Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1904, p. 8

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la gATER SHOES for Men ................... . PRESS SHOES for Women ............. .. 20 Pairs Women’s Buttoned Shoes, were 83.50, I. Puirs Women’s Buttouod Shoes. were $2.25, DIES, HAY KNIVES. ETC. ETC. CHILDREN’S LAMB COLLARETTES'. 31‘ “H CHILDREN’S LAMB COLLA uET’l‘ES. a; CHILDREN’S L.\ \IB (IOLLORAT'I‘ES. s: LDIES’ COATS from ISSES’ COATS from [ILD’S COATS from .antle Department. {'8 (300}: COATS u. .123’ SABLE RUFFS ’ ASTRACHAN JACKETS st THE PEOPLE’S STORE THIS STORE has the reputation largest, best and cheapest stock 0‘ You have a choice here that elsewhere. Our Jackets are made from the finest 01 11101315, cut with. all the style and dash of made-to-tzlgder Coats, beautifully liaed t-llroughout, splen 1 y .L BLA- \JU“¥U, \Iv‘.V\.v--_--U. finished in every (let I ( til, perfect fits. 7 Try 118 for UNDER“ EAR. X-CUT-SAWSâ€"Lance. Racer, President. '1‘ Blade, Philadelphia Lance, etc. cledo Alex. Russell 50m: imnmcn BARGAINS FOR Saturday, December 3rd Currants made Clothing, Groceries for Saturday. .\I l DDAUG H HOlV'SE at plete showing of We have given this department his year, and have now a complete assortment of all We also handle the Fur-lined ones now, and are selling them off very rapidly. look at our Overcoats means a sale. > 51.00, Saturday. 32.00, Saturday. 3-2.5”, Saturday. 3 Pkg. Chinese Starch :; Cans Good Salmon .. BLOC K . 3 U0 and .8200 and Saturday. Saturday. the finest of Cloths, 838.00. $49.90, $42 09 A-- nr ONTARIO ' a few minutes as well as com- $45. 00, 855 00 .35 U” to 82‘2 50 $1.50 to 813.00 .32.50 to $7.00 -821)” to 84.30 ”$1. $1 Stewar"s chocolates by analysis the has? in the world. at Darling's H only. Ladies astrachan jackets are boom- «)0 inc at S. F. Morlock’s. 5” Our premises is too small to show our stock nicely -â€" but call in we will do the best. we canâ€"ac Darling’s. ._) c 06 )C night COUIDS OI cuuuuzu. No croup. Nobronchitis. A h: Ch e “V Wrasse (1:29:33 WWW with: the intentions of going est. E t Pectoral g ' doctor’s medicine for all aflcaions Of an throat’ bro“- ment just at the desired time This 011131 “11368, and lungS' SOld Ebowel'er. is a matter that growers for over 60 Years’ i should attend to in time next year. arr ammmm 1 am or on ears. are IDO n a a ‘ ' to it or cough: ind coldgeapeciall for chil- ._ Some Of our young people took .in W dren."â€"Ias. w. H. Barxu.8he bLth- W the P18 and Box social at 1\o._9. . ichquhgszWog. a . . .. ‘, and report it a lively afiair Some of i ' ' ' ithe boxes went as high as $3.5m . apiece. Seventy three dollars in all 1 was realized. 1 l The old custom of cattle droving’ t" one 0'. was resorted to last week to the ex- Keep. the bowels open w: “yer 8 Pills at bedtime, 1“" one" tent of three droves of from forty to ~ seventy head each were bound 1 . . for the lower settlements. for winter‘ BUSINESS SQUle. "feeding and the greater part of them L Rob- " had been purchased by Mr. . 9‘ .- , , , , ' 1W . . . 3‘9“?!" ‘ 0h00'-~’1M98 by anal} 5‘19 ' ertson from the farmers of this:v1cm- the hes' in the world- at Darling‘siity, We did not inquire whether it ‘ was cheapness or swiftness of tran- lsportation that caused them to foot it through instead of going in the i more modern style by train. ‘. 5.. n‘an‘l’. only. Ladies astrachan jackets are boom- ing at S. F. Morlovk's. â€"â€" doctor’s medicine for all aflections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold “ I hue used Ayers Cherry Factors! in myl Zl‘l'vcif133fiisu. Best value in town in Christmas groceries andmndies at. S F. Mor- lock’s Pipes a.” kinds 7 smnkprs sundries a large Mock to choose fmm at Darl- ing’s Shopping bags pur all new. and niceâ€" Darling's. ___'_, Millimry sale cominnoe all rpady towear hat-x mum 2n. 8 F. Morlock 7â€" Great Value in Indies fancy collars and handkerchiefs m S, F Mnrlnck’s. We have 1989 than [Wm dolls all 4.