Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1905, p. 1

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istmas :sents ety, _ quafity hr |nd2.....7 Ion-95¢. worth ‘1 "JW 75c. has (’onlemionorv and nwsrt's Imported Do umi most. Nuu'iflll 1w own ~h0WD in Dar- I, lilies! Goadl. nary, Wallets. 'oilot Rolls, 'itfllfl, tts. Cloth 311391!“ gun Ovmsboes. t5. comfortable foot- diei find childrfll. it prices Pa“ and WO ab.“ 3.“ gs to your advuu... e‘ givé below a 0! our Immense "DE 'ou Forget Duin'v Cut Glass A a quwn Potions» ples’ Dmggist \' DU mancoa on MOI. and continm . (it’? ent Question nvsnvrnmo for tho your Chance. i trtda in clean. ios. choice Butt". otc..otc. sud heavy Robb". . women and child- of goods n 10'.“ Pictoral Post Cards. u Tooth Brushes resting topic a time; but 3: “is rich the following .11 purchmu .u, Manicure Sou muea rrsoid v- ~0uamv mama LING cArthur Brushes thr er hoot ful prosent. We I and we know friend or tive or swéét- heart a that we Christmas time and of course you will want Store. B'P It? Cigar Holden. he" other h our chases roct:_y INN, gif’. Stock Pam’s shoe store is the home of good footwear. bric‘ Pm: a. good black Galloway robe. see '1‘. Smith. He has some good one? at right prices. 12/7/tf. )lrzssus. Aylin: Sons ha ve just mnplvtt-d burn'...g a kiln of £110,000 NI. Susan-xxx) and son, of Queens. ion, and Alex Muir, of Niagara, Stock- nu-n. who during the past summer inn-c purchased in the neighborhood of one hundred head of cattle in this :m'flllty, visited the Scarf family dur- i112; the. past week. \Vhile here they went through the Cement Works and u v----â€"__ 7â€" . _ U V , you had last year. )mne again. | Canada spent a couple of days in town .‘Gi \U".'.'Uill". Adults 15 cents, children last Week. In a brief interview we I ' «Wiltsâ€"24“]. ! were informed somewhat of the nature __,, ~â€" *~- -- ’ of the organization part of which con- ll. SLINULAXDflDd 8011. Of Q1i9908-!sisted in the securing of legislation fun, and Alex Muir, of Niagara, Stock- from the Dominion and Provincial mm. who during the past summer Parliaments for increasing pedlars’ we purchased in the neigthPhOOd licenses, and simplifying the collecting at «me hundred head of cattle in this ! of accounts so as to do the work more .« n‘ullty, visited the Scarf family dur- , cheapiy, It also advocates the tab“- -H'~: tht‘ Past week. ‘Vhile here they ‘lating of “bad pays,” advising other \\ t'llt through the Cement Works and l towns regarding same, giving special “'t'l‘t’ greatly engrossed With the '“38' l advantages to the man who pays cash, - Zmde of the concern, and expressed ! and in this way abolishing to a large tlwir admiration at the impr-wediextent the present system of credit. trit'IhOdS used by the N. P. C. 00.,iThe SllSpiCiOD of acombine is apt to wnnpared t0 the 01d ”Stem 0' “‘30“ L; suggest itself at the inauguration of :.-u-turing cement. i any such movement, but we can easily Ssum' boy wanted to learn the dry unl“ business. Apply at S. F. Mor- ‘ ).\' Friday night last the teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 1., Glenelg gave an interesting concert of recitations, di- duguvs, drills, music, speeches etc. The "Puukin Ridge” dialogue rendered by young people of the section was the mmt interesting feature of the enter- minuleut. \Ve are are not able to give the- names nf all who took part in the pvrfurumnre. Chas. Kennedy. Miss Kennedy. .Vlr. Beaten, Miss Benton, and Mr. McCormick were the star per- formers. As a. Yankee from ”Pliukin Ridge" Mr. .‘la-Uciruuwk [ml'furlned hi" inn-t Well: in fat-t. they all did Well for :I hunch of aumwul‘s. The club swinging etc-raises and hump drills given by pupils of the whoul were exceedingly well given. It was quite a; surprise to many of the audience to see Mr. W. J. Young- hamlle the violin in so excellent. a manner. From the foot motion of the vde we mav expect soon to hear of M 1-. Young being called on to furnish music for the winter partial. A couple of spirited vocal selections were given made a brief address. "‘u “mum confectionery and [‘15,- â€".