Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1904, p. 6

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' Bread W2}! maJvfi No husband will , or find faullr‘ with Stinson’s Bread fit“ turn out a first-class article fi Viother it’s Bread. Pies or Cal“... " “d give Special attention to our customers. financing in all principal points in On " tario, Quebec. ludtoba, United States and England. Interest allowed on Savings Bank da- pooits of $1 and upwsrds. Prompt «tention and every facility afiorded notomers living at a distance. 1 general Banking business trans Med. Drafts issued and collection» Ode on all points. Deposits re .ived and interest allowed at cur rent. rates. ’ pm] Authorized” .32,000.000 'd Up ............. 1.000.000 servo Fund...... .. 1.000.000 The good wzfs “E the house alwau likes to have good Bread. and the but. Bread is to be bad at Stinson’s The whitest. aweetest and mom Wain madar No husband will § "‘ EUREKA” 5 SCHOOL DESK. W. D. CONNOR-â€" Pumps 01' all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- i112: 13mm, Brass Lined and {mu Cylinders. DURHAH FOUNDRY MANUFACI‘URED BY Machine Oil, HarnessUil. Axle Grease and Ham Ointment, go to ‘. P. SAUNDERS DURHAM AGENCY. fiaid Bank of Canada Ifll) OFFICE. TORONTO. .REID - â€"- MANAGER [0? 31-11911 ovary afternoon. MPAIBING promptly and prep- orly a*‘.oxla~si to. \JI. D. CONNOR FIRST-CLASS LINE 61‘ Bakery Goods always on hand. THE SAVINGS BARK. d. KELLY. Agent. SMITH 6: SONS Pumps from $2 upward. MODEL BAKERY. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" The Harnessmaker Tay and Forth bridges. bean llte‘u a plecer in a cotton mill in Paisley. Lord ' Dundonald, formerly the gen- eral in command of the Canadlan m1- lltia. will return to Canada this tall for deer hunting. Captain Charles P. Jayne, now resid- ing in Boston, had the honor of com- manding the first vessel that passed through the Suez canal. Senator Clarke of Arkansas is said to be the most rapid talker that has ever been in the senate. The average words spoken by him is said to be 200 Frank J. Gould of New York has purchased 2,000 acres of hunting land in Chesterfield county, Va., and is about to build a commodlous hunting lodge on it. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain’s first ora- torical attempt, at a Birmingham de- bating society, was such a disastrous failure that he went home in disgust and vowed that he would never speak in public again. Governor Alexander 0. Brodie ot Arizona is a native of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and went to West Point in 1866, when boys of sixteen were re- ceived as cadets. He became a mining engineer after serving several years in the army. Lord Strathcona has purchased the islands or Colonsay and Ornsay from the executors of the late Sir John Mc- Neil, V. C. For the last 200 years sion of the McNeil family. They be- long to the inner Hebrides group and are together about twelve miles in length. Elias Buckler, a farmer living near Delphos, Kan., has a remarkably luxu- riant growth of whiskers. Recently, while working in the fields, a swarm of bees came along and settled in this growth. Mr. Buckler sat down and re- mained quiet. When all the bees had settled in his heard he slowly arose, walked home, and, with the assistance of others, hived the buzzers. An Arab woman doctor has been ap- pointed house surgeon at the newly es- tablished hospital at Constantine, Al- geriu. i In 1895 the members of the Vienna bourse numbered 801. At the beginning of 1902 they were only 441, and in 1908 only 418. Chinese styles come up from the south, Shanghai being the Paris that sets the fashions for all people save the court Mantchoos. The Stockholm court has pronounced the arctic explorer Andree to be dead in law, the legal term of disappear- ance having just expired. Andree left Spitzbergen on July 11, 1897,°with two companions, in a balloon, with the. ob- ject of reaching the north pole. The custom of marrying girls when they are mere children of nine or ten years is increasing rather than de- creasing in Bengal and other parts of India. The resulting racial degenera- tion is becoming so obvious that laws have been passed in several