Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Apr 1905, p. 3

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Une of the nest of the representa- tive men in the provintdal arena has been cullml away in the person of An- drew )liwainpln-ll There was not a more faithfui litilihrfrvdllve or a more honesr, painstaking public man than this lamented gentleman. In the Legislature he wits respeczvd for his ability and industry While there he initiated many propositions making for the welfare of the provmce. Out- side of House was reguariled with oil- niration. He was a Splendid speaker end a thorough master of all the de- tnils of the provincial situation. It was a great loss to the province when through the crimnal operations at the Snult. MLMiscampbell was excluded horn the Assembly It was a further loss when, owing to his de’votion to the duties 0! organizer for the Con- servative party. Mr. Miscampbell de- clined to become acandidete nt the loot election. That he would hove nmnined out of the House for long bed he lived is. however, improb- nble. Public rumor euocinted his name wth the proposed Ministry of lines, end had he been oeloctod {or thot ofioo he would have rendered good oorvice to the province. Mr. Illennpholl we: on exomplnry public Inn. 0! the Legiolnture he was n worthy monitor. A. orgnixer for Mo put: he was oblo end dart, end then won not one thing done by him d_vhioh onybody need be “honed. [It in only e few months ago since It. Niecempbell delivered a. very doquen: eddreu in this IOWD.â€"ED] Ferrozone makes a woman strong, plump and heatbful because it con- tains lots of nutriment. the kind thnt forms muscle, sinew.bone and nerve. Vitalizing blood courses through the body, making delightful color, happy Spirits, true womanly strength. Fifty cencs buys a box of Ferrozone in any drug store. Be prosecuted 3 clean end honor- nble cempeign. His demise is re- gretted by a large circle of friends,by whom it was hoped that there were may you: of public usefulness.â€" lcil and Empire. Because it is a direct violation of the principles of equal rights to all, and special favors to none. of the cit- izens of Canada. The glory and satisfaction of beautiful womanhoml can be known only to those possessing the unlimit- ed advantages of health. No weak woman can be happy or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pallid cheeks- sunken eyes, exhausted nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to keep up. “’hat the weak woman needs is Fer- rozonc; it renews, restores and vital. izes instantlyâ€"it’s a ” woman’s rem- edy, ”â€"that’s why. Because in view ol the diverse ele- ments entering into the settlement of the proposed Provinces the provision for Separate Schools. if logically car. ried out. and fairly applied, would greatly increase the cost of education, and also impair the general efficiency of our Public School system.in which, we firmly believe, lies to a very large extent the hope of a united. prosper- our and peaceful Western Canada. D. G. McQUBEN. The Manse, Edmonton, Mar. 16, ’05 Because such contemplated action is subversive of the principal of Pro- vincial rights, which lies at the basis of our Confederation inasmuch as it denies to the citizens. as such,of these prOposed Provinces any voice in formulating their own school system, which is one of the most important agencies in qualifying for true cit.- ixenahip. To the Editor of the News : Allow Into thank you moat heartily {or the stand which you have taken against the propoaed imposition 0! separate Schoola upon the new Prov- inces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. A great deal in being made out of the apparent apath'y ol the West in the matter. Let us assure you as a uni- dent of Edmonton for nearly eighteen years and inspector of Protestant Schools from 1887 to 1901, that the West is not apathetic. We have been rudely and suddenlv awakened by the treachery of Sir Wilfred in quietly, and apparently at the dic- tation of the Roman Catholic Hierar-- chy. assiminating the principal of Provincial rights by the advocacy of which he attained power in 1896. I enclose a capy of a protest which ouri Bynocl’s Home Mission Committee! forwarded to Ottawa. This com-l .itte. though not officially, yet fair-l 