Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1906, p. 8

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-0 i"! fifififiafimfi’kfifiifia %#%éaÂ¥$ ALL GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY IN TOWN In Whitewear we are at the top of the heap and are giving best values in We still hold the name of having the cheapest and be t groceries in the town. We carry the best obtainable. and never sacrifice quality to make a low price. We use the utmost care in selecting onr groceries. and see that they are properly kept for the short time they remain in our store. Our prices are n0t high. We don’t try to give as little as possible for the money, but just as much as possible. Try us and prove this assertion. “ Our stock is always fresh.” HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS firoceries ROBERT BU RN E'l'l' received a fresh supply of pure .d we are in a positinu tn quute you the very best prices. We are again to the front with the best Ready to-wear (filothing that mm be procured m the Canadian markets. We handle ”My the best makes and you can depend on them being I‘m: correct thing. Step m and have a 100k. ize this fact by Offering in the following lines: Get ahead of the fact Yhat “The Big Stpre” is the cheapést place to buy your fol ULU MEN, YBUNB MEN and BUYS Boots and Shoes for Everybody . . We are now prepared to “Boot the whole family" with the latest in Footwear. Special Prices in Children’s Shoes Pmacm-s oer hag ..... Apple- .............. Flour her own. ....... Oatmeal par 930‘; . .. . Chop 09" vwr Livn H029...... ..... Dressed Hoes: per cwt : HiJPS par 1b ........ Sheepskins. .......... ,‘Vool .............. “Fallow .............. ELM-d ................ Help! H elp.’ I’m Falling In the Matter of the Durham Natural Gus Oil Company. Limited, of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a b0ttle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the hedthy ; scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" l “ Sold tor ova: Iixty yam." Take norécs that' at th¢3 aajounn-d mPOYing of the shareholders on the 29th ulvo. it was further pos'ponpd until Friday. the 30th dny ofJu.y. I906, at 8 o’clock p. m . to ho- hvld in the Town Hall. in the Town of Dur- ham. in thv County of Grey. 1) .IAMIESON. } THOS ALLAN. {trustees 0 iii. 6. A no man A H.1ACK30N. I Dated at Durham this 30th day of June. 1906 Market Report. hag ..... ’ . . .. . 3 00 c ....... '2 20 each. 1” f 1 4H 7 35 NOTICE. DURHAM, Jul \ CHERRY mm IH'RHAM CHRONICLE In Town 13 to '0 of 11.1906 [0 to to In 6 O 00 C! U' 16 10 10 13 We are sorry to chronvcle the death of Mr Hov which took place' 1M her son’ 3 in Varnev. June 29th. uf er a long illness. The funeral on ' Sunday to Maplewoud Cemetery Was nalgelv attunded. the servxces at the' church and grave being conducted by I Mr. Ulalk. \Ve extend our sincere‘i symyath} to the herruved friends. Mrs were visitinga at. Mrs I Mrs James Burt and her eia'er. ‘ A. McCliuton’a last week. 1 )1r_ and Mrs Smizh of Hami’ton Wrre \‘isziting at the latter’s “mental homv for a few 'dnss. but have re- {UI'LEU home again. Edgar Trotter from Toronto is vis- iting has uuuc, Mrs. Z Clark. Miss Edith Allan is Spending her holidays at home A large number went to Durham Dominion Day and ware well pleased with the program of Rpm-ts put UP by the Suns of Scoclano. Rev Mr. Sanderson preached his 6st sermon the Sunday before last and made a very favorable impres sion on the congregation. His text was: “I was glad when they add unto me let. us go into the House of the Lord ” A gentleman whose name we have forgotten a relative of Mrs. Wm Brxaus has been ViSi-Ziug an the hume of Mr. “’11). Buyans for a week or tWO. The young people around Varney are very pattml to color. One of xhemis exuemely fond cf “Gray.” another would go a long way for "Brown” and anonbcr goes it. one better by nearly breaking his neck for "Black.” 