Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Dec 1905, p. 8

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$.34?“'5=§~$¢§~3~WM*?’$%$*¥fifi¥$i¥¥$$$Â¥$$$9¥fififige$*i '0: Gifts For Young and Old .. Gloves New pt’l'fi! )H . It is just as dangerous to go round poor.y clad as with wet feet, and now that our Great Sale of Fur Good s is on, why not procure a good coat or pair of glove5. Furs keep rou comfortable at all times and sane you many a bad cold and doctor’s bill. We were never better prepared to fill your requirements than at present, Fur goods at all prices. Quality right. Men’s Fur Coats, $15 to $35, Men’s Coon Coats, $40 to $0, Men’s Fur Caps $2 to $7, men’s Fur Collars. $5 to $10, Men’s Fur Mitts 1.50 to $2.25 THE PEBPLE’S 810M Ladies’ Fur Coats, $25 to $50, Ladies' Fur Caps, $2 to 57, Ladies’ Fur Mitts, $2 to $5, Ladles’ Fur Rafts, $4.50 to $20, Ladles’ Caperines, $4.50 to 5:0 Ladies’ Fur muffs, $2 to 55 Children’s Furs, including Caperines, Caps, Mitts, and Buffs. Every diacription and price. Winter is nearly here, and with it the usual amount of snow and cold weather. We are reminded in more ways than one that we must make preparations if we wish to keep warm. Most people at this time of the year are particular as to their boots and shoes, but how many gjve the same attention to other parts of their AND FOWL WANTE Boys and Girls Watch For Santa Claus In Our South Window Hosiery H'dk’fs. New DURHAM CHRONICLE ' no :50 150 150 [Continued from Page 4] all under the table. Query: Where was the chairman of the board when that famous resolution passed it? In some of my letters I have asked them to be hit. should you be chosen to strike the blow, I beg of you to be cautious. 1 should be sorry indeed to hear that the blow when struck, should be the cause of sending any of them to that place Where the Wicked cease from troub- ing And the weary are at rest. What I want you to dae is ta gee them a bit gentle tap an sen them heme, and be share ta tell them ta tak the augur with em. Your next question is. do you hold any stock in the Company? I can assure you did I hold no stock in the company I should have no long letters in the papers. My Dear Sir my long letter in the papers is for the express purpose of keeping the beggars from stealing it. The next question is, what is my business? Well, in the summer I pitch quoits for a living and in the winter I depend upon the curling stones. However, I have not always followed this kind of business for a living. Twenty long years, one continuous stretch I swung the axe and twenty long summers I followed old Buck and Bright in the IOgging fallow. The next question. have I got a store? Ain’t got none, would- n’t have brains enough to run it if I had. The next question, have you any marl beds or any interest in any that you would like to dispose of. Can’t answer this question at present but may later on. Got four acres of swamp inside the corporation, going to borrow the sugar before it goes away and if there is marl in it, will be glad to dispose of it. Now. Mr. Wilson, for your ques- tions. 1- shall have to hurry up as my fingers are getting cramped hold- ing the pencil. The first, is my long letter in the paper my own. or was it dictated by Gilbert McKechnie. I wrote two. the first I laid upon the the printer’s desk in the Review Of. lice and went out the door alittle curious to know whether it would find the road to the waste basket or the press. Had Gilbert dictated the letter 1 should have had no fear about me as he is a Splendid writer. The printer was the first who had ever seen or heard of it and I can say the same thing of letter number two. The next queetion: Did Gilbert McKechnie get $5000 worth of stock allotted to him? He did, I forgo: to ask him if he got it from Mr. Cow- hom, if it come from tint source it is e pity he did not get the double of it as it would be much better in Durham then in Michigon. The next question did he sell a lake to the company for 84,500 ? He did. Did I not tell you in my letter that Gilbert