Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Apr 1905, p. 8

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rgan Cod Liver Oil IS $10“ advcr 01E Be sure that this *- n the form 0! 3 Wk. \. DARLING AND â€"â€" DRUGGISI :73 Down fl. ; . A 5n U mmon OX” :3r on every “ ’ :55 than B . the con- : remedied. nest advise. :3? with al remedies- : than likely “a of D ml!“ '1 purchase fit . written Gum“ rive benefit I). ‘5 7°“ 7°“? Donny €tysunDr.Hm r-laim for 23-. m to Cure sample fret. ONT. ted fat food so! Pills and 91 down II guano! but re Wm - snowed t. d strove ti tn cl". “that!!! that uh. a- com- under- ore (I age 0‘ a but! {1:171 "lg!!! (on. man- IDS [0!" 3m C. 13051081100 Inn to V0. 3’“. Phone connectionJ C...‘ - D”. 3. “â€"1,". L GH MACKAY. DURHAM . . Land V’gluator and Licensed Auction- evr :. .r the County 0: Grey. 8:103 promptly attended to and notes «shed- U eased Auctioneer for the County at GM. Laud mum. Beilifl‘ cf the 2nd Dlvision. Court Soles end all other matters "'mptly attended to. Hurheot refereenca Urnished if roqnirul. furnished ifrequirod. “I haven’t seen your cashier for sevenl days”. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- ”N“ 1”" 8°“ out of town” . ”Gone for e rest I snppoae.” Q 1’ ' . 8‘] 9 pmm‘gt’."y"i§f§;d3° 3?“'3Â¥a2§.6.§2y be lo: “We heven’t found yet whetzer he’s at his Implement Warerogma, M innon’s gone for a rest or to escape it.” UM stand. or at the Chromcle Oflico. , M_, U. tioneer for tho Cpunty of Guy. 14‘ rm YH-d‘ ‘_alt‘i hm: \U’Ht'fir [UT luv VUUUD)’ Ul UIUJ. ~' muderato and satisfaction guaran- 'l‘he arrangements and dates of can be made at THE CHRONICLE of~ ‘euu;llnnnn Ant] p (, “hula“- T915 . Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Min»- promptly attended to. Call 3% my residence or write to Allan P831: P. 0. Orders may be left tt the Chromlo ofico. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. )lclntyre’ 3 Block, Lower Town Dur- ham Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv Oflice. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. veyancers. Etc. Monov to. Loan. Ut}i(-es:â€"ln the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. U Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. , t.) Universitv; Graduate of Royal (Tullege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Ofiice. w. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8.. I..D.S. ( H’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Blnck. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. ) U BERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED ____- -v w v V "U Adv“ ’ Ul‘ ' tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hnnrs, 8 to 10 s. In., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- p...~aite Presbvterian Church. A. H. Jackson. {(w'Ixu-w PUBLIC, COMMISSION. AMES CARSON, DURHAQA. LIC- 93‘s. Jamieson Macdonald er, Conveyancer, etc. Private man‘s? !~ an. Old accounts and debts of I «la collected on commission. Farms «ht and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. ice-MacKeuzie’s Old Stand, Lower An, Durham, Ont. THE JOB : : DEPARTI‘IENT 0V. MacKay Dunn. .mmswaas. SOLICITORS, cox- -_ â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"‘ â€"J vvuuu‘bla .0“. brinadvancn. ‘ Contract was for fly advertisements fur .pplication to the 05;: £3? 6" Odygnisc arm, 30 ensure insertion i tack, Donn: MRnam For transient advertisements 8 cc 3' line {at the tint imcnion; 3 cc. RAILS . o . line each subsequcm insertionâ€"- measurc. “63“ cards, not exceeding 0:14 54.00 woman. .Advenisements whim-2t : direuions '11le published t? i furbid and char; coruiruzly Tangier): noticesâ€"" t," “ F " For Sale,” etaâ€"59 cent; for first insertion, a; )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- J. P. Telford. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. R‘IES . o o o mgplYablcm aéfimeâ€"‘yso 1.