Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Nov 1904, p. 1

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{Ends ers! m1 Mouldinu mg a‘ Specialty. R STEM mes t u on. ham. Ont. “It N CLARK '01: Need GOODS Jl 1m M Its. M YQI W e ‘ Tu; marriage of Miss Bessie Park . and Mr. Wm. McIntosh was solem- y a‘tyd Mcinflay evening. October 17th. A ('oxvmx'rlox in the interest of the Conservative party is called by J. P. ~‘Vhitney, the Conservative Leader, to meet in Toronto on Thurs- " day, Nov. M 1‘ out The bride \‘vor'evn gown of white spun silk 'and (we ried a bouquet of bridal toms. Aiter hece'remony a wedding dinner was 3erv,e_d. The drawing room and dining room Were prettils iflecumted with sweet peas. lum- rites and white carnations. The I do received many handsome and j ul presents. The bride, who is youngest daughter of Mr. James k, 'fNewton House,” Bentiuck, A to Colorado Springs a few years ‘ and has made many friends here. * and Mrs. McIntosh left Tuesday _33' for their home. in Aspen, , “It. McIntosh is engaged in 2Q- eight 1n'cluck. at the home 0f _the hrid"s sister. Mrs. Thus. Nichol, 435 .‘V‘yst Unitah SL, Colorado Springs, ColoL-zuln. Rev. 1. J. Hiezes perform- ed thg-etemony in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives. get your ticket. at once as there will not he a seat left. in axm-y short time after this allllflllnCPllaniv is out. Miss Label] who is well known here will alsn appear on the prugmm with Miss Agnes Dunlnp who is a favorite with Hen-um Jarvis. All seats 50 cents. Plan at .‘Incl‘arlane’ s. THE Scotclnuen are. getting ready an Al Concert for Dec-mnber 8th. Harold Jarvis of world-wide fame as a. Sex tish Vocalist has been engaged for Fe occasion and will appear in But am for the first time on that evening. If you want to hear him cums/m) puma THE 2187 WEEK ran CHRONICLE READERS. SUBSCRIBEBS to the CfinoxwLE should get their renewals in early so that we may book them for the Christ- mas number with the first lot we send A YEAR ago to-day. Nov. 17th. snow fell to a sufficient depth to make sleighing. which was of the. very best quality up to the. first or second week in December. The. rest of the winter needs no description, and will not soon be forgotten. It was enough to chill the sickly pantings of those who pine for a glimpse at the “Beautiful Snow." A main ICE of Thanksgiving will be held 111 the Presbyterm church to- day (Thmyday) at 11 a. 111. 4111 are cordially invited. A PIE and Box social will be held in S. S. No. 9, Glenelg, on Friday, Nov. 25th. A good programme is being prepared and a good time is expected. Admission 1550. Ladies bringing boxes free. Ex ery body invited. Tm: directors of the Durham Furni- ture Cm, held a meeting a few days ago, at 'which they decided to purchase lugs to supply lumber for the factory, Is a bar room in an adjoining vil- lage is a skn which -reads: “If you ean’t pay. don’t load up." The Card was printed for a. coal yard, but some one swiped it and left it in a bar room. The pruprietor says it is the best thing he ever had in his place. also to do custpm work. This will ne- cessitate the exectin of a mill which will be much apprecmted by the com- munity. FOR SALE. â€"Young pigs five weeks old. Apply to Adam Watson, Lmnb- ton, St., East. -â€"-2 pd. Trmxxsmvxxe Day. le Chronicle from now till .al' News Items ; 'l‘Hl". South Urey Conservative (lon- in-mion tome held here. on Monday gaffe-rmmn next should be largely at- tvnllml by members of the party from all over the riding. The selection of a candidate for political honors is an important duty, and every delegate should endeavor to settle on a good man. Dr. Jamieson will doubtless be the people’s choice, and his parlia- mentary experience places him be- yond the experimental stage. The relectors know him just' as well as we ’do and it is not necessary on our part to give an opinion regarding his qualifications. He is a man of large L ideas, good executive ability, keen of discernment, shrewd in his judgment, and a good forcible public speaker. He’s a man the party may well trust, and will no doubt be. the unanimous choice of the Convention on Monday next. The election of officers, too, is a feature of the Convention that should not be lost sight of. Every of- ficer should be of such ability, in- tegrity and character as to enforce respect. The best are none too good, and only the best should be chosen. After the selection of a. candidate ad- dresses are to be delivered by Dr. J aniieson, M. P. R, Andrew Miscampo hell, Ex-M; P. P., J. P. Downey, M. P. P., I. '8. Lucas, M. P.‘ P., and other speakers. Come out everybody, and hear the addresses of able political speakers. Remember the date. Mon- .1”.an magnifies. . 0N Monday evening next the Metho- dist Anniversary and Junior Epworth League Rally will he conducted in the church. A choice programme of songs x-ecimtiuns and instrumental selec- tions has been prepared for the 00c: - sinn. and n goml time is assured. The cnnunittee has secured the services of .