was a man if he sold you a {at steer he wanted every dollar that was in him. There is abundance of marl in the lake, rather far away to be utilized at presentâ€"may be later on. The next question. has he any more lakes to sell, marl beds or in- terest in any ? Yes. he has got them in every direction and everything else mortal man wants huts wife and two. three wesns and he is going to get them with the first dividend. The next. questionâ€"Is it true that the council’s committee refused to tell the company where the marl was? Not a word of truth in it. The larg- est. deposit found is within 2} miles of the truck, said to be over 200 acres in a block. Mr. McKechnie owns a small portion of it. I had a long talk a few days ago with Mr. William Lawrence who has lived beside the lake We get our marl from, for the most of his life and is an uninterested man. He says he knows what he is talking about and declares there are millions of dollars worth of cement in it yet. Durham Post Umoe, Township of Egremont will find him. There is still a mys- tery about the lake. To 'rmn Emma ADVOCATE : THE DIRECTORS 'ARE DETERMINED DEAR Simâ€"Regarding the Durhem nuuerurnnat Mill, (National Portland Cement Co.,) Exact Alfre I wish to any, I am not in favor of ' moving the plant. as long as it has J’o PL H- snflioient msrleround Dnrhnm. We, Johnston. M the Directors, were told by our men- M°G°WNM J! sger that there was noc snflioient Lloyd 00- msrl in Wilder’s Lske to lest the Sr. Pt. Iâ€" mill more then two years niter this Douglass. V seeson. We then instructed our best McDonsld. I men to make n thorough search Crnwford sq. nronnd Dnrhsm to ssoertnin if their. Jr. Iâ€"Dori was merl to be bed. a“, 1...... Their report came before the Direc- Marion Msrshell. tors in writing and is still on file. and Jr, (‘)_J‘ck Brynn, Arthur Whit. it is to the sheet thst there was no more. deposits of merl in paying qnentities __ - . . . after we got done with Wilder’s Lske. Griz: (b) 8“” “cm‘nl‘n' Ah“ Me With this report lying on our table . we pessed ereeolution: "Whereas it 3- (c)â€"Mery 1‘10“. Robin Fer- hss been shown thet the merl supply qnhsrson ““1 Gilb’" W‘“ eq., is nesrly exhsnsted, we deem it in the best interest of the Netionel Port- lend Cement Co., to sesrch for end NOTICE find e snitehle locetion for the cement ._..... plsnt where snflicient rew meterisl MEETING of the Bond of is to he found. You will nnderetsnd License Commissioners for thst one of our directors is s worthy sooth Grey will he held on Fridey, citizen of Dnrhem end Wee vary the 8th-dey of December, A. D., 1905 much @5910“ WWI thil "90" ““1 st one o’clock in the ofternoon. et the when it heeeme. known in Dnrhem Hidd‘n‘h House, Dnrhem, to con. the town Ono-ell. (ell honor to them) elder the epplieetion of J oeeph liehl- didAright. T507 ”pet-ted ‘_ can: heneen for the trender of the tsvern _ I___-_A.‘- _ we as told by this ' is mu! tn tbnndnnoo {Director Gobblodick's Letter. {1130“}th for _ Intrl. . ad I {kin-666 {6J1}; “JTWIS. "D'sâ€"60': for Yours. ROBERT Oceanus. cause it has increased the value of my stock in the Company to the ex- tent. of $6000. The first Directors' meeting that I attended was about one year 380-. when you remember I took the place of Dr. Mallory after his death. The debt on the plant was then $140,000 and the bank would not supply us with any more cash to go on with the work without further security; so my installation ceremony consisted in my signing With the rest of the directors our personal notes to the extent of $30,000. This was a hard dose, but it had to he done to sam- the mill lrorn the aucnoneer’s hamn 1'. Now. one year ha- gone and I r 1 confidently say that every man or. he board has done hl'- duty to the .mpany with the res! 'r. that we onl~ we the bank $30,000 instead of . 40,000. The plant has been kept u. in first class conditio .., besides som~ improvements that ha: e been added . d paid for, of which you have not he ..nd, and I have *[no hush .tion in sayi g that with iplenty of marl to keep going the pres- ’ent management can pay every stock- holder a handsome dividend next year. I see stock is quoted at 16 cents on the dollar. I just wish to Say’I can find buyers for it if the sell- ers will communicate with me. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/T58 AND THEIR FRIENDS. Mr. Allan Bell spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. A. B. McLellan was in Alton last week on business. Miss Matheson of Clinton, is visiting her brother, Mr. Peter A. Matheson. Dr. R. A. Smith, of Ghent, Ohio, is visiting his father, Mr. Thos. Smith and family. Mrs. Weelands. of Owen Sound, is in town organizing a. Ladie8’ Court of the Independent Order of Foresters. Miss McLeay. of Watford, returned to her home Tuesday after visiting a. few days with her cousin, Miss Park. Mr. Alex. McIlvride, of Brandon. gave us a brief call one day last week, Mrs. McIlvride who was at Mt. Clemens treating for rheumatism, is now visiting friends and relatives in the neighborhood. People We Know Mr. and Mrs, Colin McDougall spent a couple of weeks visiting their daughter, Mrs. Fiddis, in the neigh- borhood of Owen Sound. Mr. Mc- Dougall returned home Tuesday. but Mrs. M will remain for a couple of weeks longer. Dunmu Scaoon. u.s.nept. Form IIIâ€"Lily Walker, Ethel Greenwood, Annie McGirr and Rite McComb eq. Form IIâ€"e-Thos Allen and Arthur Allan eq.. Keith Newton. Fanny Moran. Irene Lntimer. Mary Edge Sadie Fletcher and Lizzie Binnie eq.. Ema Hunter and Edith Allen eq. Form Iâ€"Jetn Wntson. Sadie Ferg- uson. Bessie Telford, Hazel Caldwell. John McDonald. Sr. lVâ€"Vaddie Caldwell. Eva Bur- net. Hazel Marshall, Garfield Calling, Willie Gadd. Jr. Iâ€"Lizzie Kearney, Lyle Kel- sey, Willie McCrie. Nellie Hepburn and Ruby Knieley, Jamie Ferquhar- son. Sr. IIIâ€"Jack Davidson, Lauren: Peel, Glndys Whitmore. Bertha. Harvey. Elma Holt. Jr. IIIâ€"Jean Watson. Willie Petty John Mcllnich. Mabel Gruby. Clan anrence. 9r. IIâ€"Mamie Mountnin. Mania Wilson. Mark Wilson, Joe Warming ton, Vivinn Crnwford. Jr. IIâ€"Earl McDonuld, Wilfred Nichol‘ Annie Vollet, Vern: Pinker. Mgrion McKenzie. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Roy Farquhsrlon. Alex Hilderbrandt, Muud Krona. Casio Russel. Alfred Shape and Frank M o- Iluith. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Holen Ireland. Welloy Johnston. Mary McKochnie. Allie McGowon, Joanie Black and Emily Lloyd oq. 8r. Pt. Iâ€"Annio Russell, Goons Douglas. Victor Cttton, Norma: McDonald. Ell: Carson and Z911 ”0000.1do Ell‘ C‘rson ‘nd Z0“ It will surprise 370“ 110“' anford oq. Jr. Iâ€"Doris MoAuley, Neil McMill- [11.0011 you can buy from “5 in, June: _W:llo, Nollie Flukor. Wlth 8» F 1V6 Donal“ bl". put-ties incl-«ted will govern thon- ulvu wool-dingy. HONOR ROLL. P. 8. DEPT. Tam: A. Hum. J. COBBLEDICK. fIR. B. KEELER SONS You will hasten recovery by taF lug one of Ayor'o Pills at bedtime. AMMOTH stock of Xmas. goods now on display at the above More. This year we have an extra. choice Eock to choose from. We can save you monev on the following goods: KEELER’S You are welcome to look through our stock whether you want to buy or not. TRY THE EXPERIMENT DECEMBER 7 1905 Big Jewelery 1. Book Store DURHAM. - . ( For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Aycr’s Coughs,Colds _'--.__-.,' _____ Come this way if you want the latest in LEGGINGS. Cherry Pectoral. Ask you: own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. mi ficfi'fii‘ury" "f'octoâ€" ’61 ’ .n bottle complgtojy and 1110.1 ""- comploto'l " ' "rind mo.” ' In. J. B. Dnml‘rn. BtJouph. Mich. Solid Gold Wetchel Lockets Gold Filled Wetches Feno y Clock: Solid Gold Rings Lediee’ Cheine N eoklete Men’s Cheine Cufi Links Stick Pine Brooches Brecelete Enema! Jewellry Silver Thimblee Specteclee Eye Glusses J ep China Silverware Dolle Souvenir Cards Toilet Cases Travelling Cases Shaving Sets Books of Poems Bibles nnd Hymn Books Cuod Pipes Fancy Mirrors Miscellnneous Books Military Brushes Prime Cigars Musicnl Instruments Xmas. Stntionery Picture Books Mezbnnicnl Toys Hnnd Sleighs Choice Confectionery Gnmes of All Kinds Boyu: mac boots. in size. 11. 