Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Nov 1904, p. 2

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tl Don’t “ii to test Ferrozone. which dragging sell the world over. Price 50¢. per box. or six boxes for $2.50. By mgil iron: The Fogozono 09mp- Syifiingston, Out. Get : supply 6! Parrozono to-duyâ€"it mares health. Mrs. E. C. Reycroft. of Sunnyeide. “ye: “ I owe a great deal to Ferro- sone which improved my heelth very much. Before using Ferrozone I wes week and listless and had no color in my cheeks. After taking: few boxes I felt better, end by continuing Ferr- aone I gained eight pounds in weight. My complexion is clear and my eppetite good. I on recommend l‘errozone very highly. It is e splendid tonic.” Mr. James Atkinson has started to tntcher. and intends doing so this winter. Why not restore your beauty and keep heck signs of old age? It is easi- ly done with Fen-rezone. Sufler no note from nervousness and weakness; use Ferrozone instead. Let Ferro- xone help you to get more out of life. It is an easy and qmck road to heslth ssplendid remedy for s11 womsnly disorder. Uh. Ethel Weir end Willie Atkin- I. were guests of their eon: end Ilele It. end Hrs. John Weir on fletnrdey lest. flu. John Hewitt end eon Robert were out to the South Line Sundey toeee Mu. Henry EoOper who ie seriouely ill. A few at the lnde end leeeiee from “in pert event 3 plemnt evening with Hie. Nude flinch of Pricevrlle on Fridny lut. Mina Hincke intends luring (or Toronto in a. few deya. ad will be much mined by her rnnny friends, :1: she is e fine jolly girl. Mr. Tom Burieon’e family hue lolly recovered from Dyptherie, end an new free to ueociete. Messrs. Wm. and Robt Hewitt are at present cutting wood for David Ritchie. We ere eorry indeed to leern thet In. Henry HoOperieeoill. Her eon Jeeeph has been summoned home from the West. end is expected in n lew dnye. Are Coveted by All Sensible Women. For Health and Beauty nee Hrs. Themes flymen of Donegel he: been waiting on her sister Mrs. Hooper for the put couple of weeks. ‘n. HOOper is not making any im- provement. (Intended for last week. ) W3 regret very much to lesrn of she serious illness of Msrgsret Lind- Ir. J u. Ritchie und hi: son Fred vilitod kind: on the South Line on Sandsy. The Sunday School nu Ebenezer 'ill close on Sundny next. The Sun- day school Anniversnrv will be held in the course of n few weeks. Pre- paration. are now being mode for the nventnnd 1 good progrnmme is ex. Mr. J, Ritchie and son Bert ere at. present plastering Mr, Burn’s house in Normenby. Hrs. Ed. Cendler of Lannie. Wy- ominmwu the guest at her uncle Ur. W. L. Dixon’s for a week. She tho visited friends in Proton and near Verney before returning to her lefher’e home st Briuon. It bee been decided to erect. fifty feet of new shed: at the church here. The timber has been prepered and everything is in readiness for {rem- ing, so in the course of 3 week we expect. thet the shede'will he complet- Bunny will bolscnrod out of its wits our nil the shooting Q1“ wns going on Thanksgiving Dny, Mrs. Whitmore intends spending the coming winter with Mr. and Mn. Adstn Wetson. Mr. M. J. Staples intends engaging for the winter at. Mr. McLean’s mill in Egremont. If you are thin run down,have blue transparent skin. you need Ferr- oxone. When the nerves are weak 3nd teure ever reedy to flow. its a lure sign you need it badly. Noth- ing on eurth makes blood so vitaliz- inc. nothing puts on flesh, makes hard muscle, and renovutes weuken- ed systems like Fen-ozone Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt spent Sunday with friends in Egremont. Hr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt bun routed Mr. J. McNdly’n house on Lambton Street. luoly mated by It. Levi. Good Figure, any, but under the ekillful treetment of Dr. Hutton we how to beer of her upeedy recovery. errozone. Darkies’ Corner. Glenmont. Wake “D your '.livcr M“ m; for an ye'arg, Rosy complexion 0.0 Oâ€"n Sore Tin-out and Cough. A nimpte. .efi‘ective. and safe remedy for gfl throat Ext-{upon 1: found m_ u..-.~wâ€" uv â€". â€"â€"-. CrooolonQMAmlupflc Tablets. Mmhfiaetbogemicidnl value ofCraolcpupth mmmpemadohm clan and large.