Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Sep 1904, p. 3

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RT McKECHNlE. at NEIL MCKECHNIE. cox. 5.6131(- Illvome bad. in the township d as the ”Barker Fall.” 5 acres cleared, hug-a, “micron! and good hail. talus apply to -vvâ€" 3 never {‘auly wall a m, fit for m. .3- church and school, Terms to suit tho particulars :pply LNTRAL PART OF It lots on th:l West sign! private no em 0' lots. For W for Sale. ITS I on t Nun I. HUNTER. Durban. I‘l good building prop- , used a number of stand for live! at Terms reason: Sale. 0. ‘)1.C0\.2Wm )r service. Sale. Sale or Rent. Its for Sale. ncal t in ELVIDGE W. LASU, Proptiotot. or Rent. l' ICOV Sale H deroa xm, will. P. 00 BERKSHIRE, ON GAR- Durban u‘ing the sull- rsigned. Dur- ale. WEST did Buck .5 acre of 5rd; 2003 1 separate west. For YB! LOTS nanby. 3, Con. mt 110 m 110 mixed 1:, well ml run. vation, line , mil 3. Durham Durham Will her 1‘ W0 1 acre 2.10:3. ngh t. ROP- This acres pf the abun- [and price )ies red am U All IMPLEMENTS The Sherlock Olgans. th‘iJh‘Jéi’; Sewing Machines. Melone Separatovs. The Big 4 For which we will pay the “highest price” in CASH or TRADE. :> WOOL New Glassware. Gold Deconted Table Sets ....... .....81. 75 ” Water Sets ........ 1.85 n " 7 piece Berry Sets]. 60 8: 1.75 Gold decorations on above being burnt in will not wash off. 7 piece Glnss Berry Sets. ”40c and 45c 4 “ Table Sets 3 patterns ........... ‘10c DU RHAM. Table Linens. Fancy Jtpanose paper Napkins. just. the thing for picnics. per 1(1) ............ s :50 Chenile Table Cloths. 1!,- yds square. . :1: o. 0. 66 .2 60 06 . . . . __._,. ..:,... “753m nmmmrnanes ........ 1.40 UNDERSKIRTS Large size . CAMPBELL, Agent. Black Mercerized Sateen L'nderskirts, a bargain at. each ....... . ............. 11X) The good wife of likes to have 80 best Bregd is to l The whitesn. F hedthful made. ever find fault W ‘Ve turn 0M whether it’s Br 3nd give specia Blankets. TwGeds, Yarns, Flaunels, Groceries and Dry Goods tlways on hund. Custom Cardin; and spinn- ing attended to on short notice. FIRST-CLASS LINE of Baker! Goods may! on M CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. of all kinds for the Faun, the Home and the Dairy. . SCOTT DURHAM, ONT. THE GROCER â€" AGENCY. White Counterpanes MODEL wife of the house always IIVO good Bread. and the d is to be had at Stinson’s. test. sweetest and most made. No husband will fault with Stinson’s Bread out a first. class article it’s Bread. Pies or Cakes special attention to our customers. Want ’all and see u‘iâ€"a“. - --.-- iIIQ‘II“ ’ 'U. II - ‘r ecial attention to our6 . . .' "‘ ' customers. lncher In protein than wheat, it will l he an immense benefit and advantage lin the feeding of cattle, the produc-‘ :tion of bacon, and even in the nonr- lLASS LINE of Bakery; , . “1' on m 'ishment of human beings from the . cereal district. 5 O l The Mlnesota experiment station . tinson i3“ had a similar eXperience with ax or six yeare’ selection they ““- “AKEBY- have elected an increase of 20 per ONTARIO. A meeting that promises to have a far-reaching efiect on the production of farm crops in Canada was held in Ottawagon the 15th and 16th of June. This was the organization meeting of I the Canadian Seed Grower’s Asso- I ciation. the chief aim of which is to encourage the production and gener al use of seed of superior quality for farm crops. Experience has shown that in all kinds of farm crops the yield per acre may be materially in- creased and the quality substantially improved by the use of seed which ‘has been graded upvby careful grow~ ing and systematic, intelligent se- lection. continued from year to year. Vigour of growth and productiveness in individual plants are transmitted through their seeds to the succeeding crops quite as surely as any desirable characteristics are transmitted to .animals from their ancestors. Pedigreed seed. With the above fact in view the newly-formed asso- ciation, which will immediatelv apply for Dominion incorporation, arauuu! a constitution to regulate the grow-1 ing, selecting and improving of farm seeds by its members, and providing for keeping records of the history of seeds, fixing standards, and isuing certificates of registration for hand- selected seed. For the present the operations of the association will be confined to Wheat, oats, barley, peas, maize, beans, flax millet and potatoes. Each operating member will be re- quired to conduct annually a hand- selected seed plot of not less than The Benefits Of Seed Selection. Improvements ii: Farm 01-01).. would mean the addition of millions Miss Minnie Halfpenny has gone to U“ UIU . .constitution to regulate the grow- of dollars to the wealth of the Durham to attend high school. She ' ' 5' DUI". ' ' d improving of farm country. Another possibility is will be much missed by her many ‘ding found in the connection with the im- friends. 0f provement Whmh may be made In Mr. Alf. Tucker believes in keeping 39.01311“; Eye, Ear, Throat, and no” or Dominion incorporation, drafted Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Eng" and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. 'or keeping records of the history seeds. fixing standards, and isuing quality. Take wheat for instance. up with the times, just last week he “cwswnw :ertificates of registration for band From Sept. lst, 1903, to March 3lst, urchased a fine Thomas or an from . ( ° - P , g Will be at the Middaugh House 1st Wednesday selected seed. For the present the l 1J04, the government inspection of Mr. Will McFadden. Now you can teach month from 19m m operations of the association will be i wheat in Western Canada showed run opposition with yours neighbors ° ‘ “ p' ' confined to wheat, oats, barley, peas, | 407,000 bushels of No. 1 hard ; 5,108- Thomas. ‘ . l000 bushels of No. 1. Northern. and Mr. John Eckhardt and Miss Tena maize, beans, flax millet and potatoes ° ' ‘qlpi'tJâ€"i .‘2. . .. . Each operating member Will be re ‘ ml‘) )00 bushels of No Northern returned Monday from a “an With quired to conduct annually a hand- A very large proportion of the two . . . 'latter grades would grade No. 1 hard figrangl‘feriwfrg aaczgmfgfiilileyd at; Durham one quarter acre. and must keep a were it not for the admixture of by hdiss George who will remain a record in writing of each year’s opera- other grains and other varieties of l of coke . . . . ' tendents will wheat. Here is an unlimited field coup e W . ’Ba er ‘ supervise and aid the work of the for the application of the principal of M1“ Peter 0.0““ has gone back to . - - the West again on the Thursday Ex- seed selection. - ,. __ . cursion. We Wish him success. THE BEST PROOF Some results of seed selection. In France and in Germany sugar beets now produce twice as many pounds of sugar per acreâ€"twice as many pounds of refined sugar per acreâ€"as they did before the improvement of the sugar beet was ever undertaken in a systemetic manner ; that ,is with the same soil. the same climate and the same kind of fertilizer. That work was begun by Vilmorin of Paris three generations ago: his grandson is at the head of the business now. Some seven years ago the Illinois lprotein, and after six years careful Selection they had some corn that , O '1 O O B 6 5' H. N 5‘ O '1 {cent protein, or two p ithan that of wheat. This is an ramazing achievement for this conti- nent;for if we have indian corn richer in protein than wheat, it will AT THE \VORLD’S FAIR ST. LOUIS. AT THE \VORLIYS FAIR ST. LOUIS. Looking Past the Detail Pulm'e nf cent in the length of fibre end in the yield of seed of the flex plans. Canadian results and possibilities. As it is generally known the Mo. Donald-Robertson Seed Growers’ As- sociation, which