12 “(1135:. ................ 750 Boys’ course boom.... ......90¢ Honvy Rubbers nnd Sax. light Robb." for men. women nnd children in nbnndnncu. Ovouhoel from aim 13 for men to n pnir of No. 4 rubbers for the inby. L088illfll of elegunt nplit and Rfdlod letthor. Inced, nnd with :11 the lntcst “fixings" which only the won-er on we pronto. Indiu‘ nd lino- Shoos in Poh- Nod. Box Cl", Dong and Clothâ€"4. All tho latent styles. Cherry Pectoral Big Jewelery 6: Book Store for ind Von), but; J. O. A713 00.. Lowell. Mun. Till New Yea Manama: correspondent-e (‘mwd 4 out. m new “ Pyridine" goods at Park or'a Drug Store. See them. EBONY toilet goods. English. Freud .fi Mastic perfumes at. l’arker' Drug Store. F03 Big Reductions in Furnitu .fll Upholsml‘ed Goods g0 Lu KN: m advertises a Special Furn m Sale for bolidny season. 8w boy wanted to learn thy drj good! bacillus. Apply at 8.1“. Mom Iock’u. this office. I). held in the Public Library on Sm my night next. John Clark Am chaser. LCAN‘I‘ATA in the Baptist Churcl in the intzmits of the Sunday Soho will be given on Friday waning De THE Model School Final Examim tion is going on this week. The n ml” students writing for thil chit. certificates and seven wache: are writing for renewals at this cvnu‘ In. Miehlhumen began business i the Hiddaugh House on Monday [as and Ir. Davis cud family left We: noldny. The latter gentleman w: hunting round the fore part, nf on Week to find out what he owed (14 during his anxiety to square up wit everybody before he left the town. "88. Burt. a mident of this tam for many years died last week and LI mans wene interred last Sunday the Durham Catheter-y. bhe lam-vs family of four or five sons. all nmulde most of them having served the A LARGE congrflmtion an. the funeral services of J. Reid held in the Moth on Sabbath last. The (in of Foresters were present hers to pay farewell trill (housed mother. A n sermon was preavhfil h} 6 “o W'- at. the funeral services of the hue M1 1. Reid held in the Methodist chum on Sabbath last. The Canadian 0rd! of Foresters were present in [urge mm hers to pay farewell tribute to Lhel M brother. All appnppriu sermon was pmuchul by the Pascal Rev. T. Culling. in which was dew-til d the excellent vhnrau‘u'l'istivs uf LII life of the depsrlul and the Minna“: of Divine Grace nmnit'vsu-d during h‘ diction and alum at. tho suleum ha of his depmuw. 'i‘hv Ummv nf H1 moo WM “\Vt' SIM" Klmw mu: filler in Heaven." fuumlvd «m l. 1 “It I Thess. 2: 19-20; ”Fur when? urjn) . nrm'uwu Hf I‘vjuic'inl I m of 01 our hope. Are not. even ye in tho pww: “Hi 10““ Chl'i-J a". his ("Drl‘lllll ye are uur glut-y ausl jay." g 1’ I’d; “ Trouble never come: “It never ruins hut it 'x M of centuries ago, an able how well they tit dl'icdy modern timesâ€"â€" niondly. W i One of our young lmshfuls. avcul ”I“ hy the modest and hblldhflfl young My 0‘ his (fhoim'. derided ? '0‘!” take in the Pie and Bu): hum at the Township Hit" on Friday «we: “but. and With a WPII ”UN! has“ ('0 are told it contained a gram ' M and other deliv-M'iva. hut mum “I! for it) trundled bran Mug eastwawd out 01' Lawn. ”“1“ for the hit“. “I? “lads H-(‘AI nixed. and the first lhing Hut \\ Mud wns Caldwell} Hun} h.” Winsome nun-v. this tiam mm“; t up 7“ Upper Tuwn. [In 501*! 3 Mr ~H"I‘1 ‘V fol" A 1"n‘ “9 Vi“. Ui)pt‘l"l‘~b‘.\':l. ll» 'M'I --'.‘ . . W was met with .uul Um ma,” .-.. nearly running imn M.-(;u.x....'» ”.1 At this M‘tmd mm“... the". wl there was no such pht‘o‘ :e- m. 'n'uu fill) H5“. and Mu‘l'u H‘W “'0. returned home. h-g! \ in! w) the box on the uhlv. m is “ Where did 1hr r-m' .,: ’ " he! go?” Foone seems m Lw W ”its on a young 6 nq ”Id rather late from I 'mo Old Who wean prohzd I‘ " o m. wt. i. m m «at W -,D'.".I.‘?l z“ " ? V43" an" CAT Lostâ€"Gray and white cat ifll tom ear. Suitable reward, a VOL. 38-N0. 2022. LOG Admission 10c. They Didn't. Get There wig-Is, hut cum] 3‘ hrau'cly {UH ell'u IiW'I')’ ‘W at was pre use!

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