â€73M PEOPLE’S SHIRE New Spring Hats. awâ€;- *%%â€â€MWMMâ€: The Big Store _â€"â€"_â€"â€" ,, , ____â€"._._â€"__â€" The Clmicvst 0f the Choice-- Boots and Shoes mm; W . 3:.) 1 only Ladies’ Aatrachan Jacket. $47.00 for .............. $34.99 2 only Men’s Coon Cons. 8.30.00 for ...................... 834 99 SMALL FUBS REGARDLESS OF COST. 3Ladies’ Jackets, 86 00 for. l “ 88 00 for 3 " “ 810 00 for SPRING erl’s Tweed Jackets, all sizes. 84 00 for Alex. Russell GROCERIES FOR SATURDAY ONLY. All Bargains must be Cash or Produce Mothers! here's a Chance to Jacket your Girls. LADIES’ JACKETS AT COST AND UNDER PARTING PRICES ON HIGH GRADE FURS. TRY US FOR RESH GHOCERIES. H DAILY ARRIVING HERE DURHAM ONTARIO Spring Goods The man or hey we can’t ï¬t and please with a spring hat will be hard to ï¬nd. We have the very latest styles in either the Christy or the Soft Felt. ever made in this County. Their equal is not to be seen elsewhere. This very inadequately describes the g splendid qualities of one of the largest and most magniï¬cent purchases of g But you need not wait for the Weather to clear to realize that it is approaching. Call and see our stock. If it won’t take the chill off the atmosphere and warm you up nothing will. We are just bubbling over with enthusiasm. Why shouldn’t we? We have the best se- lected lot of Dress Goods we have ever shown. Don’t expect us to describe them. We simply can’t. Prices can’t be beat. THE BIG STORE. 84.50 and $6 00 for.... $5 25 for.,.. $550for .............. 0T in all its Glory will soon be here. . . . . onsuuhâ€for mi. 3; I P ).o’) 0 $2. 75 $5.00 $2.00 $2.50 3‘2 75 £2.85 200 200 350 400 3W 00" A young man who expects to suc- ceed in business will have to look more sharply each vear to his habits since employers are becoming more rigid in their inspections of conduct not only within. but outside ofl’ice hours. The Guarantee Company of North America.also the United States Guarantee Company, two of the large concerns which bond employment working in financiary capacity,have sent notice to all who are covered by their policies that their bonds will be canoe led instantly on receipt of proof that the employee is gambling or or speculating in a way forbidden by business prudence or strict morals. Young men and boys who have not yet reached the age when they are called to positions of trust will find it 3 to their interest to take notice of the growing disposition of men of large means, as well as corporations. to ex- clude from their employ those whose habits are in the least suspicious. There was nevera time when so large a premium was paid for essen- an†Christian character in the bus- 1n buying a cough medicine for children never be arraid to buy Chamberlain’sCough Remedy. There is no danger from it. and relief is always sure to follow. It is espec- ially valuable ~for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale at. Park- er’s Drug Store. , ..â€". g..-†-._... A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Friday evening was most enjoy- ably spent by our young peOple, at the home of Mr. Geo. Ritchie. “70 Ehave had quite a number 01 dancing parties this winter. and Mr. Ritchie has been very obliging in furnishing music. To show him that his ser- vices were appreciated, the young people gathered together and went. as a surprise party to his home, and presented him with a handsome rocking chair. Mr. Ritchie was taken very much by surprise. but thanked them warmly for their pres- ent. He then got his violin, and the evening was most pleasantly Spent n dancing and other amusements. Mrs. James McCracken’s sale on Monday last was well attended. Auctioneer McPhail realized good prices on everything. as the sale amounted to over 31300. There wasa quilting bee at Mrs. D. Firth’s one day recently, which was attended by all the married ladies of the neighborhood. They finished the two quilts in good time. Mr. and Mrs. Little, of Proton, visited the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ector, last. week. Jimmie Weir, who has been en- gaged with his uncle Mr. Dan Edge, during the winter, returned are his home near Boorhville, on Saturday. Miss Jane Ritchie is home after 1 lengthy