Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jun 1904, p. 3

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“em or for Sale. rms For Sale. .e 6: Lot for Sale. rm for Sale For Sale. to Cree}, Lot For Sale. for Sale. Service. ll _E11;KSBIBR. (‘Odalfl '1'” lever in“ .' we“ ‘0 ‘0' "TM 3‘: -h and school, {N'- fn Slli‘ ‘h. u mlurs apply )N QUEEN UWNE ‘4 0f mud a barn, well gs and run- cultivation, machine and mils. for 0|le .\' GAR. 1| N ORTH eP.O zra pbor .epal z prov- nber of very Of ham. \V EST A! arm .in 5‘ With 3 barn. Brick acre of : good LOTS za'blo. -mnes uraxa esides both. l‘ W O nnby Con The P. 0. )LID for m 1303 ham. {OP- .v est, This Into ables :erod A?!” the part Wm 3rd. acre an. 110 1i ll It l, 'ty that I have the undersiRDde to the peOPlo 0‘ D wish to intimate urhsm and vicin- Having Twenty yesrs experience in the business, the last 13 years in Cheboygsn, Mich. .1 cm in a position sntee satisfaction. I am here to at the people to know it. on short notice. Has a marvellous effect on‘ 'l'ough skin. One or two ap- plications will remove the roughness, and by its occas- sional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby ’8. CREAM OF WITCHAZEL is not sticky and gloves mav be worn a few moments after using it. Delightful after PRICE, -â€"- 9 See our line of mm Brushes W» van save you monay on them. Wa can save JNO. A. DARLING 'DURHAM, â€" ONTARIO. The good wife of thn house alwaygl likes to have gnod Brand. find the‘ best Bread is to be had at Stinson’e. The whitest. sWPetes‘ and mom healthful made: Nu husbanJ win over tin"! fn‘lit with S’inv)fl,'§ Bread “'8 turn out a first clam-4 article whether it’s Bread. Pies or (3.,sz ad give special mtvmion .to our A FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Good: always on hand. (rains! ‘lke v: e :11 way S Chemls t and Dru uni . WATSON wife of mm house always have gnod Brand. find the d is to be had at Stinson’e. test. sWPetes‘ and mom made: Nu Imsbanx] win fa‘lit with Srin‘mu’q Bread . mm a fivetclaw article MODEL BAKERY DRUG STORE. stay sad I want t. Ordered goods m IS'Omt‘YS . Stinson SEE orders Miss Marga-at Hutton of Louise spent. Sum-dag und Sanchy the guest of the Mia-on Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Bermington of Shul- low Lake attended the funernl of Mrs. W. Whyte on Sunduy. The school picnic on Tuesday June 7th was very largely attended. The weather was dark and lowering but still everything passed off pleasantly Mr. J. Wilson of Louise occupied the chair and in his bright and cordial manner dispensed with an excellent programme. The children who tool: part in the difierent drills deserve special mention and reflect great cred- it on the teacher who took great pains to teach them. day. A feeling of deep gloom pervaded the community on Sunday when it. was known that. Mrs W. Whyte, better known as Maggie Boyde, had died suddenly at. her home in Dundalk Mrs. Whyte took ill on Friday and although everv thing in human pow- er was done she passed away at 3 __J_ o’clock on Saturday. ner Irienus with the exception of her mother were not able to get there before she died. Mr. and-Mrs. Whyte formerly lived in Hepworth only moving to Dundalk a short time ago. Her re- mains were taken to her old home on Sunday and the funeral which was largely attended took place at 1 o’clock on Monday to the Hanover Cemetery. The funeral service was conducted bv her former pastor Rev. D. Ecker who, only a few short months ago performed the marriage ceremony. The heart felt sympathy of the whole community go out to the sorrowing friends but more especially to the bereaved young husband who has been so early bereft 10f hislife companion. One of Mr. Harvey Boyce’s children has been seriously ill but we hope to soon hear of its recovery. Mr. and Miss Scarf visited at Mr. R. Twamleys on Sunday and attended the Methodist church on Sunday. Miss Kate McDongall has returned from Glenelg where she has been for the past few months Mrs. Hobkirk is visiting her daugh- ter. Mrs. H. McDonald, of Durham, for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Supernault visit.