Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Aug 1904, p. 7

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pnd 3 tall clock ‘ in the ma}! when‘ {even took his film ,Iimcon Page. or, u uire Page. Joined two years after u d vrept up m a bad bitterly op- ‘nto the town, I“ chagrin at M" C.- oath. Hi! Vim, ldrrn, Albert I“ d sister. remained t hired man man- t bnsst began to and meadows, tho habby, the hon. d as the children im-reasnd on. by wvro sold. It I“ Hf dome! were II r day thet mm a and urn phe‘ I the vintage c- yo orphane 1:: rs to en 0M tree e! moedov I 5 ma hCI‘th {auonl pier taken chem ) return to Sen.- l 9mm!“ r's deem, f ‘ Ce bear w' troubled m. 5 hem Me precfi e clethe M. ed e. for Snag“ wyer. and vh‘ to turl he kne' t {or Alive In. ht it would be be provided let. his companion, t efince the den especially out. n mutuel. '4': ‘ ‘0 I. .'°.. ucation. H. M. :3. read law. b..- and then returned pened an olce. I junior. had boon school (or two voted most of h. vane home I‘m nanny n.2,. In. lb. was a. con 1nd hul no ban her brother. the funeral to He knew t)“ aid through m. that the family umstalces. In far hul yielded hat to do tad 9 MiVPd. f. assistant in h). It '39 80 small I hopeless 23.. cm: of it 33d r. wu counted I. In". I! It In. Q nlwoys than “l D. 13‘ when tho HI: 1 big In”: '18 I" V5100 mt [qulung Pug" as. “All" in and when she metal but not till than.” may of the v“â€" twouldn't. Ev I“ with I It; It. about young . “0|. Jim’- 1)! I0... but. than. deflat- arc:- nldont reflex at ”not tho would r and ulster rm them fro. for-â€" 'LSION Ill I. and when Al- !” he did not co- lady to tho hick. or church occu- their debt: ition that his 0.- L' a professional I his wishes. Al- cbcd and uvo‘, :urin. and givn ff l. mm. bow UN.» r». ruar LV er Comeyamer. etc. Privatemonef to loan. Uld accounts and debts of all kinds u-flluted on commissien. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent. etc. Ufl’iceâ€"MacKmxzie’s Old Stand. Lower Town, Durham. Ont. Laud \‘aluator and License}! zincâ€"tick: ear for the County 02 Grey. 81“ prompfly attended to and notes cashed. Auctioneer for the County of Guy. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Park P. 0. Orders may be left at. the Chronicle ofico. â€"v~v-v, "USU-L553“. “AV“ 1’ (3le '.-{â€"l)ctionoer for the County of Grey, Land Vgluator. Bailifl' of the 2nd Divnsion. Court 8‘» and all other matters fromptly attended to. Highest refdroenca urnished if required. . U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended :0. Orders mafi be left at his Implement Warerooms, Mc innon’s old stand. or e: the Chronicle Oflice. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. McIntyre’ 3 Block Lower 1‘0“ 11 Dur- ham Collection: and Agency promptly “tended to. Seatches made at the Regis- trv Office. A. G. MACKAY. K. C U veyancors. Etc. Money for Loan. Ofliceszâ€"lxz the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. 'l‘bo nndcninedm ham been restored to head: by aim ple III ring for uremia" with a never. “(fleeting , end tbn_ read AAAAAA pAAu-AI- __ â€" â€"â€"'â€" to his (show Inflenn the mean those who desire it, he will 050011.111}; m at, It‘s---- - -A-- .1 AL- __._._Q_ A. U Ufl‘ice over'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower 'l‘own, Durham. Anyamonnt of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharm y. Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambto Streat. near the Station. W. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. to Universit : Graduate of Royal College of Dents Sutgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Ofice. p. 11). Special ettention given Om diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbyterian Church. lo a. Hutton, "a Day Go "0 OFFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at. foot of_hill. 'Ofii'g‘afioprsâ€"yfil a. m., 2-4 ()FF‘ICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street. Lower Town. Durham. Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. A. H. Jackson. ((YI‘ARY PUBLIC. COM MISSION- Nov. 9. ’03. THBJOB:: is completely stocked with DEPARTnENT an new TYPE, thus 3!. («ding facilities for turning out Pint-clan m,“ for transient advgrtisapents 8 ccna pet line for the first insertion;.3 cent? pa ““8 . . 0 line each subsequent insegnon-ouumon m Professional cards, not exceeding one inch, “.00 papnnum. Mvcrtiscments withowt specific. dimions VI" be publishqd till forbid and charged ac- ”din ly Transient noticesâ€""Lost,” “ Found.’ " For e.