visit with friends at. but nocb and Glascott. Miss Valerie Edge visited Walker ton iii-ends for a few days laet week We, the undersigned, have known F. J Chesney for the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and ï¬nan- cially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by his ï¬rm. WAwmo, K lN-NAN . MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0 Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taking inter- nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price “(Inc per bottle, Sold by all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti paciou. We oï¬er One Hundred Dollars m. ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot. be cured by HaZI’s Catarrh Cure. Mr. George Buckingham intends moving shortlv to Arteme'sir twp, where a. situation awaits him. We wish him success. Mr. T. J. Watson leaves this week for Toronto, where he has secured a situation. Tom is one of our stal warts, and as he is chuck full of ambition. there is no doubt about his doing well in the Queen City. Miss Maggie Moore is home from Toronto, on account of her father’s illness, and is now herself conï¬ned to heo bed with a slight attack of appendicitis. We hope to see her enjoy her usual health soon. Mr. George Myers disposed of a horse to Mr. John Wbltmore, recent- 1y. Mr. Will Moore has purchased a ï¬fty-acre bush lot. recently owned by the McKechnie ï¬rm of town Mr. Geo. Moore bad the misfortune to lose a. very valuable thoroughbred Clyde mare. since we last wrote. Mr. James Whitmore has returned home from Rainy River District, Where h'e has spent the past six months. He’s the same jovial, good hearted Jim. Mr. Hooper, of Englewood, is visiting his cousins. the Hooper and Lawrence families. Mr. James Moore, we regret to say. is still very low, with very little hopes for recovery. We hope for the best. F. J. CHENEY C0,. Toledo 0. CHARACTER PAYS Spring Bank. Edge Hill. How’s Thu. s-. 0.9 r-9 If you are not a shareholder it will pay you to become one at once. We are not soliciting orders but we are ready to ï¬ll your order and save you money. If you are going to buy a Windmill see our mill and prices before you buy. The shareholders of the Co. who have bought goods are well satisï¬ed. If wire manufacturing plants were at work in Canada supplying the makers of fences with raw material it would be quite a diï¬erent matter, and there would be some excuse for policy that would help a home in- dustry and compel United States Lcompanies to get up their plants to this country. We have a modest tarifl of ï¬fteen per cent upon manu lectured fencing. and while most of the things we buy having been going up, owing to the increased wages and other expenses, prices of fencing have been tending downwards, be- cause of competition between the various manufacturing concerns. If the present satisfactory state of things is interfered with, even in a small degree, there is no chance of‘ farmers reaping beneï¬t, while there 1‘ are very strong evidence that his; fencing operations would be serious-3 ly curtailed. It is a matter of in»: portance that every farmer in the country siould urge upon his to presentative at Ottawa the wisdom of leaving the tariï¬ upon wire as it has been for a number of years. 1y used in Hm luauufuctuw of farm felluiug To tax the NW material would be to Increase the cast of func- ing. Even a small duty would add several cents to the QOSt of a. rod of fence and hundreds of dollars to- the fencing of a fwvrm. This, to the far mers in the older parts of the Dom- inion, would mean delaying the re- placing cf the old.wasteful and weed- harboring rail fence, 'perhaps for sev- eral years. and to the settlers on the prairie a formed tax and would natur- dly hinder the pragreszs of stock farming and duirying. quir-r :he purse»: rngulations gal vnmzed iron or s'cel wire N09. 