“ A II .‘-4 .4._A- Harriston, Ont., hov. 16th.-â€"Con- siderable sensation was created in this town to day by the discovery of an unknown boy about 12 years of age, bound across the rails of the Southampton branch of the Grand Trunk Railway. a mile and a quarter north of this place. The discovery was made by Mr. AleXander Michie, of Harriston, and the boy had not been liberated many minutes before the eXpress train from the north rushed past. Close to where the boy lay a bicycle was found on the track. ,The boy tells an extraordinary story. 'He says his name is Leo Boyd, and that he came to Palmerston last night night from New York. in company with his father, John Boyd, and a stranger who joined them in Buflalo. The latter the boy knows only as “Jim.” He claims that they passed the night in a lumber pile, and says that his father was anxious to get rid of him. and with the assistance of the stranger. fastened him to the track. When found the boy's bonds appeared to be secure, and his hands were bound behind his back. The police are making investigation. l In on uticle on “Divorce” It. Ah. rnhnm H. Rommel deecrihee the wel- tor o! confneion in the men-{ego lows in lhe Stone thnt ore not united on lhe qneetion of mutinge. For eoch once hoe its own regnlntiono, end the people who on untried or div- orced in one in living in sin or still men nnd wife in nnother. In mnny Sentee “there is only one kind of div- orce which cover nhaolntoly the mor- ringe tie.” But n trolly cor or on outomobilo will carry the maple who want e lensehold merringe to mother more complniennt Stnto. The arrangement leads to confused issues. You msy divorce your wife in Arizona for "cruel treatment,” say ill baked pie. But as you travel on the same train to New York she is your wife stillâ€"now and then, and for an hour or two at a time. Unless you get the conductor of the train to call the State frontiers and read the local code, you cannot be certain whether you are bound or free. And even with the best intentions you cannot be certain that married in one State you are your wife’s husband in another. For some States sixty cents and an alderman is not evi- dence. You are sneezing and suffering from s “stufied-up ” bend and runn- ing eyes the best plea is to get (rs- grnnt hesling Cstsrrhozone, the quickest and surest cure for cold in the bend. coughs snd cstsrrh ever discovered This greet hesling scent is csrried by the sir you bresthe all through the pssssges of the nose, throat and lungs. It soothes the ir- ritated membrsnss. kills cstsrrhnl germs, instantly stops the cough snd sneezing. It’s the sntiseptic vspor of Cstsrrhozone that does the curing. A trial proves thst n cold csn be cur- ed in s few minutes by Cntsrrhozone. Money back if it foils. Complete outfit 81.00 ; smsll size 25c. BOUND ACROSS THE TRACK. If You Have a Bad Cold There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, N 0 not one! no, not one! None else could heal all our soul’s diseases, No not one! no, not one! There’s not an hour that he is not near us, No not one! no, not one! No night so dark but his love can cheerzus, No not one! no, not one! ‘Vas e’er a gift like the Saviour given ! No not one! no, not one! Will he refuse us a home in heaven ? No not one! no, not one! No friend like him is so high fand holy, No not one! no, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No not one! no, not one ! OBOEâ€"Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done ; There’s not a: friend like the lowly Jesus , No not one! no, not one! Did ever saint, find this Friend forsake him ? No not one ! no, not one! Or sinner find that he would not take him ? No not one! no, not one! No, Not One. wWE].tinnill‘lthmfllnPill-arc£01. JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIST â€"â€" {AND -- DBUGGIST But you don’t need to take our word as to what these Pills csn accomplish. Try them yourself. If they don’t do you good. fyou can get your money back. Isn’t thst sir? - You purchsse from us 6 boxes of Dr. Hsrte’s Celery-Iron Pills, psying for them 82.50. With every such purchase we give you our positive written gusrsntee that if sfter tsking 3 boxes of the Pills, sccord- lng