Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Nov 1904, p. 8

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la Fur Department. LADIES’ ASTRACHAN JAU MEN’S COON COATS u, . . . . LADIES’ SA-BLE RUFFS at Mantle Department. LADIES' COATS from . . .. . MISSES’ COATS from ...... CHILD’S COATS from ..... Shae Department. SLATER SHOES for Man ................... . EMPRESS SHOES for Women ............. . 20 Pairs Women’s Buttoned Shoes. w ' .z 15 Pairs Women’s Butto ued Shoes. AXES, HAY KNIVES. ETC. ETC CHILDREN’S cmwmzx’s CHILDREN’S 3 lbw. Sodas 25c. S l Pkg Malta Vita .’ ASTRACHAN JACKETS at THIS STORE has the reputation largest, best and cheapest stock 0‘ You have a choice here that elsewhere. ade from the nnesm 01 Uluuuu, cut with all the style and dash of made-tourder Coats. beautifully lined throughout, splendidly finished in every detail, perfect fits. ()ur Jackets are m X-CUT-SA WSâ€"Lance. Blade, Philadelphia, etc. Alex. Russell SUMP BI MI’ER BARGAINS FOR Saturday, November 26. .‘ I’S LAWB COLLARET’I‘ED. $1. ~_ {’8 LAMB COLLA nET’l‘ES. .32 \' S LAMB COLLORATTES, :2 O n.c Saturday ..... .‘Zlc Vita 10c. Satu.day12c. l Pkg Mo: Laren: Groceries for Saturday. and feast yom en es for a few minutes on the most attractive as well as com- plete showing of We have given this department special attention. this year, and have now a complete assortment of all kinds of Overcoats. We also handle the Fur-lined ones now, and are callinfl‘ them off very rapidly. A the Flu-lined ones now,: selling them off very rapic look at our Overcoats means 3 lbs. F. Biscuits :. 1 Pkg Force 15c, s Jelley Saturday Tc. Racer, President. Toledo m), SaturdaY- 00, Saturday. .50, Saturday. the finest of Clotps, BLU(‘K n of carrying the \ of FURS in town. you cannot get \ I ONTARIO ..L31.50 to $13.00. ....82.50 to $7.00 .. ..$2.«;m to $4.30‘ 3%. Saturday Saturday . . . . 2i sale. Established Toronto 5c. : ”Mrs. Henry Firth of the 4th Con. I gggutih Y ‘. spent the greater part of. last week blood. n 1 with relatives in town body. ' Mr. August Dimer of the 12th con. take Fe] as sold his farms of 238 acres to Mr. \ blood I h Scneitzler of Greenock and has pur perfect chased a magnificent farm five miles \ ion war 1 EWOSB of Walkerton. His purchase izone th 3 fl § 5 a :consists of 100 acres, having a late“ ‘ clear r n . a 3 fl fl fl “ {hank barn. atone house with brick writes kitchen attached and every foot of it Q broke. 1 choice soil; also fifty acres near suit- ‘ but aft i able for pasture and part wooded :‘ zone a ’Tis reported that Mr. Ditner gets I cheeks [$5000 for his property htre, which is are a tc ‘ a snug one i‘and b 0 0 : After suffering intensely from can- ‘Prrce . \Vith Cullar. - \Vithnut (.‘nllar, The above Ska WRITE FOR SEND YOU ntbc‘ Clluv-.â€"â€"H cer 1n the lip and throat lor several; months. Mr. George Anderson thirdi passed away at 4, ‘ day of last week. gin Dumfries Co. Scotland fifty-two: ' years ago, and when a babe the lami l £ly came to Canada. He has been a: Glenelger ever since. The funerali l ‘ took place from the old homestead on 3 lFriday afternoon to Zion cemetery“ I dw” 187861? attended. Rev Mr.‘ ian :Matlteson. of Prieeville conducting lthe service at home and graveside l'l‘be members of the family present‘ iwere Mrs. Grant, of Toronto Mrs . 9 Mantell of Tilsonburg who has as ‘isisted the aged mother through all Â¥the summer and fall. Irving of the géth con. and Tom of the old home. i'l‘he Other living members of the fam- lily are John in Wisconsin. James in i Fort William. Sandy in Calgary. and l the two Mrs Simpsons not far from lCalgary. Much svmpathy is felt for g the aged mother. 