Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Nov 1904, p. 5

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nglish an be .lwavs. .nd TI)“: on em depend ‘31". u .11 ting. d Repairin Proves DHCDCC ‘0 9h! “to: pig. 3 “0'! to buy I“ we have RAW FURS neman ouses to the Throat rouble Ianadian . DEALER m hildren that OI ”“8““ 'hoc r money (or m 3’“ °h°‘P Rood: at spent 1' on. littlolox. Remember that cheapness is not based on what you pay, but on what you get for what you pay. You get what you pay for when you deal at THE HARDWARE STORE, and you have the greatest variety that can be found anywhere to pick from. Fancy Lamps. Stoves and Ranges. Wintel Millinew. Knife Cleaners. introduces our opening NOV' 9t display of Winter Mil- linery when we will have several patterns direct from New York and Toronto. This Millinery Opening is purely to show the new shapes and fur trimmings that are so largely used. Also new colors, velvets and trimmings We extend a heartv welcome to all to attend this style function. Don’t forget the date. Lanterns. Wheel Barrows. McIntyre Block . LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY forbidden shooting. hunting or run- ning dogs on the following lots. Don’t uh permits. This means you. WM. GRIERSON.â€"Loto No. 59. 60. 61, 2nd Con . ”3.1).11. ROBT. LINDSAY.â€"-Loto 58. 59. 60, S. D. l and Lot No. 60. N. D. R. JOHN BAILEY.â€"Lot No. 59. Con. 1, N. D. R. WM. GRI'ERSON. ROBT. LINDSAY. J OHN BAILEY. October llth, 1W. Just received from Pennsyl- vania another shipment of these Fancy Lamps that are picked up so rapidly by the Toronto travellers, because they cannot buy anything of equal appearance as cheap in their own home. Our Honing Stoves and Ranges are going ofi_ngi_dly. We 'eleo carâ€"ry Câ€"oal Oil Beet- ere which are greetly used when the weather is changing. Every family should have one of our Knife Cleaners. They are superior to anything ever offered before. W. Black. We look to the wants of every person, and this week hove token into stock on- other supply of Buggy Lan- terns (direct from New York.) Our nseortment of Stable Lenterne is worth examining. Largest and Best lo See our Wheel Berrowe be- fore buying elsewhere. e Disnlay of HE GREAT DEMAND for Winter Millinery is now at its height. MISS DICK WARNING. Elliott 8. Molachlan ' IN Western Ontario. PRINCIPALS. Durham, Ont. With acid can ulna who]: 250. buy. than]. of Pntnun’a Ptinlou Corn Enactor. It’s purely vege- tnblomever causes sores. tnd who entirely without ptin. Use only Putnam’sâ€"the but. OSTâ€"in Durham or between the home of the undersigned and Durhamâ€"a purse containin between fifty and_flfty_-tive _dolla.rs. _e_flnder Or at this office. Nov. 8th.-â€"2pd. will receive 'the above reward by re- turning same to UR S. S. NO. 11, BENTINCKâ€" Hutton Hill. Male or female â€"â€"2nd class certificate. Applications will be received up to December 10th. Duties to commence January, 1905. CHARLES DAWRENCE, Sec.-'l‘reas. Nov. 8th.-â€"4. D Cellar, 1 acre ound, well and cistetn. Desirable ooation, on Col- lege street, Durham. For terms and particulars apply at residence to Nov. lOth.â€"â€"3mpd. AV L‘s“ - ---._ a comfortable, convenie tly sit- uated house on Lambton str .et west. Spring water tap in kitchen. Rent reasonable. Apply to Nov. 8th. ~ROOMED CO'I'I‘AGE, PANTRY: E233 UPaTOWN DRY GOODS STORE Ladies’ Coats, all sizes, latest. style, heavy homespun and beaver cloth, 2 and full length. regal” price from $5 to $10, now from $2 to $5 Ladies’ pink and blue heavy flannel- lette nightgowns at the very low price of 600, 65c and 750 each Why Go Around .. Men’s heavy moleskin pants, regular $1.00 for 75¢. 500 yards Dress Goods, Homespun. black and blue. heavyweight, 60 in. wide, regular price 81.00, for 55 cents and 45 cents per yd. N THE FIRST OF DECEMBER:â€" Men’s Raincoats, were $4.00. for $2.75. Men’s knit, all-wool Guernseys. were 81 (O, for 75¢. Men’ 8 Cravenetto Raincoats heavy- weight. regal”. 