Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Nov 1905, p. 4

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Our township council nu pound a salts. Loon! Option by-lnw to ho voted on othor v in Janna. nnd tho ovidunco a pro.- opinion an Indiana than will ho 0.171011 thohou 8. fig nngba who flood tho pou- "" ChridV mas In thinking about gifts for Christ- mas do not overlook the one that will, perhaps. give the greatest and most lasting pleasure of allâ€"a musical instrument. All young iolks have a desire to play some in- strument and we can provide you with it. Our stock includes and we order any other instrument wanted and guvrantee satisfaction. Also have a complete line of musicul merchandism sheet music, folios. in- Ittuctors, music racks, etc, all of which make good gifts. MacFar Durham, last week Mr. Fitzsix in-law and in this pari Mr. Wm. med in 1 filled) the selling over Glenelg rin mom side. The death of J. E. Burrows. of Paisley, a fortnight ago caused a {eeling of sadness in our midst. Be tuught in our school (or a few years und was also an active helper in oth er worthy institutions and was the original write {or Corner Concerns tad introduced us to the quill. Much sympathy is felt for his wife nnd Inmily. Mr. Alex. Allan is travelllnc in company with a Mr. McLean in the interests of the Farmers’ M. F. and Supply Co Tutnip harveming in this patt was concluded lasc week, the crop at its best did not amount to much and the winter weather of the past few weeks did considerable damage. The only consolation there is about it the time spent in taking them up was not missed as it was either snowing or raining and unfit for anything else. Violins, Autoharps, Harmonicas, Flutes, Accordions, Fifes, Etc. Miller McLean is feet clearing the woods at present. A few monthl more and the two hundred ecrea "of bush in connection with the mill will be wiped awev end thoneendl of dol let: in wages left in the neighbor- hood. When you are completely at sea as to what to give in anv case you can safely give a book. No other item is so certain to please such a large proportion of people as a good book. In fact, you had better consider books first and save yourself {archer worry. The writer in this place to thel Holstein Leader advises its Editor to send us a few free capies to ssve us the bother of borrowing the little sheet. But the {set is he hss been very kindly doing as the fsvor and we intend psying for it if it comes up to expectstions, ss greet things are expected of it. especislly the psrt representing t h is neighborhood. Since the men who represents it wss seen by the aid of s lighted mstoh determining the ego end other qnsl- ities of s bench at old horses sronnd . "I”! "so: one rough dork night recently, it wee thought thst with seeh s trillion light es the Lender st his Mt. would beans to give unlinked knowledge on sly letter he shoes to ems-ins into. We have s matchless stock of just the kind of books you wentâ€"lstest fiction. beautiful gilt editions, the classics st Ill sorts of prices, juvenile books. standard novels. etc., etc. In no other line can you get such fine gifts for so little money. We shall be glad to hsve you look our book stock overâ€"It will suggest many suitable, Give a Musical Gift Drnggists and Booksellers CORNER CONCERNS HA“; McMeeken has been on- at! butchering business eef-*ing season closed. the territory of the two q as well as on the Egre- an CHRONICLEl N (W. 30, I905 and :1: meongtioâ€"dtohmthodryu‘ [pd goodibuineu. Amu8.F.‘llor- Rev. Dr. Caldwell has invested in a handsome roadster. The animal was bought from Mr. J. F. Van Dusen of Dundalk. 1‘11. LUUI‘I o uv-avv- .. a visit on Friday last and gave the ecbollars an appreciated treat of candies. Mr. Thom we learn. bad the honor of being the first minister to visit the school in their comfort- able new home and his visit and con- gratulatorv address was much appreo ciated. Mr. M K. Richardson attended we funeral of the late Mr. W. E. Ritchie at Orangeville last Week. Messrs. G. Michell, M. Wilson and A. Hooper have each favoured your Con, with a. nice out of venison and the treat is much appreciated by us. Rev. 