} 5‘ marged I! not_ :9 paid. m57;fl@_b Rid l$ dr’tm 2 prim; AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR m EVIIY THURSDAY HOIIIIO U m. m mama H3088. mu OWE}: DUN-1AM, ONT. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- l. G. Hutton, .\_IcPHA_IL, _LIC_ENSED‘ euc- F3102“ AND RESIDENCE It, should 5. humid! «hurt distance east of Khztâ€"pBQâ€"P-{oteh bmn Street, Lower Town, Durham. 0 hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. (:arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"all of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 . 7-9 p.m. Telephone No. 10. 6. Lefroy McCaul. :Bm'ron AND PROPRIETOR. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz’redorv. Dental Director v. Miscellaneous. Legal Dz‘reclorv. '. IR‘VIN “S PUBLISHED .11 new TYPE, thus at; I: completely stocked with W. F. DUNN. '9 out Fiat-class tract), 25 CC m mu Cl‘ Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain’s Scomuch and Liver Tablets There is nothing bet- ter. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. For a Weak Digestion No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food taken'that gives strength and vigor to the svstem.but the amount digest: ed and assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don’t fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Such a change in the law as is pro- posed is one which, it is believed, will receive the ready assent of every member of the House, and one which will commend itself to the community. At the same time. it will be a proof of the sincereity of the Government in the declaaation that the law will be amended where it is defective. (Toronto News) One of the amendments which it is understood will be made to the lie- ense law this session will have the efi'ect of entirely prohibiting the sale of liquor to miners. At present the sale of any kind of spirituous liquor is forbidden to boys or girls under 20, but it is especially enacted that this shall not apply to cases whereaminor produces an order from parent, guardian. or master. It has frequent- ly been represented by societies in- terested in the welfare of children that the exception should not be per 1 mitted. as it was just as reprehen‘ sible for minors to enter saloons to purchase liquor for others as it would be to acquire it on their own behalf. Another complaint arising out of this practice has been that women are enabled to procure drink by sending their children for it. AN AMENDMENT PROPOSED T0 LICENSE LAW Address F. J. CHENEY 00. Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists 75c. Take Hall’eramily Pills for con- stipation. â€"-â€"â€"'v'.-.VJ ' Caturrh being: a constitutioal disease. requires a constitutionahtreatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal. iy. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu- tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send full listoi testimonials. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreadrd disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that- is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only postive cure now known to the medical fraternity. And serve him Very right,1think, For acting in this way. For men requgre a drop of drink. \Vhen mowing timothy hay. Timothy Oats woe n farmer hold. And he lived in the Conntv of Grey He went out with his men and a scythe took hold. To mow his timothy hay. But scarce had the clock in the steeple struck ten, When his courage began to flicker, He threw down his scythe. and he left his men. And he hurried home "for some liquor. It warmed his heart and it 'nelved his arm. And his hired men found out soon, That there wasn’t a mun on old Tim- othy’s farm Could keep up to his boss till noon And Timothy smiled and snickered then. And thought be, for the time to I’ll take enongh out of my hired men To pay for the excra rum. Now that was a very mean trick 1 I think To act in this stingy way. For he might have d ivided his drop of drink With the men that mowed his hay. For. if ever he runs