Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Feb 1905, p. 7

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.3399. "a Tiger. “I at Kings III Feathevn. t one had been the bunch in It. ‘, moment later tho had closed Debi). Mey Irons. [ter which we wil pr inspection.” was heavy. and a from Anna’s band all 1n it 11 step excellency Main of the: ere qmte as nee- ! days as in the h century. Eva eathm' beds and lnju ’3 you sold mu for fresh .-- vzgs an . and “I” )t m :nufac- :23 recently aboukl ban lune monocu- heard the pm She turned m ninst the wall. . pet-ed. “My beg. lavish boo It the ammo- as made my out into tb ltot 12¢ 863. ritual 9 38" I?” why ft or! be guard z the '1 nt‘ Ioor aft. 1‘ the to. 13! be the! mm long rum. an I )DS hints down rize. “we 'rson Ben- . “Do a your and ren- mks ml! 11 you: 51. 00" (pr! .1 it v9 0“ SD"- llder. I 111E Illlflllfllfl manna UGH MACKAY . DURHAM. Land Valiant god Licensed Auction- var fur the County 0: Grey. Sues prompuy attended to and ham cashed. . d ensod Auctioneer for gho County of Gyey. Laud Vdustor, 13:th of the M Dn'nsion. Court Salaam! all other matters romptly attended to. Ruben Morgana urnisbed if required. d tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Order: ma .1» loft at his Implement Waterman, ll mnon’s old stand. or st the Chronicle Ofllco. fl Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofice. A er. Conveyancor,otc. Private mo luau. Old accounts uni debts of (val-t collected on commission. Fm ‘um‘zh‘ ind sold. 113331.060 Amt. etc. \r’ficeâ€"MacKenzio’a 01!! Stand, Lover veyancers. Etc. Monov to‘ Loan. (”Momâ€"Ir. the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank.’ Town. Durham. Ont. Utfice over Gordon‘s new Jewellery more, Luwer Town, Durham. Any amount .n m..m~v to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. W. C. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. 0“ (VI-‘IC‘E AND RESIDENCE A shun distance east of Knapp's Hotel, Lawhmn Street. Lower Town, Durham. « Mic» hours from 1‘3 to fio’clock. fun H Drs. Jamieson Macdonald- Nov. 9. ’03. A. H. Jackson. {OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- THE JOB : : ‘ DEPA RTflENT " ‘W’m'! "new an. all NEW TYPE. thus an. {ording facilities to: turning out Pint-dun ‘ work . . 13A §§I§ISTE_RL_ S_0L}CIT(_)_R. 310.. l O hm {or the first insanion; 3 ccuc- [- RATES . . . ling ouch subs-aqua: inscnion- u'unor. measure- Prdcssunl cards, not exceeding 0.: inc 34,00 per-annual. Adveniscmenu VixbO'u specifi- dirggtions it" be publ'uhed till {Wm and dawned .IC commfly 1 ransiem notices-“ Lou,” “ med.’ " For Sale," etc-~30 ccnm for first inscn 1, a; can; for end} subsequent insertion. ' m1“ Fat mica! advertisements 8 cum 3." A}: advertism «dated bystnms an In cud b. in advance. cummu rates [at :arly “W finished on ‘ppJCminn to Rh? c. [sf All advcnve no 31¢, 30 ensure Winn in curvem "ck, should be brought m 00! law than Tum)“ AMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIQ OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- Tn: Cmmmcu till h an: to an mm “than. free of page, for 80.00 [:3 RATES . . . . yaw-yams 3n Mumâ€"OI. may bath “n.19patd. lhodatetov ' every mbumptm b 1d 13 denoud by the number on the mdras w. 0 paper “d1 Acuntmued nnul all mar. a! paid. cm at the canon of the proprietor. II Numb any mono" mousse um m m m. mu m )HYSICJAN AND SURGEON. OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office an. >4 tn :0 8. m.. 2:0 4 p. m. and 7 :09 :1: Special attention RiVOm 1.0 dis-eases w-unmx and children. Residence opv wru l’resbvterian Church. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED If) MacKay Dunn. \RRIS’FERS. SOLICITORS, CON- l. P. Telford. I ARRIS’I‘ER. SOLICITOR. mu! .‘ldutvres Block Lower W’own Dur- . Valle}. tinu and Agency promptly Med m. Searches made at the Regis- utfice. J. G. Hutton. M. D.. <).\'OR GRADUATE OF TORON- t) University: Graduate of Royal age of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Insâ€"Calder Block. over Post Office. MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUG tioneor for tho (30!anV of Gm MACKAY. K. C. Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. "ICE AND RES] DENCEâ€"COR anion :mafnxn am] George Streetsâ€"it 1' hi". Ofiive hoursâ€"{HI a. m.. 24 7 9 p. m Telephone No. 10. IO ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF G. Lefroy McCaul. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Diredorv. Emma AND Paopnmmu. Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Residenceâ€"Lambton Street. near Dental Dz'rectorv Miscellaneous. Law! Directorv W. F. Duxx. [Miliemmnh Of July it he”) Cf:thoiriends of Mr and Mrs Bwl twenty seven mus, Jersey. AyrshiretCi’lU‘md’m' oiEneintm', met there HOlSIGln and Shorthorn grades. , LE exnress their ROCd “y'all” gaff)” gave 173.7601!» or milk unili'iiij lbs it 93’ leave or the ‘ “S” 0' .11 of fat. an average of 509 lns. of milk number 0‘ years, MP' and Mrs; (flu. and 17.5”” of fat per cow. Thisitenden have'been esteemed resudente Was typical of qeveral herds (tOUSlSt- :and good neighbors. .whom all ad- Sing of ”“de grades. The average .1 uitte and respect, and I‘ll consequence {record per cow is poor. nmiceuhly idt um”. “00d q'ualtttep. the” 18 below the average of the Whole 1120.‘ntic i regret ovw that (leparturv, rows for July. The bear. showingf he fotlowmg H the ““irH“:-” was made by u. Holstein grade, whoue‘f M“ AND MRS CRITTENUEN' record is more than double illati of Dear Frle"(15.*A5 the thus is the pump“ cow. This ddll‘i’ had live! drawing near when thrOUgh your ‘more cows than that iirs' lIlBUthDPd removalour relationshipns neighbors :untl yet produced 4 00” lhi less milk Will be severed ’in the month Anovliev .luly record “7” ““9 this opportunity 0f ah0w~ showed chm one mod .4 six cows ingourappreciation of your citizen- .gave ssibibs. of milk. while another shit); you have always been most ziltitiry of t xelve con-3 gave 3.124) lbs obliging and ready to lend a helping ltwicewas many Cows gave over three bantl wherever upwind. either by [imQ-q as IIIUCh guilk In Sppteulber flight 01' day, With such cheerfulness one lot. of twentythiee (3)\VS gave as to help alleviate the trials and .8.l20 lbs. of milk. and another 10t of afflictions Of those requiring your itweuty-three cows yielded 11,9001bs assistance. YOU have always been These records emphasize the need ready [0 give Mid to help all organi. for knowinudefinitely the production zatious, for the. moral and Spiritual to! each individidual cow. ' . The average production per cow tmuSt be improved by weeding out welfare of mankind. In order that your many years’ association with us may net be for- gotten, we present you with this purse, not {or its intrinsic vcluo. but us 9. memento by which you will ever give no u plocc in your memory. In your new homo in the For West. we wish you every cocoons. old hoppilooo. and trust you may long. be sound to exorcise over othou. thou-rundown. for good fellowship you hove exercised over us. (Signed) .1. yACK. the poor ones, Figuring goes well with forming. With forethought and figures. the production of butter in the average form herd con be in. crouod ctleut 40 lbs. per your in five yours. It ha been done QOOI'OS of times. It it‘ll. to any that ol- moot ovary former milking twenty cow: nu throc on which he loco: money. Until he keeps records he cannot tell which they ore. It will pay him to find out. i The wide variation in the total yields of butter by irdividnal aniâ€" male in the same herd is even more apparent in the records for longer periods. For four months the cows in one herd of fourteen varied from 40 to .114 lbs., the best cow yielding nearly three times as muchaqthe poorest. The average for the herd was 81 lbs. per cow, while the gen- eral average of all the cows tested for four months was 98 lbs. Would not this man be better 05 if he dis- posed of at least four cows? Another here varied from 51 to 127 lbs. per cow, with an average below the cen- cus average. It is probableSthat both