-.,“ am] came at. log: than (on at. We have 1989 than [Wm shapes and sizes at lee: than Darling’ s at druggims If you want to see the luruvst dis- play of perhmcsin Megan: Ch! mtmas‘ packages see our two window 5 SaturnI day December 10th Darling the" people’s friend. The editor of the Orange-ville Sun absolutelv refuses to believe that John Park. the defeated candidate in Dufierin, risked hisown money when he put up the $200 deposit a! the nomination. Thedepz-sw gee-a to the govermnwsc and thev me vvideutlv thu- righrfnl owners -â€"~-.-\It.hnr Enter priwl M(‘(‘UHKRRY~~I’flTRNE'l‘Tâ€"AL the resi- denm- of tlu- bride's muthur, by Rev. \V m. [*‘m'qnluu'son.\\-’m11msday, Nov. 30th. Dnnald Mt-(‘uskery uf 'l‘uâ€"ronm, to Miss l‘llizuhvth Burnett. LARGEâ€"-v\\"lLLl.\MSâ€"-â€"At the». houwof the hridv’s parents, by Rev. Mr. Newtm». «m “'t-(lnesday. Nov. 3rd, “'m- Large. of Toronto, to Miss LARGE»\\'1|.1.|.\Ms~~At the bride’s purvnts, Newtmn. nn “'mlnesd \Vln. Large. of T011 Ida \\'illizuns. HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade- Er, L I 1 mark of Scott’s Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized couno tries of the glehe._ A'u -A. L‘UC Ull ‘VLUHVvâ€"v taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the best thing in the World for weak, backward children, thin, delicate 'people, and all conditions oi ‘ I Sand for an ample. ‘ I if thevcod Vfish became extinct it would be a yvorlcl-“jde calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishipg and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott’s Emul- sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value oi the oil without the objectionable LL- we. ”(131.00. All drum MARRUID BOW“, Hawsâ€"hand bags â€"â€"low pricvsâ€"fâ€"at Darling the. . . a l A correSpondent writes to the Mali { tl‘iel land Empire concerning some 0 ”WWI” 8”“ l indecent statements of Rev. barn: “Mimi", “hi“ Clones in Massey Hall last Sunday; candidate in 'One of Sam’s chaste remarks was“ money when ; 'Nobody but dirty. lousy devils will; ”P05“ “' ”‘9- '! go into a saloon.” ()ne of his heami-E ,« 2”“? TU 'lwlful figures of speech was. “You" "’ “"“"""‘l" i might as well put a corpse into an ice» "h“? Ema" f box and expect it to sweat.” Oil "lthe disgustingr preacher the corres \ ondent savs: There is many a man _ ‘ P goes into a saloon to take a glass of '1 ' liquor who is neither a drunkard nor 3 â€"â€"At the “t‘Si' a ° lousy devil,’ and I think it is an )tht‘l', by Rev. insult|to our Canadian manhood to have these bragging, canting, sen- sational Americans coming over here.‘ nett. under the cloak of religion. to cast ‘such dirty remarks in our teeth. God ”1” “0111901: knows. we have enought of that class by Rev. Mr. here, without importing them. ay. Nov. 3rd, MOHOVBI‘. there is little credit due ”m“, to Miss the Canadian Temperance League for hiring sucl individuals to come here to preach the gospel of temper- ‘ ””“m‘ ance in such a manner.” «lnesday, Nov. ry of Toronto, Mr. J cmes Hopkins purchased J cs. Mann’s fine farm last week for $6,000 which increases his estate to 300 acres. Mr. Mane is negotistiug for a farm near Bagersville. . Mr. 'P. Patterson had the misfor-i tune to have his thumb and index finger of the right hand badly cut by a fellow workman at McLean’s bush the week before last. and although he is still carrying them in a sling they are healing nicely. Mr. \Vilder act a similar cut on one thumb which required a few stitches last week. : They combine the gcrmicida! value of C tics of slippery elm '5 the soothing proper ' 100. All Drugglsts A simple, effective. a irritations is found in I Disgusting Remarks Jones ‘The undersigned Auctioneer has been Huatructed to sell bv Public Auction, lat Lot 62. Con. 2, S D. R .Bertinck. 2M0nday. DEC. 5th, I904 0F FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Sore The following 2-â€" ;S 1 aged mare ; 1 aged mare supposed? in foal ; 1 mare 9 years old; 1 loal 3 ;\ months old; 1 cow 8 years old Ill calf ; 1 cow 4 years old supposed in call; :3 {arrow cows; Stwo-year old steers; :3 yearlings; f» calves; 4 ewes; 1 tamol worth boar; 2 tamworrh brood sows; ' 14 tamworth pigs :3 months old; 40' hens; 1 Massy~Harris binder; 1 Man- 2. sev-Harris mower, nearly new; 11 mower and pea harvester ; 1 Noxen |drill: 1 Steel roller: 1 disc barrow; 1: iiron barrow; 1 eulky rake; 1 long; plow ; 1 gang plow ; lecuffler: l tur-i nip sower; 1 wagon ; 1 buggy ; 1 cut-l ter ; l bobsleigh ; 1 flat. rack ; 1 sugar l kettle; 1 turnip pulper ;scraw cutter ; " fanning mill; horsepower; buggvl pole; whiflletrees; neck yoke; 1 0x 3 ford Cream Separuor ; 2- heating i l stoves ; 2 robes; 1 set double harness l -‘ -‘--- Incl--1 "U u---â€" Uvuv’uâ€" I 1 set single harness; 1 set, plow bar- eess; hog crates; stone boat, a quantity of apples and turnips; a quantity of he use furniture; rakes; forks; shovels; chains; cow chains; crate ; grain cradle ; dash churn; chicken and other articles. TERMS:â€"â€"All sums of $5.00 and; under, cash; over that amount 12‘ months’ credit will be given on fur. nishing npproved joint notes. 