810.00 for $5.00 GENERAL - - - HEBCHANT Garafraxa Street. each. and 86.00. Teacher Wanted. . L. FLARITY Why Burn Your Flash $5.00 Reward. J. [EVINE House for Sale. With an ill-fitting ready-made suit, when you can get a. first- class fit, made to order in the highest class of workmanship for about the same money? We have a large stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS. WOR- STEDS and SERGES, and We guarantee satisfaction. House to Rent. MERCHANT TAILOR. THOMAS G. MIGHTON, :8. Durham P. O. N. VICINTYRE, Durham. A. FORD, Proprietor. WW Mr. Noble Lewrence end son-in-lew T J. Petten heve disposed of their properties neer Ceylon, the former to Mr, Dnncen Mnir end the letter to Mr. Collinson, end will leeve in e few deye with their femilies for Nenton, Alte, where Mr. Lewrence’e four sons heve loceted end teken up six quert- or sections of lend. 0n Fridey even- ins lest e good turnout of Orengemen with their wives assembled et the home of Mr. end Mrs. Lewrence end presented the former with e beenti- ful gold wetch end the following ad- dress which wes reed by Mr. R. J. Sproule who elso mede the presente- tion. To Mr. Noble Lewrence Ceyl_on. Ont. Dear Sir and Brother,â€"We, the members of Waterville L. O. L. No. 883, have assembled at your home this evening to bid you adieu, and wish you Godâ€"speed in view of your approaching departure ior the West. We beg to assure you that ft has been with the sincerest regret, that we have learned of your decision to leave the community and sever the very pleasent relationship we have enjoyed in the past. As a citizen you have commanded universal respect and esteem, and as a member of our beloved Order,.you have ever en- deavoured both by precept and ex- ample to maintain and uphold the exalted painciples of Orangeism. Your genial countenance. and ever willing assistance will be greatly missed and we feel that we cannot allow you to sever your connection with us, without giving you some trangible expression of our gratitude and esteem and some little memento of your sojourn in our midst. We beg of you therefore, to accept the accompanying watch. and trust that you may long be spared to use it. We wish for yourself and family a safe and pleasant journey to your new home, abundant happiness and prosperity when you arive there, and when life here is ended. an abundant entrance into the kingdom above. Signed in behalf of Water-ville L. O. L. No. 883. Geo. Snell W. M. Ed Thompson, Rec. Sec. Mr. Lawrence who was greatly surprised feelingly thanked his brethern for their very highly appre- ciated token of esteem. Refresh- ments were served by the ladies and a memorable evening was spent. by all. On Thursday evening last the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence was invad- ed by a large number of the young people of the community who as- sembled to do honor to their young friends Misses Carrie and Beatrice Lawrence who go with their parents to the West. The young ladies were each presented with a beautiful bis- cuit jar. and an appropriate address which was read by Miss I. McMullen. Misses Annie Chislett and May Sprat presented the gifts which were a ipleasant surprise for the recipients lRel‘reshrnents were sevred and an evening of much pleasure was spent. On Tuesday aftarnoon of last week a quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chard 4th line, when the latter’s siSter Mrs. Ann Gregson became the bride of Mr. John Scilly of OSprey. Rev. L. W. Thom of this place performed the marriage ceremony in the pre- StnCU of only a few immediate rel- atives and friends of the bride and groom who were unattended. A sumptuous wedding repast was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Scilly drove to their own home. Numerous friends ‘wish them much happiness. Sabbath last was Sunday School Day in the BaptiSt church. Instead of the regular preaching service there was a rally of the congregation and Sunday School which was very in teresungly addressed by Mr. M. K. Richardson who is much at home in this line of work. Mr. A. Wilson also gave a short address. and appro- priate music was rendered. The quarterly Sacramental service was held in the Methodist church in morning when several new members were received. The sermon was on the Kingdom of Heaven Within. and was an apprOpri'ate and helpful dis- course. In the Presbyterian church the pastor spoke specially on Chris- tian Endeavor work and his sermon was thoughtful and stimulating. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cargo of the east back line have moved to town and are occupying Miss Park’s resi- dence. Mr. R. J. Sproule conducted a. suc- cessful auction sale of household goods for T. J. Sheppard and Others on Thursday often noon last. The Juveniles of town were out in force on Saturday night. and celeb- rated the Gun-powder Plat. with a somewhat noisy parade. Bornâ€"In this place on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. a daugh~ ter. Messrs J. A. and W. J. Boyd have had erected on shigh steel derrick at the rear of their residences a. large wind-mill to be used as a labor sever in ways about their premises. R. J. Sproule is having his ware- house snd business block reshingled. Mr, Thompson Wilson, our enner- prising mill man has been in very poor health (or some time, was in To- ronto last week consulting a. special- ist’ respecting his trouble which .is intestinal. He was given encourage- ment thst on operstion would infiord him relief, and we understood he in- tends returning to the city in nehort, time to undergo the some. , Messrs W. 'H. Hemphill, George iMoore' uk’Alex, McBue. township Flesherton. WOIO For unitory reuone. if nothing more. our police trneteee ore to be highly commended for draining the etegnent wnter from the ewnmp noer the cemetery. A tile drein of over twenty rode is being lnid which will give en outlet for the onrfnoe wnter and thereby mnke the roedbed more 033in kept in order. Rev. L. W. end Mrs. Thom. Mrs. Horn Smith end Miss Bert Crossley sttended e convention of the Young People’s Societies of Orangeville Presbytery st Shelbnrne on Mondsy. A meeting of the Presbytery wes held in the some place on Tuesday. which Mr. Thom attended a line fence trouble between two of citizen. Mrs. W. Hscking and dsughter. Elsie. of St. John‘s, N. B.. visited the farmer’s (ether, Mr. Geo. Best. here, and her brothers east of the village, lest week. Mrs. Alfred Harrison returned last week from visiting her sisters in New York Stnte. Mrs. L. Hard. of Toronto, and H. Wilton of Magnetewan, were the guests at Mrs. Robe. Beet last week. Mr. W. G. Hacking of Toronto, visited his wife at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Thistle- weite last week. Mr. Everett Boy, who has been for a year and a half at Brampton and is recovering from a severe illness spent the past ten days with his former employer Mr. Andy Wilson, Mrs. Dunemore of Owen Sound visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Bellamy. Mr. A. Thorpe from near Mt. For- est visited over Sunday with his sister Mrs J. A. Boyd. Mrs. E. Vanzant of Toronto. paid her her brorher Dr J. P. ()tterwell a short visit last week. MISS Watson and Miss Mabel Mun- shaw visited over Sunday at the farmer’s home at Orangeville. Messrs. W. Ritchie and Brough. and Misses Ritchie, Peterson and Rowe of Dundalk. were in town on Sunday. Misses Minnie Munshaw and Annie Wilcox spent part of last week in Toronto. Mrs. (Dr) Carter. returned last week from visiting her sisters in Woodstock and Toronto Harry Thistlewaite of this place, was reported on Monday as having been Struck by a streetficar }n Torpnffo on Saturday and rendered partially inseneible. He was taken at the General Hospital where it, was found he had received a bad scalp wound. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the aflected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back. or pains in the side or chest. give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it. afiords. For sale bv H. Parker ~â€"-‘2. DR. HARTE’S GELERY- IRON PILLS. ” The Remedy We Positively Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refunded. There has never been s remedy ofl‘ered to the public with such an honest gunn- tee of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’s Cel- ery-Iron Pills. This remedy is the best treatment in the wosld for: suchntrgubles U. Vuvnuvâ€"v â€"â€" cs Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pole and Sallow Complexion, Nervous. ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Loss ofOAppetite, Dyspepsis. Nerve Exhsnstion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteris, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- ness, Pimpks nnd Eruptions, Heart Pal- “9_____ ___ pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizzines- and Faintneu, Genenl Weakness sud Dehility. Itisngmthoontowuk,worn-out run-down men and women, giving than tint vigofoul with that makes lifo less, hollow-eyed girls to mtko them rosy-checked and full of bounding health. If you are anxious to try Dr. Harm’s Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6 boxes for $2.50 with the understuulinfi und with the guannteq tint if‘you fe‘e you are not deriving benefit from the use of the Pills, after taking three boxes neoording to directions, you may return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened ones, end hsve your money refundeds. U By thesingleboxtboPflhmm JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIST â€" AND â€" DRUGGIST TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. LL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY . forbidden to hunt, fish or otherwisel treSpass on the following properties in Glenelg :â€" John Bell. Lots 57, Con. 3, E. G. R. Duncan Manb, Loo 1. Con. 2. N. D. R. anld Mcxeb, Lots 4 and 5, Con. 2. N. D. R. C. Arnott. Lots 6 end 7. Con. 2. If. D. R. C. Firth. Lot 5. Con. l, N. D. R. W. J. Young. Loo 6. Con. 1. RD. B. Any violetions will render trespeuere liable for precaution. Better Than a Plaster. Shortness of Bregth, Dizzineu 11th, lMâ€"lmc. WARNING. i8 New Suitings and Blouse Lengths. New Flannelettes and Wrapperettes. A [use rungs of new puma: u old prices. New Underwear for Ladies. New Gloves for Ladies and Children. New Ladies’ Mantles. New Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Men’s Underwear. New Umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen. A lsrge import order from the old country. Extra vnlue and good Tops with Nobby Hundles. SPACE WItL NOI‘ PERMIT our going into detsil. but if you will pny s visit to our store you will be convinced than. no pains are being spnired to fill sll your requirements for coming season. MEN’S FUR COATS. LADIES’ CLOTH COATS. GI RLS’ COATS. J AS. IRELAND All Pmduce Taken as Cash and Highest Ptices Paid. REUEUBER THE PLA OE We has a. lugs snort-oat of those new GIEglnt good! in all the new mum and puma 360 Gnrmente of the lnmons “Pnritnn Brand,” in Cotton. Union nnd All-wool. Also a. [urge range of Children's. Girls’ and Mieeee’ Underwear in this We have the best values in the market, in Cashmere end Ringwood Gloves. See our Blscks and Whites st 250. The newest and most stylish gsrmem‘s ever shown brand. Over 250 pairs passed into stock. and really we don’t known where to put them, so we will make extra close prices to ensure quick sales We ere carrying over twenty lines of these goods in ell weights and quelitiee. We carry all sizes. 100, remember end can fit. you perfectly. Our prices ere extremely low. Our stock contrms the newest and handsomest styles in S'l‘ULES and RUFFSâ€"sll kinds of fur. Prices $2.00 to 822.50. We can supply you with any kind of a FUR COAT â€"Coon, Astnchun. Gullowny. Greenland Sod. Kan- gsroo. or any other (at. u prim from $20.00 up. Remember you some youml! has: by buying early. Some ere in the easy-titan box luck styles. otherl heve the fitted been. All ere etylieh, teiloromede garments. Prices $5.00 and up. Short an Ulster lengthsâ€"plum colors end tweed e‘fl’ectsâ€"greye. greens. blues end redâ€"ell sizes. Prices eccordlnz m sizeâ€"82.25 end up. We are opening up new consignments daily. 15 cases arrived on Friday. Our Millinery Department is kept busy, both with ordered work and new models for the show room. Every day new models are on our tables. Styles new. and prices so low you’d wonder how we can make up the goods. LAID“ W8 OLD STAND.

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