1! any of our correspon- dents Can teat. this we would like to hear from them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison had had acme friends from Bruce visnting [11ch last u eek. The Vnruey Sunday Schonl picuid was a aplendid success. the races‘ were W811 patronized. A great deal uf numb was created by the the Lmee legged races of both boys and girls and the sack race created lots u! taufixter, but the crowning oue Was the 1.4.1ch taCe, which about tiny (out: part In 'lhisx'aCe had to be run With me eves bumHeMeJ, and )0!) Gun bet were Was hm. After the “was they engage-d themselves 111 foot and base bult and gun :5 until about mue o’clock when all went. home satisfied we Lhmn 'lhe Rev, Mr. baudersuu drove all the way from Walkertou L0 be preaeut. at it. Mrs. J43. \Vatson cama home last Week utter spending a fuw mouths WIUI her son in Detroit. Wilhed has taken to himsezf a pursuer so now we suppose he wul leave father and mother and cleave to bus wnfe. Eight. or nine of the Varney Sun- day fiche-)1 drova down to Hotstein ou the 5111. to attend the Sunday $00001 convention and had a very eu- jO) ubw and helpful Lime. Mru.Sbilliugis visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boy at. present. The Varney L. O. L. have got their new banner audit is beautiful. Come out and see it on the 12th. A large number of the Vurney L U. L. members joined the bretheru cf the district to attend divine service at the Presbyterian: church on Sun day last and were delighted with the sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Ferquhatsuu. There were about fifteen or twenty who took in the excursion to ngaxu from Verne), station. Some of tztose who went from [his hamlet were. (3. T. Leeson and Muses Elanor and Mildred Leesou. Misses. Luna and mum Allan and Mrs. Nelson Eden. Wm. Caldwell and daughter and Mrs. S. Caldwell. There is some one leaving the gates open and letting the cows into the Cl‘Opa‘ Wthh is not very pleasant to beer and we hear that one of our stalwm‘ts 3; ends a good part of the night on some of the village verandas watching for the culprit. My lands It won’t be well for them if he catches them. Mr. Alex VanAlstine and family are Spending a. few days at J. W. Blyth’s. Council met, regular meeting, on Tuesday evening. July 3rd. Mem bers present: A 8 Hunter, Mayor; Councillors Moran. Whelan, Coch- raue. Lenahan and Furneaux, The Finance Committee presented an account of $222.70, and recom- mended payment. Lenabanâ€"Cochraneâ€"That report 0! Finance Committee be accepted, and cheques issued for the several amounts,â€"Carried. VVhelanâ€"Moranâ€"That the Pron- erty Committee. with the Mayor. investigate the insurance in connec- tion with tne Farmers’ Supply Com- pauy. as regards the changing of policies held by the town, and that they have the power to settle the matter as between the Town and the Company.â€"Carried. Women with weakness should never fortet Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure. This magic-like local treatment. is used at bedtime. all night while the system is at rest. it is constantly building up the weakened tissues, soothing the inflamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up all oatarrhal and local troubles. Sold by Maciarlane Co. -- Council adjourned. Varney. TOWN COUNCIL ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. Theechola‘rsois. e .No 2, 9Wallace. | and their pareuh ua hered at. Ihel home Lf \lr Schneider 3r diiue W ul lace, on Thursday Light of last. Werk for the pquOse of bidding farmxelI to Mr John Backus . and presentii. g hiIu wII IiI a slight token of their luv?! and