- ud their daughter Mrs.T. Swallow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh entertained their friends to a very pleasant. party on Thursday. . The roadgraaer has been in opera-l tion here. and has put the roads in better condition. Mr. Hastie of Louise is the operator, and seems to undersand his business pretty well \thi Ylw Iowuship sees the value i f [hr gl‘m‘lul, as a road maker, they will i id‘s ask the council to add severa‘. to illP, road making machinery ,‘ f the 'OVHlShlp Our councillor Mr. iliobu Grim-son is to be commended ,for uh - interest he is taking in his idivi‘ion. (Intended for 19.» week.) I think it would be an improvermnt for ., n mw'hodsz to abolish Statute . H.‘ : haw the roadslooked after by uosumtsmouers t... have an outfit of road machinery under his control. George Caswell has engaged with Alex. G. ierson. of Hutton Hill for the summer months. Miss Sadie McCormack apent a few dayq with her uncle John Stewart. of W ellbeck. Axrx Fletcher disposed of foul-1 head of {at cattle to Duncan McLean shrewdumas that. they exhibit. in Other thiugs they will. no doubt. make a snug EDI“ out of beefers before the ,seasou IS over. It is rumoured that Robt. Twamley is about selling the Dalgliab proper- Mr. and Mrs.Juhn \Videndorf, of Kewanee, Illinois. are at time of A li(.illg. renewing old acquaintances ...uud Mulonruers. Mr. and Mrs. n'ndendorf louk as if the American Atmosphere agreed with them. 'i'ue) have done well at. Kewanee. They are accompanied by Mr. and .‘ms Hening, friends 01 Mrs. Widen. ‘ Cassie Smith, of Aberdeen spent. a. ‘Iew days aewmg for Kate MoCormack | here Cassie is a first class senms- ‘trosa, and but. servxces are in constant. demand, umung the fair sex. umf. Mr Heuiug is a wealthy con. uacxor of liewauee, While here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald and family. (Intended for last week.) “.v r"â€"_.. Saturday. Her ’friegds gloqm pefvaded gone to work at I Durham. AlVie and will make a. Du! McLenn was up to the And”! 3: Owen Sound as n Juror. This in the second time Dan has been upon thnt mission. A At time of writing Mr. Wm. Quinn wee under the doctors care. We hape to hour of his Ipeedy recovery. Mr. end Mrs. Creig of Sullinn.‘ Ipent Sundey with their daughter Mrs. Will Quinn. Miss Fannie McNelly of Edge Hill spent a few days with friends in this pert. Mr. Wm. McNelly lost a. fine colt, last week. Quite e number ere los. ing colts from the eeme cuuee. viz,: cles. Wm. Wett of Dornooh. Spent. the first of the week with the McCor- mack families. Will is booming e welcome visitor in our burg. Council met June 15:11. After in- serting in previous minutes the following motion which was misplac- ed. Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"Thet the Auditors be notified to audit Tress. Books up to June 15th and give re- ceipts and expenditure and balance on hand.â€"Csrried. passed communications received from John Calvert claim for alleged dam- ages to barn from water diverged from its course.â€"-From A. 8. Clarke, Barrister on behalf of Dr. Mickle’s Bill of Acct. re Maud Reid, From R. O. Kilgour Barrister, on behalf of Joseph Russell. Arthur, devergence U v-vroo â€"v "w- - of water course from- Egremont. From Cemetery Co. Mt. Forest soli- citing aid for wireofence. Go-rdonâ€"McArtburâ€"That Council take no action re Culverts claim.â€" carried. _ Robbâ€"McArtburâ€"That Dr._ Mick- le’e Acct. be not entertained,end that A. S. Clarke, Solicitor be notified to thet effect and that the Tp. Solicitor Fergusonâ€"McArthurâ€"Tbat. no ac. tion regarding aid to Cemetery Co. re snowfence be takenâ€"Carried. Robb~McArthurâ€"That Commis- sioner Gordon confer with parties interested in alleged divergence of water course on townline and ur- range matters if possibleâ€"Carried. By -1aw 173 to appoint Auditors to make special Audit. passed the usual reading and etc. Gordon -McArt.hurâ€"-That Co mr. Robb examine required bridge at \V . Cowan’s, and take what action he deems best. Comr. Robb’s reported John Isles had plowed 200 rods 20th Side-road Con. 8 9 preparatory for grader cost. 32.50. Found that the river at Lot 24 Con. 8 was washing into the road bed, and asked for some other mem- ber ot Council to examine situation and consult with him. Fergusonâ€"McArthurâ€"That Comr. Robb report be adopted