Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1905, p. 5

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55- 90 'uo trimmings, "gnu? SSWQ EMBER 21 1 ristmas did buss tti 31min... [5‘ 50.). isms I ‘ solid buss "inn”. ’Ognlnr 940. Holidny ;_ ’1 3.00 t‘zuit- «mix. The all Racks, Etc. appropriate AND Couches “'0 "I hflVv H‘VP urniture and 0 W EN SOUND. w Q13.60 lour. regal" 87. m OFF nd'ncs wide. Year $8.50 '1 r9 givpn it Holidav $12.75 and the wide. roguld 75- a)’ 312. than there id edge. regal“ wm'.‘ A Merry Christmas 9 All Our Patrons DECEMBER 21 , 1905 But when you went nnything in Boots and Shoes for young or old Call and see our stock. We have a good neeortment of warm lined Boots end Slippers of diflerent kinds. Also Moccuine from the lirzest to the emellest, in (not almost nnything required for winter weer or Leggings. We won’t take second piece to my in either Styles Qumtity, Qnelity or Prices. Car Mitre end Mi‘ttfecinge ere No. 1. We any in etook any other things too nnlnerone to mention. Custom work nnd repairing as none] at the Down Town Shoe Store. Term Cub. Durham HquNHNfl i3] suit in vm‘lety, quality and price. We give below a partiallisr at our immense stock. Ladies’ French Brushes Purses Military Brushes. Bibles, Music Rolls, Hand Bags, Hymnals. Toilet Articles, Manicure Sets Dressing Cases, Musical Goods, Fine Stationery, Wallets. Portifolms, Toilet Rolls, Mirrors, Smokers Sets. Cloth Brushes Shaving Sets. Pictoral Post Cards. Hat Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pipes in Cases Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases. The lflruVS' and most. [wauriful paxckauv‘a Perfunw er shown in Dur- ham Perfumes in Dainty Cur. Glass. A presen' {it I’m a queen Perfumes from 10:: In 310 per boattle. We have numerous other gifts Come and look through our stock before making vour purchases. DARLING _,,/~ “The Peoples’ Dtuggist DARLING’S Santa Zlaus When asleep, peOple that snore breathe through the mouth instead of the nostrils which are choked with cstsrrh. Just use “Catsrrhozone” before retiring and you’ll quickly cure the snoring habit. By destroy- ing the cause of cstsrrh and hesling the membranes, Cstsrrhozone mskes s complete cure in every case; it cleans the nostrils, stops the dis- charge and prevents dropping in the throst in a. few minutes. Nothing so pleasant or certain to core snorinu cstsrrh, or colds ss Court-homoeâ€" thst’s worth re nembering. FOR Durham Public School for 1%. Applications, stating salary expected, received up to 6 p. 11)., Dec. 23rd, 1905. For particulars as to duties etc., apply to the undersigned, or to Mr. James , C. Runes, Becy. Durban school Board. Christmas Presents This notable character (lld not leave his entire stock with us, but we have ample and various goods to supply delcacies for the () htistmas season We have made special preparation in our Gro- cery Department, and solicit a share of the Christmas trade. To our much esteemed CUSTOMERS and to EVERY- BODY we wish a very happy Christmas. never undersoIdâ€"Qualitv flonsldercd Drug Store. 'HAT CAUSES SNORING. ocuottkor Wanted. :ur4 and See Um Goods Xmas (,qufcationex‘y and Lj"l“l\'.’.’3.,Q Imported DO. Christmas time to give some h'icnd 0r rela- [S the glad you will want :ch or sweet- heart a beaut- ful present. We have a large Holiday Goods that we can 1nd of course tssortment of md we know DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Colin McFayden attended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week. Mr. W. Hunter was in Guelph last week at the Fat Stock Show. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leavens and daughter. Irene, of Calgary, are visit- ing in town. It is five years since Mr. and Mrs. Leavens went West and We are pleased to learn he has been doing well. THE GOING AND COMING UP DURHAM/T59 AND THEIR FRIENDS. Ye Editor was an attendant .at the. Fat Stock Show held in Guelph last Week. Mr. Walter Ledingham, of \Vey- bun, Sask" is visiting friends in the vicinity after an absence of three years in the West. People We Know EVANGELIST MINNIs takes as his.I subject for Friday night, “ Seven ways i l to Hell from Durham.” Sunday inorn- ; ing at 10:30 “ The all Important Ques- ; tion.” Farewell services Sunday even- ; ing, subject “ How to be Happy°” All cordially invited. g A meeting of the Board of Direc- tors of the South Grey Farmers’ In- stitute was held in the Middaugh House on Saturday last and made ar- rangements for the full series of winter meetings. Owing to the Town Hall being engaged [or the night of January 11th. the date of the Hanover meeting was changed to January 11th and the Durham meet. ing; to the 12th and 13th. The dele gates to Durham and Hanover are John Campboll, of Woodville. who will speak upon “ How to double the production and income on the aVerage farm.” " Growing lambs for profit ” and in the evening “ Farm life as it was and as it is likely to be;” and John S. Pearce. London. whose sub jects are “ What, when and how to plant.” " Selection, care and cultiva‘ tion of seeds.” “ Planting trees for trnatnent and timber.” and the ”The farmers" lawn and flower garden.” At the supplementary meetings at Ayton. Holstein, Drornore and Elin- wood, W. F. Stephen of Quebec. will Speak on “ The dairy cow.” "Stable manure and fertilizers.” "How to interest the boys and girls in farm- ing,” and " Making the most of farm life.” Thos. McMullan, Seaforth. who is one of the best men on the stafi, will give addressess upon ‘ The beefing animal, how to grow and feed. "Encouragement of Canadian agriculture,” and ”Life and its duty.” Committees were appointed to make arrangements for each meeting. and wuth fatorable weather. no doubt, the meetings will be a great success. Every farmer. especially the young men. should try and attend at least one of them. The Annual. Seed Fair will be held in Durham on the second day. all exhibits to be placed by eleven o’clock and only one bag to each exhibit. u. s. 8. NO. 4, HOLLAND AND SULLIVAN. Sr. IIIâ€"Joe Byers. Etta Grocho ofeke, Annie Grocboleke, Aggie Syl- veeter. Jr. IIIâ€"Henry Jamaal-"Harry Reilly. John Tinkham. Sr. Pt. L- Elma Grochofske. Liz- zie Tinkham, Emma Christopher, James Byers. Sr. IIâ€"Maggie Mitchell. Mtry Mc- Intosh, Fred Christopher. Jr. IIâ€"Benry Gnhlmunn, Willie Gtahlmmn, lbert Jones. Asket Allen. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Sara Jones, Louis Grahlmann. Mamie Mitchell, Louis Nuhn. Sr. Iâ€"Myrtle Grocbofske. George Jones. Dave Tinkham, Lily McIn‘ cosh. Jr. Aâ€"Willie Nuhn. George Chris topber. Average attendance 22. Jr l--Sam Mitchell, Lorne Moln- Lush, Roy Mc Donald. ' Sr. IVâ€"Eflie Hutton, Blanch Lau der G. Dunn. Jr. IVâ€" Florence Barber, J. MCI!» vride, H. Barker. Jr. III-Murry Boy, A. Pettigrew, B. Barber, 0. Morrison, A. Morrison. Sr. IIâ€"Ella Barber. W. Blyth, Edith Morrison, M. Kerr, H. Bomber. Al Pettigrew. Jr. IIâ€"Willie Hutton. Alister Lander. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Florence Kerr. Stunt Guns. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Elle Morrison, L. Petti- grew. Sr. Iâ€"Cecil Berfler, Willie Eden. Jr. Iâ€"Gordon Grent. Cecil Blyth. IVâ€"anny Eooor. Ernie Green- wood, Emmo Ritchie. John Green- wood, Moy Spittoll. IIIâ€"Eve Ritchie, Herbie Ritchie. Arthur Edge, Willie Felkinghem. Sr. IIâ€"Peerl Wilson. Kere Ritchie. Willie Eater. Clerence Stapler, Willie Kenny. Junâ€"lush Eotor. Elia Will- ismn, Alix Edge. Pt. IIâ€"Myrtle Ector, Vincent Pay- lor, Nam William. Berth: deing- bun, Music Ritchie. v...mggie Firth. FARM ERS’ INS TITUTE. Axum C. MAcKnxzm. Tencher. U. s. 8. N0 1, N. AND E. HONOR ROLL. ANNIE PETTIE. Teach er. E The last regular meeting of the {Durham town council was held in {the Council Chamber on Friday evening. ‘he 15th instant. 5" o'l‘ll‘l'.‘ ‘ lll'lalll‘.l.\ ' ' ' .