‘1X‘S. AleXO my. performance. Kennedy. Mr. and Mr. McCo furmeI-s. As i l‘m John Gray favored the audit with it couple of songs which he ‘ «lered without an accompaniment. Chas. “Tucson gave a lengthy r union containing advice to y.) PeONB about. the dangers of cour more than one at. a time. lliii't‘l‘lJlI?’5 lip||L\.v ‘1- -- -_ . mum, drills. music, speeches etc. 1r- "l’unkin Ridge" dialogue rendered young people of the. section was the .~~r interesting feature of the enter- muni-nt. “'9 are are not able to give ln- names of all who took part in the "l‘liul'llléllll't'. (,‘has. Kennedy. Miss u-mmly. .‘lr. Benton. Miss Benton. Tm: Presbytery of Saugeen met at ] Hari'ismn on Tuesday, the Moderator. 2 . Rev. \V. (1}. Hanna. in the chair. ;] l There was a large attendance of both' ministers and laymen though sorrong and regret were felt at the. absence of' Rev. Mr. Morrison, who has always ' been regular in his attendance and so ‘ ml .\lr. Mrl'orlnii'k were the star lier- llHlCh into-rested in the f’hlll'Ch,3 p108- As H Yankee from "Pnnkin perity. it Was, however. gratifying ' to learn that He severity or his illness ‘ has soiiio-'.vli:i' zilnted and that hope is held out for a recovery. The report i n standing orders Was presented by 'l'ho- riuh swinging cXt'l'IZlSBS and.0 :Rev. D. L. Campbell and after careful p «hills given by pupils of the; . 1...”! were exceedingly well given. lexamination was “10?th and ordered to be printed. A petition from Dray- : was nite a' sur rise to man of the q p y l ton. showing a healthy financial posi- tmlio-nce to see Mr. W. J. Young-g . . Hmlh- the violin in so excellent alt‘on was presented requesting that ninm-r. From the foot motion of the 1 they get atmimsulir t: ”981:: [in 311:: own wn o supp y em 1 mo - mml we. may expect soon to hear oil . . . . . nd evening serVices. This being ‘11-. Young being called on to furnish ing a . really equivalent to a request for sepa- :uuslc for the winter parties. A couple . ’1' Hpiriteu vocal selections were given :ration “of“ Moorfleld, “2° Presbytery ? after hearing all the parties, appomted :! Hu‘l's. Cilgv" )li'. Mc'tiorumutk performed lii-‘ -!H Well: in fart they all iiiil Well for il‘lllt'll of aiiiatenrs. ".V the "Binnie family” and Mr. Binnie : . . _ ”W“. a brief address. ‘a commisswn of Presbytery, With Rev. Mr. Aull as convener, to visit both the John Gray favored the audience fields and report to a special meeting with a couple of songs which he flew . of Presbytery Dr Moore of Ottawa. lei-ml without an accompaniment. l being present was asked cougar-respond (thifi- ‘Vfltwn 83"" a lengthy “we" and at the request of Presbytery gave mnnn containing advice to “"08 l a short address on the Cause. Preven- peupL. about the dangers of ciitil‘liDSQ n. n and Cure of Tuberculosis which more than one at a time. l m... listened to with interest and ap- lu-iefly addressed his former pupils] on I 0“ en Sound. was lhe importance of studying whilel eramr of the next General Assembly. Young. The little folks gave a host of The treasurer’s report. was presented 0 of them were 90 by Rev. M. 0. Cameron and Synodand‘ its-6W "Ht Presbytery rates for the year were littl.-, struck. The paper by Rev. Mr. Bar- The. teacher, Miss Stidwellis to be her on the Doctrine of the Atonement was crowded out by the pressure of congratulated on the success 0‘ “I business. but was given a place as the entertainment. It was about eleven o’clock when the ' first 0'61” fang: :0“ meeting 0‘ eroi-iiiance was over though it open- m o: . n I of CW he!“ recitals, but soin Weak that the audience nm‘T farget the Varney Methodist :n-rh Entertainment on Christmas :hr, Dec. 25th. Great preparations dieing made for an excellent pro- un. You remember the enjoyable nu you had last year. Uome again. 1 we'lt'nuw. Adults 15 cents, children )UX'T furg urch Entl :ht, Dec. 1 ? being ma m1. You It was about, eleven o’clock when the bert'm'nmuce was over though it open- ed sharp at. eight o’clock- ‘eW remarks. Inspector Campbell Ill!