and Comr. Gordon accompany him to said local- ity for consultation. Carried. Comr. Ferguson reported inspec- tion of completion of job on Wilson’s hill let last year to James McBeth and found it satisfactory completed and recommended payment of balance on contract $4.00. ‘ They interviewed parties concerned {and found Mr. Finder was trying to ,convey the water to what they con- :sidered its prOper course. and he i. agreed to do his utmost to confine it I in its proper place. '3 Found the culvert across the O S. 1 R. outlet of said water course too i small and recommended a 20 inch tile ibe put in. Also examined Registry '; uifice regarding the properties ofiered |as security for new Treas. and found 1 these satisfactory. be adapted.â€"Carried. The reeve and Comr. McAnhur, as a committee reported on the grie~ vance of water course said to he di- verted, at Urchnrdvilleâ€"Also on new Treas. Sureties. Robb ~Gordonâ€"Tha: foregoing re- putt be adOpred and said Committee ma paid $2 EH) each. Uom. fees and Thomas Lauder be paid $1.75 cost. of search Carried. Comr. Gordon reported on pur- chasing cedar and repairing road and protection at lot 5 Con. 56. W. Patterson cedar $13; Chas. Schriber posts 500. For labor W. McIntyre 2% days $3.15; John Mapletof: ‘24; days 3315; W. McIntyre Learning $2 gdo. repair bridge 25m. - McArthu:-â€"-Rob'uâ€"Thut Cumr Gordon’s l‘t‘le‘L be adOpLed and he receive 89. Cum. lees.-â€"-CanieJ. The Audllul‘a preaeuwd their special Audit. showmg Bank Credit $1573.56. Cash in Twas. hands $41. 38. Roth ->â€" Fev gusoum-‘I‘hat. the A ud- itors repu.z of Special Audit. be adept- ed as read and they receive $3.00 each for mm- servic. a.â€"Carried. EGBEMONT COUNCIL. McArmhurâ€"-â€"Gordon--â€"Thar the reeve’aud clerk ha a committee to examine all papers. bOuks and chat- tels belonging, to the ’i‘p in [103688 sion of fine I: dung, Twas. and make an Inventony of the same and hand them ovex to the new Treasurerâ€" carried. -McArthurâ€"I{obbâ€"â€"Tbat the reeve? and clerk be a committee to draft a memona! from this council to be pre- of councilâ€"Carried. Gordonâ€"Robbâ€"That having re- ceived no xeply from Tp. Engineerâ€" The «ink is instructed to notifyohlm ' to attend the grievance on Egt. and Fromm. cownnne at once.â€".-Carried. :3: ____--,.â€"-.-o.o-Oâ€"* COmrIBobb reported thnt hie mo- tion lees council meeting re winter work lest. winter on Bees line. The full 83,85 belenoe. McArthnrâ€"Gorq lug report be t: mimeticâ€"Cari“. -- McArthurâ€"-Ferguson-â€"Thet the Comrs. -of the several dlvisions te instructed to repsir or build my bridges or culverts that require at- tention.â€"-Carried. - Regarding grant made by Proton and a supplement asked resolved ‘that as a drain is to go in afiecting town line, the matter of a grant must be delayed and the ex-reeve of Egremont says that Egt. has done its full share of expenditure on said townline. Comr. Gordon reported that A. Ste- wart and D. Rowland had Spent 2 of a day removing the snow 03 Mr. Mo Nairs bridge cost 500. each, and S. Cowan team on grader 8300. Fergusonâ€"Robbâ€"That foregoing report be adapted.â€"Carried. Fergmonâ€"Gordonâ€"That we pay Calder and Klein pp the bnlunce of Acct. viz. $2.00 use of Hall for Nom- ination.â€"â€"Carried. The reeve reported on Dromore sidewalks and lumberâ€"Stated the residents agreed to put sidewalks in repair for one year at no cost to Muni cipality.â€"They decided to sell the lumber purchased in 1903. at no less than what it ‘cost, and to extend money realized for sidewalks, and render accounts thereof to the coun- cil. Robbâ€"McArnhurâ€"That the reeves report be adopted.â€"Carried. dordonâ€"Jt‘erguson-«That Comr. McArtbur be appointed to investigate the grievance between Mr. Campbell and Robb and try to settle the matter â€"Carried. Resolved that the following Accts. be paid:â€"â€"C. Ramage printing and advt. $3.25; Sawyer and Massey Co. repairs to grader and telegram $1.46; Wm. Weir operating grader 55 days $11.00 ; do repairs to grader $2.25; Reeve one day to Arthur townline and Mt. Forest 82 00; do distributing Pathrolls and taking Declarations :2 days $4.00; clerk do 13,; days $2.00. Fergusonâ€"Robbâ€"That we adjourn until July 9th.