1‘ Persia-n Lamb jackets. Ladies" C lot/z F [tr-lined Coats. ', W AL K ERTON. . Mr and Mrs \V. J. Etook atrip down to W ‘; Wednesday of last week few pleaaant days with ‘ George Robertson. "vâ€" n . George Smith of near Guelph was {the guest of his uncle, Mr. Gneo. Blair greceutly. and while here, he and ‘Mr. Artie Blair took a trip over to i '; Proton to visit his brother Robe. who '2 is doing well. This neighborhmd regrets VUiy much to lose Miss Sarah Jack, who left Tuesday morning for Rochester. A clever houseokeeper, an energetic practical helper in church and social life and one of Zion’s moat faithful‘I Sunday School teachers, Miss Jack’s . place is hard to fill. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutherford Sun- ; dayed at the latter’s old home. ‘ Mrs. James Nelson’s sister from near Galt, accompanied by one of her three bright children spent last week wivb Mr. and Mrs. Nelson on the 4th. ALASKA BEAR STUlE. graded for the commoner and better goods. B FOR MY FOLDER OF STYLES. .Y‘ at prioeag “'0 0|":an \VOBK AND ALTERATIONS EAR! JR REPAIR wonx A5 '"v 'â€" ‘ Miss Maggie McNally went to Owen Sound to assist her sister Bertha. l whose baby was very ill. 1 Miss Stella Jack had a quilting bee ‘ion Wednesday afternoon of last week 5 and a merry party at night. i W. L. Falkingham had the mis- tiortnne to have his leg jammed a ! week ago and is some what crippled . H. ROGERS Mufl' to match, $7.50 szfs. C Ollareftes, Etc. MANL’ FACTUR INC: FURRIER \--"'.‘.v -~ _ , Thenkegiving greetings to old friends fer afield end to THE Canomcnn Mr. Limin Sr.. of town usi Rev. Calling in Zion’s then-noon Write for Price List. (This \Vrek's Budget) (Intended for but Week ) _= Ill“. FOLDER OF STYLES. . . On Monday morning 1 K AV!) ALTERATIONS EARLY. a very happy u ween Mr. Micheal Quillilnan and Mia! , , Mary A. Ryan. eldest daughter of the .amb l4£k€t$. late Timothy Ryan of the 4th con. Fur-lined Coats. The ceremony was per C. Walter D. D. in the pre- wd of invited RA‘V FLTRS.\guests and admiring friends and} neighbors After the marriage ser- vice. the bridal party drove to the: shome of the bride’s mother and a‘; (OGERS 2diuuer of the choicest of good things-1| ' heartily enjoyed. The‘. |iwas most . bride looked very bright and pretty i __ _ OAHPARIO iill her band made weddin;:-;;own,i and the groom was as happy as man i He is a fine fellow. Mike,‘ ith old and young and he’s ‘ verston. o be heartily congratulated on winu- -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ling such a bright cheery homeinak-1 ‘ A jolly crowd drove to Markdalel .‘ri-k’s llmlgt-l) ; er. , t ! . . . 9 Vi. J. (xreenwoodgto catch the evening train as they theiri l rn to Molesworth on A; happy couiile are to spend last week and spent a ; honeymoon with the groom’s sister 3 0‘3 With MF- and Mrs. \ in St. Louis The bride received a non. lot of usefu ~ - - um, thnir union be a most happy and â€" $19.00 to $22.“) - $18.50 to $20.11} vies. He is full 0.!» vim, spirit. Mrs. John Hudson of suburbs sud Mrs. Baht. man: s dsv or so st the Po: Established Walkertpn 15. Your Money Back If Not Satisfied er OK [[16 IZLu uuu. BRKH I“. luuvuv 0(238 acres to Mr. blood builder. 