- 0d the chair vary acceptably. The Needs amounted to a“. ‘JGL. 38-N0. 2022. LOCAL ITEMS 11‘: annual Christmas Tree of Var- Mvthndist Church will he held on ~tums night. AN0. 1 program inf; provided. Admission 10 and ll Buneuan School Concert (‘lu-istmas entertainment of :' (fh'xrch will be held on Thurs- . 215C. An extensive and in- : progrom is being prepared. -njuynhle time isexpected. All Admission, Adults 15 cents, I U) (fBDIS.-â€"')'. xt. 1d mneert in the Interest. of gibrary will he held about week in January. The luh is not yet prepared to lute. ON Saturday before Xmas we will sell 100 lbs. Manitoba flour for $2.25.â€" Mrs, Alex. Beggs. - BARGAINS in boots and shoes at Mrs. Alex. Begg’s. No time to write ads bm. you will find lots of useful Christmas boxes at Peel’s. THE Harriston Tribune has installed a typograph, but the Editor says it never works well only when the Pres- byterian Minister is looking at it. It may be that the machine served its apprenticeship in the Presbyterian Book Room. and finds it uncongenial to its early surroundings to be given into the hands of the. Tribune devil. MEETIxos of South Grey Farmers’é Institute will be held in Durham on} Jan 11th and 12th, 1906. The annual; Seed Fair will be held on the second day. The Hanover meeting on the 13th. Meetings at Ayton, Holstein and Drmnore on Feb. lst, 2nd and 3rd respectively. and Elmwood on Feb. llth. Jun. Cmupbell. \Voodville, Jno. Spence, London, and Mrs. Mc'l‘avish, North Bruce, will be the delegation to the first series of meetings and W. F. Stephen, Huntingdon, Que., and Thcs. .McMillnn, Seaforth, to the second iseries. Further information will be given later by poster. SAWS gummed at Durham foundry MR. S. R. BRUBHCHER, Organizer of the Retail Merchants Association of extent the present system of credit. The suspicion of a combine is apt to suggest itself at the inauguration of any such movement, but we can easily see where mutual advantages may arise from the proper enforcement of such a system. We see no evil in any organization that properly protects the seller without in juriously affecting the honest buyer. to meet at Mount Forest on the first Tuesday of March. The Cement Bosses are on the Still Hunt and Stockholders Must Stand By Their Guns. The Mud Chemist at the Cement i Works, Mr. Stephen Ludlow, has been ; saying naughty things about the edi- |' tor of this paper “He wonders if the “ tack headed editor” will soon be run . down, and be otherwise intensified his. 3 vindictive feelings by calling us a damn liar and other choice names, of which he carries a complete stock. We wish to inform our readers that the back rooms and hotel corridors are the chief resorts where he indulges in his favorite pastime, but he has never condescended to favor us with a volley of his wisdom. Tho tack headed edi- tor takes this opportunity to inform Air. Ludlow that he is not run down ‘ yet; also that he wears a 7} hat, .which he firmly helieVes would give :ample room for the chemist’s cocoa- ! nut, and leave “Rooms to Let” for the f man of distilled wisdom. Blackguard- 1 ism and low profanity are never going «, i to win support, and if Mr. Ludlow had ' exercised good common sense he. would have known better than to play any such game in the. toWn of Durham or» for miles around. A few evenings ago, 3. however, the mud chemist was “pre-; cipitating" some of his “ distilled ”g 'wisdom when suddenly there was a? collision. Stephen wasn’t stoned, but he llew to pieces like a hunch of gmatches struck by lightening. H: ,i went to the dry dock for repairs, and E as soon as his chemical mind got into 'shape he tried a few chemical. equa- tions to ascertain whether the result of the experiment- should be regarded _ as a chemical compound or a mechani- ' ’ cal mixture. The heat generated by ' the experiment seemed to indicate a ’chemical union of some kind, but as . i Ludlow was found on both sides of the equation he concluded the. experiment was a failure and the result was a .