Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Nov 1904, p. 4

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Pinol Balsam. tvery bottle fully Gusrmtood. MacFARLANE (€100. Durham. DURHAM CHRONICLE 01 CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION only one submitted and the selection was unanimous and satisfactory. In fact there wasn’t a dissenting voice, and the success or failure of the Drs. candidature cannot in any case be as- cribed to any dissatisfaction as to the work of the Convention. Mr. Richardson, who was present, it! filled on for a short address, and in Ink madly happy mmner co W the Convention on the w'ndom ‘ A1 -L AL- We have never had a bottle returned. What better recommendation could you wish. Only one size. 50c. If you have a. stubborn cough try it. Druggisis and Booksellers. For recent colds ' 1sstill a prime favorite and is and for colds is hard to beat. 250 a bottle. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Specially p1epa1ed f01"; the little folks. ' Once used, always used. Keep a. bottle in the housé.z 250 a bottle. ' Our GRIP Tablets. if teken in time will break up a Cold while you sleep 24, i a i on the questions of the day, touching i: but lightly, however, on the seething t7 tion in the house. some of whom held their 1 "fly seats notwithstanding the fact that ] 'jtheir elections were protested and E you ' their constituences vacated if enquiry J ugh were to be made before the courts. 1 i'l‘he address was pointed and clearly 1 ' put in the peculiarly pleasing style of "The Boy Orator of the Local House.” Mr. Miscampbell of Algoma, who 1 was recently defeated by all kinds of 1 - political trickery, was in excellent : iform to make a telling revelation . still ; against the Ross administration. He 1d is'knew the Honorable (i. W. Ross, . 1 and the membexs of the Government, .I‘lty. : and did not feel disposed to paint even take I, the Premier with the angelic touches given by Mr. Lucas. He believed him d to and the other ministers of the govern- , ment to be cognizant of many irreg- ularities regretted and deplored by the rank and file of honest Liberals who know the facts. He referred briefly to the timber policy, The‘ Gamey negotiations, The corrupt practices of elections, ballot switching ‘ impersonation. The expedition of the ' Minnie M. and concluded an excellent 1 fOl '. address with a touching pet-oration 0 1 on the importance of purity in admin- nce ‘ istration. and the absolute need of Keep voting out the Ross government. “ n 1904. u l Mr. MeKinnun thanked the ' Conser- I ‘ vative party for the very liberal sup- ‘ port they had given him in the last i election, and though defeated he had ' no reason to feel sum over the results. It hits peOple in a. tender spot and makesit mighty hard to brace up. Nerviline will take the kink out of your spinal column in short order; it soothes that’s why relief comes so . The Charter of the new Company - l will enable the Directors to very much pincreuse the scope of the old Com- ,lpany's operations and it is expected , ; that the new Company will be in a ‘position to supply practically every- lthing: required by its Shareholders l who will be its chief customers. 2 The. most prominent feature in the ' new Company's business methods will ' lbe the supplying of its goods tO'its gown Shareholders at a very small ad- ;vance on the wholesale price. Cus- l temers who are not Stockholders will be charged the ordinary market price. for goods and from this source alone considerable profit should result to the Shareholders. The Shares of the Company have been placed at OfiWO each with a view to having them distributed as widely as possible and in this way secure from the beginning a very large IV ”UV..- v .â€" eoon. Nerviline penetrates, that’s why it cures. Five times stronger than ordinary remedies Nerviline can’t fail to cure lame back, lumbago sciatica and neuralgia. Nerviline is king over all muscular pain, has no equal and coste 25¢. per bottle. The Fanmers’ Manufacturing and Supply Company, limited This Company is being organized for the purpose of carrying on business as a manufacturer and agent in machin- ery and general dealer in machinery, devoting its attention chiefly to trade and business among the farmers of the Province of Ontario. Out- of the chief objects of theflom- pauy will he the purchase and taking over as a going concern of the entire assets, franchises, liabilities, business and good-will of the well-known Dur- ham Manufacturing Company, Lim- ited. which. during the past year or i more has carried on a very successful "husiness in the manufacture and sale of the Oxford Cream Separator. This lSeparator has had a very large sale land is recognized as the best article ‘of its kind on the market today, in either the l'nited States or Canada. It is expected that the Company will be able to save to its Sharehold- ers and customers a very large per- centage of the usual retail price, by eliminating the profits usually added by the middleman, or for the purpose of covering large commisione to agents. The Company will have a consider- able advantage over the ordinary merchant, in being able to pnrchrse in large quantities direct from the manu- fac turer and in the cheapest markets formh. all of which should further mamially enhanoethevalueofthe Company’s Shares. (’A PITAL STOCK, $100,0(X).00. 