to directions, you find you hsve de- rived no benefit from their use, you on return the 3 empty boxes. together with the} unopened ones and get your m‘oney Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and invigorate the whole system, producing in sickly, weakly men and women that strong, vigorous, hedthy feeling that makes life worth living. -7 On the authority of the proprietors of DB. Ham’s Caner-lacs PILLS, “4‘ guarantee this remedy to be an absoluu cure for all diseases and disorders arising: from weak nerves, watery blood or a run down condition of the system, such as: -â€"~ Anaemia, Chlorosis, Pale and Sallow Com plexion, Tired, Worn-out Feeling, Sleep lessness, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heart Palpitation, Impaired Memory, Unsteady Nerves, Hysteria, Female Weakness and irregularities, Depression of Spirits, Spinal Weakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp~ {es and Eruptions, Loss of Vital Power ard General Debilityr. Are persons married in other Provinces under marriage licenses obtained in Ontario legally married? The Provincial Registrar of Quebec does not think so, and he has just given a ruling to that effect, on the ground that the Lieutenantâ€"Governor of Ontario, by whose authority licen- ses are issued. has no right to issue them for other than his own Prom ince. Three months ago a young Torontonian took out a license in the city and went down to Montreal to be married. The Ontario license authorizes “all or every minister or clergyman resident is the Dominion of Canada, and duly ordained or ap- pointed,” to perform the ceremony. This was accepted by the minister who oficiated at the marriage in question. Later proof of the mar- riage was required in England in con- nection with business relating to an estate. and it was then found that the Begisrar had refused to record it for the reason stated. A Positive Assurance of a Cure or Your Money Refunded. Cmolono 01.50. Sand for in. mutated booklet. “we mus 00.. mm. Agents, as St. June. m... Montml. Cumin 806 Wh:boon to ”math. “womb; long mum “4 W remedy brand!“ Maud. I: cum because tho air ren- duod strongly antiseptic in curiod out tho 41M m- m of tho htonchm tube. with every hath. giving Mound and counts” tmunent. Thou of ; consump- uvo many, or uuflenn from chronic bronchitis. find Mu new from cough: or inflamed condition at Yup-Crook" is told by m or sent pro. 9th! on mipt of pl’ice. A Vspo~Cruoleno ont- lt bandits; bom- of A GUARANTEE TO CURE. 9 M c ’ . . Mflfirirfl::%wm DURHAM, ONT. 53W [879. The Kitchen Mirror. A good sized. clear glassed mirror in the kitchen is a great comfort to the woman who has to answer the front door from that room and is conducive to neatuess. cheerfulness and good health. for what woman ever looked A London Critic Declares They Itroncer m. Iver letore. Women of the present day are said to be more nervous than women at any previous period. This. of course. is largely the opinion of pessimist- ex- pressed in an exaggerated manner. Undoubtedly the woman of today sut- m lwrs‘olf scowling? A necessity in tho kxtchen is a reliable clock. Eggs In Bed Gowns. For eggs'in bed gowns select about one half dozen sound potatoes as near of a size as possible, wash them thor- oughly, peel them carefully and put them in the oven to bake. When quite done and nicely browned take them out, cut a small bit 03 the top, scoop enough or the potato out so that you can pour a raw egg into each without breaking the yolk and season with salt, cayenne and paprika to taste; then put them in the oven again. and when the eggs are set dust them over. with fine breadcrumbs, add a small piece of but- ter and serve on a hot plate at once, garnished with parsley or water cress. ~Vogue. tors from “nerves.” But this has al- ways been a common complaint among women at all times. The last genera- tion was neurotic; earlier generations had insistently convenient attacks of “megrims.” Don’t pour boiling water over china packed in a pan. It will crack by the sudden contraction and expansion. Don‘t clutter up the kitchen when getting a meal, because it will take hours to clean up after the meal is over. The