Durham ond vicxni‘y 85.. I of the late Henry Parlor. not which we trust will U lourselves. We look upon ireio every wuy to boy I hes: medicines. Wo ohtll 'e as they should he. and il wipe, we shall nuke it our h skin and accuncy old aigh‘ Md that there is o s to the freshness of tho as with 3!! others. a cor- rzesoamide of the drugs. and xhn-wol business man. ml “The bought in small T0 CONSUMPTIVES. new 91‘ choica. Pro I hie! of time wants n romptly attended to. .v Footwear . L. GRANT ring hoeman 00W U] I. we. ent. your Prin's now and 3“ I made up when you 3". Don’t delay. Tho m rou come the better l†:9, Procraï¬tianon il ‘5. Bind iepez '0. H anxioiu S‘lï¬iâ€"o'ï¬l "f†3!? manic! em 7!. g is just abouc hero want to get :mtivipation of you! have ready for your . A hug.- stock at tho viable kind 01300“ - «mil-«och u ’09 I .vtting from Illâ€"- you can rely on ‘0! quality. large qua). o insure their lle per-Inn)â€. IOELS 11188 xpense In Her how 0 prices der the lfacmre msure 1n bot wear . U for for selling smUND. Ol' )l‘ )l )I' )l' m $1 ( )ur 40 60 00 8'61 00 HORSE and ..... CATTLE POWDERS REMEMBER we give a $5.00 prize at Fall Exhibition for best Spring 7alf (Grade) fed on the British National Horse and Cutie Food: Losing Money on Horses ? ? The People's Drug Store JNO. A. DARLING- Home 81 Cattle Medicines Darling’s Wantyourmoustachcorbeard lu|.~'tein. April 10th, 1905 Chop per own... Live Hogs...... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. IILles per lb ........ Sheepskins....... \Vool........ ...... - Fgll Wheat ..... . Spring Wheat... Oats ............ Peas Barley........... Hay ........... . Butter . .... Eggs ............ Pocatoes per big. Apples .......... Flour per cwt . . . . Oatmeal per sack. "tO'I‘TON PIONEER. .‘m. 8104-â€" dam Florrie. No. 6685. Sire Pioneer, .u.1088. Imported from England by 0. «why. Guelph, in March, 1905. This mmtiml stallion is four years old. bright av color, white star in forehead. white nkles, fine action, stands 16 hands high. 'nn be traced to best stock in England. l'allOW Vapo-Crooolano h OOH by druggisu or sent pro. paid on receipt 0! price. A Vupo-Cmokno out at including 3 botth o! Cresdeno 01.50. Bond for free multnted booklet. anmxo thus 00.. Lat. Agents. $8 St. James St. Montreal. cm an: 48 Pure Bred Hackney Stallion. Cresolonc is a boon to Acthmatics Whooping Cough, Group p, Bronchitis cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria 0!" ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY AT “301.23! is a long established end Mn! remedy the diseases indicated. it cum become the air ren- «i ntrongiy antiseptic is curled over the diseased sur- 3 of the bronchini tube- with nary heath. giving «mm-«i end constant treatment. Tho-e of a consump- tcudeucy. or euflerere from chronic bronchitis. ï¬nd mime relief from cough- o: inflamed conditions 0! There are several ways for doing.r thisâ€"betting on the wrong; making mistakes, etc. But the most frequent way is by neglecting their health just when the hard work of spring and snmme1 is at hand. A great deal can be saved by using 0111 celebrated A great tonic and ap- petizer. Gives a ï¬ne, glossy coat. Hardens the muscles and places the animal in the best condition for hard work. Equally good for Cattle, Hogs and Sheep â€"â€"Cattle Washes, â€"-Sheep Dips. c. umr, i r oom Market Report. Established 1879. Dunmm. Apr. .12. 1905. Ayr’ Y 'ers’ Pil 1 st A hi 'r DRUG STORE. J. D. ROBERTS. 10 to 30 to 50 to p 9.1: to 95 to 8100 95 to 1 00 37 to 37 6‘2 to 62 40 to 42 00 to 18 to 13 to 50 to 00 to 75 to 40 to mprietor. t0 to 110 1.5 Ottawa. April 10 â€"The immigration to Western Canada from the United States this season will reach 60.000 that is to say an increase of ï¬ftv per cent over last year. This is the esti- mate of “Will J. White. the Inspector of our United States agencies. who has Just returned from atrip through to the Paciï¬c coast. MONUMEN'I‘b â€"~â€"Th Doyle Julian Marbio Works. Owen Sound. Be fore buying clauwnere ‘seu our de- signs and samples. We can save you monev. JOHN CLARK Raymond Sew. sell Washers, ers, “(J-Clary Loaders, .l. Machines Wire Fencing. - hEEl) DRILLS. CUL~ BIHdel‘S, TIVA'I‘ORS. DISC HARROWS MAMUND SMOOTH- ING HARROWS. SCUFI"LF.RS. \VAGONS WILKINSON FLOWS AND LAND ROLLERS. McGillivary and Lanelle of Ottawa have been awarded a contract for the erection of a transit house in conneo‘ tion with the Dominion Astronomical Observatory. at the Experimental Farm here. It will coat 814.000. Buggies.