Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Mar 1905, p. 7

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sitatlon in giving ~ 0 that they will pod- troubles 33 Thin 1‘ Pale and 88110. Co.- and 1 ruptions, Nerv- neg» Langour and lb- lag and forgetful“ Dyspepsia an! lndlp €8418L’l1t4 Palpitation d und Famt Spells, Nan. n are on Bokharan Id] mand of the czar, In! qualities of DI. mum ILLS are so absolu 399 out of a hundred that mg osmM'nbed god W I." ”510d. It «um ‘06.“. m OI! - phc is “flatworm“- ml tub». v.1- .Ver m W ttmtntnt. Marne-h .951"! flu. m m H out“ a bland can“. Them to Care or You eerfully Ref udcd. In .ox'ntn’tn tough. Group, Bronchitis ip, Asthma, Diphtheria sing Dr. Harte’s -lron Pills. NI having been re ¢ttf¢d to M‘ after Ante-ring tur m-vrral 3". ".35 inn-tiny. and than M m. m 30110!”th main M burn the man of euro. 7. it. he winch-aria!» and. II. '0! the prescription nan-d. U“ u an can [on M Qthutbuu 3‘. 509-9”“L‘V'” P“!!! HA NSUMPTIVES. u, my sweet one; (I ove. [learned mydntx Barn dole: not a boon to Adhmfloo meal *3 V My darling! You an farvov. “The Both:- is, to be met by Don!- mining hundred. d Harvey. “Victor!” 2 03111918. I. did 0|"- , command of Kourl. :e the beasts, the call- and Roma were noon the chief and found .‘I'MY wounded. ’eakness, General Ib- eueo and dismal-v. nodon condition d n, or ml: and i.- DARLING t! 3V es of D: on purcha they writ. tty sure Dr. liarto’l :rivo be a you I have been,” all e brains of you ul] gig-t gho- ey in their great- he Zannucks did warning to turn the form of Pa]- Round aim ne was con- vas dead. bo- )RUGG hout nur- answered. f and be- ”ed!” M Hunt'- 3h at. )0d at t. and in bi. end g untan 418T OM nteo may \'.' ere Ark 133 1m ‘J” .ne um mono" mac .1.“ m m. mu m HIE WWI“ BEHIIIBLE W T" CflImuCLI; '1'“ In an: ”any address, free of postage, for 3|.” pet ““3 -.--- - vwmxab‘es.“ WW??? my ”It. I u v v ,vâ€"v,, , chm-3d “not to paid. 1h: datcto'hicE cur; b '9.“ t id is damned by the numberon tha oeaper d: c mtinued an"! all arrest: .- said.“ M at caption of the proptietor. fi m] m £0: trmtmfiadvenisetpenu 8 cemspet no or t e rs! Insertion ;.3 cent? pm “IE8 . . . a ne each subsequent insemonâ€"unmon wt!- Prd'ens'wnal curds, not exceeding one inch. 84.00 pt! .mnun. Advert isemcnte without specific dinaions N150 polished tifl forbid and charged ac- mrdi ly Tmiem- notices-4‘ Lost,” “ Found.‘ " Fat c,‘ etcâ€"30 cents for first insertion, :5 cents (a each subgequent insertioq.‘ ____4- l- __9j meu‘h‘ THE JOB :: 'v "I- “'vav a KIT-advertise treats, measure inaction in cunem rt, should he btoqgh: in not. later than Tuuoav I III: JUD ; 3 sec-pleat, stocked with DEPARTHENT .11 NEW TYPE, thus .1. Drs. lamieson Macdonald FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durban. Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to w a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases d women and childi'en. Residence op- paite Presbvterian Church. an: Stafion. V1.0. Pickering, 0.0.8., I..D.S. HONOR GRADUATE 0F TORON. t) [Tuiyersityzquraduate of Royal â€" A: nab-v:n College I , Ufiice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Tow n, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm proportv. D McIntyrp’s Block, hm. Collectiun and “tended to. Searches trv Office. ANHIDlDu’u. U JO-v-â€"v__ _’ veyancprs. Etc. Mono to Loan. Ofliceszâ€"ln the McIntyre Block, our Standard Bank. FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Caldor’a flock. Rosidenceâ€"Lambton Street, near Ion-ding mimics (or turning out First-class I. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. .FP‘ICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. residence or '1 Orders may be JAMES CARSON, DURHAM, LICo eased Auctioneer for. the County of Grey, Land Valuator. Bulifi' of the 20d Divxsion. Court Mud 111 other matters prelim“): {pended}. “when: reform OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- tionoor for the County of Grey. 83100 promptly attended 1!). Orders ma obs hfi st his Implanout WW0, ll non’s old stand. or at the Chromcle 05a. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 .. 7-9 p.11). Telephone No.10. G. MACK“. K. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC: COMMISSION- n_.:__ “A mnnnv Nov. 9, m EDITOR AND Pnopmnmu. OBERT B? ; Auctionqer â€"' v'â€"â€"- nished if reanitdm Medical Directory. Arthur Gun, JI. \lAvnn- v Universiw;_-é;;duato of Royal of Dank} Surgeons of Ontario. Calder B100 c. over Post Ofico. Dental Directorv. MacKay Dunn. 31‘1 u v- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" nctionoer for the Céunty of Grey. .romptly “tended to. 0:11 at my no or write to Allan Park P. 0. may be lofl u the Ohtoniclo ofico. Legal Dz'rectorv. J. P. Telford. Lefroy McCauI. Miscellaneous. yamr etc. Private mono accounts and debts of a] 1 on commissiém. Firms M. Insurance Agent. etc. Mia’s Old Stand, Lower Uv~-'__ _ . Block, Lower Town. Dur- and Agency promptly chhes loads at the Regin- \V. F. DUNN. The Mirror has the heat authority for stating that the construction of an independent Ilne of railway from Owen Sound to Meaford is now prac- tically assured. A Meaford gentle- man who was in Owen Sound the other day was told that it was as good as settled that the road would be built and that it would take a northerly direction. Itie understood 1 that the southerly route has been abandoned. which is nm at all sur- prising in view of the fact that there is a grade of some 400 feet to contend with, to ear nothing of the number ‘of bridges that would have to be :croesed. On the northern or lake ishore route the grade is not more Ethan fifty feet. There are only two 3 bridges to signify and these are nor. lover twenty feet in length. The f railway will run through probably ;one of the finest fruit belts in Ontario lIt is not improbable that advantage i will be taken of the Opportunity the lconstruction of this railway will afo ford to develop Mountain Lane as a gsummer resort.â€"Meaford Mirror. When asleep. people that snore breathe through the mouth instead of the nostrils which are choked with catarrh. Just use ”Catarrhozone” before retiring and you’ll quickly cure the snoring habit. By destroy ing the cause of catarrh and healing the membranes, Catarrhozone makes acomplete cure in every case; it cleans the nostrils. stops the dis- charge and prevents dropping in the throat in a few minutes Nothing so pleasant or certain to cure snoring catarrh or colds as Catarrhozoneâ€" that’s worth remembering. If you would do large things. you must have large ambitions. Aim highâ€"even though you do not reach . the place you aim at, you will go higher than if you were satisfied with a steady job and a small salary. Many men who have aimed at large things have found that they were comparatively easy to attain and have steadily enlarged their aims to keep pace with their growing self confidence ard capacity. thus attain- ing to heights that they did nor be- lieve within their reach at the start. Be it understood. however, large ambitions mean more than to have large wishes. To succeed one must have desires eufiiciently strong to work away steadily and persistentlv ‘ to make the dream come true. ‘ And She Became a Prey to Pernicious Anaemia.