Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1904, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham. July quing has commenced this ween. Quite a number from around here hove disposed of their fat cattle for! The trustees are having some re- e nt the school here by building a butment to support a bulging wall. We would like to know who the young man was who used the girl’s bolt to tie up a broken shaft on the lot of Julv when returning from the Scotch games. 1 IF YOU prefer a pow- der we have William Quinn is doing is tble to be out again. 'Cufi, Victor Rome, Jean ricxeu, Several parties are anxious to know who the couple were who were trying Leila Vollett. Arthur Morice, Maggie Mountain. to impart warmth to a hinge boulder on the roadside. last Sunday evbnmg. i Sr. Pt. 9 to Jr. Il.-Maggie Don- nely. Nina Noble, Leslie Morice. Sa- ‘l'hoy were heard repeating love dit. ties to each other while seated on its die Lawrence, Willie Langrill. Ella Cufi. Herb Noble. cold surface. Never mind, Jim. we '°“ ‘ 3‘" y” "'y' Jr. Pt. 2. to Sr. Pt. 2 â€"â€"-Edward J. | The garden {artie}? talkedcglfmlieze‘flutton. “'9 fallen t roug on t . Sr. Pt. 1 to Jr. Pt. ‘2.â€"â€"James Lan- h‘Iinfi- . _ _ i grill. Grace Petty. v i Miss Tana McCormack spent a tow by: lust. week with Mrs. Dm Mc- Donald “’9 underscand she wus spent Saturday and Sunday wuh rel- “ins hero. Hrs. Pasmcre. of To: Robert Ewen has patented a new gste which works on the safe princi- 1 ple. You sre required to know the‘ oombinstion before you can open it.i Ir. Quinn has disposed of sll the! shingles he had on hsncl. This speaks well {or our shingle mill here. Bug Finish 111. to lurn from I ma that he 11:8 MacFAHLANE El]. W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Without doubt the best bug destroyer in the market. It never fails, and at the same time ferti- lizes the crop. . Thanks to Foresters. Durham. 24th J une, 1904. commenced this week -40..- { Toronto, is ut aunt. Mrs. Arch. I4, Try it. g nicely and 1904. gttsining the three score murk. I am highly pleased and gratifiedl with the promptness displayed by' the I. 0.. . in recognizing my claim and wool advise all outsiders with confidence to unite themselves with! this noble. henovelent society. the I. O. F.. and if convenient for them to come within the illustrious circle of [No. 111 Court Durham, which is not Esurpassed by any Court in the wide i world for kindness, sympathy. lene- , volence and love for that great broth- let-hood of the human family. 3 ARCHIBALD SISCLAIR. 9 Box 125. Harriston. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.-â€"Lizzie Nichol- son, Irene Henderson. John Knisley md Mary Swanston eq,. Ruby Jord- 8!). Jr. 111 to Sr. IIIâ€"Leonard Dick- son, Charlie McDougall. Sr. 11. to Jr III,--Kate Sinclair, Eva Robb, Hattie Eakett. Alexander Nicholson. Jr. 11 to Sr. II.-â€"Bolla McArthur, Myrtle Jordan. Minnie Coutts, Flor- ence Foster. Pt. II. to Jr. ILâ€"Elsie Jordan, Sophia McArthur’ Dave Robb, Calder McArthur, Robert Dickson. S. S. No. 6. HOLLAXD. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.â€"Mary Elder. Jr. III. to St. III.-â€"â€"Martha Boyd. Mav Ritchie. Sr. 11. to Jr. III.-Norman Hanna, Maggie Flynn. Willie GilleSpie, Wil- lie \Valker. Johnnie Williams. Jr. 11 to Sr. II.â€"Victor Reid, Dave W. Bradley, Tommy Mitchell, Milton Gillespie, Dave J. Bradley. Pt. II to Jr. II.-â€"Lanra Sargent, Johnny Flynn, Maggie Edwards, Pt. I. to Pt. II.â€"Della Ritchie. Hannah Mitchell. Mary Abbott, Fran- cis Elder, Virgil Reid; Mat. Bradley. M. L. MCCLOCKLIN, Teacher. é Jr. Pt. .to Sr. P1. Qâ€"Edward J. : Hutton. Sr. Pt. Ito Jr Pt. ‘2.