Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Dec 1905, p. 3

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re Positively *ill Cure You ty Refunded. less. "' cried Morgan d' s that old trick J ter. Now. you a my power. Di“ the air and Ihooh spoke. l lmprudencc. M fl]. however. f0! and Carlb. V). gone on. enter“ he voices of ti. led with pail!“ ue hall. Ill. quick 'ttion at once. a. long. heavy “110. 'ord. he pulled It th a skill born 1 made him 1 us.- ly at the woman’l 9 either Mann: G e of his preuna 3th of the he.” air. At tho an. struck the blado ‘ he palm of tho '0- from her htfl. ed from tho wall the blow M 1‘ net for pale. list- h to make them I bounding health to try Dr. Harw’t t'ill sell you 0 Lb. understanding to that if you '90! )lmuro In 3170:3- ler 111. Still, I’D i better mood and Spaniard tot. below In ("or of F30. I’ll “y. It nee, female \\ wak- ipfions, Heart Pal- Btcath, Dianna-c. u Weakncu 3.0 thy lover too. I limb. and II 0 weak, worn.” men, giving the. tint make:- Iii. ' shouted Moral. rage and nor“- led to m. then?" her. whipped Ollt manta had given “V“ HUGH “IUD”. WI "W"- Goouo Carnot". n woodsbfifl. .houzasnmou. mud Inn On“ gleil-«to at! Hun 3W! no.1 no one had yd L haur reverberat- my room. “'00“ 10': Had it not Hr him she would “Wt-upon into her fur his sake ah. f'OllS u- n-mrted. trem- n. all the loathln‘ ultl «(raven to 1'0- 3 her voice. “I" > {ram limb all of thy pound. z to he: (at ab. .11) hi”, mm‘m ward him 0!. It I: her right In“ nm? Com. '1.- drivo the wet)- :er at tho clock. u her now. no Ions and unpro- bin). ma at. m b- 0 could not c.- ger. Would Al- Won)‘ uyboty min: 33:11: and RLING mm}! .â€" mummy! UNT. CELERY- 7 1905 3” ahfleked I" "I!!! ublo out n)- Morgan? Tho. h. 3" )nld lore Inch Harte‘p t 'rnl Mb '00 guuru "w TRAYED from the premises of the nndeuigned. during the month of October. u rod yenrling gust. An! informuion losdiug to hit ro- cover, will be sniublly rewarded. 390 Evan moo-1.1.. Dot-ooh. DECEMBER 7 1905 A happy kitchen means offén a happy me A“ kitchens are kaPpy w The SowcniRRANce 15 V56? Of simple conéTrvc’Iion and handsome appearance . faves 1m: ,muamano com. anus. ma maze? DRAFT 12m mews mmum coma»! Geo. E. Boulter. Chas. A. Davies: so '2} Front St. \V. Toronto, Central Ontario Agents Merchants rs. Complete stock ready for quick deliveries. ‘Write, telegraph telephone to Factory or Toronto. Steer Astray The Gurney. Tllden Company nun-tutor": mm . mm Toronto Vwcouvor I On: pom“! (wan... u we!) a mu oftho when you with ovary «on. We have Sound: Run. on not. BOULTER, DAVIES COMPANY. KATE COCHRANE, AGENT, Durham. Ontario. Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies’, men’s and children’s L‘ke, N Y.. sud later committed suicide by firing: riflo chug. inzo his forehand. Notice to Trespassers. fififi On Saturday afternoon two ladies while driving into town from the north narrowly escaped an instant and horrible death at the railway crossing. Just as the horse got on the track the 3 o’clock train came along and the horse. through fright. jumped to one side. upsetting the buggy and its occupants. just as the train rushed by. Had the horse tak- en one step further on the crossing women and beast would have been hurled into eternity. Strange to say no damage nor injury was sustained. Truly our lives are on the verge of a great precipice. A runaway accident occurred at the railway crossing at the north end of the village on Monday. Thomas Kirby, Wm. Yandt and Jas. Robert- son were coming into town and just when they had crossed the track the train pulled out from the station. Their horses took [right and became unmanageable but two of the men held on to the lines till one of the bits broke when they jumped from the vehicle. The wagon struck a telegraph pole when the harness broke leaving the horses free. Mr. Robertson sprained his thumb and sustained other slight injuries while his companions escaped unhurt.