Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jan 1905, p. 4

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”fwd“ tion Telegraph operator at that town gave the consoling message about half pat nine that he knew nothing about the elections. As the poll then stood with two polling places to hear from in Glenelg, four in Bentinck and the town of Hanover, McCannel stood at the head of the list with Sharpe next, but about 200 behind. McLean followed close on Sharpe. But as all felt that Ball was a winner and McCannel and I 611081) stood well for substantial gains it was a mere guess which of these gentlemen would come. out second in the contest. On Tuesday morning it was learned that Ball took 610 in his own town and got a good lift at Camp- bell’s (‘orners. putting him easily out of danger and well in the lead. Of the other two probable winners McCannel was still ahead of McLean, and spe- culation and guess-work left us still in a quandary. All we knew was that one of them would be in it, but which one we were unable to determine. In the afternoon of Tuesday, however, it was ascertained that 1.8th and Louise did handsomely for McLean and he stood second only to Ball and was re-elected County Commissioner for Division No. 3. “7e give here a detailed statement of results as far as we were able to get them. DURHAM. Ball. McC. McL. 31.. St- N. w. m 32 32 61 17 E. w. u 49 32 49 40 w. w. 2:. 91 53 99 so No. 1. No. 2.. No. 3. N0. 4. In Glenelg there were eight in the field, and the following totals furnish- ed by Tp., Treasurer, John S. Black give us aufllcient data to name the Glenelg Council for 1905. Here ore the total voteepolledbyeachofthe No. 7. 75 7 57 â€"â€" 3 Results of Nos. 5 and 6 not being complete. we cannot give the totals. HANOVER. 040' 7 101 5 l2 ing the winnermcwln. Weir. 318; The creditors of the aid ineolvent. Edwin Hunt, 293; Geo. Arrowemith, are hereby required to file their :39; John McMillan, 239; M. Kenny chime with me or my Solicitor, duly 133; W. J. Ken-nay, 159; Black, m; proven no required b, the «id Act, lnllinn. 62. on or before the dete of‘ each meet. Hears. Arrowemith end Molilhn ing. member-d the old council end And (unhol- «to notice the: on 'eirnndflunterenew men on the end eherthe 17c}: dey of Jennery, loud. 'l'heeewithlr. Thou-e Me- 1905. I will proceed to distribute the Padang-Muffin“ to an. tagged the aid «up “mete No. COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION RESULTS. DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. Jan. 5th, I905. T otals 49 17 JUST FANCY nice papers at 20 and you to paper rooms ,if (or nothing out. Now when the \nen Inve m The Municipal elections and the election of County Councillors were held on Monday last. but we find much difficulty in getting complete and ac- curate returns. \Vhatever was the matter on Monday night we were un- shle to rouse the 'central Telephone (Mike at Hanover and even the Sta- Totals No. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. 0 BENTINUK. 21 90 GLENELG. 99 16 GLENELG. WE KEE A FU L STOCK 0F Window hades in all Colors 171 85 {30 I!) To continue our Wall aper Sale through the month of Januar as we simply must have the room for r spring shipments which are expected (bout February First. MaCMRLANE CO. 117 30 10 41 l: 11 43 at '20 and 30,: roll. RUGGISTS Axu BOOKSELLERS. 145 lll ‘ 31 149 (38 75 137' 5. OTICE 3. hereby given that. ' Hones Walker, of we Town- ship of Bonunck, in the County of Grey, oarrpng on business as a brickmuker, has made an assignment to me under the provisions of Chap- ter 147 of the Revised Statutes of Ontsrio. 1897. - |d 3c a roll. Why it would pay 3 e 9 than to nelp keep the cold leisun- time get. them as it. Arro wsmithâ€" 70 43 " TRUSTEES. In regard to the Trustees, Mr. Mills defeated Mr. Telford in the North \Vard,, his majority being 13. In the \Vest \Vard Ye Editor was knocked out by Constable Carson, the vote being 108 to 76. Blackâ€"â€" Hun t-â€"- Kearneyâ€"- 51 Kerney~ A meeting of the creditors of the said Insolvent will be held at the low oflice of J. P. Telford. at the Town of Durhem, in the County of Grey. on Tuesday, the 17th dny of Jenunry A. D. 1905, et the hour of 2 o’clock in the glternoon, to receive n etntement of the daire end to ap- point inspectors, end