The Council met Feb. 4th por- nnnnt to adjournment. All the mmbon pronont. the Been in the choir. Minute. of Int meeting rend nnd conï¬rmed. Communications mod :9 lollows: From N. W. Compbell. P. S. 1., Copy of Awnrd to Union 8 S No. 2. G B. From J. A deputation from Holland Town- abip consisting of the Reeve and Clerk waited on the Council and epent sometime in discussing what is known now as "Walker†deviation. The decision arrived at was ior a Joint committee to meet on the ground in Spring. Arrowsmithâ€"McMilieuâ€"That the report of the Committee appointed to examine as to the sufï¬ciency of the accurity gin-n by the Treasurer be adopted. and that they be paid $1 ()0 each for their services -Carrietl. Zgi'; ill): tiieir 's-ervicesvâ€"Ctrried. Arrowamithâ€"Huntâ€"Thnt John A la Donald be appointed as Assessor for limb at a salary of $70 â€"-Cnrriod. Weir -â€" McMillan -â€"That cheques issue on the Treasurer for 816 (or ex- panama of polling places [or Ontario Elections held January ‘25, 190.3.â€" '“u w vvuwv -- Campbell. P. S. 1., Copy of Awnrd re Union 8. S. No. '2, G t B. From J. P. Telbrd. Notice re Mn Dillon’s piece. From Committee on Treunr- er’ suretiee, their report. From C. Bnmege. priming account. From All. Murray, A McLellnn and W. L. Fnlkingbnm. applications for oï¬ce of Assessor. From the Review, Chron- icle and Standard, Tenders for Print ing. From Tho-t. Nichol, Certiï¬cate for gravel. From the Auditors, there Report of Ref-eipts and Expen- ditures. count of the mounting to 3‘ Arrowsmith nntlrdge of tbs ho uwarded the 1 his being the low Weirâ€"Hunt-â€" Kechnie be paid 0. Lot 7, Con. l Carried. Weirâ€" Me)!“ Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"Thac By-law 44:) a: ï¬lled Hp wizh the name of John A McDonald be now wad a third time. signed, sealed and engrossed on By- hw booksâ€"Carried By-lnw No 4.3†appointing Town- ship Ofï¬cers was introduced and read a ï¬rst. and second time. Coun- cil went into committee on the same, conned resume-«l Arrowsmithâ€"Mc\lillanâ€"-Tbat By luv 45'» as ï¬lled up in Committee, Ippointing Road Commissioners. Fence Viewers, Poaml Keepers end Pnthmasters be now read 3 third time. signed. sealed and engrossed on By-law book-«Carried The Council adjourned to April 15th. at 10 a. m. McMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That the Audi- tors icport as w audited by the council be adopted. and that. the Auditors be paid $9 each for their lorvicea.-â€" Car. Huntâ€"McMillanâ€"Tbat C. Ramrgo be paid 32 20 for Directory cards and advertising for Augeanâ€"Car. Huntâ€"McMillanâ€"Thar the sum of 85 be granted to the Sickflhildren’a Hospital in Tamaraâ€"Oar. Weir-Hunt-Tbat the Clerk be mid .45 on salaryâ€"Carried. Lots of peeple have thin watery' bloodâ€"thew eat plenty but don’t digest. When digestion is poor,’ food is not converted into nourish- mentâ€"in consequence the body rapidly loses strength. To positively renew health. nathine equals Ferro- zone. It excites sharp appetiteâ€" makes the stomach digest, forms lile sustaining blood. Abundant streng- th is sure to follow. If you need more vitality, extra energy. better nerves, then use Ferrozone the mdicaltriumpb of the age. Fifty cents bnvsa box of ï¬lty chocolate coetediPerrozone Tableta. Council met February leb, Reeve unavoidably absent. C. W. Robb! was moved for chairman. Minutes} adapted. Communications read from ' ï¬nnntorium. Muskoka, soliciting aid. lilo from Clerk. York 00., i'egu'dinszli regulating speed of Motor vehicles. 