Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jun 1904, p. 7

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loot! 9 tin! IO selfish. loving only loved by no one. so s I} Imelda-Do Gasto- Getting “- a I'O. a It’d up .f servici- ., been (I.- m ) 1D pleu- repared to ' irrecover- w 9 been"! \\' 0 Id retired in which at twelve ussengers at "In. just an believo‘ n of '00P ,nttcn the U them or when a Id) of hi. on Ind P3 it In be audienco 1t in IN} .0 is the: 18 (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. .« Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Office hoursâ€"94] a. 111., “2-4 p. m , 7-9 p. m Telephone No. 10. l tice o‘er McLachlan’s store. Oflice hours 8 to m 1.11)., 2m 4.9- m. and? t09 n. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence np posite Presb) terian Church. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST UP the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Rosidenceâ€"Lambton Street. near the Station. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount. of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. THE JOB :: ls completely stocked with DEPARTHENT all NEW TYPE, thus af- fording facilities for turning out First-class ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- to Universit ; Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms-Calder Block, over Post Office. McIntyre‘s Block, Lowrr 'I‘own, Dur- . Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. ham WE “Admin: mam, go ensure insertion in cunem week, should 5. brought m not later than Tussuav normng. D u;e.3;-:;vtn(â€"-e:sâ€"._â€"Etc. Money to. Loan. Ufiices:â€"â€"l:; the McIntyre Block. over Standard Bank. WIN” F0! transient advertisements 8 th¢~1 line for the first Insertion , 3 ecu“ 1 “n8 . . . line each subsequent msenion- mu ware. Messional cams, not exceeding 0. HM ",oo pet mum. Adveni-‘ements witho n 219:; directions willbe published till forbid and chanza i ly Transient noticesâ€"“Lost, " “ hmtu " Fat mef'gal 'etcu-so cents for first insertion, 35 Ce to: end) subsequent insertion: "‘All admiu'uou amend by strangers must be paw; hr in advancn. ' Camry: nun foo-handy advennsements furnished m. e. Aâ€" A“ I C O HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OI“- fice over McLachlan’s store. Oflice L‘ er. Conveyancerwtc. Private money ts luau. Old accounts and debts of all kinds collected on commissiun. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ufiiceâ€"Macxenzie’s Old Stand. Lower Town, Durham, Ont. '1'“; Cnmmcu. will be sent to any .ddress, free of pastage, {0! 5|.“ pct . , year, payable 3n advanceâ€"3|.5o may 3‘ not_ 59 paid. '1 he date to which every My” 5 1d as dewrtd by the number on the odd”! w 0 paper m .c panned until all arm-at “gap: at the Opll'JH or the proprietor. Efi ‘) 03mm“ BRIGHAM. LICENSED i STOVES Auctioneer for the County of Greyq Sales promptly attended to. Call at my! HI" renidence or write to Allan Park P. 0.; , Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofice. l BAX PC I l may THURSDAY nonmo at.“ nmmc mm. mu sum DURHAM, ONT. HUS 1AM ES CARSON, DURHAM, Luv- 2 caused Auctioneer for the County of they, Laud Valuator, Boilifl' of the 2nd Div isiull. Court Sales and all other matters promptly attended to. finches: refereencs turnisbed if required. L’UAV UMfll‘le. “AV" ..... tioneer for the Count wwwptly attended 1 . at hxs Implement W add stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiice. Nov. 9, ’03. m: DWIWW disease Cm! to his fellow those who dol of 0113’”! they will tte! i0'l‘ARY PUBLIC. COM-MISSION- J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. FFICE AN D RESIDENCEâ€"COR. G. MACKAY. K ARRIS’I‘ERS. SOLICITORS OHN CLARK.__ LICENSED AUC- ' n_--- ad... Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. :GH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- r the County 01 Gresf. ‘Sales prompfly :1ed to and notes cashed. . Pickering, D.D.S., IL.D.S. 6 wn.'upwu. ID uu-Vwâ€" -_ telluw caterers the means of can. To who doom it, he will cheerfully and. free - - ‘ u-.. -4 n.