Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jun 1904, p. 6

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1‘! in t c. SMITH SONS. 3 late." 1 I beg.” Standaad Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE. 1080'“). 3. RREID, â€"â€" â€"â€" MANAGER We. in all principal points in On trio. Quebec. Hannah. United States and England. hum an‘lowed on Savings Bank do- n“. of 91 and upwards. Prompt “nation and every facility afiordod 'lIuomors living at a distance. A moral Banking buninoss tuna- mod‘. Drafts issued and collections undo on :11 points. Deposits re- iv“. and interest allowed at. cur rent rates. For ,r“?:; Machine ( )iL Harness ()il. Axle Grease and Boot Ointment, go to 9. P. SA UNDERS Capitd Authorized Nd Up ......... Mrve Fund... .. DURHAM AGENCY. Why Go Al'C’e’J-i 1‘5: Patents “fin! W n THE SAVINGS BAR K. ”V0119 9".“ding a “.1 E .1110!) fregw ethei “If Mcily z:~t"“rt.1|!‘. 4-12.“ upl n H pr: h '1! \y L-xtontame. (‘nmmumcq ml: mix-Hy m H An! canal. Handbofm on Patent: out free whim: mfmw'Y for securing patents. ' -: , . h Mann Co. recetw d. REILLY, Agent We have a large stock of SCOTCH TWEBDS. WOR- STEDS and SERGES. MM we guarm Give ll Dealers in and Manufacturers 0 Harvesting Machinery and farm in: implements of all kinds. . FLARITY it" satria m'fltting ready-maria m you can get a first made to order in the than of wurkmanship n.-\.\"r TAILOR Disc Barrows the same money satisfaction 3613m~ all kinds made “a fitted. “mm: muton. 0- C Mowers and and Land and “And yon"-surveying her face, which had the freshness 2f mornâ€"“look younger!” _ - m..- “Of course!” Adjusting .65"; fancied disorder of hair or bonnet. “Marriage is a fountain of youth tor”-â€"with a sighâ€"“old maids. Susan Duran, spin- ater! Horrible! Do you blame me?” “For getting married? Not at all. Who is the fortunate man?” asked Saint-Prosper. “A minister; an orthodox minister: a most orthodox minister!" “No?” His countenance expressed his sense of the incongruity of the un- ion. Susan one ot the elect, the meek and lowly yokemate ofâ€" “How did it happen?” he said. ' â€"â€"â€"‘ ‘1‘ ”urrvuv .â€" “In a perverse moment Iâ€"went to church,” answered Susan. “There I met him! I mean I saw him; no, 1 mean I heard him! It was enough. All the women were in love with him. How could I help it?” “He must have been very persuasive." “Persuasive! He scolded us every minute. Dress and the devil! l”â€" casting down her eyesâ€"~"intere8tea mm from the first. [loâ€"he married me to reform me. “Ah." commented the soldier. gazing doubtfully upon Susan’s smart gown. whieh. with elaborate art. followed the contours of her figure. “But. of course. one must keep up appearances. you know.” she continued. “What's the use of being a minister’s wife if you aren‘t popular with the congregation? At least,” she added“ "with part of them!" And Susan tap~ pod the pavement with a well shod ' boot and showed her white teeth. you weren't popular you couldn't fit! .‘uYH l ““.|I .'.\|I x,â€" pod the pnvmnem with a well shod ‘ boot and showed her white teeth. “If you weren't popular you couldn't fiYr me seatsâ€"+1 mean pews.” she mm‘w! evasively. “Bu: you must come and see nunâ€"us. l stuio say." “Unfortunately I am leaving tomor- row." “ ,__"’ -nnnnnul annn reflec- knuwn. He 5 m her in the wii might now depi.‘ :1 ll):ll'ql‘ii.<~~ :I S! such he loved hr Arising out m‘ and the purine} the treaty of p . sudden hnmesie‘. 'VV'. "'l.