fixing of their remnnerntion, and for the ordering of the nflnire of the Estate generally. North \Vard East \Vard \Vest Ward McM illanâ€" 71 Sullivanâ€"â€" 17 The creditors of the aid ineolvent are hereby required to file their chime with me or my Solicitor, duly prover: no required h, the aid Act, on or before the dete of each meet. ing. Th’e By-law toraise $4,500 was de- feated by a majority of 86. The following is the result in the different; \Vardszâ€" I Assignee’s Notice to Creditors. IN THE )IA'rmR or HANCE WALKER, [Nsonvmx'n Can be stopped in a few minutes and permanently cured in'one hour by inhaling fragrant healing Catarrh- ozone. No remedy compares with Catarrhozone for cold in the head and nasal catarrh. It soothes and heals the inflamed mucous membrane prevents sneezing and coughing clears away the “stufied up” feeling in the forehead. If you have’nt used Catarrhozone get it today and try it on vour next cold. You’ll be sur- prised at the sufficiency and this do lightful inhaler treatment which pleases everyone because it cures so quickly. Trial size 25c. ‘Veirw 147 Count-i1 elect:-â€"Arrowsmith, Hunt, McMillan, \Veir. Majority. against-436. Snifi‘eling and Sneezing Colds. Results by Wards. â€"â€"-~- H 0.9 .â€"--~â€"- of ll 16 9 DURHAM. THE BY-LA\V. 68 18 For 17 m} 33 19 51 123 16 5 Total Against 42 186 159 £18 Ferrozone is by long odds the best tonic for pale-{sced' girls and ex- hausted women. It forms the right kind of blood and tissue for rebuild- ing the system; It replaces tiredness by energy and vim. and adds nerve force and staying power. Miss D. E. Leduc. of Chester, gives the follow- ing convincing evidence of Ferro- zone’s power. Pale Faced. “ My work compels me to rise ear- ly in the morning and work ten hours daily as a saleslady. Last spring I was run down, lost my color and fell off in weight. I seemed to lack am- bition and the life was out. of me. A friend recommended Ferrozone and I took one tablet after meals with wonderful results. Ferrozone soon brought back my complexion and has given me new strength and abun~ dance of energy and spirits. I would advise all young ladies to use Ferro- zone. * ALWAYS Gnow STRONG AND HAVE A ROSY Common BY USING Wm. Greenwood or” from giving his wood. up to nwood bee gang for Zion’s benefit. They will mnke things lively there nexr Sntnrdny afternoon. Mrs. H. G. Wilder. of Dexter. says: “My daughter was not very well last summer and lost her strength com- pletely when the hot weather came. I gave her Ferrozone and am glad to say it did wonders. After six boxes were used my daughter was stnong and looked the picture of health. I can recommend Ferrozone to all mothers, both for themselves and daughters.” Our Township Council was re-elect- ed by acclamation on Monday. They are a fine clever looking body of men now with none of the greenzawkward appearance they had when we first put them in harness. and it was ex pected they would be able to do busio ness now with a neatness and a dis- patch that the township would be benefitted by them. and everything seemed O. K. until they announced that they would require a raise in salary that it would take about a half more per day to support them than it has done. Now that we are keep- ing them for our mark another year it will be about as well to give them what will keep them in decent order as to take the chance of causing them through hunger to break somewhere that would he disasterous to the township. Next year let them go for heavier work and by giving much less than it would take to suppor\ them to some of the untrained ones much improvement could be made In some of the younger men and the light work of the township done equally as well. Miss Marrion McNab returned to Toronto this week. Her sister Mrs. John McGillivrey is in a little better Ferrozone. heulth. Though timber land is worth money nowodoys. that doesn’t prevent Mr. Go to your druggisns today and get a supply of Ferrozone. Price 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from The Ferrozone Com- pany. Kingston, Ont. Mrs. Cook and Master Bert return- ed to their home in Paisley on Mon- day. Miss Florence Hunt accom- panied them back. At our school examination on Thursday there was a good attend- ance of adults, and all expressed themselves