white has sold the Mc- Gillivray residence on Spring street. recently purchased by her, to Mr. J. P. Nicholson. recently of Oakville. Mr. Nicholson and daughters will settle here. Councillor R. Best, of the Toronto line, had a neat verandah completed on his residence last week. 0. W. Bellamy did the job. Artemesia township treasurer, W A. Armstrong, was, with other treast urers in the county. at Owen Sound last week with his books for inspec tion by the Provincial Auditor, who was on his ofï¬cial visit to the county. It is needless to say our municipal treasurer’s books we e found well and correctly kept. Mr, AS. VanDusen sold his rented residence Opposite the Methodist church on Saturday last to Mr. John Brown, Sr., of the east back line. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are retiring here from the farm. where they have spent the pew. ï¬fty years or more, to enjoy for their remaining days the fruit of their successful toil. Their son. J. J., succeeds them on the homestead. Mr. M. K. Richardson is having the front of the block. occupied by J. w. Boyd, repainted and the build- ine: otherwise improved. Dr. Murray has had his residence re-shingled and some improvements made in his dental oï¬ice. The old established Richardson drug business is in a few months to have a bright new home adjoining the bank. in the new Mitchell block. Mr. W. E. Richardson purchased last week from his brother, M. K., snï¬c- ient ground where the ï¬re occurred last winter. on which to erect a new brick drug store. and purposes pro- ceeding with the same as far as pos- sible this fall. Mr. D. McTavish lost one of his livery horses last week. The animal died suddenly on the road to Maxwell. Fleehenon and Bockvale base-ball clubs played a return match on the latter’s grounds last week. when the s:ore was ‘24 to 13 in favor of Flesh- erton. At a meeting held at the residence lof Mr. M. K. Richardson on Wednes- ; day of last week a Choral Society for {this place was formed with oï¬cers as follows: President. M. K. Rich- ardson; \'ice.Pres., Dr. E. 0. Mar ray; Sec-Trees. Miss Conlson; Or. ganist. Mrs. ‘V. Trimble; Assistant Organists, Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Thom ; Musical Director. Mr. Newton Large. of Owen Sound. who will visit weekly to conduct the class. At the“ organization meeting about twenty members were enrolled, but it is ex- ‘ pected there will soon be double that . number. The membership fee was put at 50 cents. A permanent place of meeting is yet to be arranged for. Flesherton. Bflzht'é cur. \ other meetions ‘ me. For all of \ m not separate uvovvu ‘_- "' case and“ all .e\5/’ 0‘ the kid- I these ailments / sicknesses and , â€such. They are / inside nerve weak / nervw are restored Asickness disappear. merely symptoms or \\ has. and when the no sflpwms am! the x Wisconsin. learned experience that were the power through them siblewcurein- burn. belch- Shoop. 0! Racine. early in his medical these inside nerves :1 e r v e s - t h a c only was it. Dos- Macmheart The remedy whioh “5}.VSH66‘5 'ï¬escï¬béavt'o; these tiling none: is known as Dr. Shoop‘s flax-sun. It. relieves the pain and distress o: 0!. stomach and heart troubles quicker even than those medicines designed simply to give nï¬ reliei. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (Tob- have (I add onnnowbohadot drum answers g‘otmonndreoommendodby n A Superior School in Every He- spent diseased kidneys. These organs do not act separ- ttely or or their own accordâ€"they have no con- trol over themselvesâ€"and not once in 800 times In the sickness the fault of the organ. It is the mm of the nerves which control the organ- tad only through these nerves can stomach. Educ! l or heart dis- orders be cured. Dr. It Isa common mistake to take artiï¬cial dice.- m for stomach troublesâ€"or heart stimulants gqgwcak pcartâ€"crgo-caned kidney remedies for For the Stomach Ilearl and Kidneys into the minister’s face. “VVhat’s her ‘ name ?" The Fulton Gazette reports that a minister of that town was moved by the grief of a husband whose wife was to be buried and sought to com miserate him in the following manner ‘5 \‘â€" Lâ€"- -w A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the inflammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols. alocal mer- jchant, for something to stop the pain. er. Nichols says: "I advised him to use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. and flammatton and gave immediate re- lief. I have used this liniment my- self and recommended it very often‘ for cuts, burns, strains and lame back and have never known it to dis. appoint.†For Sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative is a Cause Cure â€"- not a Symptom Cure. Pain from 8 Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. Mrs. Park and Mrs. Tomlinson. of Amherstburg, and Mrs. W. Turner and Mrs. I. B. Lucas. of Markdale. were the guests of Mrs. M. K Rich- ardson an Saturday last. Mrs. Wm. Wilcox is visiting rela- tives at Buflalo and D nkirk. N. Y Miss Bell Blakely of Corbetton, is visiting her cousin, Miss Myrtle Blakely, here. Miss Hazel Boggs left for Guelph last week to join her father, who has a. situation there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson visited friends at Collingwood over Sunday. Miss Millie Crossley spent last week with friends at Owen Sound. Mr, J. 0. Crane. of Owen Sound has been here for some days assisting at stock taking of Mr. R. Trimble’s murchandise preparatory to leaving the old stand. Mr. R. Weir and mother. of Sing- hampton. visited relatives here last week, among them being the latter’s sister, Mrs. Sharp, 812. easc of the village. and brother, Mr. John Gil- christ, at