1, represents the Presbyterian church in British Columbia and Alberta. I have always been a Liberal and am one still. but certainly shall never, voto- for the support of Sir Wilfred; Laurier again. This attempt, sue-l cessful or unsuccessful, shows his; capabilities. Let this question he an ! issue: at the first, or any subsequent, : Provincial cit-mien in either Saskat-l chewan or .Ubertaaml the voice of the ' We at shall he imam in no uncertain:9 term-i ’l‘iiis following is the protest: To .Yll“. Honorable the Speaker and. Members of the House ofCommons§ in Parliament assembled at Ottawa: L The lioxne Mission Committee oi? the Synod of British Columbia and Alberta of the Presbyterian Church’ in Canada, in session assembled at 1' Vancouver. strongly protest against the imposition of any system of Sep-; Irate Schools by the Federal Govern ment upon the proposed Provinces of} Alberta and Saskatchewan, either by5 reenactment of the clause or clauses; of the Northwest Territories Act re-E latina thereto, or in any other way, ; and for the following reasons: ANDREW MISCAMPBELL RADIANT W OMANHOOD. FEELING IN THE WEST (Toronto Newt.) ‘0'.-. l . Like the Russians, the main occn pation of the Senate seems to be hold- 1 ing their “passes”â€"or something . . .1086 as good. Russia does not want to touch its g gold reserve. Neither is Japan going ito touch it for a few millions if Russia can help it. i It is said that. influenza is dissemin- ated by express trains, but most people would be satisfied if it came by stagecoach. We are told that automobiles have almost wholly superseded horses in Paris; but there are still some pedes- trians about° Peary is going to call his Arctic ex- ploring ship the Roosevelt. probably because he thinks that the North Pole is a “big stick.” The courts having refused Buffalo Bill a divorce, that. gentleman must look around for a new method of ad- vertieement. New York gamblers who are going to put a. pool room on a boat and take it beyond the threo-mile, will prob- ably take the bets far beyond that limit. It is said that the Gewkirehalf Deut- sche Nickel Plated Gesselahaft der Grubenworstand of Germany is going to invade this country. Not while our brave volunteers ere on guard! A Persitent Backache Can have but one causeâ€"diseased kidneys, which must. be strengthen- ed before backache can be cured. Why nos use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills? They cure the kidneys quick, make them strong and able to filter disease â€"-breeding poisons from the blood. At. once you feel better. stronger, brighter. Kidney heslth is gnsrsn- teed to every user of Dr. Hmilton’l Pills. Get s 250. box from your drnggist. end refuse “has“. ' ‘. One way that the Government might keep out foreign money is by making the domestic article more plentiful. Venezuela must wish at times that its old friend Cluveland. was still in office. As the snow melts in the back yards these days, we discover many mislaid articlesâ€"not lost, but. gone behind. “'6 should not expect too much of spring until it has had a little more practise. After a. few more weeks of being about to be exterminated, the Russian army will get used to it' Some men are so unlucky that all they would have to do to live forever would be to get theirlives irsured. Mrs. Chadwick may break into the magazines, but the gaolers will keep her 03 the stage for a while. Apparently Chamberlain has grown tired of his rooms at the Hotel Cecil. Wagner is going to play in Mont- real next summerâ€"chat is. play base~ ball. They probably call Kuropatkin Lincvitch’s “predecessor.”because he is a little ahead. Would Government ownership of telegrapbs make the messenger boys really civil servants? Looking at our streets these days makes us 1089 our faith in the clean- ing power of water. (Montreal Star) Castroâ€"children cry for him. What is everybody’s business is also the divil’s. Funnv, but the coming cabinet is the Go in Cabinet. Couldn’t we import a few London crossing sweepers? THE PASSING HOUR You are sure to use Red Rose Tea some dayâ€"better try a sample package now ; you can’t begin younger and I know you wcn’t be sorry. TI 9 Green teas are a pale lemon color and have a deli- cate, pungent. flavor. The Black teas are a ruddy color in tho cup and have a righ, fruity flavor. Both Black and Green teas, also a mixed tea (Black and Green) are put up in each grade. 