Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1906, p. 7

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v and August 'our bowels regular?” He that daily action of the is absolutely essential» Then keep your liveracfive . T. CLANCY, Prin. .' bowels ‘régular by taking :ativc _do_§_es 9! Ayer’s Pills. m! Wemmo, _c-!_ an our-didn‘t. of it is aman whose acher are 111103091166 ,5 to see his students morally. socially and mite oblivious )n of her own crouching in .e a doomed ution, alone. tied. At first :11 for his ro- upon waiting 9 might bring ;' saw that no am the other ght care for .' and safety. rd every one m, and there soul. It cul- ve to release Ul nth-$5 tal'u xm-n have their new- did not re '00 for con- t! ('Ulbpany u‘ the deck lung Since .4 ;_p2t«:hmg it had on. nutty an. as}; of an- mnm er way to g to sup- aging v10- For some .lly clutch- Wall rail. XDL LATE of ork 4nd (‘ bicago. cases of Eye. Ear N be at. Knapp House - Hav in mush month. s will be manner 5. 'Hav- 1 With- 'e been gration dun only two . {2851 mery. y ears rantee .ess from GQ'B e confi- W8 Mish- ne THE JOB : : DEPARTflENT u-jcrzrts and No pm» or. paxd. except a: the u 94.09 per .‘m‘ dirccuoas m2! b- wrdinzlv Tr. xDVERTISMG Ff“ add-ES. o . ii: c c' SUBSCRIPTIM T" 0 address 3 -2 . vcat, pa Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. Vacs AND RESIDENCE A svenv THURSDAY Hosanna ,mcamme mama muse. mu STREE‘ DURHAM, ONT. u tinneer for the County of Grey. Sales Promptly attended to. Orders maybe left at Ins Implement Warerooms, MgKmnon 8 01d stand, or at the Chronicle Ofilce. U. tioneer for the County of G”?- Terrrs moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of Sales can be made at THE Cunoxxcw of- fice. Residence and P. 0:. Ceylon. Tele- :Dhone connection. ' OBX CLARK. LICENSED AUG ’ tiuneer for the County of Grey. Sales {ox-ding facilitie work. . . .5 430V. 9 G. Hutton, M. D., C alist A}! at F. GRANT. D mamas. SOLICITORS, gox av in each m0: Arthur Bun, SICIAN AND SI EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. {N KPNNEE. LICENSED AUC- Dr. 'Cf! XSCU JULY 12, 1906 MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- Medical Dz’rm‘my. rates for to the o Dental- Directorv DR- GED. S. BURT. MacKay 8:. Dunn. m of Eye. Ell the Midiaugh House lat Wednesday sach donth. from 1‘: to 4 p. m. DR. BROWN '8 over wer To' {IL-\M. ONT. (1. taut Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe. 3 Golden Sq. Throat and 75030 Hon. C. P., LONDON. ENG. ILATE of London, New { GRADUAT er for the County of Grey. DURHAM, ONT. "Cruse nc KAY. K. C o veal 00'. SO Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Miscellaneous. W'. IR “’IN l. P. Teiford. . H. Jackson. PUBLIC, COMMISSION- 3! \ey.am-er ' c. Insurance ex to Loan. Issuer of “ab :5 A general financial busi- M 9.. m., to 4p. :11. am! 7 to9 attention gn'eu to dxseases children. Residence on EXC \S PUBLISHED .0. Pickering Dentist. ‘., Etc. Money to e McIntyre Block Over J ill 1'. n all I Is completely stocked with ax; Nzw TYPE. thus a. UATB. UNIVERSI- uo. Graduate Royal reams of Ontario. ESIDENCEâ€"COR ii BfiHflRI‘JL‘ c. crusemcms furnish: {“21"}: )LICITOR. ETC. rcr first insertion, 25 cc Durham. the 2116 Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. f Knapp’s Hotel Tow,n Durham .ower Town.) e No. 10 Branches. VG! and Vanceâ€"m . n" be pen: to: antage, for $l.oo 24:: man 'L‘Ua. RGEON, OF- r Block. Ofiice n- m. and 7 $09 IL)?" “0" V: Di 9"7167 P: out Pity-ca.“ nserticn \V. F. DUNS . Streetsâ€"at 11 3.111.. 34 3w Jewellery Anyamount eut. on farm Hunter’s. 5' to Loan. alOCk. Over mbc' or all t} Ofiice Miss Passmore was an artist of un- usual ability before she entered the government work and has a large col- lection of pictures, both in oils and wa- ter colors. on the walls of her attrac- tive home. She came to Washington some twenty years ago and established herself as a teacher, having classes composed largely of young women in diplomatic circles. She has been in the department {or twelve years, during which time she has acquired the re- markable skill for which she is so well known.