- m-uarintion and, which Emma AND Pnornm'rox. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Medical Dz'reclorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. MacKay Dunn. Denial Director-V . Lefroy McCaul. SCARSON, DURHAM LIC I. ”a. 'rnonr fm' thfi Count} 0t Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. . H.1ackson. u wnumo “H 1“. DUNN firsevenlyeflm and tbflt dread S, CON- to health To . § HAY FORKS. . 4 The best in the world. The \Vhite “Challenge” Separ. ator and new and secondhand Engines of all makes. We Guarantee Them to Cure or Your Money Cheerfully Refi .nded. i on: Prostration, Weakness, General De- ;bility, and all diseases and disorders ; arising from a run-down condition of ‘ the nervous system, or weak and imv f poverishcd blood. 3 With every 6 boxes of DB. Hanna’s ' CELEBY-IBON PILLS you purchase at one Qtime, we give our written Guarantee =that if you don’t derive benefit from ; their use, we will give you your money back. Isn’t that fair? I . iSEWIxG MACHINES. E The “ White,” and “ Standard INTERMEDIATEâ€"George McLaugh- lin, Myrtle Allan. Jr. (b)â€"â€"Willie Finnegan. Jr. (a)~â€"-Wilfred Barbour, Alice Gray. Howard Baird. Average attendance 36. Aan: L. LAWRENCE. Teacher. Jr Pt II. (b)-â€"â€"Willie Gray Andrew Gray, Samuel Morrison, Lizzie Brown Jr Pt. II. (a)-â€"Sarah Allan, Camp boil Crittenden, Willie Wilder, A Allan, May Allan. Db IIIUU pm. you a. |\‘L|ll u uauuuu In PurChaSing Dr' Harte 5 the boxs of Flesherton schoolnou The curative qualities of DR. Hume’s CELEBY-IRON PILLS are so absolutely certain in 90 cases out of a hundred that we have no hesitation in giving our written Guarantee that they will posi- tively cure such troubles as Thin and Watery Blood, Pale and Sallow Com- plexion, Pimples an Eruptions, Nerv- ousness, Sleeplessness, Langour and De. ression, Brain Fag and Forgetfulness, oor Appetite, Dyspepsia and Indiges- tion, Nervous Headaches, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizzy and Faint Spells, Nerv- Cream . - - . Separators. S. S. No. 2. EGREMONT.; no ' g . ‘ __x--, g a“ “IV â€"-James.Barboar..Q._ Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Chrittendpu, Mag- gie Laughlin. Stanley Mead. Nettie Pollock. Jr. IIIâ€"Esther Tucker. Archie Allan Joseph Morrison. Sr lIâ€"Edna Dennett. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Hazel Dennett. Da'vid Wilder, Maggie Woéds. Thousands of people throughout the country know that the ordinary remedies for Piles- ointments. anp. positories and appliancesâ€"will not cure. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Raid is a Tgblet taken internally that removvs the cause of Piles. hence. the cure is permanent. Every package sold carries a guarantee with it It is perfpm Iy harmless to the most Sr l--- Earl Mead. Herbert Wilder Annie Kerr. June 1. 1904.-â€"â€"4 carries a guarantea with in It is perfvm ly harmless to the most delicate constitution. A month’s treatment in each package. Sold at 31,00. CHEMIS'I‘ .â€" AND -.. DRUGGIST DURHAM, UN'I‘. I]. liaveL'I ynu had better call at my oflice and see if 1 have vour name posted 11 as the uwner of one or more. I want all wliio own or harbor dogs to come and pay their dog tax at once and save money. This is the uuly notice you’ll get and if you’re wise you’ll attend to it. . The} best. of them only bring pass- ing relief. Further information in regard to it at Darling’s drugstore. BUGG IES \VAGGONS "Utilesisr fie _Wei'e pretty sure Dr. Harm’s Pills would do that we claim for them, we wouldn’t dare make such an offer. By the single box the Pill: are 500. Frost 6: W'ood The “ MELorrn,’ two-pieca bowl. The best skimmer and the lightest running machine in the market AVE YOU A DOG? IF YOU JNO. A. DARLING A large assortment, of all the bash makes. Huron Stoves and Ranges Celery-Iron Pills. [lug Tax Notice. HONOR ROLLS They know It. AG ENUY. W. 1%. VULLET, Clerk ‘I, The burglars, McNaughton and Murphy, who were last week on trial at OWeu Sound for robbing the Mitch- ell bank here a. few months ago found the chain of evidence so strong against them after a {KW