Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Aug 1904, p. 6

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:8 CASH I Inplonon: Shop. ton work cllraith cu nttond prompt!) me. either in repair I.â€" -â€"‘â€" SSIIIL" m? no: the shown at the money it" ve manufactured J! god an roguiuly 3y are certainly lieve it for the Journey man she. .éG I ST rer, Aerated, On draught 'imothv Seed. PARKE Tnnrnrri '. 400 and Malt and t very closely 0‘p. 3V ‘ WITâ€"WEI!!!“ flj unease Com-mini, :- mibhftâ€"o‘mifivkaa; to his fellow snflomu the menu of can. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully and, free 2.21 31.3? :31»! of the mm and. [m U tioneer for the County of Grey, promptly attended to. Order: ma . at his Implement Worm-coma, l 1 01d stand. or at the Chronicle Ofieo. Nov. 9. ‘03. ,_'___________ Am-tioneer for the County of Grey. Sfles promptly attendad to. Call at my residence 01' write to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofico. _____.-., yuan-VVA‘, uuxuuam, “lv d ensed Auctioneer for the County at Grey, Land Valuator, Bailifi of the 2nd Divnsiou. Court Sales and :11 other matters romptly attended to. Highest Moreen“ urnished if required. Land V aluator and Li'censod Auction. 8w fur the Countv or Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. er. Conveyanc-er, etc. Private money to loan. 01d accounts aud‘debts of a] kind.- collecred on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. ()fliwâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, Ont. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. Q vn) ancers. Etc. Money to, Loan. Oflncemâ€"ln the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. ' U McIntyre’s Block, Lower 'I‘mlvn: DI"- bam. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made: at the Regis- trv Ofiice. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. mobi Ufiice over Gordon’s new Jewellery! Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount. 5 of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm,‘ property. : vâ€"vv'-v t) Universit ; Graduaâ€"ute Bf Royal College of Donut Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofico. W. 8. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. FI’ICE-FIRST DOOR EAST fiF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. ‘ Axles CARSON, DURHAM, LIC~ OB) ____-_ vv--uuv4', Ul“ 1 fice in the New Hunter Blrck. Office hours, 8 to 10 e. m., 2 to 4 p. tn. and 7 u) 9 p. 2:). Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbyterian Church 031mm BRIGHAM. LICENSED PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico in the New Humm- niml. nan..- U Garafraxa and foot offlhill. 'Oflioe ..._-\auuu“ u n U short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town. Durham. Ofico hours from 12 to 2 o’cloak. ARRIS'I‘ERSLSOLIAQITORS, CON- A. H. Jackson. _ OTABY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- UGH - __ MACKAY, DURHAM$ Drs.1amieson Macdonald. Agmsmy S_0L_ICITOR, ETC 7 I ' ' "‘ "X" _' ° 1: completely stocked with ' ”EPAR'F‘ENT an Nn'w TYPE, that at. r !ording facilities {or turning out First-c1130 ! (g M6 adver-ise m: xx, to ensure insertion in man «ck, would he hwy!“ in not but than Tummy morning. ’ )‘ “IQ. wtl: so L’e!Ӥ f.)r 6m i." '0' . '0' cad" ‘Dmmue'xt InnclhOfl. ’5 can 132 advennscmcnu urden d by stung." m 5.9;“ M I” M, thC¢ C umraa taxes 90' yearly advertise”: {W on wpuczm-nn to the crime. “IE3 0N0}; GRADUATE OF TORON- 1'23ng line rut 0.. am insanioa':3v ,.;;;; . . sine each :‘zzbwjucm macaw-min“ mauve. Pr‘t'us'onalr mts, nut exceeding cue inch, .l... '._.-A ‘2‘ . . I -‘n 1‘. n . ,'..,_‘ - T0 CONSUMPTIVES. N 01¢ng LICENSED AUC- m‘nsmc For trausien' advtfflwua -1... Si I6 '1, r l' t IN inscnion: 3 n: n... mm 7,»: WW"? 3 *6“ “,3 ...., 3 ":60 Pause. I.“ ”IE8 . . . . year, payableinadvancgâ€"s!. “a: amused“ nocsopa Id. Thedateto' M! about!“ 5 3'4 1" d‘""'=d by the numberoagh. «Mm tabel 0 P3P“ ‘3 C 'llinaezl unm dim ¢ go mid. except at m c J. Hun of the propfiem, g l. G. Hutton, M. D. FFICF} AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR I: mum ”u' '"UI'DA' "mm NICE“ AND RESIDENCE Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. G. Lefroy McCaul. MacKay 8:. Dunn. Miscelk'meous. Barron AND Punpam'ron. Dental Dz’rectm Medical Director!) Legal Directory I. P. Telford. W. F. DUNN. finnoh’é afififi’é‘é Sewing Machines. Melons Separators. ‘ Ihe Shetlock Organs. IMPLEMENTS Frost 6: Wood Black Mercerized Sateen Underskirts bargain at each ........... . . . ...... ] thing for picniciâ€"Sét: 160w"... U fangs .55;- Chenile Table Cloths. 