3 Resolved that those lie on the “his. IcArtbur â€" Gordon -â€"- That John Summon be puid $4 00 for wood sup- plied to Mrs Bucky, and thu o (not. of 84 50 be made to John Woddell to potchose wood for said In Barony. â€"Curiod. Councillor Ferguson presented his report re Tron. onretios. MoArtburâ€"Gordonâ€"Thu Com’r. Fergusoh’s report. be adopted. 3nd be he pgid 82 [or his sorvicea.-â€"Curied. Gordonâ€"Bobbâ€"Thnt the clerk be instructed to notify our Co. Com’r regarding the dnngerous condition of lchchern’s bridge on P. E. town- line.-â€"Cnrried. 3’39“) and «to condition for' :n- satâ€"Curried. Gordon â€" XcArthnr -â€" The: each Can’t be instructed to see that the nlin toads in his divieipnA be kept in Cnuloguu from 3 Compsnies ro- wding til. mould. were closely ex- mind. Gordonâ€"McArthorâ€"That we par. obese three not. of moulds, 10 in., 16 in. end 20 in., with extre net; of “tone from the Cline: Boed I.- M Co., Whomâ€"Curied. WATER IN YOUR BLOOD? Hillan EGREMONT COUNCIL. W e 9â€"-. 0.. -4 air -â€" That the ac- Iunicipal World a- M be pailâ€"Car. Huntâ€"That C. W \larkclale Standard I’p. Printing for 1905, rest. tender. -â€"Car. That\ .G J. Mc St for gravel taken . .\. D. R., in 1904. -- BLACK, Clerk the ing the making of the tile required. Applications for making the same will be received by the reeve, Dro- , more P. 0., up to March 15th.-â€"Car. Gordonâ€" Fergusonâ€"That the clerk Ii be instructed to notify the Tp. Sur- ‘, veyor to forward his Award re sur 2 vey of drain on P. E. townline.â€"- Carried, MuArthurâ€"Gordon-That the Audi- tors’ report, as read, be adapted. and we get, 2m capies prmted at the Confederate ofï¬ce. and an order be granted to the Auditors for $10 each. â€"Carried. By'law No 187) to increase the Treas. salary, and By-law No 186 to appoint Patbmasters. passed the usual readinge. were signed. sealed, c. Resolved that the following ac- counts be paid: John Waddell. goods. Mrs Barclay 6 mths. in 1804, Signâ€; W'. B. Sutton. express charges 45 (:t9 ; Chas. McInnos, gravel 80 cts; And. Seim. use of Hall, Nomination $3.00; Clerk, telephoning, '2†eta; Treas.. telephoning. Stationery, 80 cts; Thomas. Lauder. Registrar. searches, Treas. sure-ties $1.75. Mr-Arthurâ€"Gordonâ€"That we now adjourn to meet on May 29th as a Court of Revision and to receive applications to operate grader.-â€"Uar D. ALLAN. Clerk. ~â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€" v4 0.. .44 Th9 Deep-Registrar General certi fled to the registration of 88 births. 31 marriages and 28 deaths, entitling the clerk to $29.40 which was paid. This Council met in Elmwood on 5 Monday, the 13111 day of February, i 1511?». Members all present, the {PPVB in the chair. Minutes of Jan meeting read and passed. Committee I on Treasurer’s sureties reported the J same, 21-: gord and sufficient. The I Report of the Auditors on the He. J veipfs and Expenditures for the past ( year being found satistactory was ordet‘ed to Lo- revvived and adopted 2Ҡcopies of it printed and the Auditors paid their salarv of $6.1“) ‘; Patch. Applications for the ofï¬ce of , awesor received from Moses Jacklin and John Murdiukon mOtion MrJack- lin was appointed at. same salary as last year. The award of N. W. Campbell. Moses Jacklin and James Staples Arbitrators in the matter of equalizing the assessment of U. S. S \o. 2‘), B 6., was ordered to be adopted an] their account of $8 paid The following accounts were ordered to he paid viz. $2 00 to each of the polling places used in the last Ontario Election; the Reeve and Auditors, Vickers, $1.50 each; Committee in Treasurer’s Secureties and Registry iotllce $1.01) for eac h, Wm. Brigham 7 :30 forclothing for Mrs Wm. Law i.rence an Indigent, $6 95 for railway {are and expense sending