â€"â€"-James Lan- :gnll. Grace Petty. ‘ Sr. Pt. l.â€"?11elville Morice. ;‘ Jr. Pt. 1.â€"â€"Willie Vollett Lorne Mountain. Hattie Lawrence, Cecil yMountain. Elmer Hutton, ,Maxwell iGrierson George E. 0113. ‘ Joux A. GRAHAM Teacher. HUTTON HILL. ‘ \'.â€"â€"â€"Alice Lawrence. Elsie Petty. .. Dollie Hepkins. Mary Morton. 9. Sr. IV.â€"â€"Fred Mountain. Maggie l Petty, Della. Vollett and Will Morice, ! equal. Selina Hepkins, Jane Milligan. 1 Edward Lawrence, Berta. Cuff. I To Jr. IV .â€"Winnie Binnie, Jennie McGillivray, Percy Davis, Winnie Smith. Eva Edwards. Jennie Fallaise, David Nichol. To Sr. III.â€"Mary Ann Bell. To Jr. III.â€"-â€"Amelia Rigby, Emma Brown, Noretta Fallaise, Laura Bea. ton. To Sr, II.â€"-Rennie Smith, Ben. \Vhitmore, John Arnett. To Sr Pt 2 .â€"Cbarlio McFarlane, Bertha Sealey. Nellie Myers, Theo dore Fallaise, Maggie Myers. To Jr. II.â€"Alex. McFarlane. Geo. McInnis. Wilfrid Nichol, Robbie Matthews. To Jr. Pt. 9 â€"Ruth McGillivra; Flora McMillan. Average attendance for June, 54. ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. Sr. 111. toJr. IV.â€"Bessie Milligan,‘ Edna C. Reid. Earle Vollett, Charles B. Lawrence. John Petty. Gertie Morice, Will Noble. John Picken. Sr. 11 to Jr. III.â€"â€"â€"Florence Moon. tain. Agnes Petty. Rebecca Grierson, Marion Petty. Maggie Morton, Sadie Langrill. Percy Aldred. \Villie Wells. Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"Robt. Cuff. Fred Cufl, Victor Noble, Jean Picken, Leila Vollett. Arthur Morice, Maggie l 1 Sr. II. to Jr. IIIâ€"Oliver Morrison, 'Albert. Morrison Murray Hoy, Chas. i Pettigrew. S. S. No. I EGREMONT. Jr. 1V. to Sr. IVâ€"Effie Hutton. Blanche Lauder. Sr. III. to Jr. IV'-~Etbel Morrison, Maggie McCrie. Florence Barber, Jennie Barber, Ethel Pettigrew. Jr. 111 to Sr. IIIâ€"Hazel Barber. James McIlvride. S. S. No. 3. Bsxrlxcx AND GIENELG. Sr. II. to Jr. III.â€"â€"Beatrice Simp- son, Maggie Mortley. Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"Sadie Vaughan. Sr. Pt. to Jr. ILâ€"Morrison Smith, Alex. Turnbull, Mary Manley. Jr. Pt. II. to Sr Pt. IIâ€"Lizzie Smith, Isabelle Turnhull, Norma Black. Barney Comeld. Sr. I. to Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Clifiord Moun- tein, Venie Mortley Peter Mountain, Kate Smith. Arthur Simpson. Names in order of merit. Bram. ant. Teacher. MONEY at “0/0- MacKay Dunn, Durh‘moâ€"tf' Promotion Examinations. ALLIE L. BLAUKBURN, Teacher. S. S. No. l. GLENELG . LAWRESCE. Teacher. ‘2 â€"â€"Ruth McGillivray, ten Haying IS on! The crop is a good? uverage. Mrs. David McFarlane and Miss Jessie, of Celedon came up on Wed- nesday of 139:. week returning next dav after visiting the old Edward’s Mrs. Thos. Flynn and baby girl arrived at the Robson home on Satur- day from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Firth. with bounc- ing baby Davis, visited Mrs. Firth’s parents the first of the week. The Council Fathers had a. big day’s work on Saturday. It was after 8 p. m. when they adjourned. Mrs. John Love of Laurston and her father were over to Zion on Sun- day. Mrs. Milburn and Mrs. Geo. Fur- neaux, visited their mother, Mrs. Peart the first of the week. We are in receipt of a copy of the “Evening News” of the American 800 in which appears a complimentary paragraph to Mr. Geo. Lamb, an- nouncing the fact that he and his son are going into the grocery business and also have an extensive feed store. We Wish them every success. Will Jack had a quartette bee last Friday and put a new roof on his back kitchen. Mr. Sam Bains