Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Oct 1905, p. 4

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\Vichout sleep there can be no bod fly or meme] vigor. consequently “uplessnese is. dancerous condit I... Netting so smeiy restores chop u Forte-one; it’e Mule-cs... W b metedâ€"yen m ”I. at. buy-ha nu now an» uh. rm»... Don’t put dâ€"Fmefiehtm. per box in“ a. «nun. ntnugthninx. tank. Faro-on. vmuan even , tutti. body, not“ the waves cit...” PM“ the: syn .. Ilia-u d dawn-rm in W In "umâ€"you e- ”b. u. ”-4.0! lib. new in: "in; remit)”. Don’t. put Miss Katie McNab returned home on Thursday of last week after spending the summer with relatives in the Qt- tawa. Valley. Miss Marion, her sister, leaves next week in company with Mrs. George Morton, for Red Deer, on the line north of Calgary. Miss Mar- ion, is one of our brightest maidens and the best wishes of, many go with The Trustee Board of S. S. No. 5, re-engaged Miss E. Scott on \Vednes- day evening of last week atan increase of salary of $15. Inspector Camp- bell’s last report was most complimen- tary to teacher and trustees. “'ord was received here lately, that Dr. R. A. Maitlnnd Cook, of Mile Stone, Assn" was happily wedded on Thurs- day of last week. He has had a. fine mates and friends heartily unite in finding congratulations and good wishes. Particulars are not to hand st time of writing. Most of the threshing is over in the neighborhood and the average report is about as follows: \Vheat, fair; bar- ley, good; oats, fair crop, sample ex- cellent; peas, no good. Potatoes are a heavy crop with but little rot ; man- golds are only a medium, while turnips have been ruined by the louse. Mr. Chas. McClocklin and his moth- or visited in Flesherton the first of the. week. DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, Oct. 12, 1905 MacFarlane «fl Go. SACRED LILIES CROCUS 'TULIPS W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. HYACINTHS 2- 31 Winter Bloom. Bul Druggists 8. Booksellers. Don’t neglect setting out a bed of Tulips and other bulbs for early spring flowers. There’s nothing nicer in the flower gar don. Do it now. Traverston. lOc a dozen. Per hun- Single, fine mixed, per dozen, we. Doubleflne mixed per dozen 25c. Single and double, any color,f5c ea.,perdoz. 500. Hyacinth glasses, 15c. Nothing gives greater satisfaction for such a .9de outlay. for 100. A few weeks ago Mrs Edward Gal- braith, of Derby. came into The Lead- er Office to have a letter addressed to His Majesty King Edward VII. Mrs. Galdraith said she was writing to the King in reference to the ser- vices her father had performed a great many years ago as a colonel in the British army. An envelope was addressed and the letter enclosed and forwarded on its mission to the King. On saturday last Mr. Edward Gal- braith walked into The Leader oflice holding a letter in his hand with the stamp of Buckingham Palace upon it. On opening it, it was found to be from the King and was a reply to Mrs. Galbraith’s letter. It read as follows:- ' A 309d office boy. One who never forgets. who could keep his mouth shot. who never loot. u tho cl. ck. wd you who in alwnyo up to the mm; who can talk politely over the tele- phooo, sod who do“ not know .how to whittlo. Salon. ”.000 o yea. Buckingham Palace. “The Private Secretary is com- manded by the King to acknowledge the receipt of Mrs. Galbraith’s letter of the 9th inst. and in returning the enclosure, to say that all matters with reference to military services should be addressed to the \Var ()flice.” 18th Sept. 1905, SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"To get satis- factory results be sure you get Fer- rozone only. Fifty cents per box or six boxes for $2. 50, at. all dealers, or N. C P01801186 00, Kingston Ont” and Hartford Conn. ,.U S A. ___..-._. 0.. '4â€".â€"-â€"â€"._ Mrs. Galbraith is pleased to have her letter nnswered so promptly and she will now no boubt send her claim to the War Office This, probably is the first instance at a letter being re- ceived in this locality from the King. and it is only another instance of the kind ottention given to any request on the port of his subjects by His Majesty King Edward VII â€"â€"Tsra Loader. A case where there was lassitude and lack of strength is told by Mr. David Brown. of Post-office box No. 30, Beeton, Ont: About a year ago my health commenced. to tail. My hands and feet seemed always cold. I felt wormout and exhausred. weak as a little child. My face twitched. My limbs and arms