o! the new annoy wu out soaking uated 110030 0 lumbar knowledge of his beloved Spring water ("dull and F. hotd_in fut ombrm reasonable. A 'A week ego Wednesday seemed to catch 3 number of our eporte nbroed In the big Item. A young hunter .1 a}. new enrvey we: out seeking Mr. W J. Young was at Hanover laat Wednesday to attend the Farm- ers Institute of that place. h]: this week. (Intended for last week.) Those of our people who attended the Farmers’ Institute on Thursday were very much pleased with the two outside epeekere. 0! course they enjoy the locel epenkere too, but ere heï¬nning to knw ell their tricks from honing them so often. In view of the preposed re-velue- sion of the County one of our ferm- hes been giving himself a severe min; end has gsined much informs- don in regud to inspecting farms .6 is now very eligible for the posi in of vslnstor. We lourn luor that Mr Jas. Wil- Iln is able to be out and around “ï¬n . A party of four, two gentlemen and their lady friend. all of your town. mud through this burg on snow shoes last. Monday night. It. James Lunatic-o. we are sorry 9 uy, nus on the sick list :few It. and Mrs. Charles Ritchie and Mr. Murray Ritvhie. visited at Mr. James Ritchie’s, Monday evening. Mr. James Mchlly and son \Ves- loy. have teen (utting wood for Mr. Angus McArthur rewntly, but ow ing to the severe storms and bad roads they could not easily get their contract ï¬nished. Durham, March 2, 1905. the I M! Jas {JURHAM CHRONICLE the list at his all ()n arrive posses MacFarlane 61 Co. For X I Lingeriï¬g Colds Baby’s Cough Syru Grip Tab! 5 Carr’s Cough Cure Pinol Balsam Druggists 8. Booksellets. Corner Concerns. Oil with Don’t let. : check it. now Darkies’ Corner. I! all“ in time ill break up a coldï¬ â€˜21 hon 18 just what its me indi- cates. a specially prepared syrup for the little olks. may be given to the m t delicate infant. Try it. For recent colds give splen- did results. It. :llav all ir- ritation. . is no'hing better than Emulsion of Cod Liver with Hypopbospbites. let a cold burg on, Edifor and Proprietor 3F Wilson. Lambton St.. 0 learn, is on the sick We hope to hear of fl! Or 3 for $1.00. 35c a bottle 25C [1 bottle. 25¢: a little. of Mr little tber prvvail and impassable. lI at \f- She ()l'R Varm-y correspondent refers to the illness of Mr. Blytll’s children from scarlet fever. W'e since learned that the little boy, ‘Villie, died early Sunday morning and was buried in the afternoon of the same day. We regret to hear of the sad bereavement of M r. and Mrs. Blyth, and we sincere- ly hope the remaining members of the family who are now ill will soon re- gain their usual strength. The little boy who died was about ï¬ve or six years of age. «-0.â€" ‘ MARRIED. __ N urnuuaw- MCCLUCKLIxâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s mother, on \Vednesday, Feb. 22nd 1%. by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan. Mr. John Nicholls, to Miss Cora Edith McClocklin. MACLEANâ€"MACARTHUR.â€"At the Baptist parsonage, Muloch, Feb. lat 1905, by Rev. C. E. Pineo, Mr. Duncan Maclean of Bentinck, to Miss Jeannette MacArthur of Glenelg. Mn. J. ll. JACKSON, of Midway. B. (‘.. Wlln has been absent twenty years, rujoire‘s nver the pulitical success of Dr. Jamiesnn in the recent contest. In the same letter, which, by the way, contained his subscription, he regrets to notice that so many of the old resi- dents are passsing away. He reports British Columbia as a prosperqus coun- try, developing rapidly during the past few years. Tm: Piano-Violin recital in the Town Hall Thursday next promises to be a great success. Mr. George Fox, the violinist, appeared here before and those who heard him then will be anxious to hear him again. By reâ€" quest of many who want to secure ad- mission a plan of the Hall will be. open to-nmrrow. Friday, at MacFarlane’s “my; Htm'v. when reserved seats will tilt natiun present state of (-ivilization. The war was nut, the main theme though it naturally ("nine in for a share, The audivnm- was highly pleased. ‘1 Dr. Bruwn, Soloist of Holstvin, Geo. Fox. Violinist of Tommto. Mrs, New- ton, Pianist. and others, will take part in ithv Piano-Violin Recital in the Town Hall, Thursday next, March 9th. Mr. -â€"â€" ~â€"- McLean. a yn (er of Exot‘mnmission MCI fering frum a broken 10 received a few days ago. TH E Home property in Durham was sold this Week by the Agent. Hugh MacKay. [An interesting account. of the death of Mr. Thomas Brown. of To- ronto. a. brother of James Brown is held over till next issue.