Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Dec 1905, p. 4

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According to Mr. Cobbledick’s state- ment the other day, and we believe it is true. the Company paid 08 3110.” of . debt during the presut ya! dues they started operations in April last. He also states that they have enough Ini‘ed motel-is! to pay on the balance of thedehtof mass. This isbetter the»: we med. endonlygoes to ”we the W3 chm-actu- al the mill. Under proper msnege- :nent the history of the yenr’s success was he repented for st least two so» oa- more according to the admission fifths Bond and the bosses. With‘ :thepcofltsof the next two yetsthe' Mtrinmvintesndthe subservi- «ddinctmtepurpoeetotnnsphnt thenininsome other locelity. All “ht-beenflgnredout withontthe knowledgeottheshu-eholdmwhowe Henhsyehetteraeneethnntoper Wehoudendomchl menace. - .twhomlddmtohhtetndng OI. hut-en per cent. dividends in -I-ynehvfldatpuiecm. ing on here Mr. Harmon must be on bad of course, and right here we would like to ask the Board or the houses or whoever can give the infor- mation, who foots the bill? If his hus- ineas is to sell cement. let him sell ce- not; if his business is to help to pull cobwebs over the eyes of the share- holders we think it is time the share- holtbrs should make enquiry about it. These are a. few of the extravagances indulged in and the only remedy now ”parent is to clean out the whole bus- by the Company to sell the product of the mill. When there’ 8 anything go- hens and put in a board that will pane of! all superfluous ornaments. STOCKHOLDERS WANT HONEST VERDICT Durham, Dec. 7, I905 JiSRHAM CHRONICLE Amundnoxflochlwmtnheldu MMWmlfi-flnyonnhg, M an. Admin-ion meant} momma-rm. mum. “in. .c.â€". Any gift on which a small pay- ment has been made will be put tway for you to he delivered Cnris- tmas day or, if desired, will be packed ready for shipment to on}. of town friends Let us belpto make this the most satisfactory Christmas you have ever GXperi- enced. The firet atepis to see our flock while it is all here. Please “me soon. Do not ; lina anti tmas. C .001! as j gle MacFarlaue 61 Co. The advance list includes only a few of the thousand gifts that our stock afiords. and there are scores of gifts suitable for every age and Books, China, Bibles. Clocks, Al- bums. Purses, Cameras, Art Ware. Pictures. Perfumes, Cut Glass. Atomizers, Medallions, F u n c y Boxes Pocket Books, Smoking Sets, Shaving Sets, Fine Cutlery, Toilet Attic-lea, Fcuutain Pena. Ready “for S anta . . U Goods is. now on display. The stock is amount! in size. vari- ety and novelty. Our pricesâ€"al- ways loWâ€"ofiet inducements to econcmicai buyers that. must be «can to be appreciated. Come in Icon and see our holiday line. Toys. Dolls. Books. Games. Sleds. Blocks. Purses, Skates. Wagons. Knives. Candies, Brushes, Came- ras. Doll Cabs. Blackboards. Music Lnnterns. Doll Furniture, Mosicnl Instruments. w. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Druggists and Booksellers. y Ior you to um 3 day or, if d an] ready for 8 mm friends 9 this the mc stmas you hm L'B ENTIRE LINE OF‘ GIFT [Continued from Page 1] For Older Folks. For Little Folks. Hymn-tom’s!!! it 0k round as e’re always our holiday vfore Chris z’. .Mr. Will Lavelle spent Sunday at his home in Stratford. Mr. John Burnett has severed his connection with the People’s Store and goes to Detroit. Mrs. J as. Harkness and two children of Teeswater are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T1108. 0. Morton. Mr. A. S. Hunter and Mr. David Hamilton went to Guelph Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Owen Sound spent Saturday and Sun- day with Mrs. H’s brother Mr. N. W. Campbell. Dr. Smith returned to Ghent. Ohio. Mr. Cecil Gun visited here for a few: days. Mr. W'. McGowan went to Peter- borough this week. THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/TES AND THEIR FRIENDS. Miss Lillian Davis left Monday morn- ing for Alvinston. Mr. R. A. McGregor of Owen Sound General Agent for the North Ameri- can Assurance 00., is in town this week. Mr. and Mrs A. G. Campbell and four children of Harriston spent over Sunday with the formers brother In- spector Campbell. Mr. Robt. Hughes who for the past six years has been in the employ of S. F. Morlock, is now attending to the wants of customers of Mr. J as. Ireland. Miss Lizzie Laidlaw, graduate nurse, Toronto, visited the parental home here and is now engaged on a case in Normanhy near Ayton. Mr. R. H. McWilliams, of Owen sound, was in town a day or two this People and