Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jul 1904, p. 2

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In the tirst Opening of Okaloma to nettiers in 1889. the editor of this paper was among the many seekers alter fortune who made the big race on fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards his camping upon his claim, he encount- ered much had water. which, toget- her with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seem- ' ed almost impossible to check, and along in June the case became so bad he expected to die. One day one of hie neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamterlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as alaat hope. 4 A hig dose was given him while he? . (“rolling about on the ground in! F“ great agony, and in a few minutes; the doee was repeated. The good efâ€" 9 [not of the medicine was eoon noticed I ;- .d within an hour the patient was; t fill. his first sound sleep for a <. ,rmht. That one 11m. bottle! 73 "ted a complete cure and he can- ,â€" Up int {eel grateful. The near * {p level dieerdere being at hand ‘ r , ehbitem. For eale by H. John .VcArthur. who has been suf~ faring {tom cancer on the lip for the past month left for Berlin last week. Ho intends to be back in nfew weeks. While engaged at carpenter work with John Ellison Sr.. Mr. Baker had the misfortune to fall 03 a ladder. No bones were broken but he was badly shaken up and has been con- fined to his bed ever since. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. W. Waterson and J. Ellison have been with mason McCollough for the past few days building the founda- tion for Sam Bain’s barn. Our school closed on Thursday for the summer holidays and by reports both teacher and pupils deserve them I. the nominations hove been very Incceufnl. James Ellison. who has been laid up with a felon on his finger is able to be at work again. It is whispered round thst a very interesting foot race wss run some- where in the burg. The contestants rnn for fully half a mile, but the spectstors have failed to give us the puticulars. Aiew of the people around this burgh attended the Scotch Concert in Priceville on June '27 and report having 1 good time. C. R. Watson Spent last Sunday with friends at Beverdale. Ir. Win. Kerney is one of our most progressive farmers. He likes tohnve things both comfortable and tuty, so he has purchased a new orgnn to beautify his parlour. The young men of Waudby have got tired of walking every place they no and as a result Messrs. Ellison, Wntson, Dunn, Stoddert and “’ater- Ion have each purchased a. new bug- Sandy Ellison and Colin McArthur have each purchased a new binder. Mrs. King. of Owen Sound, is vis~ iting her nnnt, Mrs. Donald McKoch‘ nio. Mime Kate and Tenn Henderson returned home from Cleveland about a week 330 and their brother Will “ye them a party at. which the young peeple of the neighborhood put in on enjoyable time. Mnny were the heurty bend-shakes rooeived by Mr. Jnmes Bartley who he. just returned from Tisdale, Soak. Jim gives e glowing account. of the country end intends returning. (From the Sentinel, Gobo Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson. of Proton. called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Sachem Sunday. to strengthen the hesrts muscles. regulate its sction and stop smother- ing spssms. Ferrozone slwsys cures wssk hesrt snd restores this orgsn to s strong healthy state. The best bout medicine in the world is Ferro- sons which bests sny substitute. Widely used by doctors and sold st 500. per boxhy sll drungsts. Dr. South, of Dromore, is taking : vol! earned holiday. Dr. .Fetis will attend his practice till his return. It. and Mrs. Ferris. of Mukdale, paid : visit to Mr. md Mrs. A. Ernest this week. S. McMurdy is engaged building a wire fence ut present Sam