‘ The Railway Commission has given the Grand Trunk till the 15th inst. to avail itself of expropriation privi- lag as given it. by the Board 1n connec- tion with the Union Station in Tor- ontoâ€"Toronto Star. Implements vv-vvv -v yuan. In one of King Christian’s weekly letters to her, he wrote that an elderli' IadY-in-waiting to the late Queen of Denmark was dying, and that her 021' wish was to speak again to her dear “Princess Alex.†At that time it wr: impossible for Alexandra to leave England, but a long tender message z?" iove and hope Spoken by her into a phonograph, was sent by special couriw to Copenhagen. Its arrival a short time before the aged lady’s death ma "2 her last hours serenely happy. At Sandringham she led the life of a country lady, ï¬nding her pleasum; in her children, the house, the grounds, her pets, and-â€in ministering acts of mercy. Serene, gracious and beautiful, her life has been quiet, though with a thread of sorrow running through days of seemingly golden happiness. ad Entered nccurdlng to Act of the Parllunent of Canadg. in the you 1904. by W. EXPECT 60,000 FROM U S. The Dillon Wirv mew Co of Owen Sound ofl'era prizes of from $450 down to $100 to per sons putting up the greatest number of rods of their farming We sell the wire. A complrta lims of the Palmer- ston Buggy (30 ’.~ Buggies. ? The ~~I‘)eering" Imple- ments. munnthctm'cd by the Intm'nutional Hal'- vestcr (In. of Hamilton, lead the world. over and OVét ing Muvhinew Dow" Thomas Brou “'ash- etovws. Fhmira Hm 1. Cam Threshing This was the intereminp; statment made by Raymond Robbins, of the Northwmtnrn Universinv Social Set- tlemam of Chicago, who addresses in Plymouth Church. Brooklyn, lust night aiwr a residence of {our years in the Mum district of Chicago Study- ina thp ‘ homeless man†problem. ‘It hm: been crowd.†said Mr. Robbins. “that. the loreignera stnnd so much hardpr treatment than the Amenican boy that they are even day displaying tbq American boy in our meat industries and he is going out in the streets and on the road.†pr York. April 10,â€"The great (than of hon-elc-sa men in this country 3:: cormtamly hving I‘f’Cl‘llited from the best. hm s of America. not, the worst. I sav chHhH'afPly that â€)6 majority of hnmnlc 3% min), our tramps and cas- ual labor mpn. are American born and in sonw mean they COme from Our best American families.†BEST BOYS MAKE WORST MEN. A remarkable connection between the autumn rainfall and tne wheat yield has been noticed by the British meteorol0gical council. “With cero tain exceptions.†save arecent report by the secretary. “every inch of aut- umn rainfall involves a diminution of the yield of wheat for the follow- ing year by a bushel and a quarter per acre.†Autumn is that period from the thirty-sixth to the forty- eight week of the year. approximate- ly the montns of September, October and Noyember. The report under consideration covers the "principal wheat producing districts†of the United Kingdom. The autumn of 1904 was unusually dry in those dist- ricts, and the farmer dill have a chance to verify the conclusions a‘f theoounoil the coming season. .- II Jr â€"â€"A. Wise. l) Donnelly. G. Reay, L. Torry. A. Lawrence. .Ir Pt. 11â€"A. Bailey, L Torey. Sr. Pt. II-John Derby. W. Mc- Ronnld. E ‘Lindaav. IV Sr.~- Bessiv Park. JCorhett. 1V.ILâ€"â€"RLIhnhy.I{.IflndSay. III Sunâ€"«W. Livigsmn. R. Vickers. III Jr. --(}.Cox hert, W. Gierson. II Sr. -â€"B. Wise. K. Park, R. Alex- andvr Coughs. colds. hoot-acneâ€. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene m'ulcts. ten cents per box. All druggists. RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY TO J W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. Have You Noticed This? Houses for Sale. ’. C. Mack. at the Department of Agricultu- c ..__, “4...â€... BEULAH COLLING, teacher HONOR ROLL ('I‘omntn News) mo. by hfayéite, flondon co...