Mr. Darby. left. Tuesday moming for Guelph to attend the Far. Stock L, IT is not much to say that a Christmas Watch will be much more appreciated if coming from us. That in itself an M p assurance of quality. thaNorthWeatla-t swanky and is apinmd in the mun-o Foc- gm of Flasher-ton, visited in town Wu’rmm Mr. We don’t send out catalogues, but, we ’ get mail oxdexs from all over the North West, British Colum- bia and U. S. so much confidence is placed in us that we don’ t have to send out catalogues with cuts in them. We also get their repairs. Our immense assortment, with inviting prices, is sure to make you more than ordinarily pleased, for every good kind of a locket occupies a. place in our )hristmas Lr cket Offerings. Christmas Cuff Links, plain gold and with jewels. " Wyn 'HMAKER to possess both. Chan. IcKin A Watch for the Schoolboy or Girl Binnie, Mr. Wm. |Young Watches, Chains, Gold Lockets . GORDON Know JEWELLER E sell only that class of Japan China to be prdud 0fâ€"~pr0ud of the quality and the styleâ€"and the line of English Silver-â€" wale we we eshowimr this Christmas will allow the Mr. Cline, of Stratford, Mr. J. W . Scont, of Listowel and Mr. Cobbledick, of Exeter were in town Monday on business in connection with the Ge- ment Plant, of which they are direc- tors. THE Rev. Dr. Moore, Secretary of the Canadian Association for the Pre- vention of Tuberculosis will deliver a lecture in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 14th, at 8 o’clock, on “The Cause and Prevention of Con- sumption.” A collection in aid of the publishing fund of the Association will be taken at the close of the meeting. Dr. J amieson M. P. P., will preside at the meeting. It is a matter in which all are interested and we trust there will be an attendance worthy of the cause. Mr. M. G. Evans, paying teller in the Standard Bank here for the past three years, left on Tuesday last to enter a similar position in the Bank in BOW. manville. Mr. Evans lea use many friends behind him here and we are confident he will soon make a host of new ones, Where he is going. town. The deceased was born in Ben- tinck near Hutton Hill, on the 30th of May 1881, and with the exception. of a year spe nt in Michipicoten tour or five years ago has all his life been a resident of this town and vicinity. Last August he was not feeling well but continued his work till the 17th of September when he was taken down with pleurisy, which subsequently de- lveloped into typhoid and other compli- cations. He lingered on to the time of his death, giving very little hope of recovery at any time during his :ick- WE regret this week to report the death of Mr. J ohfi Kennedy Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Reid of this nees. lie was 1; member of the adieu Order of Foresters for the four years and the _ remains we1 terred on Sunday last by the Order which attended in a body “‘1 Pe" fox-mod the lat ceremonial rites over their deem-ed brother. “There never mhhetter boyto his parents “I” Local News Items jghh" is the testimony of hie-hemved tether, and to such an honestly or passed opihion as these words convey, _ SJ-) WWofdlma-cielmy remem- MMintheh-hourdamicdon. l'nou. m Imam Run. Moth”. OPTIC-IAN 5M. A ‘9 THE Methodist S. 8. have fixed upon Thursday, Dec. let, at 8 o’clock p. m. in the Town Hall, as the time for you to see and hear “ Santa Clause and the Star Queen," 8. Christmas cantata rich in humor, moral teaching, choruses, motion songs, etc., etc. Those who enjoy entertainments given by chil- dren and young people will miss a treat if they fail to be there. Admis sion 15 cents and 10 cents. AT the regular December meeting of the Varney L. O. L. 689 the following officers were duly elected and installed for the coming year: W. M.._ Bro. J. W. Blyth; \V. D. M., Bro. James Matthews; Chaplain. Bro. John Al- dred; W. R. 8., Bro. Thomas Tucker; W, F., Bro. Samuel Caldwell; W. '1‘., Bro. Robt. J. Eden; W. D. of 0., Bro- Wm. Caldwell; W. L., Bro., James Petty. Committee: Bro. Wm. Mc- Calmon. Bro. W'm. Prcw. Bro. Arthur Clark, Bro. John Carson, Bro. \Vm. Sirrs. WE notice in the Mt. Forest Con- federate an account of the death of John R. Stephens, a printer who fell dead November let, on a street in Brantford and died almost instantly. John was engaged here about five or six weeks ago, and after putting in a week got on a booze and left without paying his beard hill at the Middaugh House. He next struck work in the Harriston Review, and wrote us two or three times for a chance to come back. ‘Ve agreed. at last to reinstate him, and he promised