well pleased with the way the children acquitted themselves. At the close of the examination a good pregramme was given by the scholars of song and recitations and dialogues interspersed with short addresses by the trustees and others. The pupils took exception of the oc- casion to present their teacher with the address given in the CHRONICLE last week. Miss Edith Matthews of the Wing ham school staff, Spent Christ? with her sister Mrs. Ben Critten n Thos. Tucker and his mother is spending a fortnight’s holiday with Wingham and Belgrave friends. Lorne Allan is home on a visit from Winnipeg where he has spent, the last two years. Take LAXATIVE mono QUININE Tablets. All drugmsts refund the money if it fails to curu. E. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. 250. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Sore Throat and Cough- pphOJpcfivpnndufo undyfiornnthmt Corner Concerns. (Continued next. week.) Traverston. lewuus Womenl ’4.’ Your vote and influence respectfully solicited. . And the worst of it. is you are a little run down and have mighty lit- tle chance to catch up. Everything seems like a' grindatone wearing down your nerves. You are irritable and get less sleep than is absolutely necessary. Better stop before things get worse Your best plan Is to use Ferrozone for a while and give your nerves and brain a chance to pick up. Ferrozone is the finesn tonic a busv man can take. It makes new blood, nourishes the body. strengthens the nerves. improves the appetite and re- habititates the whole system. BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES. Fresh groceries always on hand Try our " Tartan Brand ” Mack and Japan Tea. CLOTHING. ' Our Ready-made clothing is practically a New Year's gift to the purchaser. Willcure the conditions causing piles. Try Dr. milton’s Pills of Mandrakeand tturnut; their fre- quent use revent piles. No case ever k wn where the use of Dr. Ham' on ’s Pills failed. Price ‘25. WAISTINGS 0N T 4 FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€"â€" a c ifortable, conveniently Hit- uated house on Lamhton street, wvst. Spring water ta in kitchen. Rent reasonable. App y to Nov. 8th. Bargain Sale 7.1 zfl/Ifl/ STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Young msn, young woman, there is sbundsnt room for you in the higher and more respons- ible positions of life. You sre needed. Get s business or shorthsnd trsining snd msrch upwsrds. Enter our school this month if possible. Hurried And Worried All Day. We have also special bargains to offer in Boots and Shoes, rangingiu price from t'i5c to 33.50.- Our Wrapperettes and Waist Goods are unexcelled in town. Colors and patterns that are sure to please. out our entire stock of ready-made clothing to make room for a new line of goods. This stock consists of Over- cdats and Reefers, Suits Overalls, Jackets, Sweat en's, Smocks, etc, all of which shall go at Bar- gain prices, for strictly cash or produce. PBINCIPALS. Elliott Molashlan ’E Have decided to sell Famous School House to Rent. C. McArthur. N. MCINTYRE, Durham. D. JAMIE Owen Sound and Durham See our Seamless LEGGINGS, also Fleece-lined Duck. Wear our OVERSHOES, high or low tops. CARDIGANS at old prices. RUBBERS at unbeaton prices. SP ATS, superior felt, in long 01‘ short. Hillinery Specials! We have 100 beautiful Felt Hate, in trimmed and ready-to wears, regular price $2.75 and $3.00. now . . , , 99¢ Hats selling at $2.00 and $2.75. now going at ............ . ........ 79c McIntyre Block. -- Durham. Ont. FELT SLIPPERS, in fancy colors, and very vhcup FELT GAITERS and LACED SHOES. T0910“ price to be without. COLORSâ€"Navy. Brown. Whi v and Champaign. Each of 9. gm -1 quality. These hats are marka -1 at a great. reduction. and are a bargain. 0111 3nd see them. Season’s Greetings chrismas floods Do Yourl’Xmas Shopping Here We make special men. tion this Weekof the big millinery sale. FELT HATS MISS DICK Orders and Repairing promptly done. Wishing all our customers A Marry Christmgs and A Happy New Year, and hoping for an increase of trade, “'2"? are Yours for business. PEEL, the Shoeman CHEMIBT - AND . DRUGGIST In cold Weather there is now charm likg the glow of warmth. . PARKER MING WITH A RUSH. Merciful to your Feet ! Repairs? Modern Methods To have your Intch fixed RIGHT get it done at A. Gordon's Reasonable Rates, Watchmaker und Jeweler. Insure Satisfaction. STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM Yes! We do repairing of all kinds by We heve every facility and long experience and it will put you to deal with Ill. And therefore Farm for Sale. I .0'! 