is 3 Dover :nd builds a good fence. Nils Tons McDondd is home for tho summer months. Are traced to a heart. that wns neg- lected. If your heart is weak or but: too rapidly you need Ferrozone Ir. Hudson. of Chicago, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W Haw. J. Renwick moved the horn he hught from C. Cgldwell to his own ”petty. The vacant lot looks lone- 1, without the big red born that he: flood the storms of meny winters. in it looks well on Mr. Renwick’s form when thev get the stone work completed. We ere sorry to leern thet Mr. Neil IeFeyden. Sr., is under the weether a present. We hope he will soon be inter. The nnnnnl Orange picnic held in J. Herdie’e woods, Swintcn Perk. w 3 success. The day run nll the: could be desired and n inrze crowd “I in nttcndnnce. His Last Hope Bealnzed. Sacketts Corners. Iany Sudden Deaths (Intended for last week.) (Into-dd {or bu rook.) VVaudby. 0.9,. Six Alexanders ............. Six Ben Davis ..... . ........ Six Colverts ................ Six Duchess of Oldenburg. . Six Golden Russets. .' ........ Six Russets. an other kind Six King Tonip ins. . . . . . Six Mann ................... Six Northern Spy .......... Six Ontario ................. Six Bibaton Pippen . .; ..... . Six Rhoda Ishnd Greening: Apples, fall, collection of 4eacb, correctly named, lst sp‘l by Geo. Binnie, 2nd sp’l by C. Firth. . 1 50 Apples, collection winter, 4 each, variety named, 2nd special by A. \V. Watson, 3rd special by Joe. Burnett, goods ............. . ........ . . . . . 2 00 or more. ........................... . ........ )u 2;) ()ne pint Dutch set onions .................... i . . 50 25 One pint small top set onions .................... .30 25 Six onions from Dutch sets or tops ............... 50 25 Two winter table squashes ....................... 50 2.5 Two squashes, bush ............................. 5O 25 Two yellow pumpkins. etc ....................... 50 25 Six table turnips ................................ 50 ~_,5 Six ears sweet corn ............................. 50 25 Two yellow or green flesh melons ............... 5O 25 Two water melons. ................ . ............ 5O 25 Two citrons .................. 7 ................. 5O 25 One pound cured hops ....................... .. . 5O 25 Articles in above class will be judged by quality not by size. CLASS 4.â€"FRUIT. Best collection garden vegetables, 2nd specia J as. Ireland, goods ................... . . Twelve roots of salisfy ....................... Two heads cauliflower ........................ Two heads cabbage, early. . . . . . . . . ........... Two heads cabbage, winter .................. Two heads cabbage, red ..................... Six table carrots .................... . . . . . ..... Six intermediate carrots .................... Six parsui s for table use .................... Three hem s celery ........................... Three heads celery, white or yellow-golden. . Six radishes, winter ......................... Six radishes, summer. . ..................... )ollection peppers. .......................... Twelve tomatoes, red ........................ Twelve tomatoes, yellow- . . . . . . . . . ........... Best collection tomatoes, 3 of each variety. . . . Six long blood beets ............ .. ............ Six turnip beets .............................. Twelve onions from seed ...................... One pint silver skin onions for pickling ..... , Twelve common potato onions or shallots clum of twoâ€"0r more ...................... Twelve nglish potato 01110113 in clumps of two weight. lst special by \V. H. Bean, goods. . Six sugar beets, for feeding purposes ........... Two large squash, for feeding purposes. . Six stalks best ensilage corn . . ................. u.