‘l‘. Jr. 11â€"]. Stewart. J. Morice. J.. Thompson. J. Peter. G. Peter. 9 Sr. Pt. IIâ€"VV. Mort, N. Halliday. 1 G. Fortuey, J. Fortney, E. Kellar. i . Sr. PL. IMâ€"E Lewis, M. Blyth, T. i :1 UUMMUNICATIUX 1mm Drannore Stewart. ' will appear in our next issue. Jr. PL. lâ€"A. Halliday, E. Blythn OVERu ton of turkeys hzu'v been E. DAWSON, Tucker. hmught and shipped by J x J Hunter, ,"‘"'"‘""' Iduring the past week. Now is the time to rmww. ’__...._. . . ..- Blyth Moved by W, Calder seconded by John McGowan'that a grant of $100 for services be made to the Fire Brigadeâ€"Carried. A resolution was passed to grant $10.00 to the Sick Children’s Hospital. Calderâ€"~Kinnee â€" That the ac- counts of Drs. Button and Gun for medical attendance on Mrs. Rusk and chxld, and the account of .133. R. Gun for medicine be not entertained as no instructions from this council had been given for the same ~*Caro ried. St. [â€"11.33% McKenzie. Gun-imbemmy months 15.3.41. Am: 0 ad! MoNslly Ere unite under their own roof-tr“. Jr-I(“)â€"G0°-P‘Tk-AIOXVIOKhm.i A telegram camp ta Mr. Adm Jr. 1. (b)-â€"Geo. Wilsonf WillieiRobson on Thursday last. that hi. Ritchie. jyoungeSt sister. Mrs Renton, of - IBurlington whom Lo had bran to . .- 7, l ‘ 1 . g ‘ Riighiel (c) Reuben Pay or Ceca :VISIt the week behrr Mai .mdinnlg T 11 :passed away. Mrs Ho‘monnogothof A55A SCOTTv 93° erwwith relatix =3 {mm Durham. tools ‘ the early train or 1"; Ida; Morning tt b8 present. at. the {an mi. Wâ€"a -.- fl..â€" 3. s. 570., 1 l. NORMANBY. Sr. BLVth The finance committee reported on and passed accounts to the amount of 8116.3 39. BELIaw 494 passed its difierent readings and appointed Chief Carson as collector of arrears of taxes. The minutes of less regular and special meetings were read and con- firmed. The Finance Committee reported on the following accounts and re- commended payment: Alex McDonald. chief engineer. :3 8 34 J no. Kinne. health inspector. 1905 24 00 Jae. Davidson. caretaker, 3 months. 15 00 J as. Davidson, coal oil - - - 50 Chas. Ramage. printing account, '5 75 J. W. Crawford. lumber. - - 54 60 A. Ii, Jackson, com. on tax sale, - l 57 A. ll. Jackson, mailing and postage on tax notices - - 7 Jno. Kinnee. gravelling acc.. - 4 95 G- A. Thompson. fireman. 3 mos 2 50 Geo. Meikle. 2nd engineer. 3 mos. 10 (X) Benj. Sharp. repairing doors at scales 1 40 it 'l‘orry. chief fire brigade. 6 11105.. 1:} 50 F. _S_iegne_r. hardware acc.. - 15 15 4“- -\ x AA The Mayor and all members pre- sent except Counchlor Livingston who was in Guelph attending the Fat Stock Show. A. H. Jackson. county rate. 15. .322 00 Jas. Carson, chief constable, 6 mos., 3:0 00 .1113 Carson, attending scales, - 50 Jaw Carson. lunch to tramps. - Crawford McIntyre. electric light 409 3 A. A. Jackson. refund of rent, town hall - _ - - - l_ 253 Wm. Moore, lumber. . A,W .II. Lauder registering furui a IV o 11- uauuvl , IUKIDWI - ' ture factorymortgage Dr. llutmn. health officer, To lose one’s home at this season of the year is a most unfortunate occurrence. This sad event happen- ed to Mr. M. Burke on the 4th con. last Friday evening about 9 ..30 Mr. Burke had just got home from town a short time. having been out that af- ternooon with a big load of potatoes. The family thought they smelled something burning and on opening one of the bedroom doors upstairs found the room full of flame. A de {active chimney had done its work. They made every efiort to subdue: the flames, but they had got tooi much headway and soon burst! through the roof and got beyond con- ; trol. Neighbors hurried to the scene g and most of the household stuff down- . stairs was removed. yet Mr. Burke’ s loss is heavy and hi8 hired man, a young Englishman not long out from the mothegrlaod. lost all his clothes’ save what he was wearing. The neighbors have generously opened their homes to Mr. Burke and his four motherless children. but it willi *Mb‘lfl‘hflt*‘H’Oifiifiv‘ififli‘fifidflr? : 160 Acres For Sale IV-â€"- DURHAM TOWN COUNCIL s. 8. NO. ., 11. Nonunnv. -â€"E Blyth. IIIâ€"G. Stewart, A. Stewart “A \Iort 111â€" G. Ha1liday,B. \Iorice IIâ€"J. Stewart C Halliday. 