Ceylon. Mr. \V. J. Bellamy made a short visit to Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks, of Clazks- burg. visited over Saturday and Sun- day with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs P. Quigz. and Other rela tives. - Mr. Tbos. Boland. of Gore Bay, was in town on Friday last calling on Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen. f The Advance Editor and wife re- turned last week from a short holiday at Lindsay. Pettrboro and Other points. Miss Laura Piper recently visited two weeks with her aunt at Berkeley. Mr. George Brown. of Bradford. Spent part of last week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mr. Robert Trimble was called on Saturday laSt to Southampton to at- tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs Creighton. MAC FARLANE CO. art. returned a few days ago from visiting friends in Parry Sound. Mrs. McTavxsh returned much improved in heaich. TORONTO, ONT. DURHAM CHRONICLE It you have not got your winter supply of fuel, place your order with us at once for Coal. Stove Furnishings Kitchen Utensils. There is nothing to equal our “Penn Estherâ€ranges. Girl's Boots at 35¢ per peir while they 135:. These are selling fast. Come NOW. Coal Heating Stoves from $5.00 to 340,00. Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves at $25.00. prices which enable us to sell cheap. See our RUBBEBS. Boots and Shoes for Men.'Women and Children. Having placed our order early in the 3min... um HnnnJM- .. We don’t exactly mean lars. but the Rainy Fall ther, and we have just you need in The cold weather is fast approaching. Have you all the stoves you require, if not, call and see what we have to offer you. Our stock is complete in wood and coal heaters, also coal and wood ranges. We have Wood Heating Stov es from $2. 50 to $30. 00. Still to the front with our Lambton St. EVERYONE interested in Millinery will ï¬nd it to their advantage and proï¬t to inspect our large Stock and get our prices. Nothing has been left undone for our customers’ beneï¬t. We will show through- out the season every good sea- sonable idea. and in particular bring your attention to our line of exquisite creations in street and suit hats for early fall wear \Ve also have a depart- ment in our store where we take orders for making ladies’ suits, shirtwaist sutis, evening dresses, fancy blouses, etc. You are invited to come Wednesday and every possible day after. You are welcome Whether you buy or not. : : MILLINERY . McArthur OPENING MISS DICK FALL Durham, Ont. like we are doing for others. They are our best references and we refer to them. We’re busy now, but not too busy to give you every attention to satisfy and please. HATS and CAPS You Never Saw the Like of our New Fall Suitings The makers of the shoes that we sell at in the lead, so are the shoes. That's wh ple say about shoes that have been sails in every way. That is Something we try to Have True of Every Pair of. Shoes We Sell. Trunks and Valises IN STOCK. AS BUILDER OF SHOES in Misses’ Dongola Oxfords and Strap Slippers Let us Tailor for You HHHHHHHH Geo. H. Stinson GARSé‘Séfï¬ keeps the. best Blead, Cakes, Pies, Eunkies, Doughnuts, ’, Cash. Eggs same as Cash. season. so start now and give you a genuine cut in price. They are regular $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 goodsâ€"â€" you can have your choice in either Chocolate. Dongola or Patent. Leather for 75 and 90 cents. Plenty of other Boots and Shoes here at reasonable prices. Get your Fall Boots early and get them season ed. It will pay you double over. LEAVE YOUR MEASURE AND REPAIRING WITH THE MODEL BAKERY COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES Big Bargains Merchant Tailor and Gent’s Furnisher . S. McILR’AITH Only the best of material used and cleanliness carefully attended to. . L. FLARITY SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR SEPTEMBER 27 ,. Lawrence’s Old Stand. ST. WEST . ONT. $3193 First published in Owen Sound Tu -- The following are fuc-simil by Ryrie Bros... J cwellex-s. of T in the sheaf. not less than six ‘ [‘hursday, the Pi {the hour of TWO O'CLUCK i; DWEN SOUND in the said Cuu smuch thereof as may be smiiu: barges incurred. fWPt? .................... 'art known as Hunter estm bunty Grey Treasurer‘s (m i’ virtue of a \\ ARRAN l issne< mash the seal of the said Count housan Nine Hundred and Sixf~ A. ï¬rearm of taxes due for THREE X E ined and described being in the C- .n } THESE are therefore to g‘ .wful costs and charges be m Mrs. Robinson and dang Toronto, are visiting the brother. R. J. Eden. It old times to see Hattie aroux There was quite a nu' around here took in the T at Orchard on the 17th, well satisï¬ed with the were entertained. We were perfectly satisi at the rain coming down 1 look at the horses speedh the ring on Show Dan as 1h very much neede'. “7. part 10 A week ago Saturday I '1‘. Leeson and Alf. McCa} ney to spend a week ini Shooting up above a, sex: for some reason thy again on Wednesday :11 they hadn’t any very big to tell. \Ve didn't knov they arrived back we won feed, but we got leiL. think the horse enjoyed ti well, as he didn‘t look 1ik¢ Mrs. Samuel Robinson a tle daughter, from Shaho visiting the former’s a brother, Mrs.i.\\’i1kinsm Wilkinson. I The people of ‘s'arney decided to hold their Ann lie-opening on Oct. 7th a a. grand time is expected. there wiil be two servi a. m. and 7 p. m.. and 0 ing Monday evening th supper in the Orange Hal program will be rend church, all for 25¢ for ad for children. This will randest events of th on’t miss it. Lot REASU RE The Pow 'l'he systemai even $2.00 or $5 take a course at abroad, or get alm Commence t $1000 opens an a IN ABREARS FOR Vamey. TOW I‘OWX