her to the States; 826 to John Cooper, being one half cost of gravelling on Town- iline, Bentinclr and Normanby , a grant of 85 was made to the Elm- i wood Public L1b1ary By law No. 4, i abolishing bonus for the construction 1 of wire fences and making alterations {lin the construction of wire line fences was duly passed, Henry Rup- i penthal was appointed Commissioner Iion Statute Labour in the village of Elmwood, the Reeve and Councillor Willis were appointed a committee to engage the service of an operator for the grader for the coming season, , pay not to exceed $1.75 of 10 hoursj work, the tender of printing of Mr Mitchell of THE POST at '75 same as last year was accepted. Ordered that any breakage done during the performance of statute labour will it not in future be'paid for by council. :1 The taxes of 'l‘. Richards of Elmwood 11 were remitted being usable to pay 1- them. Council adjourned to meet at Allan Park on Saturday the 27 0‘ .. lay seat as court at serial» and 1- for transactiagpaesalbssiness. sNWW BENTINCK COUNCIL. Send for the “Royal Household †Recipes:â€" they cost nothingâ€"and may mean better breadâ€"better pastryâ€"better baking gen- erally for the rest of your life-think of what that would mean to your family. If you have never used the new Royal Household Flour, there is a delightful surprise for you in the ï¬rst batch of bread you bake with itâ€" just send a postal card for the recipes. 8_F<_m “FCC†gâ€"Exm 003v>2<. PHD. 302dflm>r NANIAuo. B.C., Nov. 2 th, 1904. I have been makin bread or nearly twent-ï¬ve years. an R0 a1 Household Flour is the best I have (1 for either Bread or Pastry. (Signed) MRS. ROBT. ADAM. uel Putherbough. George Caswell. George Campnen, Donald McLean. Edward Crozier. William Cuï¬. Thos. Hutton. Elijah Armstrong. Robert Weber, Sr.. Valentine Bauer. Durham Road. John Hoerle,Jas. Fursmau, James Marshall Jr.. Wil- liam Brigham, Frank Wise, Arthur Hunt. Concessions :2 8:. 3. S D R.. Aug- ust Birr. George Leslie. Ephraim Fursman, Robert, Whiteford William Willis. Alex Archibald. James Math- er. Wm. Grierson. Concessions :2 8: 3, N. D R , John Badotachor. William Bar’row. Samuel HOpkins Edward Acton. Robert Brig. ham, James Hopkins, Jos. Rosy. Concessions 1 aâ€), Amos Haas, Jas Park, Hpnry Sicko], Thomas Francis, Robert Traï¬ord. John Smith. Fred Luuuoy. Concessions 6 7. Conrad Brenzill Arthur Redford. Fred Bott. William T. Redford, Edward Redford. Wm. Fulton. Dan McDougall. Concessions 8 and 9, William Weis. John Black. William Monk. Ernest Weidendorf. Louis Maho. Wm. White. R. Boyce, Donald McDonald, William Cooke. Concessions 10 11, Louis Deitz, John Klagus. George Copp. John Henderson, Alex McDonald, Sn, Alex Campbell. Concessions 12 13. David Bar ton, John Dodswonh, Thomas Clark SamuelOwens, James Walker Hanry BO) 00.101111 Sherman. Concessions 14 15. John Coleman James Anderson. John Crimman. Archie Campbell. George 'I‘olchard. Cornelius. Cottar Jr., James Hewet- son. Joseph Hodgson. William Led. ingham. George Skene. John W. Smith. Thames Bailey. Thomas Hutton, James W. Johnson. George Schenk, Robert Patterson, Jr.. Robe. Leslie. John Dodsworth, Jno. Leeson. Henry Geisel , Neil McLean. Robert Corlett, Sr. John W. Smith. Mathew Campbell William Hunt. \Vm, Grierson, A Myer, Jno. Patterson. Robt- Brig ham. Wm. Irwin, Louis Dietz,Tho§ Clark. “I had only to try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills to appreciate their merit,†writes Miss Annie S. Bryce of Wood stock. â€My system was out of order. My blood was weak and thin. I had a nasty, murky complexion. My skin was hard and dry. The ï¬rst