‘liss Elda Melt, graduate of Toronto Conscn Mary of Music, who -' comes highly recmnmengled. Miss Flett will render a number of solos, and is also expected to sing at the special services in the church Sunday evening. J. (t .l HUNTER have their new store lighted with Acetylene gas ,md there isn t anothet place in town so well pro- \ ided with light. Drs. Gun and Pick- ering, up stairs in same building are also provided from the same plant and their cozy parlor have a very attrae- tive appearance." It would be a great light for a print-shop. THE Young People’s society of the Presbyterian church intend holding a social on Monday evening, the 28th inst. Further particulars next week. TELL that neighbor of yours who borrows the CHRONICLE every week that he can get ’one of his own to the end of next year‘for the small sum of one dollar. New yearly subscribers Will he entitled to our handsome (T‘hristums number. REY. N. VVELWdon, of Dundalk, has been invited by the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church tq re- main a fourth year. He has accepted the invitation. , AT the Methodist Church Board meeting held on Monday evening. for the transaction of general business the question of relettingthe pews was con- sidered when it was unaminously car- ried that the pews be free. The. ushers will hereafter both morning and even- ing seat the congregation. W'HA'I‘ can a fellow get at Flarity’s the 'l‘ailors, besides suits and over- conts? There are Hats, Caps, Ties, Gloves, \Vhitershirts, Colored shirts; Collars, SuSpendm-s, Different kinds of mufflers, Neckwear Underwear, Fine socks, Umbrellas; in fact any- thing but shoes that. a. fellow requires to make him feel and look well. THE Methodists have replaced, by a good substantial new one, the old shed that fell last winter from the ex- cessive weight of snow. \VANTED.-â€"At this office. a good smart boy, with good head, good muscle, and not too much cheek, to learn printing. THE Hanover Post had a. big crow last week over the success of Mr. H. H. Miller in the recent election; THE Deer Hunters have not return. ed ye); but a. few fine deer have reached town in good shape. HIGHEST cash prices paid for Raw Furs at Peel’s shoe store. Durhamâ€"bf. A CARD of thanks from 'Mr. 'H. H. Miller appears in this issue. It was our fault it wasn’t. in last week. 'l‘o-l).-\ Y. \Vednesday, at High Noon, a Very interesting event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Donald, of this town. when their youngest daughter, Clara. became the bride of Mr. S nu McAllister. formerly of Palmerston but now an employee {in the Separator Factory here. The inuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Farquharson, Presbyterian minister, in the presence of only the immediate friends of the contracting parties. lMiss McAllister, of Palmerston, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid while Mr. Mack McDonald, of the same place, assisted the groom in the try- ing ordeal with extreme nonchalance like an old hand. Congratulations over, a dainty wedding dinner was served. The bride was the recipient of a large number of useful and costly presents, showing the esteem in which she is held by her host of friends. The newly-wedded couple left on the 3 o’clock train for a trip to Seaforth, Hamilton and other places. After the honeymoon Mr. aners. McAllister will take up housekeeping in town. “Sam” will now have an opportunity of enjoying the pleasures of putting up stoves-pipes, carrying water, ~splitting wood, lighting the fires and making the thst in the mom- ings. but it’s all the rage now-a-day. j THE, CHRONICLE extends' hearty con- \ a speculations. ' , AN item appeared in. one of our ex- changes a few days ago referring to an elector who “supported the Lib. eral Government for thirty-five years and wouldn’t vote for any other kind.” Any man who is so tied down to party that he’ll support them through thick and thin, through evil as well as good, isn’t properly located if he’s outside of a lunatic asylum. ‘Ve don’t believe in being moved by every wind of doctrine. nor do we believe in the genuineness of a man’s conver- sion if he changes his politics or re- ligion for the sake of financial gain, but we do think it is a radically wrong position for an intelllgent and honor- able elector to stay with any one party regardless of consequences. This is not intended as a justification of the actions of the “loose fish ” who can he bought for a cheap cigar, or a glass of poor whiskey, Any man who sells his vote should he disfranchised for ninety-nine years for the first offence, and after that for life if he does it again. 'I‘IIE Pond was completely frozen ever on Thursday and Friday lart and some uf the boys were out on it to try its strength. It will not be long till skating time and rather than take any serious risks it would be safer for lov- ers of the sport to wait a few days be- fore making the venture. J. (.3. NH‘UUL is building a cement stable to replace the frame one that was burned down last spring. George Mac-Kay has the contract and appears to be nmking a good job of it. Cem- ent is the coming material for all kinds of building and the near future will see a lot of it used for that purpose. MRS. MARSHALL is erecting-a fine two-story brick dwelling, which adds much to the lower end of the town. The plasterers are now at work and it will not be long before completion. Hugh Macdonald is doing the brick work and plastering. CREDIT Auction Sale of Farm Stock Implements and Household furni- ture. at Lot 15, ()on. 1, N. D. R. near Robroy Hotel, Glenelg. Charles Mc- Arthur, Prop. Hugh MacKay Auc- tioneer. Sale will Be held Friday, Nov. 18th. SPECIAL sermon in the Methodist Church Sunday evening by Rev. T. Colling. Subject, “The value of young men.” Solosby Miss Elda Flett, gra- duate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. SCHOOL Concert at S. S. No. 12, Egremont, on Friday night, Dec. 2nd. Good program of recitations, songs and dialogues. Runciman’s string band in attendance. Admission 15 cents.