N PILuS. no struck the blade of to the palm of the wo- it from her hand. "bounded from the wall of the blow and MI I helpless. Bulb!" cried Morgan 01- n has thnt old trick d I. better. Now. you Ibo ran in my power. DI“ D Barry Morgan? Tho. BER 7 1905 :e will Cure You .oney Refunded. and thy lover too. 1'! from Hub. and in m an cl: :1 1mg. heavy “110. g a word. he pulled It it with a 3km born d vhich made him a nu- n fairly at the woman’l Before either Morgen C aware (:1 hi. presenct . whistb of the ban the air. At the use {y we Positively autumnal: Da God!†wicked I» hem)! ant": D 321. SO great 11 III. was I.- uuld not can. uh I C o and ap- nding tho taken he mseif. in .-t. A: be 1' feet 8180 . throwing ‘iflt 06, ‘t right hand )W. Sb. Had I 9.209, f" wet. for I‘Ab. w» . enterod ad shook ze with- weapon passion is quick .ce. HO rI Ol'm mortiï¬- Trout land um J. ting .0,“ {hm out rot- ' of It ak- the ’3'!- re- Geo. E. Boulter. Chas. A. Davies. warehouse 24 Front St. W. Toronto, Central Onterio Agents Merchants Rubbers. Complete stock ready for quick deliveries. Write, telegraph telephone to Factory or Toronto. ) underuigned. during the month of October, u red youling steer. Anyintormuionlonding to his to- oovory win he ouinbfly rewarded. 3nd George Cupomor. . woodsmnn. “gong 25 yarn old. k_i|lvd “in Cupi° vâ€"â€"V _â€"â€"_- OI. tho Wm home :0“! Sun-to TRAYED {mm the premises of tlAw‘e - ' 1‘ne immammc. 'i's'vseo Of simple cons‘lrvEï¬orx and handsome appearance. Wounmmmoom. BOULTER, DAVIES 6: COMPANY. Steer Astray v w__ HUGH BIDDILL. Dornoch. KATE COCHRANE. AGENT, Durham. Ontario. 7 1905 ï¬HbVéNiiRANG †'7 is: sum. or was arcane k kufcken means Jim 3% All ku’rdxexs are Mam Lake, N Y.. end later committed which by ï¬ring; rifle cherge into his forehead. Notice to Trespassers. NJ). 3. On Saturday afternoon two ladies while driving into town from the' north narrowly escaped an instant and horrible death at the railway crossing. Just as the horse got on the track the 3 o’clock train came along and the horse. through fright. jumped to one side. upsetting the buggy and its occupants. just as the train rushed by. Had the horse tako en one step further on the crossing women and beast would have been hurled into eternity. Strange to say no damage nor injury was sustained. Truly our lives are on the verge of a great precipice. A runaway accident occurred at the railway crossing at the north end ef the village on Monday. Thomas Kirby, Wm. Yandt and Jas. Robert- son were coming into town and just when they had crossed the track the train pulled out from the station. Their horses took fright and became unmanageable but two of the men held on to the lines till one of the bits broke when they jumped from the vehicle. The wagon struck a telegraph pole when the harness broke leaving the horses free. Mr. Robertson Sprained his thumb and sustained other slight injuries while his companions escaped unhurt.â€"-â€" Holstein Leader. No Poison in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. From Napier New Zealand Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales. Australia, bafl an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, made by the Chamb- erlain Medicine Company. Des Moines Iowa, U. S. A. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the ;safest and best that can be had; and it is with afeeling of security that any mother 'can give it to her little ones. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is especially recommended hy its makers for coughs, colds. croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. A Sundav school superintendent in one of our churches, inquired of his scholars: “ Who led the children of Israelinto Canaan?†Will one of the smeller boys answer? There‘wss It is not a usual thing to reduce the price of Millinery so early in the season. We went. to clear everything out. however, and up to Christmne we will offer any of our trimmed stock at. a great reduction, no reply. and the superintendent somewhat sternly continued: “Con no one tell? Little boy on that sent next to the aisle, Who led the Child- ren of Isreel into Conan? The little boy. who appeared bedly frightened eeid. "It wesn’t me. Iâ€"I not moved here last week from the oonn try. WE WANT TO SELL THESE HATS and are oï¬ering them M: a low price. L a mbton Street. DURHAM, ONT T‘VO NARRO‘V ESCAP ES. Milliner 3’ Sale. The cold weather will soon be here and you will want a. Fur- nsce or Stove. It will pav you to cell in end see our stock. We carry the very best lines ' such as the Furnaces And Stoves Pease Furnace We will give you e guarantee with