'W. G Hewitt. of Urangeville was the guest of Dr. CaldWell on Thursday last and spoke at the prayer meeting in the evening. Mr. Isaac Norris. oi Tara, visited his morber Mrs. W. J. White. here on Monday. Mr. El. Elder is visiting friends in town after a few months sojourn in California There was a large and deeply in- terested congregation in the Presby terian church on Sunday to hear Rev. Mr. Thorn speak on local option and the attitude of Artemesia council thereto. Mr. Thorn in a carefully prepared address dealt with his sub- ject in the spirit of fairness and moderation. but with good logic and irrefutable argument convincingly Rev. “7. L. and Mrs. Thom paid Mr. Reid’s school. east of _the Village. Mr. W H. Jobnson.of PorsHuron ' ° old friends laid gefore his Bearers the righteous- ness of the cause advocated by the temperance people in this campaign. The pupils in our public school are preparing for a. concert to be given in the school on the closing day of the present term. The Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday Schools have begun work for their anniversary ex-.tertainments on Christmas and Dew Year’s. time to come of being the 4 the riding, w to our honor Dav..-“ - any man anything I will pay him.”i But if the whole afiair is being pro- mated for political purposes by those Who have to admit that they see a great change (or the better by the way the Crooks’ Act has been car- ried out for the past six months and wishes to remove the sight from their vision to such a largely signed peti. tion in a Grit township would indi- cate, then go ahead in your own way and get a change in any fashion as there is no religion in politics. [The young man referred to above had only a small sum of money to put into the business and depended on securing the “ ioels’ pence ” to make up the balance. This talk of compensation is all rot unless it be that the wives and children of drunken husbands and fathers receive compensation from those depriving them of ordi- ---â€" vâ€"_ nary neceeeeries, destroying meny e heppy home end producing meny a broken heert. When one sees e line of boys filing into e hotel end meet- ing 08 to some heck room he on”: help thinking who: the end mey he. Beddee the liquor queetion h‘ee been so nnetehle for yenre thet he who spend: money in the holiness Inn-t coke hie risk, nnd put up with the re- unite. Com penauionn ehonld go the other wey in the even‘ of popnlu opinion deciding on fine remove! of NOTES OF THAT BURG BY OUR OWN Richardson attgnggd fife A number of the young people here ttgended the masquerade ball at Markdale on Thursday evening last. Mr. P. Quigg. of this place had a very near. veranda. erected on the from of his residence last week. Mr, A. Benthan superintended the artistic The fine weather of the past week was a boom to the farmers in this vicintiy who were thereby enabled to save manydollars worth .of root. crop that. was feared would be buried under the snow of winter. As per resolution of the public meeting in the Methodist church on Monday evening of last week that a temperance convention be held in the town hall on Monday to select can- didates for the municipal elections in January, who. if elected. would pledge themselves to submit a local option measure to the ratepayers of; the township. that convention took} place on Monday afternoon and was1 filled with ratepayers of the town-, ship. and a goodly number of ladies. graced the audience. Rev. G. F.T Hurlburt presided and gave a splen- did opening address. The committee who had been formerly appointed to make recommendations presented their report as follows: For reeve, ex-reeve. Alex Muir; for councillors. Messrs. R. Best and I‘. R. McKenzie, present members of.the council and Messrs. Harry McLaughery and Alex Whyte. These gentlemen addressed the convention and having intimated their willingness to carry out the wishes of the people Wore unanimous- ly elected local option candidates for the coming election. Rev. J. S. I Wilson and Dr. Caldwell, followed with stirring addresses suitable for At the close of the convention a meeting of the executive committee of the Artemesia "l‘mnperance Asso- ciation was held and it was lQSOlVL‘d that in case the council submit the local option hy-law to the ratepayers early in the New Your thus necessi tating the expenses of a Sr;>(â€"’.l'ate:poll the Association mi 1 offer to hear the lechnses connected lllL’l‘P'.