had a fine barn 52x 62 erected last week. \Vill Jack and} Will Bell were captains , but thei laddie from Zion was too much fori the bachelor chappie over at the Lake. i Mr. James Murphy is having a stone foundation built under hisharn. iZion’s picnic on Thursday of last! week surpassed any ever held by the L JNO. A. DARLING school in number present, in the: ' quantity of ice'cream devoured audlCHEMISP "' AND " DRUGGIST in the amount of money realizedfl' RHAM ONT. The day was delightful. the night‘l DU ’ more so. The eatables were plentiful and pronounced first-class. Mrs. T. l i 0Ck i Sail-“een, Jack made a happy hit in brewing the i R L_ g 'teaâ€"her first public eflort. The “38' l Most of the farmers have started 'cream corner did a rushing trade.; - '11 Sarah Jack kens how to make the‘ihaymg arounc 6.”. . . pune stuff. They realized over 312‘ Albert McGirr 18 laid up with asore from that source. Two granaphones l footoby stepping on a nail. . kept the little folk entertained tilll M183 «198816 MODODRld 0‘ Hamilton, programme time. when they acquitt- land Miss Cassie McKechnie of Toron- ed themselves well. The church was ‘ to, Spent a few pleasant POMS at “36 crowded at the concert at night. home 0‘ Mr. and MTS- JObD VBSSIO Rev. T. Coiling occupying the chair. l Thursday. ‘ Miss A. Blair had trained the little} Mr. Dan Wilkie left for the west folk in song and they did remarkably i one day lasr. week. well. Misses Stella Jack, A. Jardine l Miss Jessie McDonald, of Crawford. Olive Cook, Mary McNally and F lspent a few days at Hugh McKech- Hunt gave able assistance. The re- l nie’s last week. Citations were Specmlly 300d» Miss! J May Robson excelling any thing she'; has ever done heretofore. "I shall! Farm for sale° never forgit them oxen.” will be al clause ever remembered. The diale RING LOT 99. CON. 10. BEN~ u w r bri ht but th 1 t . tinck. containing 100 acresâ€"~85 acres 0g es e e g i e as one Toleared. balance hardwood bush. 50 acres 0 I , for realistic work couldn t be better. 3 lit to run any kind of machinery. No Messrs. John Cook and Ewart andiswamp. Large. well laid out dwelling Misses Maud Boggs, Vickie Elder. K, 1 house; fairly good out buildings: well A splendid stock , 1 fenced and well watered. {Ewart ant? Mrs‘. John COO}; Of Berke- ; and hay farm. also good for grain. Large BY sang V9 919031003 an won warm . bearing orchard. One mile from store and plaudits. Miss Mav McClocklin of . postoflice. 'I‘wo churches. Will be sold on Durham made the old organ produce ' Very mesmmble term} . _ . melody playing the accompaniment “- A. ARDLRbON for them, The day’s progeeds amount. 1 June Q‘Jlll, 1901. Cl‘flWfOl‘d I). 0. ed to 33:2. . .. . Pafflo pcfl‘a\r BORN. LIVINGSToxâ€"In Durham, Tuesday July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Livingston, a daughter. To EDITOR 01“ DURHAM CHRONICLE : After a lovely passage across the Atlantic we arrived at Glasgow on Sunday 20th July. “'6 had a heavy fog coming down the St. Lawrence, but our passage was pleasant. Every evening we had divine service and good singing; one evening the ser- vice was conducted in Gaelic. \Ve were comfortably attended to and got four meals a day. The scenery between Ireland and Scotland is grand. At GlaSgow we all parted company to enjoy our long looked for holiday in the land of the heather. GEO. TURNBULL. The following address was presen- ted to Capt. Arden and his staff by the passengers :- We the undersigned 2nd cabin pas- 3 5’??? "8'“: 2"“ sengers on board the S. S. Corinthian i fi'liillgg $3331: from Montreal to Liverpool and Glas- f ¢ gow, desire to express our hearty ap. i prey-anon oi tile excel‘lent. Ina‘nnen in i July 6th.