‘0m«i)r1°0\\'!" repented Susan reflec- tivvly. The pupils of her eyes con- tracted. smnothing they did whenever she was thinking deeply. and her gaze ickly over his face, striving passed «111 - : 0117\(1 Qui"“ fpntllreSo “So ‘ I... passed quickly over his face. strivmg to read his impassive features. “So soon? When the carnival is on! That is too had. to stay only one day and not call on any of your old friends! Con- stance, I am sure. would be delighted to see you.” Many women would have looked under the circumstances, but away Susan's eyes were innocently fixed upon his. Half the pleasure of the as- as in the accompanying ' surance w the friendly smile that went glance and with it. -â€" ‘A A ~â€"â€" in t0. t0 But a quiet living here?” she received. “Yes. Have you not heard? She has a lovely home and an embarrassment of riches. Sweet embarrassment! Health and wealth! What more could one ask? Although I forgot, she was taken ill shortly after you left.” “Ill?" he said, starting. “Quite. But soon recovered.” And 3 with the compo having had his share of the vagaries is not to be taken aback by new surprises, however singular or tragic. Susan expected an expression of regret, by look or word, over the loss of the marquis’ fortune. but either he simulated indifference or passed the matter by with philoSOphical fortitude. “Dnnr names!" was his sole com- = “Yes, it W3 ; stance at first.’ ; I fancy she w § for that ailme 1y. “Marriage?” he asked soberly. . “Well: the engagement is not yet an- ', nonnced,” said Susan hesitatingly. : “But you know how things get around? ' as been so attentive! ‘Mrs. Service, it you please I" w dnwn her evos--"intorosted him “Poor Barnes ment. “Don’t let me detain you longer, it was veyy lonely tor Con- t first," rattled on Susan. “But she will find a woman’s solace . ailment.” she added meaning- Slll't‘. WUluu .uc \ALlaanu.‘.w \‘.’l!£"'a- :i i-Errk. with a spray 014.1315“; non would have looked mine in his rout. lwnt i-m'ilially toward l the circumstances, but Saint 3* 'â€"él2s.‘?' m: the latter entered'nnd. ; ‘ ‘ "-s‘lx'. imwired' { s were innocently fixed :tsz' “The DOlphin is advertised: to ma; alt the pl ‘asure of the as- s in the accompanying tomorrow 101' France?” )0 friendly smile that went “yes, sir; at 12 01400“ “0011-" * “Hook me for a berth. Ernest Saint- ; Prosper,” he added in answer it question, “Miss Carew is , other’s questiomng look. " vas all the satisfaction , , , "\ery good. snr. \\ ould. you like1 a ' some labels for your baggage? Where i Charles? ’ . 9 ‘0 you “t “93“" She has shall we send for it? The-St. me and an embarrassment V 11 ‘ A . a h Sweet embarrassment' ery we ' s.r. re you gong. to t e ' tableaux tonight?” he continued. with ' ' 6 wealth. “hat 9101?“??? ‘ hospitable interest in one whom he -a-....,,n,. in th‘! “Oh, I don’t mind! He’s so delight- fully jealous when I fail to appear on the 999?: 2! file 521ka Always gm, agines . a in some inischâ€"but I mustn’t {e tales out of school! So glad to have met you! Come and see meâ€"do!" And Susan, with friendly hand clasp e; and lingering look, tore herself away. 3‘ the carnival lightness in her feet and g the carnival laughter in her eyes. “He is in love with her still," she o thought, “or he wouldn’t have acted 0 so indiflerent!” Her mind reverted to '1 a cold little message she had received e from Constance. “And to think he t was innocent after all!” she continued. 1 mentally reviewing the contents of ‘ the letter in which Constance had re- 1 lated the conversation with the law- C yer. “I don’t believe he’ll call on her 1 now, though, afterâ€" Well, why 1 shouldn’t I have told him what every I one is talking about? Why not, inâ€" 1 deed?” A toss of the head dismissed the math 1 ter and any doubts pertaining thereto, u 1 while her thoughts flew from past to 1 , present, as a fortress on a car, its oc- cupants armed with pellets of festival conflict, drove by amid peals of laugh- ter. Absorbed in this scene of merri- ment. Susan forgot her haste and kept . her apostolic half waiting at the ren- 1 dezvous with the patience of :1 Jacob 1 , tarrying tor a Rachel. But when she I '_ did finally appear, with hat not perâ€" 1 fectly poised, her hair in a pretty dis- 1 array, she looked so waywardly charm- 1 ing he forgave her on the spot, and 3 the lamb led the stem shepherd with a 1 crook from Eve’s apple tree. ; “As thin as a lath and gaunt as a 1 ghost!” repeated Saint-Prosper. as the 1‘. fair penitent vanished in a whirl of - gayety. “Susan always was frank.” ? Smiling somewhat bitterly, he paused 1 long enough to