for Parliament, He won’t get the Working nmus’ votes. And the other Chap will he fcrward Sent. \Vhile at home will stay I‘imothy Oats. FARMING IN THE OLDER TIME y‘l‘orpedo Palmetto,” Author of “Hard Words,” "Dark Deeds,” and several other $100 Reward, 8100 timoshy hay ...d the clock @mmm o 'for SOHO? Mrs. Beckstedt, Chestervmc, On- tun-lo, writes: § Some years ago I was greatly trou- it uesVecl his bled with indige'tion and caturrh of . the stomach (the a. 1! t e r effects of la grippe) was v e r y weak a n d greatly r u n d o w n generauw The use of Psychine b r ought. a marked im- p r o v ement Id smokeled f i ! 13:" i I the time to y hire-d mm the stout (the at effects 0 grippe), very I a n d gre r u n d o genera The use P s y c h i b r ought. marked p r 0 v en so that. doubt manned my mind to the v: of the tre ment, 1 c h l n c ‘ “Bishop Capers who is many years "Horrible 2” said the hostess, with 933‘ fifty. was anxious to find out asbudder whether he was still on the level, , ”And did you actually 806 this and asks the negro at what age a yourself? man generally started down grade. i "Well. no’ said the American,apol. ‘~ ‘Dat depends entirelv.’replied the genetically. “Just at that timeI was old negro, ‘on the rate of speed dat 1down stairs killing the chef for putt- you goes on de way np.’ ” ging mustard in the blanc mange.” ‘ ‘It’s dis way. Bishop.’ be said; ‘until you gits to be fifty you is on de up grade. After dat you is on do level, and after dat you start. down hill.’ "Not very long ago” said Governor Hayward to an interviewer,‘ 'Bishop Capers was a guest of mine.and dur- ing his stay he met King, a negro ‘character’ on my plantation. One morning the Bishop said something about the age at which a man gener- ally begins to fail. Before any one else could reply the old darky butted in. There are few diseases that, inflwt more torture than rheumatiun and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of rem- edies have tit-Pu suggested. To say thatit can be cured is. therefore a bold statement to make, but Cbam. berlain’s Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale. has met with great success in the treatment of this dis- ease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain.and hundreds of sufierers have testified to permanent cures bv its use. Why suEer when Pain Balm afl'ords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For Bile at Parker’s Drug Store. l Two men in the west were in be hanged for horse stealing Place se- lected was the middle of a trestle brIdge spanning a river The rope was not securely tied on the first man to be dropped and the knot slipred; the man fell into th river and immed- iately swam to shove. As they wove tdusting the mm: for the am. ond mat. an Irishman. he remarked: ‘Will yez be sure and tie that. good and tight 'cause I can’t swim.”â€"-PhIl:Idel- phia Public Ledger. ancvs, On Wednesday of lasc week, Mar. 29. uninteresting eventtook plum at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Healip, when their daughter. Miss Sarah Aun.was united in marriage Snld by all druggists For sale by all druggists. For fur- ther advice and infnrmation write Dr. Slocum. Limited, 179 King street west. Toronto. Can. ‘ PSYCHINI} rids the sto‘ifihc'lféif'h'ii inf!nrnm:,1tinn commonly called Fu- tarrh of the Stomach or Dyspepsia. Psychine is pronounced Si-keen PRYC‘HINE is the greatest of di- gestants. It assists the gastric juices and ferments in their digestion of the food. cleanses the mucous membrane of the stomach, and has also an in- vigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles and nerves of the stomach. “r--- -‘.____ - , so that. no d o u b t. re- mained in my mind as to the value of the treat- 13;.;.u;,~._,fi ‘ ; , , , ment, 1’5)" 1‘ ‘. "I" Mm.” ~ ~ :- _ chine was “last u mt l mulul. and it helped me at (mvoo. I ('aIlV'llcm'flllly rvmnnnwml l’sw‘vlnno. and will (In so upon all oc- (‘umuumâ€"Mrs. J. A. Becksicdt. Catarrh of the Stomach. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Promptly Cured with A Healthy Stom- ach is the Basis of All Strength (Paououucan Shkeéi) About Rheumatism An Osler 1n Ebony Matrimonial. “'lLKIEâ€"HESLII’ at; $1.00 and $2.00 “The night before I sailed for Eng- land,” said the American, "I was given a dinner to a party of intimate friends when a colored waiter spilled a nlate of soup over the gown of a lady at an adjoining table. The gown was utterly ruined and the gentleman of her party at once seized the waiter. tied a rope around his neck and at a signal from the injured lady swung him into the air.” “You. sir. must have often seen which we are selling at at low figure. It will pm these afleirs.” . “Yes... he replied. “we take a kind you ;to examine our bargains before purchasing of municipal pride in seeing which n city can show the greatest number of elsewhere. lynchinge yearly.” "Oh. do tell us about a lynching you have seen yourself, ” broke in half s-dozen voices at once. Finally the hostess turned to :11 American. who had taken no part in the conversmion. and said: At a recent dinner in London the conversation turned on the subject of lynching in the United States. It was the general opinion that a rope was the chief end of man in America. .WHY HE MISSED THE LYNC'HING I You couldn’t he otherwise with 'suchn distressing malady Well for one dollar spent on "Catarrho zone” you can be thoroughly cured. Foolish to delay. because asthma Steadily grows worse. Get Catarrh- ozone today and cure yourself; it’s pleasant to use. very simple. and guaranteed. Prescribed by thous- ands of doctors. and used by the neonle of nine nationsâ€"~Certainly Catarrhozone must be good; it, hasn’t failed yet, no matter how chronic the case. Elie sees no reason why twanty days ehonld nor bu sufficient to strike llw oil brazing samle. The plant lww will be put in shape immedia'vly. and work commenced before the 15'}: Mr. A. l“ MeLaren. M. P. the big cheew manufacturer. is (-xwusix-ol)’ interested, and will be her~ 131m afternoon The other (lirectm-a of the company are quite as sanguine as is Mr. Campbell The creditors of the old company received two thous and shares in the new company and the cheque for threw thousand dollars for the plant this morning.â€"Owen Sound Times a day Well “ould pay. Standmd ml experts agree with him as to the high grada and Mr. Campbell is saugmm :w to results. Anyway he is prepar- 01 to go ahead sinkmu ells and will take no six weeks to put one clown i! the find. who arrived U" (h. 'l'auiik 10 train. The pal ty 001.331. (1 of Messrs Arch. Campbell. presidt ' and A MvLareu. direcror of H International Company, who rosulm in Detroit? W. '1‘ Meklullen, bdl‘l'httl‘ who is a director, and also eulurm r of the company, and Mr, J. B. M - Laren, direcror. both of \\'oo<letuek;ll land Mr. Chas Unseen. of Swallow,- a “New Stockholder. and er: (illOl' if the Grey and Bruce Company. whom leases the "PW ('oz'npany takes over. Mr, C: .l. Mickle. of (”398““). \u-h also in town. and with Mr E. I’. Rowe and an expert driller. The party went out on the tield Hm morning. Preddéul Umnplmll. u l.“ is backing to a large extent the m-w effort is thoroughly conversant mm Ithe work done here. He visited liw Ormistou well While it was heir g sunk. saw the formation. and eccuw ed a sample of the prndtc'. To the Times he said that the out laken from the well is the highest grade {.5319 (-ll known He has large ext erieue» u. oul and gas business and in nineteen wells sunk he has only had one tlnt was a non producer in paying quauti ties. The crude. oil procured here is estimated to have a value of Oer three dollars a barrel and a two barrel Company wul begin putting its plum have in shape early urxa month and will commenoenperatious not later than the 10th of April. This lulu; mation led to the conclusion that. (hr: expat to who visited the new her» :i few weeks ago wen» satisfied tim there