433 Main Street John S. Mortimer, 160 acres of the best land in Manitoba, not sway West beyond :11 civilized surroundings. but right in the oldest and best port of Monitoba, within u mile and a. half of two difierent stations on the C. N. R. Msin Line (Curtis . Newton Stntions,) end only shoot 8 miles from Portnge Lo Pnirie, end about 50 miles from Winnipeg. This coil is e deep black loom on city subsoil end is exactly eimiler to thct of the for famed Portage Pleins. which have produced no mcny cs 20 successive crops of when without following or menuring. There is no better lurid in the wide world. The loud in covered with light scrub end smnll popler, but enough cordwood could he cut to more then pay for cloning. This in in the beer: of e firet close settlement of English epeeking lumen. who ere thxifty end proc- peroue end who would welcome end eeeiet on; new settler. The Inn-rounding lend is none of is held tt less than 820 per gore, but to cloee out n «use, we ere authorized to ofier thin for e short time u 815 per .cre. 81760 cuh. bulance in five equel tonne! insulmenu. If definite offer was nude, esmallet cuh payment might be amazed. Traverston. 1430 “Mr. Brown, furnier. begs to un- nouncetbuthe will make up gowns capes, etc.. for ladies out of their own skin.” Tm: Presbyterian Sunday School had a very successful Christmas En- tertainment on Tuesday night last. The hall was crowded to the door with an interested audience who enjoyed fully the exercises of the little folks. The drills were given in goodstyle and the Christmas (‘flntuta given by a number of the young girls of the School was a most pleasing number. Santa Claus did his part well, to the enjoyment uf the children who suc- ceeded in bribing the “Sandman.” An address and presentation were made to Mr. Allan the faithful Super- intendent of the Sunday School for the past thirteen years. 'lis reply was quite appropriate to the occasion, and at the conclusion of his renmrks Mr. Furquhmwon in 2| l'mv words ex- pressed upprmizttinn of Sir. Allan’s fitness for the position and trusted that he might he lung spared to con- tinue in the work. DON’T forget to uttmu‘. the Auction Sale of household furniture etc.. at the home of Mr. John Keys, on Fridaythe 22nd, inst. , \V. J. ECTOR. D. MCPHAIL. l Paommon A tun-10mm The undersigned auctizneer has been has been inscructed to sell by Public Auction on We are p Greenwood every day I wnrm in t} Miss Ginso FRIDAY. JANUARY 5. 1905 At Lot 61, Con. 3, E Gil Glenelg The following stock, implements. etc: 1 mere :3 years old in foal to Clydesdale Champon, l aged mare, r. cows supposed to he in calf, 3 year old heifer. 6 two year old steers, 1 year old steer. 7 calves. 22 good breeding ewee. 1 registered ram, 1 brood sow. about 80 hens. l binder Frost and \Vood, 1 Messy-Harrie mower nearly new. 1 Brantford mow- er, 1 Messy-Harrie steel rake 10 it nearly new. 1 seed drill, 1 land rol- ler, turnip pulper, 1 gang plough, 1 set spring tooth harrowe. 2 set iron barrows.) waggon, l bust”. I set bob eleighs. l cutter. 1 Chatham fan- ning mill with bugger attachment. turnip sower. 1 pig rack, 1 pig feed boiler. 1 double set heavy herneee, 1 double eet plough harness. 1 single set plough harness, 1 single set buggy harness. I Oxfsrd cream separator. I grind stone, 1 heating stove with a quantity of pipes, a washing machine achurn. forks. chains, seovels and othe articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS :- 12 months’ cradit on upproved joint notes. Sumo of 05.00 and under. cash : over that tmount 6% discount {or cub. Zrcdit Humor: Sale FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Sale at one o'clock sharp If ism â€"01‘ ll r Mr Win a rapidly family no his not“.

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