“ etaâ€"59 cents for first insation, 15 Cents for each subsequent Inscrrtxoqx .511de Ol'dered by stmgm m be psid h to aim qutrgct me for atly advertisements finished on mphamon to the (e. a All advertise ac us, to ensure insertion in corn»; week, should be btough: in no: late: than Tuuuav a M [I 50390 paid. The date to whic‘vcmy --â€"-: id is claimed by the numbcron the 08:er di continued Imp! all swear: at caption of the proptietor. 01;}: CI:AR_K._ LICENSED AUC~ was CARSON, DURHAM, LIC~ Tn: Cflxomcu will be lent to any .ddrefi, free of postage, f0: “.00 per “158 . o o o yeat,p§?'ablcxnadva1§eâ€"§g.§onuy - n I!‘-.. -‘_ J 'I‘L- J_-, OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED B WEI-15m In" mono" uoumo AR RISTE Rs. SOLICITORS, CON- THE illlfiilflfll “HUMBLE UGH ARBISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. 6. Lefroy McCaul. Emma AND Puormmon MacKay 8:. Dunn. Arthur Sun, I. D. Mediazl Dz’rectorv. Denial Dz‘recton'. Miscellaneous. Legal Directorv p. m Telephone 1%: 16; J. P. Telford. MACKAY. DURHAM. W. F. DUNN The “ \Vhite,” and “ Standard.” STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. HAY FORKS. The best in the world. THRESHERS ENGINES. The White “ Challenge ” Separ- ntor and new and second hnnd Engines of all makes. Cream . . . Separators. The “ MELOTTE,’ twoâ€"piece bowl. The best skimmer ad the lightest running machine in the mullet. SEWING MACHINES. BUGGIES WAGGONS. UN DERSKIRTS Frost 6: Wood thin-u: to} picniciflfie‘f 10(3â€"1r._._.‘:_;7.'.'.'.' Chenile Table Cloths, 1% yds square Large size White Counterpanes. . . Black Mercerized Sateen Underskirts, bargain at each. ............ . ...... l Table Linens. Gold Decorated Table Sets ...... .....81. 75 “ Water Sets. . ...... 1.85 7 piece Berry Sets 1.60 1.75 Gold de¢:0rati0ns on above being burnt in will not wash of}. 7 piece Glam Berry Sets . . ”40c and 45c 4 " Table Sets 3 patterns .......... 30c ngpy J‘apanpse. paper ‘Ijlgtpkins. just. thg New Glassware. The Big4 A large assortment of all the best. makes. CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. . H. BEAN INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Elec- trical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engineer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect; Archi- tectural Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; Show-Card Writer; Ad Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenographer; French, German. or Spanish. with Phonograph; Commercial Law. Write TODAY, stating which position . interests you, to We can help you qualify, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following pOSitions: Call and see us. AGENCY. Box 799. scmn'rom PA. I CALL ON OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: '. MCKAY, Representative, In recent years so many letters complaining of the unproductiveness of these soils have been received at the Chemical Department of the Ont- ario Agricultural College that we have decided to investigate the mat- ter and see if any remedy can be sug- gested to increase their usefulness For this purpose nearly 1,000 circular letters have been sent to farmers who own swamp soils. From the infor- mation contained in the answers re- ceived and the results of the analyses of a number of typical samples and from pot experiments. we hope to be able to suggest some remedy and next year to undertake comparative experiments to test the eficienoy of thele remedies. During the last twenty-five years a large number of these swamps have been cleared and drained Where the vegetable matter is well decayed and not too deep, good crops. even of cereals, mav be matured after the soil has been cultivated for two or three years. The best results are obtained where the subsoil is clay and some of it has gradually become mixed with the top soil; but where the vegetable mould is deep, or the subsoil sand or gravel. the results are usually not satisfactory Crops such as hay and roots which are not matured before harvesting very of ten do well. while wheat and oats will fail to produce seed There are still Other soils which fail to produce re- munerative mom of any‘kind. The rank growth common on swamp soils is doubtless due to the excessive amount of nitrogen which is derived from the decaying vegetable matter, and the poor seed production‘is pro- bably caused by the small amount of mineral matter present. In most cases. where a drained swamp soil dries out too much in the summer. the organtic matter is not sufficiently decayed to form a close soil. In all cases these surface accumu- lations are rich in nitrogenous sub- stances. but they contain no more mineral matter than the materials from which they were formed They are, therefore, very likely to be de- ficient in potash, phOSphoric acid. and lime, necessary