â€" v v ,lst spvcial by A. S. Hunter .................. Six mange] wortzel. any other kind, judged by weight, 1st special by A. S. Hunter ......... Six field carrots. whit_e or y_e_ll(_)_w, judgec} by One bushel potatoes, any kind, named, 1st special by A. Beggs, goods ......................... Best collection of potatoes, not less than six varieties, named, 1 peck each kind, lst special by J. Ireland, goods. . . . . . . . . . ., ............ Six Swede turnips, lst special by I). McLean, C. (Toni ......................................... Six turnips. any other kind.... ............ Six nmngelwortze‘l, lpngred, judged by weight, v ple heads .................. . . . ............... TWo bushels barley, named, with sample heads. . Two bushels peas, small white, named ........... Two bushels peas, any other kind, named. . . . . . ., One bushel timothy seed ........................ One bushel clover seed. . . ........................ Une bushel flax seed ........ . . . . ................. Twelve ears Indian corn, 1st special by Geo. Spat ling .............................. '. ...... Best collection field grains. (two bushels each) .lid specialbyJ. C. Nichol ................... Two Bushels fall wheat, white, named with sam- ple heads, 2nd special by D. Smith ........... Two bushels fall wheat, red, named with sample heads lst special by J. W. McGowan ...... Two bushels spring wheat. named, with sample heads. 1st special, R. Burnett, goods ........ Two bushels oats, short white, named, with sawle heads, lst special by C. L. Grant, gt 8 ........................................ Two hushels oats, long white. named, with sam- E. W. Broomall.. F. \V. Kelsey. . .. . A. 8. Hunter ..... Keeler Son ..... N. P. McIntyre... Robert Burnett” “f. E. Theobald .. H. H. Mockler. .. James Ireland.... MacFaI-lane 8: Co. John A. Darling. C. L. Grant ...... . J. Li vingston ..... Dr. Gun .......... Dr. Hutton ...... . Barclay Bell... Arthur McDonald A. \V. \Vatson... J. J. Hunter. . .. McGowan Bros... Gen. Binnie ...... . Alex. Russell ..... J. S. Mcllraith... F. Siegner ........ Robert Al joe. . . . . \\'. J. McFarlane. \V. Irwin. ......... C. Ramage ........ . D. Campbell ....... Shewell Lenahan V. Hahn .............. J. D. Davis ........... Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P McGrath 85 M cAuliffe. Chas. McKinnon ...... H. H. Miller .......... H. Parker ............ F. I’ve] Durham, September 2|st and 22nd, 1904. List of Enntlibutms to Specia List of Prizes for 1904. SOUTH GREY FAIR. (‘ LASS 3,â€"«GARDE. ' VEGETABLES. |l V ”6‘- UIUUIUIJ, all“ k7t’\ VI". dSooooouooooooooo 00.0.00... mnter................. 'ed0......oo..0 ..... .00. .OtSOOOO0.0.I CCCCC 0......OOO "lse00.000000 ...... ......... .0... bite or yellow golden” .I ..... 00.... ..... 0.... low. 0000.000 098, 3 of each varieoty . . . 0.00.0...0.... CLASS l.â€"FIELD GRAINS. (7 LASS 2,â€"FIE LI) ROOTS. DDS ..... . ................. ét'é ..................... .°' shméiéxié°2°. I.I"'IIII.I . 1500 . 10(1) .315 (I) FIRST DAY. 2 (J0 3 00 5 (I) 2nd special by S. P. Saunders ........ J. Kelly ............... S. F. Morlook ......... MacKay Dunn. . .. . G. L. McCaul ......... J. P. Telford ......... . \V. 0. Pickering ...... R. Brunt ............. \V. B. Vollot ........ . (.7. Firth .............. \V. J. Lawrence ...... N., G. J McKechnie I). McLean, (2‘0. Com. J. J. Smith ........... Gen. Sparling ......... Ed. Kress ............ Alex. Gordon ........ J. C. Nichol .......... Miss Kate Cochrane. Miss Dick ............ W. (3. Vollett ....... E. T. McClocklin.... J. L. Flarity ......... A. Beggs ............ G. H. Stimson ....... Samuel Scott ........ ....... 0000000000 W. J. McFarlane ......... $ 1 50 N. McIntyre .............. 1 (l) D. Smith ................. 1 00 J. Burnett ................ 1 00 “'11). Sharpe ............. l 00 Thomas Swallow ......... ° 1 00 J. Clark .................. 1 00 \Vm. Black ............... 1 00 in lst. $2 00 2nd. 3rd. $100 $ 5 3 “U 50 l 00 PliZBS. '4‘ t) l 00 o)- r . 