â€" .- __-__â€"â€"_.___-â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€". i l I l l [HE 1‘9 LYING IN AMBUSH ! v A few days ago we met Mr. Andrew Denholm, of Blenheim, a. stockholder of the Ontario Portland Cement Com- pany at Blue Lake, near Brantford. The mill there was capitalized at half a. million dollars and the promoters’ slice was worse than it was in the case of our mill here where 25% was taken for promotion fees. The mill in ques- tion has only three rotaries, and has been in operation only a little better vvvâ€" -__ ‘ 7 than one season. Mr. Denholm put on a broad smile when he pulled'out a seventy dollar cheque which repres- ented a 7% dividend on the stock he holds in the Company. “There’s money in it” says Mr. Denholm, if the business is managed properly and he felt surprised that we should have gone in the hole with the best equip- ped marl mill on the continent. Since ‘ then we have learned that the Ontario mill made a profit of $71, but decided to pay only 7 ‘X, dividend to stockhold‘ mechanical mixture. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. DECEMBEBM 1905. (continued on me 4.) CHARLES Vaughan has purchased 100 acres in Glenelg from W. N. Mc- Donald through the agency of Mc- Kay Dunn. A SPECIAL meeting of L. O. L. No. 632 will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. Business and initiations. All members please attend. Thos, Stinson, W. M. THE Methodist Church in Markdele was burned on Friday morning last. It is supposed the fire ignited from the furnace. Loss $8,000, insurance $7,000. C. L. GRANT bought from Mr. A Watson a turkey one and one-half years old which weighed 284; lbs. He sold it to a. Montreal buyer for $4.25. A few like these are the kind that count up. THERE was a School Concert and Pie Social in Hutton Hill School on Friday night last. \Ve learn that the building was packed to overflowing, and that bidding ran high. The pro- ceeds amounted to: something in the neighborhood of fifty-eight dollars. THE Evangelistic Services in the Methodist Church which have proved a great blessing to those attending will be continued each evening except Thursday and Saturday. On Sabbath next Evangelist Minnis will deliver his farewell discourses to the congreg- ation. No on; so far has come out openly ' as a candidate for the inayoralty. \Ve ‘ believe, however, that Mayor l-Innterl will stand for re-election, and his care- l ful record of the past two years place ‘ him in a good position for re election. During his term of office he has shown a watchfulness over town affairs by which we have steered clear of litiga- tion, and this alone is worthy of com- mendation. There is a probability that a sufficient number will be in the field when the nominations are being made Friday night, and next week we maybe able to give particulars regard- ing the municipal aspirants. So far everything is quiet, the name of Mr. gCalder as a candidate for the Mayor- i alty being the only one mensioned. TTHAT’S What we are going to do on New Year’s when we move to our new premises directly oppo- rednced prices. rather than move them. Here they are. If youemoke now’e your chance. 01d Abe .......... 4 for 25¢. Chamberlain ...... “ ” Symbol ........... “ Havana Peerleee.. .. “ Irving ....... . . . . . Lord Tennyson. . . All 50. brands ..... 7 for 250. Box of 10 worth 81 now 75c. nb 66 to This sale commences on Monday, December 18th, and continues during The Middaugh House Barber Shop. the holiday week- a I. Swallow. mm fismw m0 munâ€"m Christmas gifts for man, woman or child. Christmas Bells Will Soon Be Ringing Highest. Prices in Cash or Trade for .11 Kinds of W} THE 8087 87035 0” THE 3087 MINER. GLOVES. HUFFLEBB. ' Undo-date Four-inofiund P03 and Bow Tiel. Ltdios’ Silk Callus and Bolts. :11 colors, from 250 up. Christan: gift. Ladies’ Silk Wuilts in new styles and thud”. Candies, Nuts and Ounces for Christmas. See our line of MEN’S xncxwm $1.00 PER YEAR

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