for the full develop. ment of our cultivated plants. espe- cially those producing seed. Scattered here and there through. out Ontario there are many swamps varying in size from a few acres to many thousands of acres. Originally these swamps were covered with such trees as the ash. tamarack, wil- low, ceder.etc.; or bushes indigenous to the soil. They were low-lying fallen trees, dead bushes, and grass have not had free access of air to bring about their natural decomposi- tion. and the partially decayed mat- ter has, through long ages, accumu- lated until it is from a few inches to many feet deep. (By Prof. R. Harcourt. Chemist.) Pooplg of {on get bliqding handyhos Box 441, HARRISTON. ONT. Blinded With Headache. SWAMP SOILS. It is to be had 1t Darling’s drug store. It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded gucrantee to that efiect goes with each package. lumhel Shingles fm Sale Symptoms indicating other trouble; may appear t0§ thoroughly Pile-sick person. This is when Hem-Raid the only internal, the onlv absolute Pile cure brings the results that has made its fame. After Piles have existed for a. long time and passed through diflerent stages. the sufi'ering is intenseâ€"pain itching, throbbing. tumors form. fill- ed to bursting with black blood. Do rot he a tin can to the tail of a mad dOg. It only irritates him. and he might resent i1. befOre you get the can tied on. A friend of mine. who was a practical joker. once sought to tie atin can to the tail of a mad dog on an empty stomach. His widow still points with pride to the marks of her late husband’s teeth on the piano. If mad dogs would confine themselves exclusively to practical jokers.I would be glad to endow a home for indigent mad dogs. out of my paivate funds. If you discover that your dog has hydrophobia,it is absolutely foolish to try to cure him of the disease. The best plan is to trade him 08 at once for anything you can get. Do not stop to baggie over the price, but close him right out below cost. This plan would not work well, however. in case a cyclone should come at the same time. When we consider all the uncertainties of life, and the danger from hydrophobia cyclones and breach of promise, it seems sometimes as though the pri- son~house Were the only place where amen could be absolutely free from anxiety. It would bea good plan to have a balloon inflated and tied in the back vard during the season in which mad doze mature, and get into it, on the approach of the infuriated animal. Hunting mad dogs in a crowded street is a great. sport. A young man with a new revolver shooting at. a mad dogis a fine sight. He may not, kill the dog. but he: might shoot intoa covey of little children 811d possibly get. one. Never catch a dog by the xail it be has hydrophobia. Although ti 8." art! of the dog is considared most 53!», you never know when a. mad dog may reverse himself. The real hydrophobia dog generally ignores kindness. and devotes himself mostly to the introduction of his justly celebrated virus. A good thing to do on observing the approach of a mad doc: is to flee, and remain fled until he has disappeared. If you meet a mad dog in the street do not try to quell him with a glance of the eye. Many have tried to do that, and it took several days to separate the two and tell which was mad dog and which was queller. When going into the bath it would be well to take something in your pocket to bite. in case the demre to bite somethixw should overcome vou. Some use a common shingle-nail for this purpose. while others prefer a personal friend. In any event. (in not bite a total stranger on an empty stomach. It might make you ill. It is Wry difficult to know just “but is the best thing to do “hen a person is bitten by a mad dug, but my advise uould be. to Li” the dog iAherlhat feel the part of the leg who're binen and. ascertain how serious the ix'jury has been. '1 hen go home and put on number pair of pantulooms, throwing away those that haw. been laceiated. Parties having but one pair of pautaloons wili have to sequester thrimehes or excite remanks. Then take a cold bath. as suggested above. and do Nut remain in the bath (uith ibu “rad under water) more than half an huu. . If the head is under water, you may remain in the bath until the funeral, if you think best. He must be dipped all over. but nov stay in (with his head above wa'e ) longer than half a- minute if the wet- er is very cold. After this he mus' go in three times a week for a fort- nighi longer. Hefimust be bled before he begins to take the medicine.” “The Family thsicinn."pnhlishsd in 1883, says. for the bite of 0. mad dog: Take