witnesues had been heard that they abandoned their defence and pleaded guilty whereupon they were sentenced to six 3ears each in penitentiary. Of the $2,160 stolen Mr. Mitchell recov ere $1.850 which had been deposited in Hamilton by the burglars. While Mr, Mitchell sustains considerable loss he is being congratulated by his “fiends on the very successfulissue of the case. . L W. Thom. pastor of the church performed the marriage ceremony and Mrs. .103 Blackburn, organist, played the Wedding Match. The bride was bo'comingly attired in a beautiful gown of cream lustre trttn med with lace and Was attended in her niece. Miss Ida McDonald. of Crumore, who wore a gown of White lawn also trimmed with lace. 'l'ht- bride’s little niece. Miss Rita Mc- Donald, of Crumore. was flower girl and looked pretty in white. She carried a basket of flowers. Mr W Holley, of Vandelvur. acted as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to Markdale and later returned to their own home where they enter upon life’sjourney togr-th- er with the best wishes of many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Beaty being the first couple married in Chalttwr’s church were presented by the ofiicials wish a neatly bound Bible as a tuo memo of the occasion. (Intended for last week.) At 1:30 o'clock on Wednesday of- ternoon of last week a goodly number of our townspeople assembled in the Presbyterian church to witness the union at the marriage altar at two of Artemesiu’s well known and highly reapected young people in the per- sons of Miss Millie Fletcher, young est. daughter of the late James Fletcher. ol Stone’s Settlement. and Mr. \Villiam J Benny. a prosperous farmer in the Orange Valley. Rev Wednesday evening of last week. Though keenly contested neither club secured a. goal. The Presbyterian Sabbath School picnicked in Mr. Pickell's bush ween of the villaga on Saturday afternoon Ina-t Delightful weather, a big turn- out and a good time may be reportuu of this annual eVeuL. The feutball club of Mr Reid’s school played a return match with Mr. John Hales is nursing a sprain ed wrist. and lacerated hand the re- of an accident while unloading a bar: rel of cement lasn week. The sharp point. of one of the barrel hoops pen~ curated the hand and broke leaving a piece of wood an inch long imbedded in the flesh which was removed by Dr. Carter when dressing the wound. The annual sermon to the Forest- ers here. who turned out :25) Strong. was preached by Rev. Mr. Wilson in the MethodiSt church on Sunday evening last. The sermon was a thoughtful and practical discourse based on Gal. 6: ‘2, " Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” At the morning service Mr. Wilson read the General Superintendent’s beautiful pastoral letter and also in fitting terms referr- ed to his return by Conference to this charge for a fourth year which he trusted would be the crowning year of his labors here. We believe we voice the feeling,’ of Mr Wilson’s congregation and community at large when we say that all are highly pleased at his return and willingness (0 come against strong pressure brought to bear upon him to secure him for another important charge. Anniversary services in the Free- byterian church have been announced for the fire! Sabbath in July when Rev. J. L. Small, B. A , of Auburn, will preach turning and evening. An entertainment is to be given under the auSpices of the Ladies’ Aid on the following evening when Rev. Mr. Small, who is a talented elocutioniSL, Will recite and also deliver his pleas ing leCLure entitled Church Etiquette A splendid musical program is also to be given. - Born, at. Toronto, on the 11th inst to Mr. and Mrs. Arch. M. Gibson formerly of this place, a son. The Artemesia Sabbath Schoo‘l As- sociation Convention to have been held at Eugenia. on Friday of this week has, on account of the opening of the House of Refuge at, Markdule on that day, been poatponed till Mou day afternoon and evening of next week. Mr..R. Bentham of the suburbs has been unfortunate in securing wat- er at his residence on account