pessimist never wearies of en- larging upon the strain and stress of modern life, the rush of travel, the restlessness of great social centers, the incessant poaching on the hours of the night. the eternal increase in the num- ber of working women. Yet in reality it the strain on women be greater than ever the fact that they are able to endure it proves an increase in nervous power rather than a decrease. The woman who works for her living today has far stronger nerves than her prede- cessors ever possessed. She stands the strain year in and year out. The wom- an of a few generations ago could not have stood it for a month. It is also futile to point to the rush of modern travel as a nerve destroying force. At the present day there is less nervous waste in crossing a. continent than there was a hundred years ago in a journey from London to Bath in the stun'y interior of a lumbering coach. Don’t put a greasy spoon on the ta. ble. It leaves a stain which requires time to erase. Put it in a saucer. Don’t pour boiling water and soap on grease spots. Moisten the spots first with a cold saturated solution of soda, then scrub them with the grain of the wood, using COld’ soapsuds.â€"â€"Exehange. Don’t put damp towels and napkins in the hamper. Dry them first or they will mildew. Don’t put fin pans on the stove to dry. They become heated, the solder loosens and they soon leak. Don’t black a stove While it is hot. It takes more blacking and less polish. Where among the women of old, whose nervee ere I0 lauded, could we find the woman who could drive 1 mo- tor cer without tremor or who could cycle through I street crowded with tune? The most competent euthorlo tie: declare that never in the hletory of the race has so excellent 3 type of wov man been evolved u the venue wom- an of today.-â€"-London Express. Don’t crumple up your dish towels. Rinse and hang them in the sun. Don’t use knives for scraping the ta- ble and pots. ltrlvc Always to nave the Odor Dal-- ty and Clean Smelling. There is no mlnordetail of the toilet on which some people express themselves so heatedly as on the abuses of perfumes. When they dislike scent they stop short of few opprobrious terms con- cerning the scented. Analyzed, the disgust that a highly scented person inspires among many of the refined ls chiefly to be traced to dislike of the “loudness” of a dominant, assertive fragrance and a peculiar. enervatlng nausea to which its continued presence conduces. a rich perfume. It may be placed among house linen and clothing in pro- fusion Without giving a sensation of satiety. Orris root is another of the welcome odors, never’ cloying. The ideal to be aimed at is of the daintlest, not the simulation of a walking flask of perfumeâ€"New York Globe. A. garden of flowers is the ideal of all scents. Note that in a garden first the mignonette yields a cleanly, ex- quisite whiff, then the breeze watts the incense of carnations, the richness of roses or the sweetness ot helio- trope. If a creeper or plant be heavily perfumed one’s instinct is to keep clear of itâ€"a passing breath is enough. Even the honeyed bean fields cloy. The secret of the agreeably perfumed is also to be found in an abstention from a strong appeal to the noses of their neighbors and in a well planned variety. Sachet perfumes and the aroma from sweet scented roots and woods are more cleanly and refreshing than pre- pared essences. A box of cedar or sandalwood gives a delicate fra- grance to furs and woolens unrivaled. Lavender is faintly balsamic as well as ARE WOM EN NERVOUS? USE OF PERFUMES. KITCHEN DON’TS. ngdwuo. Tinware. Paints, Oils, Glue. Putty. Ammunition, tea to. Tm: HARDWARE AND mem Mu Time Proves All Things-- Need a HairlBrushZ-‘i‘i or a Tooth Brush 7 JNO. A. DARLING Don’t Be Deceived J. L. FLARITY Garafraxa Street. See our Window this Week. The People's Druggist. Our fine stock of Brushes make “shopping around town ” a waste of time. You’ll say so. too, when you see the Brushes and the prices. Brushes all shapes and sizes-all good clean through. Solid backs and real bristles. Prices cheap. not the brushes. F. Siegner And it only needs a little ex- perience to show thet it’s the better