-3pd which Mr. Arden and his able staff of assistants have performed their duties during the whole of the voy- age. Stewards and stewardesses have vied with each other in minis. tering to the comfort of all the pass- engers, while the sick received such Special care as greatly relieved their troubles, and made the voyage as pleasant as possible. Therefore do we all feel deeply grateful and take this opportunity of eXpressing our gratitude for kindness and attention shown. At: the regular meeting of Grey Lodge No. 169, held Monday night last. the following ofiicers were in- stalled for the ensuing term zâ€"Bro. A. H. Juckson, P.G.; G. LLHngheg. N. G.; W. E. Theobald V. G. F. Search, RS; '1‘. G Holt. 1?. S.; F. Lenahan, Tress , B. F. Warner W.; H. H._Mockler, Con; J. A. Sirrs, I. G.; S. McAlister. O.G.; \V. Laidlaw. Chaplain; Fred Siegner. R. S. N. G.; R. Curran, L. S. N. G.; P. Gagnon. H. Stoneouse, agate t6 Grand Lodge. Signed : Traverston. I. 0. 0. F. INSTALLATION. Safe In Scotland vâ€"aQ 0.9 0â€"0 e, R. S. 8.; W. C. Vollet, . H._Ja_ckson, P. G.. Del- REV. AXGUS MCKAY. GEORGE TURNBULL. (M_RS.) M. MACNAUGHTON. Sirrs 3 On the authority of the proprietors of I D3. Burt’s er-Iaox PILLS, we I. guarantee this remedy to be an absolute = cure for all diseases and disorders arising plexion, 1' lessness, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Heart . Palpitation, Impaired Memory, Unsteady 'é Nerves, Hysteria, Female Weakness and Spirits, l Irregularities, Depression of 3 Spinal Weakness, St. Vitus’ Dance, Pimp- i les and Eruptions, Loss of Vital Power and General Debility. “Mu vuvâ€" *â€" Dr. Harte’s Celery~1ron Pills enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and invigorate the whole system, producing in sickly, weakly men and women that strong, vigorous, healthy feeling that makes life worth living. But you don’t need to take our word as to what these Pills can accomplish. Try them yourself. If they don’t do you good. you can get your money back. Isn’t that fair? You purchase from us 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, paying for them $2.50. With every such purchase we give i you our positive written guarantee that if after taking 3 boxes of the Pills, accord. ‘- ing to directions, you find you have de- ' rived no benefit from their use, you can ’- return the 3 empty boxes, together with ‘, the 3 unopened ones and get your money back.“ 0 , ummmmrmmm Miss Jessie McDonald of Hamilton. and Miss Cassie McKechnie of Toron- to. spent a few pleasant hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Vessie Thursday. 1 Lots '21 and 22, Con. 3, N 1 June 15th. 1904. D of the undersigned on or about Wed- nesday. May 18th, 190-1, 2 two~vear-old steers, mostly all red : ‘2 one-year-old steers. mostly all red; 1 one-year-old heifer. with white on belly and white hind legs to hooks. Any one returning the cattle will be re- warded. JOHN HUDSON. D Garafraxa Road in the tounship of Bantinck kmmn as the “Barker Farm.” 100 acres abnut 75 acres cleared balance fair bushland well watered and good barn. For further particulars apply to TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES k of the undersigned, on or about the D of the undersigned, on or about the middle of May, a yearling heifer, medium Size. light gray. red neck. Any person giving information loading to her recovery will be suitably reward ed . GEO. LEDINGHAM, Con. 3. Lot 8, Bentinck. J ulv 6th.