Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1905, p. 6

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Standam Baak of Eanada HEAD CHICE. TBRDMD. Agencies in 2.11 principal points in On tario, Quebec. Manitoba, United States and England. interest allowed on Swings Bank de- 'ts of 81 and upwards. Prompt l general Banking business trans- med. Drafts issued end collections node on all points. Deposits re- dved and interest allowed nt cur- rent rates. C37 . CQWOR Pumps 0f all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron i‘iylinders. STINSON m Bra!) ' ‘~ uly “unwind no. IT IS THEN THE BEST: DURHAM FOUNDRY Lave your order now for o Christmas cake. Cnswm India: and decor- ; \ _ hung uonu. IODEL BAX If RY LOWER Machine Oil, Harness 011, Axle Grease and Boot Ointment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS IS I We Can gin: you a first. class aniole in anything you mav Wish for in the line of bakery goods such as Plain Bread, Home-Made Broad. Graham and Brown Broad. BI)“: and M“, TEE smnnes mum. THE LU‘VEF TOWN BAKER G. H. STINSON Pumps from $2 upwam. OPP!) evrrv afternoon. 59.2 '2 :36 .‘~‘ - (:omptly :nd prep- KELLY. Anem- Manufacturer at And Dealer in â€" IANUFAUJ'UBED BY H "‘1 a Harnessmaker 126 .W. D. CONNOR MANAGER TOWN. A)!!! died and not even taking time to re- ciothe use]: be mounted end pi- ioped efter. An hour later be burnt though the Mk: of the little my and nine! in his hom bebre the u- mllhd flwy, who did not me” in thin eon! cavalier hie fever“. of- I. near, ad mm 'vâ€"iords at uproot to: the uncomonlous_ Interruption of tho Int-Ionian broke from Na up an!“ thy ware checked by tho nut and from the young captain. ”Harm and his baccanaan have taken La Gnayra and lacked It!” (up. ad Alvarado hoaraoly. Morgan! That accutui Icon!” again In arms? And my annual”â€" “A priaancr! For God’s love. turn back the men!” “Instantly!" crlad thaficaroy. ‘ 1â€"â€" AA Ipeed. As soon as their maneuvers had been completed and they_ mpved ;i: e_§1cero§, who rode at the head with Alvarado and the gentlemen of his suit, broke into anxious question- BNow, captain, but that thou art 3 skilled soldier I could not believe thy “My lord, I swear it is true!” “And you left Donna Mercedes n prisoner?" interrupted De Tobar, who had been consumed with anxiety even greater than that of the Viceroy. "Alas, ’tis so!” Tobar,” resumed the viceroy peremp- torily, “and silence, all, else we learn nothing. Now, Alvarado, what is this Itranxe tale of thine?" In his eagerness the Viceroy reined In his horse, and the omcers and men, -‘__ -_.-I even the soldiers, stopped also and crowded around the narrator while he told the tale of the sack of La Guayra and the capture of Mercedes and him- corvmcur. l9°5~ “At 10 tonight the sailor who re- leased me will open the city gate, the west gate, beneath the shadow of the WEBB ‘GLC, “8"“.- ..n. .._...___ ._ cuts. We must be there!” “But how? Can we take the pass? It is strongly held, you say.” “My lord. give me fifty bra‘ Tina how came you pore, arse: leav- ,‘ A..- The flavor, essence, nutriment and all that’s food in prime beef con- centrated. It requires eight pounds of prime beef to make four ounces of BOVRIL. Use it in the kitchen for economy as well as the palatc’s sake. m This is BOVRIL burning Author of “ of Country]. of “The Sautherners." “For Love :try." “The Grip of Honor." Etc. the word or the De Lara when who 'will \‘ofunteer to follow me. I will lead them back over the trail, and we will get to the rear of the men holding the pass. Do you make a teint at engaging them in force in front, and when their attention is dis- drive them into your arms. By this means we open the way. Then we speed and may arrive in timeâ€"nay, we must arrive in time! Hornigold, the sailor. would guarantee nothing beyond tonight. The buccaneers are drunk with liquor, tired out with slaughter. They Will suspect nothing. We can master the whole 350 of them with flvescore men." (ILL A__ “Alvarado,” cried the vi eroy, “thou hast done well. I thank t ee. Let us but rescue my daughter and defeat these buccaneers and thou mayst ask anything at my handsâ€"saving