commenced to lose their sense of feeling and finally; my left side was perfectly numbu All my color left. My appetite ran down. Ferrozone was first to give‘ me any help. I improved with it very quickly. It toned up the blood and started circulation, so that the. numbness gradually disappeared. My condition was perfectly cured by Ferroione. and I have been well ever since. (Signed) “David Brown.” The most marvelous success is Fer- rozone, a nourishing tonic so scien- tific as to be the admiration of every physician. Ferrozone performs won- ders for peOple in poor health; it acts directly on the blood, enriching it with strength and new life that is at once dispatched to all parts of the body. Ferrozone feeds the nerves and vital energies, supplies force, de- termination and joyous. buoyant Spirits. Letter From His Majesty The King You need bracing up, need more nourishment in the blood, need a powerful] medicine to vitilize the nerves and distribute force and stay- ing power to all over worked organs. When you’re tired all day. bother- ed by trifles, exhausted with nervous. ness. be sure there is something Wrong. Indicates Faulty Blood and Worn- Out N ewesâ€"Build Up, or Total Collapse will Surely Follow. “He was certainly lazy,” said the major slowly, “but I think we had one in our town who had him beat. He was so lazy that one day when he sat down on a hornet he refused to get ,up again.” “Don’t apoilastory by going too closely into particulars,” rebuked the captain. “Didn’t he catch on after awhile?” asked the donbter. “Speaking of the laziest man on earth,” said the colonel, "I think there was one in our town that fitted the description. He was so lazy that they had to tell him the house was on fire every morning to get him out of bed.” Sick hoodochoia conned by 3 dia- orderod condition of the otomoch ond is quickly cured by Dr. Chnmbor- loin’a Stomach and Liver Tobleta. For solo at Parker’s Drug Store. “Lost you I hod a. very severe nt~ took of indignation. I could not aloop at night nnd onlorod moot ox- ornonting pain: for three hours oft- or onch mod. I won troubled thin It] for nbont throo months when I used Chnmborlnin’o Stomoch nnd Liver Tnhlota. and rocoivod im- medinto relief.” uys John Dixon. Tollnmoro. Ontnrio. Condo. For sole nt Parker’s Drug Store. TI REDN ESS MEANS DANGER! The Luioot Ian. WAN FED. ‘-. 0.9 o»- REPORT OF ORCHARD SCHOOL. IVâ€"G. Boy. I Hoy. Sr. IIIâ€"F Dickson, J. Hoeflin. G. Lewis, J. Hay, J. Douglas. Jr. III-J. Garvey. R. Dickenson, N. Dyers. 8. Boy. IIâ€"M. Dyers, J. Roy, E Douglas. Jr. IIIâ€"Annie Pettigrew, M. Hoy, W. Eagle. B. Barber. Sr. IIâ€"E. Barber, W. Blych (equal) E Morrison, M. Kerr, H. Barber, A. Pettigrew. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"â€"E. Morrison. L. Petti- grew Sr. I-\V. Eden, 0. Barber. Jr. Iâ€"G. Grant. C. Blytb. Bad conductsâ€"Allan Pettigrew, A. Lauder, L. Pettigrew, M. Bogle. I class Jr. Aâ€"Elgin Wright and Katie Dodds eq.. Sammie Jack, Win- nie Black. I class Jr. B-Myrt and Claribel Nelson Peart, Mildred Tucker. Pt. II class-Mary Pearc, Waltgr Douglas. Sr. I classâ€" Mina Edwards, Bertie Wright. III classâ€"Wilbert. Wright. Lorne McNally. Dolly Anderson and Wil- {red Hunt, eq. II classâ€"-Olive Tucker. Ivan Ed- wards. Chas. Smith and Spencer Ed- wards equal. IV classâ€"Stewart McNally, Frank Ryan. Robt. \Vright. If you cannot obtain Mi~o na. of your druggist. it will be sent by mail post-paid. on receipt of price. Write leading stomach specialist which will be sent free. The R. T. Booth Company, Ithaca, N. Y. Mi-ona is an unusual combination of remedies for the stomach and di- gestive organs that heretofore have been little known in this county. It soothes and heals the irritated mu- cous membrane of the stomach. stim- ulates the solar plexus, and strength- ens the nervous system. To help these unfortunates our leeding druggists have recently re- ceived a lcrge supplv of Mi-o-na, the most recent discovery for the cure of stomach troubles. ' HALBS 'fi§§}‘fiéfi€2‘? A. high-dag preparatiog (or the hair. Keeps the hair me, “A _."..._ - -'l.' '7 VI A high-class brepatatioffot'vthcâ€"itair. ch s the hair soft and glossy and retreats splitting at t1}: ends. urcs dandrufl me always mtg-cs color to may bur. "":W~m:“ ham and vicinity who are starving in the midst of plenty. This is not because they are in need of food, but beosuse they cannot digest the food they est. Ian and Women who are Liberal Oflor. lick stomach. Prompt end oertein are Dr. Hemilton’e Pills of Mendnke end Butternut. 