light a cigar, but it went out in his fingers as he strolled ‘ mechanically toward the wharfs, ' through the gardens of a. familiar 7' square, where the wheezing- of the dlsâ€" * tant steamers and the echoes of the cathedral clock marked the hours of pleasure or pain today as it had tolled - -‘ '1‘ 4"\n “0‘ In tillvuato -â€"_ square, Where the wheezing: ot the dis- tant steamers and the echoes of the cathedral clock marked the hours of pleasure or pain today as it had tolled them off yesterday. Beyond‘ the pale of the orange trees with their golden wealth the drays were rumbling in the streets, and there were the same signs of busy traffic-for the carnival had not yet become a legal holidayâ€"â€" that he had ohserved when the strollers had’ reach- ed the city and made their way. to the St. Charles. He saw her anew. pale -_2‘ ,__fl U1 UUDJ Illtllly - yet become a legal holidayâ€" that he had observed when the strollers hat‘i’ reach- ed the city and made their way. to the St. Charles. He saw her anew. pale and thoughtful. leaning on the rail of the steamer looking toward the- city, where vvents untlrvamvd of were to foilmv thick and tast. He saw her. a slender figure. mxrnost. soit’ prissmsvd, outer tht- rity gums unhorzzhh‘d. uu- knuwn. Hu 5 At her us ‘19 had known lwr in the \Viis‘u'i'uvssâ€"~nui as fancy might now (ivpit-t hvr. thv daughtvr of .. “rt-”nan” n!:t\'~r and? as a dosirp to rrvisit breathe" the swlwt wlwro his lmylzrml listen to 1119 thumb to watch the 9nd cessions. Not far distant {mm the ing. rmlnlvnt Sq‘dfll't” was th the 'l‘mnsutlmniv Steamship vex; avv“, .._-, some labels for your baggage? Whom ;. shall we send for it? The-St. Charles? Very well, sir. Are you going to the. tableaux tonirzllt?” he continued. with ‘, rest in one whom hel ° in the '; had given a sudden t last words. Automatically he placed W ‘, ‘A-‘l‘nm‘v “Book me for a berth. Ernest Saint- ' rosper,” he added in answer to “19.! “Then 1 prefer prose. Hellerâ€"pans; ;her’s questioning look. ; ing and raising his miter-n as they» ”Very good. sir. Would. you like; drew near the allieer w‘...) had fallen‘ 31110 labels for your baggage}: \Vllel'e: under the observation of the tille :1 inc“ hall we send tor it? The-St. Charles? cassette "Colette! Saint-l'msper. or! Pluto. 'ery well, sir. Are you going].' to the. set me down 50" :m. "3+1" ‘ which 18 the same thingi" ableaux toni::lit?” he continued. with ‘, . ' "Straws!” saidthe soldier as the band'- ' lospitable interest in one whom hel . . 'ightly conceived a stranger in the} frankly liftedihls mask and tilteditg 'it)‘. “They say it will be the fash- back over “1330mm“? . onable event. Good day,” as the pro-i, Glad ‘0 '1’“? .‘0‘4- continued the» :pective passenger paid for and re- 3, poet. “te‘1‘hng “15 hand. "1 WWI“: 3eived his ticket. “A pleasant voyage. ‘ run across you before since the night 1.1] e Dauphin is a new ship and should I of the banquet; the debut of Barnes‘ cross in three Weeks. barring bad' '. Y3“ I‘vuleliiikfl'.‘ X0“ mush. weather. Don’t forget the tableaux. 2 have left town shortly afterward. Re- 3 Everybody will be there." \ turned this morning. of course! By the The soldier did not reply. His heart : 3;? $1393?" one or your O‘d friends had given a sudden throb at the clerk’s . 1 Automatically he placed ‘ Saint-Pmsper felt the color mount to his face. and even Straws noted the last words. his ticket in his pocket and randomly -, h " "\Vh i h‘ w . "ed ‘ answered the employee’s further in- l c.an,e.‘ 0 S" “t’ “5“ the 3°“ l dier awxwardly. quiries for instructions. He was not thinking of the “Mrs, Serviceâ€"Miss Duran that wasâ€"- Disease takes no summer vacation. glues. the fox cmnner quadruple eXpansion a through his brain ran “Ev erybody will be1 the way up the street again and again. Comus,” had appearedâ€"“Co- mus, deep skilled. in all his mother‘s witcheries"â€"and the dwellers in Phantasmagoria were joyfully nw merous. More plentiful than at a mod- ern spectacular performance reveled gods, demons and fairies, while the BAT elusive, nocturnal com- pany, “The Mistick' Krewe of u strum“ CHAPTER XXXIV. andvr 911610 of If (‘9. inaction ho 9x1! to think of her. H physical wvnkm‘ss in-u-tinn fullnwing '. ho oxpm‘inmsvu' :\ .s of hi< ml'ivn 1mm. familiar swims» to air of the mnntry had [won passed. to r 0f the huuls'vanls. vss. sad-joyfu? pro- tho | ~1(N1~‘M)m" mmny 1‘ 0f UIBWAn-w v.._.