â€"ED] Mr. James Moore has been quite indispOSvdfor some time. We hope to see him better soon. Mr. George Myers disposed of 21 head of cattle and one colt laSt week. They netted him the snug sum of $1000. James Main’s sale on Tuesday was quite a success. With auctioneer McPhail wielding the hammer things go fast and at their value. Mr. and Mrs. Main and family move shortly to their new home at Hagarsville. They will be much missed here, es peciallv Jim who always took an active part in Sunday School work and everything good and edifying. Miss Maud Whitmore is home from Toronto on account of ill health. We hope to see her in usual health 800!) . fnncy bell st Mt. Forest may wish us to put up n suitnble excuse to the ladies of thnt town for thee: non-nt- tendsnce, nnd in {not they tried their best for hours, and the farmers were generous too. in supplying lanterns, mitts, nnd shovels. but it was simply a csse of Providence. Nothing else would have stopped them. Mr. Ben Critgenden left for Ayr on Monday morning. It is a pleuuee to note the inter- est one of our. young men is taking in Vurney church. He has. no doubt. implicit faith in unceasing love and is no longer a. doubting Thomas. IRY instructive and interesting (m the. Japs and Japan was «I Muuday night last in the it‘l'iilll church by Rev. Mr. six-sun. The subject; was treat- histm'ii-zil manner so as to Show )\\'th and development of the frmu earliest history to her House to Rent. LOCAL NEWS. Spring Bank. McLean, a. younger broth- a(j mn, is suf- : which he “’"c AND further take notice that after Peb. such last mentioned date the said ,, Mr. Executors will proceed to distribute k to the assets of the deceased among the ’ parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the = said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by REBâ€" them at the time of such distribution. \TOTICE is hereby given pursuant to L “The Revised Statutes of On: tario,†1897, Chaper 129, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the Estate of the said George Adlam, who died on or about the 25th day of January A. D. 1905, are required, on or before the lst day of April A. D. 1905, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to one of the undersigned Execu- tors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. In the Matter of the Estate of George Adlam, late of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased. JAS. WILSON, H. MACKAY. All sums of $00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 mos credit. will be given on furnishing approved Joint notes. 6“, / per annum will be allowed 05 for and in lieu of notes. Notice to Creditors SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP. Tuesday, Mar. 7th, 1905 om, glvmg 1mm; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old. giving milk; 1 cow, 8 yxs. old, dry; 2 young calves; 5 well-bred sheep; 1 Brood aOW sow, supposed in far- row; 2;") h 11~;1 pr. geese; 1 pr. tur keys;1 lumber wagon, nearly new; 1 set bobsleighs nearly new; 1 out tar nearly new; 1 good top buggy; FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been insxmcted to sell by Public Auction at Lot. No. 36, Concession ‘3. W. G. R... Bentinck, on 1 good serviceable mare, 8 yrs 1 good working team; 1 'cow.s old, giving milk; 1 cow. 3 yrs. giving milk; 1 cow, 8 yrs. old, 5nd bar'n: 'Fnr f'urtliér particulars apply ti) JNO. McLUHAN, Mt. Forest. or JAS. BRYDON, Egertou, Executors. U Road. Bentinck situated about ’miles from Durham. Contains 100 acres 60 acres being 111 good state of cultivation and the rest in good c0 0nditi0n tor pasture. There is a new frame barn 40’ x 50' and a good frame dwelling house 011 the farm. with a gcmd_ snpply_ot spring water at_ both home We offer One Hundred Dollars Rec ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO.,Toledo. 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1:") years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and ï¬nan cially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by his ï¬rm. WALDING, KINNAN 8LMARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall’sCatarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 756 per bottle. Sold bv all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills {or consti- pation. The Annual meeting of the Cement Company was held in Toronto on Tuesday. We have no report of the proceedings, but from the ï¬nancial statement we learn that the year 1904 was much more prosperous than 1903. Additions to the plant amounting to $9445.16 were made during the year. These were chiefly in connection with the coal-grinding department and were rendered necessary to increase the output of the mill. lgtioml Portland Cement Oompuy The mill ran from the 22nd of April to the 2206 of December 1904, a period of eight months continuously. The total output during that time was 187,819 barrels, and the sales amount- ed to 177,119 barrels. The quality of the cement is excellent and ranks A l wherever used. The net proï¬ts for the year amount- ed to $25, 804. 10. The loss in 1903 was over $9000. It was also shown In the Secretary’ 8 Report to the Directors, that the average price of Cement dur- ing 1904 was 580. a barrel less than in 1903, and had 1903 prices prevailed during 1901 the earnings would have been increased $102,739. 