‘.'lill CARF’S Cough Cure is fully guaran- teed. 50 cm. a bottle at Macfarlanes’. HE average man is 'a poor shopper. \Vhen it comes to buying Christmas things he is “all at sea.” We make it easy and safe for you by having just the kind of goods ladies most admire. Everything good and absolutely reliable. You run no possible risk in buying here. Gifts give evidence of the taste and dis- cretion of the giver. For that reason also wo have gone to no end of trouble to have our Xmas. display better thag anything yet ~ attempted by us. Settle the Wanted to Purchase Wh ? Because only 27 more y- days till Christmas. Think it over carefully. Christ- mas present buying is no oasv matter. and ‘you don’t want to make mistakes. We try to help you by having just the goods you like and the undoubted stamp of elegance and good taste. ) 1~chofo‘.:.'_--~ 0n deye immediately proceed in; Xmu. we cannot nnderteke the engraving of eny eilverwnre. Order now and void diuppointo ment. Store open every night until New Yenr. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY NT CORRESPONDENT $2.2» a»: Question A. GORDON ' THERE was a meeting of sharehold-; ers of the Oil a Gas Company in the Town Hall, Monday night. Consider. able indignation was shown relative to the assignment and an impartial in- vestigation into the circumstances gives sufficient reason for the feeling. The sale was postponed till Friday, to- morrow, but we understand an ar- rangement has been made to adjust matters for the present. Hnrb W. Edwards of Des Moines Iowa. got a fall on an icy walk last winter, Spraining his wrist. and bruis- ing his kneps. “The next day,” he says. ”they were so sor\e and ntifi I was afraid I would havb to stay in Bed. but. I rubbed them wall with Chamhmlain’s Pain Balm and after a THAT gem of comedies “She Stoops to Conquer” will be presented in the Town Hall, Durham, on the evening‘ of Dec. 5th, under the auspecies of the Public Library. It sparkles with gen- uine humor from the rise to the fall of the curtain, and one must indeed be of a most sober turn of mind who can sxt through one. scene and not enjoy a hearty laugh. The management has spared no pains in order to make the production of "She Stoops to Conquer" a success. New scenery, appropriate to the time, has been procured and none of the small details of costumes and properties, which go to make a realistic representation, have been overlooked. Town Hall. Dec. 5th. fo w applications all soreness had dis. apppared ” For bale at. Parker’s Drug 8mm! WE are just informed that Mr. W. A. Glass who went West a tew weeks ago to engage in missionary work is now 6'13 his way home. \Ve are not in a position to say why he has so soon abandoned the purpose of his life, but knowing Mr. Glass as we do, there is no doubt a good substantial reason. “7 e felt sorry when he left as we have too few young men of such sterling character and lofty [nu-poses. He has a wide field here to use christian influ- ence, and we candidly believe the church mu] (-mnm unity will he the better of? hwnnse of his return to Dur ham whvre he will again reside. This week we show an elegant line of LING’S Ladle ’ Hand Bags. Purses. Wallets Letter and Card Cases. Bill Books, Portfolios. Cigar Cases, Music Rolls. Toilet R0113. Travelling Cases. Toilet Cases, Shaving Set Cases, Military Brush Cases. Eta, Etc. DARLING ARTIES ARE Isa-.9 ofl' the :91; Herb W. Edwards Injured. Leafiher Goods Suitable for the Holiday Season NEW STYLES, NE W LEATHER, FAIR PRICES, GREAT VARIETY SEE THE LATEST IN 53g: HAND BAGS R0 OLD ST 00K RLL SKEW PRXCES Sole agent. Stewart’s Delicious Chocolates and 13011 Bonn Notice to Trespassers. Drug, Store. The Peoples’ ”tuggist To Call At Any Time You Choose 9 Not the Oldestâ€"Not the largest . Just the Best. I If von wish to recnive the Best Commercial :3!) (‘iShorthand Education. it is necessary that you attend the Bestâ€" W, l Because each student is taught separate lyg‘tt his own desk: ‘. ‘.n‘,-_‘A"_ __.A ‘L nnnnn “L‘- vv -' uvv .