rsi ned wishqa to rectify. ‘ ingg in the mmds of the N. his business. . thg 1 “I Mr. John Shuxtz, have; N iug regarding out: work w. msiness partnershxp 111 any ‘ U have a few more Bani a oï¬eriug cheap. 80m $8 Hats we are selling?i .argain are made of the very best: material. BLACK SILK, RISE and CHENILLB GEORGE WHITMOR‘ n.19thmitpd ce to the Public. a selling at. cost. Every. the Millinery line will at Cost for the next. six to make room for aw Spring Goods. e bargains if you want . mp Hat. We also have 3 Large stock of good affeta Ribbons UARY s, BEAM. . oxmmo. I=Winter linery. . . other good material. ISS DICK Lambton Street. m Mutual Fire lns. Co. rd 3U H. McFAYDEN. Agent, ill). [)1 MIA-)1 P. 0 the Public HA) on 181k: Concession of N03“ {yell xmp rm ed and welli 3;). Vs ill rent if not sold. BE)11\CK rearRockyS‘ [d farm “ith gocd tin!!!†ADVERTSSEMENT. AVE TO I\ 'PURH and the public n n tmurnmb LEFTE I). an ICITLTIES armed. ETS fur sale $031! points. ’romptâ€"cher Negligent. 1 RDERS taken 31 Show 01"“: :1 ran': mu will be pmv‘b" i 'UARANI‘BID 3t Mom: . Miller OAS {I'CURBISO A mm concrete. SIDENCE. belonging to lb 9. Photographer, ofl'ered ‘ ‘0†nth-“est, of Varney in\ L03“ extra gm‘d farm an‘d “J M er anxious to :0 W est. ,3 E.\H\CK north 01 Audi impuned and ofl'erecï¬m um REPAIRS. H. H. MILLER. WMPULE M west rates. NYEYAXCER past t‘VI than ever d contentg, was and VII- m': is covered buildings in- 8 generally. ' lightning; ; the lowest ’5' this year Sydenham. SIDE nd Ii my two LTD. Elm lity, iNew . . . . Resolutions Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... i GROCEEIES MATTHEWS 8: LATIMEB For Good \, f Clydesdale Stock Food and Remedies Mr. James S.\Vrigh1, of Mount Forest wroue regarding his claim for i l g damages to his horse and rig at. Eger- iton bridge. i I I i Mr. C. Ramaxe secretary of the Durham public school board, made a , request. for extra maintenance. DU RHA M . ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR $5 ‘25 per Bbl. C. McArthur Any amount of GOOD BUTTER wanted. Briozit along while prices are good. Women’s Dongola Shoes. patent leather toe cap. at $1.50 to $2.25 per pair. Men’s Split Bluebers-Men’s Kip Bluchem - Men’s Dongola Bluebers â€" Men’s Dongola Oxfords. all at right prices. and ALL NEW GOODS. TWEED CABS. regular Remainder of our heavy course RUBBERS at. re duced prices. _"_ ‘_.. 50c. now 35c. GIRL" BOOTS, regular 31 00. now 500. BOYS’ BOOTS, regular 81.25. now 75c. We have the following goods to clear at. the follow ing prices :â€" NO MORE GU39? WORK in tevemnz 3nd halanr- inc: your horse's f00:..1 have the Scientiï¬c Horse Foo: Leveller which is the [nest and beat contrivance for that purpose and will gnu’unteo satisfaction. FEBRUARY 8, 1906 Flour and Feed \V. GUTHRIE, S. SCOTT rzzzoBALD’s OLD STAND New Footwear 1V Groceries DURHAM 11' HORSE The Blmkslnith . ulll‘ ad a 21.59 1er ONTARIO. You will 3rocex ies price price price on re Statements were received from the Owen Sound and Collingwood colle- giate institutes and Meatord high school for maintenance. Messrs George Binnie. A. F. Arm- Strong and Malcolm McPhee applied to be appointed as audizors. The Ontario Municipal Association sent a draft of a memorial which they purpose forwarding to the Ontario Legislature asking them to repeal section 606 of the Municipal Act and requesting the council to endorse the same. p’ovxdvnce of God he mighcbe Speedo ilv :‘e-uored to hit wanted health. Tu.“ clerk wu instructed to tune- mit s cOpy of the resolution to Mr. Brown. Printingâ€"Messrs. Paterson, Scheuk Wemawn); Shute, Bull. Preston. 3.. L. Frusn and McCaunel. Mr. Mc- Ummel. chatrmau. On motion of Messrs. Puerson and {’1'“.