â€"â€"Cured by the Great Blood Maker Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protmdin Piles Druggiats refund money if PAZO OIN ENT fails to cure anv case. no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 day. First. application given more and rest. _50c. f lyour druggiat hasn't it send 500 in stamps am it. will forwarded poet-paid bv Paris Medicine 00.. St. Louis. Mo A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES ‘ If a mail ship is late, is she liable to a fine from the government or is there a rebate of any kind?” “Well. she is usually docked. believe ” "About. a year ago, writes’ Mrs. S. G. StanhOpe of Rothesay. "my daughter complained of feeling tired’. She was very pale and lisrless. and| kept losing strength till too weak to' attend school The doctors pre- scribed different bottles of medicine but Elaine kept getting worse in- stead of better. She had Anaemia and we were afraid for a while that she might never rally. We read of a similar case, that of Miss Descent, of Stirling. Ont. being cured by Fer 'rozone, and this induced us to get it l for Elaine. It took three boxes of iFerrozone to make any decided im- : provement. but when six boxes were! i used my daughter was beginning to l be her old self again. It didn’t take 5 much longer to make acomplete cure and I am convinced that there is no better blood-maker than Ferrozone. It has made a new girl of Elaine. She has gained ten pounds in weight and looks the picture of perfect health. She is stronger and enjoys ' the best of spirits. The credit of her recovery is entirely due to Ferrozohe.’ ROAD m 33 NH"! DOCKED FOR BEING LATE. Every growing girl and young woman can make herself strong and healthy with Ferrozone. It makes blood. nerve and tissueâ€"makes it fast, and makes it to stay. Complex- ion soon becomes rosy. nerves get new strength, tiredness vanishesâ€"â€" perfect health is the rewsrd for using Ferrozone which is sold by all drug- gists. Price 500 per box or 6 boxes fort? 50. By msil from The Ferro- ”A. '0‘ '8 UV. ”J â€"â€"-_ zone Company. Kinga‘tbn Out. Get 3 supply of Fen-ozone to-dsy. WHAT CAUSES SNORING. errozone. AIM HIGH. .m‘ 0.0 -,-. Ihe Stats of his Week Brief Description of the Comtellatic That Will Illnmine the Starry Heaven This (Thursday) Eve. Have you observed how the Lady Venus is beaming on Jupiter. indeed making unmistakable advances on him in the western sky during 'hH last few weeks? The advance has not been altogether on the side nf Venus. however. for little by little Jupiter draws nearer and nearer to the western horizon. and little by little Venue mounts the sky. Su that .I'V‘UV on the 9th, this Thursday. Venus will pass Jupiter. and after that date while she remains an evening star she will be seen to the east of Jupi- ter instead of to his west. as she has been all winter Jupiter. usually so brilliant an object on the heavens. sufiers by comparison with Venus the only body. except the moon. that can dim his preStige. A conjunction. as such an incident ' is called, has now no significance} whatever. though at one time astro.j logers considered it as a most impor tant event, afl'ecting the tempera- ments. indeed the very existence of human beings. Two heavenly bodies are in conjunctien when one is GX‘lctiV north or south of the other. These bodies are not nearer to one another at such a time than they are all the vear around. Their paths lie millions of miles apart. Venus cannot leav» her orbit. which lies within that travelled by the earth around the sun, and Jupiter’s path lies far out in space beyone those travelled by the earth and Mars and the asteroids. and so. though they appear on the sky background on Thursday evening to be within 5;; degrees of one anoth- er. it must not be forgotten that this appearance is due to the perspective in which they are seen from the earth. But there is another interesing