box. of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills made a complete change. I felt better at. once. Healthy color came into my face. In about. three weeks I was cured †Dr. Hamilton’s Pills eï¬ect an easy care. Try these good pills, 25c. a lox. or ï¬ve boxes for $1, at. all dealers. He is the hardest, worked of men, A busy chap is he ; He wields the hatchet or the pen With great facilitv. He chronicles that “Bessie Brown Has married William‘ Goode,†Then to the woodpile hustles down And splits a lot of wood. He writes two columns of advice To cure the pe0ple’s ills. Then done his apron in a trice And prints a hundred bills; And if some callers then there are, His inky hands he'll wash. And trade a year’s subscription for A H'punkin or a squash. He states ‘ Hi Higgins is in town Upon a load of rye" Then takes the upper cases down I And ï¬xes up the “pi.†And when the "pi" is straightened out The furniture he dustsâ€" Then sets a stick or two about The tarifl and the trusts. Hie paper cheers us every week- It does what’er it can To keep the slash oï¬ Freedom’s peak And save the rights of man. 50 0090.10 “9an ‘0! this had. HER SKIN WAS YELLOW. The Country Editor. POUND KEEPERS FENCE VIEWERS C 0.9 0-- --â€"o 0.0 .â€"o â€"»--â€"-- The Opening 01' The Humor Church. The Monday evening meeting was not less successful. A sumptuous tea was served by the ladies The choir, swelled by representatiom from the other church choirs of the town were the admiration of all Speeches were given by Rev. Far quharson, Bray, Leslie. McLaughlin Creusot. and the venerable Mr Gardi ner, and the openings of the Han 'over Presby terian Church were over The new church is a neat buiiding, proximately square with a basement containing coal furnace and Sunday School class rooms. ll he main audi toriutn is entered by adoor at the south west corner and an inside stair, and by another door at the west side. the latter being the en | trance to the choir. gallery and also to the veStry. The windows are gothic and tilled with Stained glass. 0n the west and south there is in the centre of each wall a large window with one of smaller ditttensions at each side. while on the east there are three windows corresponding to the smaller ones on the west and south. *On thQ upper part of each of the smaller windows is wrought a sym ‘bolic ï¬gure. On the seat side there lare the Open Bible. a star and a crown, On the smaller windows to the west there are the dove with wings outspread and the Anchor hope’s symbol, while on those to the south are a cluster of grapes and the burning bush. ' The oflerings were liberal. amounz- to over ï¬ve hundred dollars. The chief window is the large one to the soutn looking out on the main street. On the upper part of it there are reproduced all the symbols ap' peering on the other sides and in the centre below is a. ï¬gure of the Good Shepherd, with his crook He hears a lamb in his bosom and the sheep stand by his side. On aseries of scrolls held in the stalk of a lily like flower there is to the left the text: ‘° I am the Good Shepherd.†while on simi- larly supported scrolls to the right there is the corresponding text: “He giveth his life for the sheep.†Be- low reads the touching inscription: “ In loving memory of Nellie Mearns by her father and mother.