25¢. per box or five for 81.00. et all dealers. r If your bowels didn’t move for a week you would be prostrated. If more then one day goes by you be- come lengnid. blood gets bed. breeth horribly ofleneive, you feel sick ell over. To remedy this take Dr. Hem- ilton’e Pills which regnlnte the bow- ele end cure oonetipetion. Token nt night you are well by morning. They purify and cleanse the system. prevent heedeche, billioneneee and We show such a come here and not and you would be than the price We Wedding and Engagement Rings REPORT OF 8.5 “N0 0, GLENEIG. We feel perfectly safe in holding up Auras C. MCKENZIE, Teacger STARVING IN DURHAM ELIZABETH SCOTT, Teacher .s. s. No. 1. E. AND N. “7 ntch ma knr HONOR ROLL. -_â€"Myrt.le McClocklin Durham, 961-. Emerson DURHAM CHRONICLE v compreLeosive range that. it is hard find a. ring at the prion you want to pay a pretty new man to want to puy less ask for a ring or nuv waddiag gifo o a [O . GORDON Jenner Laura Susuian, aged eightee: Hamilton. committed suicide in Gene 30 Hotel, Niagara. Falls, drinking carbolic acid. The Grand Duchess Victoria of Hesse was married last week to the Grand Duke Curil of Russia. Fighting between the mobs and Police in Russia stilicontinues. The Emery Lonzon, charged with kid- napping: the nineteen year old (laugh- ter of Joseph Cyr. has on the girl’s evidence been released and the pair will be marned this week. British Columbia wants a duty put on oil. The California product is re placing coal, and that state, formerly a good consumer of B. C. coal, has dropped off considerably in its black diamond purchases. The oil is even now being: sold in British Columbia, and threatens the coal indusrry. The steamer Stork with £50.000 Worth of lure for the Hudson’s Bay Company recently arrived in London after an adventurous trip of thirteen months from Charlton Island, Hud‘ son’s Bay. Field Marshall Edhem Pasha. Com- mander in-chief of the victorious army in the War with Greece’ is dead. Mrs. Lizzie McGuire. ‘25, years old was drowned on Friday last, in the little Musquash harbor. N. B. She was but recentlv married, her has. hand being squadernmaster of the Eastern Steamship Companys steam- ship Calvin Austin. year the oil supply in Taxes will be exhausted. Australia's persistence in adding to the cost of dutiable goods for pur- poses of customs appraisement is likely to promote direct trade be- tween this country and New Zealand. A street huckster, named Isaac Routnan. has been “found” in New York. who is said to possess an un- usually good tenor voice. It is be- lieved he will some day rank with De Reszke or Caruso. The great co-operative societies of England and Scotland are taking quite an interest of late in our VVest- ern wheat crops. The chances are that Canada will in future supply these countries with much of the cereal that now comes from Russia. King Edward has been nominated as Honorary Colonel of the Eighth Regiment of Spanish Infantry. The pumping station at Swansea. near Toronto. was damaged by fire to the extent of $2.00, on Thursday last. The contract for constructing the the Lake Superior branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific has been given to Foley Bros., Larsen Co. Winni- peg. Happenings Throughout The World In General. Thompéon. Icleeeâ€"M. Blyth. E. Lewis. W. Thompson, T. Stewart. K. Bend, A. Hellidey. E. Blyth, W. Peter. L. Jr. Pt. II classâ€"J. Thompson, I. Stewart, J. Morice, E. Kollnr, N. Hulliday, G. Fortney. J. Fortnoy. Sr. Pt. II cluesâ€"G. Peter.’ Junie Peter, W. Mort. Report of 8. 3. No. 14, Normanby. for the month”. of Aug. and Sept. IV clue-E Blyth. Sr. 111 clueâ€"A. Stewart, G. Stow art. J. Blyth. Jr. III onesâ€"Bertie Morioo. II clueâ€"J. Stewart, C. Hollidny. M. Blyth. D. Thompson. W. Booflin. Pt. IIâ€"G. Pindor. Pt. I 8r.â€"B. Dickson. W. Doddl. Pupil: with mujority of lute:â€" Borc Dickson, Johnny Garvey. Pupils with trifling makeâ€"Boy Diokaon. Charlie Lewis, Johnny Gar- vey. Ontario. NEWS OF THE WEEK. E. M. DAWSON, Teacher. Oncmuu). Optician W. F. DAwsox. eighteen, of the â€"vâ€"â€" 1' 1"”..