5‘30 allowed for cash in lieu of notes Everything must be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming. Boar. J Momnws. Proprietor. I Joan CLARK. Auctioneer. Sale at. 12:30 p CREDITâ€"â€" of Rev. Sam of Crcsolencwith elm and licori‘czg. . m. sharp. 400 13911 vais Camp, Nu. purpose holding their .111 THERSDAY, DECEMBER 8 (‘Immm-ncing at, 8 o’clock p. 111., r. Town 11:11], Durham. The com" has secured the fullnwing talent: IIAROLI) JARVIS. (ix-vat Scottish Tenor of Detroit. MISS AGNES III'NIJOI’, Svottish Cuntraltn Suluist. Hamiltun. MISS MARIET'I‘A LaDELL, I‘lluvu- tionist and Entmmainer, Toronto. ADMIfiSION, 50C. All Seats Reserved. 71¢? 'u'. N: SCOTHSH CONCERT! (1 Ian lid Gold Watches. Goldonue ices. Necklets and d Silver and Gold-fil 1d Rings at all pl elets of Ladies’ 80 Ladies’ Chains at all pr Ladies’ Solid Gold. Soli Ladies’ dnd Men’s'Solid Go Ladies’. Misses’ and Children’s Brac RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Tluoat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Satu.d9v in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"fi p m. 20': .39: ’4? “IN Ladies FOR THE EUR '1 an H DL‘ Clothes Brushegfignd Cased Pipes. FOR THE CHILDRENâ€"Over eight bun from at 5c up to $2 in» each. Toy laugh and Picture Books of a1! k 1y bound Books. Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifi'oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks l Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen ‘Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables EXCLUSIVELY at the Middaugh House In \Vodnmdny of each month. from 12 to 4 u. m. Undertaking and Embalming a Spa LARGE STOCK OF'RATTAN GOODS DR. GED. S. BURT. MXKE YOUR HOME COMFORT.AB ’ Dressing Cases. Fancy ‘. Hat. Brushes. Silver all Silver Military Brushes. EdWard Ktjess, Durham, It Will pa“ vou t0 : as they are sure to please. Sell What You Ne! , IV”. 40‘ h. u. n. :ir annual Convex" Watch ()5Y THE BUSY OURNER. BER 8. 1904.:To our Friends ~k p. 111.. in MW and .CustomerS! 'l‘lw (rmmnittvv G I-vat Scottish OUT“ Windows. ' Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes. and Ebony Novelties. Ebony sud .p 5" » 4": implement Agency! ~ A} v __ l “Strives for wood or oonl. lDOWS‘VELL Washing. Mmhinoâ€" E that, will wash cleun. and I Wrinaer that will wring dry and not tear. CHURNS, the best. on record. BINDER TWINE in “madame. DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, tho kind that will keep a. duck or l ox on their own side of the (one. MCCLARY Sunshine Fufnsco ind WILKINSON Plows and Land Boll ers have no equal. PALMERSTON Buggiea 3nd Dono- RUGS mat will keep you Wtrln Old dry are the kind we bundle. HEAD STONES and MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. ‘ ; Folding Tables ‘ Bedroom Tables 1 Centre Tables. E‘ J ardinieres Library Tables , Hall Stands ' ‘3 Medicine Cabinets 2 Secretaries i Combination Bookc H1 Office Desks pi Upholstered Goods 2 Picture Frames Fratiles to order .' j Room Mouldings JOHN CLARK CTIIB all descriptions. (McKiunon's old Sand) Sets. Match B01051, Watches. these goods I Band 0‘ “[0]“ lament in the l m ueq ‘h‘ h mg in m W‘ry infi ““95 "1' um I that, \Vt’h‘“ w “‘50“ g. wide on UN mlkh tho mom il pet-u [5!]: ay "Ii-5 (‘4 met 1‘) ,‘1 JETS ‘ inn {fl n11 ’l’b - s ht w 1V (‘1 (h! rm tlw no“ (H Th0! “'l \V t 8th .0“ ugh prk ll .1 l! u Mt tfll r“ U PM ll 3|“, (nouigh‘ n« D! it Mm v wa smart All} llc \\ 3“,“). ‘)\II" mus gm“ ()"1‘! typc-wri! ir righ! pl" ll m 1W3 .\I ’uwn I Full \\ II wi.“ In mm H. nun-k I m V \\ \\ lhlllf kl \\ )I'OI {K

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