of quicksaud. A curbed well has proved a failure. Last the drillers went down 60 feet in a new place and striking the sand bad to abandon the job. Mrs. Fred De Garmo, daughter of the late Randolph Middaugh. who for some time resided at Eugenia, died in Toronto on Saturday. Her re- mains are being brought. here for in- terment in the family plo: to-morrow (Tuesday). The Ceylon and Keenon Mill foot ball teams played a match on the latter’s grounds last week which re- sulted in 3-0 in favor of Ceylon. ‘ Mr. James Johnston, who has been for some time in poor heal: b passed away at. 1113 home here on Sunday evening last, aged 73 years. The funeral takes place to- marrow (Tues day) afternoon. 30v. Mr.‘ flurlburt was called away ,0..- - L._‘.4_‘..- 1.- -LLAJ Flesherton. Mr. Holmtn. The Associution do. cided to meet next van in Flasher- ton. Mr. Hugh Osborn. of Novtawusaga and Mrs. R Burk, of Emsdale. visit- ed their sisrer, Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. his week. Mr. and Mrs. J Johnston, of Watc- ham. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Murray on Thursday last. Last week when reporting the names of the Women's Institute of ficere we omitted Mrs R Best, Hon President; and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Vice President. Mrs M. K Richaldsnn i‘s spending a week with Mrs John Frost at Owen Sound Miss Mamie Sullivan holidayed with friends at Dundalk last week. Lieut. C. N Richardson wan called home from camp at, Fiagara on ac count of the illness of his mother. Mr. and Mm J. F Van Dusen. of l). lfldu k spent [MW of Thursdny and Fridav Ins: at [ha former’ 5 home here. Thu C. E Societv in the Fresh-xter- ian church listened with Measure to a short address from Frank Who was formally an active member among them. Mrs. Thos Akitt. of Colliugwood, is visiting her sistcr Mrs. A. B. Sykes. Mi 8 Hamlin McAule. student in tha Bible training school. Toronto, is visiting her pan-ma here. Dr. A E 'Webster and Mr. Sedg- worth. barrister, Tcronto. “are guests over Sunday at Mr M. K. Richardqon’s Mr. John Kerr. who ha'd been in the Northwest. and his sister Mamie. of Zion City, 111.. visitml friends in town lasn week. Mrs. McArthnr. of Canvniugton, is the guest of Mrs. John Bpliamy. Mrs. H. A. VVilleu, attended the marriage at a {xieud in Toronto last week. Miss Bert Cross’ey is visiting rela rives at. King City Mr. W, Ward. of Coventry, is on his annual visit Among old friends here. Mrs. P. Holman and daughter‘ Mrs John Chard have returned from vie iting relatives at Orillia and vicinity Mrs. Moflatt‘ of Newcastle, and Mrs. Gray, of Myrtle. are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Wilcox. Miss Mildred Neilson. oi Proton Station. is visiting her aunt. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Messrs. Wm. Moore and Wes. Lyons attended the Odd Fvllows’ grave decoration at Markdale of Fri- davlast. The Sunday School picnic will be held in Mr. Aldred’s orchard next Saturday. All are welcome. Beanie Gadd is sick at, present. with Scarlatina. Inspector Campbell visited the Flesherton public school on Monday and gave usa pleasant call in the evening. ' Men are engaged raising the church shed and repairmg the fence. etc., this week. A customer of ours who had been sufiering from a severe cough {or six months. houglnt two bottle of Chem berlain’s Cullgh Remedy from us and was emit-eh cured by one and a half battles ofit. 1'. gives perfect satis- faction v. it]: our tarde.â€"Hynes- Parker Co.. Ljueville. Ala. For sale by H. Parker. Mrs. Saunders. of Toronto. is vis- iting her pnrents. Mr. and Mrs Ed- ward Whitten. Councillors Morice and Ferguson are here looking after the sidewalks and culverts. Rev. Mr. Bell will preach his farc- well sermon next Sunday} And it makes you dizzy to ever think of eating. you need Ferrozone the greatest of appetizing Ionics It builds up the whole body. and terms becomes aware of new flavors in food you nevu' noticed before. A relish and after â€"â€"-satisfaction in eat. ing is another result from Ferrozone which improves the dijestion and converts everything eaten into nour- ishment for the blood, and brain and nerves. Just one Ferrozone tablet after meals, easy to take and pleasant Try Ferrozone. Price 50c. at drun- gists. Mr. and Mrs. Thos family, of Allan Park, at Mrs. John Bailey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Livingston, of Durham. visited Wm. Livingston’s family on Sunday. Miss Mary Porter spent last week with Miss Bella Donnelly. Mr. Wm. Livingston left last Tuesday morning for Manitoulin. Before returning he will also visit me 800 3nd other towns. Miss Mary Vickera spent a few dnys Mr.