~"UU a resolution of sympathy Wu passed expressing the deep sorrow and rPgreb of the council at the great pMsical suï¬eriug their esreemed colleagua. Mr G A. Brown, repre- sentative of division No 7. wins cslled on to fodurga‘nd hoping thnt in the Mr. W. A. Bishop. clerk of the county and surrogure court, made a request for increased vault accommo- datiou. A request. for an increase of salary Wm weaved from the clerk and read b» :w warden and referred to the ï¬nance committee. On motion of Messrs. Allan and Prmgle a special committee coneiSt- ing of Messrs. J W. Frost, Pringle. Paterson, Shute, Bell. Preston. Ball, Schenk and Allan, were appointed to draft the standing committees for the current year. A petition from Durham asking char. 8. free pedlar’slicense be granted to Hugh McKay. ‘ Tim clerk pre~ented a number of acruuuls which were also referred to ch». various committees. The clerk presented a large num- ber of documents and accounts which were referred to their respective com- xnittees. Among these wasa largely signed petition from the ruepayers of the police village of Shallow Lake asking the council to raise the village to the state of an incorporated village QUAIL mun ‘3 mmumcmwus and Memorialsâ€" .‘Jess: 3. J. W. Frosr, Wesnaway. erWu. Ball, 15c“. Adan, bhuce and. .‘u qulxuau . M r. McColman. chair- mam. kiouee of Refugeâ€"The Warden and Messrs. Preston and Scbute. Mr. Preswu. chairman. Wardeu’s Com mxueeâ€"liessrs. Allan Pmâ€; e and Adm-Arthur. At the awning session the reports of Mesus. H. H. Burgess and Samuel Hutf. public school inspectors. were ro-asl and referred to the educational cvuuuictev. -- _.-_ â€"â€"--. -uv‘“; Messrs. Alhn. Boll, McCunnel mdiquick relâ€"ief. tad costs but. a. t McColnnn were “maimed u. commit- ‘ For sue u. Puker'a Drug Store. Mr. A. C. Paterson withdrew his name from the list and after short addresses had been delivered by the movers and seconders in behalf of their respective candidates, the vow was taken. resulting in Mr James M. Thompson of Bognor securing the majority of votes on the second ballor. He was declared elected and on mo- tion of Mr. Shuts his election was made unanimous. On being escorted to the Warden’s chair by Mr. Allan, Mr. Thompson briefly expressed his thanks for the honor done him and called on the clerk to read the min- utes of the November meeting. A copy of the judgment: of Chief Jusnice Faiconbridge in the case of the County of Grey against. the vi! tC Inge of Markdale was forwarded by t Messrs. Macliay. Sampsoudc'l‘elford 1‘ “'EDNI'ï¬DkY. The .‘Jeafoxd Poultry ASsociation app‘xied fora "ram, of $.30 towwd: adding their ussucmtiou . E a \ ‘3. Education - Messrs Mub'uuuau. Ben. t’r Allan 4nd. J. W. Flu County Exupcrtyâ€"nï¬esars. J. W. Frost. Allan. t‘s eaten, Ball, McAX'tnur Bell Patchy)“ «mi WcaLaWay. Mr. \Vith the exception of Mr. George A. Brown, of Meaford. who is very ill. there was a full attendance of the members at the Opening session of the Grey county council on Tuesday. In accordance with the statute Mr. John Rutherford took the chair and after calling the roll. asked for nominations for the oï¬ce of warden {or the ensuing year. Four candidates Were nominated namely Mr. James M. Thompson by Messrs. Allan and Preston; Mr. Anthony Shute by Messrs. Schenk and Bell; Mr. A. C. Paterson by Mr. McCo men; end Mr. John W. Frost by Messrs Bell and R L. Frosn 'L‘na report; 0! 'he apecml committee wpomted to Lila“. we scaudxug cam Mr. \V. D. Mxlis, of Durham. asked ) be appainlud a: auduor. atcr3uu. chau'xuau a an: COUNTY COUNCIL. m Brzdgeawl‘dears. Priu Man. 5611, Brown, MCCAU Dugzelxï¬ and R. L Frusc cnmrman. flu LN: names ttUaL members of t W. Front. cha Bdl report W was at .u 1.0 Smue Brown Bell CH A vote of thanks was tendered to the Owen Sound couucii for the use of the council chamber There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease {or which such a. varied and useless lo: of rem- edies have been suggested. To say that It. one be cured is. therefore, a bold Statement to make, but Chain. berlsio’s Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale. has met. with great success in the treatment. of this disease. One spplicuion of Pain Balm will relieve the pain. end hun- dreds of snflerere hsée testiï¬ed to permanent. cures by its use Why safer when Psin Belm eï¬ords such Quick