one thing. Gentlemen and soldiers, you have heard the plan of the young capâ€" tain. Who will volunteer to go over the mountains with him ?” Brandishing their swords and shout- ing with loud acclaim, the great body of troopers pressed forward to the service. Alvarado, who knew them all, rapidly selected the requisite num- ber, and they fell in advance of the others. Over them the young captain placed his friend De Tohar as his sec- ond in command. “’Tis bravely done!” cried the vice- roy. “Now prick forward to the city. all. We’ll refresh ourselves in view 'of the arduous work before us and then make our further dispositions.” . The streets of Caracas were soon full . of armed men preparing for their ven- ‘ture. As soon as the plight of La _ (luayra and the viceroy‘s daughter be- came known there was scarcely a civil- ian even who did not offer himself for the rescue. The viceroy, however, ; would take only mounted men, and of ithese only tried soldiers. Alvarado, 'l whom excitement and emotion kept ; from realizing his fatigue, was provid- Eed with fresh apparel, after which he I requested a private audience for a mo- ‘\."| “â€"'w w ment or two with the Viceroy, and to- gether they repaired to the little cabi- net which had been the scene of the happenings the night before. “Your excellent-y,” began the young man slowly, painfully, “I could not wait even the hoped for happy issue of our plans to place my sword and my life in your hands." ‘ â€" -‘ L‘- A Ill“ on. a v..- ,, “What have you done?” asked the old man, instantly perceiving the seri- ousness of the situation from the an- guish in his officer’s look and voice. “I have broken my word, forfeited “I have broken my woru, un- my life.” “You promised to say nothing, nothing." “That promise I did not keep." \ § Caught Gold on Parade Ground “gr/"v IPRoeIouucm sI-vIIzm) Praised and Prescribed by Prominent Physicians Because of its marvelous cures and its wonderful power over Consumption, and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs. it is also the best nerve tonic and system builder known, and not only aids diges- tion but gives the stomach abiding strength. enriches the blood, arrests all wasting diseases and vanquishes Chills and Fever. Many of the best physicians prescribe it in their practice. “Explain.” l king moot vat. Toronto. I "IAI- 30111.! "In. The Greatest of all Tonics Our-co Consumption Lo Grippo, Pnoumonla, Gaunt: oftho Stomach and Docllno. Paychine is obtained at all drug Item. Price 81.!” pet bottle. ot iron: Dr. Slowm'o Labontory. :79 BRONGHITIS (PRONOUIGID SH‘IIN) Cheeley Schell. Ravonwood. writeo: “I was out with the volunteers at London last June and I got a heavy com. 1! bich turned to Bronchhis and my hinge were severely affected. I had a cough all Sum~ met. Psychine proved a great blessing to me. It is a positive cute for Bronchitus. HRHH to do Fat is of great account 1 to a baby; that is Why babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott’s Emulsion is What he bone and muscle. Fat“: babies are happy , they do; not cry; they are rich ,3 their fat is laid up for”; time of need. They are'. happy because they are? comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny th os e nerves are hurt at every ungentle to uch. They delight in Scott’s Emul- sion. It is as sweet as blinds me. No, sir,” cried the unhappy Alvarado. seeing a look of contempt on the grim face of the old general, “I -do not urge this in defense. but you want- ed explanation.” “Nothing can explain the falsehood of a gentleman, the betrayal of a friend, the treachery of a soldier.” “Nothing; hence I am here.” “Perhaps I have estimatedgyou too highly," went on the old man' musing- ly. “I had hoped you were gentle. but base blood must run in your veins.” “It may be,” answered the young man brokenly. and then he added. as one detail not yet told, “I have found . my mother, sir." ‘, “Thy mother! What is her condi- tion?" cried the viceroy in curious and interested surprise that made him tor- get his wrath and contempt for the mo- ‘ ment. 1 “She was an abbess of our holy ' church. She died upon the sands of La Guayra by her own hand rather than lend aid to the sack of the town" . - “That was noble,” interrupted the old De Lara. “I may be mistaken after all. ; Yet 'twere well she died, tor she will not see"â€" M Sand for free sample. fie; banged significantly. "MY-f Q.