is superseded by the new organization. was an outgrowth of a competition for prizes aggregat- ing $10,000 that were given by Sir Wm. McDonald to school boys and' 7 girls operating seed plots and select- ing the best heads of wheat and oats during the years 1900, 1901 and 1902. This competition was conducted un- der the supervision of Prof. Robert- ‘1 son hence the name of the original l l I l 3 crease was 18 per cent in the number ';oi grains in the hundred selected iheads of spring wheat, and 28 per icent in the weight of grains in the .100 heads. Similar increas-‘s were “obtained with cats. Ninety-two per Ecent of the reports {said that the g grain sown on the same larm m the giulu DUWU Vll uuv wâ€"--___ same season from unselected seed. An increase of even 20 per cent in the total yield of Canadian farm crops Mzumfzurturos. The executive council of the new association is composed of the pre- sident, Prof. Jss, W. Robertson. the Secretary Mr. G. H. Clerk, Chief of the Seed Division, Ottawa, and five directors, Messrs. G. A. James. G. A. Gigault, C. A. Zavitz, J. H. Grisdale and W. F. Davndson. Fifteen ad- ditional members representing each 'alace of Manufm-ture province and the territories. complete the board of directors. Yours very truly, Danger of Living With Consumptives. Is real danger because the sputum of effected persons difiuses itself through the air and finds lodgment in the systems of others. If exposed to consumption use fragrant healing Catarrhezone. the most efficient germicide known. No case of Catarrh { can withsmnd Catarrhozone which cures this loathsome disease thorough ly. Cold in the head is cured in a law minutes, and bronchitis, asthma and lung trouble are cured to stay cured if Catarrhozone is employed. “ I don’t know any remedy so good for catarrh and bronchits as Cstarrh- ozone," writes N. T. Eaton, of Knowl- ton. "It cured me after years of suflering and saved me from con- sumption. 'l‘wo month’s treatment $1.00; trial size 250. W. A. CLEMONS, Publication Clerk. The‘huvesting is bratty wenâ€"EH. der way in this section of the country. -1, A yer’e Pun. Ave 1”: Ayer’e lele. Keep this over and over ___________‘l‘_____he best laxative}. Vv""'"J' - Mrs. Ledingnsm and Mrs. J ' 01;; of Durham are visiting Ed. Boyce. v" "'â€" Misses Twarnley and Anderson spent Sunday with Miss Alice Boyce I “r "0 *‘ _ - ‘ W8fl°¥522°§31°3°fim BHBKINGIIAM’S BYE ammbrownorrichblack?0se " m; aaaxxumomfita v Mr '0 "- Mrs. Archie McDougall attended the funeral of her {ether at Barrie last week. : .â€" __â€"-- m -~“~. -' John McIntosh left for}. the ":West Tuesday. ' ‘-‘ '33 MissVAdeline Boyce is holidaying among Glenelg friends. Miss Jessie Hastie is attending the Toronto Exhibition at present. Mr. R. Ledingham, divinity stu- dent. called on Ed. Boyce on Wednes- day. The Misses Superneult of Toronto are spending a few weeks with their parents. ,3, my.“ .53.... »-- “"°::â€" Mrs. R. Twamley and MissnAliée Boyce were the guests of Mrs.S. Wilson on Monday. Mr. Henry Boyce made a pleasure trip out Best on Saturday evening returning Sunday morning. Our pastor Rev. T. Roach has gone to Toronto to have an operation on his eyes. During his absence his father the Rev. Mr. Roach of near Toronto, is taking his work. al. though an old man of nearly four- score years he is very energetic. and preached an able sermon in Ebenezer church on Sunday, his text being found in Gal. 6: 14. Mr. Roach will preach at the Orange Hall next Sun- 1 day evening. Mr. Jas Ford a late resident of this, community but now residing in Han- over. visited friends here on Sunday. He was accompanied by Miss Martin from the same place and attended church in the afternoon. Miss Minnie Halfpenny has gone to Durham to attend high school. She will be much missed by her many Winnipeg Mowbray Deloraine Souris Brzuuh m Lyluton Lenore Miniotn Elgin Wawanosa BinScarth \ :9; . ~02.) Moosomm I Argolzt - - 33.5” (Intended for 1-9.