-Was|ington Post. hard. smooth surface of a winter apple. the fuzzy cheek of a peach. the pehlplgd grain of a pearâ€"all are so realistically shown that the fruit stands out from the sheet as if one could pick it up. Yet Miss Passmore is a rapid worker. and the files of the division contain portfolios filled with the output of her brushes. Throughout the department and in the fields where her work has long been recognized as probably the finest that has ever been achieved it excites the greatest admiration and en- tbusiasm. “'hy Anhamed of Work! “A woman who will work and has no false pride about declaring herself a business woman is usually successful," said a prominent man recently, "but I never knew one that committed the fol- ly of apologizing for earning her bread or endeavored to hide the fact that she was in business that did not make a failure.” What would be said of a man who thought so meanly of his occupation or of himself for being engaged in it that be continually offered excuses for not massing his life in idleness? asks the An Able Artist 1- the Employ o! the Government. In the division of pomology of the department of agriculture are repro- duced in water color studies the choice varieties of fruits that are sent in from all over the country. Chief of the little corps of artists do- ing this work for the' government is Miss Deborah Passmore, who is widely known for the accuracy and the beauty of her work. Her water color “por- traits” of rare apricots. peaches, plums, grapes and various other fruits are not only technically perfect and therefore of value to the scientific world. but they are really works of art. It is 1'0- markable how she succeeds in catching the very texture of the skin as we)! as the color and form of the fruit. The passing his life in idleness? asks the Chicago Inter Ocean. This feeling of reserve ls one of the chief obstacles to be overcome by the average woman forced to a considera« tion of the question of earning a liveli- hood. and the sooner we realize the fact that all work that supplies a legitimate want is honorable the nearer will be the solution of the financial problem so of- ten a menace to the happiness of the individual and the home. The gmt law of supply and demand is the chief factor of success in the world of business. That a woman should offer to help fill a demand and receive a just remuneration therefor is not a thing to be ashamed~of. But are scientific Veterinary Preparations prepared by Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier Antiseptic Healing Oil Indigestion and Colic CLIG Breeding Powders Spavin CLUB Cough Remedy Poultry Tonic Heave Relief Loose Death Navel and Joint Ill Cure 69.113 and Thrush Cure . Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Sprain Emulsion Lump Jaw Cure \Vorm Remedy Each pkg. contains a coupon entitling the holder to free veterinary advice SOLD BY BARCLAY BELL. Implement Agents. DURHAM. COLIN McMILLAN, Harnessmaker. DROMORE. , . SCHWINDT MUTE. Grocers. HALOV ER. Juder the supervision of DES. VANZANT \VARING. Toronto, of ova 25 years practical experience. MISS DEBORAH PASSMORE. Children’s Second Teeth. No sooner has a child got its IU vuac a VUJ“ “I VIIV U“, Take Laxative Bromo tainine Tablets on every 9 This Signature 6%Aérvmybox256. Seven Minion homes sold In past I; monms. in Two Days. MISS DE! THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO. These Are Not Stock. Foods )RAII I To Cure 3 Edd in One Day \ P vf-v’ Howe! chuivr for mu. Stipuimz, sal'uw complexion. head- ache, dizziness. sour stom ch, coated tongue. biliousness. Lax-ets act promptly, without. pain or griping. Pleasant to takeâ€"Lux-etsâ€"only 5 cents. Sold by Macfarlane Co. Letter paper is bought by the quanti- ty. stamps are bought by the hundred and pens by the gross, any of which outlays would be considered an unheard of extravagance by the ordinary Amer- ican woman, who buys her writing ma- terials in driblets that are small and stingy as compared with her lavish ex- penditures in other directions. ‘ The Breakfast Root}: Desk. .\'0 breakfast room is so may as the one which contains a well appointed and well stocked desk in the snnniest window, ready to turn to for the im- mediate answering of the mail which has been perused at breakfast. Eng- lishwomen, who understand the art of letter and note writing better than any women in the world, follow this plan and have certain other ('tlstoms which come under the class of letter writing made easy. er and the average housekeeper. Yet it is a fact that it is harder to introduce a labor saving device in the kitchen than anywhere else. The successful manufacturer goes far afield to find anything which will cut down the labor necessary for the making of his prod- uct, but the head of the average private food factory sticks to her old ways and her old appliances with a devotion which goes far toward accounting for the truth of the old proverb that ‘wom- en's work is never done.’ “Not one woman in a hundred thou- sand has yet begun to realize that the best maid of all work on earth is the little copper wire which brings the elec- tric current into her home for lighting purposes.” It wasn’t a Missouri editor but a printer’s devil who was going thro’ his fi t eXperience in "making up" forme. The paper was late and the boy got the galleys mixed. Thr- first part, of .he obituaiy notice of a pecu- n ons citizen was dumped in the forth. and the next handful of type came off a galley chCiibing a reoru: tine. It read like this: ‘ The pal b arers lowereil the body to the grave and as it Was consigned to 'he flamea them were few if any ro-gie s: for the old wreck had been an eye- ~oretu the town for years (N 0011150- ihrre Was individwal loss but firm was fuliy covered by insurau c» ” The \Mdnw thinks the editor \VrO'e the. obituary that Way heCaUae [.m- lau e .trd pilF'IIPY of her joys and SH" 1' W’s U\\Hl bin: tiva )ears’ sub~crip non. Opponlnx Labor Savers. If woman did not oppose the intro- duction of electricity in the kitchen her work would be easier, is the startling statement made by the writer of "The Electric Housekeeper" in the Tech- nical World Magazine. Says he: “It would be ungallaut. certainly unpleas- ant and possibly dangerous, to make too clear the parallel between the farm- A GU AP ANTEED CURE FOR FILES Itching. Blind, Blveding, Protruding Pile-s. I tn: gists are autrnorizml to refund money if PAZO OIN I'MEXT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days 50c teeth thm it is time to begin to think THE LIBEL SUIT. about the second. The first perman'ent l ' teeth come when the child is from five E In connection with the great ce- to seven. and as they are the four mo- : men: indusxry at Durham. Grey lars which come beyond the last molars F County. Editor Irwin. of the Chroui of the temporary set they are often 0 e. put.up a gallant fight in defence mistaken for the first teeth. As soon as i of his town and the shareholders they appear the child should be taken ; He happened to hit an official a jab t0 the dentist to 8991‘ they are regular on the solar piexis and a libel suit in their position. followed, which cost the plucky. pa If the teeth do not come in perfectly even and regular a dentist can remedy defects which it is impossible to change after they have been neglected a few years. The dentist should also be seen even before a first tooth is taken out. as if it is removed too soon the jaw con- tracts and the tooth which comes in its place is crowded. Care given to the first set is as impor- tant as care to the second, and a soft brush should be used twice a day from the time the child is a baby. Tooth powder is not necessary to keep chil- dren's teeth in good order. Rinsing the mouth at night with a little limewater and cleaning often enough with soft water are a better preservative than a dentifrice. Antiseptic Healing Oil Breeding Powders Cough Remedy Heave Relief Navel and Joint Ill Cure Diarrhoea Cure for Colts Lump Jaw Cure DURHAM CHRONICLE l Q'l‘alking about newspape: libelsuits jreminds us of a fight a certain On ltario Journal once put up on behalf 3 of certain persons not only in its own ! particular constituency but through- ;out the Province. A libel suit result- led and it cost the neWSpaper over 131200 to settle it. Did the people ’ “ho benefited by the newspaper’. tight rush to the rescue with contri ihutions to help the publisher out. 'They did not Yes. the truth must he toldâ€"they allowed the newspaper to take all the hard whacks and then laughed in their sleeves. But it is a iklig lane that has no turning. ant' 3ears afterwards. when the cham {'itnship of a neuspaper “ould hate I ‘eant thousands of dollars to the man who refined to help a poor devil of an editor it: his extremity, on l their own account. these same mm. .1et11ally had the atulacitt' and mo- .nen ai gall to solicit the help of the nan “horn they had alloacJ to siz I. e on the financial gridiron for years in paying oFf the costs of a libel suit 11(V7lll'l‘8d in their behalf. The editor's 'ley is unprintahle. but it was equal 0 the ovcasiou. and we firmly believe the recording angel failed to chalk it «p against'him in the Book of Life.