â€"3pd. Mr. Moore McFadden is home from the West Where he spent the past couple of years. He. likes the coun try well but will likely remain here till spring. ALLAN’ 8 school, Egremont, is again advertising for a teacher. SEE McIntyre’s House to Rent ad. on page 5. punHAu, 0NT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, Dr. A. Galbraith, of Butte, Monta- na, was in town'a couple'of days last week renewing old acquaintances. He was at his mother’s funeral at Chats- Worth and took a run dow before re- turning to the West. Seven years ago he was teaching at Ayerde'en. After leaving there‘Je took up dentistry and has now‘ a good business of his own. We are; pleased to see him 'looking well and to learn of his prosperity. ' Rev. Mr. McNabb. Presbyterian Minister, of Kilsyth, and Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of Keady, were in town Thursday and Friday last, the former as guest of RevIMr. Farquhar- son and the latter with Inspector Campbell Mrs. Henderson’s brother. W' e were pleased to have a call from the two gentlemen. Mr. W. K. Reid returned .to town Wednesday night of last week after spending two months in Manitoba and the Territories. He visited Us daugh- ter, Mrs. D. A. Dunsmoor. of Calgary, but left before the arrival of his new grandson mentioned in our Birth No- tices.- Of course Mr. Reid pronounces the West a great country. Mrs. McLean‘ returned to Lbbo on Monday after spending a pleasant vis- it; with her son, Mr. D. McLean of the Egremont sawmill, Miss Kate McDougall came home Monday night after an extended visit with friends in Owen Sound and Chatsworth. Miss McIntosh, of North Bruce, professional nurse, is spending a. few days in town visiting her brother and other friends. Mr. Wm. Davis, son of Counoillor Davis, left Monday morning for \Vindsor where he has secured a situ- atiun. Mr. John Hunt Went to Guelph on Friday last to attend the funeral of an old friend who died after an operation for appendicitis. Miss Ingram, of London,_ is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rem) Coll- ing, at the parsonage. Miss Bessie Brown is spending Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. H. P. Ball, of Stratford. Miss MacKenzie who is now teaching at Crawford goes to Varney next year as successor to Miss Blackburn. Mrs. J ackson and daughter. Chris- tene, are now on the ocean returning from a visit with friends in England. Mr. Griffith, of the Barnardo Home. Toronto, was in this vicinity last week looking after the boys. Mrs. T. R. \Vhelan is spending thanksgiving in Hopwm-Lh. with her son John. Mr. John McCaul. of Toronto, spent Sunday with his father, Barrister Mo- Can]. Mr. George Stimson is in Stratford helping H. 1’. Ball to dispose of a big Thanksgiving turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Derby are visiting in Guelph. Mr. I). A. Fluker, of Detroit, was here last week to attend his mother‘s funeral. Mr. Frank Livingston of Guelph was in town last Week. Mr. C. Firth is attending the Hor- ticultural exhibit in Toronto. .1 Mrs. W. Black was in Toronto a few days this week. Mr. Charles McArthur, of Bunessan, intends to move to Niagara. shortly. ronto on Monday. Miss Annie Lawrence is engaged as teacher at Hutton Hill for 1905. Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson has been in Toronto for the past week. Mrs. W. P. Paterson Spent a week in Toronto. Mrs. Mockler and her daughter, Miss Eva, are out in the North-west. Mr. J muesMatthews, of Egremont. is in Toronto this week attending tho Flower and Fruit Exhibition. Mr. N ornmn McIntosh was at; his home at North Bruce Over Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Nichol intends to remain in the \Vest until next spring. Mr. David Kinnee went to Torontu on Friday last. Miss Myrtle Thurston is spending Thanksgiving with. Toronto friends. Mrs. John Mitchell Went to Hamil- ton “’ednesday. Mr. Wm. Edge Went to Toronto Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. R. Gun is visiting'in London. Mr. Hefl’ernan, of Marden, was thro’ here last week buying up cattle. Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder went to T0- People We Know Tom Campbell, of Welbeck, ‘left for Duluth on Tuesday morning. THE GOING AND COMING UP DURHAMITE8 AND THEIR FRIENDS. 2" '4. ~*%Â¥****%%flé**%fi% (be Zomer Store . Call and see the large stock of fall and Winter goods we have for you. We know we can please you as our assortment is the largest in town. rue mm are»: on me ever comma $1.00 PER YEAR. *flfli ‘3' '7 A. . 1

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