ashcolored. ground liver- wort, cleaned; dried end powdered. half an ounce of black pepper, powdo cred, :5 quarter of an ounce. Mix these. well tonether. and divide the powder into four doses. one of which must be taken every morning, fasting for four mornings successively in halfan English pint of cow's milk. warm. After these four doses are taken, the patient must go into ”)9 cold lath. or a cold Spril-g or riwr every morning, fasting, for a monwh On the premises of the un- dersigned, Lots 23 and 24, 0011.21. Egremont. a large Shingles sre kept {or sele at right prices. The Worst Kind. “Pick-Me-Up.” of the best makes TRY Shewell Lenahan FU RNITU RE PROMPT ATTENTION TO UNDERTAKING It Has Never Been N., G. J. McKechnie. We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood. Varieoeele. Strictnrje. 8‘ ills. Gleet. Weak Parts. Gonorrhea and Unnatural Diecharges. Consultauon 1 Books Free. Write for Question List for Home Tmtmelt. prs. Kennedy Kergan, No other dloeue is no prevnlent men In Vidacele. the nutrition of the nuns! omen. it nun echelons. lone Md decn oath? «mp: 9:13:01: 1 e huh?“ nchlnc ti. the IN ency, n nest, pl 0 t e t~ cone tion. these results in complete Loon of “anhood. Thoreau: Sn men m troubled with Stu-lettu- . If you have new icted with it. don’t n lect it. It will rningon. Don‘t I! onyon by cutting, etretc in; or tendn it. or Now In dissolve. the etnctune tissue hence it lappenre end cm I: Vadoooele nnd Strictnre without operatlon or loss of time. '1 an. .I Inna-n- nd--QAI_ a-.. A A - _ - A A ._ ..... .u. tutu-um wun 'Iflctmo I! you have meson t'o hefieve on 1; Emma with u. don’tn bet it. [twill rain on. Don‘t m doctore eprimt oeyou by cutting. stretc in; or teeth: it. :- New llethod Treatment gluohee the etnctune tissue hence it “appears end can never return W‘ an tricooele and Stricture without operation or [on of time. The treatment Int? he tenant home privately. Send for our Free [mutated Book on Varlooeele. BtfletIu-e and Gleet. We guarantee to Care or No Pay. A." sexual complaints afiect these organs. hence the 0‘ disease. Have you aching or weakness over the 6m abate “HI“GMW. deposit in urine. coldness of hands 3 Burning. Don‘t neglect your kidneys. Our Ne! ‘wutwd ‘0 cure any disease Of the“ nrann: or an Kidneys Bladder Ymcocnn a. Srmcrm DEPARTMENT. For all kinds of ”No Xames Used lirstclass goods at a high price. But how to produce good goods and yet be placed in the hands of the customer at a. moderate price is a pro- blem that has given a lot of study. The problem is now solved and as a proof of this assertion you are invited to thoroughly inspect our stock. a very dilh'cult matter to produce - vâ€"vâ€"‘u‘ v. y.“ K. S: K. The enlarged vein. disappeared in six weeks. we stricture tissue was removed in efight weeks and my sexual energy and vitallt returned so! was a man an every respect. recommend you doctors with my whole heart.” varicoccle in tb‘! secondary stage, and two strtcturcs of 8 years standing. I wan operated on twice. undergoing great suffering, bu! only got tern rary relief. Ivan finally advised to try the c! Mcrhod Treatment of Du. I, n n CURES GUARANTEED. N0 CURE N0 PAY. ints enact these organs. hence the kidneys sre a great source I aching or weakness over the sinnll of the back. tendency to eposit in urine. coldness of hands 0: feet. a drowsy feeling in neglect your kidneys. Ont flew Mothod Trent-cat any disease of these organs or no pay. THE POPULAR 018M 8TORE. Ih’E POPULAR CASH STORE. ’. Royc.3f_ Jack-0:3, Mich_.. 513%. â€"_I Ind Without “'rlttcn no“ cub-Ions. too. of through the In. Icahn: in the buck, nervou- d..- r bout. constitution, ad a combat! on a; mood. Thousands of yoga; u” amu- Intending studenullhomd enter an beginning of term. or to noon after u pouibk. Foes. 81.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTOX. 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT. MUCH. an nutrienmfon' ‘vork; 'u'nâ€"dbr' 2'53 11:in «A! of oompomnt teacher! for up (lengthen: T808. ALLAN. Principal MISS L. M. FORFAR. Chuics and Modern. DU RH A M SCHOOL. STA FF AND EQUIPMENT. Fob‘y 5.â€"3m. [1 Schools in Toronto. This deservedly pillar svstem by mum of chart. drills. ihckbonrd diagrams and other interesting: devices linings the following mimics within the child‘s immediate comprehension: Pb? ”93’9"! la_ ggmpped for fa}! J ugior_ Raving Musical Nomtiuu. Rhythmic-3| Technique Key-board [Ax-Anon. History, Phno Work. For terms apply to DOPTED BY ALL LEADING Myers Music Method. Chairman M188 MARGARET GUI Teacher M. II. II. _After Treatment. C . R A MAG]. Seaman. Motion. Musical

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