†This beautiful window was the magniï¬- cent gifttof Dr. and Mrs Mearns and not only commemorates their own dear daughter. but presents the Good Shepherd who alone can soothe the cares and heal the wouhds of all the sorrowing children of men. The pews are of the Dundas make with gothio ends in quarter out oak. The choir occupy a gallery below the pulpit seated with opera chairs, and fronted with a wooden railing. The pulpit is of quarter cut oak with arches in front and in the sides, the book board being made adjustable to the height of the speaker. Altogether Mr Budge and the Hanover congre- gation are to be vongratulated on the comfortable and beautiful build’n they have erected-Con. ' OT 51, 52, 53â€"8idorood 60, 1; miles north of Pricovillo. Fun in ï¬rst clue condition. Good buildings wit}: runnuur strum convenient to the bun. For further particulars opplv to DUGALD D. MCLACIILAX. Jan. ï¬-tf. Pricovillo P. O Jan. 3-“. ert consisting of twent Jive acres one-half mile east of Cor ration of the Town af Durham. descri as South part ,ot Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. R. Glenelz. 0n the premises is a comfortable brick ï¬ve- roomed cottage. a good frame barn and stable, a small bearing orchard. an abun- dance of the best running water. All cleared, title good. Terms easv and rice right. For further particulars app v to THOS. DAVIS. Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D. R.. Glenelg. April 4, IBMâ€"if. DURHAM P. O. 1. Durham. Four lots on the West side of Albert Street, for private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12, lWr-tf. .l of Saddler street in the Town at Dur- ham. in the county of Grey. containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to C“. l. Bulls, Heifers and Cows. Terms can be «grragngetj. VERSCHUYLE (Imp.) at head of lnérd. Dec. 2.â€"-tf. March l--tf ll fraxa Road. (ilenelg. about 3 miles from Durham. and clog by Edge Hill 1’. 0. Contains IOO acresâ€"{'0 acres cleared, well fenced, tree from stones. and in excellent shape for working machinery: remainder hardwood bush and cedar. On the prop- erty is a large brick home, with cistern. 3 frame barn with stone stabling underneath. and a large implement house. Two good wells adajcent to buildings and a never failing creek runs across rear of farm. Also a large bearing orchard. Here is a chance to buy one of the best farms in the township. For particulars. apply on the premises or by letter. to Jan. :51. 190i. L6 1.4 Like. Two barns, stone stable: with cement floors, good house, we†watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to MACKAY 8: DUNN. Vendor’s Solicitors. March lO-tf U Inch French Burr Stones. Good flour-i n . I I . [V‘IIICI ers. all complete wirh gearing and spindle. Also one Wheat Cleaner May be seen by THE HAVOVER “0V V17 Y Y“ applying to Adam Robertson at McKech- ‘ " " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ nie's Mill. Will sell cheap. Feb 1. 3w. 3 Now «nfl'en “‘9 full m ill): ; . ,1: ‘.".‘ {NW1 (IX-ROOM ED a YI‘TAGE. PAMm g â€mi,†{mil Enufrmdhgxi k and Cgllor.uAls?1 29c? \Vuogshgd-bli cheap. acre groan , we an us em. sum 9 125 ACRES on 18m Conce Ivocation. on dCollege lstreet. 1 Durham. MA\BY Well in ITO‘ ed ‘or terms an articu ars ' at reei- "' - ‘ ' ‘.’. ' 3.‘ p app ) (â€fared cheat). \\ :1! rent 1: dance to Feb'y 10thâ€"3mpd. )URE BRED DURHAMS. YOUNG U1 L‘U. .)L,' VUL‘Q‘J’ \-5“vâ€"-- â€"vâ€"_ __ Road. Bentinck, situated about 2 miles from Durham. Contains 100 acres,60 acres being in good state of cultivation, and the rest in good condition ior pasture. There is a new frame barn 40' x 50'. and a good frame dwelling house on the farm. with a good supply of spring water at both house and burn. For further partrculars apply to JNO. McLUHAN. Mt. Forest. or JAS. BRYDON. Egorton, Executors. . . 63, Bentinck, Gen. 2. W.G. R.. ad- Joming the Cor ration of the Town of Durham. The arm consists of 421}; acres -â€"about 4 acres woodland. the balance un- der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on any terms as the proprietor :31- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor, Jan. 20. 