9, 11 and 13 are admitted free of duty These are 1h» grades most extensiw 1y used in the manufacture. nf farn‘ The fencing of our [arms has be come serious problem. The increas- ing cost of timber and labcc together with the increasing keep. ing of Jim: stock. continues to com- plicate matters. The Dominion Gov- ernment being persuaded of this a few years ago very wisely put fenc- ing wire on the free list This proved {a great boon to the ruralc-ommunity. {for since then many seettoue of the country have been greatly improwd it: appearance and the Value of {arms increased by the wry general use of ,neat, substauzial and comparatively inextmusive wine fencing. Already it is reported that iullucnces we at work to imluc» the Government to Ottawa. during the p'es'ent seseicn. (0 place. all {muting Wlt‘v on the duti able 13' Wine :umh a county: in the (al‘lll tvgttlaLlUtttd (Might, pttrbnps, lltltllOtlbll mm wzahtvw‘e a new m tlusngt Ht Canada. v.~z . :lte manufac- mm of wire. 1! t: mid um prove other than a Ulula‘ltfv to farm itttprovmneut, and Vt otalti llat'st‘ a tlla'qtllr'llllu' int-lu- encn ugmn litt‘ lv-mwe ttntttulattfut'lttg intlustr;,. You will hasten recovery by tak- Ing one of Ayor’o Pills at bedtime. Coughs,Colds _'_-_â€" v 'â€"v vâ€"v ' vâ€"vâ€"w 1123.17 8. Dunn's. St. Joseph. men. â€mm .11... 3.04113 00.. All ï¬nal“. for Will Mun. Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. Get our Binder Twine For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinda, you cannot take any- thing better than Aycr’s Fence Wire Should Continue to Come in Free. Drop in and see for yourself. Cherry Pectoral Farmers’ Manufacturing and Supply 00., Limited. prices before going elsewhere. We invite you to visit the department at your earliest convenience. McIntyre Block. to the dogs. and then Ma ahd Pa go to churuh and sing I Want to be an Angel.-â€"Milwaukee Star. Bobby says: "I doantr co to ’chnrch. hut. Ma makes me go to Sunday school. and she makes Pa go to church I doant think he wants to go but. he is afrade of Mn and he nuts on his hat and coat. and says Well I wish there wasent any presch- ers to tell me where to get. Then Ma sniff-s and says Yu would he a pretty sight if the preachers dident help you from going to the Dogs. Then pasastu didn’t think I was going to the degs when I married ya I guess thats where I bigan going: Itching, Bï¬nd. Bleed“) or Protmdixtï¬lPilen. Druggiats refund moneyi PAZO DIN ENT fails to cure .anv case. no matter of how long standing inf} to 14 dais. First application gives saw and rest. 500. t' our drug 'ot hasn‘t it send 50¢ in stamps am it will forwarded post-paid 'M’ Paris Medicima Co.. St. Louis. Mo A GUARANTEED CURE FOB PILES his bonnet Putting new tail on the rooster of St. Peter and mending his comb Re pluming and re-gilding left wing of guardian angel Washing the servant of the High Priest and putting carmine on his cheek 'l‘aking the space 03 the son of Tobias Putting Earrings in Sarah’s Ears Decorating Noah’s Ark and putting head on Shem stars Touching up purgatory and restoring lost souls Brightening up the flames of Hell. putting new tail on the Devil, and doing sever- al odd jobs for tho- damned Putting new stone in David’s sling. enlarging the head of Goliath Mending the shirt of the prodigal son. and cleaning his ear Embellishing Pontius Pilot . and putting newnbbon on The church trustees. however. re- quired an itemized hill, and the fol- lowing was duly presented, audited and paid: Correctmg Ten Commandments 85.12 Renewing Heaven, adjusting WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mat. 29th 81 30th An artist who was employed to re touch a large pointing in an old church in Belgium, rendered a bill for $67.30. E wish to make special mention this week that our Millinery Department is now in rapid progress. We are al- ready busy wrth orders. Every season our business has been increasing. This season we have a larger stock than ever and ex poet a larger trade. having over one thousand dollars worth of new spring goods. We are in a better position than ever to meet the demands of our cus- tomers as we have sexsured the best available helpâ€"one head trimmer from Toronto and seven assistants. We have a large stock trimmed up already in the new spring models to attract early purrbasers. We also have some very stylish models in Black Silk and Chili-on. Hard Earned Wages. inery Opening MISS DICK SPRING o 1. 0.9 Total ‘9 0.0 ’-~ Durham. Ont. $67 30.? 