- _ the ancien and “Paradise Lost" or Hilton, in which the “Krewe” imper- oonated Pluto and Proserpine, the (ates, harples and other characters of the rear ’ nation; ‘11! sellerx‘ dress circle a par-fillet the theater was crowded, the spectacle, one of dazzling toilets, many of them from the ateliers of the Parisian modistes. a wonderful “4““-.. -o'pmqprnine’s toga and the crowded, the s ctac1e, one or uuuuu. toilets, many 0 them from the ateliers of the Parisian modistes. a wonderful evolution of 'Proserpine’s toga and the mortal robes of the immortal Fates. Picture followed pictureâ€"the expul- sion from paradise, the conference of the Gorgons and the court of pande- monium, where gluttony. drunkenness, avarice and vanity were skillfully set forth in uncompromising colors. Availing themselves of the open house of the unknown “Krewe,” a com- _L-A A... ‘LA -+m‘tn A I “Allua .â€" - __ house of the unknown “Krewe,” a com- posite host that vanished on the stroke ' Cl 12, many of Old Rough and Ready's retinue mingled with the gath- ering, their uniforms, well worn, even « shabby, unlike the spick and span regi- s mentals from the costumier. With bronzed faces and the lndubitable air ‘ of campaigns endured they were the objects of lively interest to the fair ent to the complaisance of their enter- tainers. Hands, burned by the sun. looked blacker that night against the white gowns of waists they clasped: with faded uniforms. and dancing al- grettes waved above frayed epaulets } and shoulder straps. “Loog at ’im!” murmured a fille a la cassette, regarding one of these oifi- cers who, however, held aloof from the i festivities; a well built young man. but i thin and worn. as though he. like his ' uniform, had seen service. “If he would only carry my trunk!" she laugh- , ed. relapsing into French and alluding i to the small chest she bore under her 1 arm; ' “Or my little white lamb!" gayly \ E added her companion, a shepherdess. ‘ n-:I‘A‘nn" :lS i “Who’llbuy my nostrumsxr' cucu- We [ buffoon. i “What are they? asked Folly, can- i l l tering near on- a- hobbyhorse. . “Different kinds for different people. ' 1| Here’s a powder for ladiesâ€"to dispel 1 the rage for'intrigue. Here’s a pill for' ' ' ‘ansâ€"-to settle bad consciences; E polit1c1 Here’s an eye water for jealous. bus: I ibands; it thickens the visual: meme: 1. brane. Here’s something for the clerâ€"r . ! gy; it eliminates Windy discourses; iHere’s an infusion for creditors; it‘ l . i creates res:gnntion+ and teaches: pa- 1 ‘ tience.” “And What have you for lovers?" '5 “Nothing.” answered- tho clown. J “Love, like fever and ague. mum run l 1 its course. Nestrums»! Who'll in? my 1 . . 1 nostrums : ’ “Oh. I’m so glad I came!” enthusias- ‘tically exclaimed a tall. supple girl. laden with a mass of flowers. I I out of my sight.” ‘ lâ€"â€" L.‘.. m-” added her companion, a- shepherdess. ‘ And‘ they tripped I-y with sidelong looks- and obvious challenge which the quarry of these sprightiy huntresses of men ‘either chose to disregard or was unconscious of, as he deliberatciy sur- veyed his surroundings with more cati- osity than pleasure and absently listen- -.1 a- n shnl‘lmphgnk from “The Bener’ UuL v. 5..., â€"'C “It was lovely of you“ to take me,” - she said. “and I-don?t mind about the“: military gentlemen” . “My dear. if all Women were like you we poor cifillans would not be» relegated to the background? l wish. 1 had worn some other cm. though. tmne. Tllls~ahema dressâ€"has a tent}. . ency to get between my. legs and dis-J concert my philosophical dignity. (- ean understand Why Diogen's didn‘t' euro about walking ahrmtd. My only wonder is that (ivorybal‘y didn't stay in his tub in those-days. Don‘t talk to 'me about the ‘noh‘le‘ Roman? Why. he- wore skirts." } “And M. Intaglm. l‘ecfux'od to us In :an hour tollay 11mm the random‘ ‘ drapery of the anciunmt" laughed the girl. “The poetry; of are-is. he valleél. 