faithfully to come back, first on Tuesday and sub- sequently on Saturday. But “ he nev- er came back.” He was a good work- man if we may judge from the week he put in with us. He was too fond of booze, however, and a hoozer at best is not to he depended upon. It is generally a loss of energy to “waste your sweetness on a desert air” trying to advise a fellow who prefers to suck at a whiskey bottle to engaging in more lucrative employment. \Ve lit- tle thought when John left here that he was so near the end of his journey. DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632 held its regular monthly meeting in Calder’s Hall on Wednesday night when the following officers were elected for 1906: Master, Thos. Stinson; Deputy Mas- ter, Wm. Legate; Chaplain, \Vcslev Storrey: Recording Secretary, W. J. Ritchie, Edge Hill; Financial Sec’y, John Edge; Treasurer. John \Villiams; Director ofCeremouies, John McDon- ald; Lecturer, John Swinburne; In- side Tyler, Geo. Moore; Outside Tyler, Sam Jacques, Committee: Hugh Mac-v Kay, Ed. Kress, John Irwin, John Collier, Chas. Ritchie. Dresser and stand (in golden oak finish) and iron bed, regular $17 .00 Holiday $14.50. Solid oak suite with iron bed. regular :35.oo._ LHoliday $30.00. Quarter cut oak. 3 piece suit, re. gulor $45.00. Holiday $.38 75. These are but a few with diflerent sylea to choose from. Quarter Cat Onk. 8 It” rognlur 820. Holidty. 817.00 Alb. polished top, 8 In, " 13. .. 11.00 Golden 03k “ “ " 10.50 H 9.00 Rocking Chairs-in Quarter Cut Oak from $2.50 to $12.50. Holiday [.90 to 9.75 , An Elegant Line of Rattan Rockers. Judinorol from 82.25 m 3.50. Iron Bod: from 38 50 to 824.00. Bra-loll Cup» from 81.25 to 01.40. Twenty Capo: from 650 to 900. 4 ply Wool Cup» 81.00 per yd. 8 ply Wool Cup» from 666 to 760. Union: cud am from 06.00 “$.60. Pulor 1‘qu in the difioront style: ‘nd sin: from 960 to 08.60. loan 15 per cont The above are but a few of the articles we have and they are all appropriate gifts. Inspection invited. Buy now and we will hold the for future delivery. Shewell 85 Lenahan PER CENT. off all goods in the store for the holiday trade only. The 15reduction is genuine and unrestricted. Choose any piece of Furniture and pay 15 per cent. less than regular price. Come and try us. We have given it before and approval followed. We will do what we say. Need we urge you? We have the goods which speak for themselves. Showy and swell and the values point to positive savings. OFF Bed no I 00m Suites Extension Tables Cb 06 ANNUAL o cums-rims 15 /o 5 piece suites in mahogany finished frames, upholstered in velour, re- gular 835.00. Holiday 829.75. 5 piece suite. mehogeny finished fumes, upholstered in velour. re. guler 824.00. Holidey $20 00, 5 piece suites in best English Wilton Rug, regular 855 Holiday $47.00 WINTER FRITWEAB PEEL, the Sherman CASH omLy, DURHAM up OWEN SOUND E are satisfied of the fact that 11111 Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Rubbers 111111 "wing to be more appreciated this season than 1.11121. They are all that money can posssibh bnx. Our Seamless Leggin11s are 1:111111111111di1111- very high sales. W e are scarcelx 1111112 t1) suppl) tDthe great demand. If V011 \\ 11n1 winter lined ”shoes “e have the best 1111 1111111 are not the heavy clumsy Kind. special attention. ()urstocx of Women’s and Misses J ersey Leggings is complete. Parlor Suites SALE Measures and repairing recviw n‘f Qua“: Cut Oak. null front. oolid but. "inningl‘ British bovol'iod min-or. up!» “0. may 834 Solid Oak. 3 drawers. and bun trimmings. regain $96.50. Honda 38.25. Kapph Oak. 8 duvet. ad no!“ bru- u'in-inp. re- main- 018.00. Boll“, 016.50. ' Omaha-do. ”can: 816.00. Honda 319.75. Springs, Chairs, Hall Racks, Etc. Spring: from 1.75 to “.50. Mumm- from 82.75 to 812.00, Churn, per i dosen. 89.70 to $25.00 H311 Back: from 06.00 to 817.00. north Chin from 06.00 to 010.00. Harri: Booker. fro. 85.60 to 018.00. Leggings .1. ‘ '«fi’f. Upholstered in velour. regular $7.00 Holiday $5.90. Couches with spring edge. regular 810.00. Holidny 38.50. Verona rug. :27 inches wide. re- gular $15.00. Holiday 313.75- Fabrikoid, 27 inches wide. regular 816.00. Holiday 313.60. More to select from than there is room to mentiod. 311.00. DECEMBER 14 1905 Couches OFF a. 4v ‘0 .1 Q! .0 O7 >ECEMBER 14. 190.”. moth stock < busy corner. but none sog Goods. We Solid Gold W2 Bracelets C Inlerr) Fruit Dishes Biscuitllars Sugar BO‘VIS Immen (nous C tancy pound Automobiles Wish Christi onfccti 10 91156 S ngradi ll] )ll Frzz 1H

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