men think they have pretty good cows. For a period of five months. one dairy made the creditable showing of 190 lbs. of butter per cow, more then i At the Eastern Ontario Dairymeu’s {Convention Mr C. F Whitley of the iDairy Commissioner’s Branch, ()5 “Wu. gave a very intenesting ac count of a cow sensus which he con- ducmd in the vicinit» u! Cownnvitle. iQJe . during the summer of 1904. iUnder his supervision seventy-two Manners kept. dails’ milk records of ‘lhisir covwnnd thlcc times a month took samp'es for testing how the .milk of web individual cow in their Hiairies In this wzu‘ reamuuhle at: Iwraraus figures »\ ele obtained. â€"<- V‘Av rows of similar breeding 3 ielded from 8230:0111?) lbs per cow, so that every cow in the herd was above the IVrrage. This: shows that the flow of milk depends Upon the individuali- ty of the cows; pven mare than not)“ their breeding ~UU|lOl plUUUU‘I For the month of June the general ; law vents from average of all the hearth tested wasllbs. per annum 6521bq. of milk, yielding 2.3 lbe. of? fat. In on» case twpntyrth cowsi had the yield for thp month of 17 845} lbs of milk and 72‘). 5 lbs. of fat. at)! ' "" average pwr cow 811 lba of milk and: Afraidofl 32.4 lbs. of in. In a othpr herd of'; eleven cows. emery anim 1| was belnwi Many pHOpiB the general average the range being i rheumatic pain: as low as :28” lbs. to 30.5 lbs. of milk E rather than l per cow. and this hard consistedoliusunlly giVen Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire and H01 ikutwving that. q stein grades and natives. In con lumy ha had trust. to this. another her’l of twelve i Chamberlain’s rows of similar breeding )iOldEli from i001 Niki“: any 8:30:01115 lbs per cow, so that i For sale by H AN INTERESTING COW CENSUS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ['3 I bfllflfi, is pronounced 5|- “ELN For salcby all Dru ggists at $1 and 82 For further advice and information writ, D . Slm um Limited, 1491x1113 snout, “fest, Toronto, Can. 0 r Psychine Strengthened _ My Whole System Figures from Canadian Herds Some Striking Contracts. PSYCHINE is Jsxxmsâ€" LAWRENCEâ€" On the 18th inst. ,in Trinity Church Durham, by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan, B. D., Mr John W. Jenkins. of Kam- loops. B. C., to Miss Kate Lawrence of Glenelg. WILSON â€" MCFADDEN â€"â€"On the 19th inet., at the residence of the Bride’s father, Egremont, by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan. B D., Mr. Wm. J. Wilson, Egremont, to Miss Nellie McFadden. of the same place. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tableta. All drug ate refund the money if it- faila to cure. E. W. rove' uignatnre is on each box. 250. A lew evenings agu, a number of 1the friends of Mr and Mrs Br“ ECrittâ€"enden. ongremen', met there !to eXpress their good “whee before {they leave for the WeSt For a number of years, Mr. and Mrs. (,rit- (tenden have been esteemed residents fund good neighbors. whom all ad~ {ume and respect, and in consequence 59f thenr good qualities. there is {much regret ovm- their departure. 'The following i-A the sunbeamâ€"- MR AND MRS CRIT'I‘ENDEN, Dear Frnemls,-â€"As the tims i8 In your new home in the For West. we wish you every success. end beppineee. end truet you may long be spered to exercise over othere. the some influence for good fellowship you heve exercised over us. In order that your many years’ essocietion with us may nos be for- gotten, we present you with this puree, not for its intrinsic velue. but as a memento by which you will ever give as e plece in your memory. We take this opportunitv of ah0w~i ingourappreciation of your citizen Ship; you have always been momi obliging and ready to lend a helping. baml whereve er “WWW-19d eiiher by flight or day, with such cheerfulnvss: as to help alleviate thn trials and: afilictions of those requiring your! assistam; » You have always been. ready to give and to help all organi~. zations, for the. moral and syirituul; welfare of mankiJnd $double the averugn of uomn o'MN' herds, and well above the» cenmsz ‘averaga of 115 lbs pvr cow (0' five {months Indued every on" u! 