Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Oct 1905, p. 7

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Iy we Positively :e will Cure You .oney Refunded. istaken.” she went on not wanted.” ay and stood full I the moonkight strun- casement. Her whit. y light against the dark the huge empty to“ {I its aureole of It“. cc of a saint, pale yet 'of the heaven huv. iving benefit from “0 not taking three has. etions, you my return I9, together with tho 3 and has your mom, 'his remedy is the but world (or such tron“. rosin or Green Sicko-u, Complexion, Nervou- o. an he. Imp.“ OAppetite Dr M her to his heart. draw herself am. rrceived her intent it «Is and allowed DC :ER 12 1905 l i‘ 3: Dr. Hutch Col- AM. 031'. ti he it enough of cam to attest that I“ n esafter all. cried, catching u mum }Ducc, chnlo Wash; Eruptions, Hart Pul- | 0! Break, Dining. nan! Wuhan. “I nth-Pinata!“ DARLING .\D â€". uaucmsr ith flu under: ' ' mm that if_you I fl: wa)‘ bmsqnety, catch!" fierce grasp in tho lotion as he spoke. rung?" she annex“ 1m that he had not RS CELERY- PILLS. ' Rm! no one in the cabl- ml. and he felt at ay to his emotion. she was not mar- lu him beyond [0' women with!” l Donna Merceda aint put upon fill. 'rom the other all. :0 sound of uproot astiug. his friend! generous cheer to» y bridegroom that .do was alone, un- L and likely to re- hls head upon NI side d the nan). preoccupied that be m «fly moving been I?” N 1.. braver, a 9 her more! uire them! :0 measure? father! My now! HOV «rid. lift- mn her in came you :ch and . hm] Whit )a CD tPOUS through into the t he had inn-gs to a snow. 1 and 3 h when with a He ;vuv tuuasam won-no 3mm mm» m. mun mu- “RIM l[for trailemfiadvgniwms 8 mu 1:. me or he rat M loo; 3 w’... 0". fins . . . ling etch “Mumsutbn-pinn); ”m hdesstmul cards! not 383.01in .01: inc; “go pct .wnum. .Advernscmu withon sham mien: It“ be [:ng g I (arid and shrew cu: ”dimly Transmit: notacesâ€"“ Lost." “ Found. a,“ Sate," etaâ€"59 cent? for flat intuition. as cww huh subsequent msernon. All .dvenisemcnts undead by 3W as! be 19;»: Contract rates for m'ly a. misc-nus furnish-‘- m mlication to thy c. . fl’ All advemse ac us, tom Man in cane... mk. should be knight in ”3 hi “I Tuuyat 111E nunwfiflnnmm amin- THE JOB : : "W y stocked with DEPARTHENT a: NEW TYPE, thus u. B (E‘FICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Stu-pet, ‘Loweg ,qun, Durham. f“ I. G. Hutton, m.:D., c. . ( H‘ICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"00R. Hmat‘raxq ‘and_ GeorgPUStreotsâ€"Laf “IV 'vâ€" -' 'â€" B'flice 11 outs 56H: ftb 6’clock. Drs. lamieson lacdonald Harafran and George Sheenâ€"gt font of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 m 10 a. m., to 4p. m. and 7 ‘09 p. m. Special anention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- pusite l’resbvterian Church. Specialist. Eye, Ear, Throat and N000 Late Assistant Boy. London Ophthalnkfloa Big, and to Golden Sq. Throat ud No.0 3:... OFFICE: {owing facilities to: scrub: out Pint-duo Store, Lo of menu? otopertv. BARRISTER, SOLICITOB, E'gCn ham. Collection and attended to. Searches trv Ofice. OCTOBER 12 1905 1) voyancors. In. Oflices:â€"In the ‘6] Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. UIAL‘L ‘Uvâ€"‘v, V L or. Conveyancer.otc. ' nd debt: o 19 loan. Old account: a kinds collected on comm bought and sold. lmmnneo Ofiiceâ€"MacKenzjo’g Old fission. v-nvv r-w'_â€" Town Durham 00‘ Emma AND 11 Land Vanor out for the County 03' «funded to M In. Medical Directon . A. H. Jackson. Arthur Gun, II. D. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 032m Bane-gag. UGH MACKAX | In: Calm-"cu. vi“ 3. ant to am m "‘9 0' WW. for 81.90 p... o papayable m gammaâ€"3.. mm; m m paid. The datetovhic awn id is damn! by the number on. {M 0 paper d: .c nun-Jed mm: a" .ncm. I. at. the ovum. of me proyl'iOIOI'. DR. EH]. 8. BURT. 6. Lefroy IcCauI. Anetiulftfl '07 GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. Legal Directory. ‘3 P0 3148‘” l. P. Telford. EXCLUSW [LY Miscellaneous. . LONDON. ENG. E of London, New Over J. Bar Nose and Throat. 367361169}! 'Mélntyro I Durham. them Hoursâ€"140m , J. Hunter’s. -new Jewellery av" " , Any amouxit cent. on farm W. F. Dumml ford. Jock. 0Y0! 601100: for the County of Grey. Sales romptly “tended to. Orders m be left st his Implement Wereroome, Mc ' 0011’: old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofliee. JOHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- P D McPHAIL, LICENSED AUG- 0 tioneer for the County of .Grey. Tenn moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of (ice. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone connection. Dec. 3. mâ€"lypd. Nov. 9, '03. We have just placed in stock a large assortment of Full and Winter Goods of the latest shades and patterns, consisting of Ladies’ Winter Coats fl . S. DEPARTMENT. Form IIIâ€"Ethel Morrison. Annie McGirr, Ethel Greenwood, Alice Law- rence, Sara McLean and Ida. Pineo eqnaL â€" - - -- A “I and Skirts. Men’s Overcoats “Form lIâ€"Lizzie Binnie, Kate Clark Sadie Fletcher. Robbie Lcidlaw, Irene Latimer. Form Iâ€"Jean Watson. Bessie Tol- ford, Isabella Elder. Hazel Caldwell. Sadie Ferguson. also Blankets, in Grey and White“ 1‘. s. DEPARTIIENT. Sr. Il'HHazel Marshall, Willie well. .Eva Burnet. Jr. IVâ€"Ruby Knislev, Lizzie Kear- ney,Jeanuie McGowan. Mary Wright Russel Burgman. Sâ€"r. IIIâ€"'Jack Davidson. Gladys \Vhicmore. Maggie Mitchell, Beatrice Simpson. Vernon Elvidgo. These Goods are selling at a Great Reduction and are Extra Value. Call and see themo before buying. Qr‘. IIIâ€"Edith Watson. Mabel Lat.- imer, Florence Bryon. Willie Petty. Edith Duncan. ,-.. wâ€" __ Sr. 11â€"May Clifl. Robbie Campbell. Vivian Crawford. Lida Livingston, Ruby Catton. Leone Russel. Jr. lIâ€"Enrl McDonnld. Verna Flu- ker, Mabel Pnyne, Marion McKenzie. Annie Vollet. Sr. m.â€" IIâ€"Maud Kreas. Alex. Hi1 derbrandt. Pearl Mitchell. Roy Far- quharson. Frank Mcllnith. '3 Jr. Pt. II (A)â€"Murray Williamson, Emily Lloyd. Wesley Johnston. Charlie Williamson. Mary McKech- nio. Jr. Pt. II (B)-â€"Hoion Ireland. Della Brohe. Bertha Havens. Marguerite Hutton. Janet Marshall. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Percy Bryon. Leone. Pagan, Ella Carson and Charlie Ha- . vans eq., Myrtle Sparling, Zell Craw- McKechnie. Jr Aâ€"Jobn Duncan. Arthur whit. more. Jr. Bâ€"Jack Brysn md May Mc- Ilnith eq.. Normal Lenthm and Pearl Wright eq. Jr 0 U“- Kechnio. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Intermedinteâ€"Nellie Fluker. Sadie XhDA. ultim- . Levme. DURHAM SCHOOL. HONOR ROLL. itta éwndors, Percy Mc- Durham. The Annie Grochofske. Ettie » Aggie Sylvester, Joe ., ! n.1,“. 4 HOLLAND AND SULLIVAN. ll and Suits. Tiréiiork AUG Jr. IIIâ€"mo. Tinkham, Henry Jonu Sr. II-fllnggie Mal-shun, Mury McIntosh. Jr. IIâ€"Henry Gnhlmann. Eva Walker. Willie Gublmann. Aaket Alltn. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Elma, Grocholeke, Liz-l zie Tinkman. James Byers, 'l‘enai Schiltrod. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Louie Grahlmann. Sara Jones.‘ Mamie Mitchell. Louis Nuhn. Sr. Iâ€"Myrtle Grochofslre, George Jones, Lily McIntosh. David Tinkham Jr. Iâ€"San; Mitchell. Roy McDon- ald. Lorne McIntosh. Jr. Aâ€"John Grahlmann. Willie [Nuhm Lily Mitchell. Pearl Walker. Chris Schiltrod, Flora McIntosh. Average attendance, 24. Axum Pawn. Teacher. . IV.â€"-â€"E1iee Edge. ' III.â€"Gertie Morton. II.â€"â€"Alfred Barclay. George New- ell. Annie Ewen, Noble Bartley. Pt. II.â€"Roy Wiemer. Mable Vessie Willie‘ Edge. Sr. I.â€"-Lewis Nowell. Thomas] Gresby. l Jr. (b)â€"Edith Wismer, Reba. Vesaio. May Barclay. IV. Srâ€"Nellie Burns. IV. Jr.-â€"-â€"Eva McAlister. III. Staâ€"Willie McAllister ,Arthur Backus, \Villie Wallace. Jr. (a)â€"Stewa.rt McArthur, Gurnet Wismer Earl Vessie. lII. Jr.-â€"-Minnie Keller. Mary Backus, Lizzie Burns. II. Sr.--Myrtle Caldwell, James Marshall. Thos. Wallace. II. Jr.â€"Leslie Morace, Walter Mc Allister, Mary McAllister. Class 1. Pt. IIâ€"-Grace Mountain Melville Morace. Annie Dean. Class I, Pt. I. Sr.â€"â€"Stanley Mount- ain. Mabel Wallace. Class 1. Pt. I, Jr.â€"-Arthur Mount- ai-n J. Burns. Dawson Marshall. V Classâ€"Annie Clark. ‘Jessie Smith. IVâ€"Thoa. Putherbough. \Villiei McNally. Benton McNally. ' ‘ IIIâ€"Clara Caswell, Ross McDon-; ald. Thos. Johnston. ; Sr. IIâ€"Clarence Mc‘Tally, Mabel L; Smith, Robbie Putherbough. E Jr. IIâ€"Mav Grierson, Marjory Clark. Earl McNally. l 1 Pa. IIâ€"-Glady8 McDonald, Perry Caswell. Sr. Lâ€"John Smith. John Clark. Wesley Caswell. Jr. Iâ€"Howard Fletcher, Cora Lun may. Roy McNally. Average attendance 2‘2. Report. of S. S. No. 1. Normanby. Sr. IV. â€"-Eddie Lawrence. Beanie Milligan. Chas. Lawrence. Ear) Vol lett. Picken. Rom. Cufi, Willie “ens, Leila Voilett, Sr.I[â€"Nina Noble. Maggie Don- nelly. Joe. \lcCaslin, \Villie Lang- rill. Herbert Noble. . Jr. ILâ€"Eiln Cuff. Eddie Hu’xon. Sadie Lawrence. Sr. II.â€"Gra’r-e Petty. Bertha Avl in; Clara McCaslin, [slay Quinn. Jr. IV -â€"-â€"Florpnce Mountain. Agnes Patty. Rehecca Grierson, Percv Ald~ red. Sadie Lanerill. Jr. II[.-)rlage_in__.\lountain, Joanie ---- _ ‘YV S. No. 2, Bentick and Glenelg S. S. No. 10., Bentinck. BUTTON HILL K. MCDONALD, Teacher. Max:339 Mountain, .Immioa. ht. Cufl, Willie \VeNs. M J . RITCHIE, ‘Teavher ADATR, Teacher. Jimmie Lungrill. Sr. I â€"Lorno Mount-Lin, Wm ol- ett.’Max Grieraon. Jr. (byâ€"Annie Smith. Irene 0110“ Alice Pickon, Cecil Mounnin, Them dore Ayling. ‘â€" I‘- Jr. (a)â€"30hnny Petty. Geo. Cufi. Gertie Ayling Eleenor Hutton. Avon-ego attendance 36. A. L. LAWRENCE, Teacher