10‘3“ and has 13‘" perfect order and h at farm five miles ion wonderfully. ’“- Hi9 purchase izone the best remedy to give you a 83. having a 181138“ clear ruddy complexion 1 know of ”‘ house With b'iCk writes Miss Ada E. Brandon of Pom-E nd every foot of it ; broke. “My skin used to be sallow '3‘ Tty acres “9‘“ “i" I but after taking, 3 ° t was noticeable on my . and Pa” W0°d°d 3zone a rosy tiu 3" MV- Ditner “955 ‘ cheeks I can recommend Ferrozouel erty litre, which is as a tonic also.” For good health ‘iand beauty use only Feurozone. {Price 50c. at druggists. keeps the system in} elps the complex ' “I consider Ferro- intnnanlv from can- or Rochester. an energetic ch and social moss faithful Miss Jack’s Messrs. Will Kornoy and Study Ellison nrrived home from Arooln. Assn” on Election night, too late to add to Miller’s majority. Boil: ore lionrty and have many good things to -1. _ L ,_L mAII‘f‘n’f. "05th! uuu u-vv ......_., u_ say about the West; but. wouldn’t ° ° lair circumstances with a good home to go out there, as there are many discomforts. ‘ Mr. John McKechnie of the llth" con.. has added greatly to the ap pearance of his farm. by astrong ‘ wire fence across the front cf Mr. James Ross of the mill has his \Lennox. ‘ T‘__2 Mr. John McArthur’s sale on Fri- dav of last week was very successful. The cattle were in prime order and sold well. John has rented his farm (orthree years to Will Watterson. and will move the family out to Ab- erdeen. in Bentinck, where he is em- ployed to attend to the electric light day last It has had a most prosper- ous season. The average attendance eight never was fourty-two. and missed a day. The receipts for the3 season was $42.00 and there is a cosy 3 balance on hand. Twenty-four new‘ volumes were added to the library 3 this week making a to dred and ninetyofonr volumes in it. Hearty votes of thanks were given .the teachers and officials at the closâ€" ing \in St. Louis The bride r lot of useful and handsome May their union be a most! joyous one. On Tuesday morning in Miss Flora McDonald of th and Mr John O’Hanly . were made one by the. ' Walter D. D. The young , widely and most favorub The groom is a. well-to-do l his bride has the reputatio V. ‘. Ujvuu v.-.,- On Tuesday morning in Markdale.! Slies Flora McDonald of the 6th Con.l 1nd Mr John O’Hanly of the 8th! were made one by the Rev. A. C.l Walter D. D. The young couple are widely and most favorably known. The groom is a well-to-do farmer and his bride has the reputation for being We very culars of the happy event, but join with their many friends in wishing them life’s most valued gifts. Is ajoy to every woman’s heart and a man is vain enough not, to despise it. Beautiful complexion means pure blood, 01' in other words a healthy body. Tens of thousands of wemon take Ferrozone because it is a splendid iblood builder. keeps the system in _ ‘LA nnmn‘nv Her Father: Can you keep her in the style to which she has been ac- customea? _' I-lM Suitor: Yes. enough to haw Age [’8 Pectoral. Ask your own doo- you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Yes. sir. 1 am to have appendlculs. The Guarantee. 2031 and L16 on Fri- successful. wealthy W145“ Ben Nevis (lamp, Nu. purpose holding thew .m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904.; (“umnwncing at 8 ojclock p. m., in the Town Hall, Durham. The committee has secured the following talent: â€" HAROLD JARVIS. Great Scottish ! Tenor of Detroit. Muss AGNES DVNLUP, Scottish \ )nntraltn Suloist. Hztmiltun. . MISS MARIET’I‘A LaDELL. Elocn- t‘ionist and Entertainer, Toronto. ADMISSION, soc. AllSelts Reserved. . Lsdies’ So‘lid UOlu w a. ..... Ladies’ Chains at all prices. Necklets a: Solid Silver and Gold Ladies’ and Men’s Solid Gold Rings at sl? Ladies'. Misses’ and Children’s Bracelets Gent’s Chains and Lockets. Our God Links in fancy boxes are swell. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Win be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Sam-.dyv in each month. Hoursâ€"~14 p m. Will be st the Middaugh Hound lat. Wodnoodsy of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. TO M “(E YOUR Cupboards Kitchen’IJabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables Assistant ROY- L‘ and ‘to Golden SQ THE CHILDRENâ€"Over mam. uuuuw- _-_-_ h, 'l‘oy‘s‘ that will moko you from at no u laugh, and Picture large stock of nicely boun p to $2 Fm oac Books of all kinds and prices. d Books. $180 a Edward Kress, Durham, 8 ojclock p. 111., in the ! ban]. The committee‘- follnwiug talent :7 â€" WIS. Great, Scottish: EXCLUSIVELY Sell What You Need ' Ear, Throat and Nose ()N THE I Watch 0 London Ophthalmic Bo... Bo. Throat and Nose Hos annual (hmc m" invi spect the largest .stock of the following goods OF BARGAINS IN BUSY 0011mm our Windows- HOME COMFORTABLE .To our Friends :and Customers! McCLARY Sunshine Furnuoo 3nd Stoves for wood or c031. ' DOWSWELL Washing Machineâ€" that. will wash clean. nnd n Wrinaer that. will wring dry nnd not tear. CHURNS, the heat. on record. BINDER TWINE in nhnndnnoe. E DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that, will keep n duck or ox on their own side of the fence ‘ WILKINSON Flows and Lani Roll ers have no eqnnl. ‘PALMERSTON Buggies nnd Demo- 1 crate. RUGS ‘bet will keep you wum and dry are the kind we bundle. HEAD STONES and .MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. Brushes, Clothes Brushes. ponv Novelties. Ebony tad JOHN CLARK Folding Tables ‘ Bedroom Tables ; Centre Tables l. J ardinieres Library Tables -, Hall Stands 2 Medicine Cabinets Secretaries i Combination Bookc ii Office Desks p. Upholstered Goods Picture Frames l Frames to order l Room Mouldings all description” (McKinnon’o old Sand) Sets. Match Boxes, Wutcbes. to choose 3% The Chro “WERED DURING THE CHRONICLE R4 WANTED A sum! work and Lu Ivar" 1} THEMED. 1* you want a first buy skin robe at ri T. Smith. *Zpd. onuld Hi" this town. learn the yuunp; m: d “‘i" be hnuw in H eeks in all pl‘uhzlhilil ;- 'Cnsnn‘ Audion Sal FL D. R.. Bentim-k. M B. J. Matthews. p‘ Oil-Pk. auctinnm-r. TAX NMI(‘I«Z.-â€"l \vil House. Saturday. Um qll parties of “'m-d N ' In the Methodist (‘1 lug redemption." and “- HOW to care for our vdudhle assets." Al everybody “'I‘lt'OIIH‘. the misfortunu I'hd was takc-n . pendicilis. .l’ul «ulna-«3d nun-h WInmltly ch ”0 taken (0 T1 nu floatation was '1 [Imam cash priv Furs titre-015 sluw sh reusive taxes from pre{'ious|y paid. roll will be placed collectiom Tlms i REV. MI c meetings in ' Sunday w: dud as a msult th Chapel was fillml V‘anSickle who i {Mihle spmflu'l' Lahould haw NH large andivnm~ t [‘Us'p: DU“? b’clock w ing a 81.00 PROF. Gm I’ll ysiogn « n l House this \ Tuesday 1w mvh slrring mmlially gospel hon course margin 1 l! am watered meat. thI - WHAT sm-t uf win‘ aquestiun that \M BOW. Thv first mun (-uuw un It was sun hitial stagv of l: pfléh cancer Widend (M U mfossm \V I Tm Ill fight repemi wing 14 [teens a COIIIIIII‘II mum I. NpOI'I Ml t to Sunday 0min an ( ll lthJ ht IIIO“':~ a I ll finglm ah \\ “'lll "I ll I! '(‘II‘S "0 should sh K‘kh [“1 Dt-u‘ ll ‘SH u '35 UN we infl \\' \\ “'t tlu 1M! "N IN

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