'hn gtwe-Ive cows in this herd exam-Jul ‘the general mange. ranging from 147 to 2:)! lbs These figures we 9-: ’couraginz. l‘his man’s rec-.nrd Can ‘he. and should he. «(walled on a .thousand farms in vhe zwxr five ‘years. Such results um obminvd by using the scale« and Bahcock :ester to detect, the robber (30w Rind get rid of her. Then, by the use of a good dairy bred aim. at d aiming at u standmd of say (S 000 lh~ of milk mm 2.50 lbs. of humor per saw allHLmHy, a good herd can .hppmlily bu urmlrd up. There are hundred; nf dairy {arnmrs who have thus rmwd the butter production of Ihwir‘ hvrds in n {aw years from 1?)” to 175 lbs. 10 3M) lbs. per annum I Many peeph‘e sufiwr {on years from rheumatic pains. and preher I.) dd so rather than tnke' strong modicum listlnHy give)“ [or l'hr-ulnaliSm, not knowing that. qmck I‘r-hrf lrum pain may he had simply by applying ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION TO CUBE A GOLD IN ONE DAY whole system, and quickly stopped the cough. I heartily recommend Psychine to persons run-down, in need of a tonic, or suffering with coughs, colds or catarrh. l bless the «lay I tried Psychine.”~â€"-Allan Connor, Prin- ycr, near I’icton, Ont. “To-day I am enjoying good health, solely through the use of Paychiâ€"ne. When I began using Psychine, I was suffering with a heavy cold in the bronchial tubes, and a cough which seemed to rack me to pieces. The doctors’ medicine gave me no relief, and I began to dread consumption Working on me. With the second dose, Psychine benefited me and gave new strength. Psychine toned up my __-__vâ€" u.‘ v-- red blood. keeps people well and at their best Pure Blood in your veins now will save you much in purse and person be- fore the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich Afraid of Strong Medicines :a SI-KEEN. MARRIED. AT $1 and $2. mmply by applying Pam Balm and with uwdmxme in Parkwr. W. A °CLEMO~S, Publicuiou L‘lerk J. MACK, J. LENNOX 'm'uuilv People the world over were horri- fied on learning of the burning of a :Chicago theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet 3 more than five times this number or gover 3000 people died from pneu- §monia in Chicago during the same .vear, with scarcely a passing notice. ’Every one of these cases of pneu. . mania resulted from 8 MM and could have been prevented by the timely 1 use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I j Men who have gained such com iplete control of themselves that they .can' pass through the most exasper- gating situations without doing or isuying an unpleasant thing, without 1 losing their temper or flying ofi their centre. ”Men who can stand before a damn. , Men who are not ashamed or afraid lto Stand for the truth when it is un- lpOpulnr. who can say “up” with em- lphusis, although all the rest of the ; world say "yes." , Men who have the courage to wear {threadbare clothes and to live simply 'and plainly, if necessary. while their fcompetitors revel in luxury purchas- 3ed by crooked methods. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have ward- ed it 03 by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an in- stance of this sort: “Too much can- not be said in favor of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and especially for colds and influenza. I know that it cured my,daughter. Laura; of a se- vere cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia.” W. D. Wilcox, Logan New York. Sold by H. Parker. And scorn his treacherous flatteries without winking.” Physicians who will not pretend (0 know the nature of a. disease when they do non, or eXprriment on pat- ients with drugs with which they are not familiar. Men who have ~he courage to do their duty in Sllrllce and obscurity while others uh ms them win wealth and notorieu h) neglecting sacred obligations Lawyers who will not persuade clients to bring suits merely to