eSteem {0 him The PveIIiIg Was Spent in gimes and Other ammu- menta- durIug which MI Bacus was presented with an addrws and a. gold lockei and chain John will be much missed in town as well as in his SI: hool SPctiOD as he has been one of the leading men on the iomball team tor the past ,two years. and we join in wishing him a bright. and proeper- ‘lons future in his he“ held of labor IFollowiug is the addI~~s: 1 John S Backus. Dear 'l‘eacherzâ€"VVe have learnedl with deep regret that you are about to sever your connection with us and enter another field of labor. We can testify to your earnest and faithfuli efi'orts on our behalf during the past two and a half years; to your judg-‘ ment and tact in the management of the school, and also to the good will. and kind feeling manifested toward‘ you by the pupils. and we wish to show in some tangible manner our‘ appreciation of your earnest endeav-l lore to advance the interSts of our children under your charge as well as the section generally. Therefore, we ask you kindly to accept this gold chain and locket asa token oloar love and es'eem. and which we hope “ill often call to mind the happy hours spent with your many friends in 8.5 No 2. Wallace. and as you go along the pathway of life we trust you will have a happy and prosner ‘ous journey. and bye and bye when |the tnels of earth are ended that I" On the banks of the river We may meet no more to sever, In tha bright. the bright forevvr, In the summer-land Of song.” Signed on behalf of the section. .I onx \VIPFLER. Prustee SOLOMON LUDWIG. } S Dr. Shs»0p’~: ReStorative brings last- ing relief in Stomach. kidney and heart troubles through the inside nerves. No matter how the DGTVPS h. came impared this remedv will re build their Strength. will resrore Thvir vigor Remember it does no good to treat the ailing organâ€"the irregular heart, rebellious stomach, diseased kidneys. They are not to blame. Go back to the nerves that control themâ€"treat the causeâ€"use a remedy that cures through the inside nerves. Sold by Macfariane Co. Mohair and Folded Tulle Point de sprite and Tulle Hats are the leaders now. Any amount of Children’s Hats in Stock. A 1arge assortment of Ladies‘ Fancy Neckwear and Belts Arrived Saturday. See ’em. Lambtou Sn. DIAMOND HALL ;; 'uunuam DDLUUDO A At; JV II V- fimmwmmaefiwkfl mg a speaal valueas This Week £46 g Prices Within the reach of everyone, $8 up to $18. ‘ifi . S ble RU d an t5 p e ['11 Ga alds, er Em IS, 1‘ 3% ea fl MISS DICK We will be pleased to Show you the difierent Styles if you will give us a call. Mime”. . We have on hand an assortment of Summer Millinery. The “ DURHAM BRIDGE.” Wallace. June 28th, 1906 Summer Our large stock of CHINA has dwindled down to about fifteen pieces, which will be sold at a sacrifice- PERCY G. A. WEBSTER These are first class Diamonds. pure white without flaws. We also have a large stock of Other rings in All of these will stand close inspection. Durham, Out. Weak Kidneys Bright’s Disease and Diabetes Use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative to Cm the Cause, If You Suffer From These Symptoms. Here are the symptoms of Kithey: Commaircg. Urine laden with svdiment. brick amt in my}; hig ly colored urine. greasy :‘rot‘n or blood in . stringy mucous in urine, unusual de- sire to urinate. pain in passing waiter, min ‘11 the back and over the kidneys. hot. drv afid itching skin. hair dry and: brittle: pain m1 joints. legs feel heavy. 819913185an do 1 1n ess. loss or , weitht. chilly sen-53. tions. loss of mem- ' ' ity. irregular of eyesight. trOUDIQ “rich the other in Z A" r .. standing An improp° 'I ' " er :rritl merit isotten \ . . ,_./ won-Q. than none. M085 ‘ 1', ' . Kidney mgdi. cines get their _ remedies called . . ’ diuretics. Thesq are practically ff; ‘ kidney pan-5;“ sctincas cathartics 5/ act on the hot-.313: They excite the kid- " neys to unusual ac. tion. they cause over-\/ strain. These diur- etic remedies are them selves the I r o: q .