1905.â€"-tf. DURHAM. ONT. V’ THE CENTRAL PART OF Jan. 25thâ€"2mpd. ON THE FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€" a comfortable, conveniently sit- uated house on Lambton street west. Sarina water tap in kitchen. Rent FIVE-ROOMED HOUSEâ€"EASILY _ bested. good cellar, garden. DeSir- the location on George street. For terms sud particulars apply on the premises to M. J. BUTTON. DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH OT 4‘, CON. 3. EAST OF GARA- Town Lots for Sale. NE RUN OF FORTY-E_IG_HT N. Holman, Durham. Farm for Sale. 01‘ NO. 53, cox. 3, GA_R_AFR_AXA EING PARTS OF LOTS 62 AND m Rantinnk Can. 2. W.G. R.. ads Park Lot For Sale. Farm For Sale. ACRES NEAR WILDER’S? Farm for Sale. House for Sale. House for Sale. Farm for Sale. House to Rent. For Sale. For Sale. For Sale. . )remlses or Dy lunar. [U I MRS. JAS. MCCRACKEX, : Horses Edge Hill 1*. 0. ; ‘1 J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham A. FORD. Proprietor. H. PARKER. Durham. cued. limly to Feb. mun-om! A Canadian Stallion. Color. pure black For particulars apply to Feb. 8thâ€"5pli. 100 ACRES MANDY. improved. Take Care of Your 125 ACRES on 18th Concessi XAXBY. Well improved and ‘ Uï¬'ered cheap. Will rent if n 100 ACRES. BESTIXCK. near Good farm with g seen. Will sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE. helm; J. L. Brawne. photographer snap price MO‘SEY TO LOAN at lowest rates CLOTHING INSURANQES PLACED in NI... 1 (_ "fQQiés at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICI'LTIES an ranged C. P. R. TICKETS for sale $031] puiutr. Always Pusanâ€"Newt Wt. FOR THE COLD WEATHER. The cold weather is coming on an. we are prepared to sell the righ kind of clothing to meet the cum ditions. We heve an extra line a Heavy Tweeds for suitiugs, a M line of Ready-made suits. a large a~ sortmem of Heavy Woollen Suck end Mitts. etc. etc. Just the thing you wait outside in the 091.3 Spacualn Bargams We also carry the best Bl: that money can buy. and W Yarn in all grades and « TRY US FOR GROCERI of allokinds. They’re alwa T038 3 specialty here. T THOROUGHBRED FRENCH Cash or Produce taken in Exchange Stallion for Sale. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ses Feet. . . . . 0 MORE GUESS WORK, in levelling and balanc- ing sour horse’s foot I have the Scientiï¬c Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and best contrivence for that purpose end will guarantee suislaction. . L. FLARITY AND the very newest to se- lect from. from the ï¬nest Cheviot to the strong and re- linblo Scotch Tweed and Overcoming. Style. ï¬t and workunnchip consumed. \V. GL’THRIE. BLANKETS For Sale. . Miller south-west 0 An extra gm Owner ann JOHN KEYS. Durhun. H. H. MILLER. ABE HEWITT. Borvie. Bruce Co The Blacksmit mi- weu’ lo: arney. farm a ng: lOll fl'ere tm . , Pony Hunt 13‘ - oâ€"Alhn Duis. Tommie 1 r. - rmk 81w. 1 S C‘j-huu. Srâ€"Wilfre.‘ Hunt. Jenny: ‘ ' " Doll! Andersen. Basil Davis. ' q f.“ 0“... Jr‘lV‘n Edwarla. J tllhy F J†' k. t ‘GUABANTEED cum: tubing, Blind. kn; refund out! reï¬t. 5‘“ “4 50¢ iIIVMaIHI put-um “V â€r" SETTLE“. During March MNWQBh Wil‘.‘ Bk DO \\ DII W1 run V ll l( HONOR ROLLS. 33‘ uttendmm Euz ABET" Mina swam: KIRCHXI RAHN!†I! Whfl. Mr. I. A. Lever. J cellent preparation for do better after." It c: loose its calf flesh.“ The raising of “ 11;.1 beef on the market, is all bedoue, you can dun otherWiSE. Theo M Clydesdale Stock at Institute. Renfrew‘ ,ome Ill VQPV wards 3116 ROS FOR PI nu H “Q