80113 as follows :â€" T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. At all grocers The price and description are printed on each label. Bronze Gold Green Crimson Blue Brown label ‘6 ‘6 65 66 66 Don’t fail to test Ferrozone. which druggists sell the world over. Price 500. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from The Fen-ozone Com- psny, Kingston, Out. Get a. supply of ' . Ferrozone todayâ€"it assures If you are thin, run down, have blue transparent skin. you need Fer- rozone. When the nerves are Weak and the tears ever ready to flow, it’s a sure sign you need it. badly. Noth- ing on earth makes blood so vitaliz~ ing, nothing puts on flesh. makes hard muscle, and renovates weaken- ed systems like Ferrozone. Mrs. E. C. Rnycroft, of Sunnyside, says: “I owe a great deal to Fer, rozone which improved my health very much. Before using Ferrozone I was weak and listless and had no color in my cheeks. After taking a. few boxes I felt better and by con- tinuing Ferrozone I gained eight pounds in weight. My complexion is oleur and my appetite good. I can recommend'Ferrozone very highly. It is u splendid tonic.” Why not restore your beauty and keep back signs of old age? In is easily done with Ferrozone. Sufler no more from nervousness and weak- ness ; use Ferrone instead. Let. Fer- rozons help you to get. more out of life. It. is an easy and quick road to health. a splendid remedy for all womanly disorders. Are Coveted by all Sensible Wom en° For Health and Beauty Use Good Figure, Rosy Complexion Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular “Mothers buy it for croupy child. ren. railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people buy it for 19. grippe.” say Moore Bros.. Eldon. Iowa. ”We sell more of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy for than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands.” There is no question but this medicine is the beat that can be procured for coughs and colds,wheth- er it be a child or an adult that is af- flcted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold at Parker’s Drug Store. Noah Webster was caught by his wife kissing a maid. “Noah. I’m surprised!” his wife said. ,Tush. tusb. my dear! How often have I talked to you of the niceties of the English language?” replied the em. berrassed Noah. “You are not sur- prised. I am surprised. You are as- tonished.” Mr.J.S.Robertson, secretary of the National Sanitarium Assocation, writes that among contributions re- oeived within the few days was the sum of $300 from Mr.David Russell. Windsor Hotel. Montreal, forwared through Mr. E. S. Cloustoe. Hon. treasurur of the Muskoka Free Hos- pital Fund for the Province of Que- bec. Alsoa gift of $100 from Hon. Senator Gowan, of Barrie. Senator Gowan,inforwardingliis gift toMr.\V J. Gage. writes as follows: “Dear Sir.llirs.Gowan has just read to me a letter from the secretary, giving full and satisfactory information to the queries she had addressed to you touching the Sanitarium. I have much pleasure in sending youacheque for one hundred dollars, as a sub. scription from myself and Mrs. Gowan in aid of the institution.” GIFTS T0 MUSKOKA HOSPITAL errozone. 30¢ 35C 50c 40c 25c per lb. 60c N 9.. oâ€"c 66 ‘6 66 ‘6 6‘ We have every indication that Spring is now with us. All the birds are singing gaily.glad in the freedom of bursting buds and approaching flowers. Mr. Joseph Atkinson is busily en- gaged digging for the foundation of his new house. We understand that Mr. Hugh McDonald has secured the contract for the brick work. Misses Sarah and Mamie Hurley visited at Mr. and Mrs. John How- itt’s Sunday afternoon. One old wild goose (Gender) in par- ticular, took his flight to the north too soon and had to return to the south. He seems to be somewhat ofi his boundary of late, whether from the result of his northward flight.the effects of Spring or the approach of the assessorâ€"we know not. but he is now doting around his own barn yard. Mr. Howard McGirr. of Dakota. is at present visiting friends around the burg looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Whitmore, who has been Spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Watson. is pre- paring to move to her own home. Mvssrs. Dave Edge and Jas. Mc- Cracken are away to the Forest City. Miss Maggie A. Campbell left for Boxineau. N. D.. last week. If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences of grippe. sore throat, or sickness of any kind. get out your bottle of Nerâ€" viline. Rub the cheat. and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Pol- son’s Nerviline, which has been the great family remedy in Canada for the past fifty 5 cars. Try a 23c. bot- tle of Nerviline. Your Darkiee’ Corner correSponâ€" dent seems to have a very large kind of crow down there. The crows up here are becoming numerous. but.we do not observe any increase in their Size. Archie McLean is (Icing nicely of late. but he is not up .yet. The wheels are now running. and the dust is flying in some places. On Friday, the Slat inst” born to Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, a daughter. Mother and babe are doing well. Quite a number of the farmers of this burg have started to plow. D. A. Clark has rented the Connor farm. Merchant H Tailoring carried on the same as ever. little Hurry . L. FLARI TY Merchant Tailor. Valuable Advice to Mothers Darkies’ Corner. They won’t. last much longer, and you’ll be sorry when it is too late. . y de'} EA}; "(i-03f It you want to 1m) comfortable Omb Just the kind of one Of thOSG Crave~ or market garde and on _easy 1m nettes Flarity is tends 110111;: west. H. 1 sellmg at a- bargam. Jan. 20, 1905.â€"â€"tf. Aberdeen. 0.. ..~. Jan . 25thâ€"2 heated. good cellar, garden. Desir- able location on George street. For terms and partrculars apply on the premises to IVE-ROOMED HOUSEâ€"EASILY heated, good cellar, garden. Desir- .I. one to calve in March and the other two in April; two thoroughbred bulls, also a good heavy Clyde Horse 5 yrs. old. Mar. Gthâ€"4. U 63, Bentinck, Con. 2. W. G. R.. ad~ joining the Cor oration of the Town of Durham. The arm consists of 42; acres â€"-about 4 acres \\ oodland. the balance un- der crass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. J net the kind of place for ; dairy former or market gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor. Jan. 20, 1905.-â€"tf. DURHAM, ONT. 01‘ NO. 30, GARAFRAXA ROAD. Sullivan. 99 acres more or less. Rough- cast house, frame harm. '1’ or particulars apply tn -pu‘rq :‘I'-‘\.- -‘ March 24th, '05. IX-ROOM ED Cl )TTAGE. PANTRY k and Cellor. Also good Woodshed. 1 acre ground, well and cistern. Desirable location. on College street. Durham. For terms anJ particulars apply at resi- dence to u miles horgh. of Priooville. Fun on; first class condmon. Good buildings Wit}: running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars applv to DUGALD I). MCLA'CIILAN, Jan. 28â€"tf. . Priceville P. O. Feb'y 10th-3mpd. 014’ Lake. Two barns stone stables with cement floors good house well watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to MACKAY DUNN, Vendor’s Solicitors. March IOâ€"tf “212 I1 ert consisting of twent -five acres one-half mile east of Corporation of the Town af Durham. described as South part of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. R., Glenelg‘. On the premises is a comfortable brick five. roomed cottage. a good frame barn and stable. a small bearing orchard. an abun- dance of the been running water. All cleared, title good. Terms easv and rice right. For further particulars app v to U elg. consisting of 50 acresâ€"well wat- ered, well fenced and mostlv seeded down. Contortable house and stables, 1 mile from school. 52- mile from Bnnessan 1’. O. and 4 miles from Durham. An excellent pasture farm, or would suit anyone wishing to en- gage in small farming. Apply on the pre- mnses, or by letter to l. streetâ€"six-roomed. frame. {acre land. Good well, a few bearmg trees. well lo- cated. Apply to Feb. lbtllâ€"Gwpd. THUS. DAVIS. Lot 2, Con. 3. N. D. R.. Gleuelg. April 4, 1904.â€"tf. DURHAM P. O. ALEX. FIRTH. Bunessan. Ont. March 6thâ€"10pd. he 1 Durham. Four lots on the West sideof Albert Street, for-private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to l. of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to, J. M. HUNTER; Durham. April 1‘2, linkâ€"U. ‘HREE GOOD YOUNG COWSâ€" Dec )ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH )URE BRED DURHAMS. YOUNG N THE CENTRAL PART OF OT 51. 