5 it!” which is the s: if you need flesh and strengii'n use Scoii’s Emulsion summer as in winter. Toronto, t have you far lovers?" ’ answered the dawn. fever and agile. must run Nestrums! Who'll but my Send (or tree 93mph. scorr BOWNE. Ch! nost rums?" cricdé the and $1.09 continued 108' 16. “l bavan't since the night Plant of Bill'DES' Prosper mechanically. “He brought her. backward. Th mad. It may be a field of arms"-â€"cast- ing his glance over the assemblage ot fashionably dressed ladies with a quiz- zical smileâ€"“but xrot hostile arms. Como. Celestina-Nydla. I mean!” ' ‘ ----- cfnln nbOUt the A-hd Straws’ arm Stone wain 9! his compa. first hall. an at the Castiglione institute she danced divinely. Something: like a pang shot through the soldier‘s breast as he tol- "th his gaze. He awkward into a world 1m”. “It is useless to deny it! 1 knew you n!" exclaimed a and. turning numerical streng was to her that these words were ad- dressed by an agile man of medium stature who had apparently penetrated her disguise. The lady, who would have attracted attention anywhere by ' wore a pardessus of white skirt of white gauze and ver. as the fashion of the day required; the feet shod in small white silk bottines. the hair in bands, ornamented with wild poppies. Altogether this costume was described by I’hazma as “ravish- ing. the gown adorning the lady and the lady the gown. her graces set forth = against the sheen of voluminous satin folds. like those of some portrait by Sir Joshua or Gainsborough." “liuw could you expect any one not to know you?" continued the speaker i as this little eoterie drew near. their masks a pretext for mystery. "You - zmqunnme- but you eaurtmt de- “How could you exp to know you?” contim as this little cotoriv c' masks a pretext for may impersonate. but CC‘IV 0. “That is a DO you take me for the Indy. A‘ 1in She looked with m an m assorted cluster of maskors hind? them drownvd his malv ma lady and her uttvndamts pms d nu. Sai'ut-Pxospvr drmx his b-L'tmth ~' .l-y. "She is here. after 3.1.” be m. .ly. “She is here. after 39!." he sum m : .mmspif. "A nostrum for jiltc‘d beans!" «--!‘~. out a mountebnuk. swim: him sauna: ' ing there preomrnpiod. alt-m0. m the gain: time tendvring a MM. as 1mg!" ~~ . .a plum. A pum-hhwllo jm-n-d :;:. ~..-:: him with. "Pardnnnvz Kauai. ;::u'.‘;+ “ ‘0!) the perfumed nir HM" mnsiv my“; -- 9 mptumusly. A waztz. warm Wm: tn- n-ational life of Woman 4.119 swan mm, of mevrf Softly. sum-Mk? WWW! ". “Die Schonhrmnu-rt" them-r whrrzm 11:" mom forms. Eyes fine-1'14! um“ brightly. littlv foot 509mm! born fur dancing: cheeks. [mlv .11 midday. wm-w flushed with exvitvuwnt. Why dzrvzvz't i he dance? wondered ”due lady with t'~.«- [_ white lamb. Carnivmnoomes hm «qr-«- : a yearâ€"s mad. merry. time. wtwu my -, ety-s-honld swwn all euros out of doors! 9 “Said atrophon to Chine. 'r‘or a kiss - I'llâ€" gh‘e thee the Ohmic-v Hf my (15.4; ' ’ Said Chloe to Strephon. 'XVhat Miran. M you’ll add to the gift a new :zmm-k . bummed the lively nymph as she t z and by. That Terrible Child. The small son of a curtain university professor, whose pawnts are desorved- Lv popular for their {not and com-hung speech. appeared at the home of a fel- low m'ofessor and lwsitatlugly asked Mrs. â€"â€"-â€" if he might look at the parlor rug. Pormlssloo was of course grant. ed. and Mrs. -â€"-â€"- t'elt some surprise to Work For the Stomach. , For the average healthy man I think '1 there is something to be said in favor 5 of a good meal even it n trifle heavy ' now and then. I believe it is a fact that the human stomach, although it . is not a gizznrd, like that of a goose. ' still does its work better when slightly stretched, just as the lungs work bet- ter with deep inhalation: induced by i i bodily exercise in the open air .1311. 