plan and more until- fectory to buy good good: like when we have, end know that you con depend upon it,to be right us all times. With an ill-fitting ready-made suit, when you can get a first- class fit, made to order in the highest class of workmanship for about the same money? We have a large stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS. WOR- STEDS and SERGES. and we guarantee satisfaction. By the glare and glitter of things, and don’t think you are getting a bargain when you pay your money for the much advertised cheep gooda. MERCHANT TAILOR. DEALER IN DRUG STORE. b‘Ufl D. 0. av. a. , ' male or femele. holding second or third cuss certificate: duties to commence 3st of January. 19%; one having bad experience preferred. Applications sent to the under- signed not later then the mm of November. marked " Application ” on envel0pe. Sate alsry and experience. A personal appli- cation preferred. Teecher’s residence in connection with school. October 11th '75 ACRES IN EGREMONT NEAR Wilder’s Lake. 30 Acres cloned. 26 acres good hardwood bush, good buildinm. Price $311!). 21 ACRES NEAR WILDER’S Lake. TWO hnrnn nfinnn n‘AL'“ March lâ€"-tf Farms For Sale. 150 ACRES NEAR DORNOCH, Frame buildings, good orchu‘d, firsst-classland. 83.400. 1014/ Lake. Two with cement floors go: Cheap. For further I modéiito. F0 8 8. 8. N0. '3 pin?“ ‘29:”! ltcttion for :3 the 21“ da 1d . roused to Nov. l5th.»â€"2. v- vâ€"' v miles mil; oi'Pria'viuo. Fain 3 first class condition. Good buildings wi running strum convenient to the bun. For further pnrticulnrs npplv to DUGALD D. McLAanAx. Jan. 23â€"“. Pricovilio P. 0. PURE BRED DURHAMS. YOUNG Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Term: an _._._â€"vv 1 Bulls. Heifers nnd Cows. Terms all be arranged. VERSCHOYLE (Imp.) a head of herd. H. PARKER. *- I'__-Wl I 4“ fit to run any kind of machmery. No swamp. Large. well laid out dwelli house; fair! good out buildin a- w fenced and well watered. A splen hi stock an: _ha farm. also for grain. Lar Ma rch lOâ€"tf _7. _v; in}. UV$V0 1 D tinck, containing 1(1) acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. fit to run any kind of machil swamp. Large. well laid out house; fair! Rood out buildil modernta. App'fy {5 Wu. Sept. (MLâ€"u. .I. of Seddler street in the Town of Dar- hem. in the county of Grey. containing! acres more or less. For ternu and particu- lars epplv to ____ A art consisting of twont ~fivo ncm one~hnlf mile out of Cor ntion of tho Town of Durham. descri to South port at Lot 59. Con. 2. E. 6.3. Gland . On the premises is o comfortabb brie 6's- roomod cottage. 1 good {nae burn and sable. a null baring orchord. an Abun- dnneo of the but running wont. AI cloned. m1. food. Tom: on" and {vital right. For nrther pnrticuhu npp v to THUS. DAVIS. Lot 2. Con. 8. N. D. R.. Glonolg. April 4. lamâ€"4f. 1 Durham. Four lots on the West sidoof Albert Street, for private residences. Now is 3110 cup. to at phase lots. For further infdrmttion if)?!“ to ARK LOT NUMBER13 NORTH of Stddler street in the Town of Dar- J. M. HUNTER. Durban. April 12. INLâ€"tf. J. P. Tums». Dec. 2.-â€"tf. Vendor's Solicitor. Durhun. N THE CENTRAL PART OF OT 51, 52. §3:â€"_Sidg_x:oad “50._ 1’} 13le LOT 29 r. mus-m, DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- Town Lots for Sale. Teacher Wanted. For Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. Stock for Sale Lake. Two barns. stono sigh; ent floors, good house. well wanted For further particulars apply to MACKAY DUNN. ‘- Vendors’ Solicitors. Farm for Sale Houses to Let. JAS. ALLAN. Scorch”. g VARNEY P. 0. For Sale. For Sale. Dunmut P. O. Durhim . und The Sherlock 0r IMPLEMENT ST A Malone Separa D. CAMPB Th Frost 6: \\ Reliab Watch “‘ duo carry the t t t money can bm’. fun in all gradw TRY US FOR G The cold wuthor is on we no pupa-ed to a kind of clothing to ditions. We have an Heavy Tweed: for an linoo Rudy-made sui‘ sortmom of Heavy V and “it“. etc. etc. J you smut outside oft“ kinds. They're Tau 1 specialty here CLOT FOR THE COLD DURHAM. W l COII or Produce taken ”A He “in! of all k Farm, tn: the Uai 5. SC '8; Sewin BLANK AG E} THE umx 0-“.

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