5,01!“ Shares of $20.00 each. Cold Settles in The Back. pâ€". 0.9 wâ€"â€"â€"-â€" _â€"v ‘_ tors is to build a new foundry and considerably increase the whole man- , ufacturing plant and premises being purchased from the Durham Manu- facturing Company, Limited. It would be impossible to enumerate in detail all the goods to be sold by the Company, but the following list will be sufllcient to indicate the large class of articles to be supplied at re: duced prices to the shareholders, namely :â€"Oxford Cream Separators. Agricultural Implements, Windmills, Pumps and Tanks, Vehicles, Harness, Sewing Machines, Furnaces, Stoves, Household Goods and Utensils of all kinds, Wire Fencing, Rope, Twine, Bicycles, Organs, Pianos, etc. A very simple calculation will show that a small percentage of saving on the average purchases necessary for the average farm and home, would soon equal a very handsome dividend on the Shares of Stock held in the Company. The Company will also distribute its net profits in the usual way as dividends to its Shareholders. A very favorable arrangement has been made under which the Company will immediately secure Warerooms, and early subscribers for Shares will be able in the meantime to secure from this source a considerable part of their goods at reduced prices. This conservative estimate yield a Shareholder a dividend on his investment. This return together With tne sav- ings on purchases should make this stock very valuable and will no doubt likely in a short time have a market value very much above par. As this Company is a limited liabil- ity one no Shareholder is responsible for any more than the amount for which he subscribes. Blank forms of applications for Shares may be forwarded in the mean- time to the Secretary of Company. November To THE DIRECTORS, The Farmers” M’f’g and Supply (.70.. Limited, Durham, Ontario. GENTLEMEN, -â€" I hereby apply for z to allot, to me ......... of $20.00 each in y amounting to $ ...... . I agree to accept the number of Shares applied for or any lesser num- ber which may be allotted. and to pay for the same $5.00 per month per Share for four consecutive months, the first payment of $5.00 per share. to he made one month from date hereof after notice from your Secre- tary. Mr. Joseph Pominville. of Stillwat- er. Minn.. after having spent $2.000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised to try a box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so. and isawell man to-day. For sale by H. Parker.-â€"â€"1. ton. S. S. No. 6. BENTINCK. Sr. IIIâ€"John McKechnie, S. Mc- Dougall. Maude Pineo. Jr. IIIâ€"Lottie Britten, Méy Brit- v â€"â€"_ Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Maggie Lunney, Maggie Clark, Hugh Bendry. For a long time the two year mu child of Mr. P. L, McPherson, 59' N, Tenth St., Harrisburg, PI... would sleep but two or three hours the early part of the night, which made it very herd for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child hed atomech trouble, and gave her belt of one of Chemberluin’a Stomwh end _!“.2 'IA- 0‘ UHU VI VII-.- vvvvvvvv Liver stlets, which quieted her her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these tsblets hsve effected s permanent core end she is now well and strong, For eels by H. Bertonâ€"2. 30‘ Application for Shares. Spent Over $2,000 Doctoring. (Name) ( Address) HONOR ROLLS. long time the two year old It. P. L. McPhergon. 59: N. wgether with the sav- ISA CAMPBELL, Teacher. Yours truly, your (.‘umpany, and request, you .......... Shares 30x 43. Durham, Ontario. should of 15°o y ea. r 5 ago, of Catarrh of t h e Throat. : “My daughter, when she was 5 years old, was troubled with a very bad cold for over six months. She was short of breath, and seem- ed to be choked up all the time. “The doctor said it was catarrh of the head and throat, and gave her medicine for it, but it gave no relief. Seeing Psychlne advertised, I decided to try it, and before she had finished the first bottle she was as well as ever. The catarrh never returned, although 14 years have passed away since then. and she is now grown to young wo- manhood.”