5 don Telegraph. see the little fellow stoop over the my: ___________ and stare silently for some half mini Be ('iwerrul. ' me. He straightened himself up and. You t‘- id umrselt' “fleshed by the meeting her wondering expression. said presence of (-hmri'nl people: why not triumphantly. make earnest efforts to confer that “It doesn’t make me sick!”- pleasure on others: You \\ ill find that half the battle is gained it you will Work For the Stomach. never allow yourself to say anything For the average healthy man I think gloomy. hm â€"\')'<Hfl. I mean!" arm stole about the lpaxn-‘zon as Saint-Pros. m usappearlng in the poor commiuwnt. sin-co 'or an actress." lauzhml n Munchcd mac torture Mu: xput The utilizatio ~:onsidered wusu- p; “1:th and 'Jrrection of unnwifls from u .-.\~|I;"inn nf t! “What makes nut wucc... n--- -_- man sitting next to the conductor. “Fools.” said the conductor. “It's this : If a man doesn’t know how to stop hls car he makes a flat wheel. On some brakemen flatten brake. When the wheel suddenly stops revolving and the momentum of the mm carries it along the wheel slides nd a flat is started. ikeeps his wheels turning slowly they :don’t flatten. tthe trolleys take no care at all. and l every other car in some 1, flat wheelt" The Khyengn’ Flt-t Woman. The Khyengs of Burma are probably the only race or tribe of people that have any tradition of the origin- at the human race that do not have a man or male human being in some way van- nected with that important event. The Khyeng genesis opens in this wise: "in the beginning of the world. after the sun, moon and stars had appeared, the earth by its own inherent power of pro- duc1giveness brought forth a female creature, which. was called Hleencu. She laid 100 eggs and hatched them in L cotton wool, and from them sprang 100 E human beings, the progenitors of the ; dimarent races." The least that can be i said of this curious belief is that it is a 1 fine illustration of the multiple theory ! as applied to the origin of the human ! race. Tools «I the Ancients. An investigator who lived during my. years in a tomb at Gizeh collected evi- dence to prove that the tools used in. working stone 4.0th years ago had jew- eled cutting edges like modern tools. He says that the builders of the pyra- mids used solid and tubular tools, straight and circular saws and many other tools supposed to he modern. ln some specimens of munite a drill had sunk one-tenth of an. inrh at each rev- ’ olntlon, indicating that the pressure was at least two tons. Nothing is 1 known of the material of the tools. As i the diamond was scarce then, it in f probable that cornndnxn was used. cording by .lililt at all (1 $602!)" Win. \' of 3‘.» otlm‘ No matter of what cuter. bewart» of the eyes that harm no desire to look you full in tho l‘m-o. There Is: smnv- thing wrung I'M-Mu! thc- shifting. an- easy gtauw. and: mu mvnvr of smi- op~ tics will prove tolw ummrthy of trust. Read well the «inns. f'ur if m-tinus‘ speak loudPr thnn words eyes speak even louder that“ "Minna. and to be forewarned is to lw t‘urv-w'med. “Ah. you must max: 1». nke him love you. The may to a m:m\' stomach [I through his heart." tin-y said. for the, were worldty W189. Getting Back at “1.. “I’m afraid." said the mtor when I cabbage came “mm: an inch of hi. nose. “that somolpmty in the nudiencc has lost his head.” ' The selfish. loving only themselv are loved by no one. so selfishness mom! snicide.â€"De Gaston. ('U '.l l"? \\' (I Ifle Waite. u but formerly '9“ .1... ‘ncts and thera- Shift tour It: “'heell. "' asked the on. WIISING " THE JOB : : DEPARTFHZNI' Drs. lamieson ()FFICE XXI) slmrt dinmmm Lam bt Office I O"?! the StltiOI V1.0. Pickeri Blocl- CNN“ (4‘ h l'mu 0! or prove sue trv )HYSI tow-g facilities to‘ cart. . . l. G. Hutton H Fl’ICI the 1.? lug 1;? ARR] ONOR GR ARR Dr. 1 Mail} Arthur \\' . Tm: ( w‘ ‘0” 0 ”we a ”PU AI

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