element in connection with the posi- tion of these planets on Thursday. and that is the position of three davs’ old moon. The moon will pass Jupiter at ahout 6 p m.. the planet being a little more than 3 degrees north of the crescent moon. and at about 8 p. :11. she will pass Venus, Venus being more than 8 degrees to the north. These are observations that. even a small child may make. No ins'ru‘ ments are required. The only essen- tial is a clear sky. Do not neglect. then. to look at the Western heavens Ulla". UV ‘vvl‘ "V vuuv - on this Thursday evening for the beautiful and unusual spectacle of the two brightest. planets and the silver cradle of the young moon ap- parently bearing one another comp- any. Venus has reached nearly herl greatest brllliancy. the brightest1 phase being attained on the 18th. when her light will be remarkably lustrous. and capable of casting a shadow if the moon were not shining. After that date the bright face of the planet will gradually be turned from our view. and her brilliance will therefore decline. and though she will be our evening star for several weeks still. her soft light will be gradually immersed in the dazzling rays of the sun. During May Venus will be entirely invisible. but when the summer comes and she emerges from the neighborhood of the sun. Ithe riser in the early dawn will see the lovely planet glowing in the east- north east, before sunrise. and she i will shine as a morning star during lthe rest of the year. Jupiter, too, will soon be lost in the sun’s light, to re-appear in the early morning twilight of midsummer On the 4th of July these planets will be again in conjunction. Jupiter be- 2§ degrees north of Venus, a distance of not less than half that separating them this Thursday evening. T. E. Puget. a. wheelsman on one of the C. P. R. liners, appeared in the police court on \Vednesdey morn- ing on the charge of sending an ob- scene picture through the mail to a daughter of Mr. Jae. A Campbell. 11 LePen st. The picture is said to be a semi-nude figure stamped upon up postal card. The charge is two fold. The first charge, that of post- - Evans". ‘1‘..- fold. The first charge, that of post- ing an obscene picture, is involved in the code relating to postal laws. 1 The second is that of exposing an Mr Jas. A. Campbell. to whose daughter, it is alleged. the card was sent. Several other valentines of an objectionable nature. which had also been sent to Miss Campbell, were ,also produced. and Paget is accused of havmg been the sender of theml.“ He pleaded not guilty and was re- manded until to- morrow morning.â€" 0. 8. Sun. I used to, wear a thin straw hat And gaud y ghirts and things like that But I don’t do it now. I used to go without my vest And court the breezes from the west And think a shady street _wos best, But I don’t do it now. â€"Chicago Chronicle. HAY PAULINE, NOT NOW! U,s.s.xo.,2nunxcxton no. Sr. IV â€"- Mndgo Homo John Nowell. . Jr. IVâ€"Arthur hi'chno. 81*. III- Elias Edge. Jr. IIIâ€"Gertie Morton. John Grnsv by, Smith Ewen, Vila McKuchnio 11â€"Alfred Burtley, Herbie Duns- moor, George Nowell, Andy Veeeie, Noble Bartley, Annie EWen Pt. IIâ€"Roy Wismer, Willie Edge, Mabel Vessie. IClassâ€"Lewis Nowell. Earl Ves- uie, Garnet. Wismer. s. 8. N0. 1, NoaquY. Sr. lVâ€"Milton Manece, Jr. IVâ€"Agnes Marshall. Sr. IIIâ€"Eva McAllisLer, Viola Backus. Jr. IIIâ€"A. Backus. Willie McAllis- ter. George Gray. Harry Gray. Sr. IIâ€"Lizzie Burns. Jr. IIâ€"Mary Backus, Tommy Wallace, Minnie Keller. Sr Pb. IIâ€"Janet Gray, Neils. Mar- shun. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Jobn Kerr Sr. Iâ€"Henrietta Kellar‘ Elmer Fee. U. s. s. so. 4, H. . s. Class Vâ€"Ellen Allan. IVâ€"J ames Allan. IIIâ€"Maggie Tinkham. Ettie Groch- ofske, Mabel Davidson and Earl Car- go, eq., Annie Grocbofske.. Sr. IIâ€"John Tinkham, Henrv Jones, Willie Davidson. Sr. Pc. lIâ€"Asket Allan, May Byers. Henry Grahlmann. Jr. Pt. Ilâ€"Jamee Byers. Howard Davidson. Sr. Iâ€"Elma Grochufske. Jr Iâ€"Lizzie Tinkham. Louie Nuhn. s. 8. N0. 3, BENTINCK. Class Vâ€"E. Vickers. Sr. IVâ€"B. Park. J. Corbett, Wm. Vickers. Jr. IVâ€"M. Derby. R. Lindsay. Sr. IIIâ€"R. Vickers, W. Living- stone. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Park, G. Corbett, K. Grierson, S. Livingstone. Sr. Ilâ€"K. Park, R. Alexander, B. Wise. Jr. IIâ€"L. Terry. A. Lawrence. D. Donnelly. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"A. Bailey. s. 3. N0. 5, GLENELG. IV Classâ€"Roy McNally, Elmo Ed wards, Ernest Cook. III Classfâ€"Frank Ryan, Beecher Jack. Allan Davis. II Class. Sr. -â€"Enn McNally, Jennie Cook, Wilfred Hunt. Wesley Hunt. II Class, Jr â€"-Ivan Edwards, Jen- nie Jack. I Classâ€"Mina Edwards. No. of names on rollâ€"30. Average attendance-23. Jr. Iâ€"Mabel Wallace. \ A. L MACCRACKEN, Tehcher. s. 8 N0 1, GLENELG. V Classâ€"Lizzie Binnie. Cassie Kennedy. IV Clans. Sr --Mav Young, Emma. Benton. Millie Whitmore. IV Class. Jr ”Winnie Binnie. David Nichol. Winnie Smitn. III Class, Staâ€"Katie McFarlane. Archie Kennedy. III Class. Jr.â€"Ameha Rigby Norotta Fallaise, Rennie Smith. II Class. Sr.â€"Lawrence McKeown Thomas Grasby. ' II Class, Jr.-â€"-Wilfred Nichol, George McInnis. Alex. McFarlane. Average attendanceâ€"14. ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. “U‘lwlun 'I never have been yet.’ said the widow with becoming modesty. Sore Tina“ and Coughs A simple. Mn: and safe woody (at all throat irritation. is found in Crmlono Antiseptic Tablet. They congbine the get-mach! value of Cresolcge {nth “You are sure you won’t be nerv- ous at. the slum?” said be before the wedding. I! a, ‘L- IXCLUIXVILY Will be :t the Middsngh House Int Wedneodsy of each mon‘h. from 12 to 4 p. m. ‘â€"â€"-E. Lindsay. HONOR ROLLS. BEULAH COLLING. Teacher. ,_._.....â€" N-fl . DR. BROWN ELIZABETH SUOTT, Teacher. ANNIE PEETY. Teacher. |c3 U‘ u. y?» I“ .uâ€" vvvv All Brut!!!“ 1. EDGE, Teacher. We Sell What You Uhitfoniers Cribs and Cradles TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Iron Beds Springs ‘ Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables Don’t waste you: time and money 03 (MHZ). ”1"“9'0"5~ “Mm Don‘t increase .41 )1pr own Gust )‘uur sufi'r'l ins b)’ bx nu: 0" DJ“ M edies which tin-y mum to luve just discun-rcd. '1 I!» ~' [I "' ‘ bu -- "We come to us in con (Hence. We will treat you cnn‘cicuuuubl“. MPH“ and restore )ou to numb in the shortest. fpmsab'ac tit-w» n :m the Ir comfort and exue'se mact'cumv. Each woe is w Wu 3" UH‘S‘ Our NW MO!!!“ is original and 11:13 shmd the tcn: for [u t}'-| A NERVOUS WRECK RObUST MANHOOU We Guarantee in Cum» SMctw-e, Variance“, Nervous Beégaii?, Bleed 90350123, Vital Weaknesses I ldney 3:93! Bladder .058- uses, an! All Diseases Peculiar to New and Women. I48 Shelby Street, Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Blouse Materials, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mantles, Etc. February Bargains I: 77"!" THE POPULAR CA8H STORE. Question Blank to: Home Treatment scat FREE. Priccs Low No Cure THE POPULAR 048” «STORE. 1 1.3::- ‘! fut-u...» .209. Bhnk .0 Pay. Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks _ Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings DETROIT, MICH. AM. “i. erous. errofl'imentfl tnatucit. m! can r-mrmcd on wiln rem- fl'” bu. H'mgmlarv relief. BI". “UH”. humanlip' Ila-i Sfiiuflln)’. 0. with the low-Rt non-dicing. dil- ROBUST MANHOOD

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