-â€"Mrs. \Vm. Garratt. The first stages of catarrh are come monly called catching cold. It may begin in the head, nose. throat, lungs, or stomach. In the majority of cases no attention is paid to a cold until serious complications set in. Neglect is a sin against yourself, your friends. and loved ones. Symptoms of catarrh, coughs, or colds are often cured with only one bottle of Psychlne. Psychlne can be purchased at any drug store. at Psychine is pronounced Si-keen â€" ‘nn- For sale by .all druggists. For fur- ther advice and information write Dr. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Canada, 179 King street west. Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 and $2.00 Fall Wheat ........ Spring Wheat ...... Oats ............. . Peas .............. Barley ............. Hay ............... Butter ............ Eggs .............. Potatoes per bag Apple~ ............ Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt..... Live Hogs ........ Dressed Hogs per c Hides per lb ..... Sheepskins... . Wool ........ Lamb ........... Tallow ........... Lard ............. DUNSMOORâ€"In Calgary, on Oct. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dunsmoor, A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES ItchingBlind. Bleedmg or Protruding Piles. Drnggists refund money if PAZO OIN'IMENT fails to cure anv case. no matter of how long atandin . in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease on test. 500. If our drug ist hasnt it sendfroc in stamps am it will 6 forwarded nnatmnid bv Paris Medicine (30.. St. Louis, Mo. ”1111\th 5.. â€"--...r_. post-paid by Paris Méliicine Co. O Cellar, 1 acre ound, well ana cistetn. Desirable ooation, on Col- lege street, Durham. For terms and particulars apply at residence to Nov. 10th.â€"â€"3mpd- N THE FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€" a comfortable, conveniently sit- uated house on Lambton street west. Spring water ta. in kitchen. Rent reasonable. App y to Nov. a SOD. PRINCIPALS. Is‘smsmsvwe Elliott 8. Mclachlan g -ROOMED COTTAGE, PANTRY, Largest and Best ! This school enjoys the reputa- tion of doing the best Work in Business Education in the Do- minion. The large schools in Canada. and United States em- loy our graduates as teachers. Ve give the same instruction to all and that the “Best.” Students may enter at any time. \Vrite for free catalogue. Market Report. no 0 on. .0000. .. 000000000 0" . Q... I): Western Ontario. ~3TRATFORD, ONTARIO. DURHAM, Nov. 24. 1994. House for Sale. House to Rent. Born. N. MCINTYBE, Durham. .. FORD, Proprietor. .utid, well gngl w r i t es, May 249 W4, an interest.- ing lat.- ter re- gardiug the cure of 11 e r dang h- ter, 14: [ON GO 92 3O 14 13 75 00 16 75 10 For yourselves, and more espemauy rue uuuuwu tum. tramp to school through mud and wet. A $ or 15$ spent in this direction will save you bitter trouble later on. Owen Sound and Durham 0f Clothing, Suits Overcoats. CHRISTMAS GOODS . . . OR the next 30 days we will sell all Suits and Overcoats at such low prices as will make them go. We want the money, you want the goods, let us trade and be mutually benefited. . L. GRANT Give us your Foot Measure and Repairing. We have some very spec. ial snaps in this line and it will pay you to inspect our stock before buying. PEEL, the Shoeman. Our handmade French, English and Oil Calf and Kips can be strictly relied upon always. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR RAW FURS. We only carry the best lines of RUBBERS and can give the best prices. Try them! ‘2 FOOTWEAR. Gloves and Gauntlets. Club 8:39. Telompu. Trunks. Sc Btu, Ankle Suppom. 8h.“ Strspn. Etc" duty! on bud. Custom work sud ropoiring promptly attondod to or. love". prim. Why, certainly ! We have them in any style you want. The Down-town Lumbermen’e Rubbers of .11 kinds. Rubbers fdr Lndies‘, Hines, Children and Gentlemen. Cer- dignns. Spats nnd Leggina for Lndiee’. Misses nnd Children. Slippers of difierent kinds. in Felt and leether. Boots and Shoes for 111 ngee. In every desired style for Lune. end Gentlemen. Mite nnd‘mt fecinge for men. STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM . ;‘ I STOVES TEA POT S FANCY LAM EAVER H Hard OGIL‘ N overstc tutor h quested our turn put of ample: we ‘ the 30030 :1 innpoctod b; or: Put 01 consists of highly deco: very Intent we no ulli: their vulue. come and I even if they purchue. of those A Lamps (dim sylvania) w exhibition. sell quality are fight. In 311 the shapes. W have you convenient Winter Mill' 0U R Haul Ran gel1 of every 01 shouldn’t t you csn buy Coaneater.; for Sle'H- J MISS W11 she Home one It OI‘S h reset If (with nus) {or With WI

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