them. We eleo wry HARDWARE end TIN WARE. We are selling beautiful hats that were 82 50, and $3.00 at. the best value for the money we have oflered. Walker Pilot Range Siegner Home and Ilamware DURHAM CHRONICLE $1.25 ‘. -L :«Somefgood values in "‘j“ ; MENS’ HEAVY BOOTS for Falllwearfl LADIES’ MISSES’ CHILDREN S in heavy or light wear. D. n- .0 WE ARE SHOWING CUSTOM WORK and J. S. McIlraith. JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A cuload of WINDSOR SALT. Groceries Colemrn’s Meets and Lords always on hand. Goods delivered promptly to any place in the town. _ Highest Quality MATTHEWS LATIMER Christmas is Coming Naw Pours 4" 83mm. WILL Dunne. BIâ€"Cuumo um Pun-cannon done with Geno-t concrete. a' ALL ORDERS at“ u no old can In! Mom’s Kill will b. pro-pay m Pumps. TELESCOPES - CLUB BAGS At Lowest Prices. SHOE DRESSINGS E have all lines of the best quality and at right prices. ALL Won Gums-run u ‘ ‘Livo sod let live" Puma. GEORGE WEITIOBI. Cold Weather is on Tweed Goods If It Is :1 Suit REPAIRING as usual AI‘ THE DOWN-TOWN SHOE STORE. Terms: - - - Cash. DURHAM. MENS’ WORKING GLOVES Unlined. In various styles and prices. It will pay you to examine thesegoods before buying elsewhere. I BEG LEAVE TO INN“ KY CUB mass and m phubm in :0qu “I“ And is you wsnt rosl comfort you should buy some of our Underwosr. All wool goods st prices you my for shoddy of. other plsoos. You want we hsve some we will sell st cost; also a number of wasting pants. First come, ï¬rst. served. And You Want Groceries Thnt are good tweeds will be sold at old prices. In fact we will sell everything cheap as we think of retiring from business. he Chronicle’s circula- tion is over 1600, and is rapidly increasing A New Stock of Terms: TnEnnALD’s OLD sumo. S. SCOTT Lowest Prices. ONTARIO. L7}?/J//}Z/.«1 You can if you will. Our " courses which are up-to-date ' and practical will qualify you ’ in the shortest possible time. ' All our graduates secure good positions. We get far more ap- plications than we can meet. This school has gained a cou- ‘ tineutal reputation for thoroughness. Write for our ‘ beautiful catalogue, it will in- ' terest you. You may enter at O i any time. Elliott Mclachlan l’RINCIPALS. Frost Wood Implements The Sherlock Organs Efflv‘h‘i‘é‘é Sewing Machines Melone Separators o. CAMPBELL, Agent. DURHAM, ONT. HAVE YOU? A lot of Pdor tnd Bedroom Lumps :11 prices. Call and See Us. CALDER â€" BLOCK â€" DURHAM Lerge 11-4 size Flennelecte Blankets-white and grey M: 81.20. Women’s outside Shirts for fell or winter at 2.50, 300, 3.50, 84.50. Lndies’ winter Vests from 250 up. Children’s winter Vests from 13c np Men's Cerdigen Jeckete et $1.00 end 81.40. Any old Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now while I have the time. - All work guaranteed. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. ~ Geo. Yiirs. The Big 4 lbko LAXA’I‘IVE BROKO QUININE Talon. And “Mundflnmomyuxt hihtoonro. E. W. rovo'o “gaunt-o ls on each box. 250. For Ctperines at 3. 5, 6. 6.50. 69. Fur Ruï¬s at 1.50. 3.00. 4.75, 85.00. Luge size Bed Comforters at 1.25, 1.75. 2.00, 2.50, $3.00. W. H. Bean 'ro cunn‘ A com I: on my m New Honey Just In gunman. ONTARIO: Make Your Life A Success He Sells Cheap of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. AGENCY. Ozilvie’s Roynl Household Float, 85.80 per burrel. Other High Grade Manitobs Flour $5.40 and $5.55 per barrel. MoGownn’s Family Flour dud pricus. Choice Bread . . and Confections Cerdï¬oro and third you an dormant“ d Qnooin'o University. Science. History and Go.- mv y- . end ective town. pleoe of midenee. wu. JOHNSTON. c. mun. The undersigned hsvinusboon natural to hunt by simple menu “to: I «in; for oovoml with u never. in; doom. and that dint-0W. :- unions to nuke bowl to his fellow odour- tho nuns of can. To “3090 who desire it._ by will cheerfully 0094. In. 9! muse: a 099! or a» page}; 13.41:.» :5." m arm user; In}; 68 '13:"63635‘“ 1"â€" Aoénn. 6mm. Bro-chm- nd .11 tau-usual Ian; m. He was manhunt-villa] his moody. uni-h ublo. Thou death; nd'lio ran a blunt vii! plea. MAIâ€"1;; lav.†ARDA. WI .Bmok’bn. N-VYoI-k The People’s Grocery and Provision Store DURHAM SCHOOL STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. We Deliver to Any Part 0! the Tm. MoGowsn. Ecliple, List 2 30 owel Renown. ........ ' PEIDB OF ALL KINDS Bun per uck ............ . $1.00 Short. per uck ............ $1.10 Short: in 5 not lot... . ....81.05 Chops of ull kinds dc.†on bad Constantly on hand nod doll» ered to all parts of town dtily T0 CONSUMPTIVES. FLOUR OF ALL KINDS PROPRIETOR. loos. 81.00 per month Flour. 01‘0““. Modem sod at