‘ “5"” .'- C " is nothing to explain. I was was beyond my strength. I I firm». Tarot“: , Ont. That “ Rich Fruity Flavor Tea. That “ rich fruity flavor ” has made Red Rose Tea the table beverage of thousands of homes. makes ESULT of expert blending of strong, rich Se sure thzt this picture In the form of a label is on tho wra; per 0! every bottle d Emulsion you buy- . 500“ JP Bowne Chemists It distinguishes Red Rose Tea. from all other It makes it different from and better than other teaâ€"it’s a flavor you won’t forget. It Indian Tea. with delicate, fragran; Ceyloxi 5:03. 1nd 5100 An Dmggml “My shame?" asxed Alvarado. “Thy death, senor, for what you have done. No other punishment is meet. Did Donna Mercedes send any message to me?” Alvarado could not trust himself to speak. He bowed deeply. “What was it?” The young man stood silent before him. “Well, I will learn from her own lips it she be alive when we come to the city. I doubt not it will excuse thee.” ~ .__..-1‘ Ln‘a!n¢l ' LJ . - _ "I seek not to shelter myself behind a woman.” w‘fl‘h‘at's well," said “But nmv what 18 t4 thee?” “My 32rd, give me 2 live, bu to die honest my par; this day as I z'omes a man. and wln n Donna Men-vies is restored to your arms"â€" “Thou wilt plead for life?” “Nay, I will not live . 2%honored. Lite is naught to me withwt the lady. I swear to thee"â€" !I L- “Y ‘4“. ‘ -â€"-- “You have given me your word be- fore, slr," said the old man sternly. “On thls cross-it was my mother’s." He pulled from his doublet the silver mand “A“ avâ€"y He strove to take the hand of the old man, but the latter drew it away. “Even the touch of torsworn lips is degradation. You have your orders. a‘ 'On this ct'ou' CHAPTER XX. T was nearing 11 o'clock in the morning when, after a hurried conference in the patio with the Viceroy and the others, Al- varado and De Tobar marched out with their fifty men. They had dis- carded all superfluous clothing; they were unarmored and carried no weapâ€" ons but swords and pistols. In View of the hard climb before them and the forlorn hope secretly, lest some from the buccaneers might be watching. __--_‘ n ‘no tug vuV'VU-vvâ€"â€" ' The fifty volunteers were to ascend the mountain with all speed. make their way along the crest as best they could until they came within striking dis- tance of the camp of the pirates; then they were to conceal themselves in the woods there, and when the Viceroy made a feigned attack with the main body of his flows from the other slde A- “-_A or the mountain they were to leave their hiding place and tall furiously upon the rear of the party. Fortunate- ly they were not required to ascend such a path as that Alvarado had trav- ersed on the other slde, for there were not fifty men in all Venezuela who could have performed that tremendous feat of mounteering. The way to the summit of the range and thence to the pass was difficult, but not impossible. and they succeeded after an hour or two of hard climbing in reaching their appointed station, where they conceal- ed themselves in the woods unobserv- ed by Teach’s men. The viceroy carried out his part of the programme with the promptness of a soldier. Alvarado’ 8 men had scarce- ly settled themselves in the thick un- dergrowth beneath the trees, whence the) could overlook the buccaneers in ramp on the road below‘ before a shot from the pirate sentry who had been said the old man. is to be done with vhance, not to Let me play z'omes a man. that the Oldestâ€"Not the latgest t Just the Best. Mir? Harm’s Celery-Iron Pille,pcying for them $2.50 With every such purchue we give yuu nu' pusiti'. written ntee (hit it nit-4' mkuog 3 boxes of Pills, accnrd‘ w; u. Jim-time. you find you hue dc "9"».1 no benefit from their use. you an Mum the 3 empty b018, togethet with U»- 3 "rope-Jud can and fit your ":3", i Business College JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIST â€" AND :- DBUGGISTE DECEMBER 21 1905 31500 wish to waive the Best OCOmmercnl Short!) hand Education, it is necessary that you attend the Bestâ€" wacmuu; . . Because each student receives specxal 1t- teuti m in his weak subiects and may choose his subjects; Because each student does his work in- deveudent of all others thereby establish- ing coufidepce in pimself: ”)2...