Neglected catarrh sooner or la causes consumption which destroys more human Beings than famine and war combined. The way “Catarrho‘ ozone” cures catarrh is very very simple; it first kills the germs that cause the irritation; then by sooth. ing away the congestion and inflam- mation it cures the discharge. hawk- ing and dropping in the throat. “I sufiered so continually from nasal catarrh, writes Ernest R. Dal-tin of Rosemont, “that I scarcely knew What it was to be free from headache and pain over the eyes. Catarrh- ozone relieved me at once and made a thorough cure. No other remedy cures like “Catarrhozcne"-â€"try i for your next cold Tne Chronicle till Jan. 0 $1 to New Subscribérs. l WE ARE SHOWING Some good values in M ENS’ HEAVY BOOTS for Fall wear. LAUIES’ MISSES’ CHILDREN’S in heavy or light wear. iJ. S. Mcllraith. CUSTOM WORK and m$¢m mDAO ”a. mmmOOmmâ€"Ame MENS’ WORKING GLOVES Unlined. In various styles and prices. It. will pay you to examine thesegoods before buying elsewhere. II- A New Stock of SHOE DRESSINGS Of many kinds. Would ask you to try "Q-Time." It. has been a good seller and is a. good polish. REPAIRING as usual THE DOWN-TOWN SHOE STORE. Terms: At Lowesz Prices. 033 every Ema. 256. Cash. TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE] Chairs Bedroom Suites Uhifl'oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards 'Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables 51.0! on; DISEASES: SURE” Betore Treatment- “IIJ VV Vwâ€"uu- vâ€"W - has done for others it will do for you. pungeutnt ............. _ opinion Free of matter who has treated you, write for an honest BOOKS FREEâ€"“The Golden Monitor" Charge. Charges reasonable. (illustrated). on Diseases at Mon. Sealed Book on “Diseases of Women" Free. NO NAME! USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Eva-7m confidential. Question [lit and coat of treat-cut FREE. _______. - A ---â€"- I .- Edward Kress. Durham, Ont. N., (i. J. McKechnie. which weZare selling at a low figure. It will pay you to examine our bargains beforefpurchasing elsewhere. Cor. '0 - _- I - â€" â€"â€" _. _ Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. N a score of phyr siclans. taken all kinds of blood medicine. visited Hot Springs and other mineral water re- sorts. but only got temporary relief. They would help me for a time. but after discontinuing ‘the medicines athe symptoms would break out againâ€"running ,sores. blotches, rheumatic pains. looseness of the nnir. swellings lAâ€"Lt-‘Anfl CROCKERY of the hands scaling. itchiness or me ‘ iad given up in despair when a (flew in had cured him of a. similar disease took his advice. In three_weeks' £11 THE POPULAR CASH 8TORE. THE POPULAR 0‘8” 8TORE. A large stock of Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Com bination Bookcases Room Mouldings ’euluan :hiness of the skin. dyspep- when a friend advised me :imilar disease 8 years ago. tree weeks' time the sore. aged. I continued the Now the end of that time every “‘8 ago and no signs of any sound and healthy. I cer- h all my heart. You can u can use thisitestitnpnial lure. Vitan “'eakneu kidney complaints 0‘

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