30. 53, CBS. GA‘R‘AFB . In the put tiara. you'- the Fruiq MI. Ottuu, bu been earnestly ‘mfing oo-Opontion tmong fruit "on. not on!y in muketing theil ”ducts. but in many othvr ways as ”IL It '3“ been DOiDNNl 013.! ”A81 Minors might (so-operate to [W m tmn best suited to thrir 4mm» .t the lowest: prim' : that uniforn .0“!on 0f orchard managln‘en night be adapted in order n. o-h~;.~. nudity of fruit, that e ,‘ Cod Cinematic sprasin ' 5e “cored by means of povu . mil: o neighborhood III III manner as the Ihreshin , ~ 0 ‘ ,thntcheuper supplies - ”f “laments chemicals for sir”) “d pickups for shipping: Hug. Mined; wd thu bv putt mg .. Wotive packing houses at I“ ’1' centres uniform ngIIiIIIg an paling. with conseque. It 9min: m flutter prices, might be SHUT. h!- !eusn apple buvers huh I. to.» competing as “SIM! {0‘ 21w .4:- .I' I 070:). Ind the [nu I S OHHI .' ”pi” hove haen Imus mil} hm good monv farmers 1;:wa :Iw I. able to sell theIr apples :1 :I'. .I ‘ oonoequem‘e Ihey are won . ~ diogusmd With HIP {run Ir The? have learned M I I». - patiencethat it “ill no pond on the trmpning buy xx .oatco o-opemte in Ilw Ia. mutating 0f,(heil‘ upplr> I: {in _\ tire to be roasonably [sure of a return from thvir orrlmrdh The comparative sysmm in; has proved It great t connection with the Calih crop. the Texas tomato on Deny other cases In tl States. It is rapidly geini ill Canade, and the prat'llt‘ of its operation at sever points, are worthy of cor by every orchardist. Th ton euocietion. which at: smell way three 3eare ego ed thin eeaeon e central ct packing hon-e. To th point the members brough plot in barrels whivh haul chued through the or The apples were deliven racks. the bottoms of t well covered with hay. or waggone. end any found peeking were returned '1 lots were not kept sepatat were graded as they vamp proceeds were divided. 1 members tat-cording to th of each grade tht-y sup] expense of parking «as f fifteen cents a barrel, wlzi than the rust of pat-king chard. This year eigltt «‘ were sold. including soft Duchess and Astret'heu. entire lot prices ranged I 82.20 a barrel on board v: orton. The "as! of burr etc . had to be clecluctec‘ but without cooperation would have been left to ground. The Forest usaciation “as ized last spring and has a I ship of about one hundred 'J thirty eight are of apples vu- ped to the “’ost nnd real Average of $1.90 for K0. 1 a: for No. 2, on bonrd cars at The apples shipped were most wins. Kings and Greenings. cluded all marketable varietie- “soniation appointed its men to handle. the fruit i At first shipping from t was tried. but it was soc visnble to have two cent houses; Instead of buy the association bought ti had them mule up. at al twenty-eight to thirty (it pnred with lortyfive ce by coopers The railrom chip companies have much rendier than formt proper trunepormtion in tho results generally hm humor, to members. ing was about loam Mel. but stout. six 4 In undo up by llw sale of which were sent to flu The St. Catharines co-opnauw mention shipped during the p y." 400 an of tender fruit and pm. Members in GDP towns height a power sprayer for «0-03): the use. All their baskets. PI [Icon and blueutone were purcha! i. womwny and u a cousid nib uviog. One of tho piopeer co on-rnnw minions of Ontario is that at Ch hill. which has been in operation Iona yours. The practical band “'0 boon very much in H'iziu“ thou u elsewhere. This sea‘ forty-three our: of fruit were ship a fie Walt by the shove organ no. Thus as by no means all the tho fruit associations. but Milt. achieved go to: show t that lumen grapple intellignt with tho problem of packing 1 Dubai-g their fruit. tin-re 11 nod for h to go to waste and 1 ”it It] unclly be secured. W. A. CLEMONS. Publication 0101'] m ad Hunting Fruit hm Supplies. the tin m- snpplio niulo for rshipping n. by putt : houses rm gl‘ldiu quent ensi ight be 8 buyers bu cuulforth was The If ll

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