Squeeze t‘eir fears out. of them, when they know very well that. they have no chance of wmuing. Staten-men who wili advocate What is right because '11 i: right, and who will Imither turn to the right or no the left. in puasuauce of such a course Young men and women who can stand erect and independent while Uihttl's bow and fawn and cringa for plncn and pOWer. Young men who Will be true ‘0 their highest ideals in spite of the sueer- and laughter of their cumpun- nous. ' Single-hearted people who do not look at chry proposition from the point of View of "What is there in it for me?” Journalists who will not writv scurrilous, scandalous articles x‘nero ly tu injure an opponent or because they are paid to do so. Men who do not. believe that shrewduess, sharpness, cunning and luugheadeduess are the beast qualities for wiuumg success Mercnaxns who will not nfler for sale "English wooleus” manufactur ed in Aumricau mille, or ' Irish lineua’ made In New York. ()lergymeu who am hear a louder on“ than than, of public applause, hanger salary. ora fashionable church. Magnanimous souls who do no: *ouk upon everybody they meet for we possible Us!) they may be to them. Men who am true to their flicuds through good report and evil report, in adval‘si'y as well as in prfisperity. Men ‘who will no: have one brand of honesvy for business purposes and another for private life». Men who are not afraid to take chances, who are non afraid of fail- ure. Phil..n:hropisrs who wnH M their right hand know whatitheir 1e hand is doing Men who will give thirty-six inches fora yard and thiny twang f‘, r a bushel. Men whose conditions are not con- fined to their own selfish desires. Men who will not think anything profitable that is dishonest. Men who are larger than their business. who overtOptheir vocation. Men who are willing to sacrifice pl‘qutO illterests‘for the public good. ,Men who will be ss honest in small things as in great things. Men who:see the divine in the common. Men of courage. who are not co- wards in any part of their natures. Men who would rather do right than be a Premier. Men who will not lose their indi- viduality in a crowd Men who will make no compromise with questionable things. Men who possess opifons and a will. Men who cannon be houah'. Men whose word is their Men who put chalact wealth ubove What The World Want. Startling But True. ’-C.O‘.â€"‘ Ill‘hvobaya. Owen Sound. Dec. labâ€"2m. Pumps! Pumps! PU MI’S '1‘ HAT PUMP DUB WOOD UR IRON PUMPS Orders may be left- at either John Kinnee‘s shop one door north of Stinsou’a bakery. or at my shop near the Cement Works. Nov. 15th .â€"3m MADE FROM BEST MATERIALS. \\ Bushels of 509000 BARLEY Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sldeboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifl'oniers Cribs and Cradles AT EATON BROS. BREWERY If you wgmt a. pump that \fill give good sat‘nsfactnon Without tinkering at it every day or two, try one of SPEC'I'M'JTY or REPAIRING. We suppjy alllkj‘ndzfnand make a .u..- on.-- '_ l‘l‘A'nI‘YI‘ DressGoods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Blouse Materials, Handkerehiefs, Gloves, Manfiles, Etc. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOCK 01“ RATT A N Goons .1175"? IS IL, 6. .l. McKechni N., (i. J. McKechnie. Edward Kress; Durham, Ont. CENTS per bushel for N o. I will be paid at the Brewery. E. H. KINNEE l’r ic e S rig! :I Bargains February DURHAM, ONT. THE POPULAR 048M STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. sz Hank: 4 Pairs Misses, sizes I and 4 “ Boys’ “ 3 “ Custom work and Repairing done at the Down Tout: Shoe Store. J. S. McIlraith Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Com bmation Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings Also some sizes in a ladies strap slipper to make room for spring goods arriving: shorth’. A few pairs of Misses and Boys lined Bals left, and will sell them at the following); reduced prices . at 81.00 , at .75

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