1.12 yds square“ .1 153 “ 2 .6 ”2145,! Large 3129 White Counterpanes ........ 1.40. â€"' UN DERSKIRTS Table Linens. ' . . I ' . l‘msgsy Japanese paper ‘Eapkms. Just; “39. DO!) maidens -..._ 1*. _-___‘Z_,_ “.0 UV Gold decorations on above being burnt in will not wash off. 7 piece Glass Berry Sets. .....40c and 45c 4 “ Table Sets. 0 patterns .......... 300 Gold Decorated Table Sets ........... 8!. 75 “ Water Sets ........ 1. 85 7 piece Berry Sets 1.60 1.75 0‘ 6. l‘ i‘ ‘ New Glassware. CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Elec- trical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engineer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect; Archi- tectural Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; Show-Card Writer; Ad Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenographer; French, German. or Spanish. with Phonograph; Commercial Law. Write T ODA Y, stating which position , interests you, to at small expeiise, for any of the following positions: Call and see us. AGENCY. Box 799. SCRAN‘I‘ON. PA. 02 CALL on our: LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: . BEAN 1'. ONT. W459 ’. McKAY, Representative, CHEMIS’I‘ â€" AND -â€" DRUGGIST WUJJ ‘u U“ I um, W W!“ Ben you 0 boxes for $2.50 with the under: out! with the guarantee that if you fee you no not deriving benefit from the us. of the Pills, after taking three boxes “cording to directions, you may return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened ones, and have your money refunded.‘ D BytbotinglohoxthoPilhmwo. It is's great boon to weak, worn-out run-down men end women, giving them that vigorous health that makes life worth living. There is nothing better for pale, list- less, hollow-eyed girls to make them rosy-checked and full of bounding health. _ if yo_n ne‘snxious to try Dr. Hute’s There has never been a remedy ofl'ered to the public with such an honest guaran- tee of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’s Cel- ery-Iron Pills. This remedy is the best treatment in the world for such troubles as Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Nervous- ness, Slee lessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, In of.Appetite, Dyspepsia, Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Danes, Female Weak- ness, Pimple: and Eruptions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness and Faintness, General Weakness and Detility. The Remedy we Positively Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refunded. DR. HARTE’S GELERY- IRON PILLS. " I Bill Nye. the human-rim. om» had a icow to sell, and adu’ltiwd her as fol lows: "Owing to HIV ill health. I lwill sell at my residence. in township lnineteen. range eighteen. according lte the government’s survey. one iplush raspberry cow. aged eight years. She is of undouhled courage and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death in any form ,she would be a great boon. She is lvery much attached to her present home with a stay chain. but she will be sold to any one who will agree to treat her right. She is one fourth Shorthorn and three fourths hyena. I will also throngh in a double barrel shottzuu. which goes with her. In M ay she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall red calf with wabbly legs. Her name is Rose. I would rajher sell her to a JNO. A. DARLING Park Lot For Sale. vâ€" '--'“-. V v, Box 441, HIIRRISTON. om Bill Nye’s Cow. eel! I09- 6 NORTH A Sprint Gonna-Ion. Belleâ€"You were always fond of flow- ers, were you not? Bobâ€"Why, yea, except during 8 watt interval in which I studied botany. Heâ€"Would you-erâ€"mind setting your face against mine? Willing Victim. Sheâ€"When I set my face against anything I. mean it. Miss Wearyâ€"Oh, has. you do! The trouble is you don't know when to go. -â€"Judge. Quite the Revenue. Stayerâ€"I am very impulsive. I new er know when to stop. Mrs. Nurxtchâ€"No', we discharged him. He didn’tâ€"erâ€"buttle to suit us.