â€"Carried. l‘tm SALE. â€"-â€"A second hand cook! stove with resem 0i1',119.u°]y 111 w, will be, suld (. heap. Apply at this office. ' <5“? c,- HAVE COMFORT. For which we will pay ’7‘ the " highest price 111 CASH 01' TRADE. CALL AND SEE ONE. ert Door South of Post. Ofice. DURHAM, Blankets. Tweeds, Yarns, Flannels, Groceries and Dry Goods always on hand. Custom Carding and spinn- ing attended to on short notice. Furniture furniture -â€" THE GROCER â€" onâ€"Thnt forego- opted and order D. ALLAN. Clerk Want ONTARIO. at least one-third of your If you an: in flmham Julyl YOU WILL (u nowhere else) Hoot Boot Bnnd Undo. Soc Strong Mon MIL, Witness Nerve-thrilling nigh Wino Fonts. Wonder ot the Fiying Bingo Act. Lough at Innocent Comicnltios, Enjoy first-close Dancing. Drink tho Boot Lomonndo. Moot vn-th nll your friends. Become excited over the Rocco. See the Fire Brigade in Stronnono notion. Enjoy full list of Colodonino gun“. Have your Patriotism nrousod. . Be 31nd that you come. Get the Worth of Your Money. Homeseekels 0% Excmsinns \Vinnipeg Mowbray Deloraine Souris Brandon Ly leton Lenore Miniota Elgin \Vaw meS' ! Biuscarth l V100“ 1111111 i i Arc-01:1 l Estevan S arku m S ‘ I J Returning until Aug. 15th. 29th and Sept. mth restc-tively. Tickets are not good on “Imperial Limitml.” ET he Big 4 Phamplets and full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. H. Notman, Toronto. Going J USE 14th, 23th and J l: l.‘ Lace Curtains. 2 yds. long. 27-in wide ...... 25¢ a pair l 1%,» yds. long. 27-in wide ...... 40c a pair 3 yds. long. :lti-in wide ...... 70c a pair 3 yds. long. 37-in wide ..... 75c a pair 3?; yds. long, 50-10 wide. . . .8111} a pair All Curtains have taped edges except the 25c line. ROLLER BLIN DS. Roller Blinds, plain. . .. . . . . .35c each Roller Blinds, with lringe. . . .45c each Oil Cloths. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd. wide Floor Oi'. Cloth, 2 yd. wide Table Oil Cloth‘ 45 in wide TABLE LINENS. Table Linen. 54-h: wide. ...... 15c yd Table Linen. 65-311 wide ........ 50c y Linen Table Cloths. 2% yds. long. 8!.40 Heavy Twill Sheeting. 72in wide. . . .ufic yd All our Spring Prints. Ginghama ma Muslins are now in. See them. All our Spring Prints. Bing and Muslius are now in. See t Pest Pure Honey, 10¢ a lb. THE FURNITURE MAN. The great rule ofifmhealthâ€"I Keep the bowels regular; And the great medicine;- Ayer’s Pills. {'33: .11.... ? )‘38. l y s 3 yds. 33dm 3‘9 yds. CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. 32 00 33.00 Regina $33.75 Moose Jaw - Kamsack Swan River time in bed. and yum: Saskatnun Pr. Albert. Maclvod Jalg u°v Rm] Dovl‘ Strathcmm 40.50 This Mattress .Y 19th 34A,!) 35.25 215.00 33.00 39.50 STRAIN!“ W. dilution in Cunda Lo-duy. May business college. employ our grnduutoo u toucheu. W0 hsvo scores. of npplicationu from other colleges. Ask to use them tho~ dsy you enter. C'ommenoo course now. Cut;- loguo free. ' W. J. ELLIOTT, pmcn'u. bssms‘m‘ LIST OF LAN 100 ACRES in Bentinck. out I hankâ€"90 cleuod, 10 httd'! Good buildings. spring or orchrd. etc. $3200.00. 100 ACRES hour Allan Pork cleored. 2'0 hardwood and swamp. 82100.00. 150 ACRES neur Lamluh- dwelling, good out buildi Fine form. Under $400000. 105 ACRES near Allan Pukâ€" cellent farm. {sir buildia Cheap. '1 ACRE more or lessâ€"Gerdr 1 street. Durham. near Co Worksâ€"Fine lots. Ofiered i cheap. ? Besides above I have a Inge list: other lands of all kinds. An nooivod from hula. firm. and um? mum on phooé in good position Old you by tho famous If You “ Always Prompt- *Nevor New HANOVER. The Bunover Con veyucor. HAS ALWAYS ON Implements. . of every kin ' WISH. TO BUY \ 0“ sell property, In money, insure a. property, writings drawn or 0011 debt. call on me. Highest prices paid for Produce including 1 and Eggs. 1 We want you to call and see it you do not belie; us when we. say we haw the most complete lim of goods on the market H. H. MILLER. Alex. The BARCLAY BEL Opp. Middaugh House S OFFERS: Hummer Conveyanoer. 1R- â€"- â€" ONTM . H. MILLER. Flour. Food. PotuMI meal, Cornmoal, Fina.” Garden Seeds. A All kinds of Groceriu. Sugrra, Cofioes. Spied Tobuccoo. ' 3 GOODS delivered to :11 pet“ of th: NEW WABEROOMS :

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