â€" Jurk’s Falls Arrow. The ed tor. publisher and propri: or of the areat fireside journal, who by the way of taranth-esis we run. ht )bS me, is one and the same pexs .0, net with arather unusual eXperieuce on Monday evening of this week, one that illustrates the o d saying that it takes a lot of peOple to make a WOIld. [L was after this sort. One day la-t week, a former resident of the town came back to he married, and W!- have lea-Jon to believe was mirrlec. In the ordinary prosecuti01 of our business of news gathering. we called at the home of the parents of ti 6 bride, which home is located a few doors south of the Pett biscuit fac- mry. to get a few pointers regarding this important event. But the bride’s .umher absolutelv and emphatically declined to be interviewed on the l .g. Catanhozone goes direct to the cause of the disease.-â€"that’s Why it’.- w dead certain to cure. It stops the :Ough, prevents that disgusting dis' charge, cleaxs phlegm out of th» threat in five minutes. Very pleas ant. and safe too; get Catarrhozone from your druggist to day. s. t-ject. \Vhac sne Said was that she objecced to having her private afiair made the subject of public gossip. Now. Wr' have been writing up wed- dings, on and off. for twenty years, and never before have we met with a mother ofa bride who took a posi- t on of that. kind. The rule 15 in! of his town and the shareholders He happened to hit an official ajab on the solar piexis and alibel suit followed, which cost the plucky. pa triotic Editor over $1300. The peo- ple who benefitted by the Chronicle’s courageous fight have contributed over $700 of the above amount. but it is to be hoped that they will p t up every dollar and a nice tidy sum more as atoken of their appreciation. \lr Irwin should not be allowed to sufi‘er the loss of one dollar. His paper. the Chronicle. is acredit not only to Durham but to the Province. An exchange gives this hint to anglers: The bo‘: wanted :ome worms for bai’. He had selected a promising spot, a shady and low ly ing d ll. but though he had bten dig- ging now {or a quarter of an hour. not a single worm had hi3 spade turned up, “Heiesonnv.” said an old angler, "take this chunk 6f soap and make me a quart or two of soap- Stds.” The boy brought the suds. the old man Sprinkled them over the ground and then he, in his turn be- gan to dig It was amazing. Here. Where the boy before had not found a single worm the old man now dis- covered them in dozens “You can find worms ’most anywhere. sonny." said the old man, "if you wet the ground with soap-suds first. The soap-suds draws them, the same as molasses draws flies. A weak‘ mix- ture of blue vitriol and water will do the same thing also.” A \VALKERTON FREAK When Seven Men Die orm had hi.» 81: C918 sonny.” said {6 this chunk 6f 5 quart or two of 81 E7 brought the SI inkled them over 3 he, in his turn was amazing. H .efore had not f0 The 1' tr dc to 1 glad ha “ Eddinu much inf .3 room 1 ar» exce LTP GXCCD Shouldu’ 1 come 1 a young ants to twenty ye we met, wi1 . took 9.1: 'be rule: I: e to greet .d hand. 1 (.1 belt‘Ctr and low had been of an t turns {0 L the” h think woman mthouc p wed years with s a posi DN 1y a dig- hour. spade The Durham Furniture Co. 717$ A call and inspection Bedroom Suites Sideboards Extension Tables Parlor Tables Parlor Suites Couches John S. Mortimer, $15 00 Cash vv that. actually all) nus the .J. l. u: offers an unrivalled opportuuim to get in on The ground ti >0r in a pl‘Op-Jsi ed pussihllzzies ”43‘ a money maker. invpsrmenr. and of Fort, William. 10 professional men. _H._._.-’.__'_____.___‘;.---.; LI .‘l FTP”) :Z'_:.-_-_.__.r.-'_--__.-_ WAREROOMS-«ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFIC Syndicate Park FORT WlLLHM Do not. del'u Map and full H I (I H l'Opul‘I IR m STYLES, FINISHES AND PRICES Pr ic e f 1‘ mm :5 6 5 .0 0 u D U aq ham: ernphafilcaily an 0.11 15¢sz B‘iauagers, and oniy property subiivided into resideutal lots ‘.y adjflns the J. 1. CASE COHL’ANY'S SITE, McGill St., Toronto. l8 Those lots are Selling fast. Call or write p..rticuiars on application. 1:3er No trouble to Show goods and give prices opportunity for the 5m s an absolm Odd Chairs Fancy Chairs Springs 8: Mattresses Iron Beds Baby Carriages Cradles 5.00 per’Month. 0U 01 2111110 an m V G SCOI‘ ’13 «o .. (0g‘ ?-4 $2. a» $Y 7111* gr, 43“ Am

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