â€"â€" Holstein Leader. No Poison in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. From Napier New Zealand Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South \Vales. Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, made by the Chamb- erlain Medicine Cnmpany. Des Moines Iowa. U. S. A 'lho absenoe of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be had; and it is with a feeling of security that any mother can give it to her little ones. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds. croup and whooloing COUuh. This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. It is not. a. usual thing to reduce the price of Millinery so early in the season. We want. to clear everything out, however. and up to Christmas we will ofier any of our trimmed stock at a great reduction, L a mbton Street, DURHAM, ONT WE WANT TO SELL THESE HATS and are oflering them at a. low price. no reply. and the superintendent. somewhat sternly continued: “Can no one tell? Little boy on that seat next to the aisle, Who led the Child. ren of Israel into Canaan? The little boy. who appeared badly frightened said, "It wasn’t me. Iâ€"I Just moved here last week from the coun try. Milliner 3’ Sale. The cold weather will soon be here end you will want a. Fur- nece or Stove. It. will pav you to cell in and see our stock. We cerry the very best lines such as the Furnaces And Stoves We will give you e guarantee with them. We else my HARDWARE end TIN WARE. Pease Furnace TWO NARRO‘V ESCAPES. We are selling beautiful hats that were 32 50, and 33,00 at the best value for the money we have offered. Walker Pilot Range Siegner Timm m Imam MISS DICK ..‘ 9.. w. DURHAM CHRONICLE $1.25 Some good values in MENS’ HEAVY BOOTS for Felllweer, LADIES’ MISSES' CHILDREN 8 in heavy or light wear. WE ARE SHOWING CUSTOM WORK and Colemrn’s Meats and Lards always on hand. JUST ARRIVED. -â€"â€"A carload of WINDSOR SALT. mmewswxmenlw. H. Bean "flan I; over i600, and is rapidly Increasing Grocerles Highest Quality [BIG Luna” 1‘0 INFORM KY 003 I‘OHBS uldtho {ml-Phat.“ in (anon) tint le Pam um Buwu. Wm Dunno, Mounts am PM done widow-$001101.“ w LLLOBDIBS tuto- u the old m not Mom's mu till he pro-pay» The Chronicle’s clrcufiq-l g Pumps. Am. Won Gama-“um n ‘ ‘Livo sud lot. live" Puma. GEORGE wmlon. Christmas is Coming E have all lines of the best: quality and at right prices. Cold Weather is on Tweed Goods DURHAM. If It Is a Suit TELESCOPES 8:- CLUB BAGS At Lowest Prices. MENS’ WORKING GLOVES And is you want real comfort you should buy some of our Underwear. All wool goods at prices you pay for shoddy at. other places. You want we have some we will sell at cost; also a number of wearing pants. First. come, first served. That, are good tweeds will be sold at old prices. In fact. we will sell everything cheap as we think of retiring from business. Unlined. In various styles and prices. It will pay you to examine thesegoods before buying elsewhere. And You Want Groceries Of many kinds. Would ask you to try “{;-Time.” It. has been a good seller and is a. good polish. REPAIRING as usual THE DOWN-TOWN suom STORE. A New Stock of Terms: SHOE DRESSINGS mEOBALD’s OLD sumo. S. SCOTT Flour 6: Feed Lowest Prices. Cash. ONTARIO. Elliott Mclachlan l’ RINCII’ ALS. 