- and Mrs. John Cuff visited their daughter, Mrs. H. W. Hunt, recently. ‘ An Aggravating Cough Cured. When Appetite Fails. (Intended for last week.) Varney. Vickes. . Brigham and spent Sunday of the best makes TR Y Shewell (Kl Lenahan FURNITURE UN DERTAKING No other disease I8 so preulent men men as Vlriaeele. As it interferes with the nutrition of the sexual organs it noes emissions. loss of semen thronghths urine. decay of the organs. pains in t e loins. aching in the buck. nervousness.“ pondency, buhfulness, palpation of the heart. eonstipstion, end a combustion c. these results in complete Lou of Manhood. Thouunds ofyoun'r an" middle. men are troubled with Stricture. if you have reason to heliew ou fire a icted with it, don’t neglect it. It will ruin you. Don‘t let doctors exp.ri.1ent on you by cutting. stretching or teering it. Our New Method Treatment dissolves the structure tissue hence it dissppears and can never return W eure Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen me: be taken at home privately. Send (or our Free lllustrmed Book on \‘artcocele. Btrtoture and Gleet. We guarantee to Care or No Pay. All nexnal complaints aflect these organs. hence the kidneys are a great nource of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back. tendency N urinate frequently. depusit in urine. coldness of hands or feet. a drowny feeling in use mornmg. Don’t neglect your kidney 3. Our New Motbod Treatment ll [unnamed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay. We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Loot Manhood. Varicoceim Strictnrje. SYPiP (lie. Gleet. Weak Parts. Gonorrhwa and Unnatural Dlecharces. Consultauon Free. Books Free. Write for Question List {or Home Treatment. flrs. Kennedy Kergan. PROMPT ATTENTION TO Kidneys Bladder N., G. J. McKechnie. It Has Never Been Vuxcocnu a: Srmcruu fiNo Names Used Without \Vrittcn Consent. For all kinds Of DEPAR’I‘M EN '1‘. O. W. Rowe. of Jackson. Mich... camâ€"[Ind varicocole in tha secondar) stage and two structures of 8 years Standing. I was operated on twice. undergoinc great suffering. but only got tern )orary retief. I was finally advised to try the cw Method Treatment of Drs. K. 3: K. The oniamcd veins disappeared in six weeks. the stricture tissue “as removed in eight weeks and mv sexual energy ... :d \itality returned 501 “as a man at everv respect. I recommend you doctors with my whoie heart.” CURES GUARANTEED. N0 CUBE N0 PAY. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. 14a SHELBY smear, DETROIT. MICH. Musical Notation. Rhythmic-a1 Motion. Technique Key board chmtiun. Musical History, Piano Work. A Schools in Ton-auto. This deservedly pular system by means of chart. drills. blackboard diagrams and minor interesting devicas biings the following («mics within the child’s immediate (-mnprehensiou : Fab’y 5,â€"3m DURHAM SCHOOL. The uchool In (-qmppmi fur full Junior Loving and Intricmanuu mark, under the following an! of competent teachers for (hat depart-cut: [Handing students abound enter M Wnlu‘“ term. or u soon after to possible. W'M. JOHNSTON For terms app” to THOS. ALLAN, Principu mss L. M. “mun. (:1. DOP'I‘EI) BY ALL LEADING Foes. $1.00 per month. Myet's Music Method- STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chaim)“ MISS “ARGARET Gus Teacher M. II. I. After {:11 p1 we md goods [d8 0‘ .h6 = is a pm- of study. babies and Idem Treatment R A 11168. Secretary.

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