9 . LI o)” d. 50 h) 't a) ADD special by w. J. Firth .......... ' ............. 1 00 Exhibitors can compete in only one of these collections. Collection double Geraniums, 6 varieties, lst sp’l by G. Spat-ling .................. ....... ...... l 00 Collection single Geraniums, 6 varieties, lst sp’l L“ n. 1):- -....L... 7ollection of house plants 1n pots, :15; varieties v I McCaul ........ F We pounds bees’ wax. . â€"_-rvv-“l IJJ U. ‘3! NIcIlraith, gobds . . . .~ ..... . ............ Five pounds honey, strained, lst special by G. L. l. ,_f‘-.--‘ ___v .Jr‘L-\‘. vr.’ \lo 11 Stinson ..................................... One. dozen tarts, any kind ...................... Apple pie. 1st special by C. Haulage, Review... Pumpkin pie .................................... Ras )erry wine ................................. Six o ttles canned fruit, assorted ............... Three bottles mixed pickles ..................... Five pounds maple sugar ........................ Half gallon maple syrup ......................... Ten pounds honey in comb, 1st special by J. S lln‘ll_..:¢l. H- b 3-4 _â€"~-', â€"--“ 1‘...“ special by H. H. Miller. . . . . . . ........... TWO loaves brown bread ...................... Two loaves baker's bread ..................... One- dozen home made buns, lst special by G. U4: ..... h Bread must, he made by farnwr’s wife or clan; Two _l(3a\'es; hovnrne {mule bread, lst, 2nd and 3rd 0 ‘ ‘30:. Reaper thetou (open) Mower Straw Cutter Self Binder Fanning Mill Irou Plough Market \Vaggon Single Buggy Lumber ‘Vaggon \Vood Plough Collection Stoves Gang Plough Threshing Machine Iron Harrow Double Mould Plough Seed Drill Double Covered Buggy Cultivator Single Buggy (open) Horse Rake. Double Buggy (open) Root Cutter Pair Bobsleighs - Single Cutter Collection Horse Shoes Pea Harvester Turnip Drill (with att.) Roller (any kind) Double Furrow Plough} At the request of the exhibitors in above class no prizes will be awarded this year. Ample space Will be provided to all exhibitors. I ______ w, â€"â€"-“ Irrwbllt'l 5” J. P. Telford ............................... Painting in water colors, landscape or marine. . . Painting in water colors, fruit or flowers ........ Painting in water colors, animals ................ Painting on satin ................................ Painting on velvet ............ Painting on plaque .............................. Painting on glass, lst sp’l by C. Ranmge, Review Best collection of photographs, must he the work throughout of the exhibitors ................ ‘ O oooooooooooooooooo photos ........................ . .............. Crayon drawing ................................. Painting'in oil colors, fruit or flowers ............ Painting in oil colors, landscape or marine ...... Painting in oil colors, animals, 2nd special by T D 'l‘nlt‘n--,1 Pencil drawing, lst special by l“. Kelsey.[l!¢lozen “Ln‘ n1: . ' ___â€"â€"râ€""â€"“- "'J ‘‘‘‘‘ \J Farlane Co ................................ Best dressed doll, must be dressed by child under 12 years of age ............................... _ __v .â€" ~ v ' vâ€"vvu- VVI.V\'V.VII’ I WUUIUDIUUII, DVD)! 9 and doilies, 1st special b'yuiV. E. Theobald. . . Three hemstitched handkerchiefs,, hand stitched One hand made shirt, lst special by W. Irwin, l“__ ,, ' ‘ ,__w_ 7-“ vv- ‘. 7V.” Chronicle ......... I . . .7 ........................ Collection ladies’ fancy work, lst special by M ac _ h- I", V, _ - _-r‘-‘.-‘v- ur.’ ‘VJIUU “In“! goods ........................................ Battenburg work ................................ Battenburg collar ................................ Honiton or point lace ............................ Teneriffe lace work .............................. Best article in bead work ........................ Fancy pin cushion, lst sp’l by Ed. Kress. goods. . Sofa cushion, 1st special by J. J. Smith .......... One pair pillow shams ........................... One table centre piece ........................... Tea cosy, lst special by W. Irwin, Chronicle. . . . One set crochet table mats ....................... Cne five o’clock collection, viz.: tablecloth, cosy, n...) JA2I2-_ 1 - 0 1" 1" KI-V ..... WI" u ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Pair bedroom sli pers, in wool .................. Best made one ozeo button holes, worked with _‘_â€"â€"â€"v, vvv-â€"v“ vvgvu cotton in any rrticle ......................... Netting, 1st and 2nd specials by Shewell Lena- han, 1 pair pictures .......................... Mexican drawn threads, 1st special by Miss Dick, ......_-J_ special by S. F. Morlock IMies’ waist, embroidpred i Embroidery in silk .......... Eugbyoiglery in linen ........ One pair men's Gloves, hand knit ................ One palr men’s mits, hand knit .................. One pair men’s socks, hand knit ................. One pair women’s fine wool mitts, hand knit. . . . One pair women’s fine wool stockings, hand knit Best darning socks or stockings ................. Rag mat ......................................... Yarn mat ........................................ Quilt, cotton, pieced or patched .................. Quilt, woollen ................................... Quilt, crazy work ................................ Quilt, ornamental ............................... Quilt, knitted cotton ............................ Quilt, crochet cotton ............................. Set women’s underclothing, hand made, 1st sp’l 1'1" VAA‘n-n 0. C‘___ ___ -â€"â€"H, u“‘.“ .‘l‘flu by Keeler Sofi; fiéods ............ 1 set wogn‘e‘n’s Engexlcjotpiqg, machine Six Spitzenberg ........................ Six Snow ............................... Six St. Lawrence ....................... Six \Vealthy ............................ Six Standard, any othor kind not on list Twelve Crabs ........................... Collection‘ qums, 6 9f: ea;Ch__V_tiety, ¢ Best collection boots and shoes. Set single buggy Harness. Set heavy team harness. Collection collars. Collection tinware. Under the above class, by request, no prize will be offered but ample space will be given free of charge to show goods. CLASS 5.â€"â€"DAIRY PRODUCTS. Fifty lbs. tinnet butter, lst special by Dr. Jamie- son, M. P. P ................................. Twe‘n'ty-‘fi‘ve lb. crock butter, 2nd special by H. H. U named, lst special by J. Clark. . .d. ........... Six Winter pears ................................. Six fall pears .................................... Collection of grapes, 3 bunches each variety, cor- rectly named. lst special by Jordan Burnett, goods ........................................ 2116 special by J'. Kelly Best home made cheese. . . . Mockler.... ...... 13:an fl. _._: F001 “)5. mo_derately salted butter for table use, v-- Members cannot compete for tinnet and crock but tinnet and 4 lbs. or crock and 4 lbs. CLASS‘7.TLADIES’ \VORK AND HOME MANUFACTURES. All fruits must have been grown by exhibitor. CLASS {LMAGRH.‘L'LTVRAL 1M PLEM ECTS CLASS 1U.â€"-M ISCELLANEOUS (Continued on Page 3. ) ("LASS 8.â€"-FINE}ARTS. CLASS 11. in silk. CLASS 6. made, correctly or daughter. lst 1 (I) 75 2 (N) l (I) l ()0 l 00 2 ()0 2 00 2 50 7, 75 75 75 pr (4) can for both 1 00 1 00 l (I) l (I) 1 00 l (I) l 00 75 l (I, 75 l (I) 5U (I) 5 '4.) u” p) .1 pH p- 10 50 l 00 April 4, 1904.. A; brick, turngceinEachhal _ . brick cellgrs. eligible site. on Garafraxa Street Sxx rooms in each part besides halls nus} closets. Will April 13â€"“. a... terms reasonable. ON COLLEGE STREET Storey!) room cottage ' room gnd pantryé an acre to'. as desxred by purchaser. 212 150 ACRES NEAR DO Frame buildings, good first-class land. 83,400. _ . ------- vv. ‘c U miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn; For further particulars apply to DUGALD D. MCLACHLAN, Jan. 28â€"tf. Priceville P. 0 August 3rd.