- ._. n! cause 0! serious kidney disease. Don". try to doctor the kidneys themselves. for you will only harm them. Their only strength is hem power. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative (Tabz..;s 0, Liquid) vitalizes the nerves that operate an Kidneys. Sold and recommended by {(BCI from We are deter: mined to supply your wants if possible."â€" HARDWARE MAC FARLANE CO. Watches Lovers of cherries should see our Cherry Fitters, and you will llut be without one. In Spray Pumps we lead the market, trom the ordinary syringe spray to the barrel spray. WhV allow your cat- tle to get pested \ 1th flies vs hen you can buy Fly Oil so cheap} JULY 1 2, 1906 We have a large st‘ of Paris Green : Bug.r Killer. Do not attempt to use that old. Worn out Grain Cradle when you can buy one of our good reliable Cradles so cheap. We also sell Sections, Guards and Beads, Gasolene, Coal Oil. Readyâ€"mixed Paints, Our WATCH trade has grown so much this last three months we are un- able to meet with the de- mand of the public. , heavy. sleep wcmht.ch'ii ' gvncr 1131' he an. ( - bro u b X) skin {1 0X16; 9 La '3" e r 1 . ;/ W0!“ 3:, 4‘ Kidn zeir ‘7’ Gift" x allPd dmrvm . kidney Painfs, Oils, Alabas- tine, etc. Binder Twine in abundance and cheap- er than the cheapest; The jeweller FOR SALEâ€"A good mih ply to John A. Blm'k. MARRIAGE Licenm‘w issued by A. Davidson, I'p-tmvn at Court office. ~4. FORb ALE. gent s and one 1 $15.00 for both. Shoe Noraâ€"~41 \VAXTEIrchmd sn to learn the Hardwm ply to \V. Black. THE Pastor‘s 'thcm evening in the Method be “G‘il‘lhOOd.” A ('1) ladies will lead lhv sin; THE l‘lgl'elmn pOOr opinion u' ability of the p they think it :u law tn (-ummut at” .00. day. knoxxs that 1‘ nothi ng. THE Normal F were publish-«1 «m usual large list nf s for teachvrs. Ann vicinity whose mu: bliss Dora David: Miss Leesnn. and I congratulate them may find teaching pleasant. .A BAD \Vl‘w'k [001; Mm Grand Trunk. at Val'nvy ()1 evening last :mum. six 1 special train. Inniling mm] a‘ the Cement \Vnrks. here. 1e “near the Gal'afraxn sII-cel re the track up for :1 ( hty or a hundred yard.» ht of way up with «My roken tles and wrwrkud in cars. Passengers on mu and the Baptist; picnirkel' enjoying their annual mu stein, were transferred :u. the accident and the men of the journey was made The wreck is suppowd 1 caused by a broken flung.- coal hopper. which wit} cars was badly damagmi. “Too many This 01d sayix than one, :11 curred in last VS eg ave an 1 at San 1' rm taken down 1 being: called taken down by being callvd :1“ 'Was left to :1 ju get the “01d" 11' head. The res three errors um Years V9?“ the issue he hill was I i dl‘ed a but um truth ; CUI'l‘um.i THE H1p’.i~‘~ ..-, )1. Other filli‘t‘t >511“ 3;»; Abcrdm-n «m Thin-wk; Dung-em ML'LHtHF M‘s 't-her Was :1“ that .-.,1 and nutwiLbsmmlin; at Hanover during 1;“ number wen. prawn; hours together a; (Lb ing. As usual the (M With everything tn m ings of the inner m were the. culupliluvl héard fUl' (he guuki locality. About uiuc gmnme was gi w u gramme “as 51H 11 m) hush: by Ult‘ Udplisl (‘11 ham and Mun! nudzvxt‘ Messxs. Shibuxutid. lime. quharsnn. and nlhrh. ReV. Mr. l’imm. \\:L~ .inq kept chryching :.-:.;'~ii:.o «1 well rendered ulu'l.‘ m-m Misses Maud Umiawn Browne, and by 3lis>vs Ki! undoLily \Valker. 311-. .was (mlled upon, at the d programnw, to say a fe‘ yvords of cheer to hi and by the applause wbic we are now convinced VOL. 39â€"N0. 205 many a unbed to ll (1V 1mirers. about $3. \\' Apply u't B

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