0‘~m‘ ms‘r‘ ;Melotte Separators Take LAXATIVE BROHO QUININB Tablets. All drn a mad the money if 1: but to cure. E. W. rovo’o “gaunt-o is on «oh box. 250. Call and See‘ Us. Implements A lot of Palor and Bedroom Lamps all prices. Large 11-4 size Flannelecte Blanketsâ€"white and grey at $1.20. \Vomen’s outside Shirts for [all or winter at 2.50, 300, 3.50. $4.50. jfLudies’ winter Vests from 25c up. Children’s winter Vests from 13¢: up Men's Cardigsn Jackets at $1.00 and $1.40. The Sherlock Organs Shiufvl’ufifi Sewing Machines CALDER â€" BLOCK -â€"- DURHAM Fur Caperines at. 3. 5, 6. 6.50. $9 Fur Rufis at 1.50. 3.00. 4.75, $5.00 :Large size Bed Comforters at 1.25 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, $3.00. o. CAMPBELL, Agent. HAVE YOU? The Big 4 Any 01d Worn silver? If so, I am prepared to re- .{lfplate it. Bring it in now while [have the time. -’ All work guaranteed. grices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. Geo. Yiirs. {' "1 You can if you will. Our courses which are up-to-date and practical will qualify you in the shortest possible time. All our graduates secure good positions. We get far.more ap- plications than we can meet. This school has gained a con~ tinental reputation for thoroughness. Write for our beautiful catalogue. it will in- terest you. You may enter at any time. T0 CURB A GOLD IN on DAY New Honey Just In He Sells Cheap STRATFORD. ONTARIO. Make Your Life A Success of all kinds for the Farm, thé Home and the Dairy. DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. Other High Grade Mnuitobs Flour 85.40 and $5.55 per burol. Ozilvio’s Royal Household $5 80 per barrel. MoGowan’s Family Flour dard prices. DURHAM BAKERY Choice Bread . . and Confections The People’s Grocery and Provision Store The undersigned having been restored to heslth by simple mesns after entering for several corn with s severe lung election. sud thst {and disesse Conan-lotion. ll snxious to make known to his fellow suflerers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. free at chsrge s copy of the prescription used. which the will find s sure cure for Consnnpflsn. Inn. Chem. Bronchitis snd sll throetsnd lung flnlndies. He hopes sll suflerers will try his remed . us it is invslnsble. Those desiring the prose ption. which will cost them nothing sud ms ve s blessing. will plesse sddnss Rev. 80 AIDA. WILSON.Brookiyn.N~- Yeti MISS FLOSSIE MCK Ceniflcre and third Queeun’s Uui'versit'y, S MISS MARY GORDON on. grad uate of Ontario N matics and English Gra Term. Intending students should e ning of the term if possible. tamed at reasonable rates. I) and active town. making it place of residence. WM. Joaxs'rox, “22:73:32? 2 so L‘fil‘i‘:fi2‘.‘.‘f‘f‘f‘..‘f‘. ff? 2 40 FIIDC OF ALL KIND. Bun per uck...... . ....9.81.00 Shorts per uck ............ $1.10 Short. in 5 not 10“.. . ....Cl.05 Chops of .11 kinds duty. on hand £1.80 A 0000 UN. OF Groceries. Confectioury. (fig-n ud Tom kept on hand dw- THOS. ALLAN, 1m. 'CIass (3.: We Deliver to Any Pnrt of the Town Constantly on hand and deliv- ered to all parts of town duily T0 CONSUMPTIVES. FLOUR OF ALL KINDS STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. F008. £1.00 per month PROPRIETOR Chairman :3 should enter at the begin- possible. Board can be ob- rabes. Durham is a health making it a most denimbz :1th equipppd UN. First Class with hon- » Normal College. Mm.- Grammar during Idol ERRAPHEIL year undo-1 fiance. 11mm Chfiflivfl, Modem. a. 311 E R. First Cl... l"“0“Irf‘auiuam at History and Gao. c. RAMAGI, Lrtiflcate Flour,

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