Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Sep 1906, p. 1

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I BER lplete, we have ake our Dress [1 competitors H) SHADES owledged Place \ch - and 35c [18! yd. Goods House KLER UALITY itin Cloths Venetians: Sicilians LACES he ordinary atmmed with riettas stand behind vethe 79.! lines of er need or these :18 and Blacks we will awest brics that mo stock fall smock ()11 as (’MfK ALL who contemplate the purchase A” a. fall suit. or dress should read Mockler’s ad. this week. \1 USE would scarcely imagine that thv citizens of a place as dry as Flesh- : on is would have any serious noc- "nal disturbances. but the Advance Is the cat out of the bag when he tells how the good people over there have. been “seein’ things at night.” Like many others in Canada. during the past. few weeks they have been .ulmiring the planet Venus, which is now the evening star. but they’ve wen fooled by reports concerning the Bay City balloon story. Durhamites ‘ém ve been seeing the balloon too. and TEN Apprentices 'Wanted.â€"Apply Miss Dick at once. NOTICEâ€"T0 members of S. G. R. A. 18 official scon- will be fired at 200, ), 500 and 600 yards on Nov. 18th. PIIIbBI‘S should attend. GRADING on the new railroad is go-' éng rapidly on. About eight or nine gangs are at work between here and Hanover and several between here and Priceville. Work is also being done between Hanover and \Valkerton and before the ground freezes the ordinary grading will be pretty well rounded 1p, \\' understand the contract calls for completion of the work before the first. of July next. but it hardly seems p..~ssil>le to think it will be done so soon. However. great chz-inges can be made in :1 short time by the judicious use of men and money. The location -)€ the road through the town will not RHAJ in u" nv-n‘x-nhilifv ti" novf '9le large 12xl4 beautiful photo- LphS given away free. One with ery dozen cabinet photos. F. W. alsey, Photographer.â€"â€"July 12tf for a. trip pany wit! Ban K settled dmvn in a. s-t‘thstered Spot in the village of Toronto and hum: out his shingfe a.» an auditor. :md is quali- fied Du go out to Durham and ”than- large places to unru'el the) snarl: n" th? most umandering and 3:3.rpun'in~ system: of lmnkkeepinsz. Sine“ hP audit-9d the book< of Sh" Dm-hmuj Furniture Co. here a year 01- mm agv and gave a, Vucirl exphnatinn wf even detail at, the annual meeting of thr Company. we have had considpramv faith in the little chap’s anility m the matter of accounts. He'is now out on his own book and doesn't, feel in so «ubnrdinate a. position as he was while serving under a. trustee triumvirate who could dismiss Aim at any time for dusting the seat of little Johnny’s :l V 921T IE Public will notice an advertise- t in this week’s issue that it may rel] for them to observe. It has rmce to trespassers on a number 1011019: farms. - :uwht we know some of them may ve seen snakes. 'E have just opened up a. shipment nods which will complete our new o-date stock of trimmings. No l hereafter to send away for these ls.-â€"H. H. Mockler. TR Vin-neg; correspondent gives an 718 about an attack on Max Allan :h seems a little fishy, but we have eason to believe the report is not tantially correct. )1 R. Nnmux MCIXTOSH armved VOL. 39â€"N0. 2063. L orders taken in our dressmaking :tment will receive our most care- id prompt attention. Prices rea- 7)1e.â€".\Iiss Dick. eturning a. few months: agc‘ .rrid heat of a tropic“ ,c!‘ s aznhitinns' wvre grantir 92.) 5.5. : next meeting of the \Vomen’s ute will be held on October 4th ' home of Mrs. Robt. Pettigrew, 3y. The topic for discussion is paration of Fowl for Market.” nst meeting, which was held at l). )IcCt-ie’s, was well attended, .1) invitation is extended to all , fur October meeting. LOCAL ITEMS ing for a. week or so. Mr. Mem- is a Commercial College graduate. some time he was ncmipied in Ling: schooi. doing his last penance 9 school here. He was soon se- ;1 as hmyk-keeper in the Farmers’ .ifac-tm-ing Supply Co. where ave gum! and faithful service for LP or two when he went out west trip. and subsequently in com- ' with Mr. Knfly, of the Sumviard i. Went south as far as Mexico. trains: a. few months agn from the Sa’ m'day and W1 . «3 Han mm success. M". MCI I". he Mlil The Chronicle for Balance of Year next fPh in INSPECTOR CAMPBELL will occupy the pulpit in Baptist church next Sun- day. morning and evening. PICKLIXG SPICES. the best to be had and vinegar aged for two years in our cellar, 40¢. a. gallonâ€"H. H. Mockler. THE Standard Bank of Canada, Dur- ham is the Bank that pays 4 times a year on Savings Bank deposits from date of deposit. THE South Grey Teachers’ Associa- tion will be held in Flesherton on Thursday and Friday the 25th. and 26th, of Oct. H. H. MOCKLER keeps all the leading fashion journals on file each month on the