4.31 '0‘.30 5.18 7.1 3.39 3.06 .14 Coal ()il. Stoves Ranges. The snow is «lzsappouing very rapidly and the ground will sewn h~ read) for plow- ing. See our assortment of -â€"Plow Harness. â€" Plow Ruins. - Plow Lines “Sweat Pads. â€" Zinc Pads. -â€"Gall Cure. â€"Hom Clippm. SHIRTINGS. COTTONS, Pill GINGHAMS, CHAMBRA f: WINDOW AND ART MI'SI LACES AND INSERTIOTJ: The prudent house-wife early in the spring. See our Harness, Etc. Foot Scrapers. Door Mats. in 8038011 at The Hardware Store. Wants but little here below nor wants that little long," Good positions present themseh every personnnnd' young people w business trauma are nlways in do We are now prepared to receive an y Indies and gentlemen. who wisl own desks. and do their work indepe of one another. In this special attention in such diflicult to them, and are enabled! complish considerable in a They may also. be§in the course a time. Day and Evening Classes. T free Visitors always welcome. Everything G001) POSITlflNS The Mount Forest Business College uâ€"â€".â€"â€"._._,._.‘_.b ‘_ .- . - , The lest Canadian and Am- erican Coal Oil always in stock. Do not forget that we bundle the best and cheapast Stoves and Ranges. Our “Penn Esther†range is getting known for its gaud qualities. Hardware. “'0 also sell diflernnt kinds of Foot. Scrapers. Why have dirty floors when you can buy Door Mus so cheap. Our variety consists of Wire. Cocounut, Fibre and Corn. _ And energy on WASH DAY when a ï¬ve-cent package c our “Pure Soap Chips†will «1 the work efliciently. . McArthur vide it in the BEST'of Staple Goods. We do not profess to keep EVERYTHING, but what we DO keep will bear Jasper. tion, and our Goods and. Prices will sued comparison with similar lines unywhere Give us a call and judge for ymrself. 'I‘ while it is necessary WA nrn nrnnn-n .’ .. ‘. 'r. CLANCY, pm. -Trace Chains. 81:? prepared _to prd. -‘h-_ BEST of stipie than; selves at my The Chronic] “WERED DURING THE PA3T WEEK E01 CHRONICLE READERS. Local News Item THEY haw lmudscnu “thalamus, Moor Uils innâ€"at J85. h'vlandk‘ FOB SALE.â€"-â€"Mass¢.’y-Harri.~ Bind. Good as new. Has out only vight. commâ€"John \V. Lunney. Ahoy-awn GIT your Saws gummml at th Durham Foundry. HOUSE and lot for Stilt In. T1108. Fox. -~tf A GOOD thing to have by you for rainy dny~u handsome new rain m and a new umbrella or pamsul. Y. “I! buy them right at Jas. lrvlaml UNTIL Satunday. April 15:11. We g the CHRONICLE for the balance of I you. and the Toronto Daily Nouns. new subscribers, fur $1.4“. DB. Bmwxâ€"Eye, ear. now an throat Specialist, will I» at. [(11qu m. Durham, on Saturday. Apr “II for consultation. Eyes Ivstvd an M supplied. Hunt's 12 m. in IN the new Canadian Newspzqu MIT just issued by A. Mt‘Ki‘ 00.. of Montreal, the following p15 map!) is m be found. “There no reason why the ï¬rm. with faith their own merchandiso. shnuld um i vest a. reasonable sum in :ulvvrtisinu Pam. ALLAN ib round Miler Laugh siege 0! s the past, couple of “~ch wasn’t sick long. it In» I pounds minus, but with bracing spring air. We» h him his old self again. IT is reported ru of our local Podlzu Sunday evvniug a? his hearings, in 1! city. H0 waudv but ï¬nally gut Ull m for the halanvu m’ the only «Wants. 01 Tm: (‘um “ h Malice 0f thv \vu : â€I for $1. 40 if they dun M. Subscribe earl} . u hoeflt of cm lllus Apt-i1 17th. ul Presbyterian Shakespearin drama. wit! mm. will lwg fresllllwms \! In Mr. All/('lu‘S‘ laid up for ll tack of la gri he lnul (0 I!“ the wedding friends will I (l()( M'l'l \’( all tlw \\ our ‘1‘ that H callml .1 u wh \Vl many HI \ with si 1m regularilk "I the Nor! th‘st. A 1:“ “the station to star: 11: long journev new»: [In '08]: ago, Ml. Tumor h-f hill) a car load at hm: Ind Come stuck. Mr. am and ftmily will. \w grew W and vicinity “IONICâ€; joins their": Villain“ them suécms in “I nwny North was {/0111 I [8 this issnv awn-aw «If new stury MUM. d the Morning" by Thi- isn thrilling sin I“ should he read lay “other page \H‘ I Me†by Funny )1. will be run every w».- lli least. Don’t mil w your friends .‘lhu H ‘5 lune time dmfl M mt they can g4â€. \V I I)! “V ( VOL. 38---N0.1986. LITERAI Md in (7. lh m ht ll \V I new designs il and J ap Mutt inwu [1(DIII Apply a 1‘1“; (‘1! r01 I'll. {IV to