“ week.) Pamphlets and full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or Going Sept. 13th and 27th. Rotumlng until Nov. 14th ‘ Next. Door South Of POBt omcos HARVEST EXCURSIDNS Glenmont. Furniture Furniture $30.0. ‘ ‘V 3" #0., d. T) 32. ~' ) \ 33.01) 32.00 You spend at least on health depends largely night's rest. on one of our e-third of your time on the invigorating it constructed of hair and a tnousunu costs a. little more than the ordinary, you get. and think of the health 5 cost will not trouble you. H. NOTMAN, Toronto 14th and 28th. Regina - - $33.75 Moose J aw . Kamszwk 34.00 Swan River) Saskatoon 35.25 1’1'. Albert Ma‘clood ’szylgal'y Red Deer Strnthcomt 40.50 36.00 39.50 Fly . . . . Wéather at Right Prices. SCREEN DOORS from ...... 900 up. SCREEN WINDOWS at all prices. SCREEN WIRE, all sizes, from 10c Lawn Mowers Garden Tools WOpp. Ualdwell’s Livery. DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New :York and Chicago. Diseases of Eyefinr. Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. lloursâ€"lâ€"G p.111. HARDWARE AND TINWARE. We make all kinds of CAKES and CONFECTIONERY and give special prompt attention to Wedding goods. If You Want your house Eavetroughed or if you want a Furnace 111 your house don’t forget us. ‘ buuuu-H- marrâ€" he ordinary, but tflink of the health you secure, a F. Siegner THE FURNITURE MAN. Keep out all flies and insects from the house. DR. GED. S. BURT. We went regarding the qual- ity of our breed is the in- creased amount consumed by the people of Durham. Since Viv- ..-.._ when we'rstarted business. We feel truly grateful for the liberal patronage accorded us and with the increased and competent assistance we have secured we bone to merit a continuance of the public pat. ronage. . WATSON at time in bed. and your rating influence of a. good real comfort if you sleep This Mutgess D}- the comfort and the extra ONTARIO. Pm Balgains Read Ibis! The Honour Conveyuocr. Offer. the Following 3 Vrnuol Bums Bonnâ€"lo opposition-Splendid rude done -â€"Sncp for good run. 100 ACRES necr Allen Putâ€"Fair I.“ ~good timberâ€"cheep. 200 ACRES in c splendid Settlementâ€" Normcnby â€"owner sickâ€"bunk oflered. . 5O ACRES in Bentinckâ€"Aberdeeu P.O. â€"-well improved and ofierod ridiculously cheap or for em chenge. 100 ACRES in Bentinckâ€"Crewford P. O.â€"â€"good farmâ€"owner invdid and eager to sell. 50 ACRES in Egremontâ€"near Hol- steinâ€"fine 50â€"3911 cheap or trade {or In ger farm. 1 Acameurhamâ€"near the Cement Works. BESIDES ABOVE I have othor loads in Ontorio and North West for solo or exchange and CAN SELL you: FAB)! if you wont to sellâ€"no chorgo if no sale. MONEY TO LOAN at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED â€"â€" “'RITINGS Danwx. All kinds of “ Square Denle " negoto inted; everything confidential. Buni- ness eateblished 1884. The thover Conveyunoor. HANOVER. â€"â€" â€" ONTARIO. Anyone sending II sketch and doscflruon my quickly ”vermin our op'IIIImI free vI «he: an InVemimI In pmhnhly Immutable. (‘ ummumoa- Hons strictly mnndennal. Handbook on I’m cent free. Oldest agency for seem-Ina Imten Patents taken Ihrnuuh Mann 8; Cu. medal ”once. wiIh out. charge. III the Scientific flmgrican." ' .__.A A v-vâ€""â€"â€"_‘ _ A handsomely Illustrated weekly. 1m OK culauon of my scientific out-nu. Terms. II a your: mgr pagan. 01. 80 d by alumna H. H. MILLER. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND: Highest prices paid for Farm Produce including Butter and Eggs. Alex. Beggs J. u. mum mm . H. MILLER. Flour. Feed. Potatoes. 0»- mul, Cornmonl. Field and Gdrden Seeds. All kinds of Groceries, Ton, Sugars, Cofiees, Spices and Tobtccos. GOODS delivered promptly to 311 pm of the town. ’ Grocery ; and ‘: Provision ‘1 Store

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