â€"tt’. Also lots 3 and 4, Kincardine Street west, containing 1 acre. No buildings. This property will be sold en block or separate to suit purchases. Owner going west. For terms apply to U on which there is a good solid Brlclt House $160, 7 room; Barn and Q acre of land ; good well and young orchud ; good atone basement to barn. 1 of Snddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing 4 ucres more or less. For terms nnd particu- lars appiy to - July 10th. 1901. ARK LOT NUMBER13 NORTH of Suddler street in the Town of Dur- A HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Street. the property of Mrs. J. L. Browne. The house contains 12 rooms. coveniently situated. and quite new. Will make on excellent boarding house. For pnrticulars npply to J. P. Tnnroan, Dec. 2.â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham. U afraxa street. A good building prop. erty, stable on premises. used a number of years for livery. Good stand for liver or implement business. Terms reason: le. Apply to June 1. 1904.-tf. D 4 and 5. Con. 2. W. G. R.. Narmanby. Also part of second division of Lot 3. Con. 1. Normanby, containing in all about 110 acres 90 acres cleared. :50 acres of mixed bush land. log house. good frame burn. well fenced. well watered with springs and run- nm brooks. in good state of cultivption, fit or all kinds of agricultural machinery, convenient to church. school and mills. Easy terms. A good chance for quick purghagerzn For further particulars upply w. wovâ€" uvâ€"u â€"- v- -v- "' to T. R. WHELAN. Durhnm P. 0.. or the Proprietor W. R. ROHBOUGH. 254 Burden Strepet, Toronto, Ont. bush and five acres of good coder. The form is well watered by 3 never {nili spring creek and e yell.’ fnirly well {”03“, in good sate of cultivation. fit for term mn- chiner . Convenient to church and school, five mi es from Durham. Terms to suit the purchnser. For further particulars apply to A. H. BURNETT, Aug. 15th.-tf. Hopeville P. O August 8th. 1903. March lOâ€"tf OT 3, fELGIN STREET WEST ENTRALLY LOCATED ON GAR- EING EAST PARTS OF LOTS 'EING LOT NO. 2. CON. 5, GLEN. , 913, containing 1“) acres. about 70 trod and 25 acres_ of goodfiardwflpd House Lot for Sale. To Rent or for Sale. For Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. Lake. Two barns. stoke stables ant floors. good house, we” watered For further particulars apply to Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. room one storey cottage i acre pumber of good building lots. lght to gate. Prices right. able. Applyto For Sale. For Sale. MACKAY DUNV A J. M. HUNTER. Durhun. »m cottage ivith a was};- in: acre to 7 acres of land fill-nthâ€" C. ELVIDGE, Durham J. L. BROWNE. tf. Photographer. Dmuuu: P. , ONE TWO DQRNOCH WILDER’S Wltezj. 'Ail m rim u D '9 orchard. The good wife of the ho like! to have good Bree beet Breed is to be ind M The whiten. sweetest healthful made. No bu ever find fault with Stine We turn out n first-cl whether it’s Breed. Pies and give epeciel etteut ‘ customers. A FIRST-CLASS LINE Goods always on hand JNO. A. DA CREAM 0!" WI'I‘CHA. sticky and gloves any few moments utter: See our line of Ion Has a marvellous rough skin. One 4 plications will re: roughness and bv sional use the ski: the smoothness an! We can nve you mono Delightful after PRICE. â€" 2: Bread Makes Your Skin Darlin Cream Witcha‘ I an here to at: the mph to know it. on Ihort notice. Enving Twenty yel in the buuineso, the last Choboygun. Mich. I am to “tidy n11 requiremel um utisfaction. . the undersigned. win to the people of hurt ity thnt I heve purchu Peter Celder the Dur end um now ready to I for)" kinds 0‘ Bakery Darlin CHANGED going like a we alwavs h DURHA DURHAM B Chemist and Dru MODEL BAKE Of a babv '1 DRUG HAS hit

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