â€"v I) (Iv ul|l Because all difficulties are thoroughly explained as they occur. thus avoiding loss of time to the students and enabling them to accomplish more than is possible in class teqchinlz; 1 . C A -_-_!A‘_A Business College Illb‘ uuw.’\-vvw, Because each student dues his work in- dependent of all others thereby establish- ing confidepce in. himsel‘s. , 1 _ ___J -_--.. VVIJDI‘Jvâ€"u ‘- â€"-â€" "â€" ufiecause b; attena'ihé ihe day.and even- ing classes, students graduate :11 a short time and at _a small_ cost; WDU‘I us.“ , _ Because each studeny receives special at- tentim in has weak sublects and may choose higsubjects; ‘ A l A i - _ 142-- _-_‘..'- :A‘ Ufiulv I-..“ "u - â€"â€"__ -7 Because its graduates are enjoying the best positions in almost every Canadian and American city; Because this College enjoys the confi- dence of the Busiqess Public}. f vv "_â€"â€".. Because its Shorthand students are doing marvellous work, some writing 200 words per minute after attending only two months: Be‘eause at the head of it is aman whose quali cations as a teacher are nnexcelied and whose ambition is to gee his -sQQdentg “V. 'w Vuv -Fv-v v---â€" Because it teaches Actual business from start to finish; ‘_ fihancmlly. Open July and August. A GU. I .5: ) WW ' 11»er mm CASH ONLY. Bicycles, Sewin Machines, Lawn Mowers. Lock uns, Umbrellas, all kinds of Machinery re aired. Saws filed, Locks fitted wit keys. All work guaranteed. willbe repaired on shortest notice at reasonableprices. Huntaround the woodshed and gartett and see .. if you haven’t something you want repoired. Stock Foods Just opened, next door north of Chief Carson’s, where Parker’s Drug Store The Mount Forest Repair Shop This College is the Best :â€" E are satisfied of the fact that our Men's and Boys" Heavy Rubbers are going tn be more appreciated this season than ever. They are all that money can posssibly buy. 0111' Seamless Legg'il'lgs are (:0111111amling' very high sales. We are scarcely able to snmfly the grez‘i demand. If yen \mm winter lined Shoes we have the best and they are not the heavy clumsy Kind. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. Mo {1811105 {11 specia alattention. 0111' stool»: 0f \Vomen’s and Iel‘sev Len'frinn's is com )lete. ., HE'S if Parkers British Home and Cattle Spice Parker's Dry Murrian Powders Parker’s Spice Parker’s Heave Powder Parker’s Cough Powder International Stock Foods, Oil Cake, Whole and Ground Linseed. eitizens. morslly. socially and J. R. GUN 5’ CO., Proprietors- Condition Powders Leggings milmiring Large Photographs LGiven Aim L - - DURHAM Axn OWEN SOUND FRED W. KELSEY Splendid Values 828. 830 tnd ...... 837. 50. A good rune of Cupor- ine- Fur Bola from 82 up to. . . $10.50. Mon’u FurConts, for . . . . 820.00. Lndies' Fur Cont: 3t AlmOSt every day we are. asked "Do you still give that large photograph with a doz- en cabinets?” We hnvé decided to give it once more for a short. time. One Dozen Photographs will make twelve nice Chrisimas presents, and besides. you will have this large 12"xl4” Photograph. worth $1.50 or- dered nlone, but given free with one dozen Csoinets. This is a Real Bargnin, and any not. come your way again. for Men and Women DURHAM -â€" â€"- ONT. Smdfleld'l All Wool Unlhrinktble Underwou. 1‘G( ‘Ol'fl \fiSSf' In Fms 3 ()I \W 01151 ordinary Sta utisify ever) If you require a No description give us a “Penn Esther" Runs,“ No home is complete on of our lett Choppers XCut Sun from 523 wads. What ALMA Cfi St. Thomas. H‘ Nordheimer Pid Every Norm The Nordhvin College for over 1 years it. and tlw : that time it has. I test of constant teachers. Tlu- N teachers. 'l‘hv .‘ heaviest wear an fined excellonw « artistic in strum integrity in all 1 ’VEMBEK 30. 1903 Choppinl 5"“ ‘wm flows and RANGES 1m CHOPPERS LANTEBNS AVA. A few second T110 N01 ear :1: Id : {91109 of 1 structm- n all lms 8‘2. 00 Hence witho 50c him

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