regions forbidding the marriage of girls under fourteen. Like. the Girls Without nuts. “The prettiest sight imaginable, and one I have never seen outside the United States, is the promenade. of your beautiful girls and young wom- en en the streets of evenings, when they appear Without any sort of head covering,” said Samuel Golbey of Lon- don. “To my mind this is one of the neatest, most picturesque and fascinat- ing customs that ever the fair sex adopted, and it seems to have reached the acme of its development right here in your capital. In their spotless white garments and Without hats or bonnets the quintessence of feminine charm is revealed. Though I have been all over the civilized world, I never saw the practice till I came to America.” A Million Telegrams a Day. Although everybody uses the tele- graph, few people have an idea of the extent of its use. About 1,000,000 mes- sages are sent over the world’s lines every twenty-four house. According to some returns recently issued, the number of telegrams dispatched in all countries in 1903 reached the enormous total of 364,848,474. As a user of the telegraph Great Britain heads the list with 92,471,000 dispatches. The Unit- ed States is second, with 91,391,000, and France comes third, with 48,114,- 151. Germany, Russia, Austria, Bel- gium and Italy follow in the order namedâ€"London Standard. The Statue of Liberty. The statue of Liberty in New York harbor is to be thoroughly renovated, the pedestal repaired and a passenger elevator substituted for the present stairway. It should then also be given a torch somewhat more brilliant than its present street lamp light, and it would then be more suggestive of Ado dison’s apostrophe: 0 Liberty, thou goddess heavenly bright. Profuse of bliss and pregnant of delight. llowm Gould as a Spender. Howard Gould has a large fortune, and doubtless it is well invested, but there ls reason to believe it is not growing very fast, for his expendi- turee are enormous. Persona living near his country place, Sands Point, speak in awed tones of the money that is being expended there. The sea wall, they swear, cost him $1,000,000. His cow house, built of stone, cost $250,000, and his chicken house, also 0! stone, $150,000. The iron fence around the poultry yard out $10 a running foot. The Killarney castle duplicate in to represent an" outlay of .It hat “,0”,- GLEANINGS. Santa Claus Headquarters for Holiday Goods Monster Jewelry, Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods Store. **%%*%%#%%¥¥****Â¥$$§d §‘ ' Xmas at Keelér's ‘- A K _ 9:253 a¢¢a§§r*fi*$fi*****#**w For mothers, fathers, sisters. brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. grandchildren, friends, sweethearts, neighbors and acquaintances. . They will all find what they want at Keeler’s. Below we lista few appropriate and pleasing gifts: Solid Gold and Gold-filled \Vatches are the King of Presents. Chains, Lockets, Bracolvts, Necklets, Brooches, Rings, Cuff Links and Stick Pins. Also Durham Souvenir Jewelry. Everything that you can think of in Silverware, Toilet Cases, Traveling Vases, “'ork Boxes, Mirrors, Fancy Hair Brushes and Combs, Military Brushes, Albums, Shaving" Cases, Stirling Silver and Ebony Novelties. A Grand Assortment of Durham Soudznir Goods IN PLATES, PINTRAYS, SHELLS, CHINA TRAYS. INK BOTTLES, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES. . , CONSISTING OF Violins, Accordeons, Guitars, Mouth Organs, Music Books, Etc. Come and see the MECHANICAL TOYS. They will make you laugh. Also nicely bound BOOKS and POEMS including all authors. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS. Spectacles and Eye Glasses to Suit all Sights. ON THE BUSY CORNER. From a painting by Knapp. This Store is Full of Suggestions also Carry a big Stock of Musical Instruments Also the largest and best stock of To ys, Dolls and Picture Books every shown under one roof in Durham. R. B. KEELEB SINS '. S.â€"â€"â€"All goods bought at KEELER'S will be canned FREE of charge. Select Your Presents Now. It is not hard to choose Xmas Gifts if you take a look through Keeler’s 13‘ gfil THE MORNING OF THE NATIVITY. w ."3, DURHAM, ONTARIO.

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