reliefLend costs but a trifle? A motion by Messrs. Allan and Bell that. the next Sessieu of the council be held m Damian: was lost and usxmilur moniou by Messrs. Allan and Scheuk that. the council meet. at. Meaford Was carried on the casting vote of the warden. A commutee of three. of wbum the Warden Is a uwmher. Was appomned to (‘X‘dmiuc 81m image a; Ccdurville with am View :0 havmg a new one built and rape): t. u.’ the J uuu session. The turswugnl‘ hov Was granted 33 for his Sdavwea during the session and the caretaker $1 per day. FRIDAY MORNING The clerk rwacl a iettwr from the warden notifying the council of a damaged bridge on the towhline of Sydenham and St Vincent. The county treasurer was instruct~ ed to pav to the various school sec tions in the county entitled to receive it. an amount equal to the govern- ment grant for continuation classes sures of :m: nudge nf Uhutsworcb. The clerk was iustruCte-i '0 lay on the table at the June. $953101; a. 30'3)’ of the agrevmenc and bylaw between me l‘oaouto Grey and Bauer: Rulway Company and the Count.) of Grey. Mr. James McLauchlan appealed to the council {or a. liberal grant. towards the general and marine hospital. The road and bridze committee were instructed to Lake Steps to pre- vent. an acci tent at the bridge on the townline benWeeu Glenelg and Artem- esia, half a mxle north of Pricevi‘le, the tridge having been reported in a dangerous condition, and also to have the necessary repairs made at once. The report. of the road and bridge committee relatiVe no the accident ac Orchardvnlle budge was adapted on the following division: Yeasâ€"â€" Messrs Allan. Ball. Bell, McCannel, Preston, McArthur. Schuuk, Shute and \deeu Thompson; Nags-â€" Messrs. J. W Frost. Robert Frusc, MCCoxlnau, Patersau, Pring‘e and As the Thursday evening seas‘ion in addition to the numerouereports and accounts remained and referrmi fo the various committees Mr.’1‘homas Har- ness presemwd a. rnporc from the house of refuge up to the and of 1905 and in addition make application for an incroase in Salary Reports were received from 1h» ï¬nance, county and propm'ty and education nommittee also from the spvciai committee on the Orchard bridge Sound coking late in Janna-s COtthX‘aue and James Allan as members of Lhe junizcm; ’Udzud. of audit. Were introduced and guvuu the required reading: A bylaw wns aiSU pnsa‘ed gazu‘ameemg Curtain debenc cores of me Vilidge Hf Ghats-worth. tee to enquirn inro and report. upon the treasurer’s sureties. eul dis pamun R. R Mdiul SATURDAY MORNING. A. byfaw “rd-o passed fuz‘ the ap- poxuzmeut of Thomas .ucCurroll as a trustee for the Mcafkcd high school. MCUonnau, “'esmw'ay The c v‘ um pan) “Ogilvie’ 3 Book for 9. Cook †con- tains 130p pages of excellentrecx , lame never fmblished before.reel out {accrual tel on how to get it FREE. If the goodness of your baking is due to chance, your grocer is giving you the Wrong kind of flour. Ask for Ogilvie’s Royal Household. Ogilvie 1’]er Mills Co., Ltd. Royal Household Flour is intelligently used. In the hands of competent house- wives it never fails because It is the When the bread or cakc or pastry comes from the oven light, crisp and appetising, you are wont to say you have had good luck with your baking. The “good luck†idea is a relic of the time when housekeepers pitted their competency against poor flour. To-day good baking isn’t a matter of good luck in any home where II and Lira UH About Rheumatism. “(l FRIDAY EVEXXXG With >055100 was taken the DURHAM CHRONICLE pilot) #106 L be (liï¬er' minors; 91' Owen ‘JQSSIS. be ap- Arab “P Fear not those paths untrod. On earth His perfect will obey, And be in realms of endless day Forever right with God. He says “ Get right: with God.