is a paying field in this Viciniiy and were xxilling to take an indu~t rial gumbla on further drilling. in was, however, an una‘pticxputed phmsum last night to me at (Dr. Paterson the .qellliellfl‘ll Remand Slnlrsl that [1.0 company which in gu iug to operate in this vxciuity is Hm International Oil and Gas Compau l ruined hf Ingersoll. IL is caplzau ml at. $200,000, par value one don“. per share The Company has l0 |BC3 in Wayne county. Kentucky, an options in the Leammgtcn 5.: d Petrolia fields, a‘s well as the homm‘s at. Owen Sound and Sydeuham Tue Th ' Tunes leoeivecl a etmr on Wednesday {rom Mr. C. . Micki». hurriater, uf Chesley, pH‘bi rut of the G rm; and Bruce ()II and (1m Uulllpdll} than on mud on the O-l‘ll-SLUH hum. which contained inturesting inform» ti m fur OW n Pounders. Mr. “Mickie DEAD .SICK O F ASTHMA? HIGH GRADE OIL EXI: I\it(_"~wn 'I‘ahk'; EXIeHSinn thh Munrmws Hall Racks Sldclmurds ‘ Unpbmu'ds lKiH'lzou ('n IL, 6. J. McKechnie. IWWth’OO‘W Bring Along your Butter 8: Eggs Chairs Bedmum Suitvs ('l’liff'ttsic's‘>- (Jrihs :md ('mdlc Beds Imn i «la Before Treatment. We treat and cure Norvnus ‘Dr‘bmty. Lost Manhood, Var-iconic Strlr-mro, Ptmd vav-‘M‘ KMm-v and I‘m- .. ‘ ~ ~ “ , - It“) ( umplumtb. Consultation Free, Book‘ l'ru- \\ ”Ir 1'0!“ qustwn 1.st for Home Treatment. a ' DRs. KEN N EDY KERGAN A -. ‘--â€"- â€"-- Aâ€"_â€"__A__ We Sell What You Need All sexual complaints Effect these organs, hence the kidneys are a. treat source of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the am]! of the back, tendency to urinate frequently. deposit In urine, -‘~nldneu of hands or feet n drowsy fooling m the morning. Don’t nPglect your kidneys. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT :- guaranreed to cure any disease at these organs or no 9”. ' No other disease is so prevalent among men as Variooeeie. As it interrores with the nutrition 0! the sexual organs it produce. wukneus, ion at semen throukh the urine. decay of the organs. pains in the loins. aching in the back, nervousness, despondency. bashfulness. aipltation of the "heart, con-ti ntion. and combination of these results in compete LOSS OF MANHOOD. ousands of young anu middle-aged men are troubled with STRICTURE. It you hove reason L) brill-v0 {on are amicted with it. don't neglect it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctOrs exper- ment on you by cutting. stretching or tearing it. Our JIEW METHOD TREAT- MENT dissolves the stricture tissue. hence it diuppearl Ind an never return. We cure Varicocele and Stricture without Operation or loss of time. The treatment may be taken at home privatc-lv. Send for our Free Illustrated 800k on VARI. COCELE and STRICTURE. WE GUARANTEE TO CUBE OR NO PAY. I48 SHELBY Swazi",- DETROIT, men. I? No Names Used Without Written Consent. Kidneys Bladder PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODI'CE I“! Edward Ks‘ess, Durham, Ont. Undertakings: and Embalming a Specialty. M \K E YUI'R HUME COMFORTABLE ST()( umnvts CUBES GUARANTEED. N0 CUBE I0 PAY. -fi-_â€"â€"-.â€"-v - V. 'U". K. K. The enlarged vein: dluppeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed In eight weeks and my uexual energy and vlullty returned so I was a man In every respect. I recommendyou doctors with my whole but.” . vulva-VVII. 'alsuuu" “’I. 5 u“ varicocele in the secondary um nnd two strictures of 8 years‘ standing. I wu operated on twice. undergoing great suiterin‘. but only not temporary relief. I was finally advised to try 13:9}ng METHOQTREATXENT or Dru. CROCKERY JUST IN "IHE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPUL I'CASH STORE. A large stock of Rowe. o! Jackson. Mlqigituyg: _I ‘1“ In lâ€" AL- _---_-x_____ 0'. o .--4 '1» Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered C ( mds Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mmddings J ardinieres Library Tables G U (A) I) S After Treatment, I N

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