- U the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Wednesday, April 26, 1905 at the hour of? o’clock. in the afternoon. at HAHN‘S HOTEL. in the Towx of DURHAM n the County of Grey. the following prop~ ertv namely: that certain parcel or tract of land and premises rituate in the Town- ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey. containing by admeuurement. ï¬fty acres more or less. being composed of the north halves of lots numbers ï¬ve and six. both in‘ the ï¬rst noneemmn south of the Durham Road. in the said Township of Glenelg. TERMS or SALE: 10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be mid within 30 days thereafter without interest. or may be arranged for at the time of sale. J. P. TELFORD. Durham, Vendor’s Solicitor. HUGH MACKAY. Auctioneer. Dated at Durham February 24th. AD. 1905 Dated at, Owen Smmd this 30th (1 of March, A. 1’). HM"). WILLIAM MASON. For further particulars and conditions of sale. apply to \TOTICE is hereby given pursuant to i "The Revised Statutes 01' On- tarin,†1897. (.lhaper 12!). that all credi- tors and nthers having rlaims against the Estate of the said Henry Parker. late of the. Town of Durham, in the luunty of Grey, Draggisl. Deceased who (lied (m or about the lst (lay Of February A. I). 1905, are required, on or before the 1st day of New A. I). 1905, to send by post prepaid or de- liver tn the undersigned Snliei- tor fur the Administrator or tn Step- hen Johnsnn l’arker, Esquire, at the, town of Owen Sound, Administrator of the said estate, their christian and surnames‘,with full particulars of their claims and statements of their ac- counts, and the nature of the sec- urity (if any) held by them duly ver- tiï¬ed by affidavit. AND Notice is hereby furti'ier given that after the. first day of May. A I). 1‘. 5, the said administrator of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased. among the. parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the. claims of which notice shall have been given as above requir- ed. And the said Administrator shall not be liable for such assets or any part tlwreof to any person or persons of whose. claim notice shall not have been given at the time of such distrib- ntions. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Parker, late of the Town of Dur- ham. in the County of Grey, drug- gist. deceased. Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. All petitions relating to the grant- ing or refusal of Licenses must be ï¬led with the InSpector at least 4 days before April 220d 1905 Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. The applications for Licenses for 1904 05 was: TWp. of Proton Town of Durham Village of Dundalk Town of Hanover Twp. of Normanby †‘° Bentinck “ ‘° Glenelg “ “ Egremont Ta mm 6 .6 H 4". u 66 3 3 3 4 9 2 C 0 H b - ) TWp. of Normanby “ “ Bentinck " Glenelg “ Egremonc “ " Proton Town of Durham Village of Dundalk Town of Hanover In the Town of Durham. at Hahn’s Hotel, at 1 O’clock. p. m., when ap- plications for Licenses for the License ‘year of 19041905 will be considered. The number of Licenses issued for year 19044)?) was: Satmday, Ami! . 22, 1905 NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioner's for the License District of South Grey, will meet on TO HOTEL KEEPERS. MORTGAGE SALE. ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN}! NDER AND BY VIRTUE 0F THOS A. HARRIS, Inspector. Ming a sketch and decal In: “2.2%; mmmgbhmczmm" gandenm Handbook on FM Yaw-wwgwmm. 0 Solicitor for Administr; ttm' NOTICE. Tavern at" H. H.MOCKLER st». :31’4 ‘lé so†ï¬gï¬g 2% %* éléï¬" ‘3'; $30 5% :92 :8;- mi; s22. 47v *4? 5w «é ’ " x ; ’4? “MA: «S on law 4-» :23» '4» ' m 4"; “/15 :j):'% Ladies’ Summer \ ests \Vhite Organdie Extla ï¬ne quality, at 300 per yd. New Chambrys Plain nolors, very ï¬ne quality, 12‘ A New Line of Ginghams All colors, the best: we ever saw, per yd. .30 per yd. at 150 'A'“ We have just completed our assortment of Floor Oil Cloths. in block and flonl designsâ€"3 (L, 4 It. (i in. and 6 It. widths, prices 250. 406 and 500 yd. This floor covering is more populer then ever this lee-on. It in ~. 3 ft. wide. Prices 200, 250 end 300 yd. Cowman Curran: Goons, 6c yd. to 25c yd. Corsets Ladies’ Tan Hose Silk mixture :11 Large veriety of Nottingham Lace Carmine is here. We have them et all prices. from 50¢ per peir up. We hove the deintieet Curtein meterinle you would wish to see. in either white or colored goods. REUEUBER THE PLACE - - LAIDUW'B OLD â€IND. See our special $1.00 Corset, the best ever. We carry the largest assortment in town. CURTAIN GOODS. JAPAN MATTING. LACE CURTAINS. Warm (Joann: Goons, 12b: yd. to 500 yd. and lisle 400 and 500 per pr Ml