counter for the use of customers. A COUPLE of car loads of road-mak- ing trucks were received here this week by the C. P. R. Co. and will be used fox-construction purposes on the new road. THE celebrated family flour “En- core” and "Pure Manitoba” made by \Venger Milling Co., of Ayton are for sale by Messrs. Mathews and Latimer. See ad. on another page. A MEETISG of the South Grey Tem- perance Society will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening Oct. 2nd., at eight o’clock. A full attendance is request- ed. Important business. ‘ BALD BEADED MENâ€"It is wrong to endanger your health and sacrifice your appearance when you know that Prof. Dorenwend’s Toupees and \Vigs easily replace the lost hairâ€"feather- weightâ€"stay on securelyâ€"are protec- tion to the head and add to health and appearance. You are invited to call at the Middaugh House on W'ednes- day Oct. 10th. OUR readers will remember a case reported some time ago in which Geo. Mighton, of Bentinck. was alleged to have been implicated in the stealing of a steer from John Brown of Allan Park. The case was tried here twice being dismissed the first time by the Magistrates on account of insufficient evidence. It was again brought up when the accused was committed to stand trial at Owen Sound. Last week the matter was disposed of and : Mr. Mighton was aquitted, the new Ie‘ridence against him being of such a oontracdictory [character and to be wholly discounted and not considered. Mr. I. B. Lucas of Markdale was the defendant’s Council and put up a good fight in the interest of his client. A BOLD robbery took place here on Friday night last when Mr. Webster’s jewellery store was entered and about. a thousand dollars worth of goods stolen. Of the stolen property there were $700 worth of diamond rings, a portion of his goods that Mr. Webster used to take home with him every night until the night in question when he hid it in the store only to find next morning that he was a. severe loser. Every watch on the repair hoard was also carried off and there must have been thirty or forty of them. Entrance ww gainel by cutting or breaking a. C ‘ glass panel out of the back door which had to he reached by climbing steps to the height of four feet or so. Besides the. goods mentioned some valuable chains and other property had been carried away. A cheap ring was found on'the sidewalk in front of the store next morning. but the thieves are still at, large though efiorts are be- ing nude to capture them. It seems that no effort was made toget into the sale. Mr. \Vehster has been here only since last winter and keeps a. fine display of high class jewellery and diamonds. It is hardly necessary to say that we hope the thieves will be soon brought. to justice. two years in our gent’s and one lady’s. Good condition H. H. Mockler. : $15.00 for both. Apply to Peel at the v! THE marriage of Miss Ella Laidlaw. .-‘ to Barrister \V. F. Dunn is announced ; for Wednesday, Ucu. 10th. l l A SHORT time ago, Mr. \V'. Black [bought the Guthrie property. Since :.then he has disposed at it all, the house and lot to “fun. \Valpole, the llot between the bakery and black- smith shop to \V. D. Connor and the ' blacksmith shop to Hamilton Allen. W'_.\~” Shoe Sta re.â€"tf. MRS. REDFORD offers all her house- hold goods for sale by public auction on Satuxday next at 2 p. m. She has some good furniture and as she has sold her house everything will be dis- posed of without reserve. FASHIONS IN HAIRâ€"Ladies who wish to perfect. their appearance and learn all about hair should call on Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, who will be at the Middaugh House on \Vednesday, Oct. 10th., with a. big stock of his famous Hair Goods Styles, \Vigs. Switches. Pompadours, Trans- formations, “Hwy Fronts etc. All the latest from Paris. Boston, London and other places. A visit is sure to prove profitable. WE have another instance of the value of advertising. Last week there was offered a reward of one dollar to any person returning a cigar case lost in town. Monday morning County Commissioner, James Allan. of Egre- mont, left it at this office and got the promised reward for the finder, Mrs. Archie Baird. The owner in town, here. was tickled half to death when he saw it, and without a word handed over the reward money. It pays to advertise in the CHRONICLE. THE new thresher made in the Foundry here by Mr. David Smith did its first work Monday at the farm of Messrs. Scarf Sons, and did excellent work we are told. There was some-i thing happened the cutting attache ment Tuesday which resulted in con- siderable damage and gave the work- men quite a fright when they saw the knives flying in different directions. A loose bolt or something of the sort was the cause, putting the cutter out of business. The balance of the stuff was threshed without cutting and the machine proved a great success as to capacity and quality of work done. The cutter is said to do fine work and y the blower is perfect. The whole ma‘ : chine was made here. FOR SALEâ€"Two good bicycles, one The Trustees of the Durham Natural Gas 6: Oil Co. have disposed of the assets of the Company, and will pay three cents on the dollar. Sharehold- ers calling on Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. will receive amount due them, and can see full statement of accounts.