01‘ NO. 5:}, CON. 3, GARAFRAXA Auction Sale Preprietor. Farm for Sale. THE FOLI..U\\'ING How’s This. CREDIT TERMS Auctioneer Yrs old old Custom Work and Repairing DURHAM, Fresh Groceries Footwear Ready-made Suits, A large stock of Trousers, Overcoats while they last, A few Waterproof Jackets, A line of Prints, 250 Tea. at 200. 30 DAYS AT COST The season far lighter Rubbers is approach- mg. and we have these :11 all sxzes tar men, women and cluld ren. Women ’s Oxfords at 90c per pair. Women’s Boots at 85c per pair. Babies’ Boots at 25c to 40c per pair. Boys’ Long Boots at 3'3le per pair. Ladies’ ï¬ne leather Slippers at $1.15. Ladies’ Felt Slippers (fur-trimmed) at, 90c To Err is Human Heavy Rubbers. AXES. SLEIGH BELLS. X-Cut-Saws. Boots Shoes TinWare !! Try our STOCK FOOD. We guarantee none better. Hardware C. McArthur EVERY DAY is Bargain Day while these goods last. 'I‘hv remainder of our stock of Boys’ Heavy Rubbers are sell- ing at 900 per pair. ‘ But you shall not err if you pur- chase our at. present prices. We quote as follows:-- F. SIEGNER Only 4 Strings of 60 Bells left, were $2.00, now $1.50. We have the Monarch. the Daisy. the Modelâ€"at greatly reduced prices. We have the Indiana, the Lance. the Whiting and Imperial which we are oflering at is price. Always in stock. Apples and Potatoes at right prices. above are going â€at cost.†Get bargains while they last. DON’T FORGET that all the \Vhen we say “cost†we mean it. and durmg the month of March we are determined to clear out our stock of We are bound to reduce our stock and are offer- ing goods at reduced prices. - ' _ W No greater work of faith has been undertaken in any Repairing country. For its support the Hospital is dependent on (111' Prompcly “tended to N; the generostty of the people 0f the Domm Down-town Shoe Store. S. SCOTT All our Winter Goods reduced from 100 to 500 per pair. â€"AN Dâ€" FUR ONTARIO. PEEL, the Shï¬eman CASH ONLY. DVRIHU AND OWEN : It matters not what you want we have a bargain Don’t delay the best choice for early buyers. Some Women’s Tweed Slippers for 100. Some Women’ s Rubbers fol-2 5v. Some Children’ s Moccasins for 137:4: V NOW is the Time Compounl It will be fl Cattle. She out I 5 Par] 51111111711111: 1T1: â€ï¬n-Mo. -â€" L. H. Cascadden, M. 1)., Douglas, Ont. : “I have a patient in whom pul- monary tuberculosis is just developing, and who has no means of her own to pay for treatment, or at on rate only a small fee in a has ital. think the treatment at the natorinm would help her, and as she has no'home I have advised her to seek admission in your institution. Will you kindly send me conditions governing admission 2 †be sent. to the Sanatorium. He would have to be sent to the F we Hospital, as his mother says she could non pay more than $1 per week. They asked me to write to you. Do you think he can be admitted ?†H. J. Pettypiece, M.P.P., Forest, Ont. : “ There isa young lad in town, named Kenneth Levitt, aged seven years, showing the very ï¬rst signs of consumption, and Dr. McCordie, who is attending him, recommends that he Would Have to be Sent Free. Since the Hospital was opened in 4-1pril, 1.00.2, mm I 400 patients have been cared for. Not a single patient has ever been refused admissima. h the Musknka Free Hospital for Consumptives 1mm use (fink or her poverty. Supported by “ Your Gifts : : 'I 0‘ :mnnmabmrmmmgmmrrm mnmdï¬ x â€".-<~~.--â€".â€"- ._., A Condition Powder of First Class Merit. A Good Tonic and Appetizer. Compound from Concentrated Flesh Forming Foods and Ingredients. It will be found of great beneï¬t in bringing Horses. Cattle. Sheep and Figs into prime condition with- out the least injury to the constitution. â€"- BRITISH â€"â€" Horse and Battle Spice Parker’s Drug Store No Means to Pay. CGNSUM? l‘i’iUSKOKA FE H â€SP“? 2 6 LB. PACKAGE--25 CENTS. Canada’s Greatest Charity. SOLD ONLY BY DURHAM,ONT. Mrs. Remlwin, Hamilton, Ont: “i am a widow with one little girl, arm! 11 years; .my age is 30 yuan l mu troubled with tuberculosis. I have: been doctoring for some time, and my hysician has advised me to go to luskolm. I am not left with- """V much means, so will you kindly lot nu: know the full particulars, and what is the lowest fees you would charge me a week. †S. J. EWing, Alliston, Ont. : “ “'lailo- id Gravenhurst. the other day I mllml at the Hospital re a young man nanu-«l Arthur Armstrong, of this town u hm was sick with pneumonia about ten m' eleven months age. Since then be In» not been Ezebwthzork. The fannl} the so y church and neigh- bo. 9W1)“ can you do to udumt him?†Family Supported by (‘hurch A Widow With Sma‘.’ I 3.933;. to Shoe your “'Imlc families fur any sea son of the your. and Neighbors. F0} n | Supportec to Sn. Wu. R. 3., 6‘ Front. St. Your Gift 'pocialist: E Will I title () STOCK FOOD JNO. A. DARLI the People's Druggis STILL U: In order to rcduw nur Felt Boots. lloay at eqnully low prices 4 “of. Heavy Frieze Co W' Furs. new goods. Good Far in the be» ten in try the tea to follow interstate RR. GEO 01H- Htvo they be If you have If they have 9d. The to: DR! m BRANCHES s thnt were 68 low prices. Ftieu Cot“. ESTABM a101