†Get. right with God, although you feel Your heart to be as hard as sceel And keep you right with God. Get right with God. and henceforth be His willing witness, glad and‘free ; The path His hosts hath trod} And. painting to the, realms above. In accents ot unfailing love, And lifeless as a clod : From all that would your soul enslavo He will unto the utmost; save. Kendy. Ont., 1906. The above oppeared in o me iuuo of the Toronto Stsr. and as the writer is a. poroonoi friend, at one timo pus. tor of tho Flosherton Baptist Chuzch, we aim plouuro in publishing it. But, he «he loves the fallen race Shows forth the flab-es of pig grace, The source is He of truth and right, Who ï¬lls with blessing and delight Gleam like a shining rod; To all who have no: pardon found The law deciares, with solemn sound: You are non right. with God. While mortals stand in fear and awe The jusb demands: of perfecz iaw While souls in bondage plod :u And in His wondrous love for all He sends to each the earnest: call I‘here is but one cure,-â€"Dr. Hamil. ton’s Pills. In every case they are successful. By relying on Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills you are sure of scrong vitality. nourishing blood, bright cheey spirits. No longer will you suffer from disordered liver or kid neys. The marvel of this medicine is that. it. keeps you wellâ€"prevents and wards oï¬ sickness of every kind. 25c. per box everywhere. Take LAXA'UVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All dmggxsts refund the money if 1t fails to cure E. \V. Grave’s sign mire m on each box. 350. A lamentable suicide occurred here on Tuesday morning. when a widow, Mrs. Johnston, drowned herself by jumping off the ice banks that shirt the shore of the lake. She had taken 03 her coat and hat and left them on the bank. She has been ill for a week paSt and was laboring under mental aberration when she did the rash deed. The family had risen early. and Mrs. Johnston remained in her room After breakfast they went. upstairs and found that she had left the house. The body was discovered in the water aoout eleven o’clock and taken out by Chief of Police McGaw She leaves one son. a clerk in CJok’s drag SCOI‘G Mrs. Johnston was only 3:) years of age, and was housekeep in: for James Moses, south side. The funeral on Wednesday was large 1y attended, and was under the di reation of the C O. C. F. of which the deceaeed was a member. TWO brothers, John and James Cole, from Toronto. amended the funeral â€"-Kin cardine Review Is the liver. small wonder that liver trouble makes you (09130 miser- able. The symptoms are conscipa tion, dizziness. indigestion. headache feeling of depressmu and lack of appetite. A very sad accident and one that terminated fatally, happened on the Thursday before New Year’ a to Mr. John Coupland, a member of the Turnberry township council. On the afternoon referred to, Mr. Coupland and his son. Percy. went out to the woods to cut wood. I‘owards even ing. a tree they had felled lodged in anocher tree, and alarge limb that broke 03 the falling tree was hurled back. Mr. Coupland saw the limb coming and endeavored to reach a place of saiety The limb. however, struck him. it is supposed. on the back. His son at once ran to his as~ sistance and lifted {he limb. which Was lying across his father’s legs. and propping him against a tree, hurried home {or a horse and cutter. Mr. Coupland complained of his back. and as quickly as possiblea messenger was despatched to Wingham fora physician. A little later. probably less than an hour after the accident occurred and before the doctor arriv- ed the injured man expired. Mr. Couplandlwas well respected, and is highly spoken at by his neighbors as an industrious, upright man anda kind neighbor. He leaves a widow and two sons. who keenly feel the trial that has deprived them of the head of the home. Mr. Coupland had lived for many years in the township; the long servxce he had given in Turnberry council and his frequent re-election were evidences that he en- joyed the conï¬dence and esteem of his fellow electors. Sincere sym- pathy is felt for the family so sadly and suddenly bereft. We are in- formed that only two months ago the deceased terminated his connection thh the A O U. W A memorial ser- vice was held in Belinore Methodist church, being conducted by Rev J H.03561’ilOUU. Mr Coupl and was a valued member of Bi line re Methodist church, and of the Huarteriy oiliï¬ai boaui. He was of a genial disposi tlon, sympathetic in ms nature, and of sterling piinciples T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Which says “Get; right with God.» JUMPED OFF THE ICE BANK. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. Largest Organ In The Body. G E’l‘ RIGHT. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after snï¬ering for several years with a severe lung aï¬ection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow suï¬erers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send. free of charge, a copy of the prescription used. which they will ï¬nd a _su_re cure __for Gogsympflon: -4L_- A A.- Asthma, Chatsrrh, Bronchitis and s1) throat, and lung Handles. He he es all snï¬erers will try his remedy. as it is invs uable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing and msy‘Jirove a. blessing, will please address Rev.BD ARDA.WILSON.Brooklyn.NGWYork Men’s Cardigan Jackets, $1.00 each. Tmoz MARK: Dzstcus Common-rm ac. Anyone sen a sketch and doom! as! quickly 3300 our omnion tree I! «that II Invention is proyhbl patentable. 00mm not: strictly conï¬dentth Handbookonl’m until-ea. Oldest agencyh tormenting Patents taken rough Hum: ' WW without; charge. inthg The Best Values. Honeycomb W'ool Shawls. in white. black. red and grey. at 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Black Sateen Underskirts, $1 00 each. (Good value.) Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Large 11 4 size Flannelecte Blankets $1.20 a. pair. Bed Comforters 60x7 [he Sherlock Organs o. CAMPBELL, Agent. The Big 4 Implements HAVE YOU? Frost 6: Wood Scientiï¬c magical.“ A nandaomoly mum «Man of any scientiï¬c 51mm i’umï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜ï¬m M19351!" Do you want a good position in the Commercial World? The surest and shortest road is via this school. We give a course of training that is not surpass- ed by any Business College in Canada. We give individual instruction therefore you may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue and get full particulars. Don’t Forget The Big 4. Any 01d Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while [have the time. All . work guaranteed. HE SELLS CHEAP TD CONSUMPTIVES. Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. A full line of the best Groceries. . . STRATFORD. ONT. of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. C ALDER BLOC K DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. . BEAN Geo. Yiirs. One Price to All '2 in., $1.25 each ,9 DURHAM 3AM MIS. Alex..Beggs 8: Sons J. U. HUNTER BLOGK. Other High Grade Flour. per bbl., $4.75 and $5.00. Ogilvie’s Royal Household Flour. PUFF PASTES, LADY FINGERS, MACCAROONS, CREAM PUFFS. AND MINCE PIES Boots é Shoes Confections and Canned Goods Always in Stock. The school is thorouhly equ=poed in teach' abihty, in chemical and doom cal supplies 1:: ï¬ttings, etc., for fuln Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent stat m in charge : AND PROVISION STORE MISS L. M. FORFAR Classics. Moderm and English MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER. First Class Cerviï¬ca e and third year unde'zraduam of Queean’s University. Science. Hismgy and Geo- graphy. Intending students would enter at the be "in - ning of the term if possible. Board ca be ob. minedat reasonable rates. Durham 13 a health and active town making it a most desirab place of residence. WM. JOHNSTON, C. RAMAGE. The People’s Grocery Look ! Look ! DURHAM SCHOOL. High Class Wedding Goods A SPECIALTY . THOS. ALLAN. lst Class Certiï¬cate, Prin. Smashing Bargains Ask us how to get an Ogilvie Cook Book Free to order on shortest notice. 15 per cent. off all Men’s wearing boots for the month of February only. $5.25 Per Barrel. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Fees. $1.00 per month Chairman . WATSON AT THE IN