- aév. Mr. Holmés; {3? Emma, new president taking chase. A Model Junior League Meeting was conducted by Miss L. onough. of Mt. finest. and Rev. Smith. nf Arthur. The ladies of the congregation fur. Mashed lundh in the church basement and for an hour or so there was a de- cfidedly unanimous Mun-est in the proceedings. ‘_ At 73;!) g. evening melon henna. “Christian Stewardship” was ably presented by Rev. B. \V. \Voodsworth of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Masson, of Damascus, in- troduced a discussion on “How to Care for the Growth and Development of Christian Life.” Mr. R. T. Edwmds. of 'I‘raverston, gavea ointed and pithy address on “Fouu ation of Christian “’ork.” The Epworth League ConVention of Mt.Forest District was held here on Tuesday afternoon and evening. A large number of delegates were pres- ent, and profitable ane interesting sessions were held. In the afternonn Rev. A. J. John- ston. of Grand Valley. addressed the audience on “Aggressive Evangelism.” \IARTHA ANN STEPHEVSON Applicant for said Letters of Guardianship bakers me on Strike: and the students rte likely to promote more disturban- ces. Dated at the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, this 25th day of Septem- ber. A D. 1!!)5. lullIJ VI ‘ “'Letters of Guardianship ” to the persons. , and estate . of John Jose h Stephenson and ' Gertrude Luella Step lenson, the infant . children of the above named deceased; aged ’ respectively about 7 1â€"2 years and 3 1-4 years of age to Martha Ann Stephenson, of the Township of Egremont. in the County of Grey. Widow. the mother of the said Infant children. Sept. 28th. 5t. In the Surrogate Court of the County? of Grey. In the matter of thei Guardianship of the infant child-a ren of John William Joseph‘ Stephenson, late of the Township ; of Egremont in the County of; Grey, Farmer, deceased. ' TO \VIIOM IT MAY CONCERN. TAKE NOTICE that an anplication will be made to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, at his Cham- - here in the Court House in the City of Owen Sound on Friday the 27th day of October next, (1505), at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. (or so soon thereafter as the’ npylicationl‘ca‘n beheard) for a Grant of : _LLA l PEEL, the ShoemalT CASH ONLY, DURHAM AND OWEN SOUND A host of Boy’s and Misses’ shoes selling very quickly at $1 per pai. The above prices mean good buying and too slow. They are selling very rapidl] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Med. wt. laced A: «mitexs .. .$l,00. Fine Dong )la laced . ..... 1. 75. Fine Dan. 8530): calfgan “£131.60. Fine Dongola. laced ......... l 25. Calf laced ................ I m LEAGUE CONVENTION J. R. GUN 8’ 00.. Proprieton Durham, Ont. WE cannot see and talk to each one of you personally, hence we try to talk to you earnestly and truthfully through our announcement here. We would, if possible, convince you that our drugs are pure and absolutely true to label, and invite you, at all times, to come to our drug store for any kind of goods usually kept by druggists. NOTICE. M EN’S ...750. Calflaced..................Sl.W. .$l.00. Wearing Oxfords ............ 7.3- . 1.7’. Dongola Buttoned lm'ed. IAN. rs 1.60. Strap Slippers Oxf.. 75 1J6“. . .1'25. Fine Dongola Bals .......... 1.9“. . .l.50 Fine Don. Bals, worthBJK). $2.45. Misses’ shoes, worth $1.25 and 81.50qro at $1 per pair. Canvass shoes. 25c up. d buying and big money saved. but don't be : very rapidly. See Window. THIS week we wish to make Speci' el mention that our Millinery Stock is more compiete then ever- Every few days .we have more new beta ndded to our stock. some from our own work rooms and Others from the lending wholesales in Toronto. This week particularly we will be Ishowinx something entireiy diflerent from whet we were showing at the |openings. We wish you to call egein any time end see the new smut. Street hue in stock. We have 1 good ueortment of Chil- dren’e Stitched Felt Hutu to sell for 31.00. also a lot of Ludioe’ Bonnets nude 0! vein-t and chinilxe. We .re 1179“, how with order. for th" TBOIWfllg holiduy all. with ‘ Ital e! of: in the wortomms we" engulfing. pupned for the rush. Furs NEW Here’s the Price List of some of the footwear now being sold at Our 50c values in all wool MILLINERY! comment. of Caperiues. AUTUMN .Ctn’c be beaten GRANT “'OM EN'S Ontario. DICK We have the finest selection Gun! that you will find any“! and come great Mains. Mu: to cm. (X). Now is the time what you desire in that line. If it. I. kaing Stove that yuul to buy it will certainly pay yo come and see the good \‘alut are oflering. There is nothiu equtl the “ I’elm Esther" x-a If it's 0. Heating Stow to meet your \‘ivws, larger selection than r both coal and wood. Is all right. but doing: is better. of Supe'fl Quality. That is the P COAL OIL RANGES STOVES GUNS Upon w‘w the most in OUTS. \\' 1 he“ ll m

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