¢. A New Word. Mrs. McCallâ€"You haven’t got that pompous butler any more. Another Brute. Wifeâ€"Ever so many women are b3- coming artists. Husbandâ€"Yes; it is a business In which they can talk while they work. At every rose must have its iborn. So every barrel has a bung: As sorrow with each Joy is born. 80 every woman ha; a tongue. When we leave this world's Vdistresse. Bound for lands beyond the skies. How I hope there'll be no dresses “I wrote a little war poem, and my wife burned it.” “What was the trouble with it?” “She said it wasn’t fiery enough.” an' if there wuzn’t so than)! tool ta: thers there wouldn’t be so many tool girls. It there wuzn’t so many tool girl. there wouldn’t be so many fool women, He gayly steps upon your feet 01' sits upon your hat, Then says. “I cg your pardon.‘ And‘lets it 3 at that. Bellaâ€"Yes; ever since he got his new uutomobile. Ever llnco. Ella-I suppose you and George ha" been thrown together a good deal late- ly?‘ “Better than that. She get: almost as big a salary as her pres: agent say. she does.” Well Paid. “Does Sue Brett really get as big a salary as she says she does ?" _- ' vâ€"v â€"- ‘w-w Fastened up with books and eyes. Full many a. persoh that'agggg his but To keep up with the hurrying mob Declares that he's taking a much medal rest When he's really out of a Job. Patriceâ€"She must have. She said while she was singing a bug flew down her throat. Manningâ€"Guess that’s 30. Every- body I’ve met Iays it certainly was not acting. Aux-acted by lune. Patienceâ€"Has she an a voice? Well, Well, Well! Stalketâ€"Headley says my imperson- ation of Caesar last night was absoâ€" lutely real. ' ,_-‘ _â€"‘v-v - DOV do But get another hammock strong for two. Last year's hammock la ragga and mm. It won’t carry her, and much less him. 8110': made up her mind there's nothing a An laid the Tree. “It’s just as true." the tree said, “As the gospel of salvation That though I leave once 0. year “No, but I thought It might facul- tate the search.” m H y. gble. If it was; don’t you s’bose WEE: have traded it 01! for somethinf elu long ago?" Rot Chancenblo. “Isn’t this climate changeable?" ut- od the newcomer. . “No,” answered the old inhabitant rather brulquely. “It ain’t change AL‘A " ll ‘ ' The Critic. De trll‘lln' man he come thls way An' watch me workln' all do day. I works all day dc bea’ you can. But I nebberaulta do trlflln' man. I never get vacra'tiény" The Public Nulnance. Roub- nnd Thorns. One Womn n'a Willi. Getting It Down Fine. A Heroic Remedy. JINGLES AND Jim ‘9 9-- Hammock Harmony. “‘0'." If.“ A Ionnet published 0:: her eyes Seemed to awake A mild surprise. A. rondel written On her throat Caused doubt of win. It might denote. A kiss he printed On her lips Did fill with Joy Beyond eclipse! Taking a Chance. attract!" enough m of the best makes TRY Shewell (fl Lenahan FURNITURE UNDERTAKING N., (i. .l. McKechnie. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . New Summer Goods in Every Line. . . . PROMPT ATTENTION T0 _ _____ - _-â€"vâ€", v-I u“.-. “tr-Glu-I'U. “I". Uflnu Drain. lethal Wonk-cu. In“: and Blond“- (ll-cues. cos usurious FREE. I: unable to an. write {or a 0mm:- Blank (or 80-. Treatment. Don’t lose your gap on lnfe. There are yet many happy, golden years for you i£ you only get help. We an end will not only hel you. but em you to stay cured. Cuting diseases and yesknesses of t nervous W0 treat and can Blood Pol-on, Val-hoe“. cu}!!! 12'3““. chual Wonk-an- Inn-m- . DEPARTMENT. For all kinds of '48 Shelby 81., a 2! Yours in Detroit. 250.000 Cured. In thanking our friends and the public generally for past patronage we would call attention to our New Summer Goods in every line along with THE POPULAR CA8” 8TORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. WI. JOHNSTON. Chain-mu l mending condo-u almond cum gt. begin-h; d IN". or u no: “tar .- pombk. Fees. 01.00 per month. flue ochoul in named for full Junior Davin; ad Human work under the {ow an. of competent macho:- for tint down-cat: T808. ALLAN. Principfl. MISS L. X. FORFA R. Chutes and Modern DURH A M SCHOOL. Fob'y 5,â€"3m ADOPTED BY ALL LEADING Schools in Toronto. This deservedly popular system. by mum of chart. drills. blaqkhoarq diagrams and other iotorecftiqx Husiml Notation. Rh ytlumicul Motion. Technique KIM" bcmrd Location. Musiui Himary. Piuw Work. For terms apply to Myer's Music Method. ‘s'rurr um EQUIl‘ENT. lack Security. Miss MARGARET GUI Teacher M. N. I. C. R A HAGE. Samar) if

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