52. 53â€"SideroadH50, I} EING PARTS OF LOTS 62 AND OT 12, CON. 1. R D. R., GLEN- OUSE AND LOT ON COUNTESS DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- Town Lots for Sale. For‘Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. House for Sale. House to Rent. Farm For Sale. Stock for Sale. ACRES NEAR WILDER’S Farm for Sale. House for Sale. tf Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. For Sale. N. MCINTYRE,'_Durham. For Sale. WM. RITCHIE, Edge Hill. For Sale. J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor; Durham. MRS. QL'IRK, Doruocln. JOHN KEYS. Durham. A . FORD. Proprietor. M. J. BUTTON. DURHAM. â€" -- ONTARIO. Fresh Grocer 188 Ready-made Suits, A large stock of Trousers. Overcoats while they last. A few Waterproof Jackets. A line of Prints, 25c Tea at 200. 30 DAYS AT COST Take Care of Your Horses Feet. . . . . ”0 MORE GUESS WORK. W0 GOOD HOUSES, NEW BRICK good location. garden lot with each. 1. good location. gudeh lot with each. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to [1, an aged mare. Both good working animals. Applyto THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates 100 ACRES, south-west of Varuey. in NOR. MANDY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious to 20 West. 150 ACRES. BENTINCK, north of Allan Park. Well improved and offered very cheap. panties at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICL’LTIES an ranged. C. 1’. R. TICKETS for sale toall points. Always Prompt-Never Nefllmt. INSURANCES PLACED in Nu. 1 Cum ROBERT EWEN, Aberdeen March 24th. ’05.-â€"1mpd. 1‘25 ACRES. on 18th Concession of XOR MANBY. Well im roved and well located ()Ifered cheap. \ ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES. BENTINCK. near Rocky San DURHAM RESIDENCE. belonging to Mr. J. L. lirawne. photographer, offered at J. Gun. 1 S. D. R., Glenelg; in a state of cultivation ; well watered. 5p] creek at barn. ump at house ; good buildings: g garden fruit: good I wood busn; well fenced. mrtly wire _ A on premises to WM. J ACKSOX Bunessau I H. H. Miller 1V1 Class. Experienced, for (ileuelg. to commence the lst plicatiuns, personal preferred to Friday evening. April 7th D urham, Ont STORE To RENTâ€"In J. M. Hunter} Brick Biock. Plate Glass \Vindows. Tables, Counters, Shelving, Hot-air Furnace, Good stand on Main Street. Apply to J. M. HUNTER, Proprietor. M Also several building lots. een. Good farm with Vill sell cheap. snap price ()0 RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY TO J. W. CRAWFORD. JAMES CARSOX or ED. WALSH. THREE YEAR. OLD COLT AND Always in stock. Apples and Pontoon at right prices. DON’T FORGET that all the shove are going “at cost.” Got bugging while they last. ALE OR FEMALE it, and durfng the moniâ€"fihd March we are determined to clenr out our stock of \Vhen_we_ any “cost” we mean NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ACRES. LOTS I5 .. U. D in levelling and balanc- ing your horse’s foot. I have the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and best contrivance for that purpose and will guarantee satisfaction. Teacher Wanted. Houses for Sale. Houses to Rent. W. GUTHRIE, Now offers the following Farm for Sale. . SCOTT FOR For Sale. JOHN M. BELL JAs. MCGIRR. Jr GEO. ALJOE H. H. MILLER. The Blacksmith. u- uock y San good amber spring UN H EA 1) 8T0); ES of the best an PAL .\1 ERS'Tt.) cam DILL( BUGS and DO \\ WILKINSC era have To Introduce FRED W. E VIII .0 it the Middaug! of each month. X". will be at K1 Sumdyv inc. m Mt Roy. London (bphthal h” ‘3‘ “Golden Sq. Throat and I PhBW O 0t crimping either the stqu‘ «. new method of enameflivtgat' “Mappearance of the fence Db the heaviest m the be: JOHN CLAR BARCLAY BEL KIBCHNER MA RAHN 8308.. 3811 W. L. FALKI dry are the kind we Cruts L. R. C BADUL Due-us o HEA“ ” Clydesdale Sir. it as the bCSt tc using, I can st< 106: In flash lik on the market Gd! Cure, Eml kept handy. shove preparat funded checrfu “A regul at m; loosening more “'0!‘ Of York at (McKiuuor dreds Amer 81.50 Out give that Will ha \V t DR. GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN : Eye, Ear, Throat an ‘LCBIVIL' K "'0 10KB! HIE MA “’ fl!

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