â€"-3pd. Donxocn P. O. , Any motion to quash or set aside the isame or any part thereof must be made Iwithin one month from the date of regis- ! tration and cannot be made thereafter. Lumbel Shing July 7th.â€"3mpd. 1‘ that a. By-lew was passed by the Municipal Councnl .of the Township of Egremont on the Ninth day of July A. D, 1904. providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of 82% for the pin-p039 of enabling the Trustees :and School Section No. 3, in the Township .of Egremont, to erecta schoo'. house in and section in said Township of Egremont. And that said B y-law was re i.te ' the Registry oflice for the Soutl‘xz fiidrigi lot} the County of Grey, on the 12th day 0: July A. D. I!” Farm for Sale or Rent. TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES Apl 1127â€"tf. EING LOT NO. 61. CON. ‘2 WEST IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Dated‘gt Holstein this 11th day of July Heifer Gone Astray. On the premises of the un- dersigned.‘ Lots ‘23 and ‘24, Con. 21, Egremont. alarge quantity of Lumber and Shingles are kept for sale at right prices. Public Notice; Cattle Estray. GILBERT McKEClINIE. \ MRS. NEIL MCKECIINIE, J. G. ORCHARD, DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. Pills enrich the D. R . Iietltinck. es in! Sa Dromore P. O. Durham or Infant’s Booteese ................ Child’s Strap Slippers ............ Misses’ 3-Strap Slippers .......... Boys’ Calf Wearing Oxfords ...... Womenis Calf Wearing Oxfords . . Youth’s Canvas Boots .......... . Boys’ Canvas Boots .............. Men’s Canvas Boots .............. Men’s Superior Pearl Grey Canvas 30 pairs Men's Calf Gaiters ....... 30 pairs Men’s Calf Laced Boots. . Bring us your Orders and Repairing. Owen Sound and Durham MASSEY-"HARRIS SHOWROOMS. Hay Forks and Slings WRITE or leave word at our Show. rooms if you are thinking of getting one put up with short natice. We also put up wood or Chennelled Steel Tracks where wanted. All styles and all makes. See us before you buy. It will pay you. JDHN WINSTON, Agent DURHAM. ONT Showroomsâ€"West of the 1 Durham. Four lots SEthe Albert Street, for pr' ' . - . -v v u: mformatxon apply to J. M. HUNTER. April 12, lamâ€"tn Dughun. Town Lots for Sale. Fitted up with round rod tracks saves time, work and money. Fitted in barns all complete ready to go to work. PEEL, the Shoeman --West of the Middaugh House Stables Prices that speak eloquently of big money savings for those who buy footwear at prices like these from Peel, the Shoe Man. Come and see these or any other kind or footwear you want and you will find a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. We now have on hand Men’s Tan Shoes. Bainful Buying Chances. 9W â€"-uclaug JUK‘ 1 Bulls. Heifergtherows. Terms « be arranged. VERSCHOYLE (Imp.‘ head of herd. H. PARKER. ‘1-.- n d -‘ March lwtf STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM Keep out all flies 211 10880128 f1 0111 the hon» 'u ‘11 sizes, from 1"8 -'L'. 1t Ill prices Durham. 90¢ 11} NEW PUMPS ALL WORK (hum To our Friend and Customers Great . . . Bargains Brick Houses und L One very desiruble c ing lot. BAYMUN NOCLARX DOWS‘VEI thnc “ “'rinae not (eat CHURXS. the h BINDER TWI) DILLON HINC kind that or on their KIA V s BUGS that wi dry are the DURHAM. 1 tannins u an prepared to CURB, R! WELLS. A tooled t le umps. Hardw Our 8' mafia Do not oecurin one of on Oil Stoves to ofler you. sucl Ptils Crenm Pail ing Kettles. Rh Knending Pun: all No home We have some in Grunite no Stoves lVf HIH‘I'II (McKinnon 1r? GEORG E work: [keep kind 1

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