â€" nl... J‘cv and “VD."- musketry. Although Teach was a natural soldier and L’Ollonois an experienced and ‘ of. ! Alvarado and De Tohar. therefore. led their men forward without the ; slightest opposition. Even the noise they made crashing through the under- growth was lost in the sound of the battle and attracted no attention from the enemy. It was not until they burst out into the open road and chart ed forward, cheering madly, that the buccnneers realized their danger. Some of them faced ahout only to be met ‘ by a murderous discharge from the pis- tols of the forlorn hope, and the next moment the Spaniards were upon them. The party holding the pass were the picked men, veterans, among the ma. rauders. They met the onset with tre’ i mendous courage and crossed blades is ‘ the smoke like men. but at the same instant the advance guard of the main my sprang at the barricade and as. united them vigorously from the other side. The odds were too much for the huccaneers, and after a wild nklco. in which they lost heavily, the survivors gave ground. A‘-A .xflc‘ VUU\\--\. " vv “â€"w v__ maranders to arms. They ran to the rude barricade they had erected cover- ing the pass and made preparation for battle. Soon the wood was ringing with about: md cries and the sound of B4 -vwâ€"â€" .wvv - The road immediately below the pass opened on a little plateau, back of which rose a precipitous wall or rock. Thlther such of the buccaneers as “'01“? let: alive hastily retreated. There were perhaps a dozen men able to use their weapons. Among them Teach was the only ofllcer. L’Ollonols had been out down by De Tobar tn the first charge. ‘1110 Spaniards burst through the D355 nnd surrounded the buccnneers. T he 1mm: on both sides had all been __A. an “5w“..- vâ€" w-.â€" W851. and illâ€"E); encitexnont no one thought of reloading. Indeed. ' on: then In vogue there was no time. and the Spaniel-as. who had paid dearâ€" I: for their victa'y, so desperate had been the defense of the pirates. were thin to finish thin detachment in 81w?t The Mount Forest . T. CLANCY. Prin. 1“ mm; 2.5133323: ”V THURS‘JJ v “on"...e ”w WNYML’ h "u i. ,‘mfg‘grr ; DURHAM, 0);" ’5 I'd ml a: mums f. up“ Eire, dc 5 a “h subscqw- 7 qurtis‘emcm h in tdvancc THE JOB : : DEPARTnEM' U short distance @351 of Knam‘h “-5 ton Street, [Amer me'n, 1J1 0‘00 hours from 1 In Mr}. (-L. U Garafraxa foot 0f_lxill. ( 0n. lamieson Macdonald Special p. m. bpecu of yomen an ”NB l’l'ealn Comic: mics TI" ion to the u' A“ qdvgni « 1 (ice in 1 hours. 8_1n 1 Will be Will be M Knapp “MN Btmtdav in each rum-Ah. OFFICE: 030% over U ”Tim “We. wear Tm hm! onev to loan a? 3 ‘ mtv. fluuun UIUDUL ou- -V‘ W 0‘ Taronw. hl‘aduaw R. HDMAHH.‘ Comm Dena! Surgeunc .. Dentistry in all ih Brunt. ‘ . onw.â€"-Ctlder Mock, :Vt‘r I’m". -'â€"K H: trv Ofice. ABRISTER. soucmm Nclutyre’s muck, ham 1‘ no COlIQCtiOH anti 1‘ :1"! H‘ ‘ Mod {0. Sean-hes mm‘m :.' " imrdâ€" Bunk. A. G. HACKAY. K. (T L‘ or. Conveyauver. e 3 hit. Old accounts “I collected on cal Mt Ind sold. 1115 Quâ€"Monzie‘s U m (utilities. OTARY PUBLIC. ‘ _ or. CQEYOY‘m‘e" 9" [FFICE AND RESIDENCE l. G. Hutton, m. 0.. C. FFICB AND R IHYSICIAN A N] L. R. C BADUL 3.1. GRANT. D. D. 154.1 [ONOB GQADL'ATI-L 1') ABBISTEB. __SQL1} 'ARRIS'I‘ERS. an Emu): Ann Puopmumx York a: Mes» [W will be v_ 1 ran: Medical Dz'rcdor: . ”yawn. '- Itâ€"In Me 1‘”er MU Arthur Gun. M. [1 It! Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. Durhun. 0M DB. IacKay Dunn. DR W. IB‘VIN Tux It Legal Dircdon' 50 Miscellamous. ‘5 P0814811 1. P.1’elford. RFn [I 3319mm. LICEN§L ... 4... th- County 0f 11! I-I. Jackson. for turni Tel RESIDENCE Eufioee and Throa N: SOLICITOR ll 21 1905 I) Mona? oouulssmlq lTOB HOW INIVERSI W B l DL I)

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