â€"â€"5pd. For S. S. No. 9, Bentinck, lady or gentleman, salary $400 or over. Ap- ply personally or by letter, before \Vednesday, Oct. 3lst. Duties to be gin Jan. lst. 1906. -‘ fl Sept. 26â€"1. Largest stock of School Supplies in Durham to choose from. The RB. Keeler 3’ Sons Busy Store' on the Busy Corner. Buy your School Books and School Supplies at KEELER’S and Save money. Our stock of High School Books 13 now complete. and in Public School Books we have everything that is required. The meet for the least money at KEELER’S. Come with the crowd as there is sure to be a great rush here let these goods. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906. Teacher Wanted. NOTICE. J AMES S'rlxsox, Sect. Crawford. P. O. Miss Edna. Shorey returned to To- ronto, Saturday. Mrs. P. H. Thibaudeau spent a. few days in lngersoll. Mr. M. K. Richardson,of Flesherton, gave us a. brief call on Monday. Mr. Arthur Laidlaw is spending a. few days at the parental home here. Mr. Thos. Reid is spending a couple of weeks with his son, Robert, in Flint, Michigan. Mrs. Dan Campbell is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Port; Huron. Miss friends Sound. Conductor and Mrs. Lavelle, Stratford, were visiting triends town for a few days. Miss Minnie Cooke. of Toronto, is at present, visiting Mr. “'11). T. Cooke, of Crawford. Dr. and Mrs. Oliver. of Markdale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKinnon over Show Day. Miss Macintyre. of Aytou. returned home Friday last after visiting fora. time with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and family. Mrs. John Nicholls who has been visiting her mother for a couple of weeks, returned to her home. in Tor- onto, on Saturday. Little Miss Marjorie McDougall. of Chatsworth, spent from Friday to Monday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scott, after spending two or three months with friends here, returned Wednesday morning to their home in Winnipeg. Mr. R. A. Lawson, of Milton, was in attendance at the Fair and returned next day. He looks well and is quite pleased with the implement business. Ye Editor was in Hanover Saturday, and feels pleased to see the advance- ment of our sister town. Several fine buildings are going up and things have a healthy appearance generally. Dr. J. C. McGillivray, of Denver. 001., was a delegate to the Sovereign Grand Lodge I.0.0.F. and made a fly- ing trip to Durham to see some of his old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith and two children, of Detroit, visited a few days in this vicinity and returned home \Vednesday morning, accompan- ied by the former's mother, Mrs. Smith, who lives on the Parker farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of Owen Sound, were in town a couple of days last week as judges at the SOuth Grey Fair. They took advantage of the situation to visit the latter’s brother, Inspector Campbell. Mr. Findlay McKay. of Regina, who has been in the \Vest for the past twelve years, is visiting friends in Durham and vicinity. He says Doug. Munro, Rice Meredith, Ad. Meredith and Davie \V'inkler are all in Regina and send their respects to GVBI'YJ)Od}'. A CITIZEN ‘VRITES:â€"-â€" Harvest being over, our Mayor is busy on his rounds looking after the interests of the ratepayers. \Venotice a big crop of weeds uncut inside the corporation. Broken sidewalks which should be repaired. A {general fixing is necessary before winter sets in- Wake up Town Council. When water is low at this season of the year, as it is at this present time, fever is likely to make its appearance. Our officials should see that every pre caution is taken that we have pure water to drink and th it no accumula- tion be‘allowed within the town of any dirt, filth or anything which may endanger the public health. LUTzâ€"In Durham. on Wednesday, September 19th. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lutz. a daughtex. MEREDITHâ€"At Regina, Sask., Sept. 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mere- dlth, a. son. CAMp81§LL~STEWAmâ€"At the home. of the brid’s sister. Mrs. McNabb, Rochester, N. Y